diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/.appveyor.yml php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/.appveyor.yml --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/.appveyor.yml 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/.appveyor.yml 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -build: false -shallow_clone: true -platform: x86 -clone_folder: c:\projects\cocur\slugify - -cache: - - '%LOCALAPPDATA%\Composer\files' - -init: - - SET PATH=C:\Program Files\OpenSSL;c:\tools\php71;%PATH% - -environment: - matrix: - - COMPOSER_FLAGS: "" - -install: - - cinst -y OpenSSL.Light - - sc config wuauserv start= auto - - net start wuauserv - - cinst -y php - - cd c:\tools\php71 - - copy php.ini-production php.ini /Y - - echo date.timezone="UTC" >> php.ini - - echo extension_dir=ext >> php.ini - - echo extension=php_openssl.dll >> php.ini - - echo extension=php_mbstring.dll >> php.ini - - echo extension=php_fileinfo.dll >> php.ini - - echo memory_limit=1G >> php.ini - - cd c:\projects\cocur\slugify - - php -r "readfile('http://getcomposer.org/installer');" | php - - php composer.phar update %COMPOSER_FLAGS% --no-interaction --no-progress - -test_script: - - cd c:\projects\cocur\slugify - - vendor\bin\phpunit.bat --verbose - -notifications: - - provider: Webhook - url: https://webhooks.gitter.im/e/aaf55568e4629e650616 - on_build_success: false - on_build_failure: true - on_build_status_changed: true diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/bin/generate-default.php php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/bin/generate-default.php --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/bin/generate-default.php 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/bin/generate-default.php 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -isFile() && $file->getExtension() === 'json') { - $rules[$file->getBasename('.json')] = json_decode(file_get_contents($file->getRealPath()), true); - } - } - - return $rules; -} - -/** - * @param string $fileName - * @param array $rules - * - * @return bool - */ -function insertRules($fileName, array $rules = []) -{ - $startTag = '/*INSERT_START*/'; - $endTag = '/*INSERT_END*/'; - - $content = file_get_contents($fileName); - $content = preg_replace( - $regexp = sprintf('#%s(.*)%s#s', quotemeta($startTag), quotemeta($endTag)), - $startTag.var_export($rules, true).$endTag, - $content - ); - - return false !== file_put_contents($fileName, $content); -} - -$directory = __DIR__.'/../Resources/rules'; -$fileName = __DIR__.'/../src/RuleProvider/DefaultRuleProvider.php'; -$rules = getRules($directory); -ksort($rules); - -$result = insertRules($fileName, $rules); - -$ruleCount = array_reduce($rules, function ($count, $rules) { - return $count + count($rules); -}, 0); - -if ($result) { - printf("Written %d rules into '%s'.\n", $ruleCount, $fileName); -} else { - printf("Error writing rules into '%s'.\n", $fileName); -} - diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,74 +0,0 @@ -# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct - -## Our Pledge - -In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as -contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and -our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body -size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, -nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and -orientation. - -## Our Standards - -Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment -include: - -* Using welcoming and inclusive language -* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences -* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism -* Focusing on what is best for the community -* Showing empathy towards other community members - -Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include: - -* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or -advances -* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks -* Public or private harassment -* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic - address, without explicit permission -* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a - professional setting - -## Our Responsibilities - -Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable -behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in -response to any instances of unacceptable behavior. - -Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or -reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions -that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or -permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, -threatening, offensive, or harmful. - -## Scope - -This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces -when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of -representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail -address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed -representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be -further defined and clarified by project maintainers. - -## Enforcement - -Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be -reported by contacting the project team at florian@eckerstorfer.net. All -complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that -is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is -obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. -Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately. - -Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good -faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other -members of the project's leadership. - -## Attribution - -This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4, -available at [http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4][version] - -[homepage]: http://contributor-covenant.org -[version]: http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4/ diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/composer.json php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/composer.json --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/composer.json 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/composer.json 2019-12-14 13:04:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -2,7 +2,10 @@ "name": "cocur/slugify", "type": "library", "description": "Converts a string into a slug.", - "keywords": ["slug", "slugify"], + "keywords": [ + "slug", + "slugify" + ], "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { @@ -16,29 +19,41 @@ } ], "require": { - "php": ">=5.5.9", + "php": ">=7.0", "ext-mbstring": "*" }, + "conflict": { + "symfony/config": "<3.4 || >=4,<4.3", + "symfony/dependency-injection": "<3.4 || >=4,<4.3", + "symfony/http-kernel": "<3.4 || >=4,<4.3", + "twig/twig": "<2.12.1" + }, "require-dev": { "laravel/framework": "~5.1", "latte/latte": "~2.2", "league/container": "^2.2.0", - "mikey179/vfsStream": "~1.6", - "mockery/mockery": "~0.9", - "nette/di": "~2.2", - "phpunit/phpunit": "~4.8|~5.2", + "mikey179/vfsstream": "~1.6.8", + "mockery/mockery": "^1.3", + "nette/di": "~2.4", + "phpunit/phpunit": "^5.7.27", "pimple/pimple": "~1.1", "plumphp/plum": "~0.1", - "silex/silex": "~1.3", - "symfony/config": "~2.4|~3.0", - "symfony/dependency-injection": "~2.4|~3.0", - "symfony/http-kernel": "~2.4|~3.0", - "twig/twig": "~1.26|~2.0", + "symfony/config": "^3.4 || ^4.3 || ^5.0", + "symfony/dependency-injection": "^3.4 || ^4.3 || ^5.0", + "symfony/http-kernel": "^3.4 || ^4.3 || ^5.0", + "twig/twig": "^2.12.1 || ~3.0", "zendframework/zend-modulemanager": "~2.2", "zendframework/zend-servicemanager": "~2.2", "zendframework/zend-view": "~2.2" }, "autoload": { - "psr-4": {"Cocur\\Slugify\\": "src"} + "psr-4": { + "Cocur\\Slugify\\": "src" + } + }, + "autoload-dev": { + "psr-4": { + "Cocur\\Slugify\\Tests\\": "tests" + } } } diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/debian/changelog php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/debian/changelog --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/debian/changelog 2018-05-18 23:53:31.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/debian/changelog 2020-03-09 14:52:45.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,3 +1,18 @@ +php-cocur-slugify (4.0.0-2) unstable; urgency=medium + + * Switch to debhelper 12 in new-style + * Fixup composer versions to restore installability + * Add R³:no, thanks lintian + + -- Thorsten Glaser Mon, 09 Mar 2020 15:52:45 +0100 + +php-cocur-slugify (4.0.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium + + * New upstream version. + * Bump Standards-Version (no changes needed). + + -- Dominik George Sun, 08 Mar 2020 19:54:00 +0100 + php-cocur-slugify (3.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium * Initial release (Closes: #878882) diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/debian/compat php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/debian/compat --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/debian/compat 2018-05-18 23:10:52.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/debian/compat 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -11 diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/debian/control php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/debian/control --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/debian/control 2018-05-18 23:38:58.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/debian/control 2020-03-09 14:52:31.000000000 +0000 @@ -3,8 +3,9 @@ Priority: optional Maintainer: Teckids Debian Task Force Uploaders: Thorsten Glaser , Dominik George -Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 11~), pkg-php-tools (>= 1.7~) -Standards-Version: 4.1.4 +Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 12), pkg-php-tools (>= 1.7~) +Standards-Version: 4.5.0 +Rules-Requires-Root: no Homepage: https://github.com/cocur/slugify Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/tdtf-team/php-cocur-slugify.git Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/tdtf-team/php-cocur-slugify diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/debian/install php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/debian/install --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/debian/install 2018-05-18 23:40:12.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/debian/install 2020-03-09 14:38:33.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,2 +1 @@ -Resources/* usr/share/php-cocur-slugify/ src/* usr/share/php/Cocur/Slugify/ diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/debian/patches/composer-versions.diff php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/debian/patches/composer-versions.diff --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/debian/patches/composer-versions.diff 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/debian/patches/composer-versions.diff 2020-03-09 14:49:53.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +Author: mirabilos +Description: Work around #765899 (require-dev unnecessary) +Forwarded: not-needed + +--- a/composer.json ++++ b/composer.json +@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ + "ext-mbstring": "*" + }, + "conflict": { +- "symfony/config": "<3.4 || >=4,<4.3", +- "symfony/dependency-injection": "<3.4 || >=4,<4.3", +- "symfony/http-kernel": "<3.4 || >=4,<4.3", ++ "symfony/config": "<4.3", ++ "symfony/dependency-injection": "<4.3", ++ "symfony/http-kernel": "<4.3", + "twig/twig": "<2.12.1" + }, + "require-dev": { diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/debian/patches/series php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/debian/patches/series --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/debian/patches/series 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/debian/patches/series 2020-03-09 14:42:20.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +composer-versions.diff diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/.editorconfig php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/.editorconfig --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/.editorconfig 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/.editorconfig 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -root = true - -[*] -indent_style = space -indent_size = 4 -charset = utf-8 -end_of_line = lf -insert_final_newline = true -trim_trailing_whitespace = true - -[*.yml] -indent_style = space -indent_size = 2 diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/.gitignore php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/.gitignore --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/.gitignore 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/.gitignore 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -*.sublime-project -*.sublime-workspace -.idea -/nbproject/private/ -/build/ -/cache/ -vendor -report -composer.lock -phpunit.xml -humbuglog.txt diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/phpunit.xml.dist php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/phpunit.xml.dist --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/phpunit.xml.dist 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/phpunit.xml.dist 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - tests - - - - - - src - - - - - - - diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/README.md php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/README.md --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/README.md 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/README.md 2019-12-14 13:04:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -cocur/slugify -============= +# cocur/slugify > Converts a string into a slug. @@ -15,25 +14,16 @@ Developed by [Florian Eckerstorfer](https://florian.ec) in Vienna, Europe with the help of [many great contributors](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/graphs/contributors). - -Features --------- +## Features - Removes all special characters from a string. -- Provides custom replacements for Arabic, Austrian, Azerbaijani, Brazilian Portuguese, Bulgarian, Burmese, Chinese, Croatian, -Czech, Esperanto, Estonian, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, -Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese special -characters. Instead of removing these characters, Slugify approximates them (e.g., `ae` replaces `ä`). +- Provides custom replacements for Arabic, Austrian, Azerbaijani, Brazilian Portuguese, Bulgarian, Burmese, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Esperanto, Estonian, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese special characters. Instead of removing these characters, Slugify approximates them (e.g., `ae` replaces `ä`). - No external dependencies. - PSR-4 compatible. -- Compatible with PHP >= 5.5.9 and PHP 7. -- Integrations for [Symfony (2 and 3)](http://symfony.com), [Silex (1 and 2)](http://silex.sensiolabs.org), [Laravel](http://laravel.com), -[Twig (1 and 2)](http://twig.sensiolabs.org), [Zend Framework 2](http://framework.zend.com/), [Nette Framework](http://nette.org/), -[Latte](http://latte.nette.org/) and [Plum](https://github.com/plumphp/plum). - +- Compatible with PHP >= 7. +- Integrations for [Symfony (3, 4 and 5)](http://symfony.com), [Laravel](http://laravel.com), [Twig (2 and 3)](http://twig.sensiolabs.org), [Zend Framework 2](http://framework.zend.com/), [Nette Framework](http://nette.org/), [Latte](http://latte.nette.org/) and [Plum](https://github.com/plumphp/plum). -Installation ------------- +## Installation You can install Slugify through [Composer](https://getcomposer.org): @@ -42,12 +32,10 @@ ``` Slugify requires the Multibyte String extension from PHP. Typically you can use the configure option `--enable-mbstring` while compiling PHP. More information can be found in the [PHP documentation](http://php.net/manual/en/mbstring.installation.php). - Further steps may be needed for [integrations](#integrations). -Usage ------ +## Usage Generate a slug: @@ -108,7 +96,7 @@ $slugify = new Slugify(['regexp' => '/([^A-Za-z0-9]|-)+/']); ``` -*(The regular expression used in the example above is the default one.)* +_(The regular expression used in the example above is the default one.)_ By default Slugify will convert the slug to lowercase. If you want to preserve the case of the string you can set the `lowercase` option to false. @@ -118,6 +106,17 @@ $slugify->slugify('Hello World'); // -> "Hello-World" ``` +Lowercasing is done before using the regular expression. If you want to keep the lowercasing behavior but your regular +expression needs to match uppercase letters, you can set the `lowercase_after_regexp` option to `true`. + +```php +$slugify = new Slugify([ + 'regexp' => '/(?<=[[:^upper:]])(?=[[:upper:]])/', + 'lowercase_after_regexp' => false, +]); +$slugify->slugify('FooBar'); // -> "foo-bar" +``` + By default Slugify will use dashes as separators. If you want to use a different default separator, you can set the `separator` option. @@ -126,7 +125,7 @@ $slugify->slugify('Hello World'); // -> "hello_world" ``` -By default Slugify will remove leading and trailing separators before returning the slug. If you do not want the slug to +By default Slugify will remove leading and trailing separators before returning the slug. If you do not want the slug to be trimmed you can set the `trim` option to false. ```php @@ -169,11 +168,11 @@ To add a new language you need to: 1. Create a `[language].json` in `Resources/rules` -2. If you believe the language should be a default ruleset you can add the language to -`Cocur\Slugify\Slugify::$options`. If you add the language there all existing tests still have to pass +2. If you believe the language should be a default ruleset you can add the language to + `Cocur\Slugify\Slugify::$options`. If you add the language there all existing tests still have to pass 3. Run `php bin/generate-default.php` 4. Add tests for the language in `tests/SlugifyTest.php`. If the language is in the default ruleset add your -test cases to `defaultRuleProvider()`, otherwise to `customRulesProvider()`. + test cases to `defaultRuleProvider()`, otherwise to `customRulesProvider()`. Submit PR. Thank you very much. 💚 @@ -187,20 +186,22 @@ ### Further information -- [API docs](http://cocur.co/slugify/api/master/) - +- [API docs](http://cocur.co/slugify/api/master/) -Integrations ------------- +## Integrations ### Symfony -Slugify contains a Symfony bundle and service definition that allow you to use it as a service in your Symfony -application. The code resides in the `Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Symfony` namespace and you only need to add the bundle class -to your `AppKernel.php`: +Slugify contains a Symfony bundle and service definition that allow you to use it as a service in your Symfony application. The code resides in `Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Symfony\CocurSlugifyBundle` and you only need to activate it: + +#### Symfony 2 + +Support for Symfony 2 has been dropped in Slugify 4.0.0, use `cocur/slugify@3`. + +#### Symfony 3 ```php -# app/AppKernel.php +// app/AppKernel.php class AppKernel extends Kernel { @@ -210,11 +211,19 @@ // ... new Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Symfony\CocurSlugifyBundle(), ); - // ... } +} +``` + +#### Symfony >= 4 +```php +// config/bundles.php + +return [ // ... -} + Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Symfony\CocurSlugifyBundle::class => ['all' => true], +]; ``` You can now use the `cocur_slugify` service everywhere in your application, for example, in your controller: @@ -242,7 +251,7 @@ lowercase: separator: regexp: - rulesets: { } # List of rulesets: https://github.com/cocur/slugify/tree/master/Resources/rules + rulesets: {} # List of rulesets: https://github.com/cocur/slugify/tree/master/Resources/rules ``` ### Twig @@ -281,34 +290,6 @@ You can find more information about registering extensions in the [Twig documentation](http://twig.sensiolabs.org/doc/advanced.html#creating-an-extension). -### Silex - -Slugify also provides a service provider to integrate into Silex. - -```php -// For Silex version 1 -$app->register(new Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Silex\SlugifyServiceProvider()); -``` - -```php -// For Silex version 2 -$app->register(new Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Silex2\SlugifyServiceProvider()); -``` - -You can use the `slugify` method in your controllers: - -```php -$app->get('/', function () { - return $app['slugify']->slugify('welcome to the homepage'); -}); -``` - -And if you use Silex in combination with Twig register the `SlugifyServiceProvider` after the `Silex\Provider\TwigServiceProvider` to add the Twig extension to your environment and use the `slugify` filter in your templates. - -```twig -{{ 'welcome to the homepage'|slugify }} -``` - ### Mustache.php We don't need an additional integration to use Slugify in [Mustache.php](https://github.com/bobthecow/mustache.php). @@ -408,7 +389,7 @@ # app/config/config.neon extensions: - slugify: Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Nette\SlugifyExtension + slugify: Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Nette\SlugifyExtension ``` You can now use the `Cocur\Slugify\SlugifyInterface` service everywhere in your application, for example in your @@ -417,13 +398,13 @@ ```php class MyPresenter extends \Nette\Application\UI\Presenter { - /** @var \Cocur\Slugify\SlugifyInterface @inject */ - public $slugify; + /** @var \Cocur\Slugify\SlugifyInterface @inject */ + public $slugify; - public function renderDefault() - { - $this->template->hello = $this->slugify->slugify('Hällo Wörld'); - } + public function renderDefault() + { + $this->template->hello = $this->slugify->slugify('Hällo Wörld'); + } } ``` @@ -520,109 +501,138 @@ $slugify = $container->get(Slugify\SlugifyInterface::class); ``` -Change Log ----------- +## Change Log + +### Version 4.0 (14 December 2019) + +Version 4 does not introduce new major features, but adds support for Symfony 4 and 5, Twig 3 and, most importantly, PHP 7.3 and 7.4. + +Support for PHP 5, Twig 1 and Silex is dropped. + +- [#230](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/230) Add Slovak rules (by [bartko-s](https://github.com/bartko-s)) +- [#236](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/236) Make Twig Bridge compatible with Twig 3.0 (by [mhujer](https://github.com/mhujer)) +- [#237](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/237) Fix Travis CI configuration (by [kubawerlos](https://github.com/kubawerlos)) +- [#238](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/238) Drop Twig 1 support (by [FabienPapet](https://github.com/FabienPapet)) +- [#239](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/239) Fix AppVeyor (by [kubawerlos](https://github.com/kubawerlos)) +- [#241](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/241) Update .gitattributes (by [kubawerlos](https://github.com/kubawerlos)) +- [#242](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/242) Add PHP CS Fixer (by [kubawerlos](https://github.com/kubawerlos)) +- [#243](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/243) Normalize composer.json (by [kubawerlos](https://github.com/kubawerlos)) +- [#246](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/246) Add support for PHP 7.3 and 7.4 (by [snapshotpl](https://github.com/snapshotpl)) +- [#247](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/247) AppVeyor improvements (by [kubawerlos](https://github.com/kubawerlos)) +- [#249](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/249) PHPUnit annotations should be a FQCNs including a root namespace (by [kubawerlos](https://github.com/kubawerlos)) +- [#250](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/250) Add support for Symfony 4 and 5 (by [franmomu](https://github.com/franmomu)) +- [#251](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/251) Dropping support for PHP 5 (by [franmomu](https://github.com/franmomu)) +- [#253](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/253) Add conflict for unmaintained Symfony versions (by [franmomu](https://github.com/franmomu)) + +### Version 3.2 (31 January 2019) + +- [#201](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/201) Add strip_tags option (by [thewilkybarkid](https://github.com/thewilkybarkid)) +- [#212](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/212) Fix Macedonian Dze (by [franmomu](https://github.com/franmomu)) +- [#213](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/213) Add support for Turkmen (by [umbarov](https://github.com/umbarov)) +- [#216](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/216) Add lowercase_after_regexp option (by [julienfalque](https://github.com/julienfalque)) +- [#217](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/217) Simplify default regular impression (by [julienfalque](https://github.com/julienfalque)) +- [#220](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/220) Fix deprecation warning for symfony/config 4.2+ (by [franmomu](https://github.com/franmomu)) +- [#221](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/221) Add suuport Armenian (by [boolfalse](https://github.com/boolfalse)) ### Version 3.1 (22 January 2018) -- [#195](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/195) Add support for Chinese (Pinyin) (by [SuN-80](https://github.com/SuN-80), [franmomu](https://github.com/franmomu)) -- [#189](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/189) Add trim option (by [sforsberg](https://github.com/sforsberg)) +- [#195](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/195) Add support for Chinese (Pinyin) (by [SuN-80](https://github.com/SuN-80), [franmomu](https://github.com/franmomu)) +- [#189](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/189) Add trim option (by [sforsberg](https://github.com/sforsberg)) ### Version 3.0.1 (24 September 2017) -- [#183](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/183) Fix invalid JSON ([RusiPapazov](https://github.com/RusiPapazov)) -- [#185](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/185) Fix support for Symfony > 3.3 (by [FabienPapet](https://github.com/FabienPapet)) -- [#186](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/186) Require Multibyte extension in `composer.json` (by [wandersonwhcr](https://github.com/wandersonwhcr)) +- [#183](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/183) Fix invalid JSON ([RusiPapazov](https://github.com/RusiPapazov)) +- [#185](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/185) Fix support for Symfony > 3.3 (by [FabienPapet](https://github.com/FabienPapet)) +- [#186](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/186) Require Multibyte extension in `composer.json` (by [wandersonwhcr](https://github.com/wandersonwhcr)) ### Version 3.0 (11 August 2017) -- HHVM is no longer supported -- Bugfix [#165](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/issues/165) Added missing French rules to `DefaultRuleProvider` (by [gsouf](https://github.com/gsouf)) -- [#168](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/168) Add Persian rules (by [mohammad6006](https://github.com/mohammad6006)) -- Bugfix [#169](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/issues/169) Add missing `getName()` to `Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Twig\SlugifyExtension` (by [TomCan](https://github.com/TomCan)) -- [#172](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/172) Sort rules in `DefaultRuleProvider` alphabetically (by [tbmatuka](https://github.com/tbmatuka)) -- [#174](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/174) Add Hungarian rules (by [rviktor87](https://github.com/rviktor87)) -- [#180](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/180) Add Brazilian Portuguese rules (by [tallesairan](https://github.com/tallesairan)) -- Bugfix [#181](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/181) Add missing French rules (by [FabienPapet](https://github.com/FabienPapet)) +- HHVM is no longer supported +- Bugfix [#165](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/issues/165) Added missing French rules to `DefaultRuleProvider` (by [gsouf](https://github.com/gsouf)) +- [#168](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/168) Add Persian rules (by [mohammad6006](https://github.com/mohammad6006)) +- Bugfix [#169](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/issues/169) Add missing `getName()` to `Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Twig\SlugifyExtension` (by [TomCan](https://github.com/TomCan)) +- [#172](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/172) Sort rules in `DefaultRuleProvider` alphabetically (by [tbmatuka](https://github.com/tbmatuka)) +- [#174](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/174) Add Hungarian rules (by [rviktor87](https://github.com/rviktor87)) +- [#180](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/180) Add Brazilian Portuguese rules (by [tallesairan](https://github.com/tallesairan)) +- Bugfix [#181](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/181) Add missing French rules (by [FabienPapet](https://github.com/FabienPapet)) ### Version 2.5 (23 March 2017) -- [#150](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/150) Add Romanian rules (by [gabiudrescu](https://github.com/gabiudrescu)) -- [#154](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/154) Add French rules (by [SuN-80](https://github.com/SuN-80)) -- [#159](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/159) Add Estonian rules (by [erkimiilberg](https://github.com/erkimiilberg)) -- [#162](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/162) Add support for Twig 2 (by [JakeFr](https://github.com/JakeFr)) +- [#150](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/150) Add Romanian rules (by [gabiudrescu](https://github.com/gabiudrescu)) +- [#154](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/154) Add French rules (by [SuN-80](https://github.com/SuN-80)) +- [#159](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/159) Add Estonian rules (by [erkimiilberg](https://github.com/erkimiilberg)) +- [#162](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/162) Add support for Twig 2 (by [JakeFr](https://github.com/JakeFr)) ### Version 2.4 (9 February 2017) -- [#133](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/133) Allow to modify options without creating a new object (by [leofeyer](https://github.com/leofeyer)) -- [#135](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/135) Add support for Danish (by [izehose](https://github.com/izehose)) -- [#140](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/140) Update Hindi support (by [arunlodhi](https://github.com/arunlodhi)) -- [#146](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/146) Add support for Italien (by [gianiaz](https://github.com/gianiaz)) -- [#151](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/151) Add support for Serbian (by [cvetan](https://github.com/cvetan)) -- [#155](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/155) Update support for Lithuanian (by [s4uliu5](https://github.com/s4uliu5)) +- [#133](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/133) Allow to modify options without creating a new object (by [leofeyer](https://github.com/leofeyer)) +- [#135](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/135) Add support for Danish (by [izehose](https://github.com/izehose)) +- [#140](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/140) Update Hindi support (by [arunlodhi](https://github.com/arunlodhi)) +- [#146](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/146) Add support for Italien (by [gianiaz](https://github.com/gianiaz)) +- [#151](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/151) Add support for Serbian (by [cvetan](https://github.com/cvetan)) +- [#155](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/155) Update support for Lithuanian (by [s4uliu5](https://github.com/s4uliu5)) ### Version 2.3 (9 August 2016) -- [#124](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/issues/124) Fix support for Bulgarian -- [#125](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/125) Update Silex 2 provider (by [JakeFr](https://github.com/JakeFr)) -- [#129](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/129) Add support for Croatian (by [napravicukod](https://github.com/napravicukod)) +- [#124](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/issues/124) Fix support for Bulgarian +- [#125](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/125) Update Silex 2 provider (by [JakeFr](https://github.com/JakeFr)) +- [#129](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/129) Add support for Croatian (by [napravicukod](https://github.com/napravicukod)) ### Version 2.2 (10 July 2016) -- [#102](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/102) Add transliterations for Azerbaijani (by [seferov](https://github.com/seferov)) -- [#109](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/109) Made integer values into strings (by [JonathanMH](https://github.com/JonathanMH)) -- [#114](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/114) Provide SlugifyServiceProvider for league/container (by [localheinz](https://github.com/localheinz)) -- [#120](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/issues/120) Add compatibility with Silex 2 (by [shamotj](https://github.com/shamotj)) +- [#102](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/102) Add transliterations for Azerbaijani (by [seferov](https://github.com/seferov)) +- [#109](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/109) Made integer values into strings (by [JonathanMH](https://github.com/JonathanMH)) +- [#114](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/114) Provide SlugifyServiceProvider for league/container (by [localheinz](https://github.com/localheinz)) +- [#120](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/issues/120) Add compatibility with Silex 2 (by [shamotj](https://github.com/shamotj)) ### Version 2.1.1 (8 April 2016) -- Do not activate Swedish rules by default (fixes broken v2.1 release) +- Do not activate Swedish rules by default (fixes broken v2.1 release) ### Version 2.1.0 (8 April 2016) -- [#104](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/104) Add Symfony configuration (by [estahn](https://github.com/estahn)) -- [#107](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/issues/107) Fix Swedish rules +- [#104](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/104) Add Symfony configuration (by [estahn](https://github.com/estahn)) +- [#107](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/issues/107) Fix Swedish rules ### Version 2.0.0 (24 February 2016) -- [#78](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/78) Use multibyte-safe case convention (by [Koc](https://github.com/Koc)) -- [#81](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/81) Move rules into JSON files (by [florianeckerstorfer](https://github.com/florianeckerstorfer)) -- [#84](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/84) Add tests for very long strings containing umlauts (by [florianeckerstorfer](https://github.com/florianeckerstorfer)) -- [#88](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/88) Add rules for Hindi (by [florianeckerstorfer](https://github.com/florianeckerstorfer)) -- [#89](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/89) Add rules for Norwegian (by [tsmes](https://github.com/tsmes)) -- [#90](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/90) Replace `bindShared` with `singleton` in Laravel bridge (by [sunspikes](https://github.com/sunspikes)) -- [#97](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/97) Set minimum PHP version to 5.5.9 (by [florianeckerstorfer](https://github.com/florianeckerstorfer)) -- [#98](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/98) Add rules for Bulgarian (by [RoumenDamianoff](https://github.com/RoumenDamianoff)) - +- [#78](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/78) Use multibyte-safe case convention (by [Koc](https://github.com/Koc)) +- [#81](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/81) Move rules into JSON files (by [florianeckerstorfer](https://github.com/florianeckerstorfer)) +- [#84](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/84) Add tests for very long strings containing umlauts (by [florianeckerstorfer](https://github.com/florianeckerstorfer)) +- [#88](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/88) Add rules for Hindi (by [florianeckerstorfer](https://github.com/florianeckerstorfer)) +- [#89](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/89) Add rules for Norwegian (by [tsmes](https://github.com/tsmes)) +- [#90](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/90) Replace `bindShared` with `singleton` in Laravel bridge (by [sunspikes](https://github.com/sunspikes)) +- [#97](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/97) Set minimum PHP version to 5.5.9 (by [florianeckerstorfer](https://github.com/florianeckerstorfer)) +- [#98](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/98) Add rules for Bulgarian (by [RoumenDamianoff](https://github.com/RoumenDamianoff)) ### Version 1.4.1 (11 February 2016) -- [#90](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/90) Replace `bindShared` with `singleton` in Laravel bridge (by [sunspikes](https://github.com/sunspikes)) +- [#90](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/90) Replace `bindShared` with `singleton` in Laravel bridge (by [sunspikes](https://github.com/sunspikes)) ### Version 1.4 (29 September 2015) -- [#75](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/75) Remove a duplicate array entry (by [irfanevrens](https://github.com/irfanevrens)) -- [#76](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/76) Add support for Georgian (by [TheGIBSON](https://github.com/TheGIBSON)) -- [#77](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/77) Fix Danish transliterations (by [kafoso](https://github.com/kafoso)) +- [#75](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/75) Remove a duplicate array entry (by [irfanevrens](https://github.com/irfanevrens)) +- [#76](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/76) Add support for Georgian (by [TheGIBSON](https://github.com/TheGIBSON)) +- [#77](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/77) Fix Danish transliterations (by [kafoso](https://github.com/kafoso)) ### Version 1.3 (2 September 2015) -- [#70](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/70) Add missing superscript and subscript digits (by [BlueM](https://github.com/BlueM)) -- [#71](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/71) Improve Greek language support (by [kostaspt](https://github.com/kostaspt)) -- [#72](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/72) Improve Silex integration (by [CarsonF](https://github.com/CarsonF)) -- [#73](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/73) Improve Russian language support (by [akost](https://github.com/akost)) +- [#70](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/70) Add missing superscript and subscript digits (by [BlueM](https://github.com/BlueM)) +- [#71](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/71) Improve Greek language support (by [kostaspt](https://github.com/kostaspt)) +- [#72](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/72) Improve Silex integration (by [CarsonF](https://github.com/CarsonF)) +- [#73](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/73) Improve Russian language support (by [akost](https://github.com/akost)) ### Version 1.2 (2 July 2015) -- Add integration for [Plum](https://github.com/plumphp/plum) (by [florianeckerstorfer](https://github.com/florianeckerstorfer)) -- [#64](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/64) Fix Nette integration (by [lookyman](https://github.com/lookyman)) -- Add option to not convert slug to lowercase (by [florianeckerstorfer](https://github.com/florianeckerstorfer) and [GDmac](https://github.com/GDmac)) +- Add integration for [Plum](https://github.com/plumphp/plum) (by [florianeckerstorfer](https://github.com/florianeckerstorfer)) +- [#64](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/64) Fix Nette integration (by [lookyman](https://github.com/lookyman)) +- Add option to not convert slug to lowercase (by [florianeckerstorfer](https://github.com/florianeckerstorfer) and [GDmac](https://github.com/GDmac)) ### Version 1.1 (18 March 2015) -- [#54](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/54) Add support for Burmese characters (by [lovetostrike](https://github.com/lovetostrike)) -- [#58](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/58) Add Nette and Latte integration (by [lookyman](https://github.com/lookyman)) -- [#50](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/issues/50) Fix transliteration for Vietnamese character Đ (by [mac2000](https://github.com/mac2000)) +- [#54](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/54) Add support for Burmese characters (by [lovetostrike](https://github.com/lovetostrike)) +- [#58](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/58) Add Nette and Latte integration (by [lookyman](https://github.com/lookyman)) +- [#50](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/issues/50) Fix transliteration for Vietnamese character Đ (by [mac2000](https://github.com/mac2000)) ### Version 1.0 (26 November 2014) @@ -630,59 +640,59 @@ ### Version 0.11 (23 November 2014) -- [#49](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/49) Add Zend Framework 2 integration (by [acelaya](https://github.com/acelaya)) +- [#49](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/49) Add Zend Framework 2 integration (by [acelaya](https://github.com/acelaya)) ### Version 0.10.3 (8 November 2014) -- [#48](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/48) Add support for Vietnamese (by [mac2000](https://github.com/mac2000)) +- [#48](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/48) Add support for Vietnamese (by [mac2000](https://github.com/mac2000)) ### Version 0.10.2 (18 October 2014) -- [#44](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/44) Change visibility of properties to `protected` (by [acelaya](https://github.com/acelaya)) -- [#45](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/45) Configure regular expression used to replace characters (by [acelaya](https://github.com/acelaya)) -- Fix type hinting (by [florianeckerstorfer](https://github.com/florianeckerstorfer)) -- Remove duplicate rule (by [florianeckerstorfer](https://github.com/florianeckerstorfer)) +- [#44](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/44) Change visibility of properties to `protected` (by [acelaya](https://github.com/acelaya)) +- [#45](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/45) Configure regular expression used to replace characters (by [acelaya](https://github.com/acelaya)) +- Fix type hinting (by [florianeckerstorfer](https://github.com/florianeckerstorfer)) +- Remove duplicate rule (by [florianeckerstorfer](https://github.com/florianeckerstorfer)) ### Version 0.10.1 (1 September 2014) -- [#39](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/39) Add support for rulesets (by [florianeckerstorfer](https://github.com/florianeckerstorfer)) +- [#39](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/39) Add support for rulesets (by [florianeckerstorfer](https://github.com/florianeckerstorfer)) ### Version 0.10.0 (26 August 2014) -- [#32](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/32) Added Laraval bridge (by [cviebrock](https://github.com/cviebrock)) -- [#35](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/35) Fixed transliteration for `Ď` (by [michalskop](https://github.com/michalskop)) +- [#32](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/32) Added Laraval bridge (by [cviebrock](https://github.com/cviebrock)) +- [#35](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/35) Fixed transliteration for `Ď` (by [michalskop](https://github.com/michalskop)) ### Version 0.9 (29 May 2014) -- [#28](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/28) Add Symfony2 service alias and make Twig extension private (by [Kevin Bond](https://github.com/kbond)) +- [#28](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/28) Add Symfony2 service alias and make Twig extension private (by [Kevin Bond](https://github.com/kbond)) ### Version 0.8 (18 April 2014) -- [#27](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/27) Add support for Arabic characters (by [Davide Bellini](https://github.com/billmn)) -- Added some missing characters -- Improved organisation of characters in `Slugify` class +- [#27](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/27) Add support for Arabic characters (by [Davide Bellini](https://github.com/billmn)) +- Added some missing characters +- Improved organisation of characters in `Slugify` class ### Version 0.7 (4 April 2014) This version introduces optional integrations into Symfony2, Silex and Twig. You can still use the library in any other framework. I decided to include these bridges because there exist integrations from other developers, but they use outdated versions of cocur/slugify. Including these small bridge classes in the library makes maintaining them a lot easier for me. -- [#23](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/23) Added Symfony2 service -- [#24](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/24) Added Twig extension -- [#25](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/25) Added Silex service provider +- [#23](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/23) Added Symfony2 service +- [#24](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/24) Added Twig extension +- [#25](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/25) Added Silex service provider ### Version 0.6 (2 April 2014) -- [#22](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/22) Added support for Esperanto characters (by [Michel Petit](https://github.com/malenkiki)) +- [#22](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/22) Added support for Esperanto characters (by [Michel Petit](https://github.com/malenkiki)) ### Version 0.5 (28 March 2014) -- [#21](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/21) Added support for Greek characters (by [Michel Petit](https://github.com/malenkiki)) -- [#20](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/20) Fixed rule for cyrillic letter D (by [Marchenko Alexandr](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/20)) -- Add missing `$separator` parameter to `SlugifyInterface` +- [#21](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/21) Added support for Greek characters (by [Michel Petit](https://github.com/malenkiki)) +- [#20](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/20) Fixed rule for cyrillic letter D (by [Marchenko Alexandr](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/20)) +- Add missing `$separator` parameter to `SlugifyInterface` ### Version 0.4.1 (9 March 2014) -- [#19](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/19) Adds soft sign rule (by [Marchenko Alexandr](https://github.com/mac2000)) +- [#19](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/19) Adds soft sign rule (by [Marchenko Alexandr](https://github.com/mac2000)) ### Version 0.4 (17 January 2014) @@ -690,27 +700,23 @@ ### Version 0.3 (12 January 2014) -- [#11](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/11) PSR-4 compatible (by [mac2000](https://github.com/mac2000)) -- [#13](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/13) Added editorconfig (by [mac2000](https://github.com/mac2000)) -- [#14](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/14) Return empty slug when input is empty and removed unused parameter (by [mac2000](https://github.com/mac2000)) - - -Authors -------- - -- [Florian Eckerstorfer](http://florian.ec) ([Twitter](http://twitter.com/Florian_)) -- [Ivo Bathke](https://github.com/ivoba) -- [Marchenko Alexandr](http://mac-blog.org.ua) -- And many [great contributors](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/graphs/contributors) +- [#11](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/11) PSR-4 compatible (by [mac2000](https://github.com/mac2000)) +- [#13](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/13) Added editorconfig (by [mac2000](https://github.com/mac2000)) +- [#14](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/pull/14) Return empty slug when input is empty and removed unused parameter (by [mac2000](https://github.com/mac2000)) + +## Authors + +- [Florian Eckerstorfer](http://florian.ec) ([Twitter](http://twitter.com/Florian_)) +- [Ivo Bathke](https://github.com/ivoba) +- [Marchenko Alexandr](http://mac-blog.org.ua) +- And many [great contributors](https://github.com/cocur/slugify/graphs/contributors) Support for Chinese is adapted from [jifei/Pinyin](https://github.com/jifei/Pinyin) with permission. > Slugify is a project of [Cocur](http://cocur.co). You can contact us on Twitter: > [**@cocurco**](https://twitter.com/cocurco) - -Support -------- +## Support If you need support you can ask on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/cocurco) (well, only if your question is short) or you can join our chat on Gitter. @@ -725,9 +731,7 @@ You always can help me (Florian, the original developer and maintainer) out by [sending me an Euro or two](https://paypal.me/florianec/2). - -License -------- +## License The MIT License (MIT) diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/arabic.json php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/arabic.json --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/arabic.json 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/arabic.json 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -{ - "أ" : "a", - "ب" : "b", - "ت" : "t", - "ث" : "th", - "ج" : "g", - "ح" : "h", - "خ" : "kh", - "د" : "d", - "ذ" : "th", - "ر" : "r", - "ز" : "z", - "س" : "s", - "ش" : "sh", - "ص" : "s", - "ض" : "d", - "ط" : "t", - "ظ" : "th", - "ع" : "aa", - "غ" : "gh", - "ف" : "f", - "ق" : "k", - "ك" : "k", - "ل" : "l", - "م" : "m", - "ن" : "n", - "ه" : "h", - "و" : "o", - "ي" : "y" -} diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/austrian.json php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/austrian.json --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/austrian.json 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/austrian.json 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -{ - "Ä": "AE", - "Ö": "OE", - "Ü": "UE", - "ß": "sz", - "ä": "ae", - "ö": "oe", - "ü": "ue" -} diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/azerbaijani.json php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/azerbaijani.json --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/azerbaijani.json 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/azerbaijani.json 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -{ - "Ə": "E", - "Ç": "C", - "Ğ": "G", - "İ": "I", - "Ş": "S", - "Ö": "O", - "Ü": "U", - "ə": "e", - "ç": "c", - "ğ": "g", - "ı": "i", - "ş": "s", - "ö": "o", - "ü": "u" -} diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/bulgarian.json php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/bulgarian.json --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/bulgarian.json 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/bulgarian.json 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ -{ - "А": "A", - "Б": "B", - "В": "V", - "Г": "G", - "Д": "D", - "Е": "E", - "Ж": "J", - "З": "Z", - "И": "I", - "Й": "Y", - "К": "K", - "Л": "L", - "М": "M", - "Н": "N", - "О": "O", - "П": "P", - "Р": "R", - "С": "S", - "Т": "T", - "У": "U", - "Ф": "F", - "Х": "H", - "Ц": "Ts", - "Ч": "Ch", - "Ш": "Sh", - "Щ": "Sht", - "Ъ": "A", - "Ь": "I", - "Ю": "Iu", - "Я": "Ia", - "а": "a", - "б": "b", - "в": "v", - "г": "g", - "д": "d", - "е": "e", - "ж": "j", - "з": "z", - "и": "i", - "й": "y", - "к": "k", - "л": "l", - "м": "m", - "н": "n", - "о": "o", - "п": "p", - "р": "r", - "с": "s", - "т": "t", - "у": "u", - "ф": "f", - "х": "h", - "ц": "ts", - "ч": "ch", - "ш": "sh", - "щ": "sht", - "ъ": "a", - "ь": "i", - "ю": "iu", - "я": "ia", - "ия": "ia", - "йо": "iо", - "ьо": "io" -} diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/burmese.json php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/burmese.json --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/burmese.json 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/burmese.json 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,121 +0,0 @@ -{ - "က": "k", - "ခ": "kh", - "ဂ": "g", - "ဃ": "ga", - "င": "ng", - "စ": "s", - "ဆ": "sa", - "ဇ": "z", - "စျ" : "za", - "ည": "ny", - "ဋ": "t", - "ဌ": "ta", - "ဍ": "d", - "ဎ": "da", - "ဏ": "na", - "တ": "t", - "ထ": "ta", - "ဒ": "d", - "ဓ": "da", - "န": "n", - "ပ": "p", - "ဖ": "pa", - "ဗ": "b", - "ဘ": "ba", - "မ": "m", - "ယ": "y", - "ရ": "ya", - "လ": "l", - "ဝ": "w", - "သ": "th", - "ဟ": "h", - "ဠ": "la", - "အ": "a", - - "ြ": "y", - "ျ": "ya", - "ွ": "w", - "ြွ": "yw", - "ျွ": "ywa", - "ှ": "h", - - "ဧ": "e", - "၏": "-e", - "ဣ": "i", - "ဤ": "-i", - "ဉ": "u", - "ဦ": "-u", - "ဩ": "aw", - "သြော" : "aw", - "ဪ": "aw", - "၍": "ywae", - "၌": "hnaik", - - "၀": "0", - "၁": "1", - "၂": "2", - "၃": "3", - "၄": "4", - "၅": "5", - "၆": "6", - "၇": "7", - "၈": "8", - "၉": "9", - - "္": "", - "့": "", - "း": "", - - "ာ": "a", - "ါ": "a", - "ေ": "e", - "ဲ": "e", - "ိ": "i", - "ီ": "i", - "ို": "o", - "ု": "u", - "ူ": "u", - "ေါင်": "aung", - "ော": "aw", - "ော်": "aw", - "ေါ": "aw", - "ေါ်": "aw", - "်": "at", - "က်": "et", - "ိုက်" : "aik", - "ောက်" : "auk", - "င်" : "in", - "ိုင်" : "aing", - "ောင်" : "aung", - "စ်" : "it", - "ည်" : "i", - "တ်" : "at", - "ိတ်" : "eik", - "ုတ်" : "ok", - "ွတ်" : "ut", - "ေတ်" : "it", - "ဒ်" : "d", - "ိုဒ်" : "ok", - "ုဒ်" : "ait", - "န်" : "an", - "ာန်" : "an", - "ိန်" : "ein", - "ုန်" : "on", - "ွန်" : "un", - "ပ်" : "at", - "ိပ်" : "eik", - "ုပ်" : "ok", - "ွပ်" : "ut", - "န်ုပ်" : "nub", - "မ်" : "an", - "ိမ်" : "ein", - "ုမ်" : "on", - "ွမ်" : "un", - "ယ်" : "e", - "ိုလ်" : "ol", - "ဉ်" : "in", - "ံ": "an", - "ိံ" : "ein", - "ုံ" : "on" -} diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/chinese.json php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/chinese.json --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/chinese.json 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/chinese.json 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,6937 +0,0 @@ -{ - "腌" : "yan", - "嗄" : "a", - "迫" : "po", - "捱" : "ai", - "艾" : "ai", - "瑷" : "ai", - "嗌" : "ai", - "犴" : "an", - "鳌" : "ao", - "廒" : "ao", - "拗" : "niu", - "岙" : "ao", - "鏊" : "ao", - "扒" : "ba", - "岜" : "ba", - "耙" : "pa", - "鲅" : "ba", - "癍" : "ban", - "膀" : "pang", - "磅" : "bang", - "炮" : "pao", - "曝" : "pu", - "刨" : "pao", - "瀑" : "pu", - "陂" : "bei", - "埤" : "pi", - "鹎" : "bei", - "邶" : "bei", - "孛" : "bei", - "鐾" : "bei", - "鞴" : "bei", - "畚" : "ben", - "甏" : "beng", - "舭" : "bi", - "秘" : "mi", - "辟" : "pi", - "泌" : "mi", - "裨" : "bi", - "濞" : "bi", - "庳" : "bi", - "嬖" : "bi", - "畀" : "bi", - "筚" : "bi", - "箅" : "bi", - "襞" : "bi", - "跸" : "bi", - "笾" : "bian", - "扁" : "bian", - "碥" : "bian", - "窆" : "bian", - "便" : "bian", - "弁" : "bian", - "缏" : "bian", - "骠" : "biao", - "杓" : "shao", - "飚" : "biao", - "飑" : "biao", - "瘭" : "biao", - "髟" : "biao", - "玢" : "bin", - "豳" : "bin", - "镔" : "bin", - "膑" : "bin", - "屏" : "ping", - "泊" : "bo", - "逋" : "bu", - "晡" : "bu", - "钸" : "bu", - "醭" : "bu", - "埔" : "pu", - "瓿" : "bu", - "礤" : "ca", - "骖" : "can", - "藏" : "cang", - "艚" : "cao", - "侧" : "ce", - "喳" : "zha", - "刹" : "sha", - "瘥" : "chai", - "禅" : "chan", - "廛" : "chan", - "镡" : "tan", - "澶" : "chan", - "躔" : "chan", - "阊" : "chang", - "鲳" : "chang", - "长" : "chang", - "苌" : "chang", - "氅" : "chang", - "鬯" : "chang", - "焯" : "chao", - "朝" : "chao", - "车" : "che", - "琛" : "chen", - "谶" : "chen", - "榇" : "chen", - "蛏" : "cheng", - "埕" : "cheng", - "枨" : "cheng", - "塍" : "cheng", - "裎" : "cheng", - "螭" : "chi", - "眵" : "chi", - "墀" : "chi", - "篪" : "chi", - "坻" : "di", - "瘛" : "chi", - "种" : "zhong", - "重" : "zhong", - "仇" : "chou", - "帱" : "chou", - "俦" : "chou", - "雠" : "chou", - "臭" : "chou", - "楮" : "chu", - "畜" : "chu", - "嘬" : "zuo", - "膪" : "chuai", - "巛" : "chuan", - "椎" : "zhui", - "呲" : "ci", - "兹" : "zi", - "伺" : "si", - "璁" : "cong", - "楱" : "cou", - "攒" : "zan", - "爨" : "cuan", - "隹" : "zhui", - "榱" : "cui", - "撮" : "cuo", - "鹾" : "cuo", - "嗒" : "da", - "哒" : "da", - "沓" : "ta", - "骀" : "tai", - "绐" : "dai", - "埭" : "dai", - "甙" : "dai", - "弹" : "dan", - "澹" : "dan", - "叨" : "dao", - "纛" : "dao", - "簦" : "deng", - "提" : "ti", - "翟" : "zhai", - "绨" : "ti", - "丶" : "dian", - "佃" : "dian", - "簟" : "dian", - "癜" : "dian", - "调" : "tiao", - "铞" : "diao", - "佚" : "yi", - "堞" : "die", - "瓞" : "die", - "揲" : "die", - "垤" : "die", - "疔" : "ding", - "岽" : "dong", - "硐" : "dong", - "恫" : "dong", - "垌" : "dong", - "峒" : "dong", - "芏" : "du", - "煅" : "duan", - "碓" : "dui", - "镦" : "dui", - "囤" : "tun", - "铎" : "duo", - "缍" : "duo", - "驮" : "tuo", - "沲" : "tuo", - "柁" : "tuo", - "哦" : "o", - "恶" : "e", - "轭" : "e", - "锷" : "e", - "鹗" : "e", - "阏" : "e", - "诶" : "ea", - "鲕" : "er", - "珥" : "er", - "佴" : "er", - "番" : "fan", - "彷" : "pang", - "霏" : "fei", - "蜚" : "fei", - "鲱" : "fei", - "芾" : "fei", - "瀵" : "fen", - "鲼" : "fen", - "否" : "fou", - "趺" : "fu", - "桴" : "fu", - "莩" : "fu", - "菔" : "fu", - "幞" : "fu", - "郛" : "fu", - "绂" : "fu", - "绋" : "fu", - "祓" : "fu", - "砩" : "fu", - "黻" : "fu", - "罘" : "fu", - "蚨" : "fu", - "脯" : "pu", - "滏" : "fu", - "黼" : "fu", - "鲋" : "fu", - "鳆" : "fu", - "咖" : "ka", - "噶" : "ga", - "轧" : "zha", - "陔" : "gai", - "戤" : "gai", - "扛" : "kang", - "戆" : "gang", - "筻" : "gang", - "槔" : "gao", - "藁" : "gao", - "缟" : "gao", - "咯" : "ge", - "仡" : "yi", - "搿" : "ge", - "塥" : "ge", - "鬲" : "ge", - "哿" : "ge", - "句" : "ju", - "缑" : "gou", - "鞲" : "gou", - "笱" : "gou", - "遘" : "gou", - "瞽" : "gu", - "罟" : "gu", - "嘏" : "gu", - "牿" : "gu", - "鲴" : "gu", - "栝" : "kuo", - "莞" : "guan", - "纶" : "lun", - "涫" : "guan", - "涡" : "wo", - "呙" : "guo", - "馘" : "guo", - "猓" : "guo", - "咳" : "ke", - "氦" : "hai", - "颔" : "han", - "吭" : "keng", - "颃" : "hang", - "巷" : "xiang", - "蚵" : "ke", - "翮" : "he", - "吓" : "xia", - "桁" : "heng", - "泓" : "hong", - "蕻" : "hong", - "黉" : "hong", - "後" : "hou", - "唿" : "hu", - "煳" : "hu", - "浒" : "hu", - "祜" : "hu", - "岵" : "hu", - "鬟" : "huan", - "圜" : "huan", - "郇" : "xun", - "锾" : "huan", - "逭" : "huan", - "咴" : "hui", - "虺" : "hui", - "会" : "hui", - "溃" : "kui", - "哕" : "hui", - "缋" : "hui", - "锪" : "huo", - "蠖" : "huo", - "缉" : "ji", - "稽" : "ji", - "赍" : "ji", - "丌" : "ji", - "咭" : "ji", - "亟" : "ji", - "殛" : "ji", - "戢" : "ji", - "嵴" : "ji", - "蕺" : "ji", - "系" : "xi", - "蓟" : "ji", - "霁" : "ji", - "荠" : "qi", - "跽" : "ji", - "哜" : "ji", - "鲚" : "ji", - "洎" : "ji", - "芰" : "ji", - "茄" : "qie", - "珈" : "jia", - "迦" : "jia", - "笳" : "jia", - "葭" : "jia", - "跏" : "jia", - "郏" : "jia", - "恝" : "jia", - "铗" : "jia", - "袷" : "qia", - "蛱" : "jia", - "角" : "jiao", - "挢" : "jiao", - "岬" : "jia", - "徼" : "jiao", - "湫" : "qiu", - "敫" : "jiao", - "瘕" : "jia", - "浅" : "qian", - "蒹" : "jian", - "搛" : "jian", - "湔" : "jian", - "缣" : "jian", - "犍" : "jian", - "鹣" : "jian", - "鲣" : "jian", - "鞯" : "jian", - "蹇" : "jian", - "謇" : "jian", - "硷" : "jian", - "枧" : "jian", - "戬" : "jian", - "谫" : "jian", - "囝" : "jian", - "裥" : "jian", - "笕" : "jian", - "翦" : "jian", - "趼" : "jian", - "楗" : "jian", - "牮" : "jian", - "踺" : "jian", - "茳" : "jiang", - "礓" : "jiang", - "耩" : "jiang", - "降" : "jiang", - "绛" : "jiang", - "洚" : "jiang", - "鲛" : "jiao", - "僬" : "jiao", - "鹪" : "jiao", - "艽" : "jiao", - "茭" : "jiao", - "嚼" : "jiao", - "峤" : "qiao", - "觉" : "jiao", - "校" : "xiao", - "噍" : "jiao", - "醮" : "jiao", - "疖" : "jie", - "喈" : "jie", - "桔" : "ju", - "拮" : "jie", - "桀" : "jie", - "颉" : "jie", - "婕" : "jie", - "羯" : "jie", - "鲒" : "jie", - "蚧" : "jie", - "骱" : "jie", - "衿" : "jin", - "馑" : "jin", - "卺" : "jin", - "廑" : "jin", - "堇" : "jin", - "槿" : "jin", - "靳" : "jin", - "缙" : "jin", - "荩" : "jin", - "赆" : "jin", - "妗" : "jin", - "旌" : "jing", - "腈" : "jing", - "憬" : "jing", - "肼" : "jing", - "迳" : "jing", - "胫" : "jing", - "弪" : "jing", - "獍" : "jing", - "扃" : "jiong", - "鬏" : "jiu", - "疚" : "jiu", - "僦" : "jiu", - "桕" : "jiu", - "疽" : "ju", - "裾" : "ju", - "苴" : "ju", - "椐" : "ju", - "锔" : "ju", - "琚" : "ju", - "鞫" : "ju", - "踽" : "ju", - "榉" : "ju", - "莒" : "ju", - "遽" : "ju", - "倨" : "ju", - "钜" : "ju", - "犋" : "ju", - "屦" : "ju", - "榘" : "ju", - "窭" : "ju", - "讵" : "ju", - "醵" : "ju", - "苣" : "ju", - "圈" : "quan", - "镌" : "juan", - "蠲" : "juan", - "锩" : "juan", - "狷" : "juan", - "桊" : "juan", - "鄄" : "juan", - "獗" : "jue", - "攫" : "jue", - "孓" : "jue", - "橛" : "jue", - "珏" : "jue", - "桷" : "jue", - "劂" : "jue", - "爝" : "jue", - "镢" : "jue", - "觖" : "jue", - "筠" : "jun", - "麇" : "jun", - "捃" : "jun", - "浚" : "jun", - "喀" : "ka", - "卡" : "ka", - "佧" : "ka", - "胩" : "ka", - "锎" : "kai", - "蒈" : "kai", - "剀" : "kai", - "垲" : "kai", - "锴" : "kai", - "戡" : "kan", - "莰" : "kan", - "闶" : "kang", - "钪" : "kang", - "尻" : "kao", - "栲" : "kao", - "柯" : "ke", - "疴" : "ke", - "钶" : "ke", - "颏" : "ke", - "珂" : "ke", - "髁" : "ke", - "壳" : "ke", - "岢" : "ke", - "溘" : "ke", - "骒" : "ke", - "缂" : "ke", - "氪" : "ke", - "锞" : "ke", - "裉" : "ken", - "倥" : "kong", - "崆" : "kong", - "箜" : "kong", - "芤" : "kou", - "眍" : "kou", - "筘" : "kou", - "刳" : "ku", - "堀" : "ku", - "喾" : "ku", - "侉" : "kua", - "蒯" : "kuai", - "哙" : "kuai", - "狯" : "kuai", - "郐" : "kuai", - "匡" : "kuang", - "夼" : "kuang", - "邝" : "kuang", - "圹" : "kuang", - "纩" : "kuang", - "贶" : "kuang", - "岿" : "kui", - "悝" : "kui", - "睽" : "kui", - "逵" : "kui", - "馗" : "kui", - "夔" : "kui", - "喹" : "kui", - "隗" : "wei", - "暌" : "kui", - "揆" : "kui", - "蝰" : "kui", - "跬" : "kui", - "喟" : "kui", - "聩" : "kui", - "篑" : "kui", - "蒉" : "kui", - "愦" : "kui", - "锟" : "kun", - "醌" : "kun", - "琨" : "kun", - "髡" : "kun", - "悃" : "kun", - "阃" : "kun", - "蛞" : "kuo", - "砬" : "la", - "落" : "luo", - "剌" : "la", - "瘌" : "la", - "涞" : "lai", - "崃" : "lai", - "铼" : "lai", - "赉" : "lai", - "濑" : "lai", - "斓" : "lan", - "镧" : "lan", - "谰" : "lan", - "漤" : "lan", - "罱" : "lan", - "稂" : "lang", - "阆" : "lang", - "莨" : "liang", - "蒗" : "lang", - "铹" : "lao", - "痨" : "lao", - "醪" : "lao", - "栳" : "lao", - "铑" : "lao", - "耢" : "lao", - "勒" : "le", - "仂" : "le", - "叻" : "le", - "泐" : "le", - "鳓" : "le", - "了" : "le", - "镭" : "lei", - "嫘" : "lei", - "缧" : "lei", - "檑" : "lei", - "诔" : "lei", - "耒" : "lei", - "酹" : "lei", - "塄" : "leng", - "愣" : "leng", - "藜" : "li", - "骊" : "li", - "黧" : "li", - "缡" : "li", - "嫠" : "li", - "鲡" : "li", - "蓠" : "li", - "澧" : "li", - "锂" : "li", - "醴" : "li", - "鳢" : "li", - "俪" : "li", - "砺" : "li", - "郦" : "li", - "詈" : "li", - "猁" : "li", - "溧" : "li", - "栎" : "li", - "轹" : "li", - "傈" : "li", - "坜" : "li", - "苈" : "li", - "疠" : "li", - "疬" : "li", - "篥" : "li", - "粝" : "li", - "跞" : "li", - "俩" : "liang", - "裢" : "lian", - "濂" : "lian", - "臁" : "lian", - "奁" : "lian", - "蠊" : "lian", - "琏" : "lian", - "蔹" : "lian", - "裣" : "lian", - "楝" : "lian", - "潋" : "lian", - "椋" : "liang", - "墚" : "liang", - "寮" : "liao", - "鹩" : "liao", - "蓼" : "liao", - "钌" : "liao", - "廖" : "liao", - "尥" : "liao", - "洌" : "lie", - "捩" : "lie", - "埒" : "lie", - "躐" : "lie", - "鬣" : "lie", - "辚" : "lin", - "遴" : "lin", - "啉" : "lin", - "瞵" : "lin", - "懔" : "lin", - "廪" : "lin", - "蔺" : "lin", - "膦" : "lin", - "酃" : "ling", - "柃" : "ling", - "鲮" : "ling", - "呤" : "ling", - "镏" : "liu", - "旒" : "liu", - "骝" : "liu", - "鎏" : "liu", - "锍" : "liu", - "碌" : "lu", - "鹨" : "liu", - "茏" : "long", - "栊" : "long", - "泷" : "long", - "砻" : "long", - "癃" : "long", - "垅" : "long", - "偻" : "lou", - "蝼" : "lou", - "蒌" : "lou", - "耧" : "lou", - "嵝" : "lou", - "露" : "lu", - "瘘" : "lou", - "噜" : "lu", - "轳" : "lu", - "垆" : "lu", - "胪" : "lu", - "舻" : "lu", - "栌" : "lu", - "镥" : "lu", - "绿" : "lv", - "辘" : "lu", - "簏" : "lu", - "潞" : "lu", - "辂" : "lu", - "渌" : "lu", - "氇" : "lu", - "捋" : "lv", - "稆" : "lv", - "率" : "lv", - "闾" : "lv", - "栾" : "luan", - "銮" : "luan", - "滦" : "luan", - "娈" : "luan", - "脔" : "luan", - "锊" : "lve", - "猡" : "luo", - "椤" : "luo", - "脶" : "luo", - "镙" : "luo", - "倮" : "luo", - "蠃" : "luo", - "瘰" : "luo", - "珞" : "luo", - "泺" : "luo", - "荦" : "luo", - "雒" : "luo", - "呒" : "mu", - "抹" : "mo", - "唛" : "mai", - "杩" : "ma", - "么" : "me", - "埋" : "mai", - "荬" : "mai", - "脉" : "mai", - "劢" : "mai", - "颟" : "man", - "蔓" : "man", - "鳗" : "man", - "鞔" : "man", - "螨" : "man", - "墁" : "man", - "缦" : "man", - "熳" : "man", - "镘" : "man", - "邙" : "mang", - "硭" : "mang", - "旄" : "mao", - "茆" : "mao", - "峁" : "mao", - "泖" : "mao", - "昴" : "mao", - "耄" : "mao", - "瑁" : "mao", - "懋" : "mao", - "瞀" : "mao", - "麽" : "me", - "没" : "mei", - "嵋" : "mei", - "湄" : "mei", - "猸" : "mei", - "镅" : "mei", - "鹛" : "mei", - "浼" : "mei", - "钔" : "men", - "瞢" : "meng", - "甍" : "meng", - "礞" : "meng", - "艨" : "meng", - "黾" : "mian", - "鳘" : "min", - "溟" : "ming", - "暝" : "ming", - "模" : "mo", - "谟" : "mo", - "嫫" : "mo", - "镆" : "mo", - "瘼" : "mo", - "耱" : "mo", - "貊" : "mo", - "貘" : "mo", - "牟" : "mou", - "鍪" : "mou", - "蛑" : "mou", - "侔" : "mou", - "毪" : "mu", - "坶" : "mu", - "仫" : "mu", - "唔" : "wu", - "那" : "na", - "镎" : "na", - "哪" : "na", - "呢" : "ne", - "肭" : "na", - "艿" : "nai", - "鼐" : "nai", - "萘" : "nai", - "柰" : "nai", - "蝻" : "nan", - "馕" : "nang", - "攮" : "nang", - "曩" : "nang", - "猱" : "nao", - "铙" : "nao", - "硇" : "nao", - "蛲" : "nao", - "垴" : "nao", - "坭" : "ni", - "猊" : "ni", - "铌" : "ni", - "鲵" : "ni", - "祢" : "mi", - "睨" : "ni", - "慝" : "te", - "伲" : "ni", - "鲇" : "nian", - "鲶" : "nian", - "埝" : "nian", - "嬲" : "niao", - "茑" : "niao", - "脲" : "niao", - "啮" : "nie", - "陧" : "nie", - "颞" : "nie", - "臬" : "nie", - "蘖" : "nie", - "甯" : "ning", - "聍" : "ning", - "狃" : "niu", - "侬" : "nong", - "耨" : "nou", - "孥" : "nu", - "胬" : "nu", - "钕" : "nv", - "恧" : "nv", - "褰" : "qian", - "掮" : "qian", - "荨" : "xun", - "钤" : "qian", - "箝" : "qian", - "鬈" : "quan", - "缱" : "qian", - "肷" : "qian", - "纤" : "xian", - "茜" : "qian", - "慊" : "qian", - "椠" : "qian", - "戗" : "qiang", - "镪" : "qiang", - "锖" : "qiang", - "樯" : "qiang", - "嫱" : "qiang", - "雀" : "que", - "缲" : "qiao", - "硗" : "qiao", - "劁" : "qiao", - "樵" : "qiao", - "谯" : "qiao", - "鞒" : "qiao", - "愀" : "qiao", - "鞘" : "qiao", - "郄" : "xi", - "箧" : "qie", - "亲" : "qin", - "覃" : "tan", - "溱" : "qin", - "檎" : "qin", - "锓" : "qin", - "嗪" : "qin", - "螓" : "qin", - "揿" : "qin", - "吣" : "qin", - "圊" : "qing", - "鲭" : "qing", - "檠" : "qing", - "黥" : "qing", - "謦" : "qing", - "苘" : "qing", - "磬" : "qing", - "箐" : "qing", - "綮" : "qi", - "茕" : "qiong", - "邛" : "dao", - "蛩" : "tun", - "筇" : "qiong", - "跫" : "qiong", - "銎" : "qiong", - "楸" : "qiu", - "俅" : "qiu", - "赇" : "qiu", - "逑" : "qiu", - "犰" : "qiu", - "蝤" : "qiu", - "巯" : "qiu", - "鼽" : "qiu", - "糗" : "qiu", - "区" : "qu", - "祛" : "qu", - "麴" : "qu", - "诎" : "qu", - "衢" : "qu", - "癯" : "qu", - "劬" : "qu", - "璩" : "qu", - "氍" : "qu", - "朐" : "qu", - "磲" : "qu", - "鸲" : "qu", - "蕖" : "qu", - "蠼" : "qu", - "蘧" : "qu", - "阒" : "qu", - "颧" : "quan", - "荃" : "quan", - "铨" : "quan", - "辁" : "quan", - "筌" : "quan", - "绻" : "quan", - "畎" : "quan", - "阕" : "que", - "悫" : "que", - "髯" : "ran", - "禳" : "rang", - "穰" : "rang", - "仞" : "ren", - "妊" : "ren", - "轫" : "ren", - "衽" : "ren", - "狨" : "rong", - "肜" : "rong", - "蝾" : "rong", - "嚅" : "ru", - "濡" : "ru", - "薷" : "ru", - "襦" : "ru", - "颥" : "ru", - "洳" : "ru", - "溽" : "ru", - "蓐" : "ru", - "朊" : "ruan", - "蕤" : "rui", - "枘" : "rui", - "箬" : "ruo", - "挲" : "suo", - "脎" : "sa", - "塞" : "sai", - "鳃" : "sai", - "噻" : "sai", - "毵" : "san", - "馓" : "san", - "糁" : "san", - "霰" : "xian", - "磉" : "sang", - "颡" : "sang", - "缫" : "sao", - "鳋" : "sao", - "埽" : "sao", - "瘙" : "sao", - "色" : "se", - "杉" : "shan", - "鲨" : "sha", - "痧" : "sha", - "裟" : "sha", - "铩" : "sha", - "唼" : "sha", - "酾" : "shai", - "栅" : "zha", - "跚" : "shan", - "芟" : "shan", - "埏" : "shan", - "钐" : "shan", - "舢" : "shan", - "剡" : "yan", - "鄯" : "shan", - "疝" : "shan", - "蟮" : "shan", - "墒" : "shang", - "垧" : "shang", - "绱" : "shang", - "蛸" : "shao", - "筲" : "shao", - "苕" : "tiao", - "召" : "zhao", - "劭" : "shao", - "猞" : "she", - "畲" : "she", - "折" : "zhe", - "滠" : "she", - "歙" : "xi", - "厍" : "she", - "莘" : "shen", - "娠" : "shen", - "诜" : "shen", - "什" : "shen", - "谂" : "shen", - "渖" : "shen", - "矧" : "shen", - "胂" : "shen", - "椹" : "shen", - "省" : "sheng", - "眚" : "sheng", - "嵊" : "sheng", - "嘘" : "xu", - "蓍" : "shi", - "鲺" : "shi", - "识" : "shi", - "拾" : "shi", - "埘" : "shi", - "莳" : "shi", - "炻" : "shi", - "鲥" : "shi", - "豕" : "shi", - "似" : "si", - "噬" : "shi", - "贳" : "shi", - "铈" : "shi", - "螫" : "shi", - "筮" : "shi", - "殖" : "zhi", - "熟" : "shu", - "艏" : "shou", - "菽" : "shu", - "摅" : "shu", - "纾" : "shu", - "毹" : "shu", - "疋" : "shu", - "数" : "shu", - "属" : "shu", - "术" : "shu", - "澍" : "shu", - "沭" : "shu", - "丨" : "shu", - "腧" : "shu", - "说" : "shuo", - "妁" : "shuo", - "蒴" : "shuo", - "槊" : "shuo", - "搠" : "shuo", - "鸶" : "si", - "澌" : "si", - "缌" : "si", - "锶" : "si", - "厶" : "si", - "蛳" : "si", - "驷" : "si", - "泗" : "si", - "汜" : "si", - "兕" : "si", - "姒" : "si", - "耜" : "si", - "笥" : "si", - "忪" : "song", - "淞" : "song", - "崧" : "song", - "凇" : "song", - "菘" : "song", - "竦" : "song", - "溲" : "sou", - "飕" : "sou", - "蜩" : "tiao", - "萜" : "tie", - "汀" : "ting", - "葶" : "ting", - "莛" : "ting", - "梃" : "ting", - "佟" : "tong", - "酮" : "tong", - "仝" : "tong", - "茼" : "tong", - "砼" : "tong", - "钭" : "dou", - "酴" : "tu", - "钍" : "tu", - "堍" : "tu", - "抟" : "tuan", - "忒" : "te", - "煺" : "tui", - "暾" : "tun", - "氽" : "tun", - "乇" : "tuo", - "砣" : "tuo", - "沱" : "tuo", - "跎" : "tuo", - "坨" : "tuo", - "橐" : "tuo", - "酡" : "tuo", - "鼍" : "tuo", - "庹" : "tuo", - "拓" : "tuo", - "柝" : "tuo", - "箨" : "tuo", - "腽" : "wa", - "崴" : "wai", - "芄" : "wan", - "畹" : "wan", - "琬" : "wan", - "脘" : "wan", - "菀" : "wan", - "尢" : "you", - "辋" : "wang", - "魍" : "wang", - "逶" : "wei", - "葳" : "wei", - "隈" : "wei", - "惟" : "wei", - "帏" : "wei", - "圩" : "wei", - "囗" : "wei", - "潍" : "wei", - "嵬" : "wei", - "沩" : "wei", - "涠" : "wei", - "尾" : "wei", - "玮" : "wei", - "炜" : "wei", - "韪" : "wei", - "洧" : "wei", - "艉" : "wei", - "鲔" : "wei", - "遗" : "yi", - "尉" : "wei", - "軎" : "wei", - "璺" : "wen", - "阌" : "wen", - "蓊" : "weng", - "蕹" : "weng", - "渥" : "wo", - "硪" : "wo", - "龌" : "wo", - "圬" : "wu", - "吾" : "wu", - "浯" : "wu", - "鼯" : "wu", - "牾" : "wu", - "迕" : "wu", - "庑" : "wu", - "痦" : "wu", - "芴" : "wu", - "杌" : "wu", - "焐" : "wu", - "阢" : "wu", - "婺" : "wu", - "鋈" : "wu", - "樨" : "xi", - "栖" : "qi", - "郗" : "xi", - "蹊" : "qi", - "淅" : "xi", - "熹" : "xi", - "浠" : "xi", - "僖" : "xi", - "穸" : "xi", - "螅" : "xi", - "菥" : "xi", - "舾" : "xi", - "矽" : "xi", - "粞" : "xi", - "硒" : "xi", - "醯" : "xi", - "欷" : "xi", - "鼷" : "xi", - "檄" : "xi", - "隰" : "xi", - "觋" : "xi", - "屣" : "xi", - "葸" : "xi", - "蓰" : "xi", - "铣" : "xi", - "饩" : "xi", - "阋" : "xi", - "禊" : "xi", - "舄" : "xi", - "狎" : "xia", - "硖" : "xia", - "柙" : "xia", - "暹" : "xian", - "莶" : "xian", - "祆" : "xian", - "籼" : "xian", - "跹" : "xian", - "鹇" : "xian", - "痫" : "xian", - "猃" : "xian", - "燹" : "xian", - "蚬" : "xian", - "筅" : "xian", - "冼" : "xian", - "岘" : "xian", - "骧" : "xiang", - "葙" : "xiang", - "芗" : "xiang", - "缃" : "xiang", - "庠" : "xiang", - "鲞" : "xiang", - "蟓" : "xiang", - "削" : "xue", - "枵" : "xiao", - "绡" : "xiao", - "筱" : "xiao", - "邪" : "xie", - "勰" : "xie", - "缬" : "xie", - "血" : "xue", - "榭" : "xie", - "瀣" : "xie", - "薤" : "xie", - "燮" : "xie", - "躞" : "xie", - "廨" : "xie", - "绁" : "xie", - "渫" : "xie", - "榍" : "xie", - "獬" : "xie", - "昕" : "xin", - "忻" : "xin", - "囟" : "xin", - "陉" : "jing", - "荥" : "ying", - "饧" : "tang", - "硎" : "xing", - "荇" : "xing", - "芎" : "xiong", - "馐" : "xiu", - "庥" : "xiu", - "鸺" : "xiu", - "貅" : "xiu", - "髹" : "xiu", - "宿" : "xiu", - "岫" : "xiu", - "溴" : "xiu", - "吁" : "xu", - "盱" : "xu", - "顼" : "xu", - "糈" : "xu", - "醑" : "xu", - "洫" : "xu", - "溆" : "xu", - "蓿" : "xu", - "萱" : "xuan", - "谖" : "xuan", - "儇" : "xuan", - "煊" : "xuan", - "痃" : "xuan", - "铉" : "xuan", - "泫" : "xuan", - "碹" : "xuan", - "楦" : "xuan", - "镟" : "xuan", - "踅" : "xue", - "泶" : "xue", - "鳕" : "xue", - "埙" : "xun", - "曛" : "xun", - "窨" : "xun", - "獯" : "xun", - "峋" : "xun", - "洵" : "xun", - "恂" : "xun", - "浔" : "xun", - "鲟" : "xun", - "蕈" : "xun", - "垭" : "ya", - "岈" : "ya", - "琊" : "ya", - "痖" : "ya", - "迓" : "ya", - "砑" : "ya", - "咽" : "yan", - "鄢" : "yan", - "菸" : "yan", - "崦" : "yan", - "铅" : "qian", - "芫" : "yuan", - "兖" : "yan", - "琰" : "yan", - "罨" : "yan", - "厣" : "yan", - "焱" : "yan", - "酽" : "yan", - "谳" : "yan", - "鞅" : "yang", - "炀" : "yang", - "蛘" : "yang", - "约" : "yue", - "珧" : "yao", - "轺" : "yao", - "繇" : "yao", - "鳐" : "yao", - "崾" : "yao", - "钥" : "yao", - "曜" : "yao", - "铘" : "ye", - "烨" : "ye", - "邺" : "ye", - "靥" : "ye", - "晔" : "ye", - "猗" : "yi", - "铱" : "yi", - "欹" : "qi", - "黟" : "yi", - "怡" : "yi", - "沂" : "yi", - "圯" : "yi", - "荑" : "yi", - "诒" : "yi", - "眙" : "yi", - "嶷" : "yi", - "钇" : "yi", - "舣" : "yi", - "酏" : "yi", - "熠" : "yi", - "弋" : "yi", - "懿" : "yi", - "镒" : "yi", - "峄" : "yi", - "怿" : "yi", - "悒" : "yi", - "佾" : "yi", - "殪" : "yi", - "挹" : "yi", - "埸" : "yi", - "劓" : "yi", - "镱" : "yi", - "瘗" : "yi", - "癔" : "yi", - "翊" : "yi", - "蜴" : "yi", - "氤" : "yin", - "堙" : "yin", - "洇" : "yin", - "鄞" : "yin", - "狺" : "yin", - "夤" : "yin", - "圻" : "qi", - "饮" : "yin", - "吲" : "yin", - "胤" : "yin", - "茚" : "yin", - "璎" : "ying", - "撄" : "ying", - "嬴" : "ying", - "滢" : "ying", - "潆" : "ying", - "蓥" : "ying", - "瘿" : "ying", - "郢" : "ying", - "媵" : "ying", - "邕" : "yong", - "镛" : "yong", - "墉" : "yong", - "慵" : "yong", - "痈" : "yong", - "鳙" : "yong", - "饔" : "yong", - "喁" : "yong", - "俑" : "yong", - "莸" : "you", - "猷" : "you", - "疣" : "you", - "蚰" : "you", - "蝣" : "you", - "莜" : "you", - "牖" : "you", - "铕" : "you", - "卣" : "you", - "宥" : "you", - "侑" : "you", - "蚴" : "you", - "釉" : "you", - "馀" : "yu", - "萸" : "yu", - "禺" : "yu", - "妤" : "yu", - "欤" : "yu", - "觎" : "yu", - "窬" : "yu", - "蝓" : "yu", - "嵛" : "yu", - "舁" : "yu", - "雩" : "yu", - "龉" : "yu", - "伛" : "yu", - "圉" : "yu", - "庾" : "yu", - "瘐" : "yu", - "窳" : "yu", - "俣" : "yu", - "毓" : "yu", - "峪" : "yu", - "煜" : "yu", - "燠" : "yu", - "蓣" : "yu", - "饫" : "yu", - "阈" : "yu", - "鬻" : "yu", - "聿" : "yu", - "钰" : "yu", - "鹆" : "yu", - "蜮" : "yu", - "眢" : "yuan", - "箢" : "yuan", - "员" : "yuan", - "沅" : "yuan", - "橼" : "yuan", - "塬" : "yuan", - "爰" : "yuan", - "螈" : "yuan", - "鼋" : "yuan", - "掾" : "yuan", - "垸" : "yuan", - "瑗" : "yuan", - "刖" : "yue", - "瀹" : "yue", - "樾" : "yue", - "龠" : "yue", - "氲" : "yun", - "昀" : "yun", - "郧" : "yun", - "狁" : "yun", - "郓" : "yun", - "韫" : "yun", - "恽" : "yun", - "扎" : "zha", - "拶" : "za", - "咋" : "za", - "仔" : "zai", - "昝" : "zan", - "瓒" : "zan", - "藏" : "zang", - "奘" : "zang", - "唣" : "zao", - "择" : "ze", - "迮" : "ze", - "赜" : "ze", - "笮" : "ze", - "箦" : "ze", - "舴" : "ze", - "昃" : "ze", - "缯" : "zeng", - "罾" : "zeng", - "齄" : "zha", - "柞" : "zha", - "痄" : "zha", - "瘵" : "zhai", - "旃" : "zhan", - "璋" : "zhang", - "漳" : "zhang", - "嫜" : "zhang", - "鄣" : "zhang", - "仉" : "zhang", - "幛" : "zhang", - "着" : "zhe", - "啁" : "zhou", - "爪" : "zhao", - "棹" : "zhao", - "笊" : "zhao", - "摺" : "zhe", - "磔" : "zhe", - "这" : "zhe", - "柘" : "zhe", - "桢" : "zhen", - "蓁" : "zhen", - "祯" : "zhen", - "浈" : "zhen", - "畛" : "zhen", - "轸" : "zhen", - "稹" : "zhen", - "圳" : "zhen", - "徵" : "zhi", - "钲" : "zheng", - "卮" : "zhi", - "胝" : "zhi", - "祗" : "zhi", - "摭" : "zhi", - "絷" : "zhi", - "埴" : "zhi", - "轵" : "zhi", - "黹" : "zhi", - "帙" : "zhi", - "轾" : "zhi", - "贽" : "zhi", - "陟" : "zhi", - "忮" : "zhi", - "彘" : "zhi", - "膣" : "zhi", - "鸷" : "zhi", - "骘" : "zhi", - "踬" : "zhi", - "郅" : "zhi", - "觯" : "zhi", - "锺" : "zhong", - "螽" : "zhong", - "舯" : "zhong", - "碡" : "zhou", - "绉" : "zhou", - "荮" : "zhou", - "籀" : "zhou", - "酎" : "zhou", - "洙" : "zhu", - "邾" : "zhu", - "潴" : "zhu", - "槠" : "zhu", - "橥" : "zhu", - "舳" : "zhu", - "瘃" : "zhu", - "渚" : "zhu", - "麈" : "zhu", - "箸" : "zhu", - "炷" : "zhu", - "杼" : "zhu", - "翥" : "zhu", - "疰" : "zhu", - "颛" : "zhuan", - "赚" : "zhuan", - "馔" : "zhuan", - "僮" : "tong", - "缒" : "zhui", - "肫" : "zhun", - "窀" : "zhun", - "涿" : "zhuo", - "倬" : "zhuo", - "濯" : "zhuo", - "诼" : "zhuo", - "禚" : "zhuo", - "浞" : "zhuo", - "谘" : "zi", - "淄" : "zi", - "髭" : "zi", - "孳" : "zi", - "粢" : "zi", - "趑" : "zi", - "觜" : "zui", - "缁" : "zi", - "鲻" : "zi", - "嵫" : "zi", - "笫" : "zi", - "耔" : "zi", - "腙" : "zong", - "偬" : "zong", - "诹" : "zou", - "陬" : "zou", - "鄹" : "zou", - "驺" : "zou", - "鲰" : "zou", - "菹" : "ju", - "镞" : "zu", - "躜" : "zuan", - "缵" : "zuan", - "蕞" : "zui", - "撙" : "zun", - "胙" : "zuo", - "阿" : "a", - "阿" : "e", - "柏" : "bai", - "蚌" : "beng", - "薄" : "bo", - "堡" : "bao", - "呗" : "bei", - "贲" : "ben", - "臂" : "bi", - "瘪" : "bie", - "槟" : "bin", - "剥" : "bo", - "伯" : "bo", - "卜" : "bu", - "参" : "can", - "嚓" : "ca", - "差" : "cha", - "孱" : "chan", - "绰" : "chuo", - "称" : "cheng", - "澄" : "cheng", - "大" : "da", - "单" : "dan", - "得" : "de", - "的" : "de", - "地" : "di", - "都" : "dou", - "读" : "du", - "度" : "du", - "蹲" : "dun", - "佛" : "fo", - "伽" : "jia", - "盖" : "gai", - "镐" : "hao", - "给" : "gei", - "呱" : "gua", - "氿" : "jiu", - "桧" : "hui", - "掴" : "guo", - "蛤" : "ha", - "还" : "hai", - "和" : "he", - "核" : "he", - "哼" : "heng", - "鹄" : "hu", - "划" : "hua", - "夹" : "jia", - "贾" : "jia", - "芥" : "jie", - "劲" : "jin", - "荆" : "jing", - "颈" : "jing", - "貉" : "he", - "吖" : "a", - "啊" : "a", - "锕" : "a", - "哎" : "ai", - "哀" : "ai", - "埃" : "ai", - "唉" : "ai", - "欸" : "ai", - "锿" : "ai", - "挨" : "ai", - "皑" : "ai", - "癌" : "ai", - "毐" : "ai", - "矮" : "ai", - "蔼" : "ai", - "霭" : "ai", - "砹" : "ai", - "爱" : "ai", - "隘" : "ai", - "碍" : "ai", - "嗳" : "ai", - "嫒" : "ai", - "叆" : "ai", - "暧" : "ai", - "安" : "an", - "桉" : "an", - "氨" : "an", - "庵" : "an", - "谙" : "an", - "鹌" : "an", - "鞍" : "an", - "俺" : "an", - "埯" : "an", - "唵" : "an", - "铵" : "an", - "揞" : "an", - "岸" : "an", - "按" : "an", - "胺" : "an", - "案" : "an", - "暗" : "an", - "黯" : "an", - "玵" : "an", - "肮" : "ang", - "昂" : "ang", - "盎" : "ang", - "凹" : "ao", - "敖" : "ao", - "遨" : "ao", - "嗷" : "ao", - "獒" : "ao", - "熬" : "ao", - "聱" : "ao", - "螯" : "ao", - "翱" : "ao", - "謷" : "ao", - "鏖" : "ao", - "袄" : "ao", - "媪" : "ao", - "坳" : "ao", - "傲" : "ao", - "奥" : "ao", - "骜" : "ao", - "澳" : "ao", - "懊" : "ao", - "八" : "ba", - "巴" : "ba", - "叭" : "ba", - "芭" : "ba", - "疤" : "ba", - "捌" : "ba", - "笆" : "ba", - "粑" : "ba", - "拔" : "ba", - "茇" : "ba", - "妭" : "ba", - "菝" : "ba", - "跋" : "ba", - "魃" : "ba", - "把" : "ba", - "靶" : "ba", - "坝" : "ba", - "爸" : "ba", - "罢" : "ba", - "霸" : "ba", - "灞" : "ba", - "吧" : "ba", - "钯" : "ba", - "掰" : "bai", - "白" : "bai", - "百" : "bai", - "佰" : "bai", - "捭" : "bai", - "摆" : "bai", - "败" : "bai", - "拜" : "bai", - "稗" : "bai", - "扳" : "ban", - "攽" : "ban", - "班" : "ban", - "般" : "ban", - "颁" : "ban", - "斑" : "ban", - "搬" : "ban", - "瘢" : "ban", - "阪" : "ban", - "坂" : "ban", - "板" : "ban", - "版" : "ban", - "钣" : "ban", - "舨" : "ban", - "办" : "ban", - "半" : "ban", - "伴" : "ban", - "拌" : "ban", - "绊" : "ban", - "瓣" : "ban", - "扮" : "ban", - "邦" : "bang", - "帮" : "bang", - "梆" : "bang", - "浜" : "bang", - "绑" : "bang", - "榜" : "bang", - "棒" : "bang", - "傍" : "bang", - "谤" : "bang", - "蒡" : "bang", - "镑" : "bang", - "包" : "bao", - "苞" : "bao", - "孢" : "bao", - "胞" : "bao", - "龅" : "bao", - "煲" : "bao", - "褒" : "bao", - "雹" : "bao", - "饱" : "bao", - "宝" : "bao", - "保" : "bao", - "鸨" : "bao", - "葆" : "bao", - "褓" : "bao", - "报" : "bao", - "抱" : "bao", - "趵" : "bao", - "豹" : "bao", - "鲍" : "bao", - "暴" : "bao", - "爆" : "bao", - "枹" : "bao", - "杯" : "bei", - "卑" : "bei", - "悲" : "bei", - "碑" : "bei", - "北" : "bei", - "贝" : "bei", - "狈" : "bei", - "备" : "bei", - "背" : "bei", - "钡" : "bei", - "倍" : "bei", - "悖" : "bei", - "被" : "bei", - "辈" : "bei", - "惫" : "bei", - "焙" : "bei", - "蓓" : "bei", - "碚" : "bei", - "褙" : "bei", - "别" : "bei", - "蹩" : "bei", - "椑" : "bei", - "奔" : "ben", - "倴" : "ben", - "犇" : "ben", - "锛" : "ben", - "本" : "ben", - "苯" : "ben", - "坌" : "ben", - "笨" : "ben", - "崩" : "beng", - "绷" : "beng", - "嘣" : "beng", - "甭" : "beng", - "泵" : "beng", - "迸" : "beng", - "镚" : "beng", - "蹦" : "beng", - "屄" : "bi", - "逼" : "bi", - "荸" : "bi", - "鼻" : "bi", - "匕" : "bi", - "比" : "bi", - "吡" : "bi", - "沘" : "bi", - "妣" : "bi", - "彼" : "bi", - "秕" : "bi", - "笔" : "bi", - "俾" : "bi", - "鄙" : "bi", - "币" : "bi", - "必" : "bi", - "毕" : "bi", - "闭" : "bi", - "庇" : "bi", - "诐" : "bi", - "苾" : "bi", - "荜" : "bi", - "毖" : "bi", - "哔" : "bi", - "陛" : "bi", - "毙" : "bi", - "铋" : "bi", - "狴" : "bi", - "萆" : "bi", - "梐" : "bi", - "敝" : "bi", - "婢" : "bi", - "赑" : "bi", - "愎" : "bi", - "弼" : "bi", - "蓖" : "bi", - "痹" : "bi", - "滗" : "bi", - "碧" : "bi", - "蔽" : "bi", - "馝" : "bi", - "弊" : "bi", - "薜" : "bi", - "篦" : "bi", - "壁" : "bi", - "避" : "bi", - "髀" : "bi", - "璧" : "bi", - "芘" : "bi", - "边" : "bian", - "砭" : "bian", - "萹" : "bian", - "编" : "bian", - "煸" : "bian", - "蝙" : "bian", - "鳊" : "bian", - "鞭" : "bian", - "贬" : "bian", - "匾" : "bian", - "褊" : "bian", - "藊" : "bian", - "卞" : "bian", - "抃" : "bian", - "苄" : "bian", - "汴" : "bian", - "忭" : "bian", - "变" : "bian", - "遍" : "bian", - "辨" : "bian", - "辩" : "bian", - "辫" : "bian", - "标" : "biao", - "骉" : "biao", - "彪" : "biao", - "摽" : "biao", - "膘" : "biao", - "飙" : "biao", - "镖" : "biao", - "瀌" : "biao", - "镳" : "biao", - "表" : "biao", - "婊" : "biao", - "裱" : "biao", - "鳔" : "biao", - "憋" : "bie", - "鳖" : "bie", - "宾" : "bin", - "彬" : "bin", - "傧" : "bin", - "滨" : "bin", - "缤" : "bin", - "濒" : "bin", - "摈" : "bin", - "殡" : "bin", - "髌" : "bin", - "鬓" : "bin", - "冰" : "bing", - "兵" : "bing", - "丙" : "bing", - "邴" : "bing", - "秉" : "bing", - "柄" : "bing", - "饼" : "bing", - "炳" : "bing", - "禀" : "bing", - "并" : "bing", - "病" : "bing", - "摒" : "bing", - "拨" : "bo", - "波" : "bo", - "玻" : "bo", - "钵" : "bo", - "饽" : "bo", - "袯" : "bo", - "菠" : "bo", - "播" : "bo", - "驳" : "bo", - "帛" : "bo", - "勃" : "bo", - "钹" : "bo", - "铂" : "bo", - "亳" : "bo", - "舶" : "bo", - "脖" : "bo", - "博" : "bo", - "鹁" : "bo", - "渤" : "bo", - "搏" : "bo", - "馎" : "bo", - "箔" : "bo", - "膊" : "bo", - "踣" : "bo", - "馞" : "bo", - "礴" : "bo", - "跛" : "bo", - "檗" : "bo", - "擘" : "bo", - "簸" : "bo", - "啵" : "bo", - "蕃" : "bo", - "哱" : "bo", - "卟" : "bu", - "补" : "bu", - "捕" : "bu", - "哺" : "bu", - "不" : "bu", - "布" : "bu", - "步" : "bu", - "怖" : "bu", - "钚" : "bu", - "部" : "bu", - "埠" : "bu", - "簿" : "bu", - "擦" : "ca", - "猜" : "cai", - "才" : "cai", - "材" : "cai", - "财" : "cai", - "裁" : "cai", - "采" : "cai", - "彩" : "cai", - "睬" : "cai", - "踩" : "cai", - "菜" : "cai", - "蔡" : "cai", - "餐" : "can", - "残" : "can", - "蚕" : "can", - "惭" : "can", - "惨" : "can", - "黪" : "can", - "灿" : "can", - "粲" : "can", - "璨" : "can", - "穇" : "can", - "仓" : "cang", - "伧" : "cang", - "苍" : "cang", - "沧" : "cang", - "舱" : "cang", - "操" : "cao", - "糙" : "cao", - "曹" : "cao", - "嘈" : "cao", - "漕" : "cao", - "槽" : "cao", - "螬" : "cao", - "草" : "cao", - "册" : "ce", - "厕" : "ce", - "测" : "ce", - "恻" : "ce", - "策" : "ce", - "岑" : "cen", - "涔" : "cen", - "噌" : "ceng", - "层" : "ceng", - "嶒" : "ceng", - "蹭" : "ceng", - "叉" : "cha", - "杈" : "cha", - "插" : "cha", - "馇" : "cha", - "锸" : "cha", - "茬" : "cha", - "茶" : "cha", - "搽" : "cha", - "嵖" : "cha", - "猹" : "cha", - "槎" : "cha", - "碴" : "cha", - "察" : "cha", - "檫" : "cha", - "衩" : "cha", - "镲" : "cha", - "汊" : "cha", - "岔" : "cha", - "侘" : "cha", - "诧" : "cha", - "姹" : "cha", - "蹅" : "cha", - "拆" : "chai", - "钗" : "chai", - "侪" : "chai", - "柴" : "chai", - "豺" : "chai", - "虿" : "chai", - "茝" : "chai", - "觇" : "chan", - "掺" : "chan", - "搀" : "chan", - "襜" : "chan", - "谗" : "chan", - "婵" : "chan", - "馋" : "chan", - "缠" : "chan", - "蝉" : "chan", - "潺" : "chan", - "蟾" : "chan", - "巉" : "chan", - "产" : "chan", - "浐" : "chan", - "谄" : "chan", - "铲" : "chan", - "阐" : "chan", - "蒇" : "chan", - "骣" : "chan", - "冁" : "chan", - "忏" : "chan", - "颤" : "chan", - "羼" : "chan", - "韂" : "chan", - "伥" : "chang", - "昌" : "chang", - "菖" : "chang", - "猖" : "chang", - "娼" : "chang", - "肠" : "chang", - "尝" : "chang", - "常" : "chang", - "偿" : "chang", - "徜" : "chang", - "嫦" : "chang", - "厂" : "chang", - "场" : "chang", - "昶" : "chang", - "惝" : "chang", - "敞" : "chang", - "怅" : "chang", - "畅" : "chang", - "倡" : "chang", - "唱" : "chang", - "裳" : "chang", - "抄" : "chao", - "怊" : "chao", - "钞" : "chao", - "超" : "chao", - "晁" : "chao", - "巢" : "chao", - "嘲" : "chao", - "潮" : "chao", - "吵" : "chao", - "炒" : "chao", - "耖" : "chao", - "砗" : "che", - "扯" : "che", - "彻" : "che", - "坼" : "che", - "掣" : "che", - "撤" : "che", - "澈" : "che", - "瞮" : "che", - "抻" : "chen", - "郴" : "chen", - "嗔" : "chen", - "瞋" : "chen", - "臣" : "chen", - "尘" : "chen", - "辰" : "chen", - "沉" : "chen", - "忱" : "chen", - "陈" : "chen", - "宸" : "chen", - "晨" : "chen", - "谌" : "chen", - "碜" : "chen", - "衬" : "chen", - "龀" : "chen", - "趁" : "chen", - "柽" : "cheng", - "琤" : "cheng", - "撑" : "cheng", - "瞠" : "cheng", - "成" : "cheng", - "丞" : "cheng", - "呈" : "cheng", - "诚" : "cheng", - "承" : "cheng", - "城" : "cheng", - "铖" : "cheng", - "程" : "cheng", - "惩" : "cheng", - "酲" : "cheng", - "橙" : "cheng", - "逞" : "cheng", - "骋" : "cheng", - "秤" : "cheng", - "铛" : "cheng", - "樘" : "cheng", - "吃" : "chi", - "哧" : "chi", - "鸱" : "chi", - "蚩" : "chi", - "笞" : "chi", - "嗤" : "chi", - "痴" : "chi", - "媸" : "chi", - "魑" : "chi", - "池" : "chi", - "弛" : "chi", - "驰" : "chi", - "迟" : "chi", - "茌" : "chi", - "持" : "chi", - "踟" : "chi", - "尺" : "chi", - "齿" : "chi", - "侈" : "chi", - "耻" : "chi", - "豉" : "chi", - "褫" : "chi", - "彳" : "chi", - "叱" : "chi", - "斥" : "chi", - "赤" : "chi", - "饬" : "chi", - "炽" : "chi", - "翅" : "chi", - "敕" : "chi", - "啻" : "chi", - "傺" : "chi", - "匙" : "chi", - "冲" : "chong", - "充" : "chong", - "忡" : "chong", - "茺" : "chong", - "舂" : "chong", - "憧" : "chong", - "艟" : "chong", - "虫" : "chong", - "崇" : "chong", - "宠" : "chong", - "铳" : "chong", - "抽" : "chou", - "瘳" : "chou", - "惆" : "chou", - "绸" : "chou", - "畴" : "chou", - "酬" : "chou", - "稠" : "chou", - "愁" : "chou", - "筹" : "chou", - "踌" : "chou", - "丑" : "chou", - "瞅" : "chou", - "出" : "chu", - "初" : "chu", - "樗" : "chu", - "刍" : "chu", - "除" : "chu", - "厨" : "chu", - "锄" : "chu", - "滁" : "chu", - "蜍" : "chu", - "雏" : "chu", - "橱" : "chu", - "躇" : "chu", - "蹰" : "chu", - "杵" : "chu", - "础" : "chu", - "储" : "chu", - "楚" : "chu", - "褚" : "chu", - "亍" : "chu", - "处" : "chu", - "怵" : "chu", - "绌" : "chu", - "搐" : "chu", - "触" : "chu", - "憷" : "chu", - "黜" : "chu", - "矗" : "chu", - "揣" : "chuai", - "搋" : "chuai", - "膗" : "chuai", - "踹" : "chuai", - "川" : "chuan", - "氚" : "chuan", - "穿" : "chuan", - "舡" : "chuan", - "船" : "chuan", - "遄" : "chuan", - "椽" : "chuan", - "舛" : "chuan", - "喘" : "chuan", - "串" : "chuan", - "钏" : "chuan", - "疮" : "chuang", - "窗" : "chuang", - "床" : "chuang", - "闯" : "chuang", - "创" : "chuang", - "怆" : "chuang", - "吹" : "chui", - "炊" : "chui", - "垂" : "chui", - "陲" : "chui", - "捶" : "chui", - "棰" : "chui", - "槌" : "chui", - "锤" : "chui", - "春" : "chun", - "瑃" : "chun", - "椿" : "chun", - "蝽" : "chun", - "纯" : "chun", - "莼" : "chun", - "唇" : "chun", - "淳" : "chun", - "鹑" : "chun", - "醇" : "chun", - "蠢" : "chun", - "踔" : "chuo", - "戳" : "chuo", - "啜" : "chuo", - "惙" : "chuo", - "辍" : "chuo", - "龊" : "chuo", - "歠" : "chuo", - "疵" : "ci", - "词" : "ci", - "茈" : "ci", - "茨" : "ci", - "祠" : "ci", - "瓷" : "ci", - "辞" : "ci", - "慈" : "ci", - "磁" : "ci", - "雌" : "ci", - "鹚" : "ci", - "糍" : "ci", - "此" : "ci", - "泚" : "ci", - "跐" : "ci", - "次" : "ci", - "刺" : "ci", - "佽" : "ci", - "赐" : "ci", - "匆" : "cong", - "苁" : "cong", - "囱" : "cong", - "枞" : "cong", - "葱" : "cong", - "骢" : "cong", - "聪" : "cong", - "从" : "cong", - "丛" : "cong", - "淙" : "cong", - "悰" : "cong", - "琮" : "cong", - "凑" : "cou", - "辏" : "cou", - "腠" : "cou", - "粗" : "cu", - "徂" : "cu", - "殂" : "cu", - "促" : "cu", - "猝" : "cu", - "蔟" : "cu", - "醋" : "cu", - "踧" : "cu", - "簇" : "cu", - "蹙" : "cu", - "蹴" : "cu", - "汆" : "cuan", - "撺" : "cuan", - "镩" : "cuan", - "蹿" : "cuan", - "窜" : "cuan", - "篡" : "cuan", - "崔" : "cui", - "催" : "cui", - "摧" : "cui", - "璀" : "cui", - "脆" : "cui", - "萃" : "cui", - "啐" : "cui", - "淬" : "cui", - "悴" : "cui", - "毳" : "cui", - "瘁" : "cui", - "粹" : "cui", - "翠" : "cui", - "村" : "cun", - "皴" : "cun", - "存" : "cun", - "忖" : "cun", - "寸" : "cun", - "吋" : "cun", - "搓" : "cuo", - "磋" : "cuo", - "蹉" : "cuo", - "嵯" : "cuo", - "矬" : "cuo", - "痤" : "cuo", - "脞" : "cuo", - "挫" : "cuo", - "莝" : "cuo", - "厝" : "cuo", - "措" : "cuo", - "锉" : "cuo", - "错" : "cuo", - "酇" : "cuo", - "咑" : "da", - "垯" : "da", - "耷" : "da", - "搭" : "da", - "褡" : "da", - "达" : "da", - "怛" : "da", - "妲" : "da", - "荙" : "da", - "笪" : "da", - "答" : "da", - "跶" : "da", - "靼" : "da", - "瘩" : "da", - "鞑" : "da", - "打" : "da", - "呆" : "dai", - "歹" : "dai", - "逮" : "dai", - "傣" : "dai", - "代" : "dai", - "岱" : "dai", - "迨" : "dai", - "玳" : "dai", - "带" : "dai", - "殆" : "dai", - "贷" : "dai", - "待" : "dai", - "怠" : "dai", - "袋" : "dai", - "叇" : "dai", - "戴" : "dai", - "黛" : "dai", - "襶" : "dai", - "呔" : "dai", - "丹" : "dan", - "担" : "dan", - "眈" : "dan", - "耽" : "dan", - "郸" : "dan", - "聃" : "dan", - "殚" : "dan", - "瘅" : "dan", - "箪" : "dan", - "儋" : "dan", - "胆" : "dan", - "疸" : "dan", - "掸" : "dan", - "亶" : "dan", - "旦" : "dan", - "但" : "dan", - "诞" : "dan", - "萏" : "dan", - "啖" : "dan", - "淡" : "dan", - "惮" : "dan", - "蛋" : "dan", - "氮" : "dan", - "赕" : "dan", - "当" : "dang", - "裆" : "dang", - "挡" : "dang", - "档" : "dang", - "党" : "dang", - "谠" : "dang", - "凼" : "dang", - "砀" : "dang", - "宕" : "dang", - "荡" : "dang", - "菪" : "dang", - "刀" : "dao", - "忉" : "dao", - "氘" : "dao", - "舠" : "dao", - "导" : "dao", - "岛" : "dao", - "捣" : "dao", - "倒" : "dao", - "捯" : "dao", - "祷" : "dao", - "蹈" : "dao", - "到" : "dao", - "盗" : "dao", - "悼" : "dao", - "道" : "dao", - "稻" : "dao", - "焘" : "dao", - "锝" : "de", - "嘚" : "de", - "德" : "de", - "扽" : "den", - "灯" : "deng", - "登" : "deng", - "噔" : "deng", - "蹬" : "deng", - "等" : "deng", - "戥" : "deng", - "邓" : "deng", - "僜" : "deng", - "凳" : "deng", - "嶝" : "deng", - "磴" : "deng", - "瞪" : "deng", - "镫" : "deng", - "低" : "di", - "羝" : "di", - "堤" : "di", - "嘀" : "di", - "滴" : "di", - "狄" : "di", - "迪" : "di", - "籴" : "di", - "荻" : "di", - "敌" : "di", - "涤" : "di", - "笛" : "di", - "觌" : "di", - "嫡" : "di", - "镝" : "di", - "氐" : "di", - "邸" : "di", - "诋" : "di", - "抵" : "di", - "底" : "di", - "柢" : "di", - "砥" : "di", - "骶" : "di", - "玓" : "di", - "弟" : "di", - "帝" : "di", - "递" : "di", - "娣" : "di", - "第" : "di", - "谛" : "di", - "蒂" : "di", - "棣" : "di", - "睇" : "di", - "缔" : "di", - "碲" : "di", - "嗲" : "dia", - "掂" : "dian", - "滇" : "dian", - "颠" : "dian", - "巅" : "dian", - "癫" : "dian", - "典" : "dian", - "点" : "dian", - "碘" : "dian", - "踮" : "dian", - "电" : "dian", - "甸" : "dian", - "阽" : "dian", - "坫" : "dian", - "店" : "dian", - "玷" : "dian", - "垫" : "dian", - "钿" : "dian", - "淀" : "dian", - "惦" : "dian", - "奠" : "dian", - "殿" : "dian", - "靛" : "dian", - "刁" : "diao", - "叼" : "diao", - "汈" : "diao", - "凋" : "diao", - "貂" : "diao", - "碉" : "diao", - "雕" : "diao", - "鲷" : "diao", - "屌" : "diao", - "吊" : "diao", - "钓" : "diao", - "窎" : "diao", - "掉" : "diao", - "铫" : "diao", - "爹" : "die", - "跌" : "die", - "迭" : "die", - "谍" : "die", - "耋" : "die", - "喋" : "die", - "牒" : "die", - "叠" : "die", - "碟" : "die", - "嵽" : "die", - "蝶" : "die", - "蹀" : "die", - "鲽" : "die", - "仃" : "ding", - "叮" : "ding", - "玎" : "ding", - "盯" : "ding", - "町" : "ding", - "耵" : "ding", - "顶" : "ding", - "酊" : "ding", - "鼎" : "ding", - "订" : "ding", - "钉" : "ding", - "定" : "ding", - "啶" : "ding", - "腚" : "ding", - "碇" : "ding", - "锭" : "ding", - "丢" : "diu", - "铥" : "diu", - "东" : "dong", - "冬" : "dong", - "咚" : "dong", - "氡" : "dong", - "鸫" : "dong", - "董" : "dong", - "懂" : "dong", - "动" : "dong", - "冻" : "dong", - "侗" : "dong", - "栋" : "dong", - "胨" : "dong", - "洞" : "dong", - "胴" : "dong", - "兜" : "dou", - "蔸" : "dou", - "篼" : "dou", - "抖" : "dou", - "陡" : "dou", - "蚪" : "dou", - "斗" : "dou", - "豆" : "dou", - "逗" : "dou", - "痘" : "dou", - "窦" : "dou", - "督" : "du", - "嘟" : "du", - "毒" : "du", - "独" : "du", - "渎" : "du", - "椟" : "du", - "犊" : "du", - "牍" : "du", - "黩" : "du", - "髑" : "du", - "厾" : "du", - "笃" : "du", - "堵" : "du", - "赌" : "du", - "睹" : "du", - "杜" : "du", - "肚" : "du", - "妒" : "du", - "渡" : "du", - "镀" : "du", - "蠹" : "du", - "端" : "duan", - "短" : "duan", - "段" : "duan", - "断" : "duan", - "缎" : "duan", - "椴" : "duan", - "锻" : "duan", - "簖" : "duan", - "堆" : "dui", - "队" : "dui", - "对" : "dui", - "兑" : "dui", - "怼" : "dui", - "憝" : "dui", - "吨" : "dun", - "惇" : "dun", - "敦" : "dun", - "墩" : "dun", - "礅" : "dun", - "盹" : "dun", - "趸" : "dun", - "沌" : "dun", - "炖" : "dun", - "砘" : "dun", - "钝" : "dun", - "盾" : "dun", - "顿" : "dun", - "遁" : "dun", - "多" : "duo", - "咄" : "duo", - "哆" : "duo", - "掇" : "duo", - "裰" : "duo", - "夺" : "duo", - "踱" : "duo", - "朵" : "duo", - "垛" : "duo", - "哚" : "duo", - "躲" : "duo", - "亸" : "duo", - "剁" : "duo", - "舵" : "duo", - "堕" : "duo", - "惰" : "duo", - "跺" : "duo", - "屙" : "e", - "婀" : "e", - "讹" : "e", - "囮" : "e", - "俄" : "e", - "莪" : "e", - "峨" : "e", - "娥" : "e", - "锇" : "e", - "鹅" : "e", - "蛾" : "e", - "额" : "e", - "厄" : "e", - "扼" : "e", - "苊" : "e", - "呃" : "e", - "垩" : "e", - "饿" : "e", - "鄂" : "e", - "谔" : "e", - "萼" : "e", - "遏" : "e", - "愕" : "e", - "腭" : "e", - "颚" : "e", - "噩" : "e", - "鳄" : "e", - "恩" : "en", - "蒽" : "en", - "摁" : "en", - "鞥" : "eng", - "儿" : "er", - "而" : "er", - "鸸" : "er", - "尔" : "er", - "耳" : "er", - "迩" : "er", - "饵" : "er", - "洱" : "er", - "铒" : "er", - "二" : "er", - "贰" : "er", - "发" : "fa", - "乏" : "fa", - "伐" : "fa", - "罚" : "fa", - "垡" : "fa", - "阀" : "fa", - "筏" : "fa", - "法" : "fa", - "砝" : "fa", - "珐" : "fa", - "帆" : "fan", - "幡" : "fan", - "藩" : "fan", - "翻" : "fan", - "凡" : "fan", - "矾" : "fan", - "钒" : "fan", - "烦" : "fan", - "樊" : "fan", - "燔" : "fan", - "繁" : "fan", - "蹯" : "fan", - "蘩" : "fan", - "反" : "fan", - "返" : "fan", - "犯" : "fan", - "饭" : "fan", - "泛" : "fan", - "范" : "fan", - "贩" : "fan", - "畈" : "fan", - "梵" : "fan", - "方" : "fang", - "邡" : "fang", - "坊" : "fang", - "芳" : "fang", - "枋" : "fang", - "钫" : "fang", - "防" : "fang", - "妨" : "fang", - "肪" : "fang", - "房" : "fang", - "鲂" : "fang", - "仿" : "fang", - "访" : "fang", - "纺" : "fang", - "舫" : "fang", - "放" : "fang", - "飞" : "fei", - "妃" : "fei", - "非" : "fei", - "菲" : "fei", - "啡" : "fei", - "绯" : "fei", - "扉" : "fei", - "肥" : "fei", - "淝" : "fei", - "腓" : "fei", - "匪" : "fei", - "诽" : "fei", - "悱" : "fei", - "棐" : "fei", - "斐" : "fei", - "榧" : "fei", - "翡" : "fei", - "篚" : "fei", - "吠" : "fei", - "肺" : "fei", - "狒" : "fei", - "废" : "fei", - "沸" : "fei", - "费" : "fei", - "痱" : "fei", - "镄" : "fei", - "分" : "fen", - "芬" : "fen", - "吩" : "fen", - "纷" : "fen", - "氛" : "fen", - "酚" : "fen", - "坟" : "fen", - "汾" : "fen", - "棼" : "fen", - "焚" : "fen", - "鼢" : "fen", - "粉" : "fen", - "份" : "fen", - "奋" : "fen", - "忿" : "fen", - "偾" : "fen", - "粪" : "fen", - "愤" : "fen", - "丰" : "feng", - "风" : "feng", - "沣" : "feng", - "枫" : "feng", - "封" : "feng", - "砜" : "feng", - "疯" : "feng", - "峰" : "feng", - "烽" : "feng", - "葑" : "feng", - "锋" : "feng", - "蜂" : "feng", - "酆" : "feng", - "冯" : "feng", - "逢" : "feng", - "缝" : "feng", - "讽" : "feng", - "唪" : "feng", - "凤" : "feng", - "奉" : "feng", - "俸" : "feng", - "缶" : "fou", - "夫" : "fu", - "呋" : "fu", - "肤" : "fu", - "麸" : "fu", - "跗" : "fu", - "稃" : "fu", - "孵" : "fu", - "敷" : "fu", - "弗" : "fu", - "伏" : "fu", - "凫" : "fu", - "扶" : "fu", - "芙" : "fu", - "孚" : "fu", - "拂" : "fu", - "苻" : "fu", - "服" : "fu", - "怫" : "fu", - "茯" : "fu", - "氟" : "fu", - "俘" : "fu", - "浮" : "fu", - "符" : "fu", - "匐" : "fu", - "涪" : "fu", - "艴" : "fu", - "幅" : "fu", - "辐" : "fu", - "蜉" : "fu", - "福" : "fu", - "蝠" : "fu", - "抚" : "fu", - "甫" : "fu", - "拊" : "fu", - "斧" : "fu", - "府" : "fu", - "俯" : "fu", - "釜" : "fu", - "辅" : "fu", - "腑" : "fu", - "腐" : "fu", - "父" : "fu", - "讣" : "fu", - "付" : "fu", - "负" : "fu", - "妇" : "fu", - "附" : "fu", - "咐" : "fu", - "阜" : "fu", - "驸" : "fu", - "赴" : "fu", - "复" : "fu", - "副" : "fu", - "赋" : "fu", - "傅" : "fu", - "富" : "fu", - "腹" : "fu", - "缚" : "fu", - "赙" : "fu", - "蝮" : "fu", - "覆" : "fu", - "馥" : "fu", - "袱" : "fu", - "旮" : "ga", - "嘎" : "ga", - "钆" : "ga", - "尜" : "ga", - "尕" : "ga", - "尬" : "ga", - "该" : "gai", - "垓" : "gai", - "荄" : "gai", - "赅" : "gai", - "改" : "gai", - "丐" : "gai", - "钙" : "gai", - "溉" : "gai", - "概" : "gai", - "甘" : "gan", - "玕" : "gan", - "肝" : "gan", - "坩" : "gan", - "苷" : "gan", - "矸" : "gan", - "泔" : "gan", - "柑" : "gan", - "竿" : "gan", - "酐" : "gan", - "疳" : "gan", - "尴" : "gan", - "杆" : "gan", - "秆" : "gan", - "赶" : "gan", - "敢" : "gan", - "感" : "gan", - "澉" : "gan", - "橄" : "gan", - "擀" : "gan", - "干" : "gan", - "旰" : "gan", - "绀" : "gan", - "淦" : "gan", - "骭" : "gan", - "赣" : "gan", - "冈" : "gang", - "冮" : "gang", - "刚" : "gang", - "肛" : "gang", - "纲" : "gang", - "钢" : "gang", - "缸" : "gang", - "罡" : "gang", - "岗" : "gang", - "港" : "gang", - "杠" : "gang", - "皋" : "gao", - "高" : "gao", - "羔" : "gao", - "睾" : "gao", - "膏" : "gao", - "篙" : "gao", - "糕" : "gao", - "杲" : "gao", - "搞" : "gao", - "槁" : "gao", - "稿" : "gao", - "告" : "gao", - "郜" : "gao", - "诰" : "gao", - "锆" : "gao", - "戈" : "ge", - "圪" : "ge", - "纥" : "ge", - "疙" : "ge", - "哥" : "ge", - "胳" : "ge", - "鸽" : "ge", - "袼" : "ge", - "搁" : "ge", - "割" : "ge", - "歌" : "ge", - "革" : "ge", - "阁" : "ge", - "格" : "ge", - "隔" : "ge", - "嗝" : "ge", - "膈" : "ge", - "骼" : "ge", - "镉" : "ge", - "舸" : "ge", - "葛" : "ge", - "个" : "ge", - "各" : "ge", - "虼" : "ge", - "硌" : "ge", - "铬" : "ge", - "根" : "gen", - "跟" : "gen", - "哏" : "gen", - "亘" : "gen", - "艮" : "gen", - "茛" : "gen", - "庚" : "geng", - "耕" : "geng", - "浭" : "geng", - "赓" : "geng", - "羹" : "geng", - "埂" : "geng", - "耿" : "geng", - "哽" : "geng", - "绠" : "geng", - "梗" : "geng", - "鲠" : "geng", - "更" : "geng", - "工" : "gong", - "弓" : "gong", - "公" : "gong", - "功" : "gong", - "攻" : "gong", - "肱" : "gong", - "宫" : "gong", - "恭" : "gong", - "蚣" : "gong", - "躬" : "gong", - "龚" : "gong", - "塨" : "gong", - "觥" : "gong", - "巩" : "gong", - "汞" : "gong", - "拱" : "gong", - "珙" : "gong", - "共" : "gong", - "贡" : "gong", - "供" : "gong", - "勾" : "gou", - "佝" : "gou", - "沟" : "gou", - "钩" : "gou", - "篝" : "gou", - "苟" : "gou", - "岣" : "gou", - "狗" : "gou", - "枸" : "gou", - "构" : "gou", - "购" : "gou", - "诟" : "gou", - "垢" : "gou", - "够" : "gou", - "彀" : "gou", - "媾" : "gou", - "觏" : "gou", - "估" : "gu", - "咕" : "gu", - "沽" : "gu", - "孤" : "gu", - "姑" : "gu", - "轱" : "gu", - "鸪" : "gu", - "菰" : "gu", - "菇" : "gu", - "蛄" : "gu", - "蓇" : "gu", - "辜" : "gu", - "酤" : "gu", - "觚" : "gu", - "毂" : "gu", - "箍" : "gu", - "古" : "gu", - "谷" : "gu", - "汩" : "gu", - "诂" : "gu", - "股" : "gu", - "骨" : "gu", - "牯" : "gu", - "钴" : "gu", - "羖" : "gu", - "蛊" : "gu", - "鼓" : "gu", - "榾" : "gu", - "鹘" : "gu", - "臌" : "gu", - "瀔" : "gu", - "固" : "gu", - "故" : "gu", - "顾" : "gu", - "梏" : "gu", - "崮" : "gu", - "雇" : "gu", - "锢" : "gu", - "痼" : "gu", - "瓜" : "gua", - "刮" : "gua", - "胍" : "gua", - "鸹" : "gua", - "剐" : "gua", - "寡" : "gua", - "卦" : "gua", - "诖" : "gua", - "挂" : "gua", - "褂" : "gua", - "乖" : "guai", - "拐" : "guai", - "怪" : "guai", - "关" : "guan", - "观" : "guan", - "官" : "guan", - "倌" : "guan", - "蒄" : "guan", - "棺" : "guan", - "瘝" : "guan", - "鳏" : "guan", - "馆" : "guan", - "管" : "guan", - "贯" : "guan", - "冠" : "guan", - "掼" : "guan", - "惯" : "guan", - "祼" : "guan", - "盥" : "guan", - "灌" : "guan", - "瓘" : "guan", - "鹳" : "guan", - "罐" : "guan", - "琯" : "guan", - "光" : "guang", - "咣" : "guang", - "胱" : "guang", - "广" : "guang", - "犷" : "guang", - "桄" : "guang", - "逛" : "guang", - "归" : "gui", - "圭" : "gui", - "龟" : "gui", - "妫" : "gui", - "规" : "gui", - "皈" : "gui", - "闺" : "gui", - "硅" : "gui", - "瑰" : "gui", - "鲑" : "gui", - "宄" : "gui", - "轨" : "gui", - "庋" : "gui", - "匦" : "gui", - "诡" : "gui", - "鬼" : "gui", - "姽" : "gui", - "癸" : "gui", - "晷" : "gui", - "簋" : "gui", - "柜" : "gui", - "炅" : "gui", - "刿" : "gui", - "刽" : "gui", - "贵" : "gui", - "桂" : "gui", - "跪" : "gui", - "鳜" : "gui", - "衮" : "gun", - "绲" : "gun", - "辊" : "gun", - "滚" : "gun", - "磙" : "gun", - "鲧" : "gun", - "棍" : "gun", - "埚" : "guo", - "郭" : "guo", - "啯" : "guo", - "崞" : "guo", - "聒" : "guo", - "锅" : "guo", - "蝈" : "guo", - "国" : "guo", - "帼" : "guo", - "虢" : "guo", - "果" : "guo", - "椁" : "guo", - "蜾" : "guo", - "裹" : "guo", - "过" : "guo", - "哈" : "ha", - "铪" : "ha", - "孩" : "hai", - "骸" : "hai", - "胲" : "hai", - "海" : "hai", - "醢" : "hai", - "亥" : "hai", - "骇" : "hai", - "害" : "hai", - "嗐" : "hai", - "嗨" : "hai", - "顸" : "han", - "蚶" : "han", - "酣" : "han", - "憨" : "han", - "鼾" : "han", - "邗" : "han", - "邯" : "han", - "含" : "han", - "函" : "han", - "晗" : "han", - "焓" : "han", - "涵" : "han", - "韩" : "han", - "寒" : "han", - "罕" : "han", - "喊" : "han", - "蔊" : "han", - "汉" : "han", - "汗" : "han", - "旱" : "han", - "捍" : "han", - "悍" : "han", - "菡" : "han", - "焊" : "han", - "撖" : "han", - "撼" : "han", - "翰" : "han", - "憾" : "han", - "瀚" : "han", - "夯" : "hang", - "杭" : "hang", - "绗" : "hang", - "航" : "hang", - "沆" : "hang", - "蒿" : "hao", - "薅" : "hao", - "嚆" : "hao", - "蚝" : "hao", - "毫" : "hao", - "嗥" : "hao", - "豪" : "hao", - "壕" : "hao", - "嚎" : "hao", - "濠" : "hao", - "好" : "hao", - "郝" : "hao", - "号" : "hao", - "昊" : "hao", - "耗" : "hao", - "浩" : "hao", - "皓" : "hao", - "滈" : "hao", - "颢" : "hao", - "灏" : "hao", - "诃" : "he", - "呵" : "he", - "喝" : "he", - "嗬" : "he", - "禾" : "he", - "合" : "he", - "何" : "he", - "劾" : "he", - "河" : "he", - "曷" : "he", - "阂" : "he", - "盍" : "he", - "荷" : "he", - "菏" : "he", - "盒" : "he", - "涸" : "he", - "颌" : "he", - "阖" : "he", - "贺" : "he", - "赫" : "he", - "褐" : "he", - "鹤" : "he", - "壑" : "he", - "黑" : "hei", - "嘿" : "hei", - "痕" : "hen", - "很" : "hen", - "狠" : "hen", - "恨" : "hen", - "亨" : "heng", - "恒" : "heng", - "珩" : "heng", - "横" : "heng", - "衡" : "heng", - "蘅" : "heng", - "啈" : "heng", - "轰" : "hong", - "訇" : "hong", - "烘" : "hong", - "薨" : "hong", - "弘" : "hong", - "红" : "hong", - "闳" : "hong", - "宏" : "hong", - "荭" : "hong", - "虹" : "hong", - "竑" : "hong", - "洪" : "hong", - "鸿" : "hong", - "哄" : "hong", - "讧" : "hong", - "吽" : "hong", - "齁" : "hou", - "侯" : "hou", - "喉" : "hou", - "猴" : "hou", - "瘊" : "hou", - "骺" : "hou", - "篌" : "hou", - "糇" : "hou", - "吼" : "hou", - "后" : "hou", - "郈" : "hou", - "厚" : "hou", - "垕" : "hou", - "逅" : "hou", - "候" : "hou", - "堠" : "hou", - "鲎" : "hou", - "乎" : "hu", - "呼" : "hu", - "忽" : "hu", - "轷" : "hu", - "烀" : "hu", - "惚" : "hu", - "滹" : "hu", - "囫" : "hu", - "狐" : "hu", - "弧" : "hu", - "胡" : "hu", - "壶" : "hu", - "斛" : "hu", - "葫" : "hu", - "猢" : "hu", - "湖" : "hu", - "瑚" : "hu", - "鹕" : "hu", - "槲" : "hu", - "蝴" : "hu", - "糊" : "hu", - "醐" : "hu", - "觳" : "hu", - "虎" : "hu", - "唬" : "hu", - "琥" : "hu", - "互" : "hu", - "户" : "hu", - "冱" : "hu", - "护" : "hu", - "沪" : "hu", - "枑" : "hu", - "怙" : "hu", - "戽" : "hu", - "笏" : "hu", - "瓠" : "hu", - "扈" : "hu", - "鹱" : "hu", - "花" : "hua", - "砉" : "hua", - "华" : "hua", - "哗" : "hua", - "骅" : "hua", - "铧" : "hua", - "猾" : "hua", - "滑" : "hua", - "化" : "hua", - "画" : "hua", - "话" : "hua", - "桦" : "hua", - "婳" : "hua", - "觟" : "hua", - "怀" : "huai", - "徊" : "huai", - "淮" : "huai", - "槐" : "huai", - "踝" : "huai", - "耲" : "huai", - "坏" : "huai", - "欢" : "huan", - "獾" : "huan", - "环" : "huan", - "洹" : "huan", - "桓" : "huan", - "萑" : "huan", - "寰" : "huan", - "缳" : "huan", - "缓" : "huan", - "幻" : "huan", - "奂" : "huan", - "宦" : "huan", - "换" : "huan", - "唤" : "huan", - "涣" : "huan", - "浣" : "huan", - "患" : "huan", - "焕" : "huan", - "痪" : "huan", - "豢" : "huan", - "漶" : "huan", - "鲩" : "huan", - "擐" : "huan", - "肓" : "huang", - "荒" : "huang", - "塃" : "huang", - "慌" : "huang", - "皇" : "huang", - "黄" : "huang", - "凰" : "huang", - "隍" : "huang", - "喤" : "huang", - "遑" : "huang", - "徨" : "huang", - "湟" : "huang", - "惶" : "huang", - "媓" : "huang", - "煌" : "huang", - "锽" : "huang", - "潢" : "huang", - "璜" : "huang", - "蝗" : "huang", - "篁" : "huang", - "艎" : "huang", - "磺" : "huang", - "癀" : "huang", - "蟥" : "huang", - "簧" : "huang", - "鳇" : "huang", - "恍" : "huang", - "晃" : "huang", - "谎" : "huang", - "幌" : "huang", - "滉" : "huang", - "皝" : "huang", - "灰" : "hui", - "诙" : "hui", - "挥" : "hui", - "恢" : "hui", - "晖" : "hui", - "辉" : "hui", - "麾" : "hui", - "徽" : "hui", - "隳" : "hui", - "回" : "hui", - "茴" : "hui", - "洄" : "hui", - "蛔" : "hui", - "悔" : "hui", - "毁" : "hui", - "卉" : "hui", - "汇" : "hui", - "讳" : "hui", - "荟" : "hui", - "浍" : "hui", - "诲" : "hui", - "绘" : "hui", - "恚" : "hui", - "贿" : "hui", - "烩" : "hui", - "彗" : "hui", - "晦" : "hui", - "秽" : "hui", - "惠" : "hui", - "喙" : "hui", - "慧" : "hui", - "蕙" : "hui", - "蟪" : "hui", - "珲" : "hun", - "昏" : "hun", - "荤" : "hun", - "阍" : "hun", - "惛" : "hun", - "婚" : "hun", - "浑" : "hun", - "馄" : "hun", - "混" : "hun", - "魂" : "hun", - "诨" : "hun", - "溷" : "hun", - "耠" : "huo", - "劐" : "huo", - "豁" : "huo", - "活" : "huo", - "火" : "huo", - "伙" : "huo", - "钬" : "huo", - "夥" : "huo", - "或" : "huo", - "货" : "huo", - "获" : "huo", - "祸" : "huo", - "惑" : "huo", - "霍" : "huo", - "镬" : "huo", - "攉" : "huo", - "藿" : "huo", - "嚯" : "huo", - "讥" : "ji", - "击" : "ji", - "叽" : "ji", - "饥" : "ji", - "玑" : "ji", - "圾" : "ji", - "芨" : "ji", - "机" : "ji", - "乩" : "ji", - "肌" : "ji", - "矶" : "ji", - "鸡" : "ji", - "剞" : "ji", - "唧" : "ji", - "积" : "ji", - "笄" : "ji", - "屐" : "ji", - "姬" : "ji", - "基" : "ji", - "犄" : "ji", - "嵇" : "ji", - "畸" : "ji", - "跻" : "ji", - "箕" : "ji", - "齑" : "ji", - "畿" : "ji", - "墼" : "ji", - "激" : "ji", - "羁" : "ji", - "及" : "ji", - "吉" : "ji", - "岌" : "ji", - "汲" : "ji", - "级" : "ji", - "极" : "ji", - "即" : "ji", - "佶" : "ji", - "笈" : "ji", - "急" : "ji", - "疾" : "ji", - "棘" : "ji", - "集" : "ji", - "蒺" : "ji", - "楫" : "ji", - "辑" : "ji", - "嫉" : "ji", - "瘠" : "ji", - "藉" : "ji", - "籍" : "ji", - "几" : "ji", - "己" : "ji", - "虮" : "ji", - "挤" : "ji", - "脊" : "ji", - "掎" : "ji", - "戟" : "ji", - "麂" : "ji", - "计" : "ji", - "记" : "ji", - "伎" : "ji", - "纪" : "ji", - "技" : "ji", - "忌" : "ji", - "际" : "ji", - "妓" : "ji", - "季" : "ji", - "剂" : "ji", - "迹" : "ji", - "济" : "ji", - "既" : "ji", - "觊" : "ji", - "继" : "ji", - "偈" : "ji", - "祭" : "ji", - "悸" : "ji", - "寄" : "ji", - "寂" : "ji", - "绩" : "ji", - "暨" : "ji", - "稷" : "ji", - "鲫" : "ji", - "髻" : "ji", - "冀" : "ji", - "骥" : "ji", - "加" : "jia", - "佳" : "jia", - "枷" : "jia", - "浃" : "jia", - "痂" : "jia", - "家" : "jia", - "袈" : "jia", - "嘉" : "jia", - "镓" : "jia", - "荚" : "jia", - "戛" : "jia", - "颊" : "jia", - "甲" : "jia", - "胛" : "jia", - "钾" : "jia", - "假" : "jia", - "价" : "jia", - "驾" : "jia", - "架" : "jia", - "嫁" : "jia", - "稼" : "jia", - "戋" : "jian", - "尖" : "jian", - "奸" : "jian", - "歼" : "jian", - "坚" : "jian", - "间" : "jian", - "肩" : "jian", - "艰" : "jian", - "监" : "jian", - "兼" : "jian", - "菅" : "jian", - "笺" : "jian", - "缄" : "jian", - "煎" : "jian", - "拣" : "jian", - "茧" : "jian", - "柬" : "jian", - "俭" : "jian", - "捡" : "jian", - "检" : "jian", - "减" : "jian", - "剪" : "jian", - "睑" : "jian", - "简" : "jian", - "碱" : "jian", - "见" : "jian", - "件" : "jian", - "饯" : "jian", - "建" : "jian", - "荐" : "jian", - "贱" : "jian", - "剑" : "jian", - "健" : "jian", - "舰" : "jian", - "涧" : "jian", - "渐" : "jian", - "谏" : "jian", - "践" : "jian", - "锏" : "jian", - "毽" : "jian", - "腱" : "jian", - "溅" : "jian", - "鉴" : "jian", - "键" : "jian", - "僭" : "jian", - "箭" : "jian", - "江" : "jiang", - "将" : "jiang", - "姜" : "jiang", - "豇" : "jiang", - "浆" : "jiang", - "僵" : "jiang", - "缰" : "jiang", - "疆" : "jiang", - "讲" : "jiang", - "奖" : "jiang", - "桨" : "jiang", - "蒋" : "jiang", - "匠" : "jiang", - "酱" : "jiang", - "犟" : "jiang", - "糨" : "jiang", - "交" : "jiao", - "郊" : "jiao", - "浇" : "jiao", - "娇" : "jiao", - "姣" : "jiao", - "骄" : "jiao", - "胶" : "jiao", - "椒" : "jiao", - "蛟" : "jiao", - "焦" : "jiao", - "跤" : "jiao", - "蕉" : "jiao", - "礁" : "jiao", - "佼" : "jiao", - "狡" : "jiao", - "饺" : "jiao", - "绞" : "jiao", - "铰" : "jiao", - "矫" : "jiao", - "皎" : "jiao", - "脚" : "jiao", - "搅" : "jiao", - "剿" : "jiao", - "缴" : "jiao", - "叫" : "jiao", - "轿" : "jiao", - "较" : "jiao", - "教" : "jiao", - "窖" : "jiao", - "酵" : "jiao", - "侥" : "jiao", - "阶" : "jie", - "皆" : "jie", - "接" : "jie", - "秸" : "jie", - "揭" : "jie", - "嗟" : "jie", - "街" : "jie", - "孑" : "jie", - "节" : "jie", - "讦" : "jie", - "劫" : "jie", - "杰" : "jie", - "诘" : "jie", - "洁" : "jie", - "结" : "jie", - "捷" : "jie", - "睫" : "jie", - "截" : "jie", - "碣" : "jie", - "竭" : "jie", - "姐" : "jie", - "解" : "jie", - "介" : "jie", - "戒" : "jie", - "届" : "jie", - "界" : "jie", - "疥" : "jie", - "诫" : "jie", - "借" : "jie", - "巾" : "jin", - "斤" : "jin", - "今" : "jin", - "金" : "jin", - "津" : "jin", - "矜" : "jin", - "筋" : "jin", - "襟" : "jin", - "仅" : "jin", - "紧" : "jin", - "锦" : "jin", - "谨" : "jin", - "尽" : "jin", - "进" : "jin", - "近" : "jin", - "晋" : "jin", - "烬" : "jin", - "浸" : "jin", - "禁" : "jin", - "觐" : "jin", - "噤" : "jin", - "茎" : "jing", - "京" : "jing", - "泾" : "jing", - "经" : "jing", - "菁" : "jing", - "惊" : "jing", - "晶" : "jing", - "睛" : "jing", - "粳" : "jing", - "兢" : "jing", - "精" : "jing", - "鲸" : "jing", - "井" : "jing", - "阱" : "jing", - "刭" : "jing", - "景" : "jing", - "儆" : "jing", - "警" : "jing", - "径" : "jing", - "净" : "jing", - "痉" : "jing", - "竞" : "jing", - "竟" : "jing", - "敬" : "jing", - "靖" : "jing", - "静" : "jing", - "境" : "jing", - "镜" : "jing", - "迥" : "jiong", - "炯" : "jiong", - "窘" : "jiong", - "纠" : "jiu", - "鸠" : "jiu", - "究" : "jiu", - "赳" : "jiu", - "阄" : "jiu", - "揪" : "jiu", - "啾" : "jiu", - "九" : "jiu", - "久" : "jiu", - "玖" : "jiu", - "灸" : "jiu", - "韭" : "jiu", - "酒" : "jiu", - "旧" : "jiu", - "臼" : "jiu", - "咎" : "jiu", - "柩" : "jiu", - "救" : "jiu", - "厩" : "jiu", - "就" : "jiu", - "舅" : "jiu", - "鹫" : "jiu", - "军" : "jun", - "均" : "jun", - "君" : "jun", - "钧" : "jun", - "菌" : "jun", - "皲" : "jun", - "俊" : "jun", - "郡" : "jun", - "峻" : "jun", - "骏" : "jun", - "竣" : "jun", - "拘" : "ju", - "狙" : "ju", - "居" : "ju", - "驹" : "ju", - "掬" : "ju", - "雎" : "ju", - "鞠" : "ju", - "局" : "ju", - "菊" : "ju", - "焗" : "ju", - "橘" : "ju", - "咀" : "ju", - "沮" : "ju", - "矩" : "ju", - "举" : "ju", - "龃" : "ju", - "巨" : "ju", - "拒" : "ju", - "具" : "ju", - "炬" : "ju", - "俱" : "ju", - "剧" : "ju", - "据" : "ju", - "距" : "ju", - "惧" : "ju", - "飓" : "ju", - "锯" : "ju", - "聚" : "ju", - "踞" : "ju", - "捐" : "juan", - "涓" : "juan", - "娟" : "juan", - "鹃" : "juan", - "卷" : "juan", - "倦" : "juan", - "绢" : "juan", - "眷" : "juan", - "隽" : "juan", - "撅" : "jue", - "噘" : "jue", - "决" : "jue", - "诀" : "jue", - "抉" : "jue", - "绝" : "jue", - "掘" : "jue", - "崛" : "jue", - "厥" : "jue", - "谲" : "jue", - "蕨" : "jue", - "爵" : "jue", - "蹶" : "jue", - "矍" : "jue", - "倔" : "jue", - "咔" : "ka", - "开" : "kai", - "揩" : "kai", - "凯" : "kai", - "铠" : "kai", - "慨" : "kai", - "楷" : "kai", - "忾" : "kai", - "刊" : "kan", - "勘" : "kan", - "龛" : "kan", - "堪" : "kan", - "坎" : "kan", - "侃" : "kan", - "砍" : "kan", - "槛" : "kan", - "看" : "kan", - "瞰" : "kan", - "康" : "kang", - "慷" : "kang", - "糠" : "kang", - "亢" : "kang", - "伉" : "kang", - "抗" : "kang", - "炕" : "kang", - "考" : "kao", - "拷" : "kao", - "烤" : "kao", - "铐" : "kao", - "犒" : "kao", - "靠" : "kao", - "苛" : "ke", - "轲" : "ke", - "科" : "ke", - "棵" : "ke", - "搕" : "ke", - "嗑" : "ke", - "稞" : "ke", - "窠" : "ke", - "颗" : "ke", - "磕" : "ke", - "瞌" : "ke", - "蝌" : "ke", - "可" : "ke", - "坷" : "ke", - "渴" : "ke", - "克" : "ke", - "刻" : "ke", - "恪" : "ke", - "客" : "ke", - "课" : "ke", - "肯" : "ken", - "垦" : "ken", - "恳" : "ken", - "啃" : "ken", - "坑" : "keng", - "铿" : "keng", - "空" : "kong", - "孔" : "kong", - "恐" : "kong", - "控" : "kong", - "抠" : "kou", - "口" : "kou", - "叩" : "kou", - "扣" : "kou", - "寇" : "kou", - "蔻" : "kou", - "枯" : "ku", - "哭" : "ku", - "窟" : "ku", - "骷" : "ku", - "苦" : "ku", - "库" : "ku", - "绔" : "ku", - "裤" : "ku", - "酷" : "ku", - "夸" : "kua", - "垮" : "kua", - "挎" : "kua", - "胯" : "kua", - "跨" : "kua", - "块" : "kuai", - "快" : "kuai", - "侩" : "kuai", - "脍" : "kuai", - "筷" : "kuai", - "宽" : "kuan", - "髋" : "kuan", - "款" : "kuan", - "诓" : "kuang", - "哐" : "kuang", - "筐" : "kuang", - "狂" : "kuang", - "诳" : "kuang", - "旷" : "kuang", - "况" : "kuang", - "矿" : "kuang", - "框" : "kuang", - "眶" : "kuang", - "亏" : "kui", - "盔" : "kui", - "窥" : "kui", - "葵" : "kui", - "魁" : "kui", - "傀" : "kui", - "匮" : "kui", - "馈" : "kui", - "愧" : "kui", - "坤" : "kun", - "昆" : "kun", - "鲲" : "kun", - "捆" : "kun", - "困" : "kun", - "扩" : "kuo", - "括" : "kuo", - "阔" : "kuo", - "廓" : "kuo", - "垃" : "la", - "拉" : "la", - "啦" : "la", - "邋" : "la", - "旯" : "la", - "喇" : "la", - "腊" : "la", - "蜡" : "la", - "辣" : "la", - "来" : "lai", - "莱" : "lai", - "徕" : "lai", - "睐" : "lai", - "赖" : "lai", - "癞" : "lai", - "籁" : "lai", - "兰" : "lan", - "岚" : "lan", - "拦" : "lan", - "栏" : "lan", - "婪" : "lan", - "阑" : "lan", - "蓝" : "lan", - "澜" : "lan", - "褴" : "lan", - "篮" : "lan", - "览" : "lan", - "揽" : "lan", - "缆" : "lan", - "榄" : "lan", - "懒" : "lan", - "烂" : "lan", - "滥" : "lan", - "啷" : "lang", - "郎" : "lang", - "狼" : "lang", - "琅" : "lang", - "廊" : "lang", - "榔" : "lang", - "锒" : "lang", - "螂" : "lang", - "朗" : "lang", - "浪" : "lang", - "捞" : "lao", - "劳" : "lao", - "牢" : "lao", - "崂" : "lao", - "老" : "lao", - "佬" : "lao", - "姥" : "lao", - "唠" : "lao", - "烙" : "lao", - "涝" : "lao", - "酪" : "lao", - "雷" : "lei", - "羸" : "lei", - "垒" : "lei", - "磊" : "lei", - "蕾" : "lei", - "儡" : "lei", - "肋" : "lei", - "泪" : "lei", - "类" : "lei", - "累" : "lei", - "擂" : "lei", - "嘞" : "lei", - "棱" : "leng", - "楞" : "leng", - "冷" : "leng", - "睖" : "leng", - "厘" : "li", - "狸" : "li", - "离" : "li", - "梨" : "li", - "犁" : "li", - "鹂" : "li", - "喱" : "li", - "蜊" : "li", - "漓" : "li", - "璃" : "li", - "黎" : "li", - "罹" : "li", - "篱" : "li", - "蠡" : "li", - "礼" : "li", - "李" : "li", - "里" : "li", - "俚" : "li", - "逦" : "li", - "哩" : "li", - "娌" : "li", - "理" : "li", - "鲤" : "li", - "力" : "li", - "历" : "li", - "厉" : "li", - "立" : "li", - "吏" : "li", - "丽" : "li", - "励" : "li", - "呖" : "li", - "利" : "li", - "沥" : "li", - "枥" : "li", - "例" : "li", - "戾" : "li", - "隶" : "li", - "荔" : "li", - "俐" : "li", - "莉" : "li", - "莅" : "li", - "栗" : "li", - "砾" : "li", - "蛎" : "li", - "唳" : "li", - "笠" : "li", - "粒" : "li", - "雳" : "li", - "痢" : "li", - "连" : "lian", - "怜" : "lian", - "帘" : "lian", - "莲" : "lian", - "涟" : "lian", - "联" : "lian", - "廉" : "lian", - "鲢" : "lian", - "镰" : "lian", - "敛" : "lian", - "脸" : "lian", - "练" : "lian", - "炼" : "lian", - "恋" : "lian", - "殓" : "lian", - "链" : "lian", - "良" : "liang", - "凉" : "liang", - "梁" : "liang", - "粮" : "liang", - "粱" : "liang", - "两" : "liang", - "魉" : "liang", - "亮" : "liang", - "谅" : "liang", - "辆" : "liang", - "靓" : "liang", - "量" : "liang", - "晾" : "liang", - "踉" : "liang", - "辽" : "liao", - "疗" : "liao", - "聊" : "liao", - "僚" : "liao", - "寥" : "liao", - "撩" : "liao", - "嘹" : "liao", - "獠" : "liao", - "潦" : "liao", - "缭" : "liao", - "燎" : "liao", - "料" : "liao", - "撂" : "liao", - "瞭" : "liao", - "镣" : "liao", - "咧" : "lie", - "列" : "lie", - "劣" : "lie", - "冽" : "lie", - "烈" : "lie", - "猎" : "lie", - "裂" : "lie", - "趔" : "lie", - "拎" : "lin", - "邻" : "lin", - "林" : "lin", - "临" : "lin", - "淋" : "lin", - "琳" : "lin", - "粼" : "lin", - "嶙" : "lin", - "潾" : "lin", - "霖" : "lin", - "磷" : "lin", - "鳞" : "lin", - "麟" : "lin", - "凛" : "lin", - "檩" : "lin", - "吝" : "lin", - "赁" : "lin", - "躏" : "lin", - "伶" : "ling", - "灵" : "ling", - "苓" : "ling", - "囹" : "ling", - "泠" : "ling", - "玲" : "ling", - "瓴" : "ling", - "铃" : "ling", - "凌" : "ling", - "陵" : "ling", - "聆" : "ling", - "菱" : "ling", - "棂" : "ling", - "蛉" : "ling", - "翎" : "ling", - "羚" : "ling", - "绫" : "ling", - "零" : "ling", - "龄" : "ling", - "岭" : "ling", - "领" : "ling", - "另" : "ling", - "令" : "ling", - "溜" : "liu", - "熘" : "liu", - "刘" : "liu", - "浏" : "liu", - "留" : "liu", - "流" : "liu", - "琉" : "liu", - "硫" : "liu", - "馏" : "liu", - "榴" : "liu", - "瘤" : "liu", - "柳" : "liu", - "绺" : "liu", - "六" : "liu", - "遛" : "liu", - "龙" : "long", - "咙" : "long", - "珑" : "long", - "胧" : "long", - "聋" : "long", - "笼" : "long", - "隆" : "long", - "窿" : "long", - "陇" : "long", - "拢" : "long", - "垄" : "long", - "娄" : "lou", - "楼" : "lou", - "髅" : "lou", - "搂" : "lou", - "篓" : "lou", - "陋" : "lou", - "镂" : "lou", - "漏" : "lou", - "喽" : "lou", - "撸" : "lu", - "卢" : "lu", - "芦" : "lu", - "庐" : "lu", - "炉" : "lu", - "泸" : "lu", - "鸬" : "lu", - "颅" : "lu", - "鲈" : "lu", - "卤" : "lu", - "虏" : "lu", - "掳" : "lu", - "鲁" : "lu", - "橹" : "lu", - "录" : "lu", - "赂" : "lu", - "鹿" : "lu", - "禄" : "lu", - "路" : "lu", - "箓" : "lu", - "漉" : "lu", - "戮" : "lu", - "鹭" : "lu", - "麓" : "lu", - "峦" : "luan", - "孪" : "luan", - "挛" : "luan", - "鸾" : "luan", - "卵" : "luan", - "乱" : "luan", - "抡" : "lun", - "仑" : "lun", - "伦" : "lun", - "囵" : "lun", - "沦" : "lun", - "轮" : "lun", - "论" : "lun", - "啰" : "luo", - "罗" : "luo", - "萝" : "luo", - "逻" : "luo", - "锣" : "luo", - "箩" : "luo", - "骡" : "luo", - "螺" : "luo", - "裸" : "luo", - "洛" : "luo", - "络" : "luo", - "骆" : "luo", - "摞" : "luo", - "漯" : "luo", - "驴" : "lv", - "榈" : "lv", - "吕" : "lv", - "侣" : "lv", - "旅" : "lv", - "铝" : "lv", - "屡" : "lv", - "缕" : "lv", - "膂" : "lv", - "褛" : "lv", - "履" : "lv", - "律" : "lv", - "虑" : "lv", - "氯" : "lv", - "滤" : "lv", - "掠" : "lve", - "略" : "lve", - "妈" : "ma", - "麻" : "ma", - "蟆" : "ma", - "马" : "ma", - "犸" : "ma", - "玛" : "ma", - "码" : "ma", - "蚂" : "ma", - "骂" : "ma", - "吗" : "ma", - "嘛" : "ma", - "霾" : "mai", - "买" : "mai", - "迈" : "mai", - "麦" : "mai", - "卖" : "mai", - "霡" : "mai", - "蛮" : "man", - "馒" : "man", - "瞒" : "man", - "满" : "man", - "曼" : "man", - "谩" : "man", - "幔" : "man", - "漫" : "man", - "慢" : "man", - "牤" : "mang", - "芒" : "mang", - "忙" : "mang", - "盲" : "mang", - "氓" : "mang", - "茫" : "mang", - "莽" : "mang", - "漭" : "mang", - "蟒" : "mang", - "猫" : "mao", - "毛" : "mao", - "矛" : "mao", - "茅" : "mao", - "牦" : "mao", - "锚" : "mao", - "髦" : "mao", - "蝥" : "mao", - "蟊" : "mao", - "冇" : "mao", - "卯" : "mao", - "铆" : "mao", - "茂" : "mao", - "冒" : "mao", - "贸" : "mao", - "袤" : "mao", - "帽" : "mao", - "貌" : "mao", - "玫" : "mei", - "枚" : "mei", - "眉" : "mei", - "莓" : "mei", - "梅" : "mei", - "媒" : "mei", - "楣" : "mei", - "煤" : "mei", - "酶" : "mei", - "霉" : "mei", - "每" : "mei", - "美" : "mei", - "镁" : "mei", - "妹" : "mei", - "昧" : "mei", - "袂" : "mei", - "寐" : "mei", - "媚" : "mei", - "魅" : "mei", - "门" : "men", - "扪" : "men", - "闷" : "men", - "焖" : "men", - "懑" : "men", - "们" : "men", - "虻" : "meng", - "萌" : "meng", - "蒙" : "meng", - "盟" : "meng", - "檬" : "meng", - "曚" : "meng", - "朦" : "meng", - "猛" : "meng", - "锰" : "meng", - "蜢" : "meng", - "懵" : "meng", - "孟" : "meng", - "梦" : "meng", - "咪" : "mi", - "眯" : "mi", - "弥" : "mi", - "迷" : "mi", - "猕" : "mi", - "谜" : "mi", - "醚" : "mi", - "糜" : "mi", - "麋" : "mi", - "靡" : "mi", - "米" : "mi", - "弭" : "mi", - "觅" : "mi", - "密" : "mi", - "幂" : "mi", - "谧" : "mi", - "蜜" : "mi", - "眠" : "mian", - "绵" : "mian", - "棉" : "mian", - "免" : "mian", - "勉" : "mian", - "娩" : "mian", - "冕" : "mian", - "渑" : "mian", - "湎" : "mian", - "缅" : "mian", - "腼" : "mian", - "面" : "mian", - "喵" : "miao", - "苗" : "miao", - "描" : "miao", - "瞄" : "miao", - "秒" : "miao", - "渺" : "miao", - "藐" : "miao", - "妙" : "miao", - "庙" : "miao", - "缥" : "miao", - "咩" : "mie", - "灭" : "mie", - "蔑" : "mie", - "篾" : "mie", - "乜" : "mie", - "民" : "min", - "皿" : "min", - "抿" : "min", - "泯" : "min", - "闽" : "min", - "悯" : "min", - "敏" : "min", - "名" : "ming", - "明" : "ming", - "鸣" : "ming", - "茗" : "ming", - "冥" : "ming", - "铭" : "ming", - "瞑" : "ming", - "螟" : "ming", - "酩" : "ming", - "命" : "ming", - "谬" : "miu", - "摸" : "mo", - "馍" : "mo", - "摹" : "mo", - "膜" : "mo", - "摩" : "mo", - "磨" : "mo", - "蘑" : "mo", - "魔" : "mo", - "末" : "mo", - "茉" : "mo", - "殁" : "mo", - "沫" : "mo", - "陌" : "mo", - "莫" : "mo", - "秣" : "mo", - "蓦" : "mo", - "漠" : "mo", - "寞" : "mo", - "墨" : "mo", - "默" : "mo", - "嬷" : "mo", - "缪" : "mou", - "哞" : "mou", - "眸" : "mou", - "谋" : "mou", - "某" : "mou", - "母" : "mu", - "牡" : "mu", - "亩" : "mu", - "拇" : "mu", - "姆" : "mu", - "木" : "mu", - "目" : "mu", - "沐" : "mu", - "苜" : "mu", - "牧" : "mu", - "钼" : "mu", - "募" : "mu", - "墓" : "mu", - "幕" : "mu", - "睦" : "mu", - "慕" : "mu", - "暮" : "mu", - "穆" : "mu", - "拿" : "na", - "呐" : "na", - "纳" : "na", - "钠" : "na", - "衲" : "na", - "捺" : "na", - "乃" : "nai", - "奶" : "nai", - "氖" : "nai", - "奈" : "nai", - "耐" : "nai", - "囡" : "nan", - "男" : "nan", - "南" : "nan", - "难" : "nan", - "喃" : "nan", - "楠" : "nan", - "赧" : "nan", - "腩" : "nan", - "囔" : "nang", - "囊" : "nang", - "孬" : "nao", - "呶" : "nao", - "挠" : "nao", - "恼" : "nao", - "脑" : "nao", - "瑙" : "nao", - "闹" : "nao", - "淖" : "nao", - "讷" : "ne", - "馁" : "nei", - "内" : "nei", - "嫩" : "nen", - "恁" : "nen", - "能" : "neng", - "嗯" : "ng", - "妮" : "ni", - "尼" : "ni", - "泥" : "ni", - "怩" : "ni", - "倪" : "ni", - "霓" : "ni", - "拟" : "ni", - "你" : "ni", - "旎" : "ni", - "昵" : "ni", - "逆" : "ni", - "匿" : "ni", - "腻" : "ni", - "溺" : "ni", - "拈" : "nian", - "蔫" : "nian", - "年" : "nian", - "黏" : "nian", - "捻" : "nian", - "辇" : "nian", - "撵" : "nian", - "碾" : "nian", - "廿" : "nian", - "念" : "nian", - "娘" : "niang", - "酿" : "niang", - "鸟" : "niao", - "袅" : "niao", - "尿" : "niao", - "捏" : "nie", - "聂" : "nie", - "涅" : "nie", - "嗫" : "nie", - "镊" : "nie", - "镍" : "nie", - "蹑" : "nie", - "孽" : "nie", - "您" : "nin", - "宁" : "ning", - "咛" : "ning", - "狞" : "ning", - "柠" : "ning", - "凝" : "ning", - "拧" : "ning", - "佞" : "ning", - "泞" : "ning", - "妞" : "niu", - "牛" : "niu", - "扭" : "niu", - "忸" : "niu", - "纽" : "niu", - "钮" : "niu", - "农" : "nong", - "哝" : "nong", - "浓" : "nong", - "脓" : "nong", - "弄" : "nong", - "奴" : "nu", - "驽" : "nu", - "努" : "nu", - "弩" : "nu", - "怒" : "nu", - "暖" : "nuan", - "疟" : "nue", - "虐" : "nue", - "挪" : "nuo", - "诺" : "nuo", - "喏" : "nuo", - "懦" : "nuo", - "糯" : "nuo", - "女" : "nv", - "噢" : "o", - "讴" : "ou", - "瓯" : "ou", - "欧" : "ou", - "殴" : "ou", - "鸥" : "ou", - "呕" : "ou", - "偶" : "ou", - "藕" : "ou", - "怄" : "ou", - "趴" : "pa", - "啪" : "pa", - "葩" : "pa", - "杷" : "pa", - "爬" : "pa", - "琶" : "pa", - "帕" : "pa", - "怕" : "pa", - "拍" : "pai", - "排" : "pai", - "徘" : "pai", - "牌" : "pai", - "哌" : "pai", - "派" : "pai", - "湃" : "pai", - "潘" : "pan", - "攀" : "pan", - "爿" : "pan", - "盘" : "pan", - "磐" : "pan", - "蹒" : "pan", - "蟠" : "pan", - "判" : "pan", - "盼" : "pan", - "叛" : "pan", - "畔" : "pan", - "乓" : "pang", - "滂" : "pang", - "庞" : "pang", - "旁" : "pang", - "螃" : "pang", - "耪" : "pang", - "抛" : "pao", - "咆" : "pao", - "庖" : "pao", - "袍" : "pao", - "跑" : "pao", - "泡" : "pao", - "呸" : "pei", - "胚" : "pei", - "陪" : "pei", - "培" : "pei", - "赔" : "pei", - "裴" : "pei", - "沛" : "pei", - "佩" : "pei", - "配" : "pei", - "喷" : "pen", - "盆" : "pen", - "抨" : "peng", - "怦" : "peng", - "砰" : "peng", - "烹" : "peng", - "嘭" : "peng", - "朋" : "peng", - "彭" : "peng", - "棚" : "peng", - "蓬" : "peng", - "硼" : "peng", - "鹏" : "peng", - "澎" : "peng", - "篷" : "peng", - "膨" : "peng", - "捧" : "peng", - "碰" : "peng", - "丕" : "pi", - "批" : "pi", - "纰" : "pi", - "坯" : "pi", - "披" : "pi", - "砒" : "pi", - "劈" : "pi", - "噼" : "pi", - "霹" : "pi", - "皮" : "pi", - "枇" : "pi", - "毗" : "pi", - "蚍" : "pi", - "疲" : "pi", - "啤" : "pi", - "琵" : "pi", - "脾" : "pi", - "貔" : "pi", - "匹" : "pi", - "痞" : "pi", - "癖" : "pi", - "屁" : "pi", - "睥" : "pi", - "媲" : "pi", - "僻" : "pi", - "譬" : "pi", - "偏" : "pian", - "篇" : "pian", - "翩" : "pian", - "骈" : "pian", - "蹁" : "pian", - "片" : "pian", - "骗" : "pian", - "剽" : "piao", - "漂" : "piao", - "飘" : "piao", - "瓢" : "piao", - "殍" : "piao", - "瞟" : "piao", - "票" : "piao", - "氕" : "pie", - "瞥" : "pie", - "撇" : "pie", - "拼" : "pin", - "姘" : "pin", - "贫" : "pin", - "频" : "pin", - "嫔" : "pin", - "颦" : "pin", - "品" : "pin", - "聘" : "pin", - "乒" : "ping", - "娉" : "ping", - "平" : "ping", - "评" : "ping", - "坪" : "ping", - "苹" : "ping", - "凭" : "ping", - "瓶" : "ping", - "萍" : "ping", - "钋" : "po", - "坡" : "po", - "泼" : "po", - "颇" : "po", - "婆" : "po", - "鄱" : "po", - "叵" : "po", - "珀" : "po", - "破" : "po", - "粕" : "po", - "魄" : "po", - "剖" : "pou", - "抔" : "pou", - "扑" : "pu", - "铺" : "pu", - "噗" : "pu", - "仆" : "pu", - "匍" : "pu", - "菩" : "pu", - "葡" : "pu", - "蒲" : "pu", - "璞" : "pu", - "圃" : "pu", - "浦" : "pu", - "普" : "pu", - "谱" : "pu", - "蹼" : "pu", - "七" : "qi", - "沏" : "qi", - "妻" : "qi", - "柒" : "qi", - "凄" : "qi", - "萋" : "qi", - "戚" : "qi", - "期" : "qi", - "欺" : "qi", - "嘁" : "qi", - "漆" : "qi", - "齐" : "qi", - "芪" : "qi", - "其" : "qi", - "歧" : "qi", - "祈" : "qi", - "祇" : "qi", - "脐" : "qi", - "畦" : "qi", - "跂" : "qi", - "崎" : "qi", - "骑" : "qi", - "琪" : "qi", - "棋" : "qi", - "旗" : "qi", - "鳍" : "qi", - "麒" : "qi", - "乞" : "qi", - "岂" : "qi", - "企" : "qi", - "杞" : "qi", - "启" : "qi", - "起" : "qi", - "绮" : "qi", - "气" : "qi", - "讫" : "qi", - "迄" : "qi", - "弃" : "qi", - "汽" : "qi", - "泣" : "qi", - "契" : "qi", - "砌" : "qi", - "葺" : "qi", - "器" : "qi", - "憩" : "qi", - "俟" : "qi", - "掐" : "qia", - "洽" : "qia", - "恰" : "qia", - "千" : "qian", - "仟" : "qian", - "阡" : "qian", - "芊" : "qian", - "迁" : "qian", - "钎" : "qian", - "牵" : "qian", - "悭" : "qian", - "谦" : "qian", - "签" : "qian", - "愆" : "qian", - "前" : "qian", - "虔" : "qian", - "钱" : "qian", - "钳" : "qian", - "乾" : "qian", - "潜" : "qian", - "黔" : "qian", - "遣" : "qian", - "谴" : "qian", - "欠" : "qian", - "芡" : "qian", - "倩" : "qian", - "堑" : "qian", - "嵌" : "qian", - "歉" : "qian", - "羌" : "qiang", - "枪" : "qiang", - "戕" : "qiang", - "腔" : "qiang", - "蜣" : "qiang", - "锵" : "qiang", - "墙" : "qiang", - "蔷" : "qiang", - "抢" : "qiang", - "羟" : "qiang", - "襁" : "qiang", - "呛" : "qiang", - "炝" : "qiang", - "跄" : "qiang", - "悄" : "qiao", - "跷" : "qiao", - "锹" : "qiao", - "敲" : "qiao", - "橇" : "qiao", - "乔" : "qiao", - "侨" : "qiao", - "荞" : "qiao", - "桥" : "qiao", - "憔" : "qiao", - "瞧" : "qiao", - "巧" : "qiao", - "俏" : "qiao", - "诮" : "qiao", - "峭" : "qiao", - "窍" : "qiao", - "翘" : "qiao", - "撬" : "qiao", - "切" : "qie", - "且" : "qie", - "妾" : "qie", - "怯" : "qie", - "窃" : "qie", - "挈" : "qie", - "惬" : "qie", - "趄" : "qie", - "锲" : "qie", - "钦" : "qin", - "侵" : "qin", - "衾" : "qin", - "芹" : "qin", - "芩" : "qin", - "秦" : "qin", - "琴" : "qin", - "禽" : "qin", - "勤" : "qin", - "擒" : "qin", - "噙" : "qin", - "寝" : "qin", - "沁" : "qin", - "青" : "qing", - "轻" : "qing", - "氢" : "qing", - "倾" : "qing", - "卿" : "qing", - "清" : "qing", - "蜻" : "qing", - "情" : "qing", - "晴" : "qing", - "氰" : "qing", - "擎" : "qing", - "顷" : "qing", - "请" : "qing", - "庆" : "qing", - "罄" : "qing", - "穷" : "qiong", - "穹" : "qiong", - "琼" : "qiong", - "丘" : "qiu", - "秋" : "qiu", - "蚯" : "qiu", - "鳅" : "qiu", - "囚" : "qiu", - "求" : "qiu", - "虬" : "qiu", - "泅" : "qiu", - "酋" : "qiu", - "球" : "qiu", - "遒" : "qiu", - "裘" : "qiu", - "岖" : "qu", - "驱" : "qu", - "屈" : "qu", - "蛆" : "qu", - "躯" : "qu", - "趋" : "qu", - "蛐" : "qu", - "黢" : "qu", - "渠" : "qu", - "瞿" : "qu", - "曲" : "qu", - "取" : "qu", - "娶" : "qu", - "龋" : "qu", - "去" : "qu", - "趣" : "qu", - "觑" : "qu", - "悛" : "quan", - "权" : "quan", - "全" : "quan", - "诠" : "quan", - "泉" : "quan", - "拳" : "quan", - "痊" : "quan", - "蜷" : "quan", - "醛" : "quan", - "犬" : "quan", - "劝" : "quan", - "券" : "quan", - "炔" : "que", - "缺" : "que", - "瘸" : "que", - "却" : "que", - "确" : "que", - "鹊" : "que", - "阙" : "que", - "榷" : "que", - "逡" : "qun", - "裙" : "qun", - "群" : "qun", - "蚺" : "ran", - "然" : "ran", - "燃" : "ran", - "冉" : "ran", - "苒" : "ran", - "染" : "ran", - "瓤" : "rang", - "壤" : "rang", - "攘" : "rang", - "嚷" : "rang", - "让" : "rang", - "荛" : "rao", - "饶" : "rao", - "娆" : "rao", - "桡" : "rao", - "扰" : "rao", - "绕" : "rao", - "惹" : "re", - "热" : "re", - "人" : "ren", - "壬" : "ren", - "仁" : "ren", - "忍" : "ren", - "荏" : "ren", - "稔" : "ren", - "刃" : "ren", - "认" : "ren", - "任" : "ren", - "纫" : "ren", - "韧" : "ren", - "饪" : "ren", - "扔" : "reng", - "仍" : "reng", - "日" : "ri", - "戎" : "rong", - "茸" : "rong", - "荣" : "rong", - "绒" : "rong", - "容" : "rong", - "嵘" : "rong", - "蓉" : "rong", - "溶" : "rong", - "榕" : "rong", - "熔" : "rong", - "融" : "rong", - "冗" : "rong", - "氄" : "rong", - "柔" : "rou", - "揉" : "rou", - "糅" : "rou", - "蹂" : "rou", - "鞣" : "rou", - "肉" : "rou", - "如" : "ru", - "茹" : "ru", - "铷" : "ru", - "儒" : "ru", - "孺" : "ru", - "蠕" : "ru", - "汝" : "ru", - "乳" : "ru", - "辱" : "ru", - "入" : "ru", - "缛" : "ru", - "褥" : "ru", - "阮" : "ruan", - "软" : "ruan", - "蕊" : "rui", - "蚋" : "rui", - "锐" : "rui", - "瑞" : "rui", - "睿" : "rui", - "闰" : "run", - "润" : "run", - "若" : "ruo", - "偌" : "ruo", - "弱" : "ruo", - "仨" : "sa", - "洒" : "sa", - "撒" : "sa", - "卅" : "sa", - "飒" : "sa", - "萨" : "sa", - "腮" : "sai", - "赛" : "sai", - "三" : "san", - "叁" : "san", - "伞" : "san", - "散" : "san", - "桑" : "sang", - "搡" : "sang", - "嗓" : "sang", - "丧" : "sang", - "搔" : "sao", - "骚" : "sao", - "扫" : "sao", - "嫂" : "sao", - "臊" : "sao", - "涩" : "se", - "啬" : "se", - "铯" : "se", - "瑟" : "se", - "穑" : "se", - "森" : "sen", - "僧" : "seng", - "杀" : "sha", - "沙" : "sha", - "纱" : "sha", - "砂" : "sha", - "啥" : "sha", - "傻" : "sha", - "厦" : "sha", - "歃" : "sha", - "煞" : "sha", - "霎" : "sha", - "筛" : "shai", - "晒" : "shai", - "山" : "shan", - "删" : "shan", - "苫" : "shan", - "衫" : "shan", - "姗" : "shan", - "珊" : "shan", - "煽" : "shan", - "潸" : "shan", - "膻" : "shan", - "闪" : "shan", - "陕" : "shan", - "讪" : "shan", - "汕" : "shan", - "扇" : "shan", - "善" : "shan", - "骟" : "shan", - "缮" : "shan", - "擅" : "shan", - "膳" : "shan", - "嬗" : "shan", - "赡" : "shan", - "鳝" : "shan", - "伤" : "shang", - "殇" : "shang", - "商" : "shang", - "觞" : "shang", - "熵" : "shang", - "晌" : "shang", - "赏" : "shang", - "上" : "shang", - "尚" : "shang", - "捎" : "shao", - "烧" : "shao", - "梢" : "shao", - "稍" : "shao", - "艄" : "shao", - "勺" : "shao", - "芍" : "shao", - "韶" : "shao", - "少" : "shao", - "邵" : "shao", - "绍" : "shao", - "哨" : "shao", - "潲" : "shao", - "奢" : "she", - "赊" : "she", - "舌" : "she", - "佘" : "she", - "蛇" : "she", - "舍" : "she", - "设" : "she", - "社" : "she", - "射" : "she", - "涉" : "she", - "赦" : "she", - "摄" : "she", - "慑" : "she", - "麝" : "she", - "申" : "shen", - "伸" : "shen", - "身" : "shen", - "呻" : "shen", - "绅" : "shen", - "砷" : "shen", - "深" : "shen", - "神" : "shen", - "沈" : "shen", - "审" : "shen", - "哂" : "shen", - "婶" : "shen", - "肾" : "shen", - "甚" : "shen", - "渗" : "shen", - "葚" : "shen", - "蜃" : "shen", - "慎" : "shen", - "升" : "sheng", - "生" : "sheng", - "声" : "sheng", - "昇" : "sheng", - "牲" : "sheng", - "笙" : "sheng", - "甥" : "sheng", - "绳" : "sheng", - "圣" : "sheng", - "胜" : "sheng", - "晟" : "sheng", - "剩" : "sheng", - "尸" : "shi", - "失" : "shi", - "师" : "shi", - "诗" : "shi", - "虱" : "shi", - "狮" : "shi", - "施" : "shi", - "湿" : "shi", - "十" : "shi", - "时" : "shi", - "实" : "shi", - "食" : "shi", - "蚀" : "shi", - "史" : "shi", - "矢" : "shi", - "使" : "shi", - "始" : "shi", - "驶" : "shi", - "屎" : "shi", - "士" : "shi", - "氏" : "shi", - "示" : "shi", - "世" : "shi", - "仕" : "shi", - "市" : "shi", - "式" : "shi", - "势" : "shi", - "事" : "shi", - "侍" : "shi", - "饰" : "shi", - "试" : "shi", - "视" : "shi", - "拭" : "shi", - "柿" : "shi", - "是" : "shi", - "适" : "shi", - "恃" : "shi", - "室" : "shi", - "逝" : "shi", - "轼" : "shi", - "舐" : "shi", - "弑" : "shi", - "释" : "shi", - "谥" : "shi", - "嗜" : "shi", - "誓" : "shi", - "收" : "shou", - "手" : "shou", - "守" : "shou", - "首" : "shou", - "寿" : "shou", - "受" : "shou", - "狩" : "shou", - "授" : "shou", - "售" : "shou", - "兽" : "shou", - "绶" : "shou", - "瘦" : "shou", - "殳" : "shu", - "书" : "shu", - "抒" : "shu", - "枢" : "shu", - "叔" : "shu", - "姝" : "shu", - "殊" : "shu", - "倏" : "shu", - "梳" : "shu", - "淑" : "shu", - "舒" : "shu", - "疏" : "shu", - "输" : "shu", - "蔬" : "shu", - "秫" : "shu", - "孰" : "shu", - "赎" : "shu", - "塾" : "shu", - "暑" : "shu", - "黍" : "shu", - "署" : "shu", - "蜀" : "shu", - "鼠" : "shu", - "薯" : "shu", - "曙" : "shu", - "戍" : "shu", - "束" : "shu", - "述" : "shu", - "树" : "shu", - "竖" : "shu", - "恕" : "shu", - "庶" : "shu", - "墅" : "shu", - "漱" : "shu", - "刷" : "shua", - "唰" : "shua", - "耍" : "shua", - "衰" : "shuai", - "摔" : "shuai", - "甩" : "shuai", - "帅" : "shuai", - "蟀" : "shuai", - "闩" : "shuan", - "拴" : "shuan", - "栓" : "shuan", - "涮" : "shuan", - "双" : "shuang", - "霜" : "shuang", - "孀" : "shuang", - "爽" : "shuang", - "谁" : "shui", - "水" : "shui", - "税" : "shui", - "睡" : "shui", - "吮" : "shun", - "顺" : "shun", - "舜" : "shun", - "瞬" : "shun", - "烁" : "shuo", - "铄" : "shuo", - "朔" : "shuo", - "硕" : "shuo", - "司" : "si", - "丝" : "si", - "私" : "si", - "咝" : "si", - "思" : "si", - "斯" : "si", - "厮" : "si", - "撕" : "si", - "嘶" : "si", - "死" : "si", - "巳" : "si", - "四" : "si", - "寺" : "si", - "祀" : "si", - "饲" : "si", - "肆" : "si", - "嗣" : "si", - "松" : "song", - "嵩" : "song", - "怂" : "song", - "耸" : "song", - "悚" : "song", - "讼" : "song", - "宋" : "song", - "送" : "song", - "诵" : "song", - "颂" : "song", - "搜" : "sou", - "嗖" : "sou", - "馊" : "sou", - "艘" : "sou", - "叟" : "sou", - "擞" : "sou", - "嗽" : "sou", - "苏" : "su", - "酥" : "su", - "俗" : "su", - "夙" : "su", - "诉" : "su", - "肃" : "su", - "素" : "su", - "速" : "su", - "粟" : "su", - "嗉" : "su", - "塑" : "su", - "溯" : "su", - "簌" : "su", - "酸" : "suan", - "蒜" : "suan", - "算" : "suan", - "虽" : "sui", - "睢" : "sui", - "绥" : "sui", - "隋" : "sui", - "随" : "sui", - "髓" : "sui", - "岁" : "sui", - "祟" : "sui", - "遂" : "sui", - "碎" : "sui", - "隧" : "sui", - "穗" : "sui", - "孙" : "sun", - "损" : "sun", - "笋" : "sun", - "隼" : "sun", - "唆" : "suo", - "梭" : "suo", - "蓑" : "suo", - "羧" : "suo", - "缩" : "suo", - "所" : "suo", - "索" : "suo", - "唢" : "suo", - "琐" : "suo", - "锁" : "suo", - "他" : "ta", - "它" : "ta", - "她" : "ta", - "铊" : "ta", - "塌" : "ta", - "塔" : "ta", - "獭" : "ta", - "挞" : "ta", - "榻" : "ta", - "踏" : "ta", - "蹋" : "ta", - "胎" : "tai", - "台" : "tai", - "邰" : "tai", - "抬" : "tai", - "苔" : "tai", - "跆" : "tai", - "太" : "tai", - "汰" : "tai", - "态" : "tai", - "钛" : "tai", - "泰" : "tai", - "酞" : "tai", - "贪" : "tan", - "摊" : "tan", - "滩" : "tan", - "瘫" : "tan", - "坛" : "tan", - "昙" : "tan", - "谈" : "tan", - "痰" : "tan", - "谭" : "tan", - "潭" : "tan", - "檀" : "tan", - "坦" : "tan", - "袒" : "tan", - "毯" : "tan", - "叹" : "tan", - "炭" : "tan", - "探" : "tan", - "碳" : "tan", - "汤" : "tang", - "嘡" : "tang", - "羰" : "tang", - "唐" : "tang", - "堂" : "tang", - "棠" : "tang", - "塘" : "tang", - "搪" : "tang", - "膛" : "tang", - "镗" : "tang", - "糖" : "tang", - "螳" : "tang", - "倘" : "tang", - "淌" : "tang", - "躺" : "tang", - "烫" : "tang", - "趟" : "tang", - "涛" : "tao", - "绦" : "tao", - "掏" : "tao", - "滔" : "tao", - "韬" : "tao", - "饕" : "tao", - "逃" : "tao", - "桃" : "tao", - "陶" : "tao", - "萄" : "tao", - "淘" : "tao", - "讨" : "tao", - "套" : "tao", - "特" : "te", - "疼" : "teng", - "腾" : "teng", - "誊" : "teng", - "滕" : "teng", - "藤" : "teng", - "剔" : "ti", - "梯" : "ti", - "踢" : "ti", - "啼" : "ti", - "题" : "ti", - "醍" : "ti", - "蹄" : "ti", - "体" : "ti", - "屉" : "ti", - "剃" : "ti", - "涕" : "ti", - "悌" : "ti", - "惕" : "ti", - "替" : "ti", - "天" : "tian", - "添" : "tian", - "田" : "tian", - "恬" : "tian", - "甜" : "tian", - "填" : "tian", - "忝" : "tian", - "殄" : "tian", - "舔" : "tian", - "掭" : "tian", - "佻" : "tiao", - "挑" : "tiao", - "条" : "tiao", - "迢" : "tiao", - "笤" : "tiao", - "髫" : "tiao", - "窕" : "tiao", - "眺" : "tiao", - "粜" : "tiao", - "跳" : "tiao", - "帖" : "tie", - "贴" : "tie", - "铁" : "tie", - "餮" : "tie", - "铤" : "ting", - "厅" : "ting", - "听" : "ting", - "烃" : "ting", - "廷" : "ting", - "亭" : "ting", - "庭" : "ting", - "停" : "ting", - "蜓" : "ting", - "婷" : "ting", - "霆" : "ting", - "挺" : "ting", - "艇" : "ting", - "通" : "tong", - "嗵" : "tong", - "同" : "tong", - "彤" : "tong", - "桐" : "tong", - "铜" : "tong", - "童" : "tong", - "潼" : "tong", - "瞳" : "tong", - "统" : "tong", - "捅" : "tong", - "桶" : "tong", - "筒" : "tong", - "恸" : "tong", - "痛" : "tong", - "偷" : "tou", - "头" : "tou", - "投" : "tou", - "骰" : "tou", - "透" : "tou", - "凸" : "tu", - "秃" : "tu", - "突" : "tu", - "图" : "tu", - "荼" : "tu", - "徒" : "tu", - "途" : "tu", - "涂" : "tu", - "屠" : "tu", - "土" : "tu", - "吐" : "tu", - "兔" : "tu", - "菟" : "tu", - "湍" : "tuan", - "团" : "tuan", - "疃" : "tuan", - "彖" : "tuan", - "推" : "tui", - "颓" : "tui", - "腿" : "tui", - "退" : "tui", - "蜕" : "tui", - "褪" : "tui", - "吞" : "tun", - "屯" : "tun", - "饨" : "tun", - "豚" : "tun", - "臀" : "tun", - "托" : "tuo", - "拖" : "tuo", - "脱" : "tuo", - "佗" : "tuo", - "陀" : "tuo", - "驼" : "tuo", - "鸵" : "tuo", - "妥" : "tuo", - "椭" : "tuo", - "唾" : "tuo", - "挖" : "wa", - "哇" : "wa", - "洼" : "wa", - "娲" : "wa", - "蛙" : "wa", - "娃" : "wa", - "瓦" : "wa", - "佤" : "wa", - "袜" : "wa", - "歪" : "wai", - "外" : "wai", - "弯" : "wan", - "剜" : "wan", - "湾" : "wan", - "蜿" : "wan", - "豌" : "wan", - "丸" : "wan", - "纨" : "wan", - "完" : "wan", - "玩" : "wan", - "顽" : "wan", - "烷" : "wan", - "宛" : "wan", - "挽" : "wan", - "晚" : "wan", - "惋" : "wan", - "婉" : "wan", - "绾" : "wan", - "皖" : "wan", - "碗" : "wan", - "万" : "wan", - "腕" : "wan", - "汪" : "wang", - "亡" : "wang", - "王" : "wang", - "网" : "wang", - "枉" : "wang", - "罔" : "wang", - "往" : "wang", - "惘" : "wang", - "妄" : "wang", - "忘" : "wang", - "旺" : "wang", - "望" : "wang", - "危" : "wei", - "威" : "wei", - "偎" : "wei", - "微" : "wei", - "煨" : "wei", - "薇" : "wei", - "巍" : "wei", - "韦" : "wei", - "为" : "wei", - "违" : "wei", - "围" : "wei", - "闱" : "wei", - "桅" : "wei", - "唯" : "wei", - "帷" : "wei", - "维" : "wei", - "伟" : "wei", - "伪" : "wei", - "苇" : "wei", - "纬" : "wei", - "委" : "wei", - "诿" : "wei", - "娓" : "wei", - "萎" : "wei", - "猥" : "wei", - "痿" : "wei", - "卫" : "wei", - "未" : "wei", - "位" : "wei", - "味" : "wei", - "畏" : "wei", - "胃" : "wei", - "谓" : "wei", - "喂" : "wei", - "猬" : "wei", - "渭" : "wei", - "蔚" : "wei", - "慰" : "wei", - "魏" : "wei", - "温" : "wen", - "瘟" : "wen", - "文" : "wen", - "纹" : "wen", - "闻" : "wen", - "蚊" : "wen", - "雯" : "wen", - "刎" : "wen", - "吻" : "wen", - "紊" : "wen", - "稳" : "wen", - "问" : "wen", - "汶" : "wen", - "翁" : "weng", - "嗡" : "weng", - "瓮" : "weng", - "挝" : "wo", - "莴" : "wo", - "倭" : "wo", - "喔" : "wo", - "窝" : "wo", - "蜗" : "wo", - "我" : "wo", - "肟" : "wo", - "沃" : "wo", - "卧" : "wo", - "握" : "wo", - "幄" : "wo", - "斡" : "wo", - "乌" : "wu", - "邬" : "wu", - "污" : "wu", - "巫" : "wu", - "呜" : "wu", - "钨" : "wu", - "诬" : "wu", - "屋" : "wu", - "无" : "wu", - "毋" : "wu", - "芜" : "wu", - "吴" : "wu", - "梧" : "wu", - "蜈" : "wu", - "五" : "wu", - "午" : "wu", - "伍" : "wu", - "仵" : "wu", - "怃" : "wu", - "忤" : "wu", - "妩" : "wu", - "武" : "wu", - "侮" : "wu", - "捂" : "wu", - "鹉" : "wu", - "舞" : "wu", - "兀" : "wu", - "勿" : "wu", - "戊" : "wu", - "务" : "wu", - "坞" : "wu", - "物" : "wu", - "误" : "wu", - "悟" : "wu", - "晤" : "wu", - "骛" : "wu", - "雾" : "wu", - "寤" : "wu", - "鹜" : "wu", - "夕" : "xi", - "兮" : "xi", - "西" : "xi", - "吸" : "xi", - "汐" : "xi", - "希" : "xi", - "昔" : "xi", - "析" : "xi", - "唏" : "xi", - "牺" : "xi", - "息" : "xi", - "奚" : "xi", - "悉" : "xi", - "烯" : "xi", - "惜" : "xi", - "晰" : "xi", - "稀" : "xi", - "翕" : "xi", - "犀" : "xi", - "皙" : "xi", - "锡" : "xi", - "溪" : "xi", - "熙" : "xi", - "蜥" : "xi", - "熄" : "xi", - "嘻" : "xi", - "膝" : "xi", - "嬉" : "xi", - "羲" : "xi", - "蟋" : "xi", - "曦" : "xi", - "习" : "xi", - "席" : "xi", - "袭" : "xi", - "媳" : "xi", - "洗" : "xi", - "玺" : "xi", - "徙" : "xi", - "喜" : "xi", - "禧" : "xi", - "戏" : "xi", - "细" : "xi", - "隙" : "xi", - "呷" : "xia", - "虾" : "xia", - "瞎" : "xia", - "匣" : "xia", - "侠" : "xia", - "峡" : "xia", - "狭" : "xia", - "遐" : "xia", - "瑕" : "xia", - "暇" : "xia", - "辖" : "xia", - "霞" : "xia", - "黠" : "xia", - "下" : "xia", - "夏" : "xia", - "罅" : "xia", - "仙" : "xian", - "先" : "xian", - "氙" : "xian", - "掀" : "xian", - "酰" : "xian", - "锨" : "xian", - "鲜" : "xian", - "闲" : "xian", - "贤" : "xian", - "弦" : "xian", - "咸" : "xian", - "涎" : "xian", - "娴" : "xian", - "衔" : "xian", - "舷" : "xian", - "嫌" : "xian", - "显" : "xian", - "险" : "xian", - "跣" : "xian", - "藓" : "xian", - "苋" : "xian", - "县" : "xian", - "现" : "xian", - "限" : "xian", - "线" : "xian", - "宪" : "xian", - "陷" : "xian", - "馅" : "xian", - "羡" : "xian", - "献" : "xian", - "腺" : "xian", - "乡" : "xiang", - "相" : "xiang", - "香" : "xiang", - "厢" : "xiang", - "湘" : "xiang", - "箱" : "xiang", - "襄" : "xiang", - "镶" : "xiang", - "详" : "xiang", - "祥" : "xiang", - "翔" : "xiang", - "享" : "xiang", - "响" : "xiang", - "饷" : "xiang", - "飨" : "xiang", - "想" : "xiang", - "向" : "xiang", - "项" : "xiang", - "象" : "xiang", - "像" : "xiang", - "橡" : "xiang", - "肖" : "xiao", - "枭" : "xiao", - "哓" : "xiao", - "骁" : "xiao", - "逍" : "xiao", - "消" : "xiao", - "宵" : "xiao", - "萧" : "xiao", - "硝" : "xiao", - "销" : "xiao", - "箫" : "xiao", - "潇" : "xiao", - "霄" : "xiao", - "魈" : "xiao", - "嚣" : "xiao", - "崤" : "xiao", - "淆" : "xiao", - "小" : "xiao", - "晓" : "xiao", - "孝" : "xiao", - "哮" : "xiao", - "笑" : "xiao", - "效" : "xiao", - "啸" : "xiao", - "挟" : "xie", - "些" : "xie", - "楔" : "xie", - "歇" : "xie", - "蝎" : "xie", - "协" : "xie", - "胁" : "xie", - "偕" : "xie", - "斜" : "xie", - "谐" : "xie", - "揳" : "xie", - "携" : "xie", - "撷" : "xie", - "鞋" : "xie", - "写" : "xie", - "泄" : "xie", - "泻" : "xie", - "卸" : "xie", - "屑" : "xie", - "械" : "xie", - "亵" : "xie", - "谢" : "xie", - "邂" : "xie", - "懈" : "xie", - "蟹" : "xie", - "心" : "xin", - "芯" : "xin", - "辛" : "xin", - "欣" : "xin", - "锌" : "xin", - "新" : "xin", - "歆" : "xin", - "薪" : "xin", - "馨" : "xin", - "鑫" : "xin", - "信" : "xin", - "衅" : "xin", - "星" : "xing", - "猩" : "xing", - "惺" : "xing", - "腥" : "xing", - "刑" : "xing", - "邢" : "xing", - "形" : "xing", - "型" : "xing", - "醒" : "xing", - "擤" : "xing", - "兴" : "xing", - "杏" : "xing", - "幸" : "xing", - "性" : "xing", - "姓" : "xing", - "悻" : "xing", - "凶" : "xiong", - "兄" : "xiong", - "匈" : "xiong", - "讻" : "xiong", - "汹" : "xiong", - "胸" : "xiong", - "雄" : "xiong", - "熊" : "xiong", - "休" : "xiu", - "咻" : "xiu", - "修" : "xiu", - "羞" : "xiu", - "朽" : "xiu", - "秀" : "xiu", - "袖" : "xiu", - "绣" : "xiu", - "锈" : "xiu", - "嗅" : "xiu", - "欻" : "xu", - "戌" : "xu", - "须" : "xu", - "胥" : "xu", - "虚" : "xu", - "墟" : "xu", - "需" : "xu", - "魆" : "xu", - "徐" : "xu", - "许" : "xu", - "诩" : "xu", - "栩" : "xu", - "旭" : "xu", - "序" : "xu", - "叙" : "xu", - "恤" : "xu", - "酗" : "xu", - "勖" : "xu", - "绪" : "xu", - "续" : "xu", - "絮" : "xu", - "婿" : "xu", - "蓄" : "xu", - "煦" : "xu", - "轩" : "xuan", - "宣" : "xuan", - "揎" : "xuan", - "喧" : "xuan", - "暄" : "xuan", - "玄" : "xuan", - "悬" : "xuan", - "旋" : "xuan", - "漩" : "xuan", - "璇" : "xuan", - "选" : "xuan", - "癣" : "xuan", - "炫" : "xuan", - "绚" : "xuan", - "眩" : "xuan", - "渲" : "xuan", - "靴" : "xue", - "薛" : "xue", - "穴" : "xue", - "学" : "xue", - "噱" : "xue", - "雪" : "xue", - "谑" : "xue", - "勋" : "xun", - "熏" : "xun", - "薰" : "xun", - "醺" : "xun", - "旬" : "xun", - "寻" : "xun", - "巡" : "xun", - "询" : "xun", - "荀" : "xun", - "循" : "xun", - "训" : "xun", - "讯" : "xun", - "汛" : "xun", - "迅" : "xun", - "驯" : "xun", - "徇" : "xun", - "逊" : "xun", - "殉" : "xun", - "巽" : "xun", - "丫" : "ya", - "压" : "ya", - "押" : "ya", - "鸦" : "ya", - "桠" : "ya", - "鸭" : "ya", - "牙" : "ya", - "伢" : "ya", - "芽" : "ya", - "蚜" : "ya", - "崖" : "ya", - "涯" : "ya", - "睚" : "ya", - "衙" : "ya", - "哑" : "ya", - "雅" : "ya", - "亚" : "ya", - "讶" : "ya", - "娅" : "ya", - "氩" : "ya", - "揠" : "ya", - "呀" : "ya", - "恹" : "yan", - "胭" : "yan", - "烟" : "yan", - "焉" : "yan", - "阉" : "yan", - "淹" : "yan", - "湮" : "yan", - "嫣" : "yan", - "延" : "yan", - "闫" : "yan", - "严" : "yan", - "言" : "yan", - "妍" : "yan", - "岩" : "yan", - "炎" : "yan", - "沿" : "yan", - "研" : "yan", - "盐" : "yan", - "阎" : "yan", - "蜒" : "yan", - "筵" : "yan", - "颜" : "yan", - "檐" : "yan", - "奄" : "yan", - "俨" : "yan", - "衍" : "yan", - "掩" : "yan", - "郾" : "yan", - "眼" : "yan", - "偃" : "yan", - "演" : "yan", - "魇" : "yan", - "鼹" : "yan", - "厌" : "yan", - "砚" : "yan", - "彦" : "yan", - "艳" : "yan", - "晏" : "yan", - "唁" : "yan", - "宴" : "yan", - "验" : "yan", - "谚" : "yan", - "堰" : "yan", - "雁" : "yan", - "焰" : "yan", - "滟" : "yan", - "餍" : "yan", - "燕" : "yan", - "赝" : "yan", - "央" : "yang", - "泱" : "yang", - "殃" : "yang", - "鸯" : "yang", - "秧" : "yang", - "扬" : "yang", - "羊" : "yang", - "阳" : "yang", - "杨" : "yang", - "佯" : "yang", - "疡" : "yang", - "徉" : "yang", - "洋" : "yang", - "仰" : "yang", - "养" : "yang", - "氧" : "yang", - "痒" : "yang", - "怏" : "yang", - "样" : "yang", - "恙" : "yang", - "烊" : "yang", - "漾" : "yang", - "幺" : "yao", - "夭" : "yao", - "吆" : "yao", - "妖" : "yao", - "腰" : "yao", - "邀" : "yao", - "爻" : "yao", - "尧" : "yao", - "肴" : "yao", - "姚" : "yao", - "窑" : "yao", - "谣" : "yao", - "摇" : "yao", - "徭" : "yao", - "遥" : "yao", - "瑶" : "yao", - "杳" : "yao", - "咬" : "yao", - "舀" : "yao", - "窈" : "yao", - "药" : "yao", - "要" : "yao", - "鹞" : "yao", - "耀" : "yao", - "耶" : "ye", - "掖" : "ye", - "椰" : "ye", - "噎" : "ye", - "爷" : "ye", - "揶" : "ye", - "也" : "ye", - "冶" : "ye", - "野" : "ye", - "业" : "ye", - "叶" : "ye", - "页" : "ye", - "曳" : "ye", - "夜" : "ye", - "液" : "ye", - "谒" : "ye", - "腋" : "ye", - "一" : "yi", - "伊" : "yi", - "衣" : "yi", - "医" : "yi", - "依" : "yi", - "咿" : "yi", - "揖" : "yi", - "壹" : "yi", - "漪" : "yi", - "噫" : "yi", - "仪" : "yi", - "夷" : "yi", - "饴" : "yi", - "宜" : "yi", - "咦" : "yi", - "贻" : "yi", - "姨" : "yi", - "胰" : "yi", - "移" : "yi", - "痍" : "yi", - "颐" : "yi", - "疑" : "yi", - "彝" : "yi", - "乙" : "yi", - "已" : "yi", - "以" : "yi", - "苡" : "yi", - "矣" : "yi", - "迤" : "yi", - "蚁" : "yi", - "倚" : "yi", - "椅" : "yi", - "旖" : "yi", - "乂" : "yi", - "亿" : "yi", - "义" : "yi", - "艺" : "yi", - "刈" : "yi", - "忆" : "yi", - "议" : "yi", - "屹" : "yi", - "亦" : "yi", - "异" : "yi", - "抑" : "yi", - "呓" : "yi", - "邑" : "yi", - "役" : "yi", - "译" : "yi", - "易" : "yi", - "诣" : "yi", - "绎" : "yi", - "驿" : "yi", - "轶" : "yi", - "弈" : "yi", - "奕" : "yi", - "疫" : "yi", - "羿" : "yi", - "益" : "yi", - "谊" : "yi", - "逸" : "yi", - "翌" : "yi", - "肄" : "yi", - "裔" : "yi", - "意" : "yi", - "溢" : "yi", - "缢" : "yi", - "毅" : "yi", - "薏" : "yi", - "翳" : "yi", - "臆" : "yi", - "翼" : "yi", - "因" : "yin", - "阴" : "yin", - "茵" : "yin", - "荫" : "yin", - "音" : "yin", - "姻" : "yin", - "铟" : "yin", - "喑" : "yin", - "愔" : "yin", - "吟" : "yin", - "垠" : "yin", - "银" : "yin", - "淫" : "yin", - "寅" : "yin", - "龈" : "yin", - "霪" : "yin", - "尹" : "yin", - "引" : "yin", - "蚓" : "yin", - "隐" : "yin", - "瘾" : "yin", - "印" : "yin", - "英" : "ying", - "莺" : "ying", - "婴" : "ying", - "嘤" : "ying", - "罂" : "ying", - "缨" : "ying", - "樱" : "ying", - "鹦" : "ying", - "膺" : "ying", - "鹰" : "ying", - "迎" : "ying", - "茔" : "ying", - "荧" : "ying", - "盈" : "ying", - "莹" : "ying", - "萤" : "ying", - "营" : "ying", - "萦" : "ying", - "楹" : "ying", - "蝇" : "ying", - "赢" : "ying", - "瀛" : "ying", - "颍" : "ying", - "颖" : "ying", - "影" : "ying", - "应" : "ying", - "映" : "ying", - "硬" : "ying", - "哟" : "yo", - "唷" : "yo", - "佣" : "yong", - "拥" : "yong", - "庸" : "yong", - "雍" : "yong", - "壅" : "yong", - "臃" : "yong", - "永" : "yong", - "甬" : "yong", - "咏" : "yong", - "泳" : "yong", - "勇" : "yong", - "涌" : "yong", - "恿" : "yong", - "蛹" : "yong", - "踊" : "yong", - "用" : "yong", - "优" : "you", - "攸" : "you", - "忧" : "you", - "呦" : "you", - "幽" : "you", - "悠" : "you", - "尤" : "you", - "由" : "you", - "邮" : "you", - "犹" : "you", - "油" : "you", - "铀" : "you", - "鱿" : "you", - "游" : "you", - "友" : "you", - "有" : "you", - "酉" : "you", - "莠" : "you", - "黝" : "you", - "又" : "you", - "右" : "you", - "幼" : "you", - "佑" : "you", - "柚" : "you", - "囿" : "you", - "诱" : "you", - "鼬" : "you", - "迂" : "yu", - "纡" : "yu", - "於" : "yu", - "淤" : "yu", - "瘀" : "yu", - "于" : "yu", - "余" : "yu", - "盂" : "yu", - "臾" : "yu", - "鱼" : "yu", - "竽" : "yu", - "俞" : "yu", - "狳" : "yu", - "谀" : "yu", - "娱" : "yu", - "渔" : "yu", - "隅" : "yu", - "揄" : "yu", - "逾" : "yu", - "腴" : "yu", - "渝" : "yu", - "愉" : "yu", - "瑜" : "yu", - "榆" : "yu", - "虞" : "yu", - "愚" : "yu", - "舆" : "yu", - "与" : "yu", - "予" : "yu", - "屿" : "yu", - "宇" : "yu", - "羽" : "yu", - "雨" : "yu", - "禹" : "yu", - "语" : "yu", - "圄" : "yu", - "玉" : "yu", - "驭" : "yu", - "芋" : "yu", - "妪" : "yu", - "郁" : "yu", - "育" : "yu", - "狱" : "yu", - "浴" : "yu", - "预" : "yu", - "域" : "yu", - "欲" : "yu", - "谕" : "yu", - "遇" : "yu", - "喻" : "yu", - "御" : "yu", - "寓" : "yu", - "裕" : "yu", - "愈" : "yu", - "誉" : "yu", - "豫" : "yu", - "鹬" : "yu", - "鸢" : "yuan", - "鸳" : "yuan", - "冤" : "yuan", - "渊" : "yuan", - "元" : "yuan", - "园" : "yuan", - "垣" : "yuan", - "袁" : "yuan", - "原" : "yuan", - "圆" : "yuan", - "援" : "yuan", - "媛" : "yuan", - "缘" : "yuan", - "猿" : "yuan", - "源" : "yuan", - "辕" : "yuan", - "远" : "yuan", - "苑" : "yuan", - "怨" : "yuan", - "院" : "yuan", - "愿" : "yuan", - "曰" : "yue", - "月" : "yue", - "岳" : "yue", - "钺" : "yue", - "阅" : "yue", - "悦" : "yue", - "跃" : "yue", - "越" : "yue", - "粤" : "yue", - "晕" : "yun", - "云" : "yun", - "匀" : "yun", - "芸" : "yun", - "纭" : "yun", - "耘" : "yun", - "允" : "yun", - "陨" : "yun", - "殒" : "yun", - "孕" : "yun", - "运" : "yun", - "酝" : "yun", - "愠" : "yun", - "韵" : "yun", - "蕴" : "yun", - "熨" : "yun", - "匝" : "za", - "咂" : "za", - "杂" : "za", - "砸" : "za", - "灾" : "zai", - "甾" : "zai", - "哉" : "zai", - "栽" : "zai", - "载" : "zai", - "宰" : "zai", - "崽" : "zai", - "再" : "zai", - "在" : "zai", - "糌" : "zan", - "簪" : "zan", - "咱" : "zan", - "趱" : "zan", - "暂" : "zan", - "錾" : "zan", - "赞" : "zan", - "赃" : "zang", - "脏" : "zang", - "臧" : "zang", - "驵" : "zang", - "葬" : "zang", - "遭" : "zao", - "糟" : "zao", - "凿" : "zao", - "早" : "zao", - "枣" : "zao", - "蚤" : "zao", - "澡" : "zao", - "藻" : "zao", - "皂" : "zao", - "灶" : "zao", - "造" : "zao", - "噪" : "zao", - "燥" : "zao", - "躁" : "zao", - "则" : "ze", - "责" : "ze", - "泽" : "ze", - "啧" : "ze", - "帻" : "ze", - "仄" : "ze", - "贼" : "zei", - "怎" : "zen", - "谮" : "zen", - "增" : "zeng", - "憎" : "zeng", - "锃" : "zeng", - "赠" : "zeng", - "甑" : "zeng", - "吒" : "zha", - "挓" : "zha", - "哳" : "zha", - "揸" : "zha", - "渣" : "zha", - "楂" : "zha", - "札" : "zha", - "闸" : "zha", - "铡" : "zha", - "眨" : "zha", - "砟" : "zha", - "乍" : "zha", - "诈" : "zha", - "咤" : "zha", - "炸" : "zha", - "蚱" : "zha", - "榨" : "zha", - "拃" : "zha", - "斋" : "zhai", - "摘" : "zhai", - "宅" : "zhai", - "窄" : "zhai", - "债" : "zhai", - "砦" : "zhai", - "寨" : "zhai", - "沾" : "zhan", - "毡" : "zhan", - "粘" : "zhan", - "詹" : "zhan", - "谵" : "zhan", - "瞻" : "zhan", - "斩" : "zhan", - "盏" : "zhan", - "展" : "zhan", - "崭" : "zhan", - "搌" : "zhan", - "辗" : "zhan", - "占" : "zhan", - "栈" : "zhan", - "战" : "zhan", - "站" : "zhan", - "绽" : "zhan", - "湛" : "zhan", - "蘸" : "zhan", - "张" : "zhang", - "章" : "zhang", - "獐" : "zhang", - "彰" : "zhang", - "樟" : "zhang", - "蟑" : "zhang", - "涨" : "zhang", - "掌" : "zhang", - "丈" : "zhang", - "仗" : "zhang", - "杖" : "zhang", - "帐" : "zhang", - "账" : "zhang", - "胀" : "zhang", - "障" : "zhang", - "嶂" : "zhang", - "瘴" : "zhang", - "钊" : "zhao", - "招" : "zhao", - "昭" : "zhao", - "找" : "zhao", - "沼" : "zhao", - "兆" : "zhao", - "诏" : "zhao", - "赵" : "zhao", - "照" : "zhao", - "罩" : "zhao", - "肇" : "zhao", - "蜇" : "zhe", - "遮" : "zhe", - "哲" : "zhe", - "辄" : "zhe", - "蛰" : "zhe", - "谪" : "zhe", - "辙" : "zhe", - "者" : "zhe", - "锗" : "zhe", - "赭" : "zhe", - "褶" : "zhe", - "浙" : "zhe", - "蔗" : "zhe", - "鹧" : "zhe", - "贞" : "zhen", - "针" : "zhen", - "侦" : "zhen", - "珍" : "zhen", - "帧" : "zhen", - "胗" : "zhen", - "真" : "zhen", - "砧" : "zhen", - "斟" : "zhen", - "甄" : "zhen", - "榛" : "zhen", - "箴" : "zhen", - "臻" : "zhen", - "诊" : "zhen", - "枕" : "zhen", - "疹" : "zhen", - "缜" : "zhen", - "阵" : "zhen", - "鸩" : "zhen", - "振" : "zhen", - "朕" : "zhen", - "赈" : "zhen", - "震" : "zhen", - "镇" : "zhen", - "争" : "zheng", - "征" : "zheng", - "怔" : "zheng", - "峥" : "zheng", - "狰" : "zheng", - "睁" : "zheng", - "铮" : "zheng", - "筝" : "zheng", - "蒸" : "zheng", - "拯" : "zheng", - "整" : "zheng", - "正" : "zheng", - "证" : "zheng", - "郑" : "zheng", - "诤" : "zheng", - "政" : "zheng", - "挣" : "zheng", - "症" : "zheng", - "之" : "zhi", - "支" : "zhi", - "只" : "zhi", - "汁" : "zhi", - "芝" : "zhi", - "吱" : "zhi", - "枝" : "zhi", - "知" : "zhi", - "肢" : "zhi", - "织" : "zhi", - "栀" : "zhi", - "脂" : "zhi", - "蜘" : "zhi", - "执" : "zhi", - "直" : "zhi", - "侄" : "zhi", - "值" : "zhi", - "职" : "zhi", - "植" : "zhi", - "跖" : "zhi", - "踯" : "zhi", - "止" : "zhi", - "旨" : "zhi", - "址" : "zhi", - "芷" : "zhi", - "纸" : "zhi", - "祉" : "zhi", - "指" : "zhi", - "枳" : "zhi", - "咫" : "zhi", - "趾" : "zhi", - "酯" : "zhi", - "至" : "zhi", - "志" : "zhi", - "豸" : "zhi", - "帜" : "zhi", - "制" : "zhi", - "质" : "zhi", - "炙" : "zhi", - "治" : "zhi", - "栉" : "zhi", - "峙" : "zhi", - "挚" : "zhi", - "桎" : "zhi", - "致" : "zhi", - "秩" : "zhi", - "掷" : "zhi", - "痔" : "zhi", - "窒" : "zhi", - "蛭" : "zhi", - "智" : "zhi", - "痣" : "zhi", - "滞" : "zhi", - "置" : "zhi", - "雉" : "zhi", - "稚" : "zhi", - "中" : "zhong", - "忠" : "zhong", - "终" : "zhong", - "盅" : "zhong", - "钟" : "zhong", - "衷" : "zhong", - "肿" : "zhong", - "冢" : "zhong", - "踵" : "zhong", - "仲" : "zhong", - "众" : "zhong", - "舟" : "zhou", - "州" : "zhou", - "诌" : "zhou", - "周" : "zhou", - "洲" : "zhou", - "粥" : "zhou", - "妯" : "zhou", - "轴" : "zhou", - "肘" : "zhou", - "纣" : "zhou", - "咒" : "zhou", - "宙" : "zhou", - "胄" : "zhou", - "昼" : "zhou", - "皱" : "zhou", - "骤" : "zhou", - "帚" : "zhou", - "朱" : "zhu", - "侏" : "zhu", - "诛" : "zhu", - "茱" : "zhu", - "珠" : "zhu", - "株" : "zhu", - "诸" : "zhu", - "铢" : "zhu", - "猪" : "zhu", - "蛛" : "zhu", - "竹" : "zhu", - "竺" : "zhu", - "逐" : "zhu", - "烛" : "zhu", - "躅" : "zhu", - "主" : "zhu", - "拄" : "zhu", - "煮" : "zhu", - "嘱" : "zhu", - "瞩" : "zhu", - "伫" : "zhu", - "苎" : "zhu", - "助" : "zhu", - "住" : "zhu", - "贮" : "zhu", - "注" : "zhu", - "驻" : "zhu", - "柱" : "zhu", - "祝" : "zhu", - "著" : "zhu", - "蛀" : "zhu", - "铸" : "zhu", - "筑" : "zhu", - "抓" : "zhua", - "跩" : "zhuai", - "拽" : "zhuai", - "专" : "zhuan", - "砖" : "zhuan", - "转" : "zhuan", - "啭" : "zhuan", - "撰" : "zhuan", - "篆" : "zhuan", - "妆" : "zhuang", - "庄" : "zhuang", - "桩" : "zhuang", - "装" : "zhuang", - "壮" : "zhuang", - "状" : "zhuang", - "撞" : "zhuang", - "幢" : "zhuang", - "追" : "zhui", - "骓" : "zhui", - "锥" : "zhui", - "坠" : "zhui", - "缀" : "zhui", - "惴" : "zhui", - "赘" : "zhui", - "谆" : "zhun", - "准" : "zhun", - "拙" : "zhuo", - "捉" : "zhuo", - "桌" : "zhuo", - "灼" : "zhuo", - "茁" : "zhuo", - "卓" : "zhuo", - "斫" : "zhuo", - "浊" : "zhuo", - "酌" : "zhuo", - "啄" : "zhuo", - "擢" : "zhuo", - "镯" : "zhuo", - "孜" : "zi", - "咨" : "zi", - "姿" : "zi", - "赀" : "zi", - "资" : "zi", - "辎" : "zi", - "嗞" : "zi", - "滋" : "zi", - "锱" : "zi", - "龇" : "zi", - "子" : "zi", - "姊" : "zi", - "秭" : "zi", - "籽" : "zi", - "梓" : "zi", - "紫" : "zi", - "訾" : "zi", - "滓" : "zi", - "自" : "zi", - "字" : "zi", - "恣" : "zi", - "眦" : "zi", - "渍" : "zi", - "宗" : "zong", - "综" : "zong", - "棕" : "zong", - "踪" : "zong", - "鬃" : "zong", - "总" : "zong", - "纵" : "zong", - "粽" : "zong", - "邹" : "zou", - "走" : "zou", - "奏" : "zou", - "揍" : "zou", - "租" : "zu", - "足" : "zu", - "卒" : "zu", - "族" : "zu", - "诅" : "zu", - "阻" : "zu", - "组" : "zu", - "俎" : "zu", - "祖" : "zu", - "纂" : "zuan", - "钻" : "zuan", - "攥" : "zuan", - "嘴" : "zui", - "最" : "zui", - "罪" : "zui", - "醉" : "zui", - "尊" : "zun", - "遵" : "zun", - "樽" : "zun", - "鳟" : "zun", - "昨" : "zuo", - "左" : "zuo", - "佐" : "zuo", - "作" : "zuo", - "坐" : "zuo", - "阼" : "zuo", - "怍" : "zuo", - 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"萁" : "qi", - "颀" : "qi", - "阗" : "tian", - "湉" : "tian", - "翀" : "chong", - "岷" : "min", - "桤" : "qi", - "囯" : "guo", - "浛" : "han", - "勐" : "meng", - "苠" : "min", - "岍" : "qian", - "皞" : "hao", - "岐" : "qi", - "溥" : "pu", - "锘" : "muo", - "渼" : "mei", - "燊" : "shen", - "玚" : "chang", - "亓" : "qi", - "湋" : "wei", - "涴" : "wan", - "沤" : "ou", - "胖" : "pang", - "莆" : "pu", - "扦" : "qian", - "僳" : "su", - "坍" : "tan", - "锑" : "ti", - "嚏" : "ti", - "腆" : "tian", - "丿" : "pie", - "鼗" : "tao", - "芈" : "mi", - "匚" : "fang", - "刂" : "li", - "冂" : "tong", - "亻" : "dan", - "仳" : "pi", - "俜" : "ping", - "俳" : "pai", - "倜" : "ti", - "傥" : "tang", - "傩" : "nuo", - "佥" : "qian", - "勹" : "bao", - "亠" : "tou", - "廾" : "gong", - "匏" : "pao", - "扌" : "ti", - "拚" : "pin", - "掊" : "pou", - "搦" : "nuo", - "擗" : "pi", - "啕" : "tao", - "嗦" : "suo", - "嗍" : "suo", - "辔" : "pei", - "嘌" : "piao", - "嗾" : "sou", - "嘧" : "mi", - "帔" : "pei", - "帑" : "tang", - "彡" : "san", - "犭" : "fan", - "狍" : "pao", - "狲" : "sun", - "狻" : "jun", - "飧" : "sun", - "夂" : "zhi", - "饣" : "shi", - "庀" : "pi", - "忄" : "shu", - "愫" : "su", - "闼" : "ta", - "丬" : "jiang", - "氵" : "san", - "汔" : "qi", - "沔" : "mian", - "汨" : "mi", - "泮" : "pan", - "洮" : "tao", - "涑" : "su", - "淠" : "pi", - "湓" : "pen", - "溻" : "ta", - "溏" : "tang", - "濉" : "sui", - "宀" : "bao", - "搴" : "qian", - "辶" : "zou", - "逄" : "pang", - "逖" : "ti", - "遢" : "ta", - "邈" : "miao", - "邃" : "sui", - "彐" : "ji", - "屮" : "cao", - "娑" : "suo", - "嫖" : "piao", - "纟" : "jiao", - "缗" : "min", - "瑭" : "tang", - "杪" : "miao", - "桫" : "suo", - "榀" : "pin", - "榫" : "sun", - "槭" : "qi", - "甓" : "pi", - "攴" : "po", - "耆" : "qi", - "牝" : "pin", - "犏" : "pian", - "氆" : "pu", - "攵" : "fan", - "肽" : "tai", - "胼" : "pian", - "脒" : "mi", - "脬" : "pao", - "旆" : "pei", - "炱" : "tai", - "燧" : "sui", - "灬" : "biao", - "礻" : "shi", - "祧" : "tiao", - "忑" : "te", - "忐" : "tan", - "愍" : "min", - "肀" : "yu", - "碛" : "qi", - "眄" : "mian", - "眇" : "miao", - "眭" : "sui", - "睃" : "suo", - "瞍" : "sou", - "畋" : "tian", - "罴" : "pi", - "蠓" : "meng", - "蠛" : "mie", - "笸" : "po", - "筢" : "pa", - "衄" : "nv", - "艋" : "meng", - "敉" : "mi", - "糸" : "mi", - "綦" : "qi", - "醅" : "pei", - "醣" : "tang", - "趿" : "ta", - "觫" : "su", - "龆" : "tiao", - "鲆" : "ping", - "稣" : "su", - "鲐" : "tai", - "鲦" : "tiao", - "鳎" : "ta", - "髂" : "qia", - "縻" : "mi", - "裒" : "pou", - "冫" : "liang", - "冖" : "tu", - "讠" : "yan", - "谇" : "sui", - "谝" : "pian", - "谡" : "su", - "卩" : "dan", - "阝" : "zuo", - "陴" : "pi", - "邳" : "pi", - "郫" : "pi", - "郯" : "tan", - "廴" : "yin", - "凵" : "qian", - "圮" : "pi", - "堋" : "peng", - "鼙" : "pi", - "艹" : "cao", - "芑" : "qi", - "苤" : "pie", - "荪" : "sun", - "荽" : "sui", - "葜" : "qia", - "蒎" : "pai", - "蔌" : "su", - "蕲" : "qi", - "薮" : "sou", - "薹" : "tai", - "蘼" : "mi", - "钅" : "jin", - "钷" : "po", - "钽" : "tan", - "铍" : "pi", - "铴" : "tang", - "铽" : "te", - "锫" : "pei", - "锬" : "tan", - "锼" : "sou", - "镤" : "pu", - "镨" : "pu", - "皤" : "po", - "鹈" : "ti", - "鹋" : "miao", - "疒" : "bing", - "疱" : "pao", - "衤" : "yi", - "袢" : "pan", - "裼" : "ti", - "襻" : "pan", - "耥" : "tang", - "耦" : "ou", - "虍" : "hu", - "蛴" : "qi", - "蜞" : "qi", - "蜱" : "pi", - "螋" : "sou", - "螗" : "tang", - "螵" : "piao", - "蟛" : "peng" -} diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/croatian.json php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/croatian.json --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/croatian.json 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/croatian.json 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -{ - "Č": "C", - "Ć": "C", - "Ž": "Z", - "Š": "S", - "Đ": "Dj", - "č": "c", - "ć": "c", - "ž": "z", - "š": "s", - "đ": "dj" -} \ No newline at end of file diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/czech.json php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/czech.json --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/czech.json 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/czech.json 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -{ - "Č": "C", - "Ď": "D", - "Ě": "E", - "Ň": "N", - "Ř": "R", - "Š": "S", - "Ť": "T", - "Ů": "U", - "Ž": "Z", - "č": "c", - "ď": "d", - "ě": "e", - "ň": "n", - "ř": "r", - "š": "s", - "ť": "t", - "ů": "u", - "ž": "z" -} diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/danish.json php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/danish.json --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/danish.json 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/danish.json 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -{ - "Æ": "Ae", - "æ": "ae", - "Ø": "Oe", - "ø": "oe", - "Å": "Aa", - "å": "aa", - "É": "E", - "é": "e" -} diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/default.json php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/default.json --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/default.json 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/default.json 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,186 +0,0 @@ -{ - "°": "0", - "¹": "1", - "²": "2", - "³": "3", - "⁴": "4", - "⁵": "5", - "⁶": "6", - "⁷": "7", - "⁸": "8", - "⁹": "9", - - "₀": "0", - "₁": "1", - "₂": "2", - "₃": "3", - "₄": "4", - "₅": "5", - "₆": "6", - "₇": "7", - "₈": "8", - "₉": "9", - - - "æ": "ae", - "ǽ": "ae", - "À": "A", - "Á": "A", - "Â": "A", - "Ã": "A", - "Å": "AA", - "Ǻ": "A", - "Ă": "A", - "Ǎ": "A", - "Æ": "AE", - "Ǽ": "AE", - "à": "a", - "á": "a", - "â": "a", - "ã": "a", - "å": "aa", - "ǻ": "a", - "ă": "a", - "ǎ": "a", - "ª": "a", - "@": "at", - "Ĉ": "C", - "Ċ": "C", - "Ç": "C", - "ç": "c", - "ĉ": "c", - "ċ": "c", - "©": "c", - "Ð": "Dj", - "Đ": "D", - "ð": "dj", - "đ": "d", - "È": "E", - "É": "E", - "Ê": "E", - "Ë": "E", - "Ĕ": "E", - "Ė": "E", - "è": "e", - "é": "e", - "ê": "e", - "ë": "e", - "ĕ": "e", - "ė": "e", - "ƒ": "f", - "Ĝ": "G", - "Ġ": "G", - "ĝ": "g", - "ġ": "g", - "Ĥ": "H", - "Ħ": "H", - "ĥ": "h", - "ħ": "h", - "Ì": "I", - "Í": "I", - "Î": "I", - "Ï": "I", - "Ĩ": "I", - "Ĭ": "I", - "Ǐ": "I", - "Į": "I", - "IJ": "IJ", - "ì": "i", - "í": "i", - "î": "i", - 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"Ē": "E", - "Ģ": "G", - "Ī": "I", - "Ķ": "K", - "Ļ": "L", - "Ņ": "N", - "Ū": "U", - "ā": "a", - "ē": "e", - "ģ": "g", - "ī": "i", - "ķ": "k", - "ļ": "l", - "ņ": "n", - "ū": "u" -} diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/lithuanian.json php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/lithuanian.json --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/lithuanian.json 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/lithuanian.json 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -{ - "Ą": "A", - "Č": "C", - "Ę": "E", - "Ė": "E", - "Į": "I", - "Š": "S", - "Ų": "U", - "Ū": "U", - "Ž": "Z", - "ą": "a", - "č": "c", - "ę": "e", - "ė": "e", - "į": "i", - "š": "s", - "ų": "u", - "ū": "u", - "ž": "z" -} diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/macedonian.json php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/macedonian.json --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/macedonian.json 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/macedonian.json 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ -{ - "А": "A", - "Б": "B", - "В": "V", - "Г": "G", - "Д": "D", - "Ѓ": "Gj", - "Е": "E", - "Ж": "Zh", - "З": "Z", - "S": "Dz", - "И": "I", - "Ј": "J", - "К": "K", - "Л": "L", - "Љ": "Lj", - "М": "M", - "Н": "N", - "Њ": "Nj", - "О": "O", - "П": "P", - "Р": "R", - "С": "S", - "Т": "T", - "Ќ": "Kj", - "У": "U", - "Ф": "F", - "Х": "H", - "Ц": "C", - "Ч": "Ch", - "Џ": "Dj", - "Ш": "Sh", - "а": "a", - "б": "b", - "в": "v", - "г": "g", - "д": "d", - "ѓ": "gj", - "е": "e", - "ж": "zh", - "з": "z", - "s": "dz", - "и": "i", - "ј": "j", - "к": "k", - "л": "l", - "љ": "lj", - "м": "m", - "н": "n", - "њ": "nj", - "о": "o", - "п": "p", - "р": "r", - "с": "s", - "т": "t", - "ќ": "kj", - "у": "u", - "ф": "f", - "х": "h", - "ц": "c", - "ч": "ch", - "џ": "dj", - "ш": "sh" -} diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/norwegian.json php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/norwegian.json --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/norwegian.json 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/norwegian.json 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -{ - 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"Ą": "A", - "Ć": "C", - "Ę": "E", - "Ł": "L", - "Ń": "N", - "Ó": "O", - "Ś": "S", - "Ź": "Z", - "Ż": "Z", - "ą": "a", - "ć": "c", - "ę": "e", - "ł": "l", - "ń": "n", - "ó": "o", - "ś": "s", - "ź": "z", - "ż": "z" -} diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/portuguese-brazil.json php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/portuguese-brazil.json --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/portuguese-brazil.json 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/portuguese-brazil.json 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,187 +0,0 @@ - -{ - "°": "0", - "¹": "1", - "²": "2", - "³": "3", - "⁴": "4", - "⁵": "5", - "⁶": "6", - "⁷": "7", - "⁸": "8", - "⁹": "9", - - "₀": "0", - "₁": "1", - "₂": "2", - "₃": "3", - "₄": "4", - "₅": "5", - "₆": "6", - "₇": "7", - "₈": "8", - "₉": "9", - - - "æ": "ae", - "ǽ": "ae", - "À": "A", - "Á": "A", - "Â": "A", - "Ã": "A", - "Å": "AA", - "Ǻ": "A", - "Ă": "A", - "Ǎ": "A", - "Æ": "AE", - "Ǽ": "AE", - "à": "a", - "á": "a", - "â": "a", - 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"ă": "a", - "î": "i", - "â": "a", - "ş": "s", - "ș": "s", - "ţ": "t", - "ț": "t", - "Ă": "A", - "Î": "I", - "Â": "A", - "Ş": "S", - "Ș": "S", - "Ţ": "T", - "Ț": "T" -} diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/russian.json php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/russian.json --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/russian.json 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/russian.json 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,68 +0,0 @@ -{ - "Ъ": "", - "Ь": "", - "А": "A", - "Б": "B", - "Ц": "C", - "Ч": "Ch", - "Д": "D", - "Е": "E", - "Ё": "E", - "Э": "E", - "Ф": "F", - "Г": "G", - "Х": "H", - "И": "I", - "Й": "Y", - "Я": "Ya", - "Ю": "Yu", - "К": "K", - "Л": "L", - "М": "M", - "Н": "N", - "О": "O", - "П": "P", - "Р": "R", - "С": "S", - "Ш": "Sh", - "Щ": "Shch", - "Т": "T", - "У": "U", - "В": "V", - "Ы": "Y", - "З": "Z", - "Ж": "Zh", - "ъ": "", - "ь": "", - "а": "a", - "б": "b", - "ц": "c", - "ч": "ch", - "д": "d", - "е": "e", - "ё": "e", - "э": "e", - "ф": "f", - "г": "g", - "х": "h", - "и": "i", - "й": "y", - "я": "ya", - "ю": "yu", - "к": "k", - "л": "l", - "м": "m", - "н": "n", - "о": "o", - "п": "p", - "р": "r", - "с": "s", - "ш": "sh", - "щ": "shch", - "т": "t", - "у": "u", - "в": "v", - "ы": "y", - "з": "z", - "ж": "zh" -} diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/serbian.json php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/serbian.json --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/serbian.json 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/serbian.json 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -{ - "а": "a", - "б": "b", - "в": "v", - "г": "g", - "д": "d", - "ђ": "dj", - "е": "e", - "ж": "z", - "з": "z", - "и": "i", - "ј": "j", - "к": "k", - "л": "l", - "љ": "lj", - "м": "m", - "н": "n", - "њ": "nj", - "о": "o", - "п": "p", - "р": "r", - "с": "s", - "т": "t", - "ћ": "c", - "у": "u", - "ф": "f", - "х": "h", - "ц": "c", - "ч": "c", - "џ": "dz", - "ш": "s", - "А": "A", - "Б": "B", - "В": "V", - "Г": "G", - "Д": "D", - "Ђ": "Dj", - "Е": "E", - "Ж": "Z", - "З": "Z", - "И": "I", - "Ј": "J", - "К": "K", - "Л": "L", - "Љ": "Lj", - "М": "M", - "Н": "N", - "Њ": "Nj", - "О": "O", - "П": "P", - "Р": "R", - "С": "S", - "Т": "T", - "Ћ": "C", - "У": "U", - "Ф": "F", - "Х": "H", - "Ц": "C", - "Ч": "C", - "Џ": "Dz", - "Ш": "S", - "š": "s", - "đ": "dj", - "ž": "z", - "ć": "c", - "č": "c", - "Š": "S", - "Đ": "DJ", - "Ž": "Z", - "Ć": "C", - "Č": "C" -} \ No newline at end of file diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/swedish.json php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/swedish.json --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/swedish.json 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/swedish.json 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -{ - "Ä": "A", - "Å": "a", - "Ö": "O", - "ä": "a", - "å": "a", - "ö": "o" -} diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/turkish.json php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/turkish.json --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/turkish.json 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/turkish.json 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -{ - "Ç": "C", - "Ğ": "G", - "İ": "I", - "Ş": "S", - "Ö": "O", - "Ü": "U", - "ç": "c", - "ğ": "g", - "ı": "i", - "ş": "s", - "ö": "o", - "ü": "u" -} diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/ukrainian.json php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/ukrainian.json --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/ukrainian.json 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/ukrainian.json 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -{ - "Ґ": "G", - "І": "I", - "Ї": "Ji", - "Є": "Ye", - "ґ": "g", - "і": "i", - "ї": "ji", - "є": "ye" -} diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/vietnamese.json php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/vietnamese.json --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/Resources/rules/vietnamese.json 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/Resources/rules/vietnamese.json 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,92 +0,0 @@ -{ - "ạ": "a", - "ả": "a", - "ầ": "a", - "ấ": "a", - "ậ": "a", - "ẩ": "a", - "ẫ": "a", - "ằ": "a", - 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maximum: '20' diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/src/Bridge/Nette/SlugifyExtension.php php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/src/Bridge/Nette/SlugifyExtension.php --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/src/Bridge/Nette/SlugifyExtension.php 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/src/Bridge/Nette/SlugifyExtension.php 2019-12-14 13:04:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ $builder = $this->getContainerBuilder(); $self = $this; - $registerToLatte = function(ServiceDefinition $def) use ($self) { + $registerToLatte = function (ServiceDefinition $def) use ($self) { $def->addSetup('addFilter', ['slugify', [$self->prefix('@helper'), 'slugify']]); }; diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/src/Bridge/Silex/SlugifyServiceProvider.php php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/src/Bridge/Silex/SlugifyServiceProvider.php --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/src/Bridge/Silex/SlugifyServiceProvider.php 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/src/Bridge/Silex/SlugifyServiceProvider.php 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ - - * - * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE - * file that was distributed with this source code. - */ - -namespace Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Silex; - -use Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Twig\SlugifyExtension; -use Cocur\Slugify\Slugify; -use Silex\Application; -use Silex\ServiceProviderInterface; - -/** - * SlugifyServiceProvider - * - * @package cocur/slugify - * @subpackage bridge - * @author Florian Eckerstorfer - * @copyright 2012-2014 Florian Eckerstorfer - * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT The MIT License - */ -class SlugifyServiceProvider implements ServiceProviderInterface -{ - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - */ - public function register(Application $app) - { - $app['slugify.options'] = []; - $app['slugify.provider'] = null; - - $app['slugify'] = $app->share(function ($app) { - return new Slugify($app['slugify.options'], $app['slugify.provider']); - }); - - if (isset($app['twig'])) { - $app['twig'] = $app->share($app->extend('twig', function (\Twig_Environment $twig, $app) { - $twig->addExtension(new SlugifyExtension($app['slugify'])); - - return $twig; - })); - } - } - - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - */ - public function boot(Application $app) - { - } -} diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/src/Bridge/Silex2/SlugifyServiceProvider.php php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/src/Bridge/Silex2/SlugifyServiceProvider.php --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/src/Bridge/Silex2/SlugifyServiceProvider.php 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/src/Bridge/Silex2/SlugifyServiceProvider.php 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ - - * - * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE - * file that was distributed with this source code. - */ - -namespace Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Silex2; - -use Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Twig\SlugifyExtension; -use Cocur\Slugify\Slugify; -use Pimple\Container; -use Pimple\ServiceProviderInterface; - -/** - * SlugifyServiceProvider - * - * @package cocur/slugify - * @subpackage bridge - * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT The MIT License - */ -class SlugifyServiceProvider implements ServiceProviderInterface -{ - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - */ - public function register(Container $container) - { - $container['slugify.options'] = []; - $container['slugify.provider'] = null; - - $container['slugify'] = function ($container) { - return new Slugify($container['slugify.options'], $container['slugify.provider']); - }; - - if (isset($container['twig'])) { - $container->extend('twig', function (\Twig_Environment $twig, $container) { - $twig->addExtension(new SlugifyExtension($container['slugify'])); - - return $twig; - }); - } - } -} diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/src/Bridge/Symfony/CocurSlugifyBundle.php php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/src/Bridge/Symfony/CocurSlugifyBundle.php --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/src/Bridge/Symfony/CocurSlugifyBundle.php 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/src/Bridge/Symfony/CocurSlugifyBundle.php 2019-12-14 13:04:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\Bundle; /** - * CourSlugifyBundle + * CocurSlugifyBundle * * @package cocur/slugify * @subpackage bridge diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/src/Bridge/Symfony/CocurSlugifyExtension.php php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/src/Bridge/Symfony/CocurSlugifyExtension.php --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/src/Bridge/Symfony/CocurSlugifyExtension.php 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/src/Bridge/Symfony/CocurSlugifyExtension.php 2019-12-14 13:04:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Definition; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Reference; use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DependencyInjection\Extension; -use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel; /** * CocurSlugifyExtension @@ -44,7 +43,7 @@ } // Extract slugify arguments from config - $slugifyArguments = array_intersect_key($config, array_flip(['lowercase', 'separator', 'regexp', 'rulesets'])); + $slugifyArguments = array_intersect_key($config, array_flip(['lowercase', 'trim', 'strip_tags', 'separator', 'regexp', 'rulesets'])); $container->setDefinition('cocur_slugify', new Definition('Cocur\Slugify\Slugify', [$slugifyArguments])); $container @@ -58,10 +57,6 @@ ->addTag('twig.extension') ->setPublic(false); $container->setAlias('slugify', 'cocur_slugify'); - - // for symfony versions >= 3.3 - if (Kernel::VERSION_ID >= 30300) { - $container->setAlias('Cocur\Slugify\SlugifyInterface', 'cocur_slugify'); - } + $container->setAlias('Cocur\Slugify\SlugifyInterface', 'cocur_slugify'); } } diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/src/Bridge/Symfony/Configuration.php php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/src/Bridge/Symfony/Configuration.php --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/src/Bridge/Symfony/Configuration.php 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/src/Bridge/Symfony/Configuration.php 2019-12-14 13:04:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -21,13 +21,21 @@ */ public function getConfigTreeBuilder() { - $treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder(); - $rootNode = $treeBuilder->root('cocur_slugify'); + $treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder('cocur_slugify'); + + // Keep compatibility with symfony/config < 4.2 + if (\method_exists($treeBuilder, 'getRootNode')) { + $rootNode = $treeBuilder->getRootNode(); + } else { + $rootNode = $treeBuilder->root('cocur_slugify'); + } $rootNode ->children() ->booleanNode('lowercase')->end() + ->booleanNode('lowercase_after_regexp')->end() ->booleanNode('trim')->end() + ->booleanNode('strip_tags')->end() ->scalarNode('separator')->end() ->scalarNode('regexp')->end() ->arrayNode('rulesets')->prototype('scalar')->end() diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/src/Bridge/Twig/SlugifyExtension.php php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/src/Bridge/Twig/SlugifyExtension.php --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/src/Bridge/Twig/SlugifyExtension.php 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/src/Bridge/Twig/SlugifyExtension.php 2019-12-14 13:04:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ namespace Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Twig; use Cocur\Slugify\SlugifyInterface; -use Twig_SimpleFilter; +use Twig\Extension\AbstractExtension; +use Twig\TwigFilter; /** * SlugifyExtension @@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ * @copyright 2012-2015 Florian Eckerstorfer * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT The MIT License */ -class SlugifyExtension extends \Twig_Extension +class SlugifyExtension extends AbstractExtension { /** * @var SlugifyInterface @@ -45,12 +46,12 @@ /** * Returns the Twig functions of this extension. * - * @return Twig_SimpleFilter[] + * @return TwigFilter[] */ public function getFilters() { return [ - new Twig_SimpleFilter('slugify', [$this, 'slugifyFilter']), + new TwigFilter('slugify', [$this, 'slugifyFilter']), ]; } @@ -76,5 +77,4 @@ { return "SlugifyExtension"; } - } diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/src/RuleProvider/DefaultRuleProvider.php php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/src/RuleProvider/DefaultRuleProvider.php --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/src/RuleProvider/DefaultRuleProvider.php 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/src/RuleProvider/DefaultRuleProvider.php 2019-12-14 13:04:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -59,6 +59,86 @@ 'و' => 'o', 'ي' => 'y', ), + 'armenian' => + array ( + 'Ա' => 'A', + 'Բ' => 'B', + 'Գ' => 'G', + 'Դ' => 'D', + 'Ե' => 'E', + 'Զ' => 'Z', + 'Է' => 'E', + 'Ը' => 'Y', + 'Թ' => 'Th', + 'Ժ' => 'Zh', + 'Ի' => 'I', + 'Լ' => 'L', + 'Խ' => 'Kh', + 'Ծ' => 'Ts', + 'Կ' => 'K', + 'Հ' => 'H', + 'Ձ' => 'Dz', + 'Ղ' => 'Gh', + 'Ճ' => 'Tch', + 'Մ' => 'M', + 'Յ' => 'Y', + 'Ն' => 'N', + 'Շ' => 'Sh', + 'Ո' => 'Vo', + 'Չ' => 'Ch', + 'Պ' => 'P', + 'Ջ' => 'J', + 'Ռ' => 'R', + 'Ս' => 'S', + 'Վ' => 'V', + 'Տ' => 'T', + 'Ր' => 'R', + 'Ց' => 'C', + 'Ւ' => 'u', + 'Փ' => 'Ph', + 'Ք' => 'Q', + 'և' => 'ev', + 'Օ' => 'O', + 'Ֆ' => 'F', + 'ա' => 'a', + 'բ' => 'b', + 'գ' => 'g', + 'դ' => 'd', + 'ե' => 'e', + 'զ' => 'z', + 'է' => 'e', + 'ը' => 'y', + 'թ' => 'th', + 'ժ' => 'zh', + 'ի' => 'i', + 'լ' => 'l', + 'խ' => 'kh', + 'ծ' => 'ts', + 'կ' => 'k', + 'հ' => 'h', + 'ձ' => 'dz', + 'ղ' => 'gh', + 'ճ' => 'tch', + 'մ' => 'm', + 'յ' => 'y', + 'ն' => 'n', + 'շ' => 'sh', + 'ո' => 'vo', + 'չ' => 'ch', + 'պ' => 'p', + 'ջ' => 'j', + 'ռ' => 'r', + 'ս' => 's', + 'վ' => 'v', + 'տ' => 't', + 'ր' => 'r', + 'ց' => 'c', + 'ւ' => 'u', + 'փ' => 'ph', + 'ք' => 'q', + 'օ' => 'o', + 'ֆ' => 'f', + ), 'austrian' => array ( 'Ä' => 'AE', @@ -7817,7 +7897,7 @@ 'Е' => 'E', 'Ж' => 'Zh', 'З' => 'Z', - 'S' => 'Dz', + 'Ѕ' => 'Dz', 'И' => 'I', 'Ј' => 'J', 'К' => 'K', @@ -7848,7 +7928,7 @@ 'е' => 'e', 'ж' => 'zh', 'з' => 'z', - 's' => 'dz', + 'ѕ' => 'dz', 'и' => 'i', 'ј' => 'j', 'к' => 'k', @@ -8279,6 +8359,43 @@ 'Ć' => 'C', 'Č' => 'C', ), + 'slovak' => + array( + "Á" => "A", + "Ä" => "A", + "Č" => "C", + "Ď" => "D", + "É" => "E", + "Í" => "I", + "Ĺ" => "L", + "Ľ" => "L", + "Ň" => "N", + "Ó" => "O", + "Ô" => "O", + "Ŕ" => "R", + "Š" => "S", + "Ť" => "T", + "Ú" => "U", + "Ý" => "Y", + "Ž" => "Z", + "á" => "a", + "ä" => "a", + "č" => "c", + "ď" => "d", + "é" => "e", + "í" => "i", + "ĺ" => "l", + "ľ" => "l", + "ň" => "n", + "ó" => "o", + "ô" => "o", + "ŕ" => "r", + "š" => "s", + "ť" => "t", + "ú" => "u", + "ý" => "y", + "ž" => "z", + ), 'swedish' => array ( 'Ä' => 'A', @@ -8303,6 +8420,25 @@ 'ö' => 'o', 'ü' => 'u', ), + 'turkmen' => + array ( + 'Ç' => 'C', + 'Ä' => 'A', + 'Ž' => 'Z', + 'Ň' => 'N', + 'Ö' => 'O', + 'Ş' => 'S', + 'Ü' => 'U', + 'Ý' => 'Y', + 'ç' => 'c', + 'ä' => 'a', + 'ž' => 'z', + 'ň' => 'n', + 'ö' => 'o', + 'ş' => 's', + 'ü' => 'u', + 'ý' => 'y', + ), 'ukrainian' => array ( 'Ґ' => 'G', diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/src/Slugify.php php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/src/Slugify.php --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/src/Slugify.php 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/src/Slugify.php 2019-12-14 13:04:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ */ class Slugify implements SlugifyInterface { - const LOWERCASE_NUMBERS_DASHES = '/([^A-Za-z0-9]|-)+/'; + const LOWERCASE_NUMBERS_DASHES = '/[^A-Za-z0-9]+/'; /** * @var array @@ -45,12 +45,15 @@ 'regexp' => self::LOWERCASE_NUMBERS_DASHES, 'separator' => '-', 'lowercase' => true, + 'lowercase_after_regexp' => false, 'trim' => true, + 'strip_tags' => false, 'rulesets' => [ 'default', // Languages are preferred if they appear later, list is ordered by number of // websites in that language // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_used_on_the_Internet#Content_languages_for_websites + 'armenian', 'azerbaijani', 'burmese', 'hindi', @@ -63,6 +66,7 @@ 'greek', 'czech', 'arabic', + 'slovak', 'turkish', 'polish', 'german', @@ -111,15 +115,23 @@ $rules = $this->rules; } + $string = ($options['strip_tags']) + ? strip_tags($string) + : $string; + $string = strtr($string, $rules); unset($rules); - if ($options['lowercase']) { + if ($options['lowercase'] && !$options['lowercase_after_regexp']) { $string = mb_strtolower($string); } $string = preg_replace($options['regexp'], $options['separator'], $string); + if ($options['lowercase'] && $options['lowercase_after_regexp']) { + $string = mb_strtolower($string); + } + return ($options['trim']) ? trim($string, $options['separator']) : $string; diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/tests/Bridge/Laravel/SlugifyProviderTest.php php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/tests/Bridge/Laravel/SlugifyProviderTest.php --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/tests/Bridge/Laravel/SlugifyProviderTest.php 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/tests/Bridge/Laravel/SlugifyProviderTest.php 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ - - * - * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE - * file that was distributed with this source code. - */ - -namespace Cocur\Slugify\Tests\Bridge\Laravel; - -use Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Laravel\SlugifyServiceProvider; -use Illuminate\Foundation\Application; - -/** - * SlugifyServiceProviderTest - * - * @category test - * @package cocur/slugify - * @subpackage bridge - * @author Florian Eckerstorfer - * @author Colin Viebrock - * @copyright 2012-2014 Florian Eckerstorfer - * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT The MIT License - * @group unit - */ -class SlugifyProviderTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase -{ - /** @var Application */ - private $app; - - /** @var SlugifyServiceProvider */ - private $provider; - - protected function setUp() - { - $this->app = new Application(); - $this->provider = new SlugifyServiceProvider($this->app); - } - - /** - * @test - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Laravel\SlugifyServiceProvider::register() - */ - public function registerRegistersTheServiceProvider() - { - $this->provider->register(); - - // the service provider is deferred, so this forces it to load - $this->app->make('slugify'); - - $this->assertArrayHasKey('slugify', $this->app); - $this->assertInstanceOf('Cocur\Slugify\Slugify', $this->app['slugify']); - } - - /** - * @test - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Laravel\SlugifyServiceProvider::provides() - */ - public function containsReturnsTheNameOfThProvider() - { - $this->assertContains('slugify', $this->provider->provides()); - } -} diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/tests/Bridge/Latte/SlugifyHelperTest.php php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/tests/Bridge/Latte/SlugifyHelperTest.php --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/tests/Bridge/Latte/SlugifyHelperTest.php 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/tests/Bridge/Latte/SlugifyHelperTest.php 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ - - * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT The MIT License - * @group unit - */ -class SlugifyHelperTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase -{ - protected function setUp() - { - $this->slugify = m::mock('Cocur\Slugify\SlugifyInterface'); - $this->helper = new SlugifyHelper($this->slugify); - } - - /** - * @test - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Latte\SlugifyHelper::slugify() - */ - public function slugify() - { - $this->slugify->shouldReceive('slugify')->with('hällo wörld', '_')->once()->andReturn('haello_woerld'); - - $this->assertEquals('haello_woerld', $this->helper->slugify('hällo wörld', '_')); - } -} diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/tests/Bridge/League/SlugifyServiceProviderTest.php php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/tests/Bridge/League/SlugifyServiceProviderTest.php --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/tests/Bridge/League/SlugifyServiceProviderTest.php 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/tests/Bridge/League/SlugifyServiceProviderTest.php 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,85 +0,0 @@ -addServiceProvider(new SlugifyServiceProvider()); - - $slugify = $container->get(SlugifyInterface::class); - - $this->assertInstanceOf(SlugifyInterface::class, $slugify); - $this->assertAttributeInstanceOf(DefaultRuleProvider::class, 'provider', $slugify); - } - - public function testProvidesSlugifyAsSharedService() - { - $container = new Container(); - - $container->addServiceProvider(new SlugifyServiceProvider()); - - $slugify = $container->get(SlugifyInterface::class); - - $this->assertSame($slugify, $container->get(SlugifyInterface::class)); - } - - public function testProvidesSlugifyUsingSharedConfigurationOptions() - { - $container = new Container(); - - $options = [ - 'lowercase' => false, - ]; - - $container->share('config.slugify.options', $options); - $container->addServiceProvider(new SlugifyServiceProvider()); - - /* @var SlugifyInterface $slugify */ - $slugify = $container->get(SlugifyInterface::class); - - $slug = 'Foo-Bar-Baz'; - - $this->assertSame($slug, $slugify->slugify($slug)); - } - - public function testProvidesSlugifyUsingSharedProvider() - { - $container = new Container(); - - $ruleProvider = $this->getRuleProviderMock(); - - $container->share(RuleProviderInterface::class, $ruleProvider); - $container->addServiceProvider(new SlugifyServiceProvider()); - - $slugify = $container->get(SlugifyInterface::class); - - $this->assertAttributeSame($ruleProvider, 'provider', $slugify); - } - - /** - * @return m\Mock|RuleProviderInterface - */ - private function getRuleProviderMock() - { - $ruleProvider = m::mock(RuleProviderInterface::class); - - $ruleProvider - ->shouldReceive('getRules') - ->withAnyArgs() - ->andReturn([]) - ; - - return $ruleProvider; - } -} diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/tests/Bridge/Nette/SlugifyExtensionTest.php php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/tests/Bridge/Nette/SlugifyExtensionTest.php --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/tests/Bridge/Nette/SlugifyExtensionTest.php 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/tests/Bridge/Nette/SlugifyExtensionTest.php 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,133 +0,0 @@ - - * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT The MIT License - * @group unit - */ -class SlugifyExtensionTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase -{ - protected function setUp() - { - $this->extension = new SlugifyExtension(); - } - - /** - * @test - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Nette\SlugifyExtension::loadConfiguration() - */ - public function loadConfiguration() - { - $slugify = m::mock('Nette\DI\ServiceDefinition'); - $slugify - ->shouldReceive('setClass') - ->with('Cocur\Slugify\SlugifyInterface') - ->once() - ->andReturn($slugify); - $slugify - ->shouldReceive('setFactory') - ->with('Cocur\Slugify\Slugify') - ->once() - ->andReturn($slugify); - - $helper = m::mock('Nette\DI\ServiceDefinition'); - $helper - ->shouldReceive('setClass') - ->with('Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Latte\SlugifyHelper') - ->once() - ->andReturn($helper); - $helper - ->shouldReceive('setAutowired') - ->with(false) - ->once() - ->andReturn($helper); - - $builder = m::mock('Nette\DI\ContainerBuilder'); - $builder - ->shouldReceive('addDefinition') - ->with('slugify.slugify') - ->once() - ->andReturn($slugify); - $builder - ->shouldReceive('addDefinition') - ->with('slugify.helper') - ->once() - ->andReturn($helper); - - $compiler = m::mock('Nette\DI\Compiler'); - $compiler - ->shouldReceive('getContainerBuilder') - ->once() - ->andReturn($builder); - - $this->extension->setCompiler($compiler, 'slugify'); - $this->extension->loadConfiguration(); - } - - /** - * @test - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Nette\SlugifyExtension::beforeCompile() - */ - public function beforeCompile() - { - $latteFactory = m::mock('Nette\DI\ServiceDefinition'); - $latteFactory - ->shouldReceive('addSetup') - ->with('addFilter', ['slugify', ['@slugify.helper', 'slugify']]) - ->once() - ->andReturn($latteFactory); - - $latte = m::mock('Nette\DI\ServiceDefinition'); - $latte - ->shouldReceive('addSetup') - ->with('addFilter', ['slugify', ['@slugify.helper', 'slugify']]) - ->once() - ->andReturn($latte); - - $builder = m::mock('Nette\DI\ContainerBuilder'); - $builder - ->shouldReceive('getByType') - ->with('Nette\Bridges\ApplicationLatte\ILatteFactory') - ->once() - ->andReturn('latte.latteFactory'); - $builder - ->shouldReceive('hasDefinition') - ->with('latte.latteFactory') - ->once() - ->andReturn(true); - $builder - ->shouldReceive('getDefinition') - ->with('latte.latteFactory') - ->once() - ->andReturn($latteFactory); - $builder - ->shouldReceive('hasDefinition') - ->with('nette.latte') - ->once() - ->andReturn(true); - $builder - ->shouldReceive('getDefinition') - ->with('nette.latte') - ->once() - ->andReturn($latte); - - $compiler = m::mock('Nette\DI\Compiler'); - $compiler - ->shouldReceive('getContainerBuilder') - ->once() - ->andReturn($builder); - - $this->extension->setCompiler($compiler, 'slugify'); - $this->extension->beforeCompile(); - } -} diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/tests/Bridge/Plum/SlugifyConverterTest.php php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/tests/Bridge/Plum/SlugifyConverterTest.php --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/tests/Bridge/Plum/SlugifyConverterTest.php 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/tests/Bridge/Plum/SlugifyConverterTest.php 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ - - * - * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE - * file that was distributed with this source code. - */ - -namespace Cocur\Slugify\Tests\Bridge\Plum; - -use Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Plum\SlugifyConverter; -use Mockery; -use PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase; - -/** - * SlugifyConverterTest - * - * @package Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Plum - * @author Florian Eckerstorfer - * @copyright 2012-2015 Florian Eckerstorfer - * @group unit - */ -class SlugifyConverterTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase -{ - /** - * @test - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Plum\SlugifyConverter::__construct() - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Plum\SlugifyConverter::convert() - */ - public function convertSlugifiesString() - { - $slugify = Mockery::mock('Cocur\Slugify\SlugifyInterface'); - $slugify->shouldReceive('slugify')->with('Hello World')->once()->andReturn('hello_world'); - $converter = new SlugifyConverter($slugify); - - $this->assertSame('hello_world', $converter->convert('Hello World')); - } - - /** - * @test - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Plum\SlugifyConverter::__construct() - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Plum\SlugifyConverter::convert() - */ - public function constructorCreatesSlugifyIfNoneIsProvided() - { - $converter = new SlugifyConverter(); - - $this->assertSame('hello-world', $converter->convert('Hello World')); - } -} diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/tests/Bridge/Silex/SlugifySilexProviderTest.php php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/tests/Bridge/Silex/SlugifySilexProviderTest.php --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/tests/Bridge/Silex/SlugifySilexProviderTest.php 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/tests/Bridge/Silex/SlugifySilexProviderTest.php 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ - - * - * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE - * file that was distributed with this source code. - */ - -namespace Cocur\Slugify\Tests\Bridge\Silex; - -use Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Silex\SlugifyServiceProvider; -use Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Twig\SlugifyExtension; -use Silex\Application; -use Silex\Provider\TwigServiceProvider; - -/** - * SlugifyServiceProviderTest - * - * @category test - * @package cocur/slugify - * @subpackage bridge - * @author Florian Eckerstorfer - * @copyright 2012-2014 Florian Eckerstorfer - * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT The MIT License - * @group unit - */ -class SlugifySilexProviderTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase -{ - /** - * @test - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Silex\SlugifyServiceProvider - */ - public function register() - { - // it seems like Application is not mockable. - $app = new Application(); - $app->register(new SlugifyServiceProvider()); - $app->boot(); - - $this->assertArrayHasKey('slugify', $app); - $this->assertArrayHasKey('slugify.provider', $app); - $this->assertArrayHasKey('slugify.options', $app); - $this->assertInstanceOf('Cocur\Slugify\Slugify', $app['slugify']); - } - - /** - * @test - */ - public function registerWithTwig() - { - $app = new Application(); - $app->register(new TwigServiceProvider()); - $app->register(new SlugifyServiceProvider()); - - $this->assertTrue($app['twig']->hasExtension(SlugifyExtension::class)); - } -} diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/tests/Bridge/Symfony/CocurSlugifyBundleTest.php php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/tests/Bridge/Symfony/CocurSlugifyBundleTest.php --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/tests/Bridge/Symfony/CocurSlugifyBundleTest.php 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/tests/Bridge/Symfony/CocurSlugifyBundleTest.php 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ - - * - * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE - * file that was distributed with this source code. - */ - -namespace Cocur\Slugify\Tests\Bridge\Symfony; - -use Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Symfony\CocurSlugifyBundle; -use Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Symfony\CocurSlugifyExtension; - -/** - * CocurSlugifyBundleTest - * - * @category test - * @package cocur/slugify - * @subpackage bridge - * @author Florian Eckerstorfer - * @copyright 2012-2014 Florian Eckerstorfer - * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT The MIT License - * @group unit - */ -class CocurSlugifyBundleTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase -{ - /** - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Symfony\CocurSlugifyBundle::getContainerExtension() - */ - public function testGetContainerExtension() - { - $bundle = new CocurSlugifyBundle(); - - static::assertInstanceOf(CocurSlugifyExtension::class, $bundle->getContainerExtension()); - } -} - diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/tests/Bridge/Symfony/CocurSlugifyExtensionTest.php php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/tests/Bridge/Symfony/CocurSlugifyExtensionTest.php --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/tests/Bridge/Symfony/CocurSlugifyExtensionTest.php 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/tests/Bridge/Symfony/CocurSlugifyExtensionTest.php 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ - - * - * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE - * file that was distributed with this source code. - */ - -namespace Cocur\Slugify\Tests\Bridge\Symfony; - -use Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Symfony\CocurSlugifyExtension; -use Mockery as m; - -/** - * CocurSlugifyExtensionTest - * - * @category test - * @package cocur/slugify - * @subpackage bridge - * @author Florian Eckerstorfer - * @copyright 2012-2014 Florian Eckerstorfer - * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT The MIT License - * @group unit - */ -class CocurSlugifyExtensionTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase -{ - protected function setUp() - { - $this->extension = new CocurSlugifyExtension(); - } - - /** - * @test - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Symfony\CocurSlugifyExtension::load() - */ - public function load() - { - $twigDefinition = m::mock('Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Definition'); - $twigDefinition - ->shouldReceive('addTag') - ->with('twig.extension') - ->once() - ->andReturn($twigDefinition); - $twigDefinition - ->shouldReceive('setPublic') - ->with(false) - ->once(); - - $container = m::mock('Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder'); - $container - ->shouldReceive('setDefinition') - ->with('cocur_slugify', m::type('Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Definition')) - ->once(); - $container - ->shouldReceive('setDefinition') - ->with('cocur_slugify.twig.slugify', m::type('Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Definition')) - ->once() - ->andReturn($twigDefinition); - $container - ->shouldReceive('setAlias') - ->with('slugify', 'cocur_slugify') - ->once(); - - $this->extension->load([], $container); - } -} - diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/tests/Bridge/Symfony/ConfigurationTest.php php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/tests/Bridge/Symfony/ConfigurationTest.php --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/tests/Bridge/Symfony/ConfigurationTest.php 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/tests/Bridge/Symfony/ConfigurationTest.php 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ - - * - * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE - * file that was distributed with this source code. - */ - -namespace Cocur\Slugify\Tests\Bridge\Symfony; - -use Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Symfony\Configuration; -use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Processor; - -class ConfigurationTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase -{ - public function testAll() - { - $configs = [ - [ - 'lowercase' => true, - 'separator' => '_', - 'regexp' => 'abcd', - 'rulesets' => ['burmese', 'hindi'] - ], - ]; - - $this->process($configs); - } - - /** - * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Exception\InvalidTypeException - */ - public function testLowercaseOnlyAcceptsBoolean() - { - $configs = [['lowercase' => 'abc']]; - $this->process($configs); - } - - /** - * Processes an array of configurations and returns a compiled version. - * - * @param array $configs An array of raw configurations - * - * @return array A normalized array - */ - protected function process($configs) - { - $processor = new Processor(); - - return $processor->processConfiguration(new Configuration(), $configs); - } -} diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/tests/Bridge/Twig/SlugifyExtensionTest.php php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/tests/Bridge/Twig/SlugifyExtensionTest.php --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/tests/Bridge/Twig/SlugifyExtensionTest.php 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/tests/Bridge/Twig/SlugifyExtensionTest.php 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ - - * - * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE - * file that was distributed with this source code. - */ - -namespace Cocur\Slugify\Tests\Bridge\Twig; - -use Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Twig\SlugifyExtension; -use Mockery as m; - - -/** - * SlugifyExtensionTest - * - * @category test - * @package cocur/slugify - * @subpackage bridge - * @author Florian Eckerstorfer - * @copyright 2012-2014 Florian Eckerstorfer - * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT The MIT License - * @group unit - */ -class SlugifyExtensionTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase -{ - /** - * @var \Cocur\Slugify\SlugifyInterface|\Mockery\MockInterface - */ - protected $slugify; - - /** - * @var SlugifyExtension - */ - protected $extension; - - protected function setUp() - { - $this->slugify = m::mock('Cocur\Slugify\SlugifyInterface'); - $this->extension = new SlugifyExtension($this->slugify); - } - - /** - * @test - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Twig\SlugifyExtension::getFilters() - */ - public function getFilters() - { - $filters = $this->extension->getFilters(); - - $this->assertCount(1, $filters); - $this->assertInstanceOf('\Twig_SimpleFilter', $filters[0]); - } - - /** - * @test - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\Twig\SlugifyExtension::slugifyFilter() - */ - public function slugifyFilter() - { - $this->slugify->shouldReceive('slugify')->with('hällo wörld', '_')->once()->andReturn('haello_woerld'); - - $this->assertEquals('haello_woerld', $this->extension->slugifyFilter('hällo wörld', '_')); - } -} diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/tests/Bridge/ZF2/ModuleTest.php php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/tests/Bridge/ZF2/ModuleTest.php --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/tests/Bridge/ZF2/ModuleTest.php 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/tests/Bridge/ZF2/ModuleTest.php 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -module = new Module(); - } - - /** - * @test - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\ZF2\Module::getServiceConfig() - */ - public function getServiceConfig() - { - $smConfig = $this->module->getServiceConfig(); - $this->assertTrue(is_array($smConfig)); - $this->assertArrayHasKey('factories', $smConfig); - $this->assertArrayHasKey('Cocur\Slugify\Slugify', $smConfig['factories']); - $this->assertArrayHasKey('aliases', $smConfig); - $this->assertArrayHasKey('slugify', $smConfig['aliases']); - } - - /** - * @test - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\ZF2\Module::getViewHelperConfig() - */ - public function getViewHelperConfig() - { - $vhConfig = $this->module->getViewHelperConfig(); - $this->assertTrue(is_array($vhConfig)); - $this->assertArrayHasKey('factories', $vhConfig); - $this->assertArrayHasKey('slugify', $vhConfig['factories']); - } -} diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/tests/Bridge/ZF2/SlugifyServiceTest.php php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/tests/Bridge/ZF2/SlugifyServiceTest.php --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/tests/Bridge/ZF2/SlugifyServiceTest.php 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/tests/Bridge/ZF2/SlugifyServiceTest.php 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ -slugifyService = new SlugifyService(); - } - - /** - * @test - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\ZF2\SlugifyService::__invoke() - */ - public function invokeWithoutCustomConfig() - { - $sm = $this->createServiceManagerMock(); - $slugify = call_user_func($this->slugifyService, $sm); - $this->assertInstanceOf('Cocur\Slugify\Slugify', $slugify); - - // Make sure reg exp is default one - $actual = 'Hello My Friend.zip'; - $expected = 'hello-my-friend-zip'; - $this->assertEquals($expected, $slugify->slugify($actual)); - } - - /** - * @test - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\ZF2\SlugifyService::__invoke() - */ - public function invokeWithCustomConfig() - { - $sm = $this->createServiceManagerMock([ - Module::CONFIG_KEY => [ - 'options' => ['regexp' => '/([^a-z0-9.]|-)+/'] - ] - ]); - $slugify = call_user_func($this->slugifyService, $sm); - $this->assertInstanceOf('Cocur\Slugify\Slugify', $slugify); - - // Make sure reg exp is the one provided and dots are kept - $actual = 'Hello My Friend.zip'; - $expected = 'hello-my-friend.zip'; - $this->assertEquals($expected, $slugify->slugify($actual)); - } - - protected function createServiceManagerMock(array $config = []) - { - $sm = new ServiceManager(); - $sm->setService('Config', $config); - - return $sm; - } -} diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/tests/Bridge/ZF2/SlugifyViewHelperFactoryTest.php php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/tests/Bridge/ZF2/SlugifyViewHelperFactoryTest.php --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/tests/Bridge/ZF2/SlugifyViewHelperFactoryTest.php 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/tests/Bridge/ZF2/SlugifyViewHelperFactoryTest.php 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ -factory = new SlugifyViewHelperFactory(); - } - - /** - * @test - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\ZF2\SlugifyViewHelperFactory::__invoke() - */ - public function createService() - { - $sm = new ServiceManager(); - $sm->setService('Cocur\Slugify\Slugify', new Slugify()); - $vhm = new HelperPluginManager(); - $vhm->setServiceLocator($sm); - - $viewHelper = call_user_func($this->factory, $vhm); - $this->assertInstanceOf('Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\ZF2\SlugifyViewHelper', $viewHelper); - } -} diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/tests/Bridge/ZF2/SlugifyViewHelperTest.php php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/tests/Bridge/ZF2/SlugifyViewHelperTest.php --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/tests/Bridge/ZF2/SlugifyViewHelperTest.php 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/tests/Bridge/ZF2/SlugifyViewHelperTest.php 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -slugify = new Slugify(); - $this->viewHelper = new SlugifyViewHelper($this->slugify); - } - - /** - * @test - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Bridge\ZF2\SlugifyViewHelper::__invoke() - */ - public function invoke() - { - $actual = 'Hällo Wörld'; - $expected = call_user_func($this->viewHelper, $actual); - $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->slugify->slugify($actual)); - - $expected = call_user_func($this->viewHelper, $actual, '_'); - $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->slugify->slugify($actual, '_')); - } -} diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/tests/RuleProvider/FileRuleProviderTest.php php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/tests/RuleProvider/FileRuleProviderTest.php --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/tests/RuleProvider/FileRuleProviderTest.php 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/tests/RuleProvider/FileRuleProviderTest.php 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ - - * - * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE - * file that was distributed with this source code. - */ - -namespace Cocur\Slugify\Tests\RuleProvider; - -use Cocur\Slugify\RuleProvider\FileRuleProvider; -use org\bovigo\vfs\vfsStream; -use PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase; - -/** - * FileRuleProviderTest - * - * @package Cocur\Slugify\RuleProvider - * @author Florian Eckerstorfer - * @copyright 2015 Florian Eckerstorfer - * @group unit - */ -class FileRuleProviderTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase -{ - /** - * @test - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\RuleProvider\FileRuleProvider::__construct() - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\RuleProvider\FileRuleProvider::getRules() - */ - public function getRulesReturnsRulesReadFromJsonFile() - { - vfsStream::setup('fixtures', null, [ - 'german.json' => '{"ä": "a"}', - 'austrian.json' => '{"ß": "sz"}', - ]); - - $provider = new FileRuleProvider(vfsStream::url('fixtures')); - - $this->assertEquals(['ä' => 'a'], $provider->getRules('german')); - $this->assertEquals(['ß' => 'sz'], $provider->getRules('austrian')); - } -} diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/tests/SlugifyTest.php php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/tests/SlugifyTest.php --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/tests/SlugifyTest.php 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/tests/SlugifyTest.php 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,269 +0,0 @@ - - * - * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE - * file that was distributed with this source code. - */ - -namespace Cocur\Slugify\Tests; - -use Cocur\Slugify\Slugify; -use Mockery; - -/** - * SlugifyTest - * - * @category test - * @package org.cocur.slugify - * @author Florian Eckerstorfer - * @author Ivo Bathke - * @author Marchenko Alexandr - * @copyright 2012-2014 Florian Eckerstorfer - * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT The MIT License - */ -class SlugifyTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase -{ - /** - * @var Slugify - */ - private $slugify; - - /** - * @var \Cocur\Slugify\RuleProvider\RuleProviderInterface|\Mockery\MockInterface - */ - private $provider; - - protected function setUp() - { - $this->provider = Mockery::mock('\Cocur\Slugify\RuleProvider\RuleProviderInterface'); - $this->provider->shouldReceive('getRules')->andReturn([]); - - $this->slugify = new Slugify([], $this->provider); - } - - /** - * @test - * @dataProvider defaultRuleProvider - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Slugify::slugify() - */ - public function slugifyReturnsSlugifiedStringUsingDefaultProvider($string, $result) - { - $slugify = new Slugify(); - - $this->assertEquals($result, $slugify->slugify($string)); - } - - /** - * @test - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Slugify::addRule() - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Slugify::slugify() - */ - public function addRuleAddsRule() - { - $this->assertInstanceOf( - 'Cocur\Slugify\Slugify', - $this->slugify->addRule('X', 'y') - ); - $this->assertEquals('y', $this->slugify->slugify('X')); - } - - /** - * @test - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Slugify::addRules() - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Slugify::slugify() - */ - public function addRulesAddsMultipleRules() - { - $this->assertInstanceOf( - 'Cocur\Slugify\Slugify', - $this->slugify->addRules(['x' => 'y', 'a' => 'b']) - ); - $this->assertEquals('yb', $this->slugify->slugify('xa')); - } - - /** - * @test - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Slugify::activateRuleset() - */ - public function activateRulesetActivatesTheGivenRuleset() - { - $provider = Mockery::mock('\Cocur\Slugify\RuleProvider\RuleProviderInterface'); - $provider->shouldReceive('getRules')->with('esperanto')->once()->andReturn(['ĉ' => 'cx']); - - $slugify = new Slugify(['rulesets' => []], $provider); - $this->assertInstanceOf( - 'Cocur\Slugify\Slugify', - $slugify->activateRuleset('esperanto') - ); - - $this->assertEquals('sercxi', $slugify->slugify('serĉi')); - } - - /** - * @test - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Slugify::create() - */ - public function createReturnsAnInstance() - { - $this->assertInstanceOf('Cocur\\Slugify\\SlugifyInterface', Slugify::create()); - } - - /** - * @test - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Slugify::__construct() - */ - public function constructWithOtherRegexp() - { - $this->slugify = new Slugify(['regexp' => '/([^a-z0-9.]|-)+/']); - - $this->assertEquals('file-name.tar.gz', $this->slugify->slugify('File Name.tar.gz')); - } - - /** - * @test - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Slugify::__construct() - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Slugify::slugify() - */ - public function doNotConvertToLowercase() - { - $actual = 'File Name'; - $expected = 'File-Name'; - - $this->slugify = new Slugify(['lowercase' => false]); - $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->slugify->slugify($actual)); - } - - /** - * @test - * @dataProvider customRulesProvider - */ - public function customRules($rule, $string, $result) - { - $slugify = new Slugify(); - $slugify->activateRuleSet($rule); - - $this->assertSame($result, $slugify->slugify($string)); - } - - public function customRulesProvider() - { - return [ - ['azerbaijani', 'əöüğşçı', 'eougsci'], - ['azerbaijani', 'Fərhad Səfərov', 'ferhad-seferov'], - ['croatian', 'Č Ć Ž Š Đ č ć ž š đ', 'c-c-z-s-dj-c-c-z-s-dj'], - ['danish', 'Æ æ Ø ø Å å É é', 'ae-ae-oe-oe-aa-aa-e-e'], - ['romanian', 'ă î â ş ș ţ ț Ă Î Â Ş Ș Ţ Ț', 'a-i-a-s-s-t-t-a-i-a-s-s-t-t'], - ['serbian', 'А Б В Г Д Ђ Е Ж З И Ј К Л Љ М Н Њ О П Р С Т Ћ У Ф Х Ц Ч Џ Ш а б в г д ђ е ж з и ј к л љ м н њ о п р с т ћ у ф х ц ч џ ш Š Đ Ž Ć Č š đ ž ć č', 'a-b-v-g-d-dj-e-z-z-i-j-k-l-lj-m-n-nj-o-p-r-s-t-c-u-f-h-c-c-dz-s-a-b-v-g-d-dj-e-z-z-i-j-k-l-lj-m-n-nj-o-p-r-s-t-c-u-f-h-c-c-dz-s-s-dj-z-c-c-s-dj-z-c-c'], - ['lithuanian', 'Ą Č Ę Ė Į Š Ų Ū Ž ą č ę ė į š ų ū ž', 'a-c-e-e-i-s-u-u-z-a-c-e-e-i-s-u-u-z'], - ['estonian', 'Š Ž Õ Ä Ö Ü š ž õ ä ö ü', 's-z-o-a-o-u-s-z-o-a-o-u'], - ['hungarian', 'Á É Í Ó Ö Ő Ú Ü Ű á é í ó ö ő ú ü ű', 'a-e-i-o-o-o-u-u-u-a-e-i-o-o-o-u-u-u'], - ['macedonian', 'Ѓезвето беше полно со црно кафе. ', 'gjezveto-beshe-polno-so-crno-kafe'], - ['chinese', '活动日起', 'huodongriqi'], - ]; - } - - /** - * @test - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Slugify::__construct() - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Slugify::slugify() - */ - public function slugifyDefaultsToSeparatorOption() - { - $actual = 'file name'; - $expected = 'file__name'; - - $this->slugify = new Slugify(['separator' => '__']); - $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->slugify->slugify($actual)); - } - - /** - * @test - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Slugify::__construct() - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Slugify::slugify() - */ - public function slugifyHonorsSeparatorArgument() - { - $actual = 'file name'; - $expected = 'file__name'; - - $this->slugify = new Slugify(['separator' => 'dummy']); - $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->slugify->slugify($actual, '__')); - } - - /** - * @test - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Slugify::slugify() - */ - public function slugifyOptionsArray() - { - $this->assertEquals('file-name', $this->slugify->slugify('file name')); - $this->assertEquals('file+name', $this->slugify->slugify('file name', ['separator' => '+'])); - - $this->assertEquals('name-1', $this->slugify->slugify('name(1)')); - $this->assertEquals('name(1)', $this->slugify->slugify('name(1)', ['regexp' => '/([^a-z0-9.()]|-)+/'])); - - $this->assertEquals('file-name', $this->slugify->slugify('FILE NAME')); - $this->assertEquals('FILE-NAME', $this->slugify->slugify('FILE NAME', ['lowercase' => false])); - - $this->assertEquals('file-name', $this->slugify->slugify('file name ')); - $this->assertEquals('file-name-', $this->slugify->slugify('file name ', ['trim' => false])); - } - - /** - * @test - * @covers Cocur\Slugify\Slugify::slugify() - */ - public function slugifyCustomRuleSet() - { - $slugify = new Slugify(); - - $this->assertSame('fur', $slugify->slugify('für', ['ruleset' => 'turkish'])); - $this->assertSame('fuer', $slugify->slugify('für')); - } - - public function defaultRuleProvider() - { - return [ - [' a b ', 'a-b'], - ['Hello', 'hello'], - ['Hello World', 'hello-world'], - ['Привет мир', 'privet-mir'], - ['Привіт світ', 'privit-svit'], - ['Hello: World', 'hello-world'], - ['H+e#l1l--o/W§o r.l:d)', 'h-e-l1l-o-w-o-r-l-d'], - [': World', 'world'], - ['Hello World!', 'hello-world'], - ['Ä ä Ö ö Ü ü ß', 'ae-ae-oe-oe-ue-ue-ss'], - ['Á À á à É È é è Ó Ò ó ò Ñ ñ Ú Ù ú ù', 'a-a-a-a-e-e-e-e-o-o-o-o-n-n-u-u-u-u'], - [' â Ê ê Ô ô Û û', 'a-a-e-e-o-o-u-u'], - [' â Ê ê Ô ô Û 1', 'a-a-e-e-o-o-u-1'], - ['°¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹@₀₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈₉', '0123456789at0123456789'], - ['Mórë thån wørds', 'more-thaan-woerds'], - ['Блоґ їжачка', 'blog-jizhachka'], - ['фильм', 'film'], - ['драма', 'drama'], - ['Ύπαρξη Αυτής η Σκουληκομυρμηγκότρυπα', 'iparxi-autis-i-skoulikomirmigkotripa'], - ['Français Œuf où à', 'francais-oeuf-ou-a'], - ['هذه هي اللغة العربية', 'hthh-hy-llgh-laarby'], - ['مرحبا العالم', 'mrhb-laa-lm'], - ['Één jaar', 'een-jaar'], - ['tiếng việt rất khó', 'tieng-viet-rat-kho'], - ['Nguyễn Đăng Khoa', 'nguyen-dang-khoa'], - ['နှစ်သစ်ကူးတွင် သတ္တဝါတွေ စိတ်ချမ်းသာ ကိုယ်ကျန်းမာ၍ ကောင်းခြင်း အနန္တနှင့် ပြည့်စုံကြပါစေ', 'nhitthitkutwin-thttwatwe-seikkhyaantha-koekyaanmaywae-kaungkhyin-anntnhin-pyisonkypase'], - ['Zażółć żółcią gęślą jaźń', 'zazolc-zolcia-gesla-jazn'], - ['Mężny bądź chroń pułk twój i sześć flag', 'mezny-badz-chron-pulk-twoj-i-szesc-flag'], - ['ერთი ორი სამი ოთხი ხუთი', 'erti-ori-sami-otkhi-khuti'], - ['अ ऒ न द', 'a-oii-na-tha'], - ['Æ Ø Å æ ø å', 'ae-oe-aa-ae-oe-aa'], - [str_repeat('Übergrößenträger', 1000), str_repeat('uebergroessentraeger', 1000)], - [str_repeat('my🎉', 5000), substr(str_repeat('my-', 5000), 0, -1)], - [str_repeat('hi🇦🇹', 5000), substr(str_repeat('hi-', 5000), 0, -1)], - ['Č Ć Ž Š Đ č ć ž š đ', 'c-c-z-s-d-c-c-z-s-d'], - ['Ą Č Ę Ė Į Š Ų Ū Ž ą č ę ė į š ų ū ž', 'a-c-e-e-i-s-u-u-z-a-c-e-e-i-s-u-u-z'], - ]; - } -} diff -Nru php-cocur-slugify-3.1/.travis.yml php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/.travis.yml --- php-cocur-slugify-3.1/.travis.yml 2018-01-22 09:00:48.000000000 +0000 +++ php-cocur-slugify-4.0.0/.travis.yml 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -language: php - -sudo: false - -matrix: - include: - - php: 5.5.9 - - php: 5.5 - - php: 5.5 - env: COMPOSER_FLAGS='--prefer-lowest --prefer-stable' - - php: 5.6 - - php: 5.6 - env: COMPOSER_FLAGS='--prefer-lowest --prefer-stable' - - php: 7.0 - - php: 7.0 - env: COMPOSER_FLAGS='--prefer-lowest --prefer-stable' - - php: 7.1 - - php: 7.1 - env: COMPOSER_FLAGS='--prefer-lowest --prefer-stable' - - php: 7.2 - - php: nightly - allow_failures: - - php: nightly - fast_finish: true - -cache: - directories: - - $HOME/.composer/cache - -before_install: - - travis_retry composer self-update && composer --version - -install: - - travis_retry composer update $COMPOSER_FLAGS --prefer-source -n - -script: vendor/bin/phpunit --verbose --coverage-clover=coverage.clover - -after_script: - - sh -c 'if [ "$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION" != "hhvm" ]; then wget https://scrutinizer-ci.com/ocular.phar && php ocular.phar code-coverage:upload --format=php-clover coverage.clover; fi;' - -notifications: - webhooks: - urls: - - https://webhooks.gitter.im/e/fc8ccb3e96abeb0fdc95 - on_success: change - on_failure: always - on_start: never