diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/build_test.sh ruby-ox-2.14.9/build_test.sh --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/build_test.sh 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/build_test.sh 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +# 1.8.7-p374\ + +for ruby in \ + rbx-2.2.6\ + 1.9.3-p547\ + 2.1.5\ + 2.2.2\ + 2.3.3\ + 2.4.1 \ +do + echo "\n********************************************************************************" + echo "Building $ruby\n" + cd ext/ox + rbenv local $ruby + ruby extconf.rb + make clean + find . -name "*.rbc" -exec rm {} \; + make + + echo "\nRunning tests for $ruby" + cd ../../test + rbenv local $ruby + ./tests.rb + cd sax + rbenv local $ruby + ./sax_test.rb + cd ../.. + + echo "\n" +done + +PATH=/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin:$PATH +echo "\n********************************************************************************" +echo "Building OS X Ruby\n" +cd ext/ox +ruby extconf.rb +make clean +make + +echo "\nRunning tests for OS X Ruby" +cd ../../test +./tests.rb +./sax/sax_test.rb +cd .. + +echo "resetting to 2.4.1\n" + +cd ext/ox +rbenv local 2.4.1 +cd ../../test +rbenv local 2.4.1 +cd sax +rbenv local 2.4.1 +cd ../.. +echo "\n" diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/CHANGELOG.md ruby-ox-2.14.9/CHANGELOG.md --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/CHANGELOG.md 2019-06-20 20:06:23.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/CHANGELOG.md 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -2,7 +2,126 @@ All changes to the Ox gem are documented here. Releases follow semantic versioning. -## [Unreleased] +## [2.14.9] - 2022-02-11 + +### Fixed + +- Fixed the `\r` replacement with `\n` with the SAX parser according to https://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-xml-20081126/#sec-line-ends. + +## [2.14.8] - 2022-02-09 + +### Fixed + +- Renamed internal functions to avoid linking issues where Oj and Ox function names collided. + +## [2.14.7] - 2022-02-03 + +### Fixed + +- All classes and symbols are now registered to avoid issues with GC compaction movement. +- Parsing of any size processing instruction is now allowed. There is no 1024 limit. +- Fixed the `\r` replacement with `\n` according to https://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-xml-20081126/#sec-line-ends. + +### Changed + +- Symbol and string caching changed but should have no impact on use + other than being slightly faster and handles large numbers of cached + items more efficiently. + +## [2.14.6] - 2021-11-03 + +### Fixed + +- Closing tags in builder are now escapped correctly thanks to ezekg. + +## [2.14.5] - 2021-06-04 + +### Fixed + +- Fixed RDoc for for Ox::Builder. + +## [2.14.4] - 2021-03-19 + +### Fixed + +- Really fixed code issue around HAVE_RB_ENC_ASSOCIATE. + +## [2.14.3] - 2021-03-12 + +### Fixed + +- Code issue around HAVE_RB_ENC_ASSOCIATE fixed. + +## [2.14.2] - 2021-03-07 + +### Fixed + +- Attribute keys for setting attributes no longer create seemily + duplicates if symbol and string keys are mixed. + +## [2.14.1] - 2021-01-11 + +### Fixed + +- In Ruby 3.0 Range objects are frozen. This version allows Ranges to be created on load. + +## [2.14.0] - 2020-12-15 + +### Added + +- The `:with_cdata` option added for the hash_load() function. + +## [2.13.4] - 2020-09-11 + +### Fixed + +- Fixed one crash that occurred when a corrupted object encoded string was provided. + +## [2.13.3] - 2020-09-03 + +### Changed + +- mkmf have macros used instead of ad-hoc determinations. + +## [2.13.2] - 2020-02-05 + +Skip and missed sequence + +### Fixed + +- Add ' sequence. + +- `:skip_off` no longer misses spaces between elements. + +## [2.13.1] - 2020-01-30 + +HTML Sequences + +### Added + +- All HTML 4 sequence are now supported. + +## [2.13.0] - 2020-01-25 + +HTML Escape Sequences + +### Added + +- All HTML 4 escape sequences are now parsed. + +## [2.12.1] - 2020-01-05 + +Ruby 2.7.0 + +### Fixed + +- Updated for Ruby 2.7.0. More strict type checking. Function signature changes, and `Object#taint` deprecated. + +## [2.12.0] - 2019-12-18 + +### Added + +- Add `no_empty` option to not allow and use instead. ## [2.11.0] - 2019-06-14 diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/.clang-format ruby-ox-2.14.9/.clang-format --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/.clang-format 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/.clang-format 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ +--- +Language: Cpp +# BasedOnStyle: Google +AccessModifierOffset: -1 +AlignAfterOpenBracket: Align +AlignConsecutiveMacros: false +AlignConsecutiveAssignments: true +AlignConsecutiveDeclarations: true +AlignEscapedNewlines: Left +AlignOperands: true +AlignTrailingComments: true +AllowAllArgumentsOnNextLine: false +AllowAllConstructorInitializersOnNextLine: false +AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: false +AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: Never +AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: true +AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: InlineOnly +AllowShortLambdasOnASingleLine: Empty +AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: Never +AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false +AlwaysBreakAfterDefinitionReturnType: None +AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType: None +AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings: false +AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: Yes +BinPackArguments: false +BinPackParameters: false +BraceWrapping: + AfterCaseLabel: false + AfterClass: false + AfterControlStatement: false + AfterEnum: false + AfterFunction: false + AfterNamespace: false + AfterObjCDeclaration: false + AfterStruct: false + AfterUnion: false + AfterExternBlock: false + BeforeCatch: false + BeforeElse: false + IndentBraces: false + SplitEmptyFunction: true + SplitEmptyRecord: true + SplitEmptyNamespace: true +BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: None +BreakBeforeBraces: Attach +BreakBeforeInheritanceComma: false +BreakInheritanceList: BeforeColon +BreakBeforeTernaryOperators: true +BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma: false +BreakConstructorInitializers: BeforeColon +BreakAfterJavaFieldAnnotations: false +BreakStringLiterals: true +ColumnLimit: 120 +CommentPragmas: '^ IWYU pragma:' +CompactNamespaces: false +ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: true +ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 4 +ContinuationIndentWidth: 4 +Cpp11BracedListStyle: true +DeriveLineEnding: true +DerivePointerAlignment: true +DisableFormat: false +ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking: false +FixNamespaceComments: true +ForEachMacros: + - foreach + - Q_FOREACH + - BOOST_FOREACH +IncludeBlocks: Regroup +IncludeCategories: + - Regex: '^' + Priority: 2 + SortPriority: 0 + - Regex: '^<.*\.h>' + Priority: 1 + SortPriority: 0 + - Regex: '^<.*' + Priority: 2 + SortPriority: 0 + - Regex: '.*' + Priority: 3 + SortPriority: 0 +IncludeIsMainRegex: '([-_](test|unittest))?$' +IncludeIsMainSourceRegex: '' +IndentCaseLabels: false +IndentGotoLabels: true +IndentPPDirectives: None +IndentWidth: 4 +IndentWrappedFunctionNames: false +JavaScriptQuotes: Leave +JavaScriptWrapImports: true +KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks: false +MacroBlockBegin: '' +MacroBlockEnd: '' +MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 1 +NamespaceIndentation: None +ObjCBinPackProtocolList: Never +ObjCBlockIndentWidth: 4 +ObjCSpaceAfterProperty: false +ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList: true +PenaltyBreakAssignment: 2000 +PenaltyBreakBeforeFirstCallParameter: 1 +PenaltyBreakComment: 100 +PenaltyBreakFirstLessLess: 120 +PenaltyBreakString: 1000 +PenaltyBreakTemplateDeclaration: 10 +PenaltyExcessCharacter: 100 +PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine: 1 +PointerAlignment: Right +RawStringFormats: + - Language: Cpp + Delimiters: + - cc + - CC + - cpp + - Cpp + - CPP + - 'c++' + - 'C++' + CanonicalDelimiter: '' + BasedOnStyle: google + - Language: TextProto + Delimiters: + - pb + - PB + - proto + - PROTO + EnclosingFunctions: + - EqualsProto + - EquivToProto + - PARSE_PARTIAL_TEXT_PROTO + - PARSE_TEST_PROTO + - PARSE_TEXT_PROTO + - ParseTextOrDie + - ParseTextProtoOrDie + CanonicalDelimiter: '' + BasedOnStyle: google +ReflowComments: true +SortIncludes: true +SortUsingDeclarations: true +SpaceAfterCStyleCast: false +SpaceAfterLogicalNot: false +SpaceAfterTemplateKeyword: true +SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: true +SpaceBeforeCpp11BracedList: false +SpaceBeforeCtorInitializerColon: true +SpaceBeforeInheritanceColon: true +SpaceBeforeParens: ControlStatements +SpaceBeforeRangeBasedForLoopColon: true +SpaceInEmptyBlock: false +SpaceInEmptyParentheses: false +SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 2 +SpacesInAngles: false +SpacesInConditionalStatement: false +SpacesInContainerLiterals: true +SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses: false +SpacesInParentheses: false +SpacesInSquareBrackets: false +SpaceBeforeSquareBrackets: false +Standard: Auto +StatementMacros: + - Q_UNUSED + - QT_REQUIRE_VERSION +TabWidth: 8 +UseCRLF: false +UseTab: Never +... diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/contrib/README.md ruby-ox-2.14.9/contrib/README.md --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/contrib/README.md 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/contrib/README.md 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# Contributions + +This directory is for people who have found useful functions and routines that makes use of or enhances Ox that they +would like to share with others. Fell free to put in a pull request if you would like to contribute. Place the code and +the tests in a file with a title that provides some clue as to the contents and I'll pull it in. + + + diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/contrib/sax_benchmark.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/contrib/sax_benchmark.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/contrib/sax_benchmark.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/contrib/sax_benchmark.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +# All credit to https://github.com/hakanensari +# Taken from https://gist.github.com/hakanensari/3078932 + +require 'benchmark' +require 'pp' +require 'stringio' + +require 'nokogiri' +require 'ox' + +io = StringIO.new %{ + + + + + 0816614024 + + Gilles Deleuze + Felix Guattari + Thousand Plateaus + + + + 0231081596 + + Gilles Deleuze + Difference and Repetition + + + + +}.strip.gsub />\s+<' + +class OxHandler < Ox::Sax + attr :root + + def initialize + @stack = [@node = @root = {}] + end + + def attr(key, val) + @node[key] = val + end + + def end_element(key) + child = @stack.pop + @node = @stack.last + + case @node[key] + when Array + @node[key] << child + when Hash + @node[key] = [@node[key], child] + else + if child.keys == [:__content__] + @node[key] = child[:__content__] + else + @node[key] = child + end + end + end + + def start_element(key) + @stack << @node = {} + end + + def text(val) + @node[:__content__] = val + end +end + +class NokogiriHandler < Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document + attr :root + + def characters(val) + (@node['__content__'] ||= '') << val + end + + def end_element(key) + child = @stack.pop + @node = @stack.last + + case @node[key] + when Array + @node[key] << child + when Hash + @node[key] = [@node[key], child] + else + if child.keys == ['__content__'] + @node[key] = child['__content__'] + else + @node[key] = child + end + end + end + + def start_element(key, attrs = []) + @stack << @node = {} + attrs.each do |attr| + key, val = *attr + @node[key] = val + end + end + + def start_document + @stack = [@root = {}] + end +end + +n = 10000 +Benchmark.bmbm do |b| + b.report('ox') do + n.times do + io.rewind + handler = OxHandler.new + Ox.sax_parse handler, io + end + end + + b.report('nokogiri') do + n.times do + io.rewind + handler = NokogiriHandler.new + parser = Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Parser.new handler + parser.parse io + end + end +end diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/contrib/xbuilder.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/contrib/xbuilder.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/contrib/xbuilder.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/contrib/xbuilder.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ + +# Contributed by Notezen + +require 'ox' +module Ox + module XBuilder + # args = attributes and/or children in any order, multiple appearance is possible + # @overload build(name,attributes,children) + # @param [String] name name of the Element + # @param [Hash] attributes + # @param [String|Element|Array] children text, child element or array of elements + def x(name, *args) + n = Element.new(name) + + for arg in args + case arg + when Hash + arg.each { |k,v| n[k.to_s] = v } + when Array + arg.each { |c| n << c if c} + else + n << arg if arg + end + end + + n + end + + def x_if(condition, *args) + x(*args) if condition + end + + end +end diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/contrib/xbuilder_test.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/contrib/xbuilder_test.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/contrib/xbuilder_test.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/contrib/xbuilder_test.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env ruby +# encoding: UTF-8 + +# Contributed by Notezen + +$: << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../lib") +$: << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../ext") +$: << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ".") + +require 'test/unit' +require 'ox' +require 'xbuilder' + +class XBuilderTest < ::Test::Unit::TestCase + include Ox::XBuilder + + def test_build + xml = + ' + + some text + + + + + + another text +' + + children = + [ + x_if(true,'child3'), + x('child4','another text','atr4' => 'atr4_value'), + x_if(false,'child5') + ] + + n=x('parent', + x('child1',{'atr1'=>'atr1_value',:atr2 => 'atr2_value'}, + x('subchild1','some text'), + x('subchild2',{'atr3' => 'default_value'},{'atr3' => 'atr3_value'}, + x('sometag'), + x_if(false,'never') + ) + ), + children + ) + + assert_equal(Ox.dump(n),Ox.dump(Ox.parse(xml))) + end +end diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/debian/changelog ruby-ox-2.14.9/debian/changelog --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/debian/changelog 2021-12-03 18:39:31.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/debian/changelog 2022-03-04 22:20:25.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,14 +1,25 @@ -ruby-ox (2.11.0-2build2) jammy; urgency=medium +ruby-ox (2.14.9-1) unstable; urgency=medium - * No-change upload due to ruby3.0 transition, remove ruby2.7 support. + * Team upload. - -- Lucas Kanashiro Fri, 03 Dec 2021 15:39:31 -0300 + [ Debian Janitor ] + * Use secure URI in Homepage field. + * Set upstream metadata fields: Bug-Submit. + + [ Leandro Cunha ] + * New upstream version. + * debian/control: + - Bump Standards-Version to 4.6.0. + - Removed ruby-interpreter is deprecated reported by Lintian in depends. + * debian/watch: + - Import tarball from GitHub repository. + * debian/copyright: + - Add myself. + - Update year to author of project. + * debian/ruby-ox.install: + - Install examples and fix Lintian report. -ruby-ox (2.11.0-2build1) jammy; urgency=medium - - * No-change upload due to ruby3.0 transition. - - -- Lucas Kanashiro Wed, 17 Nov 2021 18:40:09 -0300 + -- Leandro Cunha Fri, 04 Mar 2022 19:20:25 -0300 ruby-ox (2.11.0-2) unstable; urgency=medium diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/debian/control ruby-ox-2.14.9/debian/control --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/debian/control 2021-02-07 20:40:51.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/debian/control 2022-03-04 22:20:25.000000000 +0000 @@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ Uploaders: Paul van Tilburg Build-Depends: gem2deb, debhelper-compat (= 13) -Standards-Version: 4.5.1 +Standards-Version: 4.6.0 Rules-Requires-Root: no Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/ruby-team/ruby-ox.git Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/ruby-team/ruby-ox -Homepage: http://www.ohler.com/ox +Homepage: https://www.ohler.com/ox XS-Ruby-Versions: all Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-ruby @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Architecture: any Multi-Arch: same XB-Ruby-Versions: ${ruby:Versions} -Depends: ruby | ruby-interpreter, +Depends: ruby, ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends} Description: fast XML parser and object serializer diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/debian/copyright ruby-ox-2.14.9/debian/copyright --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/debian/copyright 2021-02-07 20:40:51.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/debian/copyright 2022-03-04 22:20:25.000000000 +0000 @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Source: https://github.com/ohler55/ox Files: * -Copyright: 2011, Peter Ohler +Copyright: 2011-2022, Peter Ohler License: BSD-3-clause Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ Files: debian/* Copyright: 2013, Paul van Tilburg + 2022, Leandro Cunha License: GPL-2+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/debian/ruby-ox.install ruby-ox-2.14.9/debian/ruby-ox.install --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/debian/ruby-ox.install 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/debian/ruby-ox.install 2022-03-04 22:20:25.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +examples/ /usr/share/doc/ruby-ox diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/debian/upstream/metadata ruby-ox-2.14.9/debian/upstream/metadata --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/debian/upstream/metadata 2021-02-07 20:40:51.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/debian/upstream/metadata 2022-03-04 22:20:25.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ Archive: GitHub Bug-Database: https://github.com/ohler55/ox/issues +Bug-Submit: https://github.com/ohler55/ox/issues/new Repository: https://github.com/ohler55/ox.git Repository-Browse: https://github.com/ohler55/ox diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/debian/watch ruby-ox-2.14.9/debian/watch --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/debian/watch 2021-02-07 20:40:51.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/debian/watch 2022-03-04 22:20:25.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ version=4 -https://gemwatch.debian.net/ox .*/ox-(.*).tar.gz +opts=filenamemangle=s/.+\/v?(\d\S+)\.tar\.gz/ox-$1\.tar\.gz/ \ + https://github.com/ohler55/ox/tags .*/v?(\d\S+)\.tar\.gz diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/examples/gen.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/examples/gen.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/examples/gen.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/examples/gen.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env ruby + +# This example demonstrates loading an XML modifying it and then dumping it. + +# Use the current repo if run from the examples directory. +ox_dir = File.dirname(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__))) +$LOAD_PATH << File.join(ox_dir, 'ext') +$LOAD_PATH << File.join(ox_dir, 'lib') + +require 'ox' + +xml = %{ + + + mutant + + 5 + + dog + + + +} + +# Load the XML into a set of Ox::Nodes. +doc = Ox.load(xml, mode: :generic) + +# Once an Ox::Document is loaded it can be inspected and modified. A Doc has a +# root. Calling doc.root will give a node that is the root of the XML which is +# the Park.Animal element. +root = doc.root +puts "root element name: #{root.name}" + +# The Ox::Element.locate method can be used similar to XPath. It does not have +# all the features of XPath but it does help dig into an XML. Look for any +# descendent of the root that has a type attribute and return those attribute +# values. +puts "descendent type attribute value: #{root.locate('*/@type')}" + +# Delete 'i' element by iterating over the root's nodes and look for one named +# friends. The locate method could also be used. +root.nodes.each { |n| + if n.name == 'friends' + n.nodes.delete_if { |child| child.name == 'i' } + end +} + +# Lets take a look at the changes by dumping the doc. +xml2 = Ox.dump(doc) +puts "modified XML: #{xml2}" diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/examples/hashi.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/examples/hashi.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/examples/hashi.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/examples/hashi.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env ruby + +# This example demonstrates the use of Ox.load using the :hash and +# :hash_no_attrs modes. + +# Use the current repo if run from the examples directory. +ox_dir = File.dirname(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__))) +$LOAD_PATH << File.join(ox_dir, 'ext') +$LOAD_PATH << File.join(ox_dir, 'lib') + +require 'ox' + +# load or use this sample string. +xml = %{ + + + mutant + + 5 + + dog + + + +} + +doc = Ox.load(xml, mode: :hash) +puts "as hash with Symbol element names: #{doc}" + +# Load the XML and convert to a Hash. By default element names are +# symbolized. By using the :symbolize_keys option and setting it to false the +# element names will be strings. +doc = Ox.load(xml, mode: :hash, symbolize_keys: false) +puts "as hash with String element names: #{doc}" + +# The :hash_no_attrs mode leaves attributes out of the resulting Hash. +doc = Ox.load(xml, mode: :hash_no_attrs) +puts "as hash_no_attrs: #{doc}" diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/examples/obj.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/examples/obj.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/examples/obj.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/examples/obj.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env ruby + +# This example demonstrates encoding and decoding a Ruby object. + +# Use the current repo if run from the examples directory. +ox_dir = File.dirname(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__))) +$LOAD_PATH << File.join(ox_dir, 'ext') +$LOAD_PATH << File.join(ox_dir, 'lib') + +require 'ox' + +# Define a class that will be used for instances that are encoded and decoded. +class Classy + def initialize(a, b) + @a = a + @b = b + end + + def to_s + "Classy a: #{@a}, b: #{@b}" + end +end + +obj = Classy.new(23, ['abc', {x: true}]) + +doc = Ox.dump(obj, mode: :object) + +# The encoded format is not important other and should ot be generated by +# hand. It is of interest only for the curious. +puts "encoded object:\n#{doc}" + +# Now convert back to a Ruby object. +obj2 = Ox.load(doc, mode: :object) + +# Looks the same, print it out to check. +puts "decoded object: #{obj2}" diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/examples/sax_ractor.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/examples/sax_ractor.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/examples/sax_ractor.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/examples/sax_ractor.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,194 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env ruby + +require 'ox' +require 'pathname' + +# Silence Ractor warning in Ruby 3.0.x +Warning[:experimental] = false +abort("This Ractor example requires at least Ruby 3.0") if RUBY_VERSION.start_with?("2") + +# Example/test script for `Ractor`-based `Ox::Sax` parsing. +# In the Real World™ we probably wouldn't create a single-use `Ractor` for +# every argument, but this is primarily a test of `rb_ext_ractor_safe` for Ox. + + +# Miniature example Ractor-based `shared-mime-info` Ox handler à la `CHECKING::YOU::OUT`: +# https://github.com/okeeblow/DistorteD/tree/NEW-SENSATION/CHECKING-YOU-OUT +class Saxtor < Ox::Sax + + # We will fill this `Struct` as we parse, + # yield it if its `ietf` matches our `needle`, + # and throw it away otherwise. + CYO = Struct.new(:ietf, :globs, :description) do + def initialize(ietf = nil, globs = Array.new, description = nil) + super(ietf, globs, description) + end + def to_s # Pretty print + "#{self[:description]} (#{self[:ietf]}) [#{ + self[:globs]&.map(&File.method(:extname)).join(?,) + }]" + end + def inspect; "#"; end + end + + # Set up our parsing environment and open a file handle for our XML. + def initialize(parent, haystack) + @parse_stack = Array::new # Track our current Element as we parse. + @parent = parent # `Ractor` that instantiated us. + @haystack = File.open(haystack, File::Constants::RDONLY) + @haystack.advise(:sequential) + end + + # Stratch `Struct`. + def cyo + @cyo ||= CYO.new + end + + # Wax on… + def start_element(name) + @parse_stack.push(name) + case @parse_stack.last + when :"mime-type" then @cyo = nil # Clear out leftovers between types. + end + end + + # …wax off. + def end_element(name) + case @parse_stack.last + when :"mime-type" then + # Save the scratch `Struct` if we matched our needle while building it. + @out = cyo.dup if @i_can_haz + @i_can_haz = false + end + @parse_stack.pop + end + + # Element attribute callback — Ox::Sax::Value version + def attr_value(name, value) + case [@parse_stack.last, name] + in :"mime-type", :type then + cyo[:ietf] = value.as_s + # If we found our needle then we will yield the scratch `CYO` instead of `nil`. + @i_can_haz = true if value.as_s == @needle + in :glob, :pattern then + cyo[:globs].append(value.as_s) + else nil + end + end + + # Element text content callback, e.g. for TEXT + # This part. --------^ + def text(element_text) + case @parse_stack.last + when :comment then + # This will end up being the `last` locale (probably `zh_TW`) + # because I don't want to implement locale checking for a test script lol + cyo[:description] = element_text + end + end + + # Start our search for a given `needle` in our open `haystack`. + def awen(needle, **kwargs) + @needle = needle # What IETF Media-Type should we find? (e.g. `'image/jpeg'`) + @i_can_haz = false # Did we find our `needle`? (obviously not yet) + @haystack.rewind # Pon de Replay + + # Do the thing. + Ox.sax_parse( + self, # Instance of a class that responds to `Ox::Sax`'s callback messages. + @haystack, # IO stream or String of XML to parse. Won't close File handles automatically. + **{ + convert_special: true, # [boolean] Convert encoded entities back to their unencoded form, e.g. `"<"` to `"<"`. + skip: :skip_off, # [:skip_none|:skip_return|:skip_white|:skip_off] (from Element text/value) Strip CRs, whitespace, or nothing. + smart: false, # [boolean] Toggle Ox's built-in hints for HTML parsing: https://github.com/ohler55/ox/blob/master/ext/ox/sax_hint.c + strip_namespace: true, # [nil|String|true|false] (from Element names) Strip no namespaces, all namespaces, or a specific namespace. + symbolize: true, # [boolean] Fill callback method `name` arguments with Symbols instead of with Strings. + intern_string_values: true, # [boolean] Intern (freeze and deduplicate) String return values. + }.update(kwargs), + ) + + # Let our parent `#take` our needle-equivalent `CYO`, or `nil`. + Ractor.yield(@out) + end # def awen + +end # class Saxtor + +# Fancy "usage" help `String` fragment to concat with specific error messages. +usage = <<-PLZ + +Usage: `sax_ractor.rb [SHARED-MIME-INFO_XML_PATH] [IETF_MEDIA_TYPES]…` + +Common file paths: + +- FreeBSD: + `${LOCALBASE}/share/mime/packages/freedesktop.org.xml` (probably `/usr/local`) + https://www.freshports.org/misc/shared-mime-info/ + +- Linux: + `/usr/share/mime/packages/freedesktop.org.xml` + +- macOS: + `/opt/homebrew/share/mime/packages/freedesktop.org.xml` (Homebrew) + `/opt/local/share/mime/packages/freedesktop.org.xml` (MacPorts) + https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/shared-mime-info +PLZ + +# Bail out if we were given a nonexistant file. +abort("Please provide the path to a `shared-mime-info` XML package \ +and some media-type query arguments (e.g. 'image/jpeg')".concat(usage)) unless ARGV.size > 0 +haystack = Pathname.new(ARGV.first) +abort("#{haystack} does not exist") unless haystack.exist? and haystack.file? + +# *Judicator Aldaris voice* "YOU HAVE NOT ENOUGH ARGUMENTS." +abort("Please provide some media-type query arguments (e.g. 'image/jpeg')".concat(usage)) unless ARGV.size > 1 + +# We can use `Ractor::make_shareable()` for larger traversable data structures, +# but freezing should be enough to share a `Pathname`. +# Resolve symlinks etc with `#realpath` before we freeze. +haystack = haystack.realpath.freeze +needles = ARGV[1...] + + +# Hamburger Style. +puts "Parallel Ractors" +# Create one `Ractor` for every given media-type argument +moo = ['Heifer', 'Cow', 'Bull', 'Steer'].tally +head_count = needles.size - 1 +herd = (0..head_count).map { + # Give our worker `Ractor` a name, otherwise its `#name` will return `nil`. + individual = moo.keys.sample + moo[individual] += 1 + Ractor.new(haystack, name: "#{individual} #{moo[individual] - 1}") { |haystack| + # Initialize an `Ox::Sax` handler for our given source file. + handler = Saxtor::new(Ractor.current, haystack) + + # Now we can `#send` a needle to this `Ractor` and make it search the haystack! + while ietf_string = Ractor.receive + Ractor.yield(handler.awen(ietf_string)) + end + } +} + +# Send our arguments to our herd in a 1:1 mapping +(0..head_count).each { herd[_1].send(needles[_1]) } + +# Wait for every `Ractor` to have a result, and then pretty print all of them :) +pp (0..head_count).map { + [herd[_1], herd[_1].take] +}.map { + "#{_1.name} gave us #{_2 || 'nothing'}" +} + + +# Hotdog Style. +puts +puts "Serial Ractor" +# Create a single `Ractor` and send every media-type to it in series. +only_one_ox = Ractor.new(haystack, name: "ONLY ONE OX") { |haystack| + handler = Saxtor::new(Ractor.current, haystack) + while ietf_string = Ractor.receive + handler.awen(ietf_string) + end +} +(0..head_count).each { only_one_ox.send(needles[_1]) } +pp "#{only_one_ox.name} gave us #{(0..head_count).map { only_one_ox.take }}" diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/examples/saxy.html ruby-ox-2.14.9/examples/saxy.html --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/examples/saxy.html 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/examples/saxy.html 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ + + + + Saxy + + + + + + +

First Line


One Level Deep



+ + diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/examples/saxy_html.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/examples/saxy_html.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/examples/saxy_html.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/examples/saxy_html.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env ruby + +# This example demonstrates the use of the Ox.sax_html parser and the +# Ox.Builder. The parser is used to parse and HTML file and add a +# `class="ppp"` to each '

' element start. +# +# The approach taken is to build while parsing. An HTML parse is started and a +# builder call is made on each parser callback. If the element is a 'p' then +# the class attribute is added. All others remain the same. + +# Use the current repo if run from the examples directory. +ox_dir = File.dirname(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__))) +$LOAD_PATH << File.join(ox_dir, 'ext') +$LOAD_PATH << File.join(ox_dir, 'lib') + +require 'ox' + +# First create a handler for the SAX callbacks. The class instances include a +# builder that builds as parsing takes place. +class Saxy < Ox::Sax + VOID_ELEMENTS = [ :area, :base, :br, :col, :embed, :hr, :img, :input, :link, :meta, :param, :source, :track, :wbr ] + + def initialize + super + # The build is created with an indentation of 2 but that can be changed to + # the desired indentation. + @builder = Ox::Builder.new(:indent => 2) + # element_name and attributes are used for deferred writing of the element + # start. + @element_name = nil + @attrs = {} + end + + def to_s + @builder.to_s + end + + # The builder creates element starts with attributes but the parser uses a + # seprate call for attributes and element starts. To deal with the + # difference keep track of the start name and attributes as they are + # added. When another callback other than attributes is called write any + # pending element start. + def push_element + unless @element_name.nil? + # Add the class attribute if the element is a

element. + @attrs[:class] = 'ppp' if :p == @element_name + + # Check @void_elements to determine how the element start would be + # written. HTML includes void elements that are self closing so those + # should be handled correctly. + if VOID_ELEMENTS.include?(@element_name) + @builder.void_element(@element_name, @attrs) + else + @builder.element(@element_name, @attrs) + end + # Reset the element name. + @element_name = nil + @attrs = {} + end + end + + def start_element(name) + push_element + @element_name = name + end + + def attr(name, value) + @attrs[name] = value + end + + def doctype(value) + push_element + @builder.doctype(value) + end + + def comment(value) + push_element + @builder.comment(value) + end + + def text(value) + push_element + @builder.text(value) + end + + def end_element(name) + push_element + @builder.pop() unless VOID_ELEMENTS.include?(name) + end + + # Just in case there is a parse error this will display the error along with + # where the error occurred in the XML file. + def error(message, line, column) + puts "*-*-* error at #{line}:#{column}: #{message}" + end +end + +# Load the XML file. The Ox.sax_html also handles IO objects. +xml = File.read('saxy.html') +# Create an instance of the handler. +handler = Saxy.new() + +Ox.sax_html(handler, xml) + +# For debugging uncomment these lines. +#puts "******************** original *************************\n#{xml}" +#puts "******************** modifified ***********************\n#{handler.to_s}" + +# For benchmarks these lines should be repeated to parse and to generate a +# modified XML string. +#handler = Saxy.new() +#Ox.sax_html(handler, xml) +#handler.to_s diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/examples/saxy.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/examples/saxy.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/examples/saxy.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/examples/saxy.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env ruby + +# This example demonstrates the use of the Ox.sax_parse method. An XML string +# is parsed and a list of element names if built. + +# Use the current repo if run from the examples directory. +ox_dir = File.dirname(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__))) +$LOAD_PATH << File.join(ox_dir, 'ext') +$LOAD_PATH << File.join(ox_dir, 'lib') + +require 'ox' + +# First create a handler for the SAX callbacks. A Hash is used to collect the +# element names. This is a quick way to make sure the collected names are +# unique. Only the start_element is implemented as that is all that is needed +# to collect names. There is no need to inherit from Ox::Sax but tht class +# includes the private version of all the methods that can be made publis. +class Saxy + def initialize + #super + @names = {} + end + + def names + @names.keys + end + + def start_element(name) + @names[name] = nil + end + +end + +# The XML can be a string or a IO instance. +xml = %{ + + + mutant + + 5 + + dog + + + +} +# Create an instance of the handler. +handler = Saxy.new() + +Ox.sax_html(handler, xml) + +puts "element names: #{handler.names}" diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/ext/ox/builder.c ruby-ox-2.14.9/ext/ox/builder.c --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/ext/ox/builder.c 2019-06-20 20:06:23.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/ext/ox/builder.c 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ #include #include +#include "ruby.h" +#include "ruby/encoding.h" #include "ox.h" #include "buf.h" #include "err.h" @@ -17,7 +19,7 @@ typedef struct _element { char *name; char buf[64]; - int len; + long len; bool has_child; bool non_text_child; } *Element; @@ -124,7 +126,7 @@ char buf[256]; char *end = buf + sizeof(buf) - 1; char *bp = buf; - int i = size; + size_t i = size; int fcnt; for (; '\0' != *str && 0 < i; i--, str++) { @@ -183,7 +185,7 @@ static void append_sym_str(Builder b, VALUE v) { const char *s; - int len; + long len; switch (rb_type(v)) { case T_STRING: @@ -219,7 +221,9 @@ } static int -append_attr(VALUE key, VALUE value, Builder b) { +append_attr(VALUE key, VALUE value, VALUE bv) { + Builder b = (Builder)bv; + buf_append(&b->buf, ' '); b->col++; b->pos++; @@ -280,7 +284,7 @@ append_indent(b); } buf_append_string(&b->buf, "buf, e->name, e->len); + append_string(b, e->name, e->len, xml_element_chars, false); buf_append(&b->buf, '>'); b->col += e->len + 3; b->pos += e->len + 3; @@ -329,9 +333,7 @@ rstr = rb_str_new(b->buf.head, buf_len(&b->buf)); if ('\0' != *b->encoding) { -#if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT rb_enc_associate(rstr, rb_enc_find(b->encoding)); -#endif } return rstr; } @@ -600,7 +602,7 @@ Builder b = (Builder)DATA_PTR(self); Element e; const char *name; - int len; + long len; if (1 > argc) { rb_raise(ox_arg_error_class, "missing element name"); @@ -662,7 +664,7 @@ builder_void_element(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { Builder b = (Builder)DATA_PTR(self); const char *name; - int len; + long len; if (1 > argc) { rb_raise(ox_arg_error_class, "missing element name"); @@ -892,8 +894,7 @@ * * Closes the current element. */ -static VALUE -builder_pop(VALUE self) { +static VALUE builder_pop(VALUE self) { pop((Builder)DATA_PTR(self)); return Qnil; @@ -915,7 +916,12 @@ * * An XML builder. */ -void ox_init_builder(VALUE ox) { +void +ox_init_builder(VALUE ox) { +#if 0 + // Just for rdoc. + ox = rb_define_module("Ox"); +#endif builder_class = rb_define_class_under(ox, "Builder", rb_cObject); rb_define_module_function(builder_class, "new", builder_new, -1); rb_define_module_function(builder_class, "file", builder_file, -1); diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/ext/ox/cache.c ruby-ox-2.14.9/ext/ox/cache.c --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/ext/ox/cache.c 2019-06-20 20:06:23.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/ext/ox/cache.c 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,160 +1,338 @@ -/* cache.c - * Copyright (c) 2011, Peter Ohler - * All rights reserved. - */ +// Copyright (c) 2011, 2021 Peter Ohler. All rights reserved. +// Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE file in the project root for license details. +#if HAVE_PTHREAD_MUTEX_INIT +#include +#endif #include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include #include "cache.h" -struct _cache { - /* The key is a length byte followed by the key as a string. If the key is longer than 254 characters then the - length is 255. The key can be for a premature value and in that case the length byte is greater than the length - of the key. */ - char *key; - VALUE value; - struct _cache *slots[16]; -}; - -static void slot_print(Cache cache, unsigned int depth); - -static char* form_key(const char *s) { - size_t len = strlen(s); - char *d = ALLOC_N(char, len + 2); - - *(uint8_t*)d = (255 <= len) ? 255 : len; - memcpy(d + 1, s, len + 1); - - return d; -} - -void -ox_cache_new(Cache *cache) { - *cache = ALLOC(struct _cache); - (*cache)->key = 0; - (*cache)->value = Qundef; - memset((*cache)->slots, 0, sizeof((*cache)->slots)); +// The stdlib calloc, realloc, and free are used instead of the Ruby ALLOC, +// ALLOC_N, REALLOC, and xfree since the later could trigger a GC which will +// either corrupt memory or if the mark function locks will deadlock. + +#define REHASH_LIMIT 4 +#define MIN_SHIFT 8 +#define REUSE_MAX 8192 + +#if HAVE_PTHREAD_MUTEX_INIT +#define CACHE_LOCK(c) pthread_mutex_lock(&((c)->mutex)) +#define CACHE_UNLOCK(c) pthread_mutex_unlock(&((c)->mutex)) +#else +#define CACHE_LOCK(c) rb_mutex_lock((c)->mutex) +#define CACHE_UNLOCK(c) rb_mutex_unlock((c)->mutex) +#endif + +// almost the Murmur hash algorithm +#define M 0x5bd1e995 + +typedef struct _slot { + struct _slot *next; + VALUE val; + uint64_t hash; + volatile uint32_t use_cnt; + uint8_t klen; + char key[CACHE_MAX_KEY]; +} * Slot; + +typedef struct _cache { + volatile Slot *slots; + volatile size_t cnt; + VALUE (*form)(const char *str, size_t len); + uint64_t size; + uint64_t mask; + VALUE (*intern)(struct _cache *c, const char *key, size_t len, const char **keyp); + volatile Slot reuse; + size_t rcnt; +#if HAVE_PTHREAD_MUTEX_INIT + pthread_mutex_t mutex; +#else + VALUE mutex; +#endif + uint8_t xrate; + bool mark; +} * Cache; + +static uint64_t hash_calc(const uint8_t *key, size_t len) { + const uint8_t *end = key + len; + const uint8_t *endless = key + (len & 0xFFFFFFFC); + uint64_t h = (uint64_t)len; + uint64_t k; + + while (key < endless) { + k = (uint64_t)*key++; + k |= (uint64_t)*key++ << 8; + k |= (uint64_t)*key++ << 16; + k |= (uint64_t)*key++ << 24; + + k *= M; + k ^= k >> 24; + h *= M; + h ^= k * M; + } + if (1 < end - key) { + uint16_t k16 = (uint16_t)*key++; + + k16 |= (uint16_t)*key++ << 8; + h ^= k16 << 8; + } + if (key < end) { + h ^= *key; + } + h *= M; + h ^= h >> 13; + h *= M; + h ^= h >> 15; + + return h; } -VALUE -ox_cache_get(Cache cache, const char *key, VALUE **slot, const char **keyp) { - unsigned char *k = (unsigned char*)key; - Cache *cp; - - for (; '\0' != *k; k++) { - cp = cache->slots + (unsigned int)(*k >> 4); /* upper 4 bits */ - if (0 == *cp) { - ox_cache_new(cp); - } - cache = *cp; - cp = cache->slots + (unsigned int)(*k & 0x0F); /* lower 4 bits */ - if (0 == *cp) { /* nothing on this tree so set key and value as a premature key/value pair */ - ox_cache_new(cp); - cache = *cp; - cache->key = form_key(key); - break; - } else { - int depth = (int)(k - (unsigned char*)key + 1); - - cache = *cp; - - if ('\0' == *(k + 1)) { /* exact match */ - if (0 == cache->key) { /* nothing in this spot so take it */ - cache->key = form_key(key); - break; - } else if ((depth == *cache->key || 255 < depth) && 0 == strcmp(key, cache->key + 1)) { /* match */ - break; - } else { /* have to move the current premature key/value deeper */ - unsigned char *ck = (unsigned char*)(cache->key + depth + 1); - Cache orig = *cp; - - cp = (*cp)->slots + (*ck >> 4); - ox_cache_new(cp); - cp = (*cp)->slots + (*ck & 0x0F); - ox_cache_new(cp); - (*cp)->key = cache->key; - (*cp)->value = cache->value; - orig->key = form_key(key); - orig->value = Qundef; - } - } else { /* not exact match but on the path */ - if (0 != cache->key) { /* there is a key/value here already */ - if (depth == *cache->key || (255 <= depth && 0 == strncmp(cache->key, key, depth) && '\0' == cache->key[depth])) { /* key belongs here */ - continue; - } else { - unsigned char *ck = (unsigned char*)(cache->key + depth + 1); - Cache orig = *cp; - - cp = (*cp)->slots + (*ck >> 4); - ox_cache_new(cp); - cp = (*cp)->slots + (*ck & 0x0F); - ox_cache_new(cp); - (*cp)->key = cache->key; - (*cp)->value = cache->value; - orig->key = 0; - orig->value = Qundef; - } - } - } - } - } - *slot = &cache->value; - if (0 != keyp) { - if (0 == cache->key) { - printf("*** Error: failed to set the key for '%s'\n", key); - *keyp = 0; - } else { - *keyp = cache->key + 1; - } - } - return cache->value; -} - -void -ox_cache_print(Cache cache) { - /*printf("-------------------------------------------\n");*/ - slot_print(cache, 0); -} - -static void -slot_print(Cache c, unsigned int depth) { - char indent[256]; - Cache *cp; - unsigned int i; - - if (sizeof(indent) - 1 < depth) { - depth = ((int)sizeof(indent) - 1); - } - memset(indent, ' ', depth); - indent[depth] = '\0'; - for (i = 0, cp = c->slots; i < 16; i++, cp++) { - if (0 == *cp) { - /*printf("%s%02u:\n", indent, i);*/ +static void rehash(Cache c) { + uint64_t osize; + Slot *end; + Slot *sp; + + osize = c->size; + c->size = osize * 4; + c->mask = c->size - 1; + c->slots = realloc((void *)c->slots, sizeof(Slot) * c->size); + memset((Slot *)c->slots + osize, 0, sizeof(Slot) * osize * 3); + end = (Slot *)c->slots + osize; + for (sp = (Slot *)c->slots; sp < end; sp++) { + Slot s = *sp; + Slot next = NULL; + + *sp = NULL; + for (; NULL != s; s = next) { + uint64_t h = s->hash & c->mask; + Slot *bucket = (Slot *)c->slots + h; + + next = s->next; + s->next = *bucket; + *bucket = s; + } + } +} + +static VALUE ox_lockless_intern(Cache c, const char *key, size_t len, const char **keyp) { + uint64_t h = hash_calc((const uint8_t *)key, len); + Slot *bucket = (Slot *)c->slots + (h & c->mask); + Slot b; + volatile VALUE rkey; + + while (REUSE_MAX < c->rcnt) { + if (NULL != (b = c->reuse)) { + c->reuse = b->next; + free(b); + c->rcnt--; } else { - if (0 == (*cp)->key && Qundef == (*cp)->value) { - printf("%s%02u:\n", indent, i); - } else { - const char *vs; - const char *clas; - - if (Qundef == (*cp)->value) { - vs = "undefined"; - clas = ""; - } else { - VALUE rs = rb_funcall2((*cp)->value, rb_intern("to_s"), 0, 0); + // An accounting error occured somewhere so correct it. + c->rcnt = 0; + } + } + for (b = *bucket; NULL != b; b = b->next) { + if ((uint8_t)len == b->klen && 0 == strncmp(b->key, key, len)) { + b->use_cnt += 16; + if (NULL != keyp) { + *keyp = b->key; + } + return b->val; + } + } + rkey = c->form(key, len); + if (NULL == (b = c->reuse)) { + b = calloc(1, sizeof(struct _slot)); + } else { + c->reuse = b->next; + c->rcnt--; + } + b->hash = h; + memcpy(b->key, key, len); + b->klen = (uint8_t)len; + b->key[len] = '\0'; + b->val = rkey; + b->use_cnt = 4; + b->next = *bucket; + *bucket = b; + c->cnt++; // Don't worry about wrapping. Worse case is the entry is removed and recreated. + if (NULL != keyp) { + *keyp = b->key; + } + if (REHASH_LIMIT < c->cnt / c->size) { + rehash(c); + } + return rkey; +} + +static VALUE ox_locking_intern(Cache c, const char *key, size_t len, const char **keyp) { + uint64_t h; + Slot *bucket; + Slot b; + uint64_t old_size; + volatile VALUE rkey; + + CACHE_LOCK(c); + while (REUSE_MAX < c->rcnt) { + if (NULL != (b = c->reuse)) { + c->reuse = b->next; + free(b); + c->rcnt--; + } else { + // An accounting error occured somewhere so correct it. + c->rcnt = 0; + } + } + h = hash_calc((const uint8_t *)key, len); + bucket = (Slot *)c->slots + (h & c->mask); + for (b = *bucket; NULL != b; b = b->next) { + if ((uint8_t)len == b->klen && 0 == strncmp(b->key, key, len)) { + b->use_cnt += 4; + if (NULL != keyp) { + *keyp = b->key; + } + CACHE_UNLOCK(c); + + return b->val; + } + } + old_size = c->size; + // The creation of a new value may trigger a GC which be a problem if the + // cache is locked so make sure it is unlocked for the key value creation. + if (NULL != (b = c->reuse)) { + c->reuse = b->next; + c->rcnt--; + } + CACHE_UNLOCK(c); + if (NULL == b) { + b = calloc(1, sizeof(struct _slot)); + } + rkey = c->form(key, len); + b->hash = h; + memcpy(b->key, key, len); + b->klen = (uint8_t)len; + b->key[len] = '\0'; + b->val = rkey; + b->use_cnt = 16; + + // Lock again to add the new entry. + CACHE_LOCK(c); + if (old_size != c->size) { + h = hash_calc((const uint8_t *)key, len); + bucket = (Slot *)c->slots + (h & c->mask); + } + b->next = *bucket; + *bucket = b; + c->cnt++; // Don't worry about wrapping. Worse case is the entry is removed and recreated. + if (NULL != keyp) { + *keyp = b->key; + } + if (REHASH_LIMIT < c->cnt / c->size) { + rehash(c); + } + CACHE_UNLOCK(c); - vs = StringValuePtr(rs); - clas = rb_class2name(rb_obj_class((*cp)->value)); + return rkey; +} + +Cache ox_cache_create(size_t size, VALUE (*form)(const char *str, size_t len), bool mark, bool locking) { + Cache c = calloc(1, sizeof(struct _cache)); + int shift = 0; + + for (; REHASH_LIMIT < size; size /= 2, shift++) { + } + if (shift < MIN_SHIFT) { + shift = MIN_SHIFT; + } +#if HAVE_PTHREAD_MUTEX_INIT + pthread_mutex_init(&c->mutex, NULL); +#else + c->mutex = rb_mutex_new(); +#endif + c->size = 1 << shift; + c->mask = c->size - 1; + c->slots = calloc(c->size, sizeof(Slot)); + c->form = form; + c->xrate = 1; // low + c->mark = mark; + if (locking) { + c->intern = ox_locking_intern; + } else { + c->intern = ox_lockless_intern; + } + return c; +} + +void ox_cache_free(Cache c) { + uint64_t i; + + for (i = 0; i < c->size; i++) { + Slot next; + Slot s; + + for (s = c->slots[i]; NULL != s; s = next) { + next = s->next; + free(s); + } + } + free((void *)c->slots); + free(c); +} + +void ox_cache_mark(Cache c) { + uint64_t i; + +#if !HAVE_PTHREAD_MUTEX_INIT + rb_gc_mark(c->mutex); +#endif + if (0 == c->cnt) { + return; + } + for (i = 0; i < c->size; i++) { + Slot s; + Slot prev = NULL; + Slot next; + + for (s = c->slots[i]; NULL != s; s = next) { + next = s->next; + if (0 == s->use_cnt) { + if (NULL == prev) { + c->slots[i] = next; + } else { + prev->next = next; } - printf("%s%02u: %s = %s (%s)\n", indent, i, (*cp)->key, vs, clas); + c->cnt--; + s->next = c->reuse; + c->reuse = s; + c->rcnt++; + continue; + } + switch (c->xrate) { + case 0: break; + case 2: s->use_cnt -= 2; break; + case 3: s->use_cnt /= 2; break; + default: s->use_cnt--; break; + } + if (c->mark) { + rb_gc_mark(s->val); + } + prev = s; + } + } +} + +VALUE +ox_cache_intern(Cache c, const char *key, size_t len, const char **keyp) { + if (CACHE_MAX_KEY <= len) { + if (NULL != keyp) { + volatile VALUE rkey = c->form(key, len); + + if (SYMBOL_P(rkey)) { + *keyp = rb_id2name(rb_sym2id(rkey)); } - slot_print(*cp, depth + 2); + return rkey; } + return c->form(key, len); } + return c->intern(c, key, len, keyp); } diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/ext/ox/cache.h ruby-ox-2.14.9/ext/ox/cache.h --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/ext/ox/cache.h 2019-06-20 20:06:23.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/ext/ox/cache.h 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ -/* cache.h - * Copyright (c) 2011, Peter Ohler - * All rights reserved. - */ +// Copyright (c) 2021 Peter Ohler. All rights reserved. +// Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE file in the project root for license details. #ifndef OX_CACHE_H #define OX_CACHE_H -#include "ruby.h" +#include +#include -typedef struct _cache *Cache; +#define CACHE_MAX_KEY 35 -extern void ox_cache_new(Cache *cache); +struct _cache; -extern VALUE ox_cache_get(Cache cache, const char *key, VALUE **slot, const char **keyp); - -extern void ox_cache_print(Cache cache); +extern struct _cache *ox_cache_create(size_t size, VALUE (*form)(const char *str, size_t len), bool mark, bool locking); +extern void ox_cache_free(struct _cache *c); +extern void ox_cache_mark(struct _cache *c); +extern VALUE ox_cache_intern(struct _cache *c, const char *key, size_t len, const char **keyp); #endif /* OX_CACHE_H */ diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/ext/ox/dump.c ruby-ox-2.14.9/ext/ox/dump.c --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/ext/ox/dump.c 2019-06-20 20:06:23.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/ext/ox/dump.c 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ static void dump_gen_doc(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out); static void dump_gen_element(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out); static void dump_gen_instruct(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out); -static int dump_gen_attr(VALUE key, VALUE value, Out out); +static int dump_gen_attr(VALUE key, VALUE value, VALUE ov); static int dump_gen_nodes(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out); static void dump_gen_val_node(VALUE obj, int depth, const char *pre, size_t plen, @@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ static void dump_value(Out out, const char *value, size_t size); static void dump_str_value(Out out, const char *value, size_t size, const char *table); -static int dump_var(ID key, VALUE value, Out out); +static int dump_var(ID key, VALUE value, VALUE ov); static void dump_num(Out out, VALUE obj); static void dump_date(Out out, VALUE obj); static void dump_time_thin(Out out, VALUE obj); static void dump_time_xsd(Out out, VALUE obj); -static int dump_hash(VALUE key, VALUE value, Out out); +static int dump_hash(VALUE key, VALUE value, VALUE ov); static int is_xml_friendly(const uchar *str, int len, const char *table); @@ -301,7 +301,14 @@ fill_attr(out, 'i', s, end - s); } if (e->closed) { - *out->cur++ = '/'; + if (out->opts->no_empty) { + *out->cur++ = '>'; + *out->cur++ = '<'; + *out->cur++ = '/'; + *out->cur++ = e->type; + } else { + *out->cur++ = '/'; + } } *out->cur++ = '>'; *out->cur = '\0'; @@ -448,17 +455,14 @@ dump_time_thin(Out out, VALUE obj) { char buf[64]; char *b = buf + sizeof(buf) - 1; -#if HAS_RB_TIME_TIMESPEC +#if HAVE_RB_TIME_TIMESPEC struct timespec ts = rb_time_timespec(obj); time_t sec = ts.tv_sec; long nsec = ts.tv_nsec; #else time_t sec = NUM2LONG(rb_funcall2(obj, ox_tv_sec_id, 0, 0)); -#if HAS_NANO_TIME long nsec = NUM2LONG(rb_funcall2(obj, ox_tv_nsec_id, 0, 0)); -#else - long nsec = NUM2LONG(rb_funcall2(obj, ox_tv_usec_id, 0, 0)) * 1000; -#endif + //long nsec = NUM2LONG(rb_funcall2(obj, ox_tv_usec_id, 0, 0)) * 1000; #endif char *dot = b - 10; long size; @@ -507,17 +511,14 @@ static void dump_time_xsd(Out out, VALUE obj) { struct tm *tm; -#if HAS_RB_TIME_TIMESPEC +#if HAVE_RB_TIME_TIMESPEC struct timespec ts = rb_time_timespec(obj); time_t sec = ts.tv_sec; long nsec = ts.tv_nsec; #else time_t sec = NUM2LONG(rb_funcall2(obj, ox_tv_sec_id, 0, 0)); -#if HAS_NANO_TIME long nsec = NUM2LONG(rb_funcall2(obj, ox_tv_nsec_id, 0, 0)); -#else - long nsec = NUM2LONG(rb_funcall2(obj, ox_tv_usec_id, 0, 0)) * 1000; -#endif + //long nsec = NUM2LONG(rb_funcall2(obj, ox_tv_usec_id, 0, 0)) * 1000; #endif int tzhour, tzmin; char tzsign = '+'; @@ -527,7 +528,7 @@ } /* 2010-07-09T10:47:45.895826+09:00 */ tm = localtime(&sec); -#if HAS_TM_GMTOFF +#if HAVE_ST_TM_GMTOFF if (0 > tm->tm_gmtoff) { tzsign = '-'; tzhour = (int)(tm->tm_gmtoff / -3600); @@ -802,7 +803,7 @@ } case T_STRUCT: { -#if HAS_RSTRUCT +#ifdef RSTRUCT_GET VALUE clas; if (0 != out->circ_cache && check_circular(out, obj, &e)) { @@ -824,7 +825,7 @@ } else { char num_buf[16]; int d2 = depth + 1; -#if UNIFY_FIXNUM_AND_BIGNUM +#ifdef RUBY_INTEGER_UNIFICATION long i; long cnt = NUM2LONG(rb_struct_size(obj)); #else // UNIFY_FIXNUM_AND_INTEGER @@ -837,7 +838,7 @@ out->w_start(out, &e); for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { - VALUE v = RSTRUCT_GET(obj, i); + VALUE v = RSTRUCT_GET(obj, (int)(i)); dump_obj(rb_intern(ulong2str(i, num_buf + sizeof(num_buf) - 1)), v, d2, out); } out->w_end(out, &e); @@ -870,7 +871,7 @@ dump_gen_element(obj, depth + 1, out); out->w_end(out, &e); } else { /* Object */ -#if HAS_IVAR_HELPERS +#if HAVE_RB_IVAR_FOREACH e.type = (Qtrue == rb_obj_is_kind_of(obj, rb_eException)) ? ExceptionCode : ObjectCode; cnt = (int)rb_ivar_count(obj); e.closed = (0 >= cnt); @@ -998,7 +999,9 @@ } static int -dump_var(ID key, VALUE value, Out out) { +dump_var(ID key, VALUE value, VALUE ov) { + Out out = (Out)ov; + if (T_DATA == rb_type(value) && key == ox_mesg_id) { /* There is a secret recipe that keeps Exception mesg attributes as a * T_DATA until it is needed. The safe way around this hack is to call @@ -1015,7 +1018,9 @@ } static int -dump_hash(VALUE key, VALUE value, Out out) { +dump_hash(VALUE key, VALUE value, VALUE ov) { + Out out = (Out)ov; + dump_obj(0, key, out->depth, out); dump_obj(0, value, out->depth, out); @@ -1105,6 +1110,11 @@ *out->cur++ = '<'; *out->cur++ = '/'; fill_value(out, name, nlen); + } else if (out->opts->no_empty) { + *out->cur++ = '>'; + *out->cur++ = '<'; + *out->cur++ = '/'; + fill_value(out, name, nlen); } else { *out->cur++ = '/'; } @@ -1186,16 +1196,13 @@ } static int -dump_gen_attr(VALUE key, VALUE value, Out out) { +dump_gen_attr(VALUE key, VALUE value, VALUE ov) { + Out out = (Out)ov; + const char *ks; size_t klen; size_t size; -#if HAS_PRIVATE_ENCODING - // There seems to be a bug in jruby for converting symbols to strings and preserving the encoding. This is a work - // around. - ks = rb_str_ptr(rb_String(key)); -#else switch (rb_type(key)) { case T_SYMBOL: ks = rb_id2name(SYM2ID(key)); @@ -1208,7 +1215,6 @@ ks = StringValuePtr(key); break; } -#endif klen = strlen(ks); value = rb_String(value); size = 4 + klen + RSTRING_LEN(value); diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/ext/ox/encode.h ruby-ox-2.14.9/ext/ox/encode.h --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/ext/ox/encode.h 2019-06-20 20:06:23.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/ext/ox/encode.h 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -/* encode.h - * Copyright (c) 2011, Peter Ohler - * All rights reserved. - */ - -#ifndef __OX_ENCODE_H__ -#define __OX_ENCODE_H__ - -#include "ruby.h" -#if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT -#include "ruby/encoding.h" -#endif - -static inline VALUE -ox_encode(VALUE rstr) { -#if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT - rb_enc_associate(rstr, ox_utf8_encoding); -#else - if (Qnil != ox_utf8_encoding) { - rstr = rb_funcall(ox_utf8_encoding, ox_iconv_id, 1, rstr); - } -#endif - return rstr; -} - -#endif /* __OX_ENCODE_H__ */ diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/ext/ox/extconf.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/ext/ox/extconf.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/ext/ox/extconf.rb 2019-06-20 20:06:23.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/ext/ox/extconf.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ parts = RUBY_DESCRIPTION.split(' ') type = parts[0].downcase() type = 'ree' if 'ruby' == type && RUBY_DESCRIPTION.include?('Ruby Enterprise Edition') -is_windows = RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /(mingw|mswin)/ platform = RUBY_PLATFORM version = RUBY_VERSION.split('.') puts ">>>>> Creating Makefile for #{type} version #{RUBY_VERSION} on #{platform} <<<<<" @@ -18,41 +17,8 @@ 'RUBY_VERSION_MAJOR' => version[0], 'RUBY_VERSION_MINOR' => version[1], 'RUBY_VERSION_MICRO' => version[2], - 'HAS_RB_TIME_TIMESPEC' => ('ruby' == type && ('1.9.3' == RUBY_VERSION)) ? 1 : 0, - #'HAS_RB_TIME_TIMESPEC' => ('ruby' == type && ('1.9.3' == RUBY_VERSION || '2' <= version[0])) ? 1 : 0, - 'HAS_TM_GMTOFF' => ('ruby' == type && (('1' == version[0] && '9' == version[1]) || '2' <= version[0]) && - !(platform.include?('cygwin') || platform.include?('solaris') || platform.include?('linux') || RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/)) ? 1 : 0, - 'HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT' => (('ruby' == type || 'rubinius' == type || 'macruby' == type) && - (('1' == version[0] && '9' == version[1]) || '2' <= version[0])) ? 1 : 0, - 'HAS_ONIG' => (('ruby' == type || 'jruby' == type || 'rubinius' == type) && - (('1' == version[0] && '9' == version[1]) || '2' <= version[0])) ? 1 : 0, - 'HAS_PRIVATE_ENCODING' => ('jruby' == type && '1' == version[0] && '9' == version[1]) ? 1 : 0, - 'HAS_NANO_TIME' => ('ruby' == type && ('1' == version[0] && '9' == version[1]) || '2' <= version[0]) ? 1 : 0, - 'HAS_RSTRUCT' => ('ruby' == type || 'ree' == type) ? 1 : 0, - 'HAS_IVAR_HELPERS' => ('ruby' == type && !is_windows && (('1' == version[0] && '9' == version[1]) || '2' <= version[0])) ? 1 : 0, - 'HAS_PROC_WITH_BLOCK' => ('ruby' == type && ('1' == version[0] && '9' == version[1]) || '2' <= version[0]) ? 1 : 0, - 'HAS_GC_GUARD' => ('jruby' != type && 'rubinius' != type) ? 1 : 0, - 'HAS_BIGDECIMAL' => ('jruby' != type) ? 1 : 0, - 'HAS_TOP_LEVEL_ST_H' => ('ree' == type || ('ruby' == type && '1' == version[0] && '8' == version[1])) ? 1 : 0, - 'NEEDS_UIO' => (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/) ? 0 : 1, - 'HAS_DATA_OBJECT_WRAP' => ('ruby' == type && '2' == version[0] && '3' <= version[1]) ? 1 : 0, - 'UNIFY_FIXNUM_AND_BIGNUM' => ('ruby' == type && '2' == version[0] && '4' <= version[1]) ? 1 : 0, } -if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/ || RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /solaris2\.10/ - dflags['NEEDS_STPCPY'] = nil -end - -if ['i386-darwin10.0.0', 'x86_64-darwin10.8.0'].include? RUBY_PLATFORM - dflags['NEEDS_STPCPY'] = nil - dflags['HAS_IVAR_HELPERS'] = 0 if ('ruby' == type && '1.9.1' == RUBY_VERSION) -elsif 'x86_64-linux' == RUBY_PLATFORM && '1.9.3' == RUBY_VERSION && '2011-10-30' == RUBY_RELEASE_DATE - begin - dflags['NEEDS_STPCPY'] = nil if `more /etc/issue`.include?('CentOS release 5.4') - rescue Exception - end -end - dflags.each do |k,v| if v.nil? $CPPFLAGS += " -D#{k}" @@ -62,6 +28,25 @@ end $CPPFLAGS += ' -Wall' #puts "*** $CPPFLAGS: #{$CPPFLAGS}" +CONFIG['warnflags'].slice!(/ -Wsuggest-attribute=format/) +CONFIG['warnflags'].slice!(/ -Wdeclaration-after-statement/) +CONFIG['warnflags'].slice!(/ -Wmissing-noreturn/) + +have_func('rb_time_timespec') +have_func('rb_struct_alloc_noinit') +have_func('rb_obj_encoding') +have_func('rb_ivar_foreach') +have_func('rb_ext_ractor_safe', 'ruby.h') +have_func('pthread_mutex_init') +have_func('rb_enc_interned_str') +have_func('rb_time_nano_new') +have_func('index') + +have_header('ruby/st.h') +have_header('sys/uio.h') + +have_struct_member('struct tm', 'tm_gmtoff') + create_makefile(extension_name) %x{make clean} diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/ext/ox/gen_load.c ruby-ox-2.14.9/ext/ox/gen_load.c --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/ext/ox/gen_load.c 2019-06-20 20:06:23.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/ext/ox/gen_load.c 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ #include #include "ruby.h" +#include "ruby/encoding.h" #include "ox.h" +#include "intern.h" static void instruct(PInfo pi, const char *target, Attr attrs, const char *content); static void create_doc(PInfo pi); @@ -72,7 +74,7 @@ helper_stack_init(&pi->helpers); doc = rb_obj_alloc(ox_document_clas); -#if HAS_GC_GUARD +#ifdef RB_GC_GUARD RB_GC_GUARD(doc); #endif nodes = rb_ary_new(); @@ -100,7 +102,6 @@ sym = rb_funcall(pi->options->attr_key_mod, ox_call_id, 1, rb_str_new2(attrs->name)); rb_hash_aset(ah, sym, rb_str_new2(attrs->value)); } else if (Yes == pi->options->sym_keys) { -#if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT if (0 != pi->options->rb_enc) { VALUE rstr = rb_str_new2(attrs->name); @@ -109,42 +110,19 @@ } else { sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern(attrs->name)); } -#elif HAS_PRIVATE_ENCODING - if (Qnil != pi->options->rb_enc) { - VALUE rstr = rb_str_new2(attrs->name); - - rb_funcall(rstr, ox_force_encoding_id, 1, pi->options->rb_enc); - sym = rb_funcall(rstr, ox_to_sym_id, 0); - } else { - sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern(attrs->name)); - } -#else sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern(attrs->name)); -#endif rb_hash_aset(ah, sym, rb_str_new2(attrs->value)); } else { volatile VALUE rstr = rb_str_new2(attrs->name); -#if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT if (0 != pi->options->rb_enc) { rb_enc_associate(rstr, pi->options->rb_enc); } -#elif HAS_PRIVATE_ENCODING - if (Qnil != pi->options->rb_enc) { - rb_funcall(rstr, ox_force_encoding_id, 1, pi->options->rb_enc); - } -#endif rb_hash_aset(ah, rstr, rb_str_new2(attrs->value)); } -#if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT if (0 == strcmp("encoding", attrs->name)) { pi->options->rb_enc = rb_enc_find(attrs->value); } -#elif HAS_PRIVATE_ENCODING - if (0 == strcmp("encoding", attrs->name)) { - pi->options->rb_enc = rb_str_new2(attrs->value); - } -#endif } nodes = rb_ary_new(); rb_ivar_set(doc, ox_attributes_id, ah); @@ -212,15 +190,9 @@ VALUE n = rb_obj_alloc(ox_doctype_clas); VALUE s = rb_str_new2(docType); -#if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT if (0 != pi->options->rb_enc) { rb_enc_associate(s, pi->options->rb_enc); } -#elif HAS_PRIVATE_ENCODING - if (Qnil != pi->options->rb_enc) { - rb_funcall(s, ox_force_encoding_id, 1, pi->options->rb_enc); - } -#endif rb_ivar_set(n, ox_at_value_id, s); if (helper_stack_empty(&pi->helpers)) { /* top level object */ create_doc(pi); @@ -233,15 +205,9 @@ VALUE n = rb_obj_alloc(ox_comment_clas); VALUE s = rb_str_new2(comment); -#if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT if (0 != pi->options->rb_enc) { rb_enc_associate(s, pi->options->rb_enc); } -#elif HAS_PRIVATE_ENCODING - if (Qnil != pi->options->rb_enc) { - rb_funcall(s, ox_force_encoding_id, 1, pi->options->rb_enc); - } -#endif rb_ivar_set(n, ox_at_value_id, s); if (helper_stack_empty(&pi->helpers)) { /* top level object */ create_doc(pi); @@ -254,15 +220,9 @@ VALUE n = rb_obj_alloc(ox_cdata_clas); VALUE s = rb_str_new2(cdata); -#if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT if (0 != pi->options->rb_enc) { rb_enc_associate(s, pi->options->rb_enc); } -#elif HAS_PRIVATE_ENCODING - if (Qnil != pi->options->rb_enc) { - rb_funcall(s, ox_force_encoding_id, 1, pi->options->rb_enc); - } -#endif rb_ivar_set(n, ox_at_value_id, s); if (helper_stack_empty(&pi->helpers)) { /* top level object */ create_doc(pi); @@ -274,15 +234,9 @@ add_text(PInfo pi, char *text, int closed) { VALUE s = rb_str_new2(text); -#if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT if (0 != pi->options->rb_enc) { rb_enc_associate(s, pi->options->rb_enc); } -#elif HAS_PRIVATE_ENCODING - if (Qnil != pi->options->rb_enc) { - rb_funcall(s, ox_force_encoding_id, 1, pi->options->rb_enc); - } -#endif if (helper_stack_empty(&pi->helpers)) { /* top level object */ create_doc(pi); } @@ -297,15 +251,9 @@ if (Qnil != pi->options->element_key_mod) { s = rb_funcall(pi->options->element_key_mod, ox_call_id, 1, s); } -#if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT if (0 != pi->options->rb_enc) { rb_enc_associate(s, pi->options->rb_enc); } -#elif HAS_PRIVATE_ENCODING - if (Qnil != pi->options->rb_enc) { - rb_funcall(s, ox_force_encoding_id, 1, pi->options->rb_enc); - } -#endif e = rb_obj_alloc(ox_element_clas); rb_ivar_set(e, ox_at_value_id, s); if (0 != attrs->name) { @@ -317,57 +265,14 @@ if (Qnil != pi->options->attr_key_mod) { sym = rb_funcall(pi->options->attr_key_mod, ox_call_id, 1, rb_str_new2(attrs->name)); } else if (Yes == pi->options->sym_keys) { - VALUE *slot; - - if (Qundef == (sym = ox_cache_get(ox_symbol_cache, attrs->name, &slot, 0))) { -#if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT - if (0 != pi->options->rb_enc) { - VALUE rstr = rb_str_new2(attrs->name); - - rb_enc_associate(rstr, pi->options->rb_enc); - sym = rb_funcall(rstr, ox_to_sym_id, 0); - } else { - sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern(attrs->name)); - } -#elif HAS_PRIVATE_ENCODING - if (Qnil != pi->options->rb_enc) { - VALUE rstr = rb_str_new2(attrs->name); - - rb_funcall(rstr, ox_force_encoding_id, 1, pi->options->rb_enc); - sym = rb_funcall(rstr, ox_to_sym_id, 0); - } else { - sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern(attrs->name)); - } -#else - sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern(attrs->name)); -#endif - // Needed for Ruby 2.2 to get around the GC of symbols - // created with to_sym which is needed for encoded symbols. - rb_ary_push(ox_sym_bank, sym); - *slot = sym; - } + sym = ox_sym_intern(attrs->name, strlen(attrs->name), NULL); } else { - sym = rb_str_new2(attrs->name); -#if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT - if (0 != pi->options->rb_enc) { - rb_enc_associate(sym, pi->options->rb_enc); - } -#elif HAS_PRIVATE_ENCODING - if (Qnil != pi->options->rb_enc) { - rb_funcall(sym, ox_force_encoding_id, 1, pi->options->rb_enc); - } -#endif + sym = ox_str_intern(attrs->name, strlen(attrs->name), NULL); } s = rb_str_new2(attrs->value); -#if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT if (0 != pi->options->rb_enc) { rb_enc_associate(s, pi->options->rb_enc); } -#elif HAS_PRIVATE_ENCODING - if (Qnil != pi->options->rb_enc) { - rb_funcall(s, ox_force_encoding_id, 1, pi->options->rb_enc); - } -#endif rb_hash_aset(ah, sym, s); } rb_ivar_set(e, ox_attributes_id, ah); @@ -403,21 +308,12 @@ if (0 != content) { c = rb_str_new2(content); } -#if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT if (0 != pi->options->rb_enc) { rb_enc_associate(s, pi->options->rb_enc); if (0 != content) { rb_enc_associate(c, pi->options->rb_enc); } } -#elif HAS_PRIVATE_ENCODING - if (Qnil != pi->options->rb_enc) { - rb_funcall(s, ox_force_encoding_id, 1, pi->options->rb_enc); - if (0 != content) { - rb_funcall(c, ox_force_encoding_id, 1, pi->options->rb_enc); - } - } -#endif inst = rb_obj_alloc(ox_instruct_clas); rb_ivar_set(inst, ox_at_value_id, s); if (0 != content) { @@ -427,60 +323,18 @@ for (; 0 != attrs->name; attrs++) { volatile VALUE sym; - VALUE *slot; if (Qnil != pi->options->attr_key_mod) { sym = rb_funcall(pi->options->attr_key_mod, ox_call_id, 1, rb_str_new2(attrs->name)); } else if (Yes == pi->options->sym_keys) { - if (Qundef == (sym = ox_cache_get(ox_symbol_cache, attrs->name, &slot, 0))) { -#if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT - if (0 != pi->options->rb_enc) { - VALUE rstr = rb_str_new2(attrs->name); - - rb_enc_associate(rstr, pi->options->rb_enc); - sym = rb_funcall(rstr, ox_to_sym_id, 0); - } else { - sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern(attrs->name)); - } -#elif HAS_PRIVATE_ENCODING - if (Qnil != pi->options->rb_enc) { - VALUE rstr = rb_str_new2(attrs->name); - - rb_funcall(rstr, ox_force_encoding_id, 1, pi->options->rb_enc); - sym = rb_funcall(rstr, ox_to_sym_id, 0); - } else { - sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern(attrs->name)); - } -#else - sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern(attrs->name)); -#endif - // Needed for Ruby 2.2 to get around the GC of symbols - // created with to_sym which is needed for encoded symbols. - rb_ary_push(ox_sym_bank, sym); - *slot = sym; - } + sym = ox_sym_intern(attrs->name, strlen(attrs->name), NULL); } else { - sym = rb_str_new2(attrs->name); -#if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT - if (0 != pi->options->rb_enc) { - rb_enc_associate(sym, pi->options->rb_enc); - } -#elif HAS_PRIVATE_ENCODING - if (Qnil != pi->options->rb_enc) { - rb_funcall(sym, ox_force_encoding_id, 1, pi->options->rb_enc); - } -#endif + sym = ox_str_intern(attrs->name, strlen(attrs->name), NULL); } s = rb_str_new2(attrs->value); -#if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT if (0 != pi->options->rb_enc) { rb_enc_associate(s, pi->options->rb_enc); } -#elif HAS_PRIVATE_ENCODING - if (Qnil != pi->options->rb_enc) { - rb_funcall(s, ox_force_encoding_id, 1, pi->options->rb_enc); - } -#endif rb_hash_aset(ah, sym, s); } rb_ivar_set(inst, ox_attributes_id, ah); diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/ext/ox/hash_load.c ruby-ox-2.14.9/ext/ox/hash_load.c --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/ext/ox/hash_load.c 2019-06-20 20:06:23.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/ext/ox/hash_load.c 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -13,12 +13,14 @@ #include "ruby.h" #include "ox.h" +#define MARK_INC 256 + // The approach taken for the hash and has_no_attrs parsing is to push just // the key on to the stack and then decide what to do on the way up/out. static VALUE create_top(PInfo pi) { - volatile VALUE top = rb_hash_new();; + volatile VALUE top = rb_hash_new(); helper_stack_push(&pi->helpers, 0, top, HashCode); pi->obj = top; @@ -27,20 +29,58 @@ } static void -add_text(PInfo pi, char *text, int closed) { +mark_value(PInfo pi, VALUE val) { + if (NULL == pi->marked) { + pi->marked = ALLOC_N(VALUE, MARK_INC); + pi->mark_size = MARK_INC; + } else if (pi->mark_size <= pi->mark_cnt) { + pi->mark_size += MARK_INC; + pi->marked = REALLOC_N(pi->marked, VALUE, pi->mark_size); + } + pi->marked[pi->mark_cnt] = val; + pi->mark_cnt++; +} + +static bool +marked(PInfo pi, VALUE val) { + if (NULL != pi->marked) { + VALUE *vp = pi->marked + pi->mark_cnt - 1; + + for (; pi->marked <= vp; vp--) { + if (val == *vp) { + return true; + } + } + } + return false; +} + +static void +unmark(PInfo pi, VALUE val) { + if (NULL != pi->marked) { + VALUE *vp = pi->marked + pi->mark_cnt - 1; + int i; + + for (i = 0; pi->marked <= vp; vp--, i++) { + if (val == *vp) { + for (; 0 < i; i--, vp++) { + *vp = *(vp + 1); + } + pi->mark_cnt--; + break; + } + } + } +} + +static void +add_str(PInfo pi, VALUE s) { Helper parent = helper_stack_peek(&pi->helpers); - volatile VALUE s = rb_str_new2(text); volatile VALUE a; -#if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT if (0 != pi->options->rb_enc) { rb_enc_associate(s, pi->options->rb_enc); } -#elif HAS_PRIVATE_ENCODING - if (Qnil != pi->options->rb_enc) { - rb_funcall(s, ox_force_encoding_id, 1, pi->options->rb_enc); - } -#endif switch (parent->type) { case NoCode: parent->obj = s; @@ -60,6 +100,16 @@ } static void +add_text(PInfo pi, char *text, int closed) { + add_str(pi, rb_str_new2(text)); +} + +static void +add_cdata(PInfo pi, const char *text, size_t len) { + add_str(pi, rb_str_new(text, len)); +} + +static void add_element(PInfo pi, const char *ename, Attr attrs, int hasChildren) { if (helper_stack_empty(&pi->helpers)) { create_top(pi); @@ -79,20 +129,14 @@ key = rb_str_new2(attrs->name); } val = rb_str_new2(attrs->value); -#if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT if (0 != pi->options->rb_enc) { rb_enc_associate(val, pi->options->rb_enc); } -#elif HAS_PRIVATE_ENCODING - if (Qnil != pi->options->rb_enc) { - rb_funcall(val, ox_force_encoding_id, 1, pi->options->rb_enc); - } -#endif rb_hash_aset(h, key, val); } a = rb_ary_new(); rb_ary_push(a, h); - rb_obj_taint(a); // flag indicating it is a unit, kind of a hack but it works + mark_value(pi, a); helper_stack_push(&pi->helpers, rb_intern(ename), a, ArrayCode); } else { helper_stack_push(&pi->helpers, rb_intern(ename), Qnil, NoCode); @@ -108,15 +152,14 @@ } static int -untaint_hash_cb(VALUE key, VALUE value, VALUE x) { - if (Qtrue == rb_obj_tainted(value)) { - rb_obj_untaint(value); - } +umark_hash_cb(VALUE key, VALUE value, VALUE x) { + unmark((PInfo)x, value); + return ST_CONTINUE; } static void -end_element_core(PInfo pi, const char *ename, bool check_taint) { +end_element_core(PInfo pi, const char *ename, bool check_marked) { Helper e = helper_stack_pop(&pi->helpers); Helper parent = helper_stack_peek(&pi->helpers); volatile VALUE pobj = parent->obj; @@ -161,8 +204,8 @@ if (Qundef == found) { rb_hash_aset(pobj, key, e->obj); } else if (RUBY_T_ARRAY == rb_type(found)) { - if (check_taint && Qtrue == rb_obj_tainted(found)) { - rb_obj_untaint(found); + if (check_marked && marked(pi, found)) { + unmark(pi, found); a = rb_ary_new(); rb_ary_push(a, found); rb_ary_push(a, e->obj); @@ -171,16 +214,16 @@ rb_ary_push(found, e->obj); } } else { // something there other than an array - if (check_taint && Qtrue == rb_obj_tainted(e->obj)) { - rb_obj_untaint(e->obj); + if (check_marked && marked(pi, e->obj)) { + unmark(pi, e->obj); } a = rb_ary_new(); rb_ary_push(a, found); rb_ary_push(a, e->obj); rb_hash_aset(pobj, key, a); } - if (check_taint && RUBY_T_HASH == rb_type(e->obj)) { - rb_hash_foreach(e->obj, untaint_hash_cb, Qnil); + if (check_marked && NULL != pi->marked && RUBY_T_HASH == rb_type(e->obj)) { + rb_hash_foreach(e->obj, umark_hash_cb, (VALUE)pi); } } @@ -196,9 +239,7 @@ static void finish(PInfo pi) { - if (Qnil != pi->obj && RUBY_T_HASH == rb_type(pi->obj)) { - rb_hash_foreach(pi->obj, untaint_hash_cb, Qnil); - } + xfree(pi->marked); } struct _parseCallbacks _ox_hash_callbacks = { @@ -214,6 +255,19 @@ ParseCallbacks ox_hash_callbacks = &_ox_hash_callbacks; +struct _parseCallbacks _ox_hash_cdata_callbacks = { + NULL, + NULL, + NULL, + add_cdata, + add_text, + add_element, + end_element, + finish, +}; + +ParseCallbacks ox_hash_cdata_callbacks = &_ox_hash_cdata_callbacks; + struct _parseCallbacks _ox_hash_no_attrs_callbacks = { NULL, NULL, @@ -226,3 +280,16 @@ }; ParseCallbacks ox_hash_no_attrs_callbacks = &_ox_hash_no_attrs_callbacks; + +struct _parseCallbacks _ox_hash_no_attrs_cdata_callbacks = { + NULL, + NULL, + NULL, + add_cdata, + add_text, + add_element_no_attrs, + end_element_no_attrs, + NULL, +}; + +ParseCallbacks ox_hash_no_attrs_cdata_callbacks = &_ox_hash_no_attrs_cdata_callbacks; diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/ext/ox/intern.c ruby-ox-2.14.9/ext/ox/intern.c --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/ext/ox/intern.c 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/ext/ox/intern.c 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2011, 2021 Peter Ohler. All rights reserved. +// Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE file in the project root for license details. + +#include "intern.h" + +#include + +#include "cache.h" +#include "ox.h" + +// These are statics but in an attempt to stop the cross linking or maybe +// something in Ruby they all have been given an ox prefix. +static struct _cache *ox_str_cache = NULL; +static VALUE ox_str_cache_obj; + +static struct _cache *ox_sym_cache = NULL; +static VALUE ox_sym_cache_obj; + +static struct _cache *ox_attr_cache = NULL; +static VALUE ox_attr_cache_obj; + +static struct _cache *ox_id_cache = NULL; +static VALUE ox_id_cache_obj; + +static VALUE form_str(const char *str, size_t len) { + return rb_str_freeze(rb_utf8_str_new(str, len)); +} + +static VALUE form_sym(const char *str, size_t len) { + return rb_to_symbol(rb_str_freeze(rb_utf8_str_new(str, len))); +} + +static VALUE form_attr(const char *str, size_t len) { + char buf[256]; + + if (sizeof(buf) - 2 <= len) { + char *b = ALLOC_N(char, len + 2); + ID id; + + if ('~' == *str) { + memcpy(b, str + 1, len - 1); + b[len - 1] = '\0'; + len -= 2; + } else { + *b = '@'; + memcpy(b + 1, str, len); + b[len + 1] = '\0'; + } + id = rb_intern3(buf, len + 1, rb_utf8_encoding()); + xfree(b); + return id; + } + if ('~' == *str) { + memcpy(buf, str + 1, len - 1); + buf[len - 1] = '\0'; + len -= 2; + } else { + *buf = '@'; + memcpy(buf + 1, str, len); + buf[len + 1] = '\0'; + } + return (VALUE)rb_intern3(buf, len + 1, rb_utf8_encoding()); +} + +static VALUE form_id(const char *str, size_t len) { + return (VALUE)rb_intern3(str, len, rb_utf8_encoding()); +} + +void ox_hash_init() { + VALUE cache_class = rb_define_class_under(Ox, "Cache", rb_cObject); + + ox_str_cache = ox_cache_create(0, form_str, true, false); + ox_str_cache_obj = Data_Wrap_Struct(cache_class, ox_cache_mark, ox_cache_free, ox_str_cache); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_str_cache_obj); + + ox_sym_cache = ox_cache_create(0, form_sym, true, false); + ox_sym_cache_obj = Data_Wrap_Struct(cache_class, ox_cache_mark, ox_cache_free, ox_sym_cache); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_sym_cache_obj); + + ox_attr_cache = ox_cache_create(0, form_attr, false, false); + ox_attr_cache_obj = Data_Wrap_Struct(cache_class, ox_cache_mark, ox_cache_free, ox_attr_cache); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_attr_cache_obj); + + ox_id_cache = ox_cache_create(0, form_id, false, false); + ox_id_cache_obj = Data_Wrap_Struct(cache_class, ox_cache_mark, ox_cache_free, ox_id_cache); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_id_cache_obj); +} + +VALUE +ox_str_intern(const char *key, size_t len, const char **keyp) { + // For huge cache sizes over half a million the rb_enc_interned_str + // performs slightly better but at more "normal" size of a several + // thousands the cache intern performs about 20% better. +#if HAVE_RB_ENC_INTERNED_STR && 0 + return rb_enc_interned_str(key, len, rb_utf8_encoding()); +#else + return ox_cache_intern(ox_str_cache, key, len, keyp); +#endif +} + +VALUE +ox_sym_intern(const char *key, size_t len, const char **keyp) { + return ox_cache_intern(ox_sym_cache, key, len, keyp); +} + +ID ox_attr_intern(const char *key, size_t len) { + return ox_cache_intern(ox_attr_cache, key, len, NULL); +} + +ID ox_id_intern(const char *key, size_t len) { + return ox_cache_intern(ox_id_cache, key, len, NULL); +} + +char *ox_strndup(const char *s, size_t len) { + char *d = ALLOC_N(char, len + 1); + + memcpy(d, s, len); + d[len] = '\0'; + + return d; +} + +VALUE +ox_utf8_name(const char *str, size_t len, rb_encoding *encoding, const char **strp) { + return ox_str_intern(str, len, strp); +} + +VALUE +ox_utf8_sym(const char *str, size_t len, rb_encoding *encoding, const char **strp) { + return ox_sym_intern(str, len, strp); +} + +VALUE +ox_enc_sym(const char *str, size_t len, rb_encoding *encoding, const char **strp) { + VALUE sym = rb_str_new2(str); + + rb_enc_associate(sym, encoding); + if (NULL != strp) { + *strp = StringValuePtr(sym); + } + return rb_to_symbol(sym); +} + +VALUE +ox_enc_name(const char *str, size_t len, rb_encoding *encoding, const char **strp) { + VALUE sym = rb_str_new2(str); + + rb_enc_associate(sym, encoding); + if (NULL != strp) { + *strp = StringValuePtr(sym); + } + return sym; +} diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/ext/ox/intern.h ruby-ox-2.14.9/ext/ox/intern.h --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/ext/ox/intern.h 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/ext/ox/intern.h 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2011, 2021 Peter Ohler. All rights reserved. +// Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE file in the project root for license details. +#ifndef OX_INTERN_H +#define OX_INTERN_H + +#include +#include + +struct _parseInfo; + +extern void ox_hash_init(); + +extern VALUE ox_str_intern(const char *key, size_t len, const char **keyp); +extern VALUE ox_sym_intern(const char *key, size_t len, const char **keyp); +extern ID ox_attr_intern(const char *key, size_t len); +extern ID ox_id_intern(const char *key, size_t len); + +extern char *ox_strndup(const char *s, size_t len); + +extern VALUE ox_utf8_name(const char *str, size_t len, rb_encoding *encoding, const char **strp); +extern VALUE ox_utf8_sym(const char *str, size_t len, rb_encoding *encoding, const char **strp); +extern VALUE ox_enc_sym(const char *str, size_t len, rb_encoding *encoding, const char **strp); +extern VALUE ox_enc_name(const char *str, size_t len, rb_encoding *encoding, const char **strp); + +#endif /* OX_INTERN_H */ diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/ext/ox/obj_load.c ruby-ox-2.14.9/ext/ox/obj_load.c --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/ext/ox/obj_load.c 2019-06-20 20:06:23.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/ext/ox/obj_load.c 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -11,8 +11,11 @@ #include #include "ruby.h" +#include "ruby/encoding.h" + #include "base64.h" #include "ox.h" +#include "intern.h" static void instruct(PInfo pi, const char *target, Attr attrs, const char *content); static void add_text(PInfo pi, char *text, int closed); @@ -39,10 +42,10 @@ struct _parseCallbacks _ox_obj_callbacks = { - instruct, /* instruct, */ - 0, /* add_doctype, */ - 0, /* add_comment, */ - 0, /* add_cdata, */ + instruct, // instruct, + 0, // add_doctype, + 0, // add_comment, + 0, // add_cdata, add_text, add_element, end_element, @@ -53,56 +56,6 @@ extern ParseCallbacks ox_gen_callbacks; - -inline static VALUE -str2sym(const char *str, void *encoding) { - VALUE sym; - -#ifdef HAVE_RUBY_ENCODING_H - if (0 != encoding) { - VALUE rstr = rb_str_new2(str); - - rb_enc_associate(rstr, (rb_encoding*)encoding); - sym = rb_funcall(rstr, ox_to_sym_id, 0); - } else { - sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern(str)); - } -#else - sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern(str)); -#endif - return sym; -} - -inline static ID -name2var(const char *name, void *encoding) { - VALUE *slot; - ID var_id = 0; - - if ('0' <= *name && *name <= '9') { - var_id = INT2NUM(atoi(name)); - } else if (Qundef == (var_id = ox_cache_get(ox_attr_cache, name, &slot, 0))) { -#ifdef HAVE_RUBY_ENCODING_H - if (0 != encoding) { - volatile VALUE rstr = rb_str_new2(name); - volatile VALUE sym; - - rb_enc_associate(rstr, (rb_encoding*)encoding); - sym = rb_funcall(rstr, ox_to_sym_id, 0); - // Needed for Ruby 2.2 to get around the GC of symbols - // created with to_sym which is needed for encoded symbols. - rb_ary_push(ox_sym_bank, sym); - var_id = SYM2ID(sym); - } else { - var_id = rb_intern(name); - } -#else - var_id = rb_intern(name); -#endif - *slot = var_id; - } - return var_id; -} - inline static VALUE resolve_classname(VALUE mod, const char *class_name, Effort effort, VALUE base_class) { VALUE clas; @@ -125,7 +78,7 @@ break; case StrictEffort: default: - /* raise an error if name is not defined */ + // raise an error if name is not defined clas = rb_const_get_at(mod, ci); break; } @@ -143,7 +96,6 @@ } } -#if HAS_RSTRUCT inline static VALUE structname2obj(const char *name) { VALUE ost; @@ -159,16 +111,12 @@ } } ost = rb_const_get(ox_struct_class, rb_intern(s)); - /* use encoding as the indicator for Ruby 1.8.7 or 1.9.x */ -#if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT - return rb_struct_alloc_noinit(ost); -#elif HAS_PRIVATE_ENCODING +#if HAVE_RB_STRUCT_ALLOC_NOINIT return rb_struct_alloc_noinit(ost); #else return rb_struct_new(ost); #endif } -#endif inline static VALUE parse_ulong(const char *s, PInfo pi) { @@ -185,7 +133,7 @@ return ULONG2NUM(n); } -/* 2010-07-09T10:47:45.895826162+09:00 */ +// 2010-07-09T10:47:45.895826162+09:00 inline static VALUE parse_time(const char *text, VALUE clas) { VALUE t; @@ -205,7 +153,7 @@ VALUE *slot; VALUE clas; - if (Qundef == (clas = ox_cache_get(ox_class_cache, name, &slot, 0))) { + if (Qundef == (clas = slot_cache_get(ox_class_cache, name, &slot, 0))) { char class_name[1024]; char *s; const char *n = name; @@ -230,6 +178,7 @@ *s = '\0'; if (Qundef != (clas = resolve_classname(clas, class_name, pi->options->effort, base_class))) { *slot = clas; + rb_gc_register_address(slot); } } return clas; @@ -239,7 +188,12 @@ get_var_sym_from_attrs(Attr a, void *encoding) { for (; 0 != a->name; a++) { if ('a' == *a->name && '\0' == *(a->name + 1)) { - return name2var(a->value, encoding); + const char *val = a->value; + + if ('0' <= *val && *val <= '9') { + return INT2NUM(atoi(val)); + } + return ox_id_intern(val, strlen(val)); } } return 0; @@ -255,7 +209,6 @@ return Qundef; } -#if HAS_RSTRUCT static VALUE get_struct_from_attrs(Attr a) { for (; 0 != a->name; a++) { @@ -265,7 +218,6 @@ } return Qundef; } -#endif static VALUE get_class_from_attrs(Attr a, PInfo pi, VALUE base_class) { @@ -363,7 +315,7 @@ int options = 0; te = text + strlen(text) - 1; -#if HAS_ONIG +#ifdef ONIG_OPTION_IGNORECASE for (; text < te && '/' != *te; te--) { switch (*te) { case 'i': options |= ONIG_OPTION_IGNORECASE; break; @@ -379,19 +331,11 @@ static void instruct(PInfo pi, const char *target, Attr attrs, const char *content) { if (0 == strcmp("xml", target)) { -#if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT for (; 0 != attrs->name; attrs++) { if (0 == strcmp("encoding", attrs->name)) { pi->options->rb_enc = rb_enc_find(attrs->value); } } -#elif HAS_PRIVATE_ENCODING - for (; 0 != attrs->name; attrs++) { - if (0 == strcmp("encoding", attrs->name)) { - pi->options->rb_enc = rb_str_new2(attrs->value); - } - } -#endif } } @@ -417,15 +361,9 @@ case NoCode: case StringCode: h->obj = rb_str_new2(text); -#if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT if (0 != pi->options->rb_enc) { rb_enc_associate(h->obj, pi->options->rb_enc); } -#elif HAS_PRIVATE_ENCODING - if (Qnil != pi->options->rb_enc) { - rb_funcall(h->obj, ox_force_encoding_id, 1, pi->options->rb_enc); - } -#endif if (0 != pi->circ_array) { circ_array_set(pi->circ_array, h->obj, (unsigned long)pi->id); } @@ -459,20 +397,8 @@ h->obj = rb_float_new(strtod(text, 0)); break; case SymbolCode: - { - VALUE sym; - VALUE *slot; - - if (Qundef == (sym = ox_cache_get(ox_symbol_cache, text, &slot, 0))) { - sym = str2sym(text, (void*)pi->options->rb_enc); - // Needed for Ruby 2.2 to get around the GC of symbols created with - // to_sym which is needed for encoded symbols. - rb_ary_push(ox_sym_bank, sym); - *slot = sym; - } - h->obj = sym; + h->obj = ox_sym_intern(text, strlen(text), NULL); break; - } case DateCode: { VALUE args[1]; @@ -494,15 +420,9 @@ from_base64(text, (uchar*)str); v = rb_str_new(str, str_size); -#if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT if (0 != pi->options->rb_enc) { rb_enc_associate(v, pi->options->rb_enc); } -#elif HAS_PRIVATE_ENCODING - if (0 != pi->options->rb_enc) { - rb_funcall(v, ox_force_encoding_id, 1, pi->options->rb_enc); - } -#endif if (0 != pi->circ_array) { circ_array_set(pi->circ_array, v, (unsigned long)h->obj); } @@ -511,20 +431,11 @@ } case Symbol64Code: { - VALUE sym; - VALUE *slot; unsigned long str_size = b64_orig_size(text); char *str = ALLOCA_N(char, str_size + 1); from_base64(text, (uchar*)str); - if (Qundef == (sym = ox_cache_get(ox_symbol_cache, str, &slot, 0))) { - sym = str2sym(str, (void*)pi->options->rb_enc); - // Needed for Ruby 2.2 to get around the GC of symbols created with - // to_sym which is needed for encoded symbols. - rb_ary_push(ox_sym_bank, sym); - *slot = sym; - } - h->obj = sym; + h->obj = ox_sym_intern(str, strlen(str), NULL); break; } case RegexpCode: @@ -542,11 +453,7 @@ h->obj = rb_cstr_to_inum(text, 10, 1); break; case BigDecimalCode: -#if HAS_BIGDECIMAL h->obj = rb_funcall(rb_cObject, ox_bigdecimal_id, 1, rb_str_new2(text)); -#else - h->obj = Qnil; -#endif break; default: h->obj = Qnil; @@ -580,7 +487,7 @@ printf("%s%s\n", indent, buf); } } - if (helper_stack_empty(&pi->helpers)) { /* top level object */ + if (helper_stack_empty(&pi->helpers)) { // top level object if (0 != (id = get_id_from_attrs(pi, attrs))) { pi->circ_array = circ_array_new(); } @@ -601,7 +508,7 @@ h->obj = Qfalse; break; case StringCode: - /* h->obj will be replaced by add_text if it is called */ + // h->obj will be replaced by add_text if it is called h->obj = ox_empty_string; if (0 != pi->circ_array) { pi->id = get_id_from_attrs(pi, attrs); @@ -618,8 +525,8 @@ case ComplexCode: case DateCode: case TimeCode: - case RationalCode: /* sub elements read next */ - /* value will be read in the following add_text */ + case RationalCode: // sub elements read next + // value will be read in the following add_text h->obj = Qundef; break; case String64Code: @@ -641,7 +548,7 @@ } break; case RangeCode: - h->obj = rb_range_new(ox_zero_fixnum, ox_zero_fixnum, Qfalse); + h->obj = rb_ary_new_from_args(3, Qnil, Qnil, Qfalse); break; case RawCode: if (hasChildren) { @@ -670,15 +577,10 @@ } break; case StructCode: -#if HAS_RSTRUCT h->obj = get_struct_from_attrs(attrs); if (0 != pi->circ_array) { circ_array_set(pi->circ_array, h->obj, get_id_from_attrs(pi, attrs)); } -#else - set_error(&pi->err, "Ruby structs not supported with this verion of Ruby", pi->str, pi->s); - return; -#endif break; case ClassCode: if (Qundef == (h->obj = get_class_from_attrs(attrs, pi, ox_bag_clas))) { @@ -726,12 +628,15 @@ Helper ph = helper_stack_peek(&pi->helpers); if (ox_empty_string == h->obj) { - /* special catch for empty strings */ + // special catch for empty strings h->obj = rb_str_new2(""); - } - if (Qundef == h->obj) { + } else if (Qundef == h->obj) { set_error(&pi->err, "Invalid element for object mode", pi->str, pi->s); return; + } else if (RangeCode == h->type) { // Expect an array of 3 elements. + const VALUE *ap = RARRAY_PTR(h->obj); + + h->obj = rb_range_new(*ap, *(ap + 1), Qtrue == *(ap + 2)); } pi->obj = h->obj; if (0 != ph) { @@ -742,45 +647,39 @@ case ExceptionCode: case ObjectCode: if (Qnil != ph->obj) { - if (0 == h->var) { + if (0 == h->var || NULL == rb_id2name(h->var )) { set_error(&pi->err, "Invalid element for object mode", pi->str, pi->s); return; } + if (RUBY_T_OBJECT != rb_type(ph->obj)) { + set_error(&pi->err, "Corrupt object encoding", pi->str, pi->s); + return; + } rb_ivar_set(ph->obj, h->var, h->obj); } break; case StructCode: -#if HAS_RSTRUCT if (0 == h->var) { set_error(&pi->err, "Invalid element for object mode", pi->str, pi->s); return; } rb_struct_aset(ph->obj, h->var, h->obj); -#else - set_error(&pi->err, "Ruby structs not supported with this verion of Ruby", pi->str, pi->s); - return; -#endif break; case HashCode: // put back h helper_stack_push(&pi->helpers, h->var, h->obj, KeyCode); break; case RangeCode: -#if HAS_RSTRUCT if (ox_beg_id == h->var) { - RSTRUCT_SET(ph->obj, 0, h->obj); + rb_ary_store(ph->obj, 0, h->obj); } else if (ox_end_id == h->var) { - RSTRUCT_SET(ph->obj, 1, h->obj); + rb_ary_store(ph->obj, 1, h->obj); } else if (ox_excl_id == h->var) { - RSTRUCT_SET(ph->obj, 2, h->obj); + rb_ary_store(ph->obj, 2, h->obj); } else { set_error(&pi->err, "Invalid range attribute", pi->str, pi->s); return; } -#else - set_error(&pi->err, "Ruby structs not supported with this verion of Ruby", pi->str, pi->s); - return; -#endif break; case KeyCode: { @@ -872,7 +771,7 @@ for (; text - dot <= 9; text++) { v2 *= 10; } -#if HAS_NANO_TIME +#if HAVE_RB_TIME_NANO_NEW return rb_time_nano_new(v, v2); #else return rb_time_new(v, v2 / 1000); @@ -928,14 +827,14 @@ tm.tm_hour = (int)cargs[3]; tm.tm_min = (int)cargs[4]; tm.tm_sec = (int)cargs[5]; -#if HAS_NANO_TIME +#if HAVE_RB_TIME_NANO_NEW return rb_time_nano_new(mktime(&tm), cargs[6]); #else return rb_time_new(mktime(&tm), cargs[6] / 1000); #endif } -/* debug functions */ +// debug functions static void fill_indent(PInfo pi, char *buf, size_t size) { size_t cnt; diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/ext/ox/ox.c ruby-ox-2.14.9/ext/ox/ox.c --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/ext/ox/ox.c 2019-06-20 20:06:23.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/ext/ox/ox.c 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -3,214 +3,209 @@ * All rights reserved. */ -#include +#include "ox.h" + #include -#include #include +#include #include +#include #include +#include "intern.h" #include "ruby.h" -#include "ox.h" #include "sax.h" /* maximum to allocate on the stack, arbitrary limit */ -#define SMALL_XML 4096 -#define WITH_CACHE_TESTS 0 +#define SMALL_XML 4096 +#define WITH_CACHE_TESTS 0 typedef struct _yesNoOpt { - VALUE sym; - char *attr; -} *YesNoOpt; + VALUE sym; + char *attr; +} * YesNoOpt; void Init_ox(); -VALUE Ox = Qnil; +VALUE Ox = Qnil; -ID ox_abort_id; -ID ox_at_column_id; -ID ox_at_content_id; -ID ox_at_id; -ID ox_at_line_id; -ID ox_at_pos_id; -ID ox_at_value_id; -ID ox_attr_id; -ID ox_attr_value_id; -ID ox_attributes_id; -ID ox_attrs_done_id; -ID ox_beg_id; -ID ox_bigdecimal_id; -ID ox_call_id; -ID ox_cdata_id; -ID ox_comment_id; -ID ox_den_id; -ID ox_doctype_id; -ID ox_end_element_id; -ID ox_end_id; -ID ox_end_instruct_id; -ID ox_error_id; -ID ox_excl_id; -ID ox_external_encoding_id; -ID ox_fileno_id; -ID ox_force_encoding_id; -ID ox_inspect_id; -ID ox_instruct_id; -ID ox_jd_id; -ID ox_keys_id; -ID ox_local_id; -ID ox_mesg_id; -ID ox_message_id; -ID ox_new_id; -ID ox_nodes_id; -ID ox_num_id; -ID ox_parse_id; -ID ox_pos_id; -ID ox_read_id; -ID ox_readpartial_id; -ID ox_start_element_id; -ID ox_string_id; -ID ox_text_id; -ID ox_to_c_id; -ID ox_to_s_id; -ID ox_to_sym_id; -ID ox_tv_nsec_id; -ID ox_tv_sec_id; -ID ox_tv_usec_id; -ID ox_value_id; - -VALUE ox_encoding_sym; -VALUE ox_version_sym; -VALUE ox_standalone_sym; -VALUE ox_indent_sym; -VALUE ox_size_sym; - -VALUE ox_empty_string; -VALUE ox_zero_fixnum; -VALUE ox_sym_bank; // Array - -VALUE ox_arg_error_class; -VALUE ox_bag_clas; -VALUE ox_bigdecimal_class; -VALUE ox_cdata_clas; -VALUE ox_comment_clas; -VALUE ox_raw_clas; -VALUE ox_date_class; -VALUE ox_doctype_clas; -VALUE ox_document_clas; -VALUE ox_element_clas; -VALUE ox_instruct_clas; -VALUE ox_parse_error_class; -VALUE ox_stringio_class; -VALUE ox_struct_class; -VALUE ox_syntax_error_class; -VALUE ox_time_class; - -Cache ox_symbol_cache = 0; -Cache ox_class_cache = 0; -Cache ox_attr_cache = 0; - -static VALUE abort_sym; -static VALUE active_sym; -static VALUE attr_key_mod_sym; -static VALUE auto_define_sym; -static VALUE auto_sym; -static VALUE block_sym; -static VALUE circular_sym; -static VALUE convert_special_sym; -static VALUE effort_sym; -static VALUE generic_sym; -static VALUE hash_no_attrs_sym; -static VALUE hash_sym; -static VALUE inactive_sym; -static VALUE invalid_replace_sym; -static VALUE limited_sym; -static VALUE margin_sym; -static VALUE mode_sym; -static VALUE nest_ok_sym; -static VALUE object_sym; -static VALUE off_sym; -static VALUE opt_format_sym; -static VALUE optimized_sym; -static VALUE overlay_sym; -static VALUE skip_none_sym; -static VALUE skip_off_sym; -static VALUE skip_return_sym; -static VALUE skip_sym; -static VALUE skip_white_sym; -static VALUE smart_sym; -static VALUE strict_sym; -static VALUE strip_namespace_sym; -static VALUE symbolize_keys_sym; -static VALUE symbolize_sym; -static VALUE tolerant_sym; -static VALUE trace_sym; -static VALUE with_dtd_sym; -static VALUE with_instruct_sym; -static VALUE with_xml_sym; -static VALUE xsd_date_sym; -static VALUE element_key_mod_sym; - -static ID encoding_id; -static ID has_key_id; - -#if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT -rb_encoding *ox_utf8_encoding = 0; -#elif HAS_PRIVATE_ENCODING -VALUE ox_utf8_encoding = Qnil; -#else -void *ox_utf8_encoding = 0; -#endif - -struct _options ox_default_options = { - { '\0' }, // encoding - { '\0' }, // margin - 2, // indent - 0, // trace - 0, // margin_len - No, // with_dtd - No, // with_xml - No, // with_instruct - No, // circular - No, // xsd_date - NoMode, // mode - StrictEffort, // effort - Yes, // sym_keys - SpcSkip, // skip - No, // smart - 1, // convert_special - No, // allow_invalid - { '\0' }, // inv_repl - { '\0' }, // strip_ns - NULL, // html_hints - Qnil, // attr_key_mod; - Qnil, // element_key_mod; -#if HAS_PRIVATE_ENCODING - Qnil // rb_enc -#else - 0 // rb_enc -#endif +ID ox_abort_id; +ID ox_at_column_id; +ID ox_at_content_id; +ID ox_at_id; +ID ox_at_line_id; +ID ox_at_pos_id; +ID ox_at_value_id; +ID ox_attr_id; +ID ox_attr_value_id; +ID ox_attributes_id; +ID ox_attrs_done_id; +ID ox_beg_id; +ID ox_bigdecimal_id; +ID ox_call_id; +ID ox_cdata_id; +ID ox_comment_id; +ID ox_den_id; +ID ox_doctype_id; +ID ox_end_element_id; +ID ox_end_id; +ID ox_end_instruct_id; +ID ox_error_id; +ID ox_excl_id; +ID ox_external_encoding_id; +ID ox_fileno_id; +ID ox_force_encoding_id; +ID ox_inspect_id; +ID ox_instruct_id; +ID ox_jd_id; +ID ox_keys_id; +ID ox_local_id; +ID ox_mesg_id; +ID ox_message_id; +ID ox_new_id; +ID ox_nodes_id; +ID ox_num_id; +ID ox_parse_id; +ID ox_pos_id; +ID ox_read_id; +ID ox_readpartial_id; +ID ox_start_element_id; +ID ox_string_id; +ID ox_text_id; +ID ox_to_c_id; +ID ox_to_s_id; +ID ox_to_sym_id; +ID ox_tv_nsec_id; +ID ox_tv_sec_id; +ID ox_tv_usec_id; +ID ox_value_id; + +VALUE ox_encoding_sym; +VALUE ox_version_sym; +VALUE ox_standalone_sym; +VALUE ox_indent_sym; +VALUE ox_size_sym; + +VALUE ox_empty_string; +VALUE ox_zero_fixnum; +VALUE ox_sym_bank; // Array + +VALUE ox_arg_error_class; +VALUE ox_bag_clas; +VALUE ox_bigdecimal_class; +VALUE ox_cdata_clas; +VALUE ox_comment_clas; +VALUE ox_raw_clas; +VALUE ox_date_class; +VALUE ox_doctype_clas; +VALUE ox_document_clas; +VALUE ox_element_clas; +VALUE ox_instruct_clas; +VALUE ox_parse_error_class; +VALUE ox_stringio_class; +VALUE ox_struct_class; +VALUE ox_syntax_error_class; +VALUE ox_time_class; + +SlotCache ox_class_cache = 0; + +static VALUE abort_sym; +static VALUE active_sym; +static VALUE attr_key_mod_sym; +static VALUE auto_define_sym; +static VALUE auto_sym; +static VALUE block_sym; +static VALUE circular_sym; +static VALUE convert_special_sym; +static VALUE effort_sym; +static VALUE generic_sym; +static VALUE hash_no_attrs_sym; +static VALUE hash_sym; +static VALUE inactive_sym; +static VALUE invalid_replace_sym; +static VALUE limited_sym; +static VALUE margin_sym; +static VALUE mode_sym; +static VALUE nest_ok_sym; +static VALUE no_empty_sym; +static VALUE object_sym; +static VALUE off_sym; +static VALUE opt_format_sym; +static VALUE optimized_sym; +static VALUE overlay_sym; +static VALUE skip_none_sym; +static VALUE skip_off_sym; +static VALUE skip_return_sym; +static VALUE skip_sym; +static VALUE skip_white_sym; +static VALUE smart_sym; +static VALUE strict_sym; +static VALUE strip_namespace_sym; +static VALUE symbolize_keys_sym; +static VALUE symbolize_sym; +static VALUE tolerant_sym; +static VALUE trace_sym; +static VALUE with_cdata_sym; +static VALUE with_dtd_sym; +static VALUE with_instruct_sym; +static VALUE with_xml_sym; +static VALUE xsd_date_sym; +static VALUE element_key_mod_sym; + +static ID encoding_id; +static ID has_key_id; + +rb_encoding *ox_utf8_encoding = 0; + +struct _options ox_default_options = { + {'\0'}, // encoding + {'\0'}, // margin + 2, // indent + 0, // trace + 0, // margin_len + No, // with_dtd + No, // with_xml + No, // with_instruct + No, // circular + No, // xsd_date + NoMode, // mode + StrictEffort, // effort + Yes, // sym_keys + SpcSkip, // skip + No, // smart + true, // convert_special + No, // allow_invalid + false, // no_empty + false, // with_cdata + {'\0'}, // inv_repl + {'\0'}, // strip_ns + NULL, // html_hints + Qnil, // attr_key_mod; + Qnil, // element_key_mod; + 0 // rb_enc }; -extern ParseCallbacks ox_obj_callbacks; -extern ParseCallbacks ox_gen_callbacks; -extern ParseCallbacks ox_limited_callbacks; -extern ParseCallbacks ox_nomode_callbacks; -extern ParseCallbacks ox_hash_callbacks; -extern ParseCallbacks ox_hash_no_attrs_callbacks; +extern ParseCallbacks ox_obj_callbacks; +extern ParseCallbacks ox_gen_callbacks; +extern ParseCallbacks ox_limited_callbacks; +extern ParseCallbacks ox_nomode_callbacks; +extern ParseCallbacks ox_hash_callbacks; +extern ParseCallbacks ox_hash_cdata_callbacks; +extern ParseCallbacks ox_hash_no_attrs_callbacks; +extern ParseCallbacks ox_hash_no_attrs_cdata_callbacks; -static void parse_dump_options(VALUE ropts, Options copts); +static void parse_dump_options(VALUE ropts, Options copts); -static char* -defuse_bom(char *xml, Options options) { +static char *defuse_bom(char *xml, Options options) { switch ((uint8_t)*xml) { - case 0xEF: // UTF-8 - if (0xBB == (uint8_t)xml[1] && 0xBF == (uint8_t)xml[2]) { - options->rb_enc = ox_utf8_encoding; - xml += 3; - } else { - rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, "Invalid BOM in XML string.\n"); - } - break; + case 0xEF: // UTF-8 + if (0xBB == (uint8_t)xml[1] && 0xBF == (uint8_t)xml[2]) { + options->rb_enc = ox_utf8_encoding; + xml += 3; + } else { + rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, "Invalid BOM in XML string.\n"); + } + break; #if 0 case 0xFE: // UTF-16BE if (0xFF == (uint8_t)xml[1]) { @@ -243,31 +238,30 @@ break; #endif default: - // Let it fail if there is a BOM that is not UTF-8. Other BOM options - // are not ASCII compatible. - break; + // Let it fail if there is a BOM that is not UTF-8. Other BOM options + // are not ASCII compatible. + break; } return xml; } -static VALUE -hints_to_overlay(Hints hints) { - volatile VALUE overlay = rb_hash_new(); - Hint h; - int i; - VALUE ov; +static VALUE hints_to_overlay(Hints hints) { + volatile VALUE overlay = rb_hash_new(); + Hint h; + int i; + VALUE ov; for (i = hints->size, h = hints->hints; 0 < i; i--, h++) { - switch (h->overlay) { - case InactiveOverlay: ov = inactive_sym; break; - case BlockOverlay: ov = block_sym; break; - case OffOverlay: ov = off_sym; break; - case AbortOverlay: ov = abort_sym; break; - case NestOverlay: ov = nest_ok_sym; break; - case ActiveOverlay: - default: ov = active_sym; break; - } - rb_hash_aset(overlay, rb_str_new2(h->name), ov); + switch (h->overlay) { + case InactiveOverlay: ov = inactive_sym; break; + case BlockOverlay: ov = block_sym; break; + case OffOverlay: ov = off_sym; break; + case AbortOverlay: ov = abort_sym; break; + case NestOverlay: ov = nest_ok_sym; break; + case ActiveOverlay: + default: ov = active_sym; break; + } + rb_hash_aset(overlay, rb_str_new2(h->name), ov); } return overlay; } @@ -292,8 +286,12 @@ * - _:skip_ [:skip_none|:skip_return|:skip_white|:skip_off] determines how to handle white space in text * - _:smart_ [true|false|nil] flag indicating the SAX parser uses hints if available (use with html) * - _:convert_special_ [true|false|nil] flag indicating special characters like < are converted with the SAX parser - * - _:invalid_replace_ [nil|String] replacement string for invalid XML characters on dump. nil indicates include anyway as hex. A string, limited to 10 characters will replace the invalid character with the replace. - * - _:strip_namespace_ [String|true|false] false or "" results in no namespace stripping. A string of "*" or true will strip all namespaces. Any other non-empty string indicates that matching namespaces will be stripped. + * - _:invalid_replace_ [nil|String] replacement string for invalid XML characters on dump. nil indicates include anyway + * as hex. A string, limited to 10 characters will replace the invalid character with the replace. + * - _:no_empty_ [true|false|nil] flag indicating there should be no empty elements in a dump + * - _:with_cdata_ [true|false] includes cdata in hash_load results + * - _:strip_namespace_ [String|true|false] false or "" results in no namespace stripping. A string of "*" or true will + * strip all namespaces. Any other non-empty string indicates that matching namespaces will be stripped. * - _:overlay_ [Hash] a Hash of keys that match html element names and values that are one of * - _:active_ - make the normal callback for the element * - _:nest_ok_ - active but the nesting check is ignored @@ -307,88 +305,107 @@ * Note that an indent of less than zero will result in a tight one line output * unless the text in the XML fields contain new line characters. */ -static VALUE -get_def_opts(VALUE self) { - VALUE opts = rb_hash_new(); - int elen = (int)strlen(ox_default_options.encoding); +static VALUE get_def_opts(VALUE self) { + VALUE opts = rb_hash_new(); + int elen = (int)strlen(ox_default_options.encoding); rb_hash_aset(opts, ox_encoding_sym, (0 == elen) ? Qnil : rb_str_new(ox_default_options.encoding, elen)); rb_hash_aset(opts, margin_sym, rb_str_new(ox_default_options.margin, ox_default_options.margin_len)); rb_hash_aset(opts, ox_indent_sym, INT2FIX(ox_default_options.indent)); rb_hash_aset(opts, trace_sym, INT2FIX(ox_default_options.trace)); - rb_hash_aset(opts, with_dtd_sym, (Yes == ox_default_options.with_dtd) ? Qtrue : ((No == ox_default_options.with_dtd) ? Qfalse : Qnil)); - rb_hash_aset(opts, with_xml_sym, (Yes == ox_default_options.with_xml) ? Qtrue : ((No == ox_default_options.with_xml) ? Qfalse : Qnil)); - rb_hash_aset(opts, with_instruct_sym, (Yes == ox_default_options.with_instruct) ? Qtrue : ((No == ox_default_options.with_instruct) ? Qfalse : Qnil)); - rb_hash_aset(opts, circular_sym, (Yes == ox_default_options.circular) ? Qtrue : ((No == ox_default_options.circular) ? Qfalse : Qnil)); - rb_hash_aset(opts, xsd_date_sym, (Yes == ox_default_options.xsd_date) ? Qtrue : ((No == ox_default_options.xsd_date) ? Qfalse : Qnil)); - rb_hash_aset(opts, symbolize_keys_sym, (Yes == ox_default_options.sym_keys) ? Qtrue : ((No == ox_default_options.sym_keys) ? Qfalse : Qnil)); + rb_hash_aset(opts, + with_dtd_sym, + (Yes == ox_default_options.with_dtd) ? Qtrue : ((No == ox_default_options.with_dtd) ? Qfalse : Qnil)); + rb_hash_aset(opts, + with_xml_sym, + (Yes == ox_default_options.with_xml) ? Qtrue : ((No == ox_default_options.with_xml) ? Qfalse : Qnil)); + rb_hash_aset( + opts, + with_instruct_sym, + (Yes == ox_default_options.with_instruct) ? Qtrue : ((No == ox_default_options.with_instruct) ? Qfalse : Qnil)); + rb_hash_aset(opts, + circular_sym, + (Yes == ox_default_options.circular) ? Qtrue : ((No == ox_default_options.circular) ? Qfalse : Qnil)); + rb_hash_aset(opts, + xsd_date_sym, + (Yes == ox_default_options.xsd_date) ? Qtrue : ((No == ox_default_options.xsd_date) ? Qfalse : Qnil)); + rb_hash_aset(opts, + symbolize_keys_sym, + (Yes == ox_default_options.sym_keys) ? Qtrue : ((No == ox_default_options.sym_keys) ? Qfalse : Qnil)); rb_hash_aset(opts, attr_key_mod_sym, ox_default_options.attr_key_mod); rb_hash_aset(opts, element_key_mod_sym, ox_default_options.element_key_mod); - rb_hash_aset(opts, smart_sym, (Yes == ox_default_options.smart) ? Qtrue : ((No == ox_default_options.smart) ? Qfalse : Qnil)); + rb_hash_aset(opts, + smart_sym, + (Yes == ox_default_options.smart) ? Qtrue : ((No == ox_default_options.smart) ? Qfalse : Qnil)); rb_hash_aset(opts, convert_special_sym, (ox_default_options.convert_special) ? Qtrue : Qfalse); + rb_hash_aset(opts, no_empty_sym, (ox_default_options.no_empty) ? Qtrue : Qfalse); + rb_hash_aset(opts, with_cdata_sym, (ox_default_options.with_cdata) ? Qtrue : Qfalse); switch (ox_default_options.mode) { - case ObjMode: rb_hash_aset(opts, mode_sym, object_sym); break; - case GenMode: rb_hash_aset(opts, mode_sym, generic_sym); break; - case LimMode: rb_hash_aset(opts, mode_sym, limited_sym); break; - case HashMode: rb_hash_aset(opts, mode_sym, hash_sym); break; - case HashNoAttrMode: rb_hash_aset(opts, mode_sym, hash_no_attrs_sym); break; + case ObjMode: rb_hash_aset(opts, mode_sym, object_sym); break; + case GenMode: rb_hash_aset(opts, mode_sym, generic_sym); break; + case LimMode: rb_hash_aset(opts, mode_sym, limited_sym); break; + case HashMode: rb_hash_aset(opts, mode_sym, hash_sym); break; + case HashNoAttrMode: rb_hash_aset(opts, mode_sym, hash_no_attrs_sym); break; case NoMode: - default: rb_hash_aset(opts, mode_sym, Qnil); break; + default: rb_hash_aset(opts, mode_sym, Qnil); break; } switch (ox_default_options.effort) { - case StrictEffort: rb_hash_aset(opts, effort_sym, strict_sym); break; - case TolerantEffort: rb_hash_aset(opts, effort_sym, tolerant_sym); break; - case AutoEffort: rb_hash_aset(opts, effort_sym, auto_define_sym); break; + case StrictEffort: rb_hash_aset(opts, effort_sym, strict_sym); break; + case TolerantEffort: rb_hash_aset(opts, effort_sym, tolerant_sym); break; + case AutoEffort: rb_hash_aset(opts, effort_sym, auto_define_sym); break; case NoEffort: - default: rb_hash_aset(opts, effort_sym, Qnil); break; + default: rb_hash_aset(opts, effort_sym, Qnil); break; } switch (ox_default_options.skip) { - case OffSkip: rb_hash_aset(opts, skip_sym, skip_off_sym); break; - case NoSkip: rb_hash_aset(opts, skip_sym, skip_none_sym); break; - case CrSkip: rb_hash_aset(opts, skip_sym, skip_return_sym); break; - case SpcSkip: rb_hash_aset(opts, skip_sym, skip_white_sym); break; - default: rb_hash_aset(opts, skip_sym, Qnil); break; + case OffSkip: rb_hash_aset(opts, skip_sym, skip_off_sym); break; + case NoSkip: rb_hash_aset(opts, skip_sym, skip_none_sym); break; + case CrSkip: rb_hash_aset(opts, skip_sym, skip_return_sym); break; + case SpcSkip: rb_hash_aset(opts, skip_sym, skip_white_sym); break; + default: rb_hash_aset(opts, skip_sym, Qnil); break; } if (Yes == ox_default_options.allow_invalid) { - rb_hash_aset(opts, invalid_replace_sym, Qnil); + rb_hash_aset(opts, invalid_replace_sym, Qnil); } else { - rb_hash_aset(opts, invalid_replace_sym, rb_str_new(ox_default_options.inv_repl + 1, (int)*ox_default_options.inv_repl)); + rb_hash_aset(opts, + invalid_replace_sym, + rb_str_new(ox_default_options.inv_repl + 1, (int)*ox_default_options.inv_repl)); } if ('\0' == *ox_default_options.strip_ns) { - rb_hash_aset(opts, strip_namespace_sym, Qfalse); + rb_hash_aset(opts, strip_namespace_sym, Qfalse); } else if ('*' == *ox_default_options.strip_ns && '\0' == ox_default_options.strip_ns[1]) { - rb_hash_aset(opts, strip_namespace_sym, Qtrue); + rb_hash_aset(opts, strip_namespace_sym, Qtrue); } else { - rb_hash_aset(opts, strip_namespace_sym, rb_str_new(ox_default_options.strip_ns, strlen(ox_default_options.strip_ns))); + rb_hash_aset(opts, + strip_namespace_sym, + rb_str_new(ox_default_options.strip_ns, strlen(ox_default_options.strip_ns))); } if (NULL == ox_default_options.html_hints) { - //rb_hash_aset(opts, overlay_sym, hints_to_overlay(ox_hints_html())); - rb_hash_aset(opts, overlay_sym, Qnil); + // rb_hash_aset(opts, overlay_sym, hints_to_overlay(ox_hints_html())); + rb_hash_aset(opts, overlay_sym, Qnil); } else { - rb_hash_aset(opts, overlay_sym, hints_to_overlay(ox_default_options.html_hints)); + rb_hash_aset(opts, overlay_sym, hints_to_overlay(ox_default_options.html_hints)); } return opts; } -static int -set_overlay(VALUE key, VALUE value, VALUE ctx) { - Hints hints = (Hints)ctx; - Hint hint; +static int set_overlay(VALUE key, VALUE value, VALUE ctx) { + Hints hints = (Hints)ctx; + Hint hint; if (NULL != (hint = ox_hint_find(hints, StringValuePtr(key)))) { - if (active_sym == value) { - hint->overlay = ActiveOverlay; - } else if (inactive_sym == value) { - hint->overlay = InactiveOverlay; - } else if (block_sym == value) { - hint->overlay = BlockOverlay; - } else if (nest_ok_sym == value) { - hint->overlay = NestOverlay; - } else if (off_sym == value) { - hint->overlay = OffOverlay; - } else if (abort_sym == value) { - hint->overlay = AbortOverlay; - } + if (active_sym == value) { + hint->overlay = ActiveOverlay; + } else if (inactive_sym == value) { + hint->overlay = InactiveOverlay; + } else if (block_sym == value) { + hint->overlay = BlockOverlay; + } else if (nest_ok_sym == value) { + hint->overlay = NestOverlay; + } else if (off_sym == value) { + hint->overlay = OffOverlay; + } else if (abort_sym == value) { + hint->overlay = AbortOverlay; + } } return ST_CONTINUE; } @@ -406,8 +423,7 @@ * * *return* [Hash] default SAX HTML settings */ -static VALUE -sax_html_overlay(VALUE self) { +static VALUE sax_html_overlay(VALUE self) { return hints_to_overlay(ox_hints_html()); } @@ -431,8 +447,11 @@ * - _:attr_key_mod_ [Proc|nil] converts attribute keys on parse if not nil * - _:skip_ [:skip_none|:skip_return|:skip_white|:skip_off] determines how to handle white space in text * - _:smart_ [true|false|nil] flag indicating the SAX parser uses hints if available (use with html) - * - _:invalid_replace_ [nil|String] replacement string for invalid XML characters on dump. nil indicates include anyway as hex. A string, limited to 10 characters will replace the invalid character with the replace. - * - _:strip_namespace_ [nil|String|true|false] "" or false result in no namespace stripping. A string of "*" or true will strip all namespaces. Any other non-empty string indicates that matching namespaces will be stripped. + * - _:invalid_replace_ [nil|String] replacement string for invalid XML characters on dump. nil indicates include + * anyway as hex. A string, limited to 10 characters will replace the invalid character with the replace. + * - _:strip_namespace_ [nil|String|true|false] "" or false result in no namespace stripping. A string of "*" or true + * will strip all namespaces. Any other non-empty string indicates that matching namespaces will be stripped. + * - _:with_cdata_ [true|false] includes cdata in hash_load results * - _:overlay_ [Hash] a Hash of keys that match html element names and values that are one of * - _:active_ - make the normal callback for the element * - _:nest_ok_ - active but ignore nest check @@ -443,189 +462,199 @@ * * *return* [nil] */ -static VALUE -set_def_opts(VALUE self, VALUE opts) { - struct _yesNoOpt ynos[] = { - { with_xml_sym, &ox_default_options.with_xml }, - { with_dtd_sym, &ox_default_options.with_dtd }, - { with_instruct_sym, &ox_default_options.with_instruct }, - { xsd_date_sym, &ox_default_options.xsd_date }, - { circular_sym, &ox_default_options.circular }, - { symbolize_keys_sym, &ox_default_options.sym_keys }, - { smart_sym, &ox_default_options.smart }, - { Qnil, 0 } - }; - YesNoOpt o; - VALUE v; +static VALUE set_def_opts(VALUE self, VALUE opts) { + struct _yesNoOpt ynos[] = {{with_xml_sym, &ox_default_options.with_xml}, + {with_dtd_sym, &ox_default_options.with_dtd}, + {with_instruct_sym, &ox_default_options.with_instruct}, + {xsd_date_sym, &ox_default_options.xsd_date}, + {circular_sym, &ox_default_options.circular}, + {symbolize_keys_sym, &ox_default_options.sym_keys}, + {smart_sym, &ox_default_options.smart}, + {Qnil, 0}}; + YesNoOpt o; + VALUE v; Check_Type(opts, T_HASH); v = rb_hash_aref(opts, ox_encoding_sym); if (Qnil == v) { - *ox_default_options.encoding = '\0'; + *ox_default_options.encoding = '\0'; } else { - Check_Type(v, T_STRING); - strncpy(ox_default_options.encoding, StringValuePtr(v), sizeof(ox_default_options.encoding) - 1); -#if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT - ox_default_options.rb_enc = rb_enc_find(ox_default_options.encoding); -#elif HAS_PRIVATE_ENCODING - ox_default_options.rb_enc = rb_str_new2(ox_default_options.encoding); - rb_gc_register_address(&ox_default_options.rb_enc); -#endif + Check_Type(v, T_STRING); + strncpy(ox_default_options.encoding, StringValuePtr(v), sizeof(ox_default_options.encoding) - 1); + ox_default_options.rb_enc = rb_enc_find(ox_default_options.encoding); } v = rb_hash_aref(opts, ox_indent_sym); if (Qnil != v) { - Check_Type(v, T_FIXNUM); - ox_default_options.indent = FIX2INT(v); + Check_Type(v, T_FIXNUM); + ox_default_options.indent = FIX2INT(v); } v = rb_hash_aref(opts, trace_sym); if (Qnil != v) { - Check_Type(v, T_FIXNUM); - ox_default_options.trace = FIX2INT(v); + Check_Type(v, T_FIXNUM); + ox_default_options.trace = FIX2INT(v); } v = rb_hash_aref(opts, mode_sym); if (Qnil == v) { - ox_default_options.mode = NoMode; + ox_default_options.mode = NoMode; } else if (object_sym == v) { - ox_default_options.mode = ObjMode; + ox_default_options.mode = ObjMode; } else if (generic_sym == v) { - ox_default_options.mode = GenMode; + ox_default_options.mode = GenMode; } else if (limited_sym == v) { - ox_default_options.mode = LimMode; + ox_default_options.mode = LimMode; } else if (hash_sym == v) { - ox_default_options.mode = HashMode; + ox_default_options.mode = HashMode; } else if (hash_no_attrs_sym == v) { - ox_default_options.mode = HashNoAttrMode; + ox_default_options.mode = HashNoAttrMode; } else { - rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":mode must be :object, :generic, :limited, :hash, :hash_no_attrs, or nil.\n"); + rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":mode must be :object, :generic, :limited, :hash, :hash_no_attrs, or nil.\n"); } v = rb_hash_aref(opts, effort_sym); if (Qnil == v) { - ox_default_options.effort = NoEffort; + ox_default_options.effort = NoEffort; } else if (strict_sym == v) { - ox_default_options.effort = StrictEffort; + ox_default_options.effort = StrictEffort; } else if (tolerant_sym == v) { - ox_default_options.effort = TolerantEffort; + ox_default_options.effort = TolerantEffort; } else if (auto_define_sym == v) { - ox_default_options.effort = AutoEffort; + ox_default_options.effort = AutoEffort; } else { - rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":effort must be :strict, :tolerant, :auto_define, or nil.\n"); + rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":effort must be :strict, :tolerant, :auto_define, or nil.\n"); } v = rb_hash_aref(opts, skip_sym); if (Qnil == v) { - ox_default_options.skip = NoSkip; + ox_default_options.skip = NoSkip; } else if (skip_off_sym == v) { - ox_default_options.skip = OffSkip; + ox_default_options.skip = OffSkip; } else if (skip_none_sym == v) { - ox_default_options.skip = NoSkip; + ox_default_options.skip = NoSkip; } else if (skip_return_sym == v) { - ox_default_options.skip = CrSkip; + ox_default_options.skip = CrSkip; } else if (skip_white_sym == v) { - ox_default_options.skip = SpcSkip; + ox_default_options.skip = SpcSkip; } else { - rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":skip must be :skip_none, :skip_return, :skip_white, :skip_off, or nil.\n"); + rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":skip must be :skip_none, :skip_return, :skip_white, :skip_off, or nil.\n"); } v = rb_hash_lookup(opts, convert_special_sym); if (Qnil == v) { - // no change + // no change + } else if (Qtrue == v) { + ox_default_options.convert_special = 1; + } else if (Qfalse == v) { + ox_default_options.convert_special = 0; + } else { + rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":convert_special must be true or false.\n"); + } + + v = rb_hash_lookup(opts, no_empty_sym); + if (Qnil == v) { + // no change } else if (Qtrue == v) { - ox_default_options.convert_special = 1; + ox_default_options.no_empty = 1; } else if (Qfalse == v) { - ox_default_options.convert_special = 0; + ox_default_options.no_empty = 0; } else { - rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":convert_special must be true or false.\n"); + rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":no_empty must be true or false.\n"); } v = rb_hash_aref(opts, invalid_replace_sym); if (Qnil == v) { - ox_default_options.allow_invalid = Yes; + ox_default_options.allow_invalid = Yes; } else { - long slen; + long slen; - Check_Type(v, T_STRING); - slen = RSTRING_LEN(v); - if (sizeof(ox_default_options.inv_repl) - 2 < (size_t)slen) { - rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":invalid_replace can be no longer than %d characters.", - (int)sizeof(ox_default_options.inv_repl) - 2); - } - strncpy(ox_default_options.inv_repl + 1, StringValuePtr(v), sizeof(ox_default_options.inv_repl) - 1); - ox_default_options.inv_repl[sizeof(ox_default_options.inv_repl) - 1] = '\0'; - *ox_default_options.inv_repl = (char)slen; - ox_default_options.allow_invalid = No; + Check_Type(v, T_STRING); + slen = RSTRING_LEN(v); + if (sizeof(ox_default_options.inv_repl) - 2 < (size_t)slen) { + rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, + ":invalid_replace can be no longer than %d characters.", + (int)sizeof(ox_default_options.inv_repl) - 2); + } + strncpy(ox_default_options.inv_repl + 1, StringValuePtr(v), sizeof(ox_default_options.inv_repl) - 1); + ox_default_options.inv_repl[sizeof(ox_default_options.inv_repl) - 1] = '\0'; + *ox_default_options.inv_repl = (char)slen; + ox_default_options.allow_invalid = No; } v = rb_hash_aref(opts, strip_namespace_sym); if (Qfalse == v) { - *ox_default_options.strip_ns = '\0'; + *ox_default_options.strip_ns = '\0'; } else if (Qtrue == v) { - *ox_default_options.strip_ns = '*'; - ox_default_options.strip_ns[1] = '\0'; + *ox_default_options.strip_ns = '*'; + ox_default_options.strip_ns[1] = '\0'; } else if (Qnil != v) { - long slen; + long slen; - Check_Type(v, T_STRING); - slen = RSTRING_LEN(v); - if (sizeof(ox_default_options.strip_ns) - 1 < (size_t)slen) { - rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":strip_namespace can be no longer than %d characters.", - (int)sizeof(ox_default_options.strip_ns) - 1); - } - strncpy(ox_default_options.strip_ns, StringValuePtr(v), sizeof(ox_default_options.strip_ns) - 1); - ox_default_options.strip_ns[sizeof(ox_default_options.strip_ns) - 1] = '\0'; + Check_Type(v, T_STRING); + slen = RSTRING_LEN(v); + if (sizeof(ox_default_options.strip_ns) - 1 < (size_t)slen) { + rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, + ":strip_namespace can be no longer than %d characters.", + (int)sizeof(ox_default_options.strip_ns) - 1); + } + strncpy(ox_default_options.strip_ns, StringValuePtr(v), sizeof(ox_default_options.strip_ns) - 1); + ox_default_options.strip_ns[sizeof(ox_default_options.strip_ns) - 1] = '\0'; } v = rb_hash_aref(opts, margin_sym); if (Qnil != v) { - long slen; + long slen; - Check_Type(v, T_STRING); - slen = RSTRING_LEN(v); - if (sizeof(ox_default_options.margin) - 1 < (size_t)slen) { - rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":margin can be no longer than %d characters.", - (int)sizeof(ox_default_options.margin) - 1); - } - strncpy(ox_default_options.margin, StringValuePtr(v), sizeof(ox_default_options.margin) - 1); - ox_default_options.margin[sizeof(ox_default_options.margin) - 1] = '\0'; - ox_default_options.margin_len = strlen(ox_default_options.margin); + Check_Type(v, T_STRING); + slen = RSTRING_LEN(v); + if (sizeof(ox_default_options.margin) - 1 < (size_t)slen) { + rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, + ":margin can be no longer than %d characters.", + (int)sizeof(ox_default_options.margin) - 1); + } + strncpy(ox_default_options.margin, StringValuePtr(v), sizeof(ox_default_options.margin) - 1); + ox_default_options.margin[sizeof(ox_default_options.margin) - 1] = '\0'; + ox_default_options.margin_len = strlen(ox_default_options.margin); } for (o = ynos; 0 != o->attr; o++) { - v = rb_hash_lookup(opts, o->sym); - if (Qnil == v) { - *o->attr = NotSet; - } else if (Qtrue == v) { - *o->attr = Yes; - } else if (Qfalse == v) { - *o->attr = No; - } else { - rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, "%s must be true or false.\n", rb_id2name(SYM2ID(o->sym))); - } + v = rb_hash_lookup(opts, o->sym); + if (Qnil == v) { + *o->attr = NotSet; + } else if (Qtrue == v) { + *o->attr = Yes; + } else if (Qfalse == v) { + *o->attr = No; + } else { + rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, "%s must be true or false.\n", rb_id2name(SYM2ID(o->sym))); + } } v = rb_hash_aref(opts, overlay_sym); if (Qnil == v) { - ox_hints_destroy(ox_default_options.html_hints); - ox_default_options.html_hints = NULL; + ox_hints_destroy(ox_default_options.html_hints); + ox_default_options.html_hints = NULL; } else { - int cnt; + int cnt; - Check_Type(v, T_HASH); - cnt = (int)RHASH_SIZE(v); - if (0 == cnt) { - ox_hints_destroy(ox_default_options.html_hints); - ox_default_options.html_hints = NULL; - } else { - ox_hints_destroy(ox_default_options.html_hints); - ox_default_options.html_hints = ox_hints_dup(ox_hints_html()); - rb_hash_foreach(v, set_overlay, (VALUE)ox_default_options.html_hints); - } + Check_Type(v, T_HASH); + cnt = (int)RHASH_SIZE(v); + if (0 == cnt) { + ox_hints_destroy(ox_default_options.html_hints); + ox_default_options.html_hints = NULL; + } else { + ox_hints_destroy(ox_default_options.html_hints); + ox_default_options.html_hints = ox_hints_dup(ox_hints_html()); + rb_hash_foreach(v, set_overlay, (VALUE)ox_default_options.html_hints); + } + } + if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(opts, with_cdata_sym))) { + ox_default_options.with_cdata = (Qtrue == v); } + ox_default_options.element_key_mod = rb_hash_lookup2(opts, element_key_mod_sym, ox_default_options.element_key_mod); - ox_default_options.attr_key_mod = rb_hash_lookup2(opts, attr_key_mod_sym, ox_default_options.attr_key_mod); + ox_default_options.attr_key_mod = rb_hash_lookup2(opts, attr_key_mod_sym, ox_default_options.attr_key_mod); return Qnil; } @@ -640,38 +669,37 @@ * - +xml+ [String] XML String in optimized Object format. * *return* [Object] deserialized Object. */ -static VALUE -to_obj(VALUE self, VALUE ruby_xml) { - char *xml, *x; - size_t len; - VALUE obj; - struct _options options = ox_default_options; - struct _err err; +static VALUE to_obj(VALUE self, VALUE ruby_xml) { + char *xml, *x; + size_t len; + VALUE obj; + struct _options options = ox_default_options; + struct _err err; err_init(&err); Check_Type(ruby_xml, T_STRING); /* the xml string gets modified so make a copy of it */ len = RSTRING_LEN(ruby_xml) + 1; - x = defuse_bom(StringValuePtr(ruby_xml), &options); + x = defuse_bom(StringValuePtr(ruby_xml), &options); if (SMALL_XML < len) { - xml = ALLOC_N(char, len); + xml = ALLOC_N(char, len); } else { - xml = ALLOCA_N(char, len); + xml = ALLOCA_N(char, len); } memcpy(xml, x, len); -#if HAS_GC_GUARD +#ifdef RB_GC_GUARD rb_gc_disable(); #endif obj = ox_parse(xml, len - 1, ox_obj_callbacks, 0, &options, &err); if (SMALL_XML < len) { - xfree(xml); + xfree(xml); } -#if HAS_GC_GUARD +#ifdef RB_GC_GUARD RB_GC_GUARD(obj); rb_gc_enable(); #endif if (err_has(&err)) { - ox_err_raise(&err); + ox_err_raise(&err); } return obj; } @@ -684,204 +712,198 @@ * * _raise_ [Exception] if the XML is malformed. */ -static VALUE -to_gen(VALUE self, VALUE ruby_xml) { - char *xml, *x; - size_t len; - VALUE obj; - struct _options options = ox_default_options; - struct _err err; +static VALUE to_gen(VALUE self, VALUE ruby_xml) { + char *xml, *x; + size_t len; + VALUE obj; + struct _options options = ox_default_options; + struct _err err; err_init(&err); Check_Type(ruby_xml, T_STRING); /* the xml string gets modified so make a copy of it */ len = RSTRING_LEN(ruby_xml) + 1; - x = defuse_bom(StringValuePtr(ruby_xml), &options); + x = defuse_bom(StringValuePtr(ruby_xml), &options); if (SMALL_XML < len) { - xml = ALLOC_N(char, len); + xml = ALLOC_N(char, len); } else { - xml = ALLOCA_N(char, len); + xml = ALLOCA_N(char, len); } memcpy(xml, x, len); obj = ox_parse(xml, len - 1, ox_gen_callbacks, 0, &options, &err); if (SMALL_XML < len) { - xfree(xml); + xfree(xml); } if (err_has(&err)) { - ox_err_raise(&err); + ox_err_raise(&err); } return obj; } -static VALUE -load(char *xml, size_t len, int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self, VALUE encoding, Err err) { - VALUE obj; - struct _options options = ox_default_options; +static VALUE load(char *xml, size_t len, int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self, VALUE encoding, Err err) { + VALUE obj; + struct _options options = ox_default_options; if (1 == argc && rb_cHash == rb_obj_class(*argv)) { - VALUE h = *argv; - VALUE v; - - if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(h, mode_sym))) { - if (object_sym == v) { - options.mode = ObjMode; - } else if (optimized_sym == v) { - options.mode = ObjMode; - } else if (generic_sym == v) { - options.mode = GenMode; - } else if (limited_sym == v) { - options.mode = LimMode; - } else if (hash_sym == v) { - options.mode = HashMode; - } else if (hash_no_attrs_sym == v) { - options.mode = HashNoAttrMode; - } else { - rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":mode must be :generic, :object, :limited, :hash, :hash_no_attrs.\n"); - } - } - if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(h, effort_sym))) { - if (auto_define_sym == v) { - options.effort = AutoEffort; - } else if (tolerant_sym == v) { - options.effort = TolerantEffort; - } else if (strict_sym == v) { - options.effort = StrictEffort; - } else { - rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":effort must be :strict, :tolerant, or :auto_define.\n"); - } - } - if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(h, skip_sym))) { - if (skip_none_sym == v) { - options.skip = NoSkip; - } else if (skip_off_sym == v) { - options.skip = OffSkip; - } else if (skip_return_sym == v) { - options.skip = CrSkip; - } else if (skip_white_sym == v) { - options.skip = SpcSkip; - } else { - rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":skip must be :skip_none, :skip_return, :skip_white, or :skip_off.\n"); - } - } - - if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(h, trace_sym))) { - Check_Type(v, T_FIXNUM); - options.trace = FIX2INT(v); - } - if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(h, symbolize_keys_sym))) { - options.sym_keys = (Qfalse == v) ? No : Yes; - } - options.element_key_mod = rb_hash_lookup2(h, element_key_mod_sym, options.element_key_mod); - options.attr_key_mod = rb_hash_lookup2(h, attr_key_mod_sym, options.attr_key_mod); - - if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(h, convert_special_sym))) { - options.convert_special = (Qfalse != v); - } - - v = rb_hash_lookup(h, invalid_replace_sym); - if (Qnil == v) { - if (Qtrue == rb_funcall(h, has_key_id, 1, invalid_replace_sym)) { - options.allow_invalid = Yes; - } - } else { - long slen; + VALUE h = *argv; + VALUE v; - Check_Type(v, T_STRING); - slen = RSTRING_LEN(v); - if (sizeof(options.inv_repl) - 2 < (size_t)slen) { - rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":invalid_replace can be no longer than %d characters.", - (int)sizeof(options.inv_repl) - 2); - } - strncpy(options.inv_repl + 1, StringValuePtr(v), sizeof(options.inv_repl) - 1); - options.inv_repl[sizeof(options.inv_repl) - 1] = '\0'; - *options.inv_repl = (char)slen; - options.allow_invalid = No; - } - v = rb_hash_lookup(h, strip_namespace_sym); - if (Qfalse == v) { - *options.strip_ns = '\0'; - } else if (Qtrue == v) { - *options.strip_ns = '*'; - options.strip_ns[1] = '\0'; - } else if (Qnil != v) { - long slen; - - Check_Type(v, T_STRING); - slen = RSTRING_LEN(v); - if (sizeof(options.strip_ns) - 1 < (size_t)slen) { - rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":strip_namespace can be no longer than %d characters.", - (int)sizeof(options.strip_ns) - 1); - } - strncpy(options.strip_ns, StringValuePtr(v), sizeof(options.strip_ns) - 1); - options.strip_ns[sizeof(options.strip_ns) - 1] = '\0'; - } - v = rb_hash_lookup(h, margin_sym); - if (Qnil != v) { - long slen; - - Check_Type(v, T_STRING); - slen = RSTRING_LEN(v); - if (sizeof(options.margin) - 1 < (size_t)slen) { - rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":margin can be no longer than %d characters.", - (int)sizeof(options.margin) - 1); - } - strncpy(options.margin, StringValuePtr(v), sizeof(options.margin) - 1); - options.margin[sizeof(options.margin) - 1] = '\0'; - options.margin_len = strlen(options.margin); - } + if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(h, mode_sym))) { + if (object_sym == v) { + options.mode = ObjMode; + } else if (optimized_sym == v) { + options.mode = ObjMode; + } else if (generic_sym == v) { + options.mode = GenMode; + } else if (limited_sym == v) { + options.mode = LimMode; + } else if (hash_sym == v) { + options.mode = HashMode; + } else if (hash_no_attrs_sym == v) { + options.mode = HashNoAttrMode; + } else { + rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":mode must be :generic, :object, :limited, :hash, :hash_no_attrs.\n"); + } + } + if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(h, effort_sym))) { + if (auto_define_sym == v) { + options.effort = AutoEffort; + } else if (tolerant_sym == v) { + options.effort = TolerantEffort; + } else if (strict_sym == v) { + options.effort = StrictEffort; + } else { + rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":effort must be :strict, :tolerant, or :auto_define.\n"); + } + } + if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(h, skip_sym))) { + if (skip_none_sym == v) { + options.skip = NoSkip; + } else if (skip_off_sym == v) { + options.skip = OffSkip; + } else if (skip_return_sym == v) { + options.skip = CrSkip; + } else if (skip_white_sym == v) { + options.skip = SpcSkip; + } else { + rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":skip must be :skip_none, :skip_return, :skip_white, or :skip_off.\n"); + } + } + + if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(h, trace_sym))) { + Check_Type(v, T_FIXNUM); + options.trace = FIX2INT(v); + } + if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(h, symbolize_keys_sym))) { + options.sym_keys = (Qfalse == v) ? No : Yes; + } + options.element_key_mod = rb_hash_lookup2(h, element_key_mod_sym, options.element_key_mod); + options.attr_key_mod = rb_hash_lookup2(h, attr_key_mod_sym, options.attr_key_mod); + + if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(h, convert_special_sym))) { + options.convert_special = (Qfalse != v); + } + if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(h, no_empty_sym))) { + options.no_empty = (Qfalse != v); + } + + v = rb_hash_lookup(h, invalid_replace_sym); + if (Qnil == v) { + if (Qtrue == rb_funcall(h, has_key_id, 1, invalid_replace_sym)) { + options.allow_invalid = Yes; + } + } else { + long slen; + + Check_Type(v, T_STRING); + slen = RSTRING_LEN(v); + if (sizeof(options.inv_repl) - 2 < (size_t)slen) { + rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, + ":invalid_replace can be no longer than %d characters.", + (int)sizeof(options.inv_repl) - 2); + } + strncpy(options.inv_repl + 1, StringValuePtr(v), sizeof(options.inv_repl) - 1); + options.inv_repl[sizeof(options.inv_repl) - 1] = '\0'; + *options.inv_repl = (char)slen; + options.allow_invalid = No; + } + v = rb_hash_lookup(h, strip_namespace_sym); + if (Qfalse == v) { + *options.strip_ns = '\0'; + } else if (Qtrue == v) { + *options.strip_ns = '*'; + options.strip_ns[1] = '\0'; + } else if (Qnil != v) { + long slen; + + Check_Type(v, T_STRING); + slen = RSTRING_LEN(v); + if (sizeof(options.strip_ns) - 1 < (size_t)slen) { + rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, + ":strip_namespace can be no longer than %d characters.", + (int)sizeof(options.strip_ns) - 1); + } + strncpy(options.strip_ns, StringValuePtr(v), sizeof(options.strip_ns) - 1); + options.strip_ns[sizeof(options.strip_ns) - 1] = '\0'; + } + v = rb_hash_lookup(h, margin_sym); + if (Qnil != v) { + long slen; + + Check_Type(v, T_STRING); + slen = RSTRING_LEN(v); + if (sizeof(options.margin) - 1 < (size_t)slen) { + rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, + ":margin can be no longer than %d characters.", + (int)sizeof(options.margin) - 1); + } + strncpy(options.margin, StringValuePtr(v), sizeof(options.margin) - 1); + options.margin[sizeof(options.margin) - 1] = '\0'; + options.margin_len = strlen(options.margin); + } + if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(h, with_cdata_sym))) { + options.with_cdata = (Qtrue == v); + } } -#if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT if ('\0' == *options.encoding) { - if (Qnil != encoding) { - options.rb_enc = rb_enc_from_index(rb_enc_get_index(encoding)); - } else { - options.rb_enc = 0; - } - } else if (0 == options.rb_enc) { - options.rb_enc = rb_enc_find(options.encoding); - } -#elif HAS_PRIVATE_ENCODING - if ('\0' == *options.encoding) { - if (Qnil != encoding) { - options.rb_enc = encoding; - } else { - options.rb_enc = Qnil; - } + if (Qnil != encoding) { + options.rb_enc = rb_enc_from_index(rb_enc_get_index(encoding)); + } else { + options.rb_enc = 0; + } } else if (0 == options.rb_enc) { - options.rb_enc = rb_str_new2(options.encoding); - rb_gc_register_address(&options.rb_enc); + options.rb_enc = rb_enc_find(options.encoding); } -#endif xml = defuse_bom(xml, &options); switch (options.mode) { case ObjMode: -#if HAS_GC_GUARD - rb_gc_disable(); +#ifdef RB_GC_GUARD + rb_gc_disable(); #endif - obj = ox_parse(xml, len, ox_obj_callbacks, 0, &options, err); -#if HAS_GC_GUARD - RB_GC_GUARD(obj); - rb_gc_enable(); + obj = ox_parse(xml, len, ox_obj_callbacks, 0, &options, err); +#ifdef RB_GC_GUARD + RB_GC_GUARD(obj); + rb_gc_enable(); #endif - break; - case GenMode: - obj = ox_parse(xml, len, ox_gen_callbacks, 0, &options, err); - break; - case LimMode: - obj = ox_parse(xml, len, ox_limited_callbacks, 0, &options, err); - break; + break; + case GenMode: obj = ox_parse(xml, len, ox_gen_callbacks, 0, &options, err); break; + case LimMode: obj = ox_parse(xml, len, ox_limited_callbacks, 0, &options, err); break; case HashMode: - obj = ox_parse(xml, len, ox_hash_callbacks, 0, &options, err); - break; + if (options.with_cdata) { + obj = ox_parse(xml, len, ox_hash_cdata_callbacks, 0, &options, err); + } else { + obj = ox_parse(xml, len, ox_hash_callbacks, 0, &options, err); + } + break; case HashNoAttrMode: - obj = ox_parse(xml, len, ox_hash_no_attrs_callbacks, 0, &options, err); - break; - case NoMode: - obj = ox_parse(xml, len, ox_nomode_callbacks, 0, &options, err); - break; - default: - obj = ox_parse(xml, len, ox_gen_callbacks, 0, &options, err); - break; + if (options.with_cdata) { + obj = ox_parse(xml, len, ox_hash_no_attrs_cdata_callbacks, 0, &options, err); + } else { + obj = ox_parse(xml, len, ox_hash_no_attrs_callbacks, 0, &options, err); + } + break; + case NoMode: obj = ox_parse(xml, len, ox_nomode_callbacks, 0, &options, err); break; + default: obj = ox_parse(xml, len, ox_gen_callbacks, 0, &options, err); break; } return obj; } @@ -908,45 +930,41 @@ * - _:auto_define_ - auto define missing classes and modules * - *:trace* [Fixnum] trace level as a Fixnum, default: 0 (silent) * - *:symbolize_keys* [true|false|nil] symbolize element attribute keys or leave as Strings - * - *:invalid_replace* [nil|String] replacement string for invalid XML characters on dump. nil indicates include anyway as hex. A string, limited to 10 characters will replace the invalid character with the replace. - * - *:strip_namespace* [String|true|false] "" or false result in no namespace stripping. A string of "*" or true will strip all namespaces. Any other non-empty string indicates that matching namespaces will be stripped. + * - *:invalid_replace* [nil|String] replacement string for invalid XML characters on dump. nil indicates include + * anyway as hex. A string, limited to 10 characters will replace the invalid character with the replace. + * - *:strip_namespace* [String|true|false] "" or false result in no namespace stripping. A string of "*" or true will + * strip all namespaces. Any other non-empty string indicates that matching namespaces will be stripped. + * - *:with_cdata* [true|false] if true cdata is included in hash_load output otherwise it is not. */ -static VALUE -load_str(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { - char *xml; - size_t len; - VALUE obj; - VALUE encoding; - struct _err err; +static VALUE load_str(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { + char *xml; + size_t len; + VALUE obj; + VALUE encoding; + struct _err err; err_init(&err); Check_Type(*argv, T_STRING); /* the xml string gets modified so make a copy of it */ len = RSTRING_LEN(*argv) + 1; if (SMALL_XML < len) { - xml = ALLOC_N(char, len); + xml = ALLOC_N(char, len); } else { - xml = ALLOCA_N(char, len); + xml = ALLOCA_N(char, len); } -#if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT -#ifdef MACRUBY_RUBY - encoding = rb_funcall(*argv, encoding_id, 0); -#else +#if HAVE_RB_OBJ_ENCODING encoding = rb_obj_encoding(*argv); -#endif -#elif HAS_PRIVATE_ENCODING - encoding = rb_funcall(*argv, encoding_id, 0); #else encoding = Qnil; #endif memcpy(xml, StringValuePtr(*argv), len); xml[len - 1] = '\0'; - obj = load(xml, len - 1, argc - 1, argv + 1, self, encoding, &err); + obj = load(xml, len - 1, argc - 1, argv + 1, self, encoding, &err); if (SMALL_XML < len) { - xfree(xml); + xfree(xml); } if (err_has(&err)) { - ox_err_raise(&err); + ox_err_raise(&err); } return obj; } @@ -970,45 +988,46 @@ * - _:auto_define_ - auto define missing classes and modules * - *:trace* [Fixnum] trace level as a Fixnum, default: 0 (silent) * - *:symbolize_keys* [true|false|nil] symbolize element attribute keys or leave as Strings - * - *:invalid_replace* [nil|String] replacement string for invalid XML characters on dump. nil indicates include anyway as hex. A string, limited to 10 characters will replace the invalid character with the replace. - * - *:strip_namespace* [String|true|false] "" or false result in no namespace stripping. A string of "*" or true will strip all namespaces. Any other non-empty string indicates that matching namespaces will be stripped. + * - *:invalid_replace* [nil|String] replacement string for invalid XML characters on dump. nil indicates include + * anyway as hex. A string, limited to 10 characters will replace the invalid character with the replace. + * - *:strip_namespace* [String|true|false] "" or false result in no namespace stripping. A string of "*" or true will + * strip all namespaces. Any other non-empty string indicates that matching namespaces will be stripped. */ -static VALUE -load_file(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { - char *path; - char *xml; - FILE *f; - off_t len; - VALUE obj; - struct _err err; +static VALUE load_file(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { + char *path; + char *xml; + FILE *f; + off_t len; + VALUE obj; + struct _err err; err_init(&err); Check_Type(*argv, T_STRING); path = StringValuePtr(*argv); if (0 == (f = fopen(path, "r"))) { - rb_raise(rb_eIOError, "%s\n", strerror(errno)); + rb_raise(rb_eIOError, "%s\n", strerror(errno)); } fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); len = ftello(f); if (SMALL_XML < len) { - xml = ALLOC_N(char, len + 1); + xml = ALLOC_N(char, len + 1); } else { - xml = ALLOCA_N(char, len + 1); + xml = ALLOCA_N(char, len + 1); } fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); - if (len != fread(xml, 1, len, f)) { - ox_err_set(&err, rb_eLoadError, "Failed to read %ld bytes from %s.\n", (long)len, path); - obj = Qnil; + if ((size_t)len != fread(xml, 1, len, f)) { + ox_err_set(&err, rb_eLoadError, "Failed to read %ld bytes from %s.\n", (long)len, path); + obj = Qnil; } else { - xml[len] = '\0'; - obj = load(xml, len, argc - 1, argv + 1, self, Qnil, &err); + xml[len] = '\0'; + obj = load(xml, len, argc - 1, argv + 1, self, Qnil, &err); } fclose(f); if (SMALL_XML < len) { - xfree(xml); + xfree(xml); } if (err_has(&err)) { - ox_err_raise(&err); + ox_err_raise(&err); } return obj; } @@ -1023,66 +1042,68 @@ * - *:convert_special* [true|false] flag indicating special characters like < are converted * - *:symbolize* [true|false] flag indicating the parser symbolize element and attribute names * - *:smart* [true|false] flag indicating the parser uses hints if available (use with html) - * - *:skip* [:skip_none|:skip_return|:skip_white|:skip_off] flag indicating the parser skips \\r or collpase white space into a single space. Default (skip space) - * - *:strip_namespace* [nil|String|true|false] "" or false result in no namespace stripping. A string of "*" or true will strip all namespaces. Any other non-empty string indicates that matching namespaces will be stripped. + * - *:skip* [:skip_none|:skip_return|:skip_white|:skip_off] flag indicating the parser skips \\r or collpase white + * space into a single space. Default (skip space) + * - *:strip_namespace* [nil|String|true|false] "" or false result in no namespace stripping. A string of "*" or true + * will strip all namespaces. Any other non-empty string indicates that matching namespaces will be stripped. */ -static VALUE -sax_parse(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { - struct _saxOptions options; +static VALUE sax_parse(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { + struct _saxOptions options; - options.symbolize = (No != ox_default_options.sym_keys); + options.symbolize = (No != ox_default_options.sym_keys); options.convert_special = ox_default_options.convert_special; - options.smart = (Yes == ox_default_options.smart); - options.skip = ox_default_options.skip; - options.hints = NULL; + options.smart = (Yes == ox_default_options.smart); + options.skip = ox_default_options.skip; + options.hints = NULL; strcpy(options.strip_ns, ox_default_options.strip_ns); if (argc < 2) { - rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, "Wrong number of arguments to sax_parse.\n"); + rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, "Wrong number of arguments to sax_parse.\n"); } if (3 <= argc && rb_cHash == rb_obj_class(argv[2])) { - VALUE h = argv[2]; - VALUE v; - - if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(h, convert_special_sym))) { - options.convert_special = (Qtrue == v); - } - if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(h, smart_sym))) { - options.smart = (Qtrue == v); - } - if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(h, symbolize_sym))) { - options.symbolize = (Qtrue == v); - } - if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(h, skip_sym))) { - if (skip_return_sym == v) { - options.skip = CrSkip; - } else if (skip_white_sym == v) { - options.skip = SpcSkip; - } else if (skip_none_sym == v) { - options.skip = NoSkip; - } else if (skip_off_sym == v) { - options.skip = OffSkip; - } - } - if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(h, strip_namespace_sym))) { - if (Qfalse == v) { - *options.strip_ns = '\0'; - } else if (Qtrue == v) { - *options.strip_ns = '*'; - options.strip_ns[1] = '\0'; - } else { - long slen; + VALUE h = argv[2]; + VALUE v; - Check_Type(v, T_STRING); - slen = RSTRING_LEN(v); - if (sizeof(options.strip_ns) - 1 < (size_t)slen) { - rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":strip_namespace can be no longer than %d characters.", - (int)sizeof(options.strip_ns) - 1); - } - strncpy(options.strip_ns, StringValuePtr(v), sizeof(options.strip_ns) - 1); - options.strip_ns[sizeof(options.strip_ns) - 1] = '\0'; - } - } + if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(h, convert_special_sym))) { + options.convert_special = (Qtrue == v); + } + if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(h, smart_sym))) { + options.smart = (Qtrue == v); + } + if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(h, symbolize_sym))) { + options.symbolize = (Qtrue == v); + } + if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(h, skip_sym))) { + if (skip_return_sym == v) { + options.skip = CrSkip; + } else if (skip_white_sym == v) { + options.skip = SpcSkip; + } else if (skip_none_sym == v) { + options.skip = NoSkip; + } else if (skip_off_sym == v) { + options.skip = OffSkip; + } + } + if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(h, strip_namespace_sym))) { + if (Qfalse == v) { + *options.strip_ns = '\0'; + } else if (Qtrue == v) { + *options.strip_ns = '*'; + options.strip_ns[1] = '\0'; + } else { + long slen; + + Check_Type(v, T_STRING); + slen = RSTRING_LEN(v); + if (sizeof(options.strip_ns) - 1 < (size_t)slen) { + rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, + ":strip_namespace can be no longer than %d characters.", + (int)sizeof(options.strip_ns) - 1); + } + strncpy(options.strip_ns, StringValuePtr(v), sizeof(options.strip_ns) - 1); + options.strip_ns[sizeof(options.strip_ns) - 1] = '\0'; + } + } } ox_sax_parse(argv[0], argv[1], &options); @@ -1098,7 +1119,8 @@ * - +options+ [Hash] options parse options * - *:convert_special* [true|false] flag indicating special characters like < are converted * - *:symbolize* [true|false] flag indicating the parser symbolize element and attribute names - * - *:skip* [:skip_none|:skip_return|:skip_white|:skip_off] flag indicating the parser skips \\r or collapse white space into a single space. Default (skip space) + * - *:skip* [:skip_none|:skip_return|:skip_white|:skip_off] flag indicating the parser skips \\r or collapse white + * space into a single space. Default (skip space) * - *:overlay* [Hash] a Hash of keys that match html element names and values that are one of * - _:active_ - make the normal callback for the element * - _:nest_ok_ - active but ignore nest check @@ -1107,165 +1129,166 @@ * - _:off_ - block this element and it's children unless the child element is active * - _:abort_ - abort the html processing and return */ -static VALUE -sax_html(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { - struct _saxOptions options; - bool free_hints = false; +static VALUE sax_html(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { + struct _saxOptions options; + bool free_hints = false; - options.symbolize = (No != ox_default_options.sym_keys); + options.symbolize = (No != ox_default_options.sym_keys); options.convert_special = ox_default_options.convert_special; - options.smart = true; - options.skip = ox_default_options.skip; - options.hints = ox_default_options.html_hints; + options.smart = true; + options.skip = ox_default_options.skip; + options.hints = ox_default_options.html_hints; if (NULL == options.hints) { - options.hints = ox_hints_html(); + options.hints = ox_hints_html(); } *options.strip_ns = '\0'; if (argc < 2) { - rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, "Wrong number of arguments to sax_html.\n"); + rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, "Wrong number of arguments to sax_html.\n"); } if (3 <= argc && rb_cHash == rb_obj_class(argv[2])) { - volatile VALUE h = argv[2]; - volatile VALUE v; + volatile VALUE h = argv[2]; + volatile VALUE v; - if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(h, convert_special_sym))) { - options.convert_special = (Qtrue == v); - } - if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(h, symbolize_sym))) { - options.symbolize = (Qtrue == v); - } - if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(h, skip_sym))) { - if (skip_return_sym == v) { - options.skip = CrSkip; - } else if (skip_white_sym == v) { - options.skip = SpcSkip; - } else if (skip_none_sym == v) { - options.skip = NoSkip; - } else if (skip_off_sym == v) { - options.skip = OffSkip; - } - } - if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(h, overlay_sym))) { - int cnt; - - Check_Type(v, T_HASH); - cnt = (int)RHASH_SIZE(v); - if (0 == cnt) { - options.hints = ox_hints_html(); - } else { - options.hints = ox_hints_dup(options.hints); - free_hints = true; - rb_hash_foreach(v, set_overlay, (VALUE)options.hints); - } - } + if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(h, convert_special_sym))) { + options.convert_special = (Qtrue == v); + } + if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(h, symbolize_sym))) { + options.symbolize = (Qtrue == v); + } + if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(h, skip_sym))) { + if (skip_return_sym == v) { + options.skip = CrSkip; + } else if (skip_white_sym == v) { + options.skip = SpcSkip; + } else if (skip_none_sym == v) { + options.skip = NoSkip; + } else if (skip_off_sym == v) { + options.skip = OffSkip; + } + } + if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(h, overlay_sym))) { + int cnt; + + Check_Type(v, T_HASH); + cnt = (int)RHASH_SIZE(v); + if (0 == cnt) { + options.hints = ox_hints_html(); + } else { + options.hints = ox_hints_dup(options.hints); + free_hints = true; + rb_hash_foreach(v, set_overlay, (VALUE)options.hints); + } + } } ox_sax_parse(argv[0], argv[1], &options); if (free_hints) { - ox_hints_destroy(options.hints); + ox_hints_destroy(options.hints); } return Qnil; } -static void -parse_dump_options(VALUE ropts, Options copts) { - struct _yesNoOpt ynos[] = { - { with_xml_sym, &copts->with_xml }, - { with_dtd_sym, &copts->with_dtd }, - { with_instruct_sym, &copts->with_instruct }, - { xsd_date_sym, &copts->xsd_date }, - { circular_sym, &copts->circular }, - { Qnil, 0 } - }; - YesNoOpt o; +static void parse_dump_options(VALUE ropts, Options copts) { + struct _yesNoOpt ynos[] = {{with_xml_sym, &copts->with_xml}, + {with_dtd_sym, &copts->with_dtd}, + {with_instruct_sym, &copts->with_instruct}, + {xsd_date_sym, &copts->xsd_date}, + {circular_sym, &copts->circular}, + {Qnil, 0}}; + YesNoOpt o; if (rb_cHash == rb_obj_class(ropts)) { - VALUE v; + VALUE v; - if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, ox_indent_sym))) { + if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, ox_indent_sym))) { #ifdef RUBY_INTEGER_UNIFICATION - if (rb_cInteger != rb_obj_class(v) && T_FIXNUM != rb_type(v)) { + if (rb_cInteger != rb_obj_class(v) && T_FIXNUM != rb_type(v)) { #else - if (rb_cFixnum != rb_obj_class(v)) { + if (rb_cFixnum != rb_obj_class(v)) { #endif - rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":indent must be a Fixnum.\n"); - } - copts->indent = NUM2INT(v); - } - if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, trace_sym))) { + rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":indent must be a Fixnum.\n"); + } + copts->indent = NUM2INT(v); + } + if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, trace_sym))) { #ifdef RUBY_INTEGER_UNIFICATION - if (rb_cInteger != rb_obj_class(v) && T_FIXNUM != rb_type(v)) { + if (rb_cInteger != rb_obj_class(v) && T_FIXNUM != rb_type(v)) { #else - if (rb_cFixnum != rb_obj_class(v)) { + if (rb_cFixnum != rb_obj_class(v)) { #endif - rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":trace must be a Fixnum.\n"); - } - copts->trace = NUM2INT(v); - } - if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, ox_encoding_sym))) { - if (rb_cString != rb_obj_class(v)) { - rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":encoding must be a String.\n"); - } - strncpy(copts->encoding, StringValuePtr(v), sizeof(copts->encoding) - 1); - } - if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, effort_sym))) { - if (auto_define_sym == v) { - copts->effort = AutoEffort; - } else if (tolerant_sym == v) { - copts->effort = TolerantEffort; - } else if (strict_sym == v) { - copts->effort = StrictEffort; - } else { - rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":effort must be :strict, :tolerant, or :auto_define.\n"); - } - } - v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, invalid_replace_sym); - if (Qnil == v) { - if (Qtrue == rb_funcall(ropts, has_key_id, 1, invalid_replace_sym)) { - copts->allow_invalid = Yes; - } - } else { - long slen; - - Check_Type(v, T_STRING); - slen = RSTRING_LEN(v); - if (sizeof(copts->inv_repl) - 2 < (size_t)slen) { - rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":invalid_replace can be no longer than %d characters.", - (int)sizeof(copts->inv_repl) - 2); - } - strncpy(copts->inv_repl + 1, StringValuePtr(v), sizeof(copts->inv_repl) - 1); - copts->inv_repl[sizeof(copts->inv_repl) - 1] = '\0'; - *copts->inv_repl = (char)slen; - copts->allow_invalid = No; - } - v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, margin_sym); - if (Qnil != v) { - long slen; - - Check_Type(v, T_STRING); - slen = RSTRING_LEN(v); - if (sizeof(copts->margin) - 2 < (size_t)slen) { - rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":margin can be no longer than %d characters.", - (int)sizeof(copts->margin) - 2); - } - strncpy(copts->margin, StringValuePtr(v), sizeof(copts->margin) - 1); - copts->margin[sizeof(copts->margin) - 1] = '\0'; - copts->margin_len = (char)slen; - } - - for (o = ynos; 0 != o->attr; o++) { - if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, o->sym))) { - VALUE c = rb_obj_class(v); - - if (rb_cTrueClass == c) { - *o->attr = Yes; - } else if (rb_cFalseClass == c) { - *o->attr = No; - } else { - rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, "%s must be true or false.\n", rb_id2name(SYM2ID(o->sym))); - } - } - } + rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":trace must be a Fixnum.\n"); + } + copts->trace = NUM2INT(v); + } + if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, ox_encoding_sym))) { + if (rb_cString != rb_obj_class(v)) { + rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":encoding must be a String.\n"); + } + strncpy(copts->encoding, StringValuePtr(v), sizeof(copts->encoding) - 1); + } + if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, no_empty_sym))) { + copts->no_empty = (v == Qtrue); + } + if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, effort_sym))) { + if (auto_define_sym == v) { + copts->effort = AutoEffort; + } else if (tolerant_sym == v) { + copts->effort = TolerantEffort; + } else if (strict_sym == v) { + copts->effort = StrictEffort; + } else { + rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, ":effort must be :strict, :tolerant, or :auto_define.\n"); + } + } + v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, invalid_replace_sym); + if (Qnil == v) { + if (Qtrue == rb_funcall(ropts, has_key_id, 1, invalid_replace_sym)) { + copts->allow_invalid = Yes; + } + } else { + long slen; + + Check_Type(v, T_STRING); + slen = RSTRING_LEN(v); + if (sizeof(copts->inv_repl) - 2 < (size_t)slen) { + rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, + ":invalid_replace can be no longer than %d characters.", + (int)sizeof(copts->inv_repl) - 2); + } + strncpy(copts->inv_repl + 1, StringValuePtr(v), sizeof(copts->inv_repl) - 1); + copts->inv_repl[sizeof(copts->inv_repl) - 1] = '\0'; + *copts->inv_repl = (char)slen; + copts->allow_invalid = No; + } + v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, margin_sym); + if (Qnil != v) { + long slen; + + Check_Type(v, T_STRING); + slen = RSTRING_LEN(v); + if (sizeof(copts->margin) - 2 < (size_t)slen) { + rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, + ":margin can be no longer than %d characters.", + (int)sizeof(copts->margin) - 2); + } + strncpy(copts->margin, StringValuePtr(v), sizeof(copts->margin) - 1); + copts->margin[sizeof(copts->margin) - 1] = '\0'; + copts->margin_len = (char)slen; + } + + for (o = ynos; 0 != o->attr; o++) { + if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, o->sym))) { + VALUE c = rb_obj_class(v); + + if (rb_cTrueClass == c) { + *o->attr = Yes; + } else if (rb_cFalseClass == c) { + *o->attr = No; + } else { + rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, "%s must be true or false.\n", rb_id2name(SYM2ID(o->sym))); + } + } + } } } @@ -1275,43 +1298,59 @@ * - +obj+ [Object] Object to serialize as an XML document String * - +options+ [Hash] formating options * - *:indent* [Fixnum] format expected + * - *:no_empty* [true|false] if true don't output empty elements * - *:xsd_date* [true|false] use XSD date format if true, default: false * - *:circular* [true|false] allow circular references, default: false - * - *:strict|:tolerant]* [ :effort effort to use when an undumpable object (e.g., IO) is encountered, default: :strict + * - *:strict|:tolerant]* [ :effort effort to use when an undumpable object (e.g., IO) is encountered, default: + * :strict * - _:strict_ - raise an NotImplementedError if an undumpable object is encountered * - _:tolerant_ - replaces undumplable objects with nil * * Note that an indent of less than zero will result in a tight one line output * unless the text in the XML fields contain new line characters. */ -static VALUE -dump(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { - char *xml; - struct _options copts = ox_default_options; - VALUE rstr; +static VALUE dump(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { + char *xml; + struct _options copts = ox_default_options; + VALUE rstr; if (2 == argc) { - parse_dump_options(argv[1], &copts); + parse_dump_options(argv[1], &copts); } if (0 == (xml = ox_write_obj_to_str(*argv, &copts))) { - rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "Not enough memory.\n"); + rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "Not enough memory.\n"); } rstr = rb_str_new2(xml); -#if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT - if ('\0' != *copts.encoding) { - rb_enc_associate(rstr, rb_enc_find(copts.encoding)); - } -#elif HAS_PRIVATE_ENCODING if ('\0' != *copts.encoding) { - rb_funcall(rstr, ox_force_encoding_id, 1, rb_str_new2(copts.encoding)); + rb_enc_associate(rstr, rb_enc_find(copts.encoding)); } -#endif xfree(xml); return rstr; } -/* call-seq: to_file(file_path, obj, options) +/* call-seq: to_xml(obj, options) => xml-string + * + * Dumps an Object (obj) to a string. + * - +obj+ [Object] Object to serialize as an XML document String + * - +options+ [Hash] formating options + * - *:indent* [Fixnum] format expected + * - *:no_empty* [true|false] if true don't output empty elements + * - *:xsd_date* [true|false] use XSD date format if true, default: false + * - *:circular* [true|false] allow circular references, default: false + * - *:strict|:tolerant]* [ :effort effort to use when an undumpable object (e.g., IO) is encountered, default: + * :strict + * - _:strict_ - raise an NotImplementedError if an undumpable object is encountered + * - _:tolerant_ - replaces undumplable objects with nil + * + * Note that an indent of less than zero will result in a tight one line output + * unless the text in the XML fields contain new line characters. + */ +static VALUE to_xml(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { + return dump(argc, argv, self); +} + +/* call-seq: to_file(file_path, obj, options) => Object * * Dumps an Object to the specified file. * - +file_path+ [String] file path to write the XML document to @@ -1320,19 +1359,19 @@ * - *:indent* [Fixnum] format expected * - *:xsd_date* [true|false] use XSD date format if true, default: false * - *:circular* [true|false] allow circular references, default: false - * - *:strict|:tolerant]* [ :effort effort to use when an undumpable object (e.g., IO) is encountered, default: :strict + * - *:strict|:tolerant]* [ :effort effort to use when an undumpable object (e.g., IO) is encountered, default: + * :strict * - _:strict_ - raise an NotImplementedError if an undumpable object is encountered * - _:tolerant_ - replaces undumplable objects with nil * * Note that an indent of less than zero will result in a tight one line output * unless the text in the XML fields contain new line characters. */ -static VALUE -to_file(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { - struct _options copts = ox_default_options; +static VALUE to_file(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { + struct _options copts = ox_default_options; if (3 == argc) { - parse_dump_options(argv[2], &copts); + parse_dump_options(argv[2], &copts); } Check_Type(*argv, T_STRING); ox_write_obj_to_file(argv[1], StringValuePtr(*argv), &copts); @@ -1341,24 +1380,25 @@ } #if WITH_CACHE_TESTS -extern void ox_cache_test(void); +extern void ox_cache_test(void); -static VALUE -cache_test(VALUE self) { +static VALUE cache_test(VALUE self) { ox_cache_test(); return Qnil; } -extern void ox_cache8_test(void); +extern void ox_cache8_test(void); -static VALUE -cache8_test(VALUE self) { +static VALUE cache8_test(VALUE self) { ox_cache8_test(); return Qnil; } #endif void Init_ox() { +#if HAVE_RB_EXT_RACTOR_SAFE + rb_ext_ractor_safe(true); +#endif Ox = rb_define_module("Ox"); rb_define_module_function(Ox, "default_options", get_def_opts, 0); @@ -1370,7 +1410,7 @@ rb_define_module_function(Ox, "sax_parse", sax_parse, -1); rb_define_module_function(Ox, "sax_html", sax_html, -1); - rb_define_module_function(Ox, "to_xml", dump, -1); + rb_define_module_function(Ox, "to_xml", to_xml, -1); rb_define_module_function(Ox, "dump", dump, -1); rb_define_module_function(Ox, "load_file", load_file, -1); @@ -1385,59 +1425,59 @@ rb_require("bigdecimal"); rb_require("stringio"); - ox_abort_id = rb_intern("abort"); - ox_at_column_id = rb_intern("@column"); - ox_at_content_id = rb_intern("@content"); - ox_at_id = rb_intern("at"); - ox_at_line_id = rb_intern("@line"); - ox_at_pos_id = rb_intern("@pos"); - ox_at_value_id = rb_intern("@value"); - ox_attr_id = rb_intern("attr"); - ox_attr_value_id = rb_intern("attr_value"); - ox_attributes_id = rb_intern("@attributes"); - ox_attrs_done_id = rb_intern("attrs_done"); - ox_beg_id = rb_intern("@beg"); - ox_bigdecimal_id = rb_intern("BigDecimal"); - ox_call_id = rb_intern("call"); - ox_cdata_id = rb_intern("cdata"); - ox_comment_id = rb_intern("comment"); - ox_den_id = rb_intern("@den"); - ox_doctype_id = rb_intern("doctype"); - ox_end_element_id = rb_intern("end_element"); - ox_end_id = rb_intern("@end"); - ox_end_instruct_id = rb_intern("end_instruct"); - ox_error_id = rb_intern("error"); - ox_excl_id = rb_intern("@excl"); + ox_abort_id = rb_intern("abort"); + ox_at_column_id = rb_intern("@column"); + ox_at_content_id = rb_intern("@content"); + ox_at_id = rb_intern("at"); + ox_at_line_id = rb_intern("@line"); + ox_at_pos_id = rb_intern("@pos"); + ox_at_value_id = rb_intern("@value"); + ox_attr_id = rb_intern("attr"); + ox_attr_value_id = rb_intern("attr_value"); + ox_attributes_id = rb_intern("@attributes"); + ox_attrs_done_id = rb_intern("attrs_done"); + ox_beg_id = rb_intern("@beg"); + ox_bigdecimal_id = rb_intern("BigDecimal"); + ox_call_id = rb_intern("call"); + ox_cdata_id = rb_intern("cdata"); + ox_comment_id = rb_intern("comment"); + ox_den_id = rb_intern("@den"); + ox_doctype_id = rb_intern("doctype"); + ox_end_element_id = rb_intern("end_element"); + ox_end_id = rb_intern("@end"); + ox_end_instruct_id = rb_intern("end_instruct"); + ox_error_id = rb_intern("error"); + ox_excl_id = rb_intern("@excl"); ox_external_encoding_id = rb_intern("external_encoding"); - ox_fileno_id = rb_intern("fileno"); - ox_force_encoding_id = rb_intern("force_encoding"); - ox_inspect_id = rb_intern("inspect"); - ox_instruct_id = rb_intern("instruct"); - ox_jd_id = rb_intern("jd"); - ox_keys_id = rb_intern("keys"); - ox_local_id = rb_intern("local"); - ox_mesg_id = rb_intern("mesg"); - ox_message_id = rb_intern("message"); - ox_nodes_id = rb_intern("@nodes"); - ox_new_id = rb_intern("new"); - ox_num_id = rb_intern("@num"); - ox_parse_id = rb_intern("parse"); - ox_pos_id = rb_intern("pos"); - ox_read_id = rb_intern("read"); - ox_readpartial_id = rb_intern("readpartial"); - ox_start_element_id = rb_intern("start_element"); - ox_string_id = rb_intern("string"); - ox_text_id = rb_intern("text"); - ox_to_c_id = rb_intern("to_c"); - ox_to_s_id = rb_intern("to_s"); - ox_to_sym_id = rb_intern("to_sym"); - ox_tv_nsec_id = rb_intern("tv_nsec"); - ox_tv_sec_id = rb_intern("tv_sec"); - ox_tv_usec_id = rb_intern("tv_usec"); - ox_value_id = rb_intern("value"); + ox_fileno_id = rb_intern("fileno"); + ox_force_encoding_id = rb_intern("force_encoding"); + ox_inspect_id = rb_intern("inspect"); + ox_instruct_id = rb_intern("instruct"); + ox_jd_id = rb_intern("jd"); + ox_keys_id = rb_intern("keys"); + ox_local_id = rb_intern("local"); + ox_mesg_id = rb_intern("mesg"); + ox_message_id = rb_intern("message"); + ox_nodes_id = rb_intern("@nodes"); + ox_new_id = rb_intern("new"); + ox_num_id = rb_intern("@num"); + ox_parse_id = rb_intern("parse"); + ox_pos_id = rb_intern("pos"); + ox_read_id = rb_intern("read"); + ox_readpartial_id = rb_intern("readpartial"); + ox_start_element_id = rb_intern("start_element"); + ox_string_id = rb_intern("string"); + ox_text_id = rb_intern("text"); + ox_to_c_id = rb_intern("to_c"); + ox_to_s_id = rb_intern("to_s"); + ox_to_sym_id = rb_intern("to_sym"); + ox_tv_nsec_id = rb_intern("tv_nsec"); + ox_tv_sec_id = rb_intern("tv_sec"); + ox_tv_usec_id = rb_intern("tv_usec"); + ox_value_id = rb_intern("value"); encoding_id = rb_intern("encoding"); - has_key_id = rb_intern("has_key?"); + has_key_id = rb_intern("has_key?"); rb_require("ox/version"); rb_require("ox/error"); @@ -1452,79 +1492,162 @@ rb_require("ox/bag"); rb_require("ox/sax"); - ox_time_class = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rb_intern("Time")); - ox_date_class = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rb_intern("Date")); - ox_parse_error_class = rb_const_get_at(Ox, rb_intern("ParseError")); + ox_time_class = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rb_intern("Time")); + ox_date_class = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rb_intern("Date")); + ox_parse_error_class = rb_const_get_at(Ox, rb_intern("ParseError")); ox_syntax_error_class = rb_const_get_at(Ox, rb_intern("SyntaxError")); - ox_arg_error_class = rb_const_get_at(Ox, rb_intern("ArgError")); - ox_struct_class = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rb_intern("Struct")); - ox_stringio_class = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rb_intern("StringIO")); - ox_bigdecimal_class = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rb_intern("BigDecimal")); - - abort_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("abort")); rb_gc_register_address(&abort_sym); - active_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("active")); rb_gc_register_address(&active_sym); - attr_key_mod_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("attr_key_mod")); rb_gc_register_address(&attr_key_mod_sym); - auto_define_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("auto_define")); rb_gc_register_address(&auto_define_sym); - auto_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("auto")); rb_gc_register_address(&auto_sym); - block_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("block")); rb_gc_register_address(&block_sym); - circular_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("circular")); rb_gc_register_address(&circular_sym); - convert_special_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("convert_special")); rb_gc_register_address(&convert_special_sym); - effort_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("effort")); rb_gc_register_address(&effort_sym); - element_key_mod_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("element_key_mod")); rb_gc_register_address(&element_key_mod_sym); - generic_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("generic")); rb_gc_register_address(&generic_sym); - hash_no_attrs_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("hash_no_attrs")); rb_gc_register_address(&hash_no_attrs_sym); - hash_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("hash")); rb_gc_register_address(&hash_sym); - inactive_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("inactive")); rb_gc_register_address(&inactive_sym); - invalid_replace_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("invalid_replace")); rb_gc_register_address(&invalid_replace_sym); - limited_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("limited")); rb_gc_register_address(&limited_sym); - margin_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("margin")); rb_gc_register_address(&margin_sym); - mode_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("mode")); rb_gc_register_address(&mode_sym); - nest_ok_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("nest_ok")); rb_gc_register_address(&nest_ok_sym); - object_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("object")); rb_gc_register_address(&object_sym); - off_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("off")); rb_gc_register_address(&off_sym); - opt_format_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("opt_format")); rb_gc_register_address(&opt_format_sym); - optimized_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("optimized")); rb_gc_register_address(&optimized_sym); - overlay_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("overlay")); rb_gc_register_address(&overlay_sym); - ox_encoding_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("encoding")); rb_gc_register_address(&ox_encoding_sym); - ox_indent_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("indent")); rb_gc_register_address(&ox_indent_sym); - ox_size_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("size")); rb_gc_register_address(&ox_size_sym); - ox_standalone_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("standalone")); rb_gc_register_address(&ox_standalone_sym); - ox_version_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("version")); rb_gc_register_address(&ox_version_sym); - skip_none_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("skip_none")); rb_gc_register_address(&skip_none_sym); - skip_off_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("skip_off")); rb_gc_register_address(&skip_off_sym); - skip_return_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("skip_return")); rb_gc_register_address(&skip_return_sym); - skip_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("skip")); rb_gc_register_address(&skip_sym); - skip_white_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("skip_white")); rb_gc_register_address(&skip_white_sym); - smart_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("smart")); rb_gc_register_address(&smart_sym); - strict_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("strict")); rb_gc_register_address(&strict_sym); - strip_namespace_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("strip_namespace")); rb_gc_register_address(&strip_namespace_sym); - symbolize_keys_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("symbolize_keys")); rb_gc_register_address(&symbolize_keys_sym); - symbolize_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("symbolize")); rb_gc_register_address(&symbolize_sym); - tolerant_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("tolerant")); rb_gc_register_address(&tolerant_sym); - trace_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("trace")); rb_gc_register_address(&trace_sym); - with_dtd_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("with_dtd")); rb_gc_register_address(&with_dtd_sym); - with_instruct_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("with_instructions")); rb_gc_register_address(&with_instruct_sym); - with_xml_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("with_xml")); rb_gc_register_address(&with_xml_sym); - xsd_date_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("xsd_date")); rb_gc_register_address(&xsd_date_sym); - - ox_empty_string = rb_str_new2(""); rb_gc_register_address(&ox_empty_string); - ox_zero_fixnum = INT2NUM(0); rb_gc_register_address(&ox_zero_fixnum); - ox_sym_bank = rb_ary_new(); rb_gc_register_address(&ox_sym_bank); + ox_arg_error_class = rb_const_get_at(Ox, rb_intern("ArgError")); + ox_struct_class = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rb_intern("Struct")); + ox_stringio_class = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rb_intern("StringIO")); + ox_bigdecimal_class = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rb_intern("BigDecimal")); + + abort_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("abort")); + rb_gc_register_address(&abort_sym); + active_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("active")); + rb_gc_register_address(&active_sym); + attr_key_mod_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("attr_key_mod")); + rb_gc_register_address(&attr_key_mod_sym); + auto_define_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("auto_define")); + rb_gc_register_address(&auto_define_sym); + auto_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("auto")); + rb_gc_register_address(&auto_sym); + block_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("block")); + rb_gc_register_address(&block_sym); + circular_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("circular")); + rb_gc_register_address(&circular_sym); + convert_special_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("convert_special")); + rb_gc_register_address(&convert_special_sym); + effort_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("effort")); + rb_gc_register_address(&effort_sym); + element_key_mod_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("element_key_mod")); + rb_gc_register_address(&element_key_mod_sym); + generic_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("generic")); + rb_gc_register_address(&generic_sym); + hash_no_attrs_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("hash_no_attrs")); + rb_gc_register_address(&hash_no_attrs_sym); + hash_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("hash")); + rb_gc_register_address(&hash_sym); + inactive_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("inactive")); + rb_gc_register_address(&inactive_sym); + invalid_replace_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("invalid_replace")); + rb_gc_register_address(&invalid_replace_sym); + limited_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("limited")); + rb_gc_register_address(&limited_sym); + margin_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("margin")); + rb_gc_register_address(&margin_sym); + mode_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("mode")); + rb_gc_register_address(&mode_sym); + nest_ok_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("nest_ok")); + rb_gc_register_address(&nest_ok_sym); + no_empty_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("no_empty")); + rb_gc_register_address(&no_empty_sym); + object_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("object")); + rb_gc_register_address(&object_sym); + off_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("off")); + rb_gc_register_address(&off_sym); + opt_format_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("opt_format")); + rb_gc_register_address(&opt_format_sym); + optimized_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("optimized")); + rb_gc_register_address(&optimized_sym); + overlay_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("overlay")); + rb_gc_register_address(&overlay_sym); + ox_encoding_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("encoding")); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_encoding_sym); + ox_indent_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("indent")); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_indent_sym); + ox_size_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("size")); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_size_sym); + ox_standalone_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("standalone")); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_standalone_sym); + ox_version_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("version")); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_version_sym); + skip_none_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("skip_none")); + rb_gc_register_address(&skip_none_sym); + skip_off_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("skip_off")); + rb_gc_register_address(&skip_off_sym); + skip_return_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("skip_return")); + rb_gc_register_address(&skip_return_sym); + skip_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("skip")); + rb_gc_register_address(&skip_sym); + skip_white_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("skip_white")); + rb_gc_register_address(&skip_white_sym); + smart_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("smart")); + rb_gc_register_address(&smart_sym); + strict_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("strict")); + rb_gc_register_address(&strict_sym); + strip_namespace_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("strip_namespace")); + rb_gc_register_address(&strip_namespace_sym); + symbolize_keys_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("symbolize_keys")); + rb_gc_register_address(&symbolize_keys_sym); + symbolize_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("symbolize")); + rb_gc_register_address(&symbolize_sym); + tolerant_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("tolerant")); + rb_gc_register_address(&tolerant_sym); + trace_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("trace")); + rb_gc_register_address(&trace_sym); + with_cdata_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("with_cdata")); + rb_gc_register_address(&with_cdata_sym); + with_dtd_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("with_dtd")); + rb_gc_register_address(&with_dtd_sym); + with_instruct_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("with_instructions")); + rb_gc_register_address(&with_instruct_sym); + with_xml_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("with_xml")); + rb_gc_register_address(&with_xml_sym); + xsd_date_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("xsd_date")); + rb_gc_register_address(&xsd_date_sym); + + ox_empty_string = rb_str_new2(""); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_empty_string); + ox_zero_fixnum = INT2NUM(0); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_zero_fixnum); + ox_sym_bank = rb_ary_new(); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_sym_bank); ox_document_clas = rb_const_get_at(Ox, rb_intern("Document")); - ox_element_clas = rb_const_get_at(Ox, rb_intern("Element")); + ox_element_clas = rb_const_get_at(Ox, rb_intern("Element")); ox_instruct_clas = rb_const_get_at(Ox, rb_intern("Instruct")); - ox_comment_clas = rb_const_get_at(Ox, rb_intern("Comment")); - ox_raw_clas = rb_const_get_at(Ox, rb_intern("Raw")); - ox_doctype_clas = rb_const_get_at(Ox, rb_intern("DocType")); - ox_cdata_clas = rb_const_get_at(Ox, rb_intern("CData")); - ox_bag_clas = rb_const_get_at(Ox, rb_intern("Bag")); - - ox_cache_new(&ox_symbol_cache); - ox_cache_new(&ox_class_cache); - ox_cache_new(&ox_attr_cache); + ox_comment_clas = rb_const_get_at(Ox, rb_intern("Comment")); + ox_raw_clas = rb_const_get_at(Ox, rb_intern("Raw")); + ox_doctype_clas = rb_const_get_at(Ox, rb_intern("DocType")); + ox_cdata_clas = rb_const_get_at(Ox, rb_intern("CData")); + ox_bag_clas = rb_const_get_at(Ox, rb_intern("Bag")); + + // Classes can move in more recent versions so register them all. + rb_gc_register_address(&Ox); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_arg_error_class); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_bag_clas); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_bag_clas); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_bigdecimal_class); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_cdata_clas); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_cdata_clas); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_comment_clas); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_comment_clas); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_date_class); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_doctype_clas); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_doctype_clas); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_document_clas); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_document_clas); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_element_clas); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_element_clas); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_encoding_sym); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_indent_sym); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_instruct_clas); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_instruct_clas); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_parse_error_class); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_raw_clas); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_raw_clas); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_size_sym); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_standalone_sym); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_stringio_class); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_struct_class); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_syntax_error_class); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_time_class); + rb_gc_register_address(&ox_version_sym); + + slot_cache_new(&ox_class_cache); ox_sax_define(); + ox_hash_init(); #if WITH_CACHE_TESTS // space added to stop yardoc from trying to document @@ -1532,12 +1655,7 @@ rb_define _module_function(Ox, "cache8_test", cache8_test, 0); #endif -#if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT ox_utf8_encoding = rb_enc_find("UTF-8"); -#elif HAS_PRIVATE_ENCODING - ox_utf8_encoding = rb_str_new2("UTF-8"); - rb_gc_register_address(&ox_utf8_encoding); -#endif } #if __GNUC__ > 4 @@ -1545,19 +1663,19 @@ #else void #endif -_ox_raise_error(const char *msg, const char *xml, const char *current, const char* file, int line) { - int xline = 1; - int col = 1; +_ox_raise_error(const char *msg, const char *xml, const char *current, const char *file, int line) { + int xline = 1; + int col = 1; for (; xml < current && '\n' != *current; current--) { - col++; + col++; } for (; xml < current; current--) { - if ('\n' == *current) { - xline++; - } + if ('\n' == *current) { + xline++; + } } -#if HAS_GC_GUARD +#ifdef RB_GC_GUARD rb_gc_enable(); #endif rb_raise(ox_parse_error_class, "%s at line %d, column %d [%s:%d]\n", msg, xline, col, file, line); diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/ext/ox/ox.h ruby-ox-2.14.9/ext/ox/ox.h --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/ext/ox/ox.h 2019-06-20 20:06:23.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/ext/ox/ox.h 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -16,264 +16,236 @@ #define RSTRING_NOT_MODIFIED #include "ruby.h" -#if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT #include "ruby/encoding.h" -#endif -#ifdef RUBINIUS_RUBY -#undef T_COMPLEX -enum st_retval {ST_CONTINUE = 0, ST_STOP = 1, ST_DELETE = 2, ST_CHECK}; +#if HAVE_RUBY_ST_H +#include "ruby/st.h" #else -#if HAS_TOP_LEVEL_ST_H -/* Only on travis, local is where it is for all others. Seems to vary depending on the travis machine picked up. */ +// Only on travis, local is where it is for all others. Seems to vary depending on the travis machine picked up. #include "st.h" -#else -#include "ruby/st.h" #endif -#endif - -#include "cache.h" -#include "err.h" -#include "type.h" #include "attr.h" +#include "err.h" #include "helper.h" +#include "slotcache.h" +#include "type.h" #define raise_error(msg, xml, current) _ox_raise_error(msg, xml, current, __FILE__, __LINE__) -#define MAX_TEXT_LEN 4096 +#define MAX_TEXT_LEN 4096 -#define SILENT 0 -#define TRACE 1 -#define DEBUG 2 - -#define XSD_DATE 0x0001 -#define WITH_XML 0x0002 -#define WITH_INST 0x0004 -#define WITH_DTD 0x0008 -#define CIRCULAR 0x0010 - -#define XSD_DATE_SET 0x0100 -#define WITH_XML_SET 0x0200 -#define WITH_INST_SET 0x0400 -#define WITH_DTD_SET 0x0800 -#define CIRCULAR_SET 0x1000 +#define SILENT 0 +#define TRACE 1 +#define DEBUG 2 + +#define XSD_DATE 0x0001 +#define WITH_XML 0x0002 +#define WITH_INST 0x0004 +#define WITH_DTD 0x0008 +#define CIRCULAR 0x0010 + +#define XSD_DATE_SET 0x0100 +#define WITH_XML_SET 0x0200 +#define WITH_INST_SET 0x0400 +#define WITH_DTD_SET 0x0800 +#define CIRCULAR_SET 0x1000 typedef enum { - UseObj = 1, - UseAttr = 2, - UseAttrSet = 3, - UseArray = 4, - UseAMember = 5, - UseHash = 6, - UseHashKey = 7, - UseHashVal = 8, - UseRange = 9, - UseRangeAttr= 10, - UseRaw = 11, + UseObj = 1, + UseAttr = 2, + UseAttrSet = 3, + UseArray = 4, + UseAMember = 5, + UseHash = 6, + UseHashKey = 7, + UseHashVal = 8, + UseRange = 9, + UseRangeAttr = 10, + UseRaw = 11, } Use; typedef enum { - StrictEffort = 's', - TolerantEffort = 't', - AutoEffort = 'a', - NoEffort = 0, + StrictEffort = 's', + TolerantEffort = 't', + AutoEffort = 'a', + NoEffort = 0, } Effort; -typedef enum { - Yes = 'y', - No = 'n', - NotSet = 0 -} YesNo; +typedef enum { Yes = 'y', No = 'n', NotSet = 0 } YesNo; -typedef enum { - ObjMode = 'o', - GenMode = 'g', - LimMode = 'l', - HashMode = 'h', - HashNoAttrMode = 'n', - NoMode = 0 -} LoadMode; +typedef enum { ObjMode = 'o', GenMode = 'g', LimMode = 'l', HashMode = 'h', HashNoAttrMode = 'n', NoMode = 0 } LoadMode; typedef enum { - OffSkip = 'o', - NoSkip = 'n', - CrSkip = 'r', - SpcSkip = 's', + OffSkip = 'o', + NoSkip = 'n', + CrSkip = 'r', + SpcSkip = 's', } SkipMode; -typedef struct _pInfo *PInfo; +typedef struct _pInfo *PInfo; typedef struct _parseCallbacks { - void (*instruct)(PInfo pi, const char *target, Attr attrs, const char *content); - void (*add_doctype)(PInfo pi, const char *docType); - void (*add_comment)(PInfo pi, const char *comment); - void (*add_cdata)(PInfo pi, const char *cdata, size_t len); - void (*add_text)(PInfo pi, char *text, int closed); - void (*add_element)(PInfo pi, const char *ename, Attr attrs, int hasChildren); - void (*end_element)(PInfo pi, const char *ename); - void (*finish)(PInfo pi); -} *ParseCallbacks; + void (*instruct)(PInfo pi, const char *target, Attr attrs, const char *content); + void (*add_doctype)(PInfo pi, const char *docType); + void (*add_comment)(PInfo pi, const char *comment); + void (*add_cdata)(PInfo pi, const char *cdata, size_t len); + void (*add_text)(PInfo pi, char *text, int closed); + void (*add_element)(PInfo pi, const char *ename, Attr attrs, int hasChildren); + void (*end_element)(PInfo pi, const char *ename); + void (*finish)(PInfo pi); +} * ParseCallbacks; typedef struct _circArray { - VALUE obj_array[1024]; - VALUE *objs; - unsigned long size; /* allocated size or initial array size */ - unsigned long cnt; -} *CircArray; + VALUE obj_array[1024]; + VALUE *objs; + unsigned long size; /* allocated size or initial array size */ + unsigned long cnt; +} * CircArray; typedef struct _options { - char encoding[64]; /* encoding, stored in the option to avoid GC invalidation in default values */ - char margin[128]; /* left margin for dumping */ - int indent; /* indention for dump, default 2 */ - int trace; /* trace level */ - char margin_len; /* margin length */ - char with_dtd; /* YesNo */ - char with_xml; /* YesNo */ - char with_instruct; /* YesNo */ - char circular; /* YesNo */ - char xsd_date; /* YesNo */ - char mode; /* LoadMode */ - char effort; /* Effort */ - char sym_keys; /* symbolize keys */ - char skip; /* skip mode */ - char smart; /* YesNo sax smart mode */ - char convert_special;/* boolean true or false */ - char allow_invalid; /* YesNo */ - char inv_repl[12]; /* max 10 valid characters, first character is the length */ - char strip_ns[64]; /* namespace to strip, \0 is no-strip, \* is all, else only matches */ - struct _hints *html_hints; /* html hints */ - VALUE attr_key_mod; - VALUE element_key_mod; -#if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT - rb_encoding *rb_enc; -#elif HAS_PRIVATE_ENCODING - VALUE rb_enc; -#else - void *rb_enc; -#endif -} *Options; + char encoding[64]; // encoding, stored in the option to avoid GC invalidation in default values + char margin[128]; // left margin for dumping + int indent; // indention for dump, default 2 + int trace; // trace level + char margin_len; // margin length + char with_dtd; // YesNo + char with_xml; // YesNo + char with_instruct; // YesNo + char circular; // YesNo + char xsd_date; // YesNo + char mode; // LoadMode + char effort; // Effort + char sym_keys; // symbolize keys + char skip; // skip mode + char smart; // YesNo sax smart mode + char convert_special; // boolean true or false + char allow_invalid; // YesNo + char no_empty; // boolean - no empty elements when dumping + char with_cdata; // boolean - hash_load should include cdata + char inv_repl[12]; // max 10 valid characters, first character is the length + char strip_ns[64]; // namespace to strip, \0 is no-strip, \* is all, else only matches + struct _hints *html_hints; // html hints + VALUE attr_key_mod; + VALUE element_key_mod; + rb_encoding *rb_enc; +} * Options; -/* parse information structure */ +// parse information structure struct _pInfo { - struct _helperStack helpers; - struct _err err; - char *str; //buffer being read from - char *end; // end of original string - char *s; // current position in buffer - VALUE obj; - ParseCallbacks pcb; - CircArray circ_array; - unsigned long id; //set for text types when cirs_array is set - Options options; - char last; // last character read, rarely set + struct _helperStack helpers; + struct _err err; + char *str; // buffer being read from + char *end; // end of original string + char *s; // current position in buffer + VALUE obj; + ParseCallbacks pcb; + CircArray circ_array; + unsigned long id; // set for text types when cirs_array is set + Options options; + VALUE *marked; + int mark_size; // allocated size + int mark_cnt; + char last; // last character read, rarely set }; -extern VALUE ox_parse(char *xml, size_t len, ParseCallbacks pcb, char **endp, Options options, Err err); -extern void _ox_raise_error(const char *msg, const char *xml, const char *current, const char* file, int line); +extern VALUE ox_parse(char *xml, size_t len, ParseCallbacks pcb, char **endp, Options options, Err err); +extern void _ox_raise_error(const char *msg, const char *xml, const char *current, const char *file, int line); -extern void ox_sax_define(void); +extern void ox_sax_define(void); -extern char* ox_write_obj_to_str(VALUE obj, Options copts); -extern void ox_write_obj_to_file(VALUE obj, const char *path, Options copts); +extern char *ox_write_obj_to_str(VALUE obj, Options copts); +extern void ox_write_obj_to_file(VALUE obj, const char *path, Options copts); -extern struct _options ox_default_options; - -extern VALUE Ox; - -extern ID ox_abort_id; -extern ID ox_at_column_id; -extern ID ox_at_content_id; -extern ID ox_at_id; -extern ID ox_at_line_id; -extern ID ox_at_pos_id; -extern ID ox_at_value_id; -extern ID ox_attr_id; -extern ID ox_attr_value_id; -extern ID ox_attrs_done_id; -extern ID ox_attributes_id; -extern ID ox_beg_id; -extern ID ox_bigdecimal_id; -extern ID ox_call_id; -extern ID ox_cdata_id; -extern ID ox_comment_id; -extern ID ox_den_id; -extern ID ox_doctype_id; -extern ID ox_end_element_id; -extern ID ox_end_id; -extern ID ox_end_instruct_id; -extern ID ox_error_id; -extern ID ox_excl_id; -extern ID ox_external_encoding_id; -extern ID ox_fileno_id; -extern ID ox_force_encoding_id; -extern ID ox_inspect_id; -extern ID ox_instruct_id; -extern ID ox_jd_id; -extern ID ox_keys_id; -extern ID ox_local_id; -extern ID ox_mesg_id; -extern ID ox_message_id; -extern ID ox_new_id; -extern ID ox_nodes_id; -extern ID ox_num_id; -extern ID ox_parse_id; -extern ID ox_pos_id; -extern ID ox_read_id; -extern ID ox_readpartial_id; -extern ID ox_start_element_id; -extern ID ox_string_id; -extern ID ox_text_id; -extern ID ox_to_c_id; -extern ID ox_to_s_id; -extern ID ox_to_sym_id; -extern ID ox_tv_sec_id; -extern ID ox_tv_nsec_id; -extern ID ox_tv_usec_id; -extern ID ox_value_id; - -#if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT -extern rb_encoding *ox_utf8_encoding; -#elif HAS_PRIVATE_ENCODING -extern VALUE ox_utf8_encoding; -#else -extern void *ox_utf8_encoding; -#endif +extern struct _options ox_default_options; + +extern VALUE Ox; + +extern ID ox_abort_id; +extern ID ox_at_column_id; +extern ID ox_at_content_id; +extern ID ox_at_id; +extern ID ox_at_line_id; +extern ID ox_at_pos_id; +extern ID ox_at_value_id; +extern ID ox_attr_id; +extern ID ox_attr_value_id; +extern ID ox_attrs_done_id; +extern ID ox_attributes_id; +extern ID ox_beg_id; +extern ID ox_bigdecimal_id; +extern ID ox_call_id; +extern ID ox_cdata_id; +extern ID ox_comment_id; +extern ID ox_den_id; +extern ID ox_doctype_id; +extern ID ox_end_element_id; +extern ID ox_end_id; +extern ID ox_end_instruct_id; +extern ID ox_error_id; +extern ID ox_excl_id; +extern ID ox_external_encoding_id; +extern ID ox_fileno_id; +extern ID ox_force_encoding_id; +extern ID ox_inspect_id; +extern ID ox_instruct_id; +extern ID ox_jd_id; +extern ID ox_keys_id; +extern ID ox_local_id; +extern ID ox_mesg_id; +extern ID ox_message_id; +extern ID ox_new_id; +extern ID ox_nodes_id; +extern ID ox_num_id; +extern ID ox_parse_id; +extern ID ox_pos_id; +extern ID ox_read_id; +extern ID ox_readpartial_id; +extern ID ox_start_element_id; +extern ID ox_string_id; +extern ID ox_text_id; +extern ID ox_to_c_id; +extern ID ox_to_s_id; +extern ID ox_to_sym_id; +extern ID ox_tv_sec_id; +extern ID ox_tv_nsec_id; +extern ID ox_tv_usec_id; +extern ID ox_value_id; + +extern rb_encoding *ox_utf8_encoding; + +extern VALUE ox_empty_string; +extern VALUE ox_encoding_sym; +extern VALUE ox_indent_sym; +extern VALUE ox_size_sym; +extern VALUE ox_standalone_sym; +extern VALUE ox_sym_bank; // Array +extern VALUE ox_version_sym; +extern VALUE ox_zero_fixnum; + +extern VALUE ox_bigdecimal_class; +extern VALUE ox_date_class; +extern VALUE ox_stringio_class; +extern VALUE ox_struct_class; +extern VALUE ox_time_class; + +extern VALUE ox_document_clas; +extern VALUE ox_element_clas; +extern VALUE ox_instruct_clas; +extern VALUE ox_bag_clas; +extern VALUE ox_comment_clas; +extern VALUE ox_raw_clas; +extern VALUE ox_doctype_clas; +extern VALUE ox_cdata_clas; -extern VALUE ox_empty_string; -extern VALUE ox_encoding_sym; -extern VALUE ox_indent_sym; -extern VALUE ox_size_sym; -extern VALUE ox_standalone_sym; -extern VALUE ox_sym_bank; // Array -extern VALUE ox_version_sym; -extern VALUE ox_zero_fixnum; - -extern VALUE ox_bigdecimal_class; -extern VALUE ox_date_class; -extern VALUE ox_stringio_class; -extern VALUE ox_struct_class; -extern VALUE ox_time_class; - -extern VALUE ox_document_clas; -extern VALUE ox_element_clas; -extern VALUE ox_instruct_clas; -extern VALUE ox_bag_clas; -extern VALUE ox_comment_clas; -extern VALUE ox_raw_clas; -extern VALUE ox_doctype_clas; -extern VALUE ox_cdata_clas; - -extern Cache ox_symbol_cache; -extern Cache ox_class_cache; -extern Cache ox_attr_cache; +extern SlotCache ox_class_cache; -extern void ox_init_builder(VALUE ox); +extern void ox_init_builder(VALUE ox); #if defined(__cplusplus) #if 0 { /* satisfy cc-mode */ #endif -} /* extern "C" { */ +} /* extern "C" { */ #endif #endif /* OX_H */ diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/ext/ox/parse.c ruby-ox-2.14.9/ext/ox/parse.c --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/ext/ox/parse.c 2019-06-20 20:06:23.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/ext/ox/parse.c 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -5,13 +5,16 @@ #include #include +#include #include #include +#include #include "ruby.h" #include "ox.h" #include "err.h" #include "attr.h" +#include "intern.h" #include "helper.h" #include "special.h" @@ -93,6 +96,30 @@ } } +static void fix_newlines(char *buf) { +#if HAVE_INDEX + if (NULL != index(buf, '\r')) { +#endif + char *s = buf; + char *d = buf; + + for (; '\0' != *s; s++) { + if ('\r' == *s) { + if ('\n' == *(s + 1)) { + continue; + } + *d = '\n'; + } else if (d < s) { + *d = *s; + } + d++; + } + *d = '\0'; +#if HAVE_INDEX + } +#endif +} + static void mark_pi_cb(void *ptr) { if (NULL != ptr) { @@ -121,7 +148,7 @@ if (DEBUG <= options->trace) { printf("Parsing xml:\n%s\n", xml); } - /* initialize parse info */ + // initialize parse info helper_stack_init(&pi.helpers); // Protect against GC wrap = Data_Wrap_Struct(rb_cObject, mark_pi_cb, NULL, &pi); @@ -134,8 +161,11 @@ pi.obj = Qnil; pi.circ_array = 0; pi.options = options; + pi.marked = NULL; + pi.mark_size = 0; + pi.mark_cnt = 0; while (1) { - next_non_white(&pi); /* skip white space */ + next_non_white(&pi); // skip white space if ('\0' == *pi.s) { break; } @@ -143,31 +173,31 @@ *endp = pi.s; break; } - if ('<' != *pi.s) { /* all top level entities start with < */ + if ('<' != *pi.s) { // all top level entities start with < set_error(err, "invalid format, expected <", pi.str, pi.s); helper_stack_cleanup(&pi.helpers); return Qnil; } - pi.s++; /* past < */ + pi.s++; // past < switch (*pi.s) { - case '?': /* processing instruction */ + case '?': // processing instruction pi.s++; read_instruction(&pi); break; - case '!': /* comment or doctype */ + case '!': // comment or doctype pi.s++; if ('\0' == *pi.s) { set_error(err, "invalid format, DOCTYPE or comment not terminated", pi.str, pi.s); helper_stack_cleanup(&pi.helpers); return Qnil; } else if ('-' == *pi.s) { - pi.s++; /* skip - */ + pi.s++; // skip - if ('-' != *pi.s) { set_error(err, "invalid format, bad comment format", pi.str, pi.s); helper_stack_cleanup(&pi.helpers); return Qnil; } else { - pi.s++; /* skip second - */ + pi.s++; // skip second - read_comment(&pi); } } else if ((TolerantEffort == options->effort) ? 0 == strncasecmp("DOCTYPE", pi.s, 7) : 0 == strncmp("DOCTYPE", pi.s, 7)) { @@ -208,32 +238,11 @@ return pi.obj; } -static char* -gather_content(const char *src, char *content, size_t len) { - for (; 0 < len; src++, content++, len--) { - switch (*src) { - case '?': - if ('>' == *(src + 1)) { - *content = '\0'; - return (char*)(src + 1); - } - *content = *src; - break; - case '\0': - return 0; - default: - *content = *src; - break; - } - } - return 0; -} - -/* Entered after the "s; - if (0 == (cend = gather_content(pi->s, content, sizeof(content) - 1))) { - set_error(&pi->err, "processing instruction content too large or not terminated", pi->str, pi->s); - return; + for (; true; pi->s++) { + switch (*pi->s) { + case '?': + if ('>' == *(pi->s + 1)) { + pi->s++; + goto DONE; + } + break; + case '\0': + set_error(&pi->err, "processing instruction not terminated", pi->str, pi->s); + return; + default: + break; + } + } +DONE: + cend = pi->s; + size = cend - end - 1; + pi->s = end; + if (size < sizeof(content)) { + content_ptr = content; + } else { + content_ptr = ALLOC_N(char, size + 1); } + memcpy(content_ptr, end, size); + content_ptr[size] = '\0'; + next_non_white(pi); c = *pi->s; - *end = '\0'; /* terminate name */ + *end = '\0'; // terminate name if ('?' != c) { while ('?' != c) { pi->last = 0; @@ -272,11 +305,11 @@ end = pi->s; next_non_white(pi); if ('=' != *pi->s++) { - attrs_ok = 0; + attrs_ok = false; break; } - *end = '\0'; /* terminate name */ - /* read value */ + *end = '\0'; // terminate name + // read value next_non_white(pi); if (0 == (attr_value = read_quoted_value(pi))) { attr_stack_cleanup(&attrs); @@ -309,10 +342,13 @@ if (attrs_ok) { pi->pcb->instruct(pi, target, attrs.head, 0); } else { - pi->pcb->instruct(pi, target, attrs.head, content); + pi->pcb->instruct(pi, target, attrs.head, content_ptr); } } attr_stack_cleanup(&attrs); + if (content_ptr != content) { + xfree(content_ptr); + } } static void @@ -355,15 +391,14 @@ } } -/* Entered after the "s; + doctype = pi->s; read_delimited(pi, '>'); if (err_has(&pi->err)) { return; @@ -372,12 +407,12 @@ *pi->s = '\0'; pi->s++; if (0 != pi->pcb->add_doctype) { - pi->pcb->add_doctype(pi, docType); + fix_newlines(doctype); + pi->pcb->add_doctype(pi, doctype); } } -/* Entered after " + { "ucirc", 251 }, // latin small letter u with circumflex + { "ugrave", 249 }, // latin small letter u with grave + { "uml", 168 }, // diaeresis = spacing diaeresis + { "upsih", 978 }, // greek upsilon with hook symbol + { "upsilon", 965 }, // greek small letter upsilon + { "uuml", 252 }, // latin small letter u with diaeresis + { "weierp", 8472 }, // script capital P = power set + { "xi", 958 }, // greek small letter xi, U+03BE ISOgrk3 + { "yacute", 253 }, // latin small letter y with acute + { "yen", 165 }, // yen sign = yuan sign, U+00A5 ISOnum + { "yuml", 255 }, // latin small letter y with diaeresis + { "zeta", 950 }, // greek small letter zeta, U+03B6 ISOgrk3 + { "zwj", 8205 }, // zero width joiner, U+200D NEW RFC 2070 + { "zwnj", 8204 }, // zero width non-joiner + { NULL, 0 }, +}; + +static uint64_t +calc_hash(const char *key) { + uint64_t h = 0; + + if (NULL != key) { + const uint8_t *k = (const uint8_t*)key; + + for (; 0 != *k; k++) { + // narrow to most used range of 0x4D (77) in size + h = 77 * h + ((*k | 0x20) - 0x2D); + } + } + return h; +} + +static Slot* +get_bucketp(uint64_t h) { + return entity_cache.buckets + (BUCKET_MASK & (h ^ (h << 5) ^ (h >> 7))); +} + +static void +cache_set(Slot s) { + int64_t h = calc_hash(s->key); + Slot *bucket = get_bucketp(h); + + s->hash = h; + s->next = *bucket; + *bucket = s; +} + +static Slot +cache_get(const char *key) { + int64_t h = calc_hash(key); + Slot *bucket = get_bucketp(h); + Slot s; + + for (s = *bucket; NULL != s; s = s->next) { + if (h == (int64_t)s->hash && 0 == strcasecmp(s->key, key)) { + return s; + } + } + return NULL; +} + +static void +cache_init() { + Slot e = entities; + + memset(&entity_cache, 0, sizeof(struct _cache)); + for (; NULL != e->key; e++) { + cache_set(e); + } + inited = true; +} + +char* +ox_entity_lookup(char *text, const char *key) { + Slot s = entities; + + if (!inited) { + cache_init(); + } + if (NULL == (s = cache_get(key))) { + return NULL; + } + return ox_ucs_to_utf8_chars(text, s->code); +} diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/ext/ox/special.h ruby-ox-2.14.9/ext/ox/special.h --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/ext/ox/special.h 2019-06-20 20:06:23.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/ext/ox/special.h 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -9,5 +9,6 @@ #include extern char* ox_ucs_to_utf8_chars(char *text, uint64_t u); +extern char* ox_entity_lookup(char *text, const char *key); #endif /* OX_SPECIAL_H */ diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/Gemfile ruby-ox-2.14.9/Gemfile --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/Gemfile 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/Gemfile 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +source "https://rubygems.org" + +gemspec diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/.github/FUNDING.yml ruby-ox-2.14.9/.github/FUNDING.yml --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/.github/FUNDING.yml 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/.github/FUNDING.yml 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# These are supported funding model platforms + +github: # Replace with up to 4 GitHub Sponsors-enabled usernames e.g., [user1, user2] +patreon: # Replace with a single Patreon username +open_collective: # Replace with a single Open Collective username +ko_fi: # Replace with a single Ko-fi username +tidelift: rubygems/ox +community_bridge: # Replace with a single Community Bridge project-name e.g., cloud-foundry +liberapay: # Replace with a single Liberapay username +issuehunt: # Replace with a single IssueHunt username +otechie: # Replace with a single Otechie username +custom: # Replace with a single custom sponsorship URL diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/.github/workflows/CI.yml ruby-ox-2.14.9/.github/workflows/CI.yml --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/.github/workflows/CI.yml 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/.github/workflows/CI.yml 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +name: CI + +on: + push: + branches: + - develop + - master + pull_request: + +jobs: + Build: + strategy: + fail-fast: true + matrix: + # Due to https://github.com/actions/runner/issues/849, we have to use quotes for '3.0' + ruby: + - head + - '3.0' + - '2.7' + - '2.6' + - '2.5' + os: + - ubuntu + - macos + - windows + + runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}-latest + continue-on-error: ${{ matrix.ruby == '3.0' || matrix.ruby == 'head'}} + name: Ruby ${{ matrix.ruby }} (${{ matrix.os }}) + steps: + - uses: actions/checkout@v2 + - uses: ruby/setup-ruby@v1 + with: + ruby-version: ${{ matrix.ruby }} + - name: build + run: | + cd ./ext/ox + ruby extconf.rb + make + - name: test + run: | + cd test + ./tests.rb diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/.gitignore ruby-ox-2.14.9/.gitignore --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/.gitignore 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/.gitignore 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +ox-*.gem +.DS_Store +\#*\# +.\#* +*~ +*.o +*.so +Makefile +*.bundle +.rbenv-version +.ruby-version +*.rbc +.rbx +.yardoc +doc diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/lib/ox/element.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/lib/ox/element.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/lib/ox/element.rb 2019-06-20 20:06:23.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/lib/ox/element.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ @nodes = [] end alias name value + alias name= value= # Returns the Element's nodes array. These are the sub-elements of this # Element. @@ -114,17 +115,8 @@ # matching name will be yielded to. If the cond is a Hash then the # keys-value pairs in the cond must match the child attribute values with # the same keys. Any other cond type will yield to nothing. - def each(cond=nil) - if cond.nil? - nodes.each { |n| yield(n) } - else - cond = cond.to_s if cond.is_a?(Symbol) - if cond.is_a?(String) - nodes.each { |n| yield(n) if n.is_a?(Element) && cond == n.name } - elsif cond.is_a?(Hash) - nodes.each { |n| yield(n) if n.is_a?(Element) && n.attr_match(cond) } - end - end + def each(cond=nil, &block) + build_enumerator(cond).each(&block) end # Returns an array of Nodes or Strings that correspond to the locations @@ -412,6 +404,24 @@ private + # Builds an enumerator for use in `#each` call + # + # - +cond+ [Hash, String, nil] an element filter + def build_enumerator(cond) + if cond.nil? + nodes.each + else + cond = cond.to_s if cond.is_a?(Symbol) + Enumerator.new do |yielder| + if cond.is_a?(String) + nodes.each { |n| yielder.yield(n) if n.is_a?(Element) && cond == n.name } + elsif cond.is_a?(Hash) + nodes.each { |n| yielder.yield(n) if n.is_a?(Element) && n.attr_match(cond) } + end + end + end + end + # Removes recursively children for nodes and sub_nodes # # - +found+ [Array] An array of Ox::Element diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/lib/ox/hasattrs.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/lib/ox/hasattrs.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/lib/ox/hasattrs.rb 2019-06-20 20:06:23.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/lib/ox/hasattrs.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ @attributes = { } if !instance_variable_defined?(:@attributes) or @attributes.nil? @attributes end - + # Returns the value of an attribute. # - +attr+ [Symbol|String] attribute name or key to return the value for def [](attr) @@ -27,9 +27,16 @@ def []=(attr, value) raise "argument to [] must be a Symbol or a String." unless attr.is_a?(Symbol) or attr.is_a?(String) @attributes = { } if !instance_variable_defined?(:@attributes) or @attributes.nil? + a_str = attr.to_s + a_sym = attr.to_sym + if @attributes.has_key?(a_str) + attr = a_str + elsif @attributes.has_key?(a_sym) + attr = a_sym + end @attributes[attr] = value.to_s end - + # Handles the 'easy' API that allows navigating a simple XML by # referencing attributes by name. # - +id+ [Symbol] element or attribute name diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/lib/ox/version.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/lib/ox/version.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/lib/ox/version.rb 2019-06-20 20:06:23.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/lib/ox/version.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ module Ox # Current version of the module. - VERSION = '2.11.0' + VERSION = '2.14.9' end diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/misc/notes ruby-ox-2.14.9/misc/notes --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/misc/notes 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/misc/notes 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +;; -*- mode: outline; outline-regexp: " *[-\+]"; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- + +^c^d hide subtree +^c^s show subtree + +- Element + - each + - locate with pattern) + +- rdoc + - --coverage-report for coverage (does not generate docs) + - rdoc --main README.md --title Ox --exclude extconf.rb lib ext/ox README.md + +- todo + + - taint deprecated + - implement a marked array or linked list in pinfo + - not super efficient but it should work + - search from tail + - grow if needed. start with none and grow as needed in blocks of ?? + + - HTML (5) builder + - should be correct for all elements + - pedantic + + - add hints and overaly to parse.c + + - continuous sax parser + - parse input stream and continue waiting for next one + + + + + + +- add UTF-16 support +U+0000..U+D7FF, U+E000..U+EFFF 00000xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx +U+10000..U+10FFFF uuuuuxxxxxxyyyyyyyyyy 110110wwwwxxxxxx 110111yyyyyyyyyy (where uuuuu = wwww + 1) + + +- hints +xmllint --valid --noout --dtdvalid ../misc/ox.dtd --debug sample.xml + +#rsync -vru --exclude ".*" --exclude "*~" --exclude "#*" --exclude misc --exclude "*.o" ~/code/ox/ ~/git/ox +rsync -vrI --exclude ".*" --exclude "*~" --exclude "#*" --exclude misc --exclude "*.o" ~/code/ox/ ~/git/ox +rsync -vrI --exclude ".*" --exclude "*~" --exclude "#*" --exclude misc --exclude "*.o" ~/git/ox/ ~/code/ox diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/misc/ox.dtd ruby-ox-2.14.9/misc/ox.dtd --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/misc/ox.dtd 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/misc/ox.dtd 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/misc/sample.xml ruby-ox-2.14.9/misc/sample.xml --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/misc/sample.xml 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/misc/sample.xml 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,1542 @@ + + + + + .. + 1309872137.000000 + 1309872137.000000 + 510 + ohler + staff + + user + rwx + group + r-x + other + r-x + + + + doc + 1302099563.000000 + 1302099563.000000 + 68 + ohler + staff + + user + rwx + group + r-x + other + r-x + + + + + ext + 1302099552.000000 + 1302099552.000000 + 102 + ohler + staff + + user + rwx + group + r-x + other + r-x + + + + ox + 1309874864.000000 + 1309874864.000000 + 1020 + ohler + staff + + user + rwx + group + r-x + other + r-x + + + + base64.c + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 4536 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + base64.h + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 1919 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + base64.o + 1309873370.000000 + 1309873370.000000 + 6100 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + cache.c + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 5211 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + cache.h + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 1877 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + cache.o + 1309873370.000000 + 1309873370.000000 + 8764 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + cache16.z + 1302099552.000000 + 1302099552.000000 + 2596 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + cache8.c + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 1844 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + cache8.h + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 1915 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + cache8.o + 1309873370.000000 + 1309873370.000000 + 11272 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + cache8_test.c + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 2542 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + cache8_test.o + 1309873370.000000 + 1309873370.000000 + 3952 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + cache_test.c + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 2493 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + cache_test.o + 1309873370.000000 + 1309873370.000000 + 4856 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + dump.c + 1309866269.000000 + 1309866269.000000 + 26622 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + dump.o + 1309873371.000000 + 1309873371.000000 + 63344 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + extconf.rb + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 155 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + gen_load.c + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 5948 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + gen_load.o + 1309873371.000000 + 1309873371.000000 + 14520 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + Makefile + 1309515102.000000 + 1309515102.000000 + 5423 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + obj_load.c + 1309874863.000000 + 1309874863.000000 + 23657 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + obj_load.o + 1309874864.000000 + 1309874864.000000 + 42948 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + ox.bundle + 1309874864.000000 + 1309874864.000000 + 75208 + ohler + staff + + user + rwx + group + r-x + other + r-x + + + + ox.c + 1309873745.000000 + 1309873745.000000 + 15782 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + ox.h + 1309872911.000000 + 1309872911.000000 + 6158 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + ox.o + 1309874178.000000 + 1309874178.000000 + 38320 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + parse.c + 1309872884.000000 + 1309872884.000000 + 16499 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + parse.o + 1309873372.000000 + 1309873372.000000 + 28616 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + + + + + lib + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 136 + ohler + staff + + user + rwx + group + r-x + other + r-x + + + + ox + 1309866905.000000 + 1309866905.000000 + 340 + ohler + staff + + user + rwx + group + r-x + other + r-x + + + + bag.rb + 1309866905.000000 + 1309866905.000000 + 2924 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + bag.rb~ + 1309866847.000000 + 1309866847.000000 + 2924 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + cdata.rb + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 233 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + comment.rb + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 297 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + doctype.rb + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 291 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + document.rb + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 792 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + element.rb + 1309513804.000000 + 1309513804.000000 + 2273 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + node.rb + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 645 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + + + ox.rb + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 3168 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + + + LICENSE + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 1488 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + misc + 1302099562.000000 + 1302099562.000000 + 102 + ohler + staff + + user + rwx + group + r-x + other + r-x + + + + load_cfg.rb + 1302099562.000000 + 1302099562.000000 + 1273 + ohler + staff + + user + rwx + group + r-x + other + r-x + + + + + + notes + 1309872137.000000 + 1309872137.000000 + 776 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + ox-1.0.2.gem + 1309515131.000000 + 1309515131.000000 + 40448 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + ox.gemspec + 1309866269.000000 + 1309866269.000000 + 747 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + README.rdoc + 1309513804.000000 + 1309513804.000000 + 4633 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + test + 1309873425.000000 + 1309873425.000000 + 680 + ohler + staff + + user + rwx + group + r-x + other + r-x + + + + cache16_test.rb + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 201 + ohler + staff + + user + rwx + group + r-x + other + r-x + + + + cache8_test.rb + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 200 + ohler + staff + + user + rwx + group + r-x + other + r-x + + + + cache_test.rb + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 199 + ohler + staff + + user + rwx + group + r-x + other + r-x + + + + files.rb + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 712 + ohler + staff + + user + rwx + group + r-x + other + r-x + + + + func.rb + 1309873425.000000 + 1309873425.000000 + 5408 + ohler + staff + + user + rwx + group + r-x + other + r-x + + + + gen_sample.rb + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 330 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + obj_sample.rb + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 326 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + ox + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 476 + ohler + staff + + user + rwx + group + r-x + other + r-x + + + + change.rb + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 330 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + dir.rb + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 255 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + doc.rb + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 831 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + file.rb + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 1085 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + group.rb + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 239 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + hasprops.rb + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 344 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + layer.rb + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 189 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + line.rb + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 369 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + oval.rb + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 166 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + rect.rb + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 166 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + shape.rb + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 658 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + text.rb + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 470 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + + + perf_gen.rb + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 5216 + ohler + staff + + user + rwx + group + r-x + other + r-x + + + + perf_mars.rb + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 2423 + ohler + staff + + user + rwx + group + r-x + other + r-x + + + + perf_obj.rb + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 5398 + ohler + staff + + user + rwx + group + r-x + other + r-x + + + + perf_pod.rb + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 2373 + ohler + staff + + user + rwx + group + r-x + other + r-x + + + + perf_write.rb + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 1675 + ohler + staff + + user + rwx + group + r-x + other + r-x + + + + Sample.graffle + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 46577 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + sample.marshal + 1309874878.000000 + 1309874878.000000 + 12412 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + sample.rb + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 1488 + ohler + staff + + user + rwx + group + r-x + other + r-x + + + + sample.xml + 1309874878.000000 + 1309874878.000000 + 28053 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + test.rb + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 1225 + ohler + staff + + user + rwx + group + r-x + other + r-x + + + + + + xml + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 510 + ohler + staff + + user + rwx + group + r-x + other + r-x + + + + attr.xml + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 40 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + comment.xml + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 44 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + empty.xml + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 23 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + env.xml + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 1097 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + loner.xml + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 30 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + mixed.xml + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 120 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + nest.xml + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 183 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + sample.xml + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 68 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + wFractal.xml + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 29077 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + wFractal_report.xml + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 44231 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + wr.xml + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 15822 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + zoo.xml + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 420 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + zoo2.xml + 1302604726.000000 + 1302604726.000000 + 1138 + ohler + staff + + user + rw- + group + r-- + other + r-- + + + + + + diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/misc/simple.xml ruby-ox-2.14.9/misc/simple.xml --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/misc/simple.xml 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/misc/simple.xml 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ + + + + + 510 + xyz + Binary files /tmp/tmpq8_bweir/gytkTYhgct/ruby-ox-2.11.0/ox.gemspec and /tmp/tmpq8_bweir/31KX50TWgi/ruby-ox-2.14.9/ox.gemspec differ diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/README.md ruby-ox-2.14.9/README.md --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/README.md 2019-06-20 20:06:23.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/README.md 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ # Ox gem A fast XML parser and Object marshaller as a Ruby gem. -[![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/ohler55/ox.svg?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/ohler55/ox) [![TideLift](https://tidelift.com/badges/github/ohler55/ox)](https://tidelift.com/subscription/pkg/rubygems-ox?utm_source=rubygems-ox&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=readme) +[![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/github/workflow/status/ohler55/ox/CI?logo=github)](https://github.com/ohler55/ox/actions/workflows/CI.yml) ## Installation gem install ox @@ -16,13 +16,9 @@ *RubyGems* *repo*: https://rubygems.org/gems/ox -## Follow @oxgem on Twitter - -[Follow @peterohler on Twitter](http://twitter.com/#!/peterohler) for announcements and news about the Ox gem. - ## Support -[Get supported Ox with a Tidelift Subscription.](https://tidelift.com/subscription/pkg/rubygems-ox?utm_source=rubygems-ox&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=readme) +[Get supported Ox with a Tidelift Subscription.](https://tidelift.com/subscription/pkg/rubygems-ox?utm_source=rubygems-ox&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=readme) Security updates are [supported](https://tidelift.com/security). ## Links of Interest @@ -78,7 +74,7 @@ callbacks that are of interest to the caller. (See the perf_sax.rb file for an example.) -Ox is compatible with Ruby 1.8.7, 1.9.3, 2.1.2, 2.2.0 and RBX. +Ox is compatible with Ruby 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 3.0. ### Object Dump Sample: @@ -108,7 +104,13 @@ ```ruby require 'ox' -doc = Ox::Document.new(:version => '1.0') +doc = Ox::Document.new + +instruct = Ox::Instruct.new(:xml) +instruct[:version] = '1.0' +instruct[:encoding] = 'UTF-8' +instruct[:standalone] = 'yes' +doc << instruct top = Ox::Element.new('top') top[:name] = 'sample' @@ -120,20 +122,31 @@ bot = Ox::Element.new('bottom') bot[:name] = 'third' +bot << 'text at bottom' mid << bot +other_elements = Ox::Element.new('otherElements') +other_elements << Ox::CData.new('John Smith') +other_elements << Ox::Comment.new('Director\'s commentary') +# other_elements << Ox::DocType.new('content') +other_elements << Ox::Raw.new('Be carefull with this! Direct inject into XML!') +top << other_elements + + xml = Ox.dump(doc) # xml = +# # # -# +# text at bottom # +# +# John Smith]]> +# +# Be carefull with this! Direct inject into XML! +# # - -doc2 = Ox.parse(xml) -puts "Same? #{doc == doc2}" -# true ``` ### HTML Parsing: @@ -306,3 +319,33 @@ an Object that refers back to the first Object. When this option is used an Object ID is added to each XML Object element as the value of the 'a' attribute. + +## Contributors + +### Code Contributors + +This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [[Contribute](CONTRIBUTING.md)]. + + +### Financial Contributors + +Become a financial contributor and help us sustain our community. [[Contribute](https://opencollective.com/ohler/contribute)] + +#### Individuals + + + +#### Organizations + +Support this project with your organization. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [[Contribute](https://opencollective.com/ohler/contribute)] + + + + + + + + + + + diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/SECURITY.md ruby-ox-2.14.9/SECURITY.md --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/SECURITY.md 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/SECURITY.md 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# Security Policy + +## Supported Versions + +Use this section to tell people about which versions of your project are +currently being supported with security updates. + +| Version | Supported | +| ------- | ------------------ | +| 2.11.0 | :white_check_mark: | + +## Reporting a Vulnerability + +Report a vulnerability by creating an issue. diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/c/cache16.c ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/c/cache16.c --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/c/cache16.c 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/c/cache16.c 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "cache16.h" + +struct _Cache16 { + VALUE value; + struct _Cache16 *slots[16]; +}; + +static void slot_print(Cache16 cache, unsigned int depth); +static void v2s(VALUE v, char *buf, unsigned long len); + +void +ox_cache16_new(Cache16 *cache) { + Cache16 *cp; + int i; + + if (0 == (*cache = (Cache16)malloc(sizeof(struct _Cache16)))) { + rb_raise(rb_eStandardError, "not enough memory\n"); + } + (*cache)->value = Qundef; + for (i = 16, cp = (*cache)->slots; 0 < i; i--, cp++) { + *cp = 0; + } +} + +VALUE +ox_cache16_get(Cache16 cache, const char *key, VALUE **slot) { + unsigned char *k = (unsigned char*)key; + Cache16 *cp; + + for (; '\0' != *k; k++) { + cp = cache->slots + (unsigned int)(*k >> 4); // upper 4 bits + if (0 == *cp) { + ox_cache16_new(cp); + } + cache = *cp; + cp = cache->slots + (unsigned int)(*k & 0x0F); // lower 4 bits + if (0 == *cp) { + ox_cache16_new(cp); + } + cache = *cp; + } + *slot = &cache->value; + + return cache->value; +} + +void +ox_cache16_print(Cache16 cache) { + //printf("-------------------------------------------\n"); + slot_print(cache, 0); +} + +static void +slot_print(Cache16 c, unsigned int depth) { + char indent[256]; + Cache16 *cp; + unsigned int i; + + if (sizeof(indent) - 1 < depth) { + depth = ((int)sizeof(indent) - 1); + } + memset(indent, ' ', depth); + indent[depth] = '\0'; + for (i = 0, cp = c->slots; i < 16; i++, cp++) { + if (0 == *cp) { + //printf("%s%02u:\n", indent, i); + } else { + if (Qundef == (*cp)->value) { + printf("%s%02u:\n", indent, i); + } else { + char value[1024]; + const char *clas; + + if (Qundef == (*cp)->value) { + strcpy(value, "undefined"); + clas = ""; + } else { + v2s((*cp)->value, value, sizeof(value)); + clas = rb_class2name(rb_obj_class((*cp)->value)); + } + printf("%s%02u: %s (%s)\n", indent, i, value, clas); + } + slot_print(*cp, depth + 2); + } + } +} + +static void +v2s(VALUE v, char *buf, unsigned long len) { + VALUE rs = rb_funcall2(v, rb_intern("to_s"), 0, 0); + + snprintf(buf, len, "%s", StringValuePtr(rs)); +} diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/c/cache8_test.c ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/c/cache8_test.c --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/c/cache8_test.c 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/c/cache8_test.c 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +/* cache8_test.c + * Copyright (c) 2011, Peter Ohler + * All rights reserved. + */ + +#include +#include "cache8.h" + +static slot_t data[] = { + 0x000000A0A0A0A0A0ULL, + 0x0000000000ABCDEFULL, + 0x0123456789ABCDEFULL, + 0x0000000000000001ULL, + 0x0000000000000002ULL, + 0x0000000000000003ULL, + 0x0000000000000004ULL, + 0 +}; + +void +ox_cache8_test() { + Cache8 c; + slot_t v; + slot_t *d; + slot_t cnt = 1; + slot_t *slot = 0; + + ox_cache8_new(&c); + for (d = data; 0 != *d; d++) { + v = ox_cache8_get(c, *d, &slot); + if (0 == v) { + if (0 == slot) { + printf("*** failed to get a slot for 0x%016llx\n", (unsigned long long)*d); + } else { + printf("*** adding 0x%016llx to cache with value %llu\n", (unsigned long long)*d, (unsigned long long)cnt); + *slot = cnt++; + } + } else { + printf("*** get on 0x%016llx returned %llu\n", (unsigned long long)*d, (unsigned long long)v); + } + /*ox_cache8_print(c); */ + } + ox_cache8_print(c); +} + diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/c/cache_test.c ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/c/cache_test.c --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/c/cache_test.c 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/c/cache_test.c 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +/* cache_test.c + * Copyright (c) 2011, Peter Ohler + * All rights reserved. + */ + +#include "cache.h" + +static const char *data[] = { +#if 1 + "one", + "two", + "one", + "onex", + "oney", + "one", + "tw", + "onexyzabcdefgh", +#else + "abc", + "abcd", + "ab", + "a", + "abcdefghijklmnop", +#endif + 0 +}; + +void +ox_cache_test() { + Cache c; + const char **d; + VALUE v; + VALUE *slot = 0;; + + ox_cache_new(&c); + for (d = data; 0 != *d; d++) { + /*printf("*** cache_get on %s\n", *d);*/ + v = ox_cache_get(c, *d, &slot, 0); + if (Qundef == v) { + if (0 == slot) { + /*printf("*** failed to get a slot for %s\n", *d); */ + } else { + /*printf("*** added '%s' to cache\n", *d); */ + v = ID2SYM(rb_intern(*d)); + *slot = v; + } + } else { + VALUE rs = rb_funcall2(v, rb_intern("to_s"), 0, 0); + + printf("*** get on '%s' returned '%s' (%s)\n", *d, StringValuePtr(rs), rb_class2name(rb_obj_class(v))); + } + /*ox_cache_print(c);*/ + } + ox_cache_print(c); +} diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/cache8_test.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/cache8_test.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/cache8_test.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/cache8_test.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env ruby + +$: << '.' +$: << '../lib' +$: << '../ext' + +if __FILE__ == $0 + if (i = ARGV.index('-I')) + x,path = ARGV.slice!(i, 2) + $: << path + end +end + +require 'ox' + +Ox.cache8_test + diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/cache_test.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/cache_test.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/cache_test.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/cache_test.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env ruby + +$: << '.' +$: << '../lib' +$: << '../ext' + +if __FILE__ == $0 + if (i = ARGV.index('-I')) + x,path = ARGV.slice!(i, 2) + $: << path + end +end + +require 'ox' + +Ox.cache_test + diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/files.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/files.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/files.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/files.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env ruby -wW2 + +if $0 == __FILE__ + $: << '.' + $: << '..' + $: << '../lib' + $: << '../ext' +end + +require 'pp' +require 'sample/file' +require 'sample/dir' + +def files(dir) + d = ::Sample::Dir.new(dir) + Dir.new(dir).each do |fn| + next if fn.start_with?('.') + filename = File.join(dir, fn) + #filename = '.' == dir ? fn : File.join(dir, fn) + if File.directory?(filename) + d << files(filename) + else + d << ::Sample::File.new(filename) + end + end + #pp d + d +end + diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/gen_sample.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/gen_sample.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/gen_sample.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/gen_sample.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ + +require 'ox' + +doc = Ox::Document.new(:version => '1.0') + +top = Ox::Element.new('top') +top[:name] = 'sample' +doc << top + +mid = Ox::Element.new('middle') +mid[:name] = 'second' +top << mid + +bot = Ox::Element.new('bottom') +bot[:name] = 'third' +mid << bot + +xml = Ox.dump(doc) +puts xml + +doc2 = Ox.parse(xml) +puts "Same? #{doc == doc2}" diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/obj_sample.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/obj_sample.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/obj_sample.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/obj_sample.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ + +require 'ox' + +class Sample + attr_accessor :a, :b, :c + + def initialize(a, b, c) + @a = a + @b = b + @c = c + end +end # File + +# Create Object +obj = Sample.new(1, "bee", ['x', :y, 7.0]) +# Now dump the Object to an XML String. +xml = Ox.dump(obj) +# Convert the object back into a Sample Object. +obj2 = Ox.parse_obj(xml) diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/ox/change.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/ox/change.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/ox/change.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/ox/change.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + +module Test + module Ox + class Change + attr_accessor :time + attr_accessor :user + attr_accessor :comment + + def initialize(comment=nil, time=nil, user=nil) + @user = user || ENV['USER'] + @time = time || Time.now + @comment = comment + end + end # Change + end # Ox +end # Test diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/ox/dir.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/ox/dir.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/ox/dir.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/ox/dir.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ + +require 'etc' + +module Test + module Ox + + class Dir < File + attr_accessor :files + + def initialize(filename) + super + @files = [] + end + + def <<(f) + @files << f + end + + end # Dir + end # Ox +end # Test diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/ox/doc.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/ox/doc.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/ox/doc.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/ox/doc.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ + +require 'test/ox/hasprops' +require 'test/ox/group' +require 'test/ox/layer' +require 'test/ox/line' +require 'test/ox/shape' +require 'test/ox/oval' +require 'test/ox/rect' +require 'test/ox/text' +require 'test/ox/change' + +module Test + module Ox + class Doc + include HasProps + + attr_accessor :title + attr_accessor :create_time + attr_accessor :user + # Hash of layers in the document indexed by layer name. + attr_reader :layers + attr_reader :change_history + + def initialize(title) + @title = title + @user = ENV['USER'] + @create_time = Time.now + @layers = { } + @change_history = [] + end + + def add_change(comment, time=nil, user=nil) + @change_history << Change.new(comment, time, user) + end + + end # Doc + end # Ox +end # Test + diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/ox/file.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/ox/file.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/ox/file.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/ox/file.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ + +require 'etc' + +module Test + module Ox + + class File + attr_accessor :name, :ctime, :mtime, :size, :owner, :group, :permissions + + def initialize(filename) + @name = ::File.basename(filename) + stat = ::File.stat(filename) + @ctime = stat.ctime + @mtime = stat.mtime + @size = stat.size + @owner = Etc.getpwuid(stat.uid).name + @group = Etc.getgrgid(stat.gid).name + @permissions = { + :user => [(0 != (stat.mode & 0x0100)) ? 'r' : '-', + (0 != (stat.mode & 0x0080)) ? 'w' : '-', + (0 != (stat.mode & 0x0040)) ? 'x' : '-'].join(''), + :group => [(0 != (stat.mode & 0x0020)) ? 'r' : '-', + (0 != (stat.mode & 0x0010)) ? 'w' : '-', + (0 != (stat.mode & 0x0008)) ? 'x' : '-'].join(''), + :other => [(0 != (stat.mode & 0x0004)) ? 'r' : '-', + (0 != (stat.mode & 0x0002)) ? 'w' : '-', + (0 != (stat.mode & 0x0001)) ? 'x' : '-'].join('') + } + end + + end # File + end # Ox +end # Test diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/ox/group.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/ox/group.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/ox/group.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/ox/group.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ + +module Test + module Ox + class Group + attr_reader :members + + def initialize() + @members = [] + end + + def <<(member) + @members << member + end + + end # Group + end # Ox +end # Test + diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/ox/hasprops.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/ox/hasprops.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/ox/hasprops.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/ox/hasprops.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ + +module Test + module Ox + module HasProps + + def add_prop(key, value) + @props = { } unless self.instance_variable_defined?(:@props) + @props[key] = value + end + + def props + @props = { } unless self.instance_variable_defined?(:@props) + @props + end + + end # HashProps + end # Ox +end # Test diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/ox/layer.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/ox/layer.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/ox/layer.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/ox/layer.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ + +module Test + module Ox + class Layer < Group + attr_accessor :name + + def initialize(name) + super() + @name = name + end + + end # Layer + end # Ox +end # Test diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/ox/line.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/ox/line.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/ox/line.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/ox/line.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +module Test + module Ox + + class Line + include HasProps + + attr_accessor :x, :y, :dx, :dy + attr_accessor :color + attr_accessor :thick + + def initialize(x, y, dx, dy, thick, color) + @x = x + @y = y + @dx = dx + @dy = dy + @thick = thick + @color = color + end + + end # Line + end # Ox +end # Test diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/ox/oval.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/ox/oval.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/ox/oval.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/ox/oval.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +module Test + module Ox + + class Oval < Shape + + def initialize(left, top, wide, high, color=nil) + super + end + + end # Oval + end # Ox +end # Test diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/ox/rect.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/ox/rect.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/ox/rect.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/ox/rect.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ + +module Test + module Ox + class Rect < Shape + + def initialize(left, top, wide, high, color=nil) + super + end + + end # Rect + end # Ox +end # Test diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/ox/shape.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/ox/shape.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/ox/shape.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/ox/shape.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ + +module Test + module Ox + class Shape + include HasProps + + attr_accessor :bounds + attr_accessor :color + attr_accessor :border, :border_color + + def initialize(left, top, wide, high, color=nil) + @bounds = [[left, top], [left + wide, top + high]] + @color = color + @border = 1 + @border_color = :black + end + + def left + @bounds[0][0] + end + + def top + @bounds[0][1] + end + + def width + @bounds[1][0] - @bounds[0][0] + end + + def height + @bounds[1][1] - @bounds[0][1] + end + + end # Shape + end # Ox +end # Test + diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/ox/text.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/ox/text.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/ox/text.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/ox/text.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ + +module Test + module Ox + + class Text < Shape + attr_accessor :text + attr_accessor :font + attr_accessor :font_size + attr_accessor :just + attr_accessor :text_color + + def initialize(text, left, top, wide, high, color=nil) + super(left, top, wide, high, color) + @text = text + @font = 'helvetica' + @font_size = 14 + @just = 'left' + @text_color = 'black' + end + + end # Text + end # Ox +end # Test diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/parse_cmp.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/parse_cmp.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/parse_cmp.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/parse_cmp.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,261 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env ruby -wW1 + +$: << '../lib' +$: << '../ext' + +require 'optparse' +require 'stringio' +require 'ox' + +$verbose = 0 +$iter = 100 + +opts = OptionParser.new +opts.on("-v", "increase verbosity") { $verbose += 1 } +opts.on("-i", "--iterations [Int]", Integer, "iterations") { |i| $iter = i } +opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this display") { puts opts; Process.exit!(0) } +files = opts.parse(ARGV) + +### XML conversion to Hash using in memory Ox parsing ### + +def node_to_dict(element) + dict = Hash.new + key = nil + element.nodes.each do |n| + raise "A dict can only contain elements." unless n.is_a?(::Ox::Element) + if key.nil? + raise "Expected a key, not a #{n.name}." unless 'key' == n.name + key = first_text(n) + else + dict[key] = node_to_value(n) + key = nil + end + end + dict +end + +def node_to_array(element) + a = Array.new + element.nodes.each do |n| + a.push(node_to_value(n)) + end + a +end + +def node_to_value(node) + raise "A dict can only contain elements." unless node.is_a?(::Ox::Element) + case node.name + when 'key' + raise "Expected a value, not a key." + when 'string' + value = first_text(node) + when 'dict' + value = node_to_dict(node) + when 'array' + value = node_to_array(node) + when 'integer' + value = first_text(node).to_i + when 'real' + value = first_text(node).to_f + when 'true' + value = true + when 'false' + value = false + else + raise "#{node.name} is not a know element type." + end + value +end + +def first_text(node) + node.nodes.each do |n| + return n if n.is_a?(String) + end + nil +end + +def parse_gen(xml) + doc = Ox.parse(xml) + plist = doc.root + dict = nil + plist.nodes.each do |n| + if n.is_a?(::Ox::Element) + dict = node_to_dict(n) + break + end + end + dict +end + +### XML conversion to Hash using Ox SAX parser ### + +class Handler + def initialize() + @key = nil + @type = nil + @plist = nil + @stack = [] + end + + def text(value) + last = @stack.last + if last.is_a?(Hash) and @key.nil? + raise "Expected a key, not #{@type} with a value of #{value}." unless :key == @type + @key = value + else + append(value) + end + end + + def start_element(name) + if :dict == name + dict = Hash.new + append(dict) + @stack.push(dict) + elsif :array == name + a = Array.new + append(a) + @stack.push(a) + elsif :true == name + append(true) + elsif :false == name + append(false) + else + @type = name + end + end + + def end_element(name) + @stack.pop if :dict == name or :array == name + end + + def plist + @plist + end + + def append(value) + unless value.is_a?(Array) or value.is_a?(Hash) + case @type + when :string + # ignore + when :key + # ignore + when :integer + value = value.to_i + when :real + value = value.to_f + end + end + last = @stack.last + if last.is_a?(Hash) + raise "Expected a key, not with a value of #{value}." if @key.nil? + last[@key] = value + @key = nil + elsif last.is_a?(Array) + last.push(value) + elsif last.nil? + @plist = value + end + end + +end + +def parse_sax(xml) + io = StringIO.new(xml) + start = Time.now + handler = Handler.new() + Ox.sax_parse(handler, io) + handler.plist +end + +### XML conversion to Hash using Ox Object parsing with gsub! replacements ### + +def convert_parse_obj(xml) + xml = plist_to_obj_xml(xml) + ::Ox.load(xml, :mode => :object) +end + +### XML conversion to Hash using Ox Object parsing after gsub! replacements ### + +def parse_obj(xml) + ::Ox.load(xml, :mode => :object) +end + +def plist_to_obj_xml(xml) + xml = xml.gsub(%{ +}, '') + xml.gsub!(%{ +}, '') + { '' => '', + '' => '', + '' => '', + '' => '', + '' => '', + '' => '', + '' => '', + '' => '', + '' => '', + '' => '', + '' => '', + '' => '', + '' => '', + '' => '', + '' => '', + '' => '', + '' => '', + '' => '', + '' => '', + }.each do |pat,rep| + xml.gsub!(pat, rep) + end + xml +end + +files.each do |filename| + xml = File.read(filename) + + if 0 < $verbose + d1 = parse_gen(xml) + d2 = parse_sax(xml) + d3 = convert_parse_obj(xml) + puts "--- It is #{d1 == d2 and d2 == d3} that all parsers yield the same Hash. ---" + end + + start = Time.now + $iter.times do + parse_gen(xml) + end + gen_time = Time.now - start + + start = Time.now + $iter.times do + parse_sax(xml) + end + sax_time = Time.now - start + + start = Time.now + $iter.times do + convert_parse_obj(xml) + end + conv_obj_time = Time.now - start + + xml = plist_to_obj_xml(xml) + start = Time.now + $iter.times do + parse_obj(xml) + end + obj_time = Time.now - start + + puts "In memory parsing and conversion took #{gen_time} for #{$iter} iterations." + puts "SAX parsing and conversion took #{sax_time} for #{$iter} iterations." + puts "XML gsub Object parsing and conversion took #{conv_obj_time} for #{$iter} iterations." + puts "Object parsing and conversion took #{obj_time} for #{$iter} iterations." +end + +# Results for a run: +# +# > parse_cmp.rb Sample.graffle -i 1000 +# In memory parsing and conversion took 4.135701 for 1000 iterations. +# SAX parsing and conversion took 3.731695 for 1000 iterations. +# XML gsub Object parsing and conversion took 3.292397 for 1000 iterations. +# Object parsing and conversion took 0.808877 for 1000 iterations. diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/perf_gen.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/perf_gen.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/perf_gen.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/perf_gen.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env ruby + +$: << '.' +$: << '..' +$: << '../lib' +$: << '../ext' + +if __FILE__ == $0 + if (i = ARGV.index('-I')) + x = ARGV.slice!(i, 2) + $: << x[1] + end +end + +require 'optparse' +require 'ox' +require 'sample' +require 'test/ox/doc' +require 'files' +require 'perf' +begin + require 'nokogiri' +rescue Exception => e +end +begin + require 'libxml' +rescue Exception => e +end + +$verbose = 0 +$ox_only = false + +do_sample = false +do_files = false +do_load = false +do_dump = false +do_read = false +do_write = false +$iter = 1000 + +opts = OptionParser.new +opts.on("-v", "increase verbosity") { $verbose += 1 } + +opts.on("-x", "ox only") { $ox_only = true } + +opts.on("-s", "load and dump as sample Ruby object") { do_sample = true } +opts.on("-f", "load and dump as files Ruby object") { do_files = true } + +opts.on("-l", "load") { do_load = true } +opts.on("-d", "dump") { do_dump = true } +opts.on("-r", "read") { do_read = true } +opts.on("-w", "write") { do_write = true } +opts.on("-a", "load, dump, read and write") { do_load = true; do_dump = true; do_read = true; do_write = true } + +opts.on("-i", "--iterations [Int]", Integer, "iterations") { |it| $iter = it } + +opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this display") { puts opts; Process.exit!(0) } +files = opts.parse(ARGV) + +Ox.default_options = {mode: :generic} + +data = [] + +if files.empty? + data = [] + obj = do_sample ? sample_doc(2) : files('..') + xml = Ox.dump(obj, :indent => 2, :opt_format => true) + File.open('sample.xml', 'w') { |f| f.write(xml) } + gen = Ox.parse(xml) + h = { :file => 'sample.xml', :xml => xml, :ox => gen } + h[:nokogiri] = Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse(xml) unless defined?(::Nokogiri).nil? + h[:libxml] = LibXML::XML::Document.string(xml) unless defined?(::LibXML).nil? + data << h +else + puts "loading and parsing #{files}\n\n" + data = files.map do |f| + xml = File.read(f) + obj = Ox.parse(xml) + gen = Ox.parse(xml) + h = { :file => f, :xml => xml, :ox => gen } + h[:nokogiri] = Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse(xml) unless defined?(::Nokogiri).nil? + h[:libxml] = LibXML::XML::Document.string(xml) unless defined?(::LibXML).nil? + h + end +end + +data.each do |d| + if do_load + perf = Perf.new() + perf.add('Ox', 'parse') { Ox.parse(xml) } + perf.add('Nokogiri', 'parse') { Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse(xml) } unless defined?(::Nokogiri).nil? + perf.add('LibXML', 'parse') { LibXML::XML::Document.string(xml) } unless defined?(::LibXML).nil? + perf.run($iter) + end + + if do_dump + perf = Perf.new() + perf.add('Ox', 'dump') { Ox.dump($obj, :indent => 2) } + perf.before('Ox') { $obj = d[:ox] } + unless defined?(::Nokogiri).nil? + perf.add('Nokogiri', 'dump') { $obj.to_xml(:indent => 2) } + perf.before('Nokogiri') { $obj = d[:nokogiri] } + end + unless defined?(::LibXML).nil? + perf.add('LibXML', 'dump') { $obj.to_s() } + perf.before('LibXML') { $obj = d[:libxml] } + end + perf.run($iter) + end + + if do_read + $filename = d[:file] + perf = Perf.new() + perf.add('Ox', 'load_file') { Ox.load_file($filename) } + perf.add('Nokogiri', 'parse') { Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse(File.open($filename)) } unless defined?(::Nokogiri).nil? + perf.add('LibXML', 'parse') { LibXML::XML::Document.file($filename) } unless defined?(::LibXML).nil? + perf.run($iter) + end + + if do_write + $filename = 'out.xml' + perf = Perf.new() + perf.add('Ox', 'to_file') { Ox.to_file($filename, $obj, :indent => 0) } + perf.before('Ox') { $obj = d[:ox] } + unless defined?(::Nokogiri).nil? + perf.add('Nokogiri', 'dump') { + xml = $obj.to_xml(:indent => 0) + File.open($filename, "w") { |f| f.write(xml) } + } + end + perf.before('Nokogiri') { $obj = d[:nokogiri] } + unless defined?(::LibXML).nil? + perf.add('LibXML', 'dump') { + xml = $obj.to_s() + File.open($filename, "w") { |f| f.write(xml) } + } + perf.before('LibXML') { $obj = d[:libxml] } + end + perf.run($iter) + end + +end diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/perf_mars.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/perf_mars.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/perf_mars.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/perf_mars.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env ruby + +$: << '.' +$: << '..' +$: << '../lib' +$: << '../ext' + +if __FILE__ == $0 + if (i = ARGV.index('-I')) + x,path = ARGV.slice!(i, 2) + $: << path + end +end + +require 'optparse' +require 'pp' +require 'ox' + +it = 5000 + +opts = OptionParser.new +opts.on("-i", "--iterations [Int]", Integer, "iterations") { |i| it = i } +opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this display") { puts opts; Process.exit!(0) } +files = opts.parse(ARGV) + +module Test + module Ox + class Wrap + attr_accessor :values + def initialize(v=[]) + @values = v + end + end + end +end + +data = { + :Boolean => ::Test::Ox::Wrap.new(), + :Fixnum => ::Test::Ox::Wrap.new(), + :Float => ::Test::Ox::Wrap.new(), + :String => ::Test::Ox::Wrap.new(), + :Symbol => ::Test::Ox::Wrap.new(), + :Time => ::Test::Ox::Wrap.new(), + :Array => ::Test::Ox::Wrap.new(), + :Hash => ::Test::Ox::Wrap.new(), + :Range => ::Test::Ox::Wrap.new(), + :Regexp => ::Test::Ox::Wrap.new(), + :Bignum => ::Test::Ox::Wrap.new(), + :Complex => ::Test::Ox::Wrap.new(), + :Rational => ::Test::Ox::Wrap.new(), + :Struct => ::Test::Ox::Wrap.new(), + :Class => ::Test::Ox::Wrap.new(), + :Object => ::Test::Ox::Wrap.new(), +} + +s = Struct.new('Zoo', :x, :y, :z) + +(1..200).each do |i| + data[:Boolean].values << (0 == (i % 2)) + data[:Fixnum].values << ((i - 10) * 101) + data[:Float].values << ((i.to_f - 10.7) * 30.5) + data[:String].values << "String #{i}" + data[:Symbol].values << "Symbol#{i}".to_sym + data[:Time].values << Time.now + i + data[:Array].values << [] + data[:Hash].values << { } + data[:Range].values << (0..7) + data[:Regexp].values << /^[0-9]/ + data[:Bignum].values << (7 ** 55) + data[:Complex].values << Complex(1, 2) + data[:Rational].values << Rational(1, 3) + data[:Struct].values << s.new(1, 3, 5) + data[:Class].values << ::Test::Ox::Wrap + data[:Object].values << ::Test::Ox::Wrap.new(i) +end + +puts " load dump" +puts "type Ox Marshal ratio Ox Marshal ratio" +data.each do |type,a| + #xml = Ox.dump(a, :indent => -1, :xsd_date => true) + xml = Ox.dump(a, :indent => -1) + #pp a + #puts xml + start = Time.now + (1..it).each do + obj = Ox.load(xml, :mode => :object) + #pp obj + end + ox_load_time = Time.now - start + + m = Marshal.dump(a) + start = Time.now + (1..it).each do + obj = Marshal.load(m) + end + mars_load_time = Time.now - start + + obj = Ox.load(xml, :mode => :object) + start = Time.now + (1..it).each do + xml = Ox.dump(a, :indent => -1) + end + ox_dump_time = Time.now - start + + start = Time.now + (1..it).each do + m = Marshal.dump(a) + end + mars_dump_time = Time.now - start + + puts "%8s %6.3f %6.3f %0.1f %6.3f %6.3f %0.1f" % [type.to_s, + ox_load_time, mars_load_time, mars_load_time / ox_load_time, + ox_dump_time, mars_dump_time, mars_dump_time / ox_dump_time] +end diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/perf_obj.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/perf_obj.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/perf_obj.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/perf_obj.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env ruby + +$: << '.' +$: << '../lib' +$: << '../ext' + +if __FILE__ == $0 + if (i = ARGV.index('-I')) + x = ARGV.slice!(i, 2) + $: << x[1] + end +end + +require 'optparse' +require 'ox' +require 'perf' +require 'sample' +require 'files' +begin + require 'oj' +rescue Exception +end + +$circular = false +$indent = 0 +ox_only = false + +do_sample = false +do_files = false + +do_load = false +do_dump = false +do_read = false +do_write = false +$iter = 1000 + +opts = OptionParser.new +opts.on("-c", "circular options") { $circular = true } + +opts.on("-s", "load and dump as sample Ruby object") { do_sample = true } +opts.on("-f", "load and dump as files Ruby object") { do_files = true } + +opts.on("-l", "load") { do_load = true } +opts.on("-d", "dump") { do_dump = true } +opts.on("-r", "read") { do_read = true } +opts.on("-w", "write") { do_write = true } +opts.on("-a", "load, dump, read and write") { do_load = true; do_dump = true; do_read = true; do_write = true } + +opts.on("-i", "--iterations [Int]", Integer, "iterations") { |it| $iter = it } +opts.on("-o", "ox_only") { ox_only = true } + +opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this display") { puts opts; Process.exit!(0) } +files = opts.parse(ARGV) + +$obj = nil +$xml = nil +$mars = nil +$json = nil + +unless do_load || do_dump || do_read || do_write + do_load = true + do_dump = true + do_read = true + do_write = true +end + +# prepare all the formats for input +if files.empty? + $obj = do_sample ? sample_doc(2) : files('..') + $mars = Marshal.dump($obj) + $xml = Ox.dump($obj, :indent => $indent, :circular => $circular) + File.open('sample.xml', 'w') { |f| f.write($xml) } + File.open('sample.marshal', 'w') { |f| f.write($mars) } + unless defined?(::Oj).nil? + $json = Oj.dump($obj, :indent => $indent, :circular => $circular) + File.open('sample.json', 'w') { |f| f.write($json) } + end +else + puts "loading and parsing #{files}\n\n" + files.map do |f| + $xml = File.read(f) + $obj = Ox.load($xml); + $mars = Marshal.dump($obj) + $json = Oj.dump($obj, :indent => $indent, :circular => $circular) unless defined?(::Oj).nil? + end +end + +Oj.default_options = { :mode => :object, :indent => $indent } unless defined?(::Oj).nil? + +if do_load + puts '-' * 80 + puts "Load Performance" + perf = Perf.new() + perf.add('Ox', 'load') { Ox.load($xml, :mode => :object) } + perf.add('Oj', 'load') { Oj.load($json) } unless (defined?(::Oj).nil? || ox_only) + perf.add('Marshal', 'load') { Marshal.load($mars) } unless ox_only + perf.run($iter) +end + +if do_dump + puts '-' * 80 + puts "Dump Performance" + perf = Perf.new() + perf.add('Ox', 'dump') { Ox.dump($obj, :indent => $indent, :circular => $circular) } + perf.add('Oj', 'dump') { Oj.dump($obj) } unless (defined?(::Oj).nil? || ox_only) + perf.add('Marshal', 'dump') { Marshal.dump($obj) } unless ox_only + perf.run($iter) +end + +if do_read + puts '-' * 80 + puts "Read from file Performance" + perf = Perf.new() + perf.add('Ox', 'load_file') { Ox.load_file('sample.xml', :mode => :object) } + perf.add('Oj', 'load') { Oj.load_file('sample.json') } unless (defined?(::Oj).nil? || ox_only) + perf.add('Marshal', 'load') { Marshal.load(File.new('sample.marshal')) } unless ox_only + perf.run($iter) +end + +if do_write + puts '-' * 80 + puts "Write to file Performance" + perf = Perf.new() + perf.add('Ox', 'to_file') { Ox.to_file('sample.xml', $obj, :indent => $indent, :circular => $circular) } + perf.add('Oj', 'to_file') { Oj.to_file('sample.json', $obj) } unless (defined?(::Oj).nil? || ox_only) + perf.add('Marshal', 'dump') { Marshal.dump($obj, File.new('sample.marshal', 'w')) } unless ox_only + perf.run($iter) +end diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/perf.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/perf.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/perf.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/perf.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ + +class Perf + + def initialize() + @items = [] + end + + def add(title, op, &blk) + @items << Item.new(title, op, &blk) + end + + def before(title, &blk) + @items.each do |i| + if title == i.title + i.set_before(&blk) + break + end + end + end + + def run(iter) + base = Item.new(nil, nil) { } + base.run(iter, 0.0) + @items.each do |i| + i.run(iter, base.duration) + if i.error.nil? + puts "#{i.title}.#{i.op} #{iter} times in %0.3f seconds or %0.3f #{i.op}/sec." % [i.duration, iter / i.duration] + else + puts "***** #{i.title}.#{i.op} failed! #{i.error}" + end + end + summary() + end + + def summary() + width = 6 + @items.each do |i| + next if i.duration.nil? + width = i.title.size if width < i.title.size + end + iva = @items.clone + iva.delete_if { |i| i.duration.nil? } + iva = iva.sort_by { |i| i.duration } + puts + puts "Summary:" + puts "%*s time (secs) rate (ops/sec)" % [width, 'System'] + puts "#{'-' * width} ----------- --------------" + iva.each do |i| + if i.duration.nil? + else + puts "%*s %11.3f %14.3f" % [width, i.title, i.duration, i.rate ] + end + end + puts + puts "Comparison Matrix\n(performance factor, 2.0 means row is twice as fast as column)" + puts(([' ' * width] + iva.map { |i| "%*s" % [width, i.title] }).join(' ')) + puts((['-' * width] + iva.map { |i| '-' * width }).join(' ')) + iva.each do |i| + line = ["%*s" % [width, i.title]] + iva.each do |o| + line << "%*.2f" % [width, o.duration / i.duration] + end + puts line.join(' ') + end + puts + end + + class Item + attr_accessor :title + attr_accessor :op + attr_accessor :blk + attr_accessor :duration + attr_accessor :rate + attr_accessor :error + + def initialize(title, op, &blk) + @title = title + @blk = blk + @op = op + @duration = nil + @rate = nil + @error = nil + @before = nil + end + + def set_before(&blk) + @before = blk + end + + def run(iter, base) + begin + GC.start + @before.call unless @before.nil? + start = Time.now + iter.times { @blk.call } + @duration = Time.now - start - base + @duration = 0.0 if @duration < 0.0 + @rate = iter / @duration + rescue Exception => e + @error = "#{e.class}: #{e.message}" + end + end + + end # Item +end # Perf diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/perf_sax.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/perf_sax.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/perf_sax.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/perf_sax.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,188 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env ruby + +$: << '.' +$: << '..' +$: << '../lib' +$: << '../ext' + +if __FILE__ == $0 + while (i = ARGV.index('-I')) + x = ARGV.slice!(i, 2) + $: << x[1] + end +end + +require 'optparse' +require 'ox' +require 'perf' +require 'files' +begin + require 'nokogiri' +rescue Exception => e +end +begin + require 'libxml' +rescue Exception => e +end + +$verbose = 0 +$ox_only = false +$all_cbs = false +$filename = nil # nil indicates new file names perf.xml will be created and used +$filesize = 1000 # KBytes +$iter = 1000 +$strio = false +$pos = false +$smart = false + +opts = OptionParser.new +opts.on("-v", "increase verbosity") { $verbose += 1 } +opts.on("-x", "ox only") { $ox_only = true } +opts.on("-a", "all callbacks") { $all_cbs = true } +opts.on("-b", "html smart") { $smart = true } +opts.on("-p", "update position") { $pos = true; $all_cbs = true } +opts.on("-z", "use StringIO instead of file") { $strio = true } +opts.on("-f", "--file [String]", String, "filename") { |f| $filename = f } +opts.on("-i", "--iterations [Int]", Integer, "iterations") { |it| $iter = it } +opts.on("-s", "--size [Int]", Integer, "file size in KBytes") { |s| $filesize = s } +opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this display") { puts opts; Process.exit!(0) } +opts.parse(ARGV) + +$xml_str = nil + +# size is in Kbytes +def create_file(filename, size) + head = %{ + + + +} + tail = %{
+} + row = %{ + + 1234 + A string. + This is a longer string that stretches over a larger number of characters. + -12.345 + 2011-09-18 23:07:26 +0900 + + +} + cnt = (size * 1000 - head.size - tail.size) / row.size + File.open(filename, "w") do |f| + f.write(head) + cnt.times do |i| + f.write(row % [i,i]) + end + f.write(tail) + end +end + +class OxSax < ::Ox::Sax + def error(message, line, column); puts message; end +end + +class OxAllSax < OxSax + def start_element(name); end + def attr(name, str); end + def attr_value(name, value); end + def end_element(name); end + def text(str); end + def value(value); end + def instruct(target); end + def doctype(value); end + def comment(value); end + def cdata(value); end +end + +class OxPosAllSax < OxAllSax + def initialize() + @line = nil + @column = nil + end +end + +unless defined?(::Nokogiri).nil? + class NoSax < Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document + def error(message); puts message; end + def warning(message); puts message; end + end + class NoAllSax < NoSax + def start_element(name, attrs = []); end + def characters(text); end + def cdata_block(string); end + def comment(string); end + def end_document(); end + def end_element(name); end + def start_document(); end + def xmldecl(version, encoding, standalone); end + end +end + +unless defined?(::LibXML).nil? + class LxSax + include LibXML::XML::SaxParser::Callbacks + end + class LxAllSax < LxSax + def on_start_element(element, attributes); end + def on_cdata_block(cdata); end + def on_characters(chars); end + def on_comment(msg); end + def on_end_document(); end + def on_end_element(element); end + def on_end_element_ns(name, prefix, uri); end + def on_error(msg); end + def on_external_subset(name, external_id, system_id); end + def on_has_external_subset(); end + def on_has_internal_subset(); end + def on_internal_subset(name, external_id, system_id); end + def on_is_standalone(); end + def on_processing_instruction(target, data); end + def on_reference(name); end + def on_start_document(); end + def on_start_element_ns(name, attributes, prefix, uri, namespaces); end + end +end + +if $filename.nil? + create_file('perf.xml', $filesize) + $filename = 'perf.xml' +end +$xml_str = File.read($filename) + +puts "A #{$filesize} KByte XML file was parsed #{$iter} times for this test." + +$handler = nil +perf = Perf.new + +perf.add('Ox::Sax', 'sax_parse') { + input = $strio ? StringIO.new($xml_str) : IO.open(IO.sysopen($filename)) + Ox.sax_parse($handler, input, :smart => $smart) + input.close +} +perf.before('Ox::Sax') { $handler = $all_cbs ? ($pos ? OxPosAllSax.new() : OxAllSax.new()) : OxSax.new() } + +unless $ox_only + unless defined?(::Nokogiri).nil? + perf.add('Nokogiri::XML::Sax', 'parse') { + input = $strio ? StringIO.new($xml_str) : IO.open(IO.sysopen($filename)) + $handler.parse(input) + input.close + } + perf.before('Nokogiri::XML::Sax') { $handler = Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Parser.new($all_cbs ? NoAllSax.new() : NoSax.new()) } + end + + unless defined?(::LibXML).nil? + perf.add('LibXML::XML::Sax', 'parse') { + input = $strio ? StringIO.new($xml_str) : IO.open(IO.sysopen($filename)) + parser = LibXML::XML::SaxParser.io(input) + parser.callbacks = $handler + parser.parse() + input.close + } + perf.before('LibXML::XML::Sax') { $handler = $all_cbs ? LxAllSax.new() : LxSax.new() } + end +end + +perf.run($iter) diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sample/change.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sample/change.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sample/change.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sample/change.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ + +module Sample + class Change + attr_accessor :time + attr_accessor :user + attr_accessor :comment + + def initialize(comment=nil, time=nil, user=nil) + @user = user || ENV['USER'] + @time = time || Time.now + @comment = comment + end + end # Change +end # Sample diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sample/dir.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sample/dir.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sample/dir.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sample/dir.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ + +require 'etc' + +module Sample + + class Dir < File + attr_accessor :files + + def initialize(filename) + super + @files = [] + end + + def <<(f) + @files << f + end + + end # Dir +end # Sample diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sample/doc.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sample/doc.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sample/doc.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sample/doc.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ + +require 'sample/hasprops' +require 'sample/group' +require 'sample/layer' +require 'sample/line' +require 'sample/shape' +require 'sample/oval' +require 'sample/rect' +require 'sample/text' +require 'sample/change' + +module Sample + class Doc + include HasProps + + attr_accessor :title + attr_accessor :create_time + attr_accessor :user + # Hash of layers in the document indexed by layer name. + attr_reader :layers + attr_reader :change_history + + def initialize(title) + @title = title + @user = ENV['USER'] + @create_time = Time.now + @layers = { } + @change_history = [] + end + + def add_change(comment, time=nil, user=nil) + @change_history << Change.new(comment, time, user) + end + + end # Doc +end # Sample diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sample/file.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sample/file.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sample/file.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sample/file.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ + +require 'etc' + +module Sample + + class File + attr_accessor :name, :ctime, :mtime, :size, :owner, :group, :permissions + + def initialize(filename) + @name = ::File.basename(filename) + stat = ::File.stat(filename) + @ctime = stat.ctime + @mtime = stat.mtime + @size = stat.size + @owner = Etc.getpwuid(stat.uid).name + @group = Etc.getgrgid(stat.gid).name + if false + @permissions = { + 'user' => { + 'read' => (0 != (stat.mode & 0x0100)), + 'write' => (0 != (stat.mode & 0x0080)), + 'execute' => (0 != (stat.mode & 0x0040))}, + 'group' => { + 'read' => (0 != (stat.mode & 0x0020)), + 'write' => (0 != (stat.mode & 0x0010)), + 'execute' => (0 != (stat.mode & 0x0008))}, + 'other' => { + 'read' => (0 != (stat.mode & 0x0004)), + 'write' => (0 != (stat.mode & 0x0002)), + 'execute' => (0 != (stat.mode & 0x0001))} + } + else + @permissions = { + 'user' => [(0 != (stat.mode & 0x0100)) ? 'r' : '-', + (0 != (stat.mode & 0x0080)) ? 'w' : '-', + (0 != (stat.mode & 0x0040)) ? 'x' : '-'].join(''), + 'group' => [(0 != (stat.mode & 0x0020)) ? 'r' : '-', + (0 != (stat.mode & 0x0010)) ? 'w' : '-', + (0 != (stat.mode & 0x0008)) ? 'x' : '-'].join(''), + 'other' => [(0 != (stat.mode & 0x0004)) ? 'r' : '-', + (0 != (stat.mode & 0x0002)) ? 'w' : '-', + (0 != (stat.mode & 0x0001)) ? 'x' : '-'].join('') + } + end + end + + end # File +end # Sample diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sample/group.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sample/group.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sample/group.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sample/group.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + +module Sample + class Group + attr_reader :members + + def initialize() + @members = [] + end + + def <<(member) + @members << member + end + + end # Group +end # Sample + diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sample/hasprops.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sample/hasprops.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sample/hasprops.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sample/hasprops.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + +module Sample + module HasProps + + def add_prop(key, value) + @props = { } unless self.instance_variable_defined?(:@props) + @props[key] = value + end + + def props + @props = { } unless self.instance_variable_defined?(:@props) + @props + end + + end # HasProps +end # Sample diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sample/layer.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sample/layer.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sample/layer.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sample/layer.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ + +module Sample + class Layer < Group + attr_accessor :name + + def initialize(name) + super() + @name = name + end + + end # Layer +end # Sample diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sample/line.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sample/line.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sample/line.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sample/line.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +module Sample + + class Line + include HasProps + + attr_accessor :x, :y, :dx, :dy + attr_accessor :color + attr_accessor :thick + + def initialize(x, y, dx, dy, thick, color) + @x = x + @y = y + @dx = dx + @dy = dy + @thick = thick + @color = color + end + + end # Line +end # Sample diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sample/oval.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sample/oval.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sample/oval.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sample/oval.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +module Sample + + class Oval < Shape + + def initialize(left, top, wide, high, color=nil) + super + end + + end # Oval +end # Sample diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sample/rect.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sample/rect.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sample/rect.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sample/rect.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ + +module Sample + class Rect < Shape + + def initialize(left, top, wide, high, color=nil) + super + end + + end # Rect +end # Sample diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sample/shape.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sample/shape.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sample/shape.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sample/shape.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ + +module Sample + class Shape + include HasProps + + attr_accessor :bounds + attr_accessor :color + attr_accessor :border, :border_color + + def initialize(left, top, wide, high, color=nil) + @bounds = [[left, top], [left + wide, top + high]] + @color = color + @border = 1 + @border_color = :black + end + + def left + @bounds[0][0] + end + + def top + @bounds[0][1] + end + + def width + @bounds[1][0] - @bounds[0][0] + end + + def height + @bounds[1][1] - @bounds[0][1] + end + + end # Shape +end # Sample + diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sample/text.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sample/text.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sample/text.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sample/text.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ + +module Sample + class Text < Shape + attr_accessor :text + attr_accessor :font + attr_accessor :font_size + attr_accessor :just + attr_accessor :text_color + + def initialize(text, left, top, wide, high, color=nil) + super(left, top, wide, high, color) + @text = text + @font = 'helvetica' + @font_size = 14 + @just = 'left' + @text_color = 'black' + end + + end # Text +end # Sample diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/Sample.graffle ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/Sample.graffle --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/Sample.graffle 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/Sample.graffle 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,2318 @@ + + + + + ActiveLayerIndex + 0 + ApplicationVersion + + com.omnigroup.OmniGrafflePro + + + AutoAdjust + + BackgroundGraphic + + Bounds + {{0, 0}, {559.28, 782.89}} + Class + SolidGraphic + ID + 2 + Style + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + stroke + + Draws + NO + + + + CanvasOrigin + {0, 0} + ColumnAlign + 1 + ColumnSpacing + 36 + CreationDate + 2010-12-30 19:08:43 +0900 + Creator + Ohler Peter + DisplayScale + 1.000 cm = 1.000 cm + FileType + flat + GraphDocumentVersion + 6 + GraphicsList + + + Class + LineGraphic + Head + + ID + 90 + + ID + 95 + Points + + {325.484, 404.043} + {298.136, 404.177} + + Style + + stroke + + HeadArrow + 0 + LineType + 1 + TailArrow + 0 + + + Tail + + ID + 91 + + + + Class + LineGraphic + Head + + ID + 89 + + ID + 94 + Points + + {254.618, 404.043} + {227.27, 404.177} + + Style + + stroke + + HeadArrow + 0 + LineType + 1 + TailArrow + 0 + + + Tail + + ID + 90 + + + + Class + LineGraphic + Head + + ID + 88 + + ID + 93 + Points + + {183.752, 404.043} + {156.404, 404.177} + + Style + + stroke + + HeadArrow + 0 + LineType + 1 + TailArrow + 0 + + + Tail + + ID + 89 + + + + Class + LineGraphic + Head + + ID + 87 + + ID + 92 + Points + + {112.886, 404.043} + {85.538, 404.177} + + Style + + stroke + + HeadArrow + 0 + LineType + 1 + TailArrow + 0 + + + Tail + + ID + 88 + + + + Bounds + {{325.984, 382.677}, {42.5196, 42.5196}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 91 + Shape + Circle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 0 + r + 1 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{255.118, 382.677}, {42.5196, 42.5196}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 90 + Shape + Circle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 0 + r + 1 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{184.252, 382.677}, {42.5196, 42.5196}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 89 + Shape + Circle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 0 + r + 1 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{113.386, 382.677}, {42.5196, 42.5196}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 88 + Shape + Circle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 0 + r + 1 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{42.5197, 382.677}, {42.5196, 42.5196}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 87 + Shape + Circle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 0 + r + 1 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{311.811, 368.504}, {70.8661, 70.8661}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 86 + Shape + Rectangle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0.501961 + g + 0.501961 + r + 0.501961 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{240.945, 368.504}, {70.8661, 70.8661}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 85 + Shape + Rectangle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 0.501961 + r + 0 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{170.079, 368.504}, {70.8661, 70.8661}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 84 + Shape + Rectangle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 1 + r + 1 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{99.2127, 368.504}, {70.8661, 70.8661}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 83 + Shape + Rectangle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 1 + g + 0.501961 + r + 0 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{28.3465, 368.504}, {70.8661, 70.8661}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 82 + Shape + Rectangle + Style + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Class + LineGraphic + Head + + ID + 76 + + ID + 81 + Points + + {325.484, 319.004} + {298.136, 319.138} + + Style + + stroke + + HeadArrow + 0 + LineType + 1 + TailArrow + 0 + + + Tail + + ID + 77 + + + + Class + LineGraphic + Head + + ID + 75 + + ID + 80 + Points + + {254.618, 319.004} + {227.27, 319.138} + + Style + + stroke + + HeadArrow + 0 + LineType + 1 + TailArrow + 0 + + + Tail + + ID + 76 + + + + Class + LineGraphic + Head + + ID + 74 + + ID + 79 + Points + + {183.752, 319.004} + {156.404, 319.138} + + Style + + stroke + + HeadArrow + 0 + LineType + 1 + TailArrow + 0 + + + Tail + + ID + 75 + + + + Class + LineGraphic + Head + + ID + 73 + + ID + 78 + Points + + {112.886, 319.004} + {85.538, 319.138} + + Style + + stroke + + HeadArrow + 0 + LineType + 1 + TailArrow + 0 + + + Tail + + ID + 74 + + + + Bounds + {{325.984, 297.638}, {42.5196, 42.5196}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 77 + Shape + Circle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 0 + r + 1 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{255.118, 297.638}, {42.5196, 42.5196}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 76 + Shape + Circle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 0 + r + 1 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{184.252, 297.638}, {42.5196, 42.5196}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 75 + Shape + Circle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 0 + r + 1 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{113.386, 297.638}, {42.5196, 42.5196}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 74 + Shape + Circle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 0 + r + 1 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{42.5197, 297.638}, {42.5196, 42.5196}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 73 + Shape + Circle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 0 + r + 1 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{311.811, 283.465}, {70.8661, 70.8661}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 72 + Shape + Rectangle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0.501961 + g + 0.501961 + r + 0.501961 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{240.945, 283.465}, {70.8661, 70.8661}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 71 + Shape + Rectangle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 0.501961 + r + 0 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{170.079, 283.465}, {70.8661, 70.8661}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 70 + Shape + Rectangle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 1 + r + 1 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{99.2127, 283.465}, {70.8661, 70.8661}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 69 + Shape + Rectangle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 1 + g + 0.501961 + r + 0 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{28.3465, 283.465}, {70.8661, 70.8661}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 68 + Shape + Rectangle + Style + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Class + LineGraphic + Head + + ID + 62 + + ID + 67 + Points + + {325.484, 233.964} + {298.136, 234.098} + + Style + + stroke + + HeadArrow + 0 + LineType + 1 + TailArrow + 0 + + + Tail + + ID + 63 + + + + Class + LineGraphic + Head + + ID + 61 + + ID + 66 + Points + + {254.618, 233.964} + {227.27, 234.098} + + Style + + stroke + + HeadArrow + 0 + LineType + 1 + TailArrow + 0 + + + Tail + + ID + 62 + + + + Class + LineGraphic + Head + + ID + 60 + + ID + 65 + Points + + {183.752, 233.964} + {156.404, 234.098} + + Style + + stroke + + HeadArrow + 0 + LineType + 1 + TailArrow + 0 + + + Tail + + ID + 61 + + + + Class + LineGraphic + Head + + ID + 59 + + ID + 64 + Points + + {112.886, 233.964} + {85.538, 234.098} + + Style + + stroke + + HeadArrow + 0 + LineType + 1 + TailArrow + 0 + + + Tail + + ID + 60 + + + + Bounds + {{325.984, 212.598}, {42.5196, 42.5196}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 63 + Shape + Circle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 0 + r + 1 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{255.118, 212.598}, {42.5196, 42.5196}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 62 + Shape + Circle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 0 + r + 1 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{184.252, 212.598}, {42.5196, 42.5196}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 61 + Shape + Circle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 0 + r + 1 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{113.386, 212.598}, {42.5196, 42.5196}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 60 + Shape + Circle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 0 + r + 1 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{42.5197, 212.598}, {42.5196, 42.5196}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 59 + Shape + Circle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 0 + r + 1 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{311.811, 198.425}, {70.8661, 70.8661}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 58 + Shape + Rectangle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0.501961 + g + 0.501961 + r + 0.501961 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{240.945, 198.425}, {70.8661, 70.8661}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 57 + Shape + Rectangle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 0.501961 + r + 0 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{170.079, 198.425}, {70.8661, 70.8661}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 56 + Shape + Rectangle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 1 + r + 1 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{99.2127, 198.425}, {70.8661, 70.8661}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 55 + Shape + Rectangle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 1 + g + 0.501961 + r + 0 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{28.3465, 198.425}, {70.8661, 70.8661}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 54 + Shape + Rectangle + Style + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Class + LineGraphic + Head + + ID + 48 + + ID + 53 + Points + + {325.484, 148.823} + {298.138, 148.828} + + Style + + stroke + + HeadArrow + 0 + LineType + 1 + TailArrow + 0 + + + Tail + + ID + 49 + + + + Class + LineGraphic + Head + + ID + 47 + + ID + 52 + Points + + {254.618, 148.823} + {227.272, 148.828} + + Style + + stroke + + HeadArrow + 0 + LineType + 1 + TailArrow + 0 + + + Tail + + ID + 48 + + + + Class + LineGraphic + Head + + ID + 46 + + ID + 51 + Points + + {183.752, 148.823} + {156.406, 148.828} + + Style + + stroke + + HeadArrow + 0 + LineType + 1 + TailArrow + 0 + + + Tail + + ID + 47 + + + + Class + LineGraphic + Head + + ID + 45 + + ID + 50 + Points + + {112.886, 148.823} + {85.5393, 148.828} + + Style + + stroke + + HeadArrow + 0 + LineType + 1 + TailArrow + 0 + + + Tail + + ID + 46 + + + + Bounds + {{325.984, 127.559}, {42.5196, 42.5196}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 49 + Shape + Circle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 0 + r + 1 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{255.118, 127.559}, {42.5196, 42.5196}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 48 + Shape + Circle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 0 + r + 1 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{184.252, 127.559}, {42.5196, 42.5196}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 47 + Shape + Circle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 0 + r + 1 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{113.386, 127.559}, {42.5196, 42.5196}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 46 + Shape + Circle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 0 + r + 1 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{42.5197, 127.559}, {42.5196, 42.5196}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 45 + Shape + Circle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 0 + r + 1 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{311.811, 113.386}, {70.8661, 70.8661}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 44 + Shape + Rectangle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0.501961 + g + 0.501961 + r + 0.501961 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{240.945, 113.386}, {70.8661, 70.8661}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 43 + Shape + Rectangle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 0.501961 + r + 0 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{170.079, 113.386}, {70.8661, 70.8661}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 42 + Shape + Rectangle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 1 + r + 1 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{99.2127, 113.386}, {70.8661, 70.8661}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 41 + Shape + Rectangle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 1 + g + 0.501961 + r + 0 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{28.3465, 113.386}, {70.8661, 70.8661}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 40 + Shape + Rectangle + Style + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Class + LineGraphic + Head + + ID + 13 + + ID + 39 + Points + + {325.484, 63.8035} + {298.138, 63.8335} + + Style + + stroke + + HeadArrow + 0 + LineType + 1 + TailArrow + 0 + + + Tail + + ID + 14 + + + + Class + LineGraphic + Head + + ID + 12 + + ID + 38 + Points + + {254.618, 63.8204} + {227.271, 63.8715} + + Style + + stroke + + HeadArrow + 0 + LineType + 1 + TailArrow + 0 + + + Tail + + ID + 13 + + + + Class + LineGraphic + Head + + ID + 11 + + ID + 37 + Points + + {183.752, 63.8077} + {156.405, 63.843} + + Style + + stroke + + HeadArrow + 0 + LineType + 1 + TailArrow + 0 + + + Tail + + ID + 12 + + + + Class + LineGraphic + Head + + ID + 10 + + ID + 35 + Points + + {112.886, 63.7796} + {85.5394, 63.7796} + + Style + + stroke + + HeadArrow + 0 + LineType + 1 + TailArrow + 0 + + + Tail + + ID + 11 + + + + Bounds + {{325.984, 42.5199}, {42.5196, 42.5196}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 14 + Shape + Circle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 0 + r + 1 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{255.118, 42.5199}, {42.5196, 42.5196}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 13 + Shape + Circle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 0 + r + 1 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{184.252, 42.5198}, {42.5196, 42.5196}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 12 + Shape + Circle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 0 + r + 1 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{113.386, 42.5198}, {42.5196, 42.5196}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 11 + Shape + Circle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 0 + r + 1 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{42.5197, 42.5197}, {42.5196, 42.5196}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 10 + Shape + Circle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 0 + r + 1 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{311.811, 28.3465}, {70.8661, 70.8661}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 9 + Shape + Rectangle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0.501961 + g + 0.501961 + r + 0.501961 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{240.945, 28.3465}, {70.8661, 70.8661}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 8 + Shape + Rectangle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 0.501961 + r + 0 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{170.079, 28.3465}, {70.8661, 70.8661}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 7 + Shape + Rectangle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 0 + g + 1 + r + 1 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{99.2127, 28.3465}, {70.8661, 70.8661}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 6 + Shape + Rectangle + Style + + fill + + Color + + b + 1 + g + 0.501961 + r + 0 + + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + Bounds + {{28.3465, 28.3465}, {70.8661, 70.8661}} + Class + ShapedGraphic + ID + 3 + Shape + Rectangle + Style + + shadow + + Draws + NO + + + + + GridInfo + + DrawMajorGrid + NO + GridSpacing + 28.346458435058594 + MajorGridSpacing + 1 + ShowsGrid + YES + SnapsToGrid + YES + + GuidesLocked + NO + GuidesVisible + YES + HPages + 1 + ImageCounter + 1 + KeepToScale + + Layers + + + Lock + NO + Name + Layer 1 + Print + YES + View + YES + + + LayoutInfo + + Animate + NO + circoMinDist + 18 + circoSeparation + 0.0 + layoutEngine + dot + neatoSeparation + 0.0 + twopiSeparation + 0.0 + + LinksVisible + NO + MagnetsVisible + NO + MasterSheets + + ModificationDate + 2010-12-30 19:12:47 +0900 + Modifier + Ohler Peter + NotesVisible + NO + Orientation + 2 + OriginVisible + NO + PageBreaks + YES + PrintInfo + + NSBottomMargin + + float + 41 + + NSLeftMargin + + float + 18 + + NSPaperName + + string + A4 + + NSPaperSize + + size + {595.28, 841.89} + + NSRightMargin + + float + 18 + + NSTopMargin + + float + 18 + + + PrintOnePage + + ReadOnly + NO + RowAlign + 1 + RowSpacing + 36 + SheetTitle + Canvas 1 + SmartAlignmentGuidesActive + NO + SmartDistanceGuidesActive + NO + UniqueID + 1 + UseEntirePage + + VPages + 1 + WindowInfo + + CurrentSheet + 0 + ExpandedCanvases + + + name + Canvas 1 + + + Frame + {{976, 361}, {694, 902}} + ListView + + OutlineWidth + 142 + RightSidebar + + ShowRuler + + Sidebar + + SidebarWidth + 120 + VisibleRegion + {{0, 0}, {559, 783}} + Zoom + 1 + ZoomValues + + + Canvas 1 + 1 + 1 + + + + saveQuickLookFiles + NO + + diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sample.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sample.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sample.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sample.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env ruby -wW2 + +if $0 == __FILE__ + $: << '.' + $: << '..' + $: << '../lib' + $: << '../ext' +end + +require 'pp' +require 'sample/doc' + + +def sample_doc(size=3) + colors = [ :black, :gray, :white, :red, :blue, :yellow, :green, :purple, :orange ] + + d = ::Sample::Doc.new('Sample') + + # add some history + (0..size * 10).each do |i| + d.add_change("Changed at t+#{i}.") + end + + # add some layers + (1..size).each do |i| + layer = ::Sample::Layer.new("Layer-#{i}") + (1..size).each do |j| + g = ::Sample::Group.new + (1..size).each do |k| + g2 = ::Sample::Group.new + r = ::Sample::Rect.new(j * 40 + 10.0, i * 10.0, + 10.123456 / k, 10.0 / k, colors[(i + j + k) % colors.size]) + r.add_prop(:part_of, layer.name) + g2 << r + g2 << ::Sample::Text.new("#{k} in #{j}", r.left, r.top, r.width, r.height) + g << g2 + end + g2 = ::Sample::Group.new + (1..size).each do |k| + o = ::Sample::Oval.new(j * 40 + 12.0, i * 10.0 + 2.0, + 6.0 / k, 6.0 / k, colors[(i + j + k) % colors.size]) + o.add_prop(:inside, true) + g << o + end + g << g2 + layer << g + end + d.layers[layer.name] = layer + end + + # some properties + d.add_prop(:purpose, 'an example') + + d +end diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sax/basic.xml ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sax/basic.xml --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sax/basic.xml 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sax/basic.xml 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sax/handlers.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sax/handlers.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sax/handlers.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sax/handlers.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,198 @@ +require 'ox' + +class StartSax < ::Ox::Sax + attr_accessor :calls + + def initialize() + @calls = [] + end + + def start_element(name) + @calls << [:start_element, name] + end + + def attr(name, value) + @calls << [:attr, name, value] + end +end + +class AllSax < StartSax + def initialize() + super + end + + def instruct(target) + @calls << [:instruct, target] + end + + def end_instruct(target) + @calls << [:end_instruct, target] + end + + def doctype(value) + @calls << [:doctype, value] + end + + def comment(value) + @calls << [:comment, value] + end + + def cdata(value) + @calls << [:cdata, value] + end + + def text(value) + @calls << [:text, value] + end + + def end_element(name) + @calls << [:end_element, name] + end + + def error(message, line, column) + @calls << [:error, message, line, column] + end + + def abort(name) + @calls << [:abort, name] + end +end + +class LineColSax < StartSax + def initialize() + @pos = nil # this initializes the @pos variable which will then be set by the parser + @line = nil # this initializes the @line variable which will then be set by the parser + @column = nil # this initializes the @line variable which will then be set by the parser + super + end + + def instruct(target) + @calls << [:instruct, target, @pos, @line, @column] + end + + def start_element(name) + @calls << [:start_element, name, @pos, @line, @column] + end + + def end_instruct(target) + @calls << [:end_instruct, target, @pos, @line, @column] + end + + def doctype(value) + @calls << [:doctype, value, @pos, @line, @column] + end + + def comment(value) + @calls << [:comment, value, @pos, @line, @column] + end + + def cdata(value) + @calls << [:cdata, value, @pos, @line, @column] + end + + def text(value) + @calls << [:text, value, @pos, @line, @column] + end + + def end_element(name) + @calls << [:end_element, name, @pos, @line, @column] + end + + def attr(name, value) + @calls << [:attr, name, value, @pos, @line, @column] + end + + def attrs_done() + @calls << [:attrs_done, @pos, @line, @column] + end + + def error(message, line, column) + @calls << [:error, message, line, column] + end +end + +class TypeSax < ::Ox::Sax + attr_accessor :item + # method to call on the Ox::Sax::Value Object + attr_accessor :type + + def initialize(type) + @item = nil + @type = type + end + + def attr_value(name, value) + @item = value.send(name) + end + + def value(value) + @item = value.send(@type) + end +end + +class ErrorSax < ::Ox::Sax + attr_reader :errors + + def initialize + @path = [] + @tags = [] + @errors = [] + end + + def start_element(tag) + @tags << tag + @path & @tags + end + + def error(message, line, column) + @errors << message + end +end + +class HtmlSax < ::Ox::Sax + attr_accessor :calls + + def initialize() + @calls = [] + end + + def start_element(name) + @calls << [:start_element, name] + end + + def end_element(name) + @calls << [:end_element, name] + end + + def attr(name, value) + @calls << [:attr, name, value] + end + + def instruct(target) + @calls << [:instruct, target] + end + + def end_instruct(target) + @calls << [:end_instruct, target] + end + + def doctype(value) + @calls << [:doctype, value] + end + + def comment(value) + @calls << [:comment, value] + end + + def cdata(value) + @calls << [:cdata, value] + end + + def text(value) + @calls << [:text, value] + end + + def error(message, line, column) + @calls << [:error, message, line, column] + end +end diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sax/helpers.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sax/helpers.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sax/helpers.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sax/helpers.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +require 'handlers' + +module SaxTestHelpers + + # A helper method to initiate a sax parsing using a specified xml + # structure as input, an expected stack of calls, a handler class + # and an optional options hash to pass to the parser. + # + # The options that the parser recognizes are :convert_special and + # :smart, which have both boolean values. + # + # E.g. + # parse_compare(%{ This is some text.}, + # [[:start_element, :top], + # [:text, " This is some text."], + # [:end_element, :top] + # ], AllSax, :convert_special => true, :smart => true) + # + def parse_compare(xml, expected, handler_class = AllSax, opts = {}, handler_attr = :calls) + handler = handler_class.new() + input = StringIO.new(xml) + options = { + :symbolize => true, + #:convert_special => true, + :smart => false + }.merge(opts) + + Ox.sax_parse(handler, input, options) + + actual = handler.send(handler_attr) + + if expected != actual + expected.each_index { |i| + if expected[i] != actual[i] + puts "#{i}: #{expected[i]} != #{actual[i]}" + end + } + end + puts "\nexpected: #{expected}\n actual: #{actual}" if expected != actual + assert_equal(expected, actual) + end + + # This is needed to stop test/unit from complaining that there is no test + # specified. + def test_hack + assert(true) + end +end diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sax/sax_check.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sax/sax_check.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sax/sax_check.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sax/sax_check.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env ruby +# encoding: UTF-8 + +# Ubuntu does not accept arguments to ruby when called using env. To get warnings to show up the -w options is +# required. That can be set in the RUBYOPT environment variable. +# export RUBYOPT=-w + +$VERBOSE = true + +$: << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../lib") +$: << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../ext") + +require 'ox' + +class QuietSax < Ox::Sax + + def initialize() + @line = nil + @column = nil + end + def start_element(name) + puts "Start #{name} @ #{@column}" + end + def end_element(name) + puts "End #{name} @ #{@line}:#{@column}" + end + def attr(name, value); end + def instruct(target); end + def end_instruct(target); end + def doctype(value); end + def comment(value); end + def cdata(value); end + def text(value) + puts "text #{value.length} @ #{@line}:#{@column}" + end + def error(message, line, column) + puts "Error: #{message} @ #{line}:#{column}" + end +end + +handler = QuietSax.new() +Ox.sax_parse(handler, ARGF, :smart => true) diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sax/sax_test.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sax/sax_test.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sax/sax_test.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sax/sax_test.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,1320 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env ruby +# encoding: utf-8 + +# Ubuntu does not accept arguments to ruby when called using env. To get warnings to show up the -w options is +# required. That can be set in the RUBYOPT environment variable. +# export RUBYOPT=-w + +$VERBOSE = true + +$: << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../lib") +$: << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../ext") +$: << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ".") + +require 'stringio' +require 'bigdecimal' +require 'test/unit' +require 'optparse' + +require 'ox' + +require 'helpers' +#require 'smart_test' + +opts = OptionParser.new +opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this display") { puts opts; Process.exit!(0) } +opts.parse(ARGV) + +$ox_sax_options = { + :encoding=>nil, + :indent=>2, + :trace=>0, + :with_dtd=>false, + :with_xml=>false, + :with_instructions=>false, + :circular=>false, + :xsd_date=>false, + :mode=>:object, + :symbolize_keys=>true, + :skip=>:skip_return, + :smart=>false, + :convert_special=>true, + :effort=>:strict, + :invalid_replace=>'', + :strip_namespace=>false +} + +class SaxBaseTest < ::Test::Unit::TestCase + include SaxTestHelpers + + def test_sax_io_pipe + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + handler = AllSax.new() + input,w = IO.pipe + w << %{} + w.close + Ox.sax_parse(handler, input) + assert_equal([[:start_element, :top], + [:end_element, :top]], handler.calls) + end + + def test_sax_file + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + handler = AllSax.new() + input = File.open(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'basic.xml')) + Ox.sax_parse(handler, input) + input.close + assert_equal([[:start_element, :top], + [:end_element, :top]], handler.calls) + end + + def test_sax_file_line_col + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + handler = LineColSax.new() + input = File.open(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'trilevel.xml')) + Ox.sax_parse(handler, input) + input.close + assert_equal([[:instruct, "xml", 1, 1, 1], + [:attr, :version, "1.0", 15, 1, 15], + [:attrs_done, 15, 1, 15], + [:end_instruct, "xml", 20, 1, 20], + [:start_element, :top, 23, 2, 1], + [:attrs_done, 23, 2, 1], + [:start_element, :child, 31, 3, 3], + [:attrs_done, 31, 3, 3], + [:start_element, :grandchild, 43, 4, 5], + [:attrs_done, 43, 4, 5], + [:end_element, :grandchild, 55, 4, 17], + [:end_element, :child, 59, 5, 3], + [:end_element, :top, 68, 6, 1]], handler.calls) + end + + def test_sax_io_file + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + handler = AllSax.new() + input = IO.open(IO.sysopen(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'basic.xml'))) + Ox.sax_parse(handler, input) + input.close + assert_equal([[:start_element, :top], + [:end_element, :top]], handler.calls) + end + + def test_sax_instruct_simple + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{}, [[:instruct, 'xml'], + [:end_instruct, 'xml']]) + end + + def test_sax_instruct_blank + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{}, [], StartSax) + end + + def test_sax_instruct_attrs + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{}, + [[:instruct, 'xml'], + [:attr, :version, "1.0"], + [:attr, :encoding, "UTF-8"], + [:end_instruct, 'xml']]) + end + + def test_sax_instruct_noattrs + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{}, + [[:instruct, 'bad'], + [:text, "something"], + [:end_instruct, 'bad']]) + end + + def test_sax_instruct_loose + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{}, + [[:instruct, 'xml'], + [:attr, :version, "1.0"], + [:attr, :encoding, "UTF-8"], + [:end_instruct, 'xml']]) + end + + def test_sax_instruct_pi + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{ + + This is a string. + + +}, + [[:instruct, 'pro'], + [:attr, :cat, "quick"], + [:end_instruct, 'pro'], + [:start_element, :top], + [:start_element, :str], + [:text, "This is a "], + [:instruct, "attrs"], + [:attr, :dog, "big"], + [:end_instruct, "attrs"], + [:text, " string."], + [:end_element, :str], + [:instruct, "content"], + [:text, "dog is big"], + [:end_instruct, "content"], + [:end_element, :top]]) + end + + def test_sax_instruct_no_term + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{}, + [[:instruct, "xml"], + [:error, "Not Terminated: instruction not terminated", 1, 6], + [:end_instruct, "xml"], + [:start_element, :top], + [:end_element, :top]]) + end + + def test_sax_element_simple + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{}, + [[:start_element, :top], + [:end_element, :top]]) + end + + def test_sax_element_attrs + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{}, + [[:start_element, :top], + [:attr, :x, "57"], + [:attr, :y, "42"], + [:error, "Unexpected Character: attribute value not in quotes", 1, 22], + [:attr, :z, "33/"], + [:error, "Start End Mismatch: element 'top' not closed", 1, 25], + [:end_element, :top]]) + end + + def test_sax_element_start_end + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{}, + [[:start_element, :top], + [:text, ""], + [:end_element, :top]]) + end + + def test_sax_two_top + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{}, + [[:start_element, :top], + [:end_element, :top], + [:error, "Out of Order: multiple top level elements", 1, 7], + [:start_element, :top], + [:end_element, :top]]) + end + + def test_sax_nested_elements + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{ + + + + +}, + [[:start_element, :top], + [:start_element, :child], + [:start_element, :grandchild], + [:end_element, :grandchild], + [:end_element, :child], + [:end_element, :top], + ]) + end + + def test_sax_elements_case + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + Ox::default_options = { :smart => true, :skip => :skip_white } + parse_compare(%{ + + + + +}, + [[:start_element, :top], + [:start_element, :Child], + [:start_element, :grandchild], + [:end_element, :grandchild], + [:end_element, :Child], + [:end_element, :top], + ], AllSax, { :smart => true }) + end + + def test_sax_nested1 + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{ + + + + + +}, + [[:instruct, 'xml'], + [:attr, :version, "1.0"], + [:end_instruct, 'xml'], + [:start_element, :top], + [:start_element, :child], + [:start_element, :grandchild], + [:end_element, :grandchild], + [:end_element, :child], + [:end_element, :top], + ]) + end + + def test_sax_line_col + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{ + + + + + + + Some text. + + + + +}, + [[:instruct, 'xml', 1, 1, 1], + [:attr, :version, "1.0", 15, 1, 15], + [:attrs_done, 15, 1, 15], + [:end_instruct, 'xml', 20, 1, 20], + [:doctype, " top PUBLIC \"top.dtd\"", 23, 2, 1], + [:start_element, :top, 55, 3, 1], + [:attr, :attr, "one", 65, 3, 11], + [:attrs_done, 65, 3, 11], + [:comment, " family ", 74, 4, 3], + [:start_element, :child, 92, 5, 3], + [:attrs_done, 92, 5, 3], + [:start_element, :grandchild, 104, 6, 5], + [:attrs_done, 104, 6, 5], + [:end_element, :grandchild, 116, 6, 17], + [:cdata, "see data.", 122, 7, 5], + [:end_element, :child, 146, 8, 3], + [:text, "Some text.\n", 154, 8, 10], + [:end_element, :top, 165, 9, 1], + [:error, "Out of Order: multiple top level elements", 10, 1], + [:start_element, :second, 172, 10, 1], + [:attrs_done, 172, 10, 1], + [:start_element, :inside, 183, 11, 3], + [:attrs_done, 183, 11, 3], + [:end_element, :inside, 191, 11, 11], + [:end_element, :second, 193, 12, 1], + ], LineColSax) + end + + def test_sax_element_name_mismatch + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{ + + + + +}, + [[:instruct, 'xml'], + [:attr, :version, "1.0"], + [:end_instruct, "xml"], + [:start_element, :top], + [:start_element, :child], + [:start_element, :grandchild], + [:end_element, :grandchild], + [:error, "Start End Mismatch: element 'parent' closed but not opened", 5, 3], + [:start_element, :parent], + [:end_element, :parent], + [:error, "Start End Mismatch: element 'top' close does not match 'child' open", 6, 1], + [:end_element, :child], + [:end_element, :top], + ]) + end + + def test_sax_nested + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{ + + + + + + + + + +}, + [[:instruct, 'xml'], + [:attr, :version, "1.0"], + [:end_instruct, 'xml'], + [:start_element, :top], + [:start_element, :child], + [:start_element, :grandchild], + [:end_element, :grandchild], + [:end_element, :child], + [:start_element, :child], + [:start_element, :grandchild], + [:end_element, :grandchild], + [:start_element, :grandchild], + [:end_element, :grandchild], + [:end_element, :child], + [:end_element, :top], + ]) + end + + def test_sax_element_no_term + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{ + + +}, + [[:start_element, :top], + [:start_element, :child], + [:end_element, :child], + [:error, "Start End Mismatch: element 'top' not closed", 4, 0], + [:end_element, :top], + ]) + end + + def test_sax_text + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{This is some text.}, + [[:start_element, :top], + [:text, "This is some text."], + [:end_element, :top] + ]) + end + + def test_sax_open_close_element + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{}, + [[:start_element, :top], + [:start_element, :mid], + [:text, ""], + [:end_element, :mid], + [:end_element, :top] + ]) + end + + def test_sax_empty_element + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{ }, + [[:start_element, :top], + [:text, " "], + [:end_element, :top] + ], AllSax, { :skip => :skip_white }) + end + + def test_sax_empty_element_name + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{ + + <> + zzz +}, + [[:instruct, 'xml'], + [:attr, :version, "1.0"], + [:end_instruct, "xml"], + [:start_element, :top], + [:error, "Invalid Format: empty element", 3, 3], + [:start_element, :abc], + [:attr, :x, "1"], + [:text, "zzz"], + [:end_element, :abc], + [:end_element, :top], + ]) + end + + def test_sax_empty_element_noskip + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{ }, + [[:text, " "], + [:start_element, :top], + [:text, " "], + [:end_element, :top] + ], AllSax, { :skip => :skip_none }) + end + + def test_sax_special + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{This is <some> π text.}, + [[:start_element, :top], + [:attr, :name, 'A&Z'], + [:text, "This is \u03c0 text."], + [:end_element, :top] + ], AllSax, :convert_special => true) + end + + def test_sax_bad_special + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{&example;}, + [[:start_element, :top], + [:error, "Invalid Format: Invalid special character sequence", 1, 11], + [:attr, :name, '&example;'], + [:error, "Invalid Format: Invalid special character sequence", 1, 22], + [:text, "&example;"], + [:end_element, :top] + ], AllSax, :convert_special => true) + end + + def test_sax_ignore_special + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{&example;}, + [[:start_element, :top], + [:attr, :name, '&example;'], + [:text, "&example;"], + [:end_element, :top] + ], AllSax, :convert_special => false) + end + + def test_sax_not_special + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{This is <some> text.}, + [[:start_element, :top], + [:attr, :name, 'A&Z'], + [:text, "This is <some> text."], + [:end_element, :top] + ], AllSax, :convert_special => false) + end + + def test_sax_special_default + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + orig = Ox::default_options[:convert_special] + Ox::default_options = { :convert_special => true } + parse_compare(%{This is <some> text.}, + [[:start_element, :top], + [:attr, :name, 'A&Z'], + [:text, "This is text."], + [:end_element, :top] + ], AllSax) + Ox::default_options = { :convert_special => orig } + end + + def test_sax_not_special_default + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + orig = Ox::default_options[:convert_special] + Ox::default_options = { :convert_special => false } + parse_compare(%{This is <some> text.}, + [[:start_element, :top], + [:attr, :name, 'A&Z'], + [:text, "This is <some> text."], + [:end_element, :top] + ], AllSax) + Ox::default_options = { :convert_special => orig } + end + + def test_sax_whitespace + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{ This is some text.}, + [[:start_element, :top], + [:text, " This is some text."], + [:end_element, :top] + ]) + end + + def test_sax_text_no_term + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{This is some text.}, + [[:start_element, :top], + [:error, "Not Terminated: text not terminated", 1, 23], + [:text, "This is some text."], + [:error, "Start End Mismatch: element 'top' not closed", 1, 23], + [:end_element, :top]]) + end + # TBD invalid chacters in text + + def test_sax_doctype + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{ + + +}, + [[:instruct, 'xml'], + [:attr, :version, "1.0"], + [:end_instruct, 'xml'], + [:doctype, ' top PUBLIC "top.dtd"'], + [:start_element, :top], + [:end_element, :top]]) + end + + def test_sax_doctype_big + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{ +]> + +}, + [[:instruct, 'xml'], + [:attr, :version, "1.0"], + [:end_instruct, 'xml'], + [:doctype, %{ Objects []}], + [:start_element, :top], + [:end_element, :top]]) + end + + def test_sax_doctype_bad_order + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{ + + +}, + [[:instruct, 'xml'], + [:attr, :version, "1.0"], + [:end_instruct, 'xml'], + [:start_element, :top], + [:end_element, :top], + [:error, "Out of Order: DOCTYPE can not come after an element", 3, 10], + [:doctype, ' top PUBLIC "top.dtd"']]) + end + + def test_sax_doctype_space + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{ + + +}, + [[:error, "Unexpected Character: + + +}, + [[:start_element, :top], + [:error, "Unexpected Character: DOCTYPE, CDATA, or comment expected", 2, 6], + [:end_element, :top]]) + end + + def test_sax_comment_simple + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{ + +}, + [[:instruct, 'xml'], + [:attr, :version, "1.0"], + [:end_instruct, 'xml'], + [:comment, 'First comment.']]) + end + + def test_sax_comment + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{ + +BeforeAfter +}, + [[:instruct, 'xml'], + [:attr, :version, "1.0"], + [:end_instruct, 'xml'], + [:comment, 'First comment.'], + [:start_element, :top], + [:text, 'Before'], + [:comment, 'Nested comment.'], + [:text, 'After'], + [:end_element, :top]]) + end + + def test_sax_comment_no_term + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + parse_compare(%{ +one', :overlay => overlay) + assert_equal([[:start_element, :html], + [:start_element, :h1], + [:text, "title"], + [:end_element, :h1], + [:end_element, :html]], handler.calls) + end + + def test_sax_html_off + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + handler = AllSax.new() + overlay = Ox.sax_html_overlay() + overlay['table'] = :off + overlay['td'] = :off + overlay['!--'] = :off + + Ox.sax_html(handler, '


', :overlay => overlay) + assert_equal([[:start_element, :html], + [:start_element, :h1], + [:text, "title"], + [:end_element, :h1], + [:start_element, :hr], + [:end_element, :hr], + [:start_element, :tr], + [:end_element, :tr], + [:end_element, :html]], handler.calls) + end + + def test_sax_html_inactive_full_map + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + handler = AllSax.new() + overlay = Ox.sax_html_overlay() + overlay['table'] = :inactive + overlay['td'] = :inactive + + Ox.sax_html(handler, '


', :overlay => overlay) + assert_equal([[:start_element, :html], + [:start_element, :h1], + [:text, "title"], + [:end_element, :h1], + [:comment, "comment"], + [:start_element, :tr], + [:text, "one"], + [:end_element, :tr], + [:end_element, :html]], handler.calls) + end + + + def test_sax_html_abort + Ox::default_options = $ox_sax_options + handler = AllSax.new() + overlay = Ox.sax_html_overlay() + overlay['table'] = :abort + + Ox.sax_html(handler, '


', :overlay => overlay) + assert_equal([[:start_element, :html], + [:start_element, :h1], + [:text, "title"], + [:end_element, :h1], + [:abort, :table], + ], handler.calls) + end + +end diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sax/smart_test.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sax/smart_test.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sax/smart_test.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sax/smart_test.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,668 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env ruby +# encoding: UTF-8 + +# Ubuntu does not accept arguments to ruby when called using env. To get warnings to show up the -w options is +# required. That can be set in the RUBYOPT environment variable. +# export RUBYOPT=-w + +$VERBOSE = true + +$: << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../lib") +$: << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../ext") +$: << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ".") + +require 'stringio' +require 'test/unit' +require 'optparse' +require 'helpers' +require 'ox' + + +opts = OptionParser.new +opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this display") { puts opts; Process.exit!(0) } +opts.parse(ARGV) + +class SaxSmartTest < ::Test::Unit::TestCase + include SaxTestHelpers + + NORMALELEMENTS = { + "a" => {}, + "abbr" => {}, + "address" => {}, + "article" => {}, + "aside" => {}, + "audio" => {}, + "b" => {}, + "bdi" => {}, + "bdo" => {}, + "blockquote" => {}, + "body" => { "parents" => ["html"] }, + "button" => {}, + "canvas" => {}, + "caption" => { "parents" => ["table"] }, + "cite" => {}, + "colgroup" => { "parents" => ["table"], "childs" => ["col"] }, + "data" => {}, + "datalist" => { "childs" => ["option"]}, + "dl" => { "childs" => ["dt", "dd"] }, + "dt" => { "parents" => ["dl"] }, + "dd" => { "parents" => ["dl"] }, + "del" => {}, + "details" => { "childs" => ["summary"] }, + "dfn" => {}, + "div" => {}, + "em" => {}, + "fieldset" => {}, + "figcaption" => {}, + "figure" => {}, + "footer" => {}, + "form" => {}, + "h1" => {}, + "h2" => {}, + "h3" => {}, + "h4" => {}, + "h5" => {}, + "h6" => {}, + "head" => { "parents" => ["html"] }, + "hgroup" => { "childs" => ["h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"] }, + "html" => { "childs" => ["head", "body"] }, + "i" => {}, + "iframe" => {}, + "ins" => {}, + "kdb" => {}, + "label" => {}, + "legend" => { "parents" => ["fieldset"] }, + "li" => { "parents" => ["ul", "ol", "menu"] }, + "map" => {}, + "mark" => {}, + "menu" => { "childs" => ["li"] }, + "meter" => {}, + "nav" => {}, + "noscript" => {}, + "object" => { "childs" => ["param"] }, + "ol" => { "childs" => ["li"] }, + "optgroup" => { "parents" => ["select"], "childs" => ["option"] }, + "option" => { "parents" => ["optgroup", "select", "datalist"] }, + "output" => {}, + "p" => {}, + "pre" => {}, + "progress" => {}, + "q" => {}, + "rp" => { "parents" => ["ruby"] }, + "rt" => { "parents" => ["ruby"] }, + "ruby" => { "childs" => ["rt", "rp"] }, + "s" => {}, + "samp" => {}, + "script" => {}, + "section" => {}, + "select" => { "childs" => ["option", "optgroup"] }, + "small" => {}, + "span" => {}, + "strong" => {}, + "style" => {}, + "sub" => {}, + "summary" => { "parents" => ["details"] }, + "sup" => {}, + "table" => { "childs" => ["caption", "colgroup", "thead", "tbody", "tfoot", "tr"] }, + "tbody" => { "childs" => ["tr"], "parents" => ["table"] }, + "td" => { "parents" => ["tr"] }, + "textarea" => {}, + "tfoot" => { "parents" => ["table"], "childs" => ["tr"] }, + "th" => { "parents" => ["tr"] }, + "thead" => { "childs" => ["tr"], "parents" => ["table"] }, + "time" => {}, + "title" => { "parents" => ["head"] }, + "tr" => { "parents" => ["table", "thead", "tbody", "tfoot"], "childs" => ["td", "th"] }, + "u" => {}, + "ul" => { "childs" => ["li"] }, + "var" => {}, + "video" => {} + } + + VOIDELEMENTS = { + "area" => { "parents" => ["map"] }, + "base" => { "parents" => ["head"] }, + "br" => {}, + "col" => { "parents" => ["colgroup"] }, + "command" => { "parents" => ["colgroup"] }, + "embed" => {}, + "hr" => {}, + "img" => {}, + "input" => {}, + "keygen" => {}, + "link" => {}, + "meta" => { "parents" => ["head"] }, + "param" => { "parents" => ["object"] }, + "source" => { "parents" => ["audio", "video"] }, + "track" => { "parents" => ["audio", "video"] }, + "wbr" => {} + } + + # Make the :smart => true option the default one + def smart_parse_compare(xml, expected, handler = AllSax, opts = {}, handler_attr = :calls) + parse_compare(xml, expected, handler, opts.merge(:smart => true, :skip => :skip_white), handler_attr) + end + +end + +class ErrorsOnParentNormalElementTest < SaxSmartTest + + attr_reader :w + + def initialize(*args) + @w = lambda { |s, ws| "<#{ws}>" + s + "" } + super(*args) + end + + def parents_of(el) + return [] if el == "html" + NORMALELEMENTS[el]["parents"] || ["body"] + end + + def ancestry_of(el, parent = nil) + p = parent || parents_of(el)[0] + [el] + (p ? ancestry_of(p) : []) + end + + def ancestries(el) + parents_of(el).map { |p| ancestry_of(el, p) } + end + + def test_no_error_in_dependent_parent_elements + NORMALELEMENTS.each_key do |el| + ancestries(el).each do |arr| + html = arr.reduce(&w) + smart_parse_compare(html, [], ErrorSax, {}, :errors) + end + end + end + +end + +class ErrorsOnParentVoidElementTest < SaxSmartTest + + def construct_html(el) + s = "" + str = (VOIDELEMENTS[el]["parents"] || []).each() do |p| + s += "<#{p}><#{el}>" + end + "#{str}" + end + + def test_no_error_in_dependent_parent_on_void_elements + VOIDELEMENTS.each_key do |el| + smart_parse_compare(construct_html(el), [], ErrorSax, {}, :errors) + end + end + +end + +## +# A class that groups tests concerning DOCTYPE of an html document. +# More info: http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#the-doctype +## +class SaxSmartDoctypeTest < SaxSmartTest + + def test_doctype_html5 + html = %{} + smart_parse_compare(html, [[:doctype, " HTML"]]) + end + + def test_doctype_html401_strict + html = %{} + smart_parse_compare(html, [[:doctype, " HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd\""]]) + end + + def test_doctype_html401_transitional + html = %{} + smart_parse_compare(html, [[:doctype, " HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd\""]]) + end + + def test_doctype_html401_frameset + html = %{} + smart_parse_compare(html, [[:doctype, " HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/frameset.dtd\""]]) + end + + def test_doctype_xhtml_10_transitional + html = %{} + smart_parse_compare(html, [[:doctype, " html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\""]]) + end + + def test_doctype_xhtml_10_strict + html = %{} + smart_parse_compare(html, [[:doctype, " html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd\""]]) + end + + def test_doctype_xhtml_10_frameset + html = %{} + smart_parse_compare(html, [[:doctype, " html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-frameset.dtd\""]]) + end + + def test_doctype_xhtml_11 + html = %{} + smart_parse_compare(html, [[:doctype, " html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd\""]]) + end + + def test_doctype_declaration_allcaps + # allcaps is only required when not smart + html = %{} + parse_compare(html, + [[:error, "Case Error: expected DOCTYPE all in caps", 1, 10], + [:doctype, " HTML"]], AllSax) + end +end + +## +# A class that groups tests concerning the normal elements of an html document. +# More info: http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#normal-elements +## +class SaxSmartNormalTagTest < SaxSmartTest + + def test_normal_tags + html = %{A terminated text} + smart_parse_compare(html, + [[:start_element, :html], + [:attr, :class, "class1"], + [:text, "A terminated text"], + [:end_element, :html]]) + end + + def test_empty_element + html = %{<>A terminated text} + smart_parse_compare(html, + [[:start_element, :html], + [:attr, :class, "class1"], + [:error, "Invalid Format: empty element", 1, 22], + [:text, "A terminated text"], + [:end_element, :html]]) + end + + def test_normal_self_closing_tags + html = %{
} + smart_parse_compare(html, + [[:start_element, :br], + [:end_element, :br]]) + end + + def test_with_no_close + html = %{} + smart_parse_compare(html, + [[:start_element, :html], + [:error, "Start End Mismatch: element 'html' not closed", 1, 6], + [:end_element, :html]]) + end + + def test_with_no_close_and_not_terminated_text + html = %{A not terminated text} + smart_parse_compare(html, + [[:start_element, :html], + [:error, "Not Terminated: text not terminated", 1, 27], + [:text, "A not terminated text"], + [:error, "Start End Mismatch: element 'html' not closed", 1, 27], + [:end_element, :html]]) + end + + def test_with_no_close_nested + html = %{Test
A div element} + smart_parse_compare(html, + [[:start_element, :html], + [:text, "Test "], + [:start_element, :div], + [:attr, :style, "width: 100px;"], + [:text, "A div element"], + [:error, "Start End Mismatch: element 'html' close does not match 'div' open", 1, 52], + [:end_element, :div], + [:end_element, :html]]) + end + + def test_with_no_close_with_nested + html = %{
A div element
} + smart_parse_compare(html, + [[:start_element, :html], + [:start_element, :div], + [:attr, :class, "test"], + [:text, "A div element"], + [:end_element, :div], + [:error, "Start End Mismatch: element 'html' not closed", 1, 43], + [:end_element, :html]]) + end + + def test_with_no_close_and_not_terminated_text_with_nested + html = %{A not terminated
A div
text} + smart_parse_compare(html, + [[:start_element, :html], + [:text, "A not terminated "], + [:start_element, :div], + [:text, "A div"], + [:end_element, :div], + [:error, "Not Terminated: text not terminated", 1, 44], + [:text, " text"], + [:error, "Start End Mismatch: element 'html' not closed", 1, 44], + [:end_element, :html]]) + end + + def test_invalid_element_name + html = %{ + + Hello + +} + smart_parse_compare(html, + [[:start_element, :html], + [:error, "Invalid Element: budy is not a valid element type for a HTML document type.", 3, 8], + [:start_element, :budy], + [:text, "Hello"], + [:end_element, :budy], + [:end_element, :html]]) + end + + def test_comment_active + html = %{ + + +


+ + + +} + overlay = Ox.sax_html_overlay.dup + overlay.each_key {|k| overlay[k] = :off } + overlay['!--'] = :active + + handler = AllSax.new() + input = StringIO.new(html) + options = { + :overlay => overlay, + :skip => :skip_white, + } + Ox.sax_html(handler, input, options) + expected = [[:comment, " a comment "]] + actual = handler.calls() + + puts "\nexpected: #{expected}\n actual: #{actual}" if expected != actual + assert_equal(expected, actual) + end + + def test_nested + html = %{ + + +
+Word +
+ + +} + smart_parse_compare(html, + [[:start_element, :html], [:start_element, :body]] + + [[:start_element, :div]] * 20 + + [[:text, " Word "]] + + [[:end_element, :div]] * 20 + + [[:end_element, :body], [:end_element, :html] + ]) + end + + # The expected behaviour is to trigger an error and then trigger the start / end events + # which is not the case for void elements, where only an error is triggered. + def test_not_opened + html = "
" + smart_parse_compare(html, + [[:error, "Start End Mismatch: element 'div' closed but not opened", 1, 1], + [:start_element, :div], + [:end_element, :div]]) + end + + def test_not_opened_nested + html = "

A header here

" + smart_parse_compare(html, + [[:start_element, :h1], + [:error, "Unexpected Character: attribute value not in quotes", 1, 11], + [:attr, :class, "a_class"], + [:text, "A header"], + [:error, "Start End Mismatch: element 'div' closed but not opened", 1, 27], + [:start_element, :div], + [:end_element, :div], + [:text, " here"], + [:end_element, :h1]]) + end + + def test_unquoted_slash + html = "
def" + smart_parse_compare(html, + [[:start_element, :a], + [:error, "Unexpected Character: attribute value not in quotes", 1, 9], + [:attr, :href, "abc/"], + [:text, "def"], + [:end_element, :a]]) + end + + def test_unquoted_slash_no_close + html = "def" + smart_parse_compare(html, + [[:start_element, :a], + [:error, "Unexpected Character: attribute value not in quotes", 1, 9], + [:attr, :href, "abc/"], + [:error, "Not Terminated: text not terminated", 1, 16], + [:text, "def"], + [:error, "Start End Mismatch: element 'a' not closed", 1, 16], + [:end_element, :a]]) + end +end + +## +# A class that groups tests concerning the so called void elements of an html document. +# More info: http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#void-elements +## +=begin +class SaxSmartVoidTagTest < SaxSmartTest + + VOIDELEMENTS = [ + #"area", # only in map + #"base", # only in head + "br", + #"col", # only in colgroup + #"command", # not a void tag + "embed", + "hr", + "img", + "input", + "keygen", + #"link", # only in head + #"meta", # only in head + "param", + #"source", # only in media (audio, video) + #"track", # only in media (audio, video) + "wbr" + ] + + def test_closed + VOIDELEMENTS.each do |el| + html = %{A terminated <#{el}/> text} + smart_parse_compare(html, + [ + [:start_element, :html], + [:text, "A terminated "], + [:start_element, el.to_sym], + [:end_element, el.to_sym], + [:text, " text"], + [:end_element, :html] + ]) + end + end + + def test_not_closed + VOIDELEMENTS.each do |el| + html = %{A terminated <#{el}> text} + smart_parse_compare(html, + [ + [:start_element, :html], + [:text, "A terminated "], + [:start_element, el.to_sym], + [:end_element, el.to_sym], + [:text, " text"], + [:end_element, :html] + ]) + end + end + + # Fix this error to be supported + def test_invalid_syntax + VOIDELEMENTS.each do |el| + html = %{A terminated <#{el}>nice\n text} + smart_parse_compare(html, + [ + [:start_element, :html], + [:text, "A terminated "], + [:start_element, el.to_sym], + [:end_element, el.to_sym], + [:text, "nice\n"], + [:error, "Start End Mismatch: element '#{el}' should not have a separate close element", 2, 1], + [:text, " text"], + [:end_element, :html] + ]) + end + end + +end +=end + +## +# A class that groups tests concerning the table element. Because this element +# assumes a specific nested structure its testing must be made seperately from +# the normal tags testing. +## +class SaxSmartTableTagTest < SaxSmartTest + + def test_html_table + html = %{ + + Table + + + +
+ + +} + smart_parse_compare(html, + [[:start_element, :html], + [:start_element, :body], + [:text, "Table "], + [:start_element, :table], + [:start_element, :tr], + [:start_element, :td], + [:text, "one"], + [:end_element, :td], + [:start_element, :td], + [:text, "two"], + [:end_element, :td], + [:end_element, :tr], + [:start_element, :tr], + [:start_element, :td], + [:text, "bad"], + [:error, "Invalid Element: td can not be nested in a HTML document, closing previous.", 6, 21], + [:end_element, :td], + [:start_element, :td], + [:text, "bad2"], + [:error, "Start End Mismatch: element 'tr' close does not match 'td' open", 6, 26], + [:end_element, :td], + [:end_element, :tr], + [:end_element, :table], + [:end_element, :body], + [:end_element, :html]]) + end + + def test_html_bad_table + html = %{ + + + +
+ +
+ + +} + smart_parse_compare(html, + [[:start_element, :html], + [:start_element, :body], + [:start_element, :table], + [:start_element, :div], + [:error, "Invalid Element: tr can not be a child of a div in a HTML document.", 6, 12], + [:start_element, :tr], + [:start_element, :td], + [:text, "one"], + [:end_element, :td], + [:end_element, :tr], + [:end_element, :div], + [:end_element, :table], + [:end_element, :body], + [:end_element, :html]]) + end + + def html_parse_compare(xml, expected, opts = {}) + handler = AllSax.new() + input = StringIO.new(xml) + options = { + :symbolize => true, + :smart => false, + :skip => :skip_white, + }.merge(opts) + + Ox.sax_html(handler, input, options) + + actual = handler.send(:calls) + + puts "\nexpected: #{expected}\n actual: #{actual}" if expected != actual + assert_equal(expected, actual) + end + + def test_nest_ok + html = %{ + + Table + + +
+ + +} + + hints = Ox.sax_html_overlay() + hints["td"] = :nest_ok + html_parse_compare(html, + [[:start_element, :html], + [:start_element, :body], + [:text, "Table "], + [:start_element, :table], + [:start_element, :tr], + [:start_element, :td], + [:text, "one"], + [:start_element, :td], + [:text, "two"], + [:end_element, :td], + [:end_element, :td], + [:end_element, :tr], + [:end_element, :table], + [:end_element, :body], + [:end_element, :html]], + {:overlay => hints}) + end + + def test_nest_ok_auto_closing + html = %{
test} + hints = Ox.sax_html_overlay() + hints['h5'] = :nest_ok + html_parse_compare(html, + [[:start_element, :html], + [:start_element, :body], + [:start_element, :h5], + [:text, "test"], + [:error, "Start End Mismatch: element 'body' close does not match 'h5' open", 1, 21], + [:end_element, :h5], + [:end_element, :body], + [:end_element, :html]], + {:overlay => hints}) + end +end diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sax/trilevel.xml ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sax/trilevel.xml --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/sax/trilevel.xml 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/sax/trilevel.xml 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ + + + + + + diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/tests.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/tests.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/tests.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/tests.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,1921 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env ruby +# encoding: utf-8 + +# Ubuntu does not accept arguments to ruby when called using env. To get warnings to show up the -w options is +# required. That can be set in the RUBYOPT environment variable. +# export RUBYOPT=-w + +$VERBOSE = true + +$: << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../lib") +$: << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../ext") + +require 'rubygems' if RUBY_VERSION.start_with?('1.8.') +require 'test/unit' +require 'date' +require 'bigdecimal' +require 'ox' + +$ruby = RUBY_DESCRIPTION.split(' ')[0] +$ruby = 'ree' if 'ruby' == $ruby && RUBY_DESCRIPTION.include?('Ruby Enterprise Edition') + +$indent = 2 + +$ox_object_options = { + :encoding=>nil, + :margin=>'', + :indent=>2, + :trace=>0, + :with_dtd=>false, + :with_xml=>false, + :with_instructions=>false, + :circular=>false, + :xsd_date=>false, + :mode=>:object, + :symbolize_keys=>true, + :element_key_mod=>nil, + :attr_key_mod=>nil, + :skip=>:skip_white, + :smart=>false, + :convert_special=>true, + :effort=>:strict, + :no_empty=>false, + :with_cdata=>false, + :invalid_replace=>'', + :strip_namespace=>false, + :overlay=>nil, +} + +$ox_generic_options = { + :encoding=>nil, + :margin=>'', + :indent=>2, + :trace=>0, + :with_dtd=>false, + :with_xml=>false, + :with_instructions=>false, + :circular=>false, + :xsd_date=>false, + :mode=>:generic, + :symbolize_keys=>true, + :element_key_mod=>nil, + :attr_key_mod=>nil, + :skip=>:skip_white, + :smart=>false, + :convert_special=>true, + :effort=>:strict, + :no_empty=>false, + :with_cdata=>false, + :invalid_replace=>'', + :strip_namespace=>false, + :overlay=>nil, +} + +class Func < ::Test::Unit::TestCase + + unless respond_to?(:assert_raise) + alias assert_raise assert_raises + end + + def test_get_options + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + opts = Ox.default_options() + assert_equal($ox_object_options, opts) + end + + def test_set_options + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + o2 = { + :encoding=>"UTF-8", + :margin=>'zz', + :indent=>4, + :trace=>1, + :with_dtd=>true, + :with_xml=>false, + :with_instructions=>true, + :circular=>true, + :xsd_date=>true, + :mode=>:object, + :symbolize_keys=>true, + :element_key_mod=>nil, + :attr_key_mod=>nil, + :skip=>:skip_return, + :smart=>true, + :convert_special=>false, + :effort=>:tolerant, + :no_empty=>true, + :with_cdata=>true, + :invalid_replace=>'*', + :strip_namespace=>'spaced', + :overlay=>nil, + } + o3 = { :xsd_date=>false } + Ox.default_options = o2 + opts = Ox.default_options() + assert_equal(o2, opts); + Ox.default_options = o3 # see if it throws an exception + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + end + + def test_nil + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + dump_and_load(nil, false) + end + + def test_true + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + dump_and_load(true, false) + end + + def test_false + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + dump_and_load(false, false) + end + + def test_fixnum + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + dump_and_load(7, false) + dump_and_load(-19, false) + dump_and_load(0, false) + end + + def test_float + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + dump_and_load(7.7, false) + dump_and_load(-1.9, false) + dump_and_load(0.0, false) + dump_and_load(-10.000005, false) + dump_and_load(1.000000000005, false) + end + + def test_string + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + dump_and_load('a string', false) + dump_and_load('', false) + end + + def test_symbol + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + dump_and_load(:a_symbol, false) + dump_and_load(:<=, false) + end + + def test_base64 + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + dump_and_load('a & x', false) + end + + def test_time + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + t = Time.local(2012, 1, 5, 23, 58, 7) + dump_and_load(t, false) + end + + def test_date + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + dump_and_load(Date.new(2011, 1, 5), false) + end + + def test_array + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + dump_and_load([], false) + dump_and_load([1, 'a'], false) + end + + def test_hash + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + dump_and_load({ }, false) + dump_and_load({ 'a' => 1, 2 => 'b' }, false) + end + + def test_range + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + if RUBY_VERSION.start_with?('1.8') + assert(true) + else + dump_and_load((0..3), false) + dump_and_load((-2..3.7), false) + dump_and_load(('a'...'f'), false) + t = Time.local(2012, 1, 5, 23, 58, 7) + t2 = t + 20 + dump_and_load((t..t2), false) + end + end + + def test_regex + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + if RUBY_VERSION.start_with?('1.8') || 'rubinius' == $ruby + assert(true) + else + dump_and_load(/^[0-9]/ix, false) + dump_and_load(/^[&0-9]/ix, false) # with xml-unfriendly character + end + end + + def test_bignum + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + dump_and_load(7 ** 55, false) + dump_and_load(-7 ** 55, false) + end + + def test_bigdecimal + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + bd = BigDecimal('7.123456789') + dump_and_load(bd, false) + end + + def test_complex_number + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + if RUBY_VERSION.start_with?('1.8') || 'rubinius' == $ruby + assert(true) + else + dump_and_load(Complex(1), false) + dump_and_load(Complex(3, 2), false) + end + end + + def test_rational + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + if RUBY_VERSION.start_with?('1.8') + assert(true) + else + dump_and_load(Rational(1, 3), false) + dump_and_load(Rational(0, 3), false) + end + end + + def test_object + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + dump_and_load(Bag.new({ }), false) + dump_and_load(Bag.new(:@x => 3), false) + end + + def test_bad_object + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + xml = %{ + + 3 + +} + xml2 = %{ + + 7 + +} + assert_raise(NameError) { + Ox.load(xml, :mode => :object, :trace => 0) + } + loaded = Ox.load(xml, :mode => :object, :trace => 0, :effort => :tolerant) + assert_nil(loaded) + loaded = Ox.load(xml, :mode => :object, :trace => 0, :effort => :auto_define) + assert_equal(loaded.class.to_s, 'Bad::Boy') + assert_equal(loaded.class.superclass.to_s, 'Ox::Bag') + loaded = Ox.load(xml2, :mode => :object, :trace => 0, :effort => :auto_define) + assert_equal(loaded.class.to_s, 'Bad') + assert_equal(loaded.class.superclass.to_s, 'Ox::Bag') + end + + def test_bad_class + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + xml = %{ + + 3 + +} + assert_raise(Ox::ParseError) { + Ox.load(xml, :mode => :object, :trace => 0) + } + end + + def test_empty_element + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + xml = %{ + + <> +} + assert_raise(Ox::ParseError) { + Ox.load(xml, :mode => :object, :trace => 0) + } + end + + def test_xml_instruction_format + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + xml = %{ +Test +} + loaded = Ox.load(xml, :mode => :object) + assert_equal('Test', loaded); + end + + def test_dump_invalid_character + assert_raise(Ox::SyntaxError) { Ox.dump("foo\x19bar") } + end + + def test_unsupported_ox_version + assert_raise(Ox::SyntaxError) { Ox.parse(%{foobar})} + end + + def test_prolog_syntax_error + xml = %{Test} + assert_raise(Ox::SyntaxError) { Ox.parse(xml) } + end + + def test_xml_instruction + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + xml = Ox.dump("test", :mode => :object, :with_xml => false) + assert_equal("test\n", xml) + xml = Ox.dump("test", :mode => :object, :with_xml => true) + assert_equal("\ntest\n", xml) + xml = Ox.dump("test", :mode => :object, :with_xml => true, :encoding => 'UTF-8') + assert_equal("\ntest\n", xml) + end + + def test_ox_instruction + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + xml = Ox.dump("test", :mode => :object, :with_xml => true, :with_instructions => true) + assert_equal("\n\ntest\n", xml) + xml = Ox.dump("test", :mode => :object, :with_instructions => true) + assert_equal("\ntest\n", xml) + xml = Ox.dump("test", :mode => :object, :with_instructions => true, :circular => true, :xsd_date => true) + assert_equal("\ntest\n", xml) + xml = Ox.dump("test", :mode => :object, :with_instructions => true, :circular => false, :xsd_date => false) + assert_equal("\ntest\n", xml) + end + + def test_embedded_instruction + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + xml = %{ + + This is a string. + + +} + doc = Ox.load(xml, :mode => :generic) + inst = doc.top.str.nodes[1] + assert_equal(Ox::Instruct, inst.class) + assert_equal('attrs', inst.target) + assert_nil(inst.content) + assert_equal({:dog=>'big'}, inst.attributes) + + inst = doc.top.content + assert_equal(Ox::Instruct, inst.class) + assert_equal('content', inst.target) + assert_equal(' dog is big', inst.content) + assert_equal({}, inst.attributes) + x = Ox.dump(doc, :with_xml => true) + assert_equal(xml, x) + end + + def test_big_instruction + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + xml = %{ + + This is a an MML instruction over 256 bytes. + + + + &sgr; + v + + + + + + 10 + + + + − + + 26 + + + ?> + +} + doc = Ox.load(xml, :mode => :generic) + inst = doc.top.nodes[1] + assert_equal(Ox::Instruct, inst.class) + assert_equal('MML', inst.target) + assert_equal(%| + + + + &sgr; + v + + + + + + 10 + + + + − + + 26 + + + |, inst.content) + end + + def test_dtd + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + xml = Ox.dump("test", :mode => :object, :with_dtd => true) + assert_equal("\ntest\n", xml) + end + + def test_lone_dtd + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + xml = "" # not really a valid xml but should pass anyway + doc = Ox.parse(xml) + assert_equal('html', doc.nodes[0].value) + end + + def test_big_dtd + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + xml = %{]>} + doc = Ox.parse(xml) + assert_equal(%{Objects []}, doc.nodes[0].value) + end + + def test_quote_value + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + xml = %{} + doc = Ox.parse(xml) + assert_equal('Pete', doc.attributes[:name]) + end + + def test_escape_value + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + xml = %{\n<not \'quoted\'>\n} + doc = Ox.parse(xml) + assert_equal('<&test>', doc.attributes[:name]) + dumped_xml = Ox.dump(doc) + escaped_xml = %{\n<not \'quoted\'>\n} + assert_equal(escaped_xml, dumped_xml) + end + + def test_escape_bad + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + xml = %{&example;} + begin + doc = Ox.parse(xml) + rescue Exception => e + assert_equal('Invalid format, invalid special character sequence at line 1, column 22 ', e.message.split('[')[0]) + return + end + assert(false) + end + + def test_escape_ignore + Ox::default_options = $ox_generic_options + xml = %{&example;} + doc = Ox.load(xml, :convert_special => false) + assert_equal('&example;', doc.attributes[:name]) + assert_equal('&example;', doc.nodes[0]) + end + + def test_escape_hex_value + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + xml = %{\n\n} + doc = Ox.parse(xml) + assert_equal('<@test>', doc.attributes[:name]) + end + + def test_escape_special + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + xml = %{\nπ\n} + doc = Ox.parse(xml) + assert_equal('π', doc.attributes[:name].force_encoding('UTF-8')) + end + + def test_escape_dump_tolerant + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + dumped_xml = Ox.dump("tab\tamp&backspace\b.", :effort => :tolerant) + assert_equal("tab\tamp&backspace.\n", dumped_xml) + end + + def test_escape_dump_strict + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + begin + Ox.dump("tab\tamp&backspace\b.", :effort => :strict) + rescue Exception => e + assert_equal("'\\#x08' is not a valid XML character.", e.message) + return + end + assert(false) + end + + def test_escape_dump_replace + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + dumped_xml = Ox.dump("tab\tamp&backspace\b.", :effort => :tolerant, :invalid_replace => '#') + assert_equal("tab\tamp&backspace#.\n", dumped_xml) + end + + def test_escape_dump_no_replace + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + dumped_xml = Ox.dump("tab\tamp&backspace\b.", :effort => :tolerant, :invalid_replace => nil) + assert_equal("tab\tamp&backspace.\n", dumped_xml) + end + + def test_escape_load_tolerant + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + obj = Ox.load("tab\tamp&backspace\b.", :effort => :tolerant, :skip => :skip_none) + assert_equal("tab\tamp&backspace\b.", obj) + end + + def test_escape_load_strict + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + begin + Ox.load("tab\tamp&backspace\b.", :effort => :strict) + rescue Exception => e + assert_equal("invalid character at line 1, column 26 ", e.message.split('[')[0]) + return + end + assert(false) + end + + def test_escape_utf8_value + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + xml = %{\n� test @\n} + doc = Ox.parse(xml).root() + assert_equal('ピ test @', doc.nodes[0]) + assert_equal('ピーター', doc.attributes[:name]) + end + + def test_escape_utf8_nil_encoding + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + xml = %{\nピ test @\n} + doc = Ox.parse(xml).root() + assert_equal('ピ test @', doc.nodes[0]) + assert_equal('ピーター', doc.attributes[:name]) + end + + def test_escape_bom_utf8_encoding + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + xml = %{\xEF\xBB\xBF\n\n} + doc = Ox.parse(xml).root() + assert_equal('bom', doc.attributes[:name]) + unless RUBY_VERSION.start_with?('1.8')# || 'rubinius' == $ruby + assert_equal('UTF-8', doc.attributes[:name].encoding.to_s) + end + end + + def test_escape_bom_bad_encoding + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + xml = %{\xEF\xBB\n\n} + assert_raise(Ox::ParseError) { + Ox.parse(xml).root() + } + end + + def test_escape_open_close_tag_names + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + b = Ox::Builder.new + b.element(%(/>)) { b.text('xss') } + s = b.to_s + assert_equal(%(xss\n), s) + end + + def test_attr_as_string + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + xml = %{} + doc = Ox.load(xml, :mode => :generic, :symbolize_keys => false) + assert_equal(['name'], doc.attributes.keys) + + # Verify :name and 'name' are the same as far as attribute keys go. + assert_equal('Pete', doc[:name]) + assert_equal('Pete', doc['name']) + doc[:name] = 'Peter' + assert_equal('Peter', doc[:name]) + assert_equal('Peter', doc['name']) + doc['name'] = 'Pete' + assert_equal('Pete', doc[:name]) + assert_equal('Pete', doc['name']) + assert_equal(['name'], doc.attributes.keys) + end + + def test_single_quote + Ox::default_options = $ox_generic_options + xml = %{} + doc = Ox.load(xml, :effort => :tolerant) + assert_equal('Pete', doc.attributes[:name]) + end + + def test_no_quote + Ox::default_options = $ox_generic_options + xml = %{} + doc = Ox.load(xml, :effort => :tolerant) + assert_equal('Pete', doc.attributes[:name]) + end + + def test_skip_none + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + xml = %{ Pete\r Ohler P O} + doc = Ox.load(xml, :mode => :generic, :symbolize_keys => false, :skip => :skip_none) + x2 = Ox.dump(doc, :indent => -1) + assert_equal(%{ Pete\n Ohler PO}, x2) + end + + def test_skip_off + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + xml = %{ Pete\r\n Ohler P O} + doc = Ox.load(xml, :mode => :generic, :symbolize_keys => false, :skip => :skip_off) + x2 = Ox.dump(doc, :indent => -1) + assert_equal(%{ Pete\n Ohler P O}, x2) + end + + def test_skip_return + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + xml = %{ Pete\r\n Ohler} + doc = Ox.load(xml, :mode => :generic, :symbolize_keys => false, :skip => :skip_return) + x2 = Ox.dump(doc) + assert_equal(%{\n Pete\n Ohler\n}, x2) + end + + def test_skip_return2 + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + xml = %{ Pete\rOhler} + doc = Ox.load(xml, :mode => :generic, :symbolize_keys => false, :skip => :skip_return) + x2 = Ox.dump(doc) + assert_equal(%{\n Pete\nOhler\n}, x2) + end + + def test_skip_space + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + xml = %{ Pete\r\n Ohler} + doc = Ox.load(xml, :mode => :generic, :symbolize_keys => false, :skip => :skip_white) + x2 = Ox.dump(doc) + assert_equal(%{\n Pete Ohler\n}, x2) + end + + def test_tolerant + Ox::default_options = $ox_generic_options + Ox::default_options = { :skip => :skip_return } + xml = %{ + + + + + + + This is a test of the &tolerant&#x effort option. + + +after thought +} + expected = %{ + + + + + + + + + This is a test of the &tolerant&#x effort option. + + +after thought +} + doc = Ox.load(xml, :effort => :tolerant) + #puts Ox.dump(doc) + assert_equal(expected, Ox.dump(doc, :with_xml => false)) + end + + def test_tolerant_case + Ox::default_options = $ox_generic_options + xml = %{ + + + + + + Some text. + + +} + expected = %{ + + + + + + Some text. + +} + doc = Ox.load(xml, :effort => :tolerant) + #puts Ox.dump(doc) + assert_equal(expected, Ox.dump(doc, :with_xml => false)) + end + + def test_class + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + dump_and_load(Bag, false) + end + + def test_exception + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + if RUBY_VERSION.start_with?('1.8') || 'rubinius' == $ruby + assert(true) + else + e = StandardError.new("Some Error") + e.set_backtrace(["./func.rb:119: in test_exception", + "./fake.rb:57: in fake_func"]) + dump_and_load(e, false) + end + end + + def test_exception_bag + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + if RUBY_VERSION.start_with?('1.8') || 'rubinius' == $ruby + assert(true) + else + xml = %{ + + Some Error + + ./func.rb:119: in test_exception + ./fake.rb:57: in fake_func + + +} + x = Ox.load(xml, :mode => :object, :effort => :auto_define) + assert_equal('Some Error', x.message()) + assert(x.is_a?(Exception)) + end + end + + def test_struct + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + if 'ruby' == $ruby || 'ree' == $ruby + s = Struct.new('Box', :x, :y, :w, :h) + dump_and_load(s.new(2, 4, 10, 20), false) + else + assert(true) + end + end + + def test_bad_format + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + xml = "\ntest\n" + assert_raise(Ox::ParseError) { + Ox.load(xml, :mode => :generic, :trace => 0) + } + end + + def test_array_multi + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + t = Time.local(2012, 1, 5, 23, 58, 7) + dump_and_load([nil, true, false, 3, 'z', 7.9, 'a&b', :xyz, t, (-1..7)], false) + end + + def test_hash_multi + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + t = Time.local(2012, 1, 5, 23, 58, 7) + dump_and_load({ nil => nil, true => true, false => false, 3 => 3, 'z' => 'z', 7.9 => 7.9, 'a&b' => 'a&b', :xyz => :xyz, t => t, (-1..7) => (-1..7) }, false) + end + + def test_object_multi + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + t = Time.local(2012, 1, 5, 23, 58, 7) + dump_and_load(Bag.new(:@a => nil, :@b => true, :@c => false, :@d => 3, :@e => 'z', :@f => 7.9, :@g => 'a&b', :@h => :xyz, :@i => t, :@j => (-1..7)), false) + end + + def test_complex + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + dump_and_load(Bag.new(:@o => Bag.new(:@a => [2]), :@a => [1, {:b => 3, :a => [5], :c => Bag.new(:@x => 7)}]), false) + end + + def test_dump_margin + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + x = Ox.dump(Bag.new(:@o => Bag.new(:@a => [2]), :@a => [1, {:b => 3, :a => [5], :c => Bag.new(:@x => 7)}]), :indent => 1, :margin => '##') + + assert_equal('## +## +## 1 +## +## b +## 3 +## a +## +## 5 +## +## c +## +## 7 +## +## +## +## +## +## 2 +## +## +## +', x) + end + + # Create an Object and an Array with the same Objects in them. Dump and load + # and then change the ones in the loaded Object to verify that the ones in + # the array change in the same way. They are the same objects so they should + # change. Perform the operation on both the object before and the loaded so + # the equal() method can be used. + def test_circular + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + if RUBY_VERSION.start_with?('1.8') + # In 1.8.7 the eql? method behaves differently but the results are + # correct when viewed by eye. + assert(true) + else + a = [1] + s = "a,b,c" + h = { 1 => 2 } + e = Ox::Element.new('Zoo') + e[:cage] = 'bear' + b = Bag.new(:@a => a, :@s => s, :@h => h, :@e => e) + a << s + a << h + a << e + a << b + loaded = dump_and_load(b, false, true) + # modify the string + loaded.instance_variable_get(:@s).gsub!(',', '_') + b.instance_variable_get(:@s).gsub!(',', '_') + # modify hash + loaded.instance_variable_get(:@h)[1] = 3 + b.instance_variable_get(:@h)[1] = 3 + # modify Element + loaded.instance_variable_get(:@e)['pen'] = 'zebra' + b.instance_variable_get(:@e)['pen'] = 'zebra' + # pp loaded + assert_equal(b, loaded) + end + end + + # verify that an exception is raised if a circular ref object is created. + def test_circular_limit + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + h = {} + h[:h] = h + begin + Ox.dump(h) + rescue Exception + assert(true) + return + end + assert(false) + end + + def test_raw + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + raw = Ox::Element.new('raw') + su = Ox::Element.new('sushi') + su[:kind] = 'fish' + raw << su + ba = Ox::Element.new('basashi') + ba[:kind] = 'animal' + raw << ba + dump_and_load(Bag.new(:@raw => raw), false) + end + + def test_nameerror + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + begin + raise StandardError.new("An error message,") + rescue Exception => e + xml = Ox.dump(e, :effort => :tolerant) + o = Ox.load(xml, :mode => :object) + xml2 = Ox.dump(o, :effort => :tolerant) + assert_equal(xml, xml2) + return + end + assert(false) + end + + def test_no_empty + Ox::default_options = $ox_generic_options + h = {} + x = Ox.dump(h, no_empty: true) + assert_equal(x, "\n") + x = Ox.dump(Ox::Element.new('empty'), no_empty: true) + assert_equal(x, "\n\n") + end + + def test_mutex + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + if defined?(Mutex) && 'rubinius' != $ruby + # Mutex can not be serialize but it should not raise an exception. + xml = Ox.dump(Mutex.new, :indent => 2, :effort => :tolerant) + assert_equal(%{ +}, xml) + xml = Ox.dump(Bag.new(:@x => Mutex.new), :indent => 2, :effort => :tolerant) + assert_equal(%{ + + +}, xml) + else + assert(true) + end + end + + def test_encoding + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + s = 'ピーター' + xml = Ox.dump(s, :with_xml => true, :encoding => 'UTF-8') + #puts xml + #puts xml.encoding.to_s + assert_equal('UTF-8', xml.encoding.to_s) + obj = Ox.load(xml, :mode => :object) + assert_equal(s, obj) + end + + def test_full_encoding + Ox::default_options = $ox_generic_options + xml = %{ +<いち name="ピーター" つま="まきえ">ピーター +} + obj = Ox.load(xml) + dumped = Ox.dump(obj, :with_xml => true) + assert_equal('UTF-8', dumped.encoding.to_s) + assert_equal(xml, dumped) + end + + def test_obj_encoding + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + if RUBY_VERSION.start_with?('1.8') + # jruby supports in a non standard way and does not allow utf-8 encoded object attribute names + assert(true) + else + orig = Ox.default_options + opts = orig.clone + opts[:encoding] = 'UTF-8' + opts[:with_xml] = true + Ox.default_options = opts + begin + # only 1.9.x rubies know how to parse a UTF-8 symbol + dump_and_load(Bag.new('@tsuma'.to_sym => 'まきえ'.to_sym), false) + dump_and_load(Bag.new('@つま'.to_sym => 'まきえ'.to_sym), false) + ensure + Ox.default_options = orig + end + end + end + + def test_instructions + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + xml = Ox.dump("test", :with_instructions => true) + #puts xml + obj = Ox.load(xml) # should convert it to an object + assert_equal("test", obj) + end + + def test_generic_string + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + xml = %{ +A <boo> +} + doc = Ox.load(xml, :mode => :generic) + xml2 = Ox.dump(doc, :with_xml => true) + assert_equal(xml, xml2) + end + + def test_generic_white_string + Ox::default_options = $ox_generic_options + xml = %{ + +} + doc = Ox.load(xml, :skip => :skip_none) + assert_equal(' ', doc.root.nodes[0]) + end + + def test_generic_encoding + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + if RUBY_VERSION.start_with?('1.8') + assert(true) + else + xml = %{ +<まきえ> +} + doc = Ox.load(xml, :mode => :generic) + xml2 = Ox.dump(doc, :with_xml => true) + assert_equal(xml, xml2) + end + end + + def test_IO + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + f = File.open(__FILE__, "r") + assert_raise(NotImplementedError) { + Ox.dump(f, :effort => :strict) + } + xml = Ox.dump(f, :effort => :tolerant) + obj = Ox.load(xml, :mode => :object) # should convert it to an object + assert_nil(obj) + end + + def each_xml() + %{ + + + + + Some text + + + +} + end + + def test_each + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + doc = Ox.parse(each_xml) + nodes = [] + doc.Family.Pete.each { |n| n.is_a?(Ox::Element) && nodes << n.id } + assert_equal(['Nicole', 'Pamela', 'Fictional'], nodes) + end + + def test_each_name + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + doc = Ox.parse(each_xml) + nodes = [] + doc.Family.Pete.each('Kid') { |n| nodes << n.id } + assert_equal(['Nicole', 'Pamela'], nodes) + end + + def test_each_name_sym + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + doc = Ox.parse(each_xml) + nodes = [] + doc.Family.Pete.each(:Kid) { |n| nodes << n.id } + assert_equal(['Nicole', 'Pamela'], nodes) + end + + def test_each_attr + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + doc = Ox.parse(each_xml) + nodes = [] + doc.Family.Pete.each(gender: 'female') { |n| nodes << n.id } + assert_equal(['Nicole', 'Pamela'], nodes) + end + + def test_each_attr_multi + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + doc = Ox.parse(each_xml) + nodes = [] + doc.Family.Pete.each(gender: 'female', age: '31') { |n| nodes << n.id } + assert_equal(['Pamela'], nodes) + end + + def locate_xml() + %{ + + + + + + + +} + end + + def test_locate_self + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + doc = Ox.parse(locate_xml) + nodes = doc.locate(nil) + assert_equal(doc, nodes[0]) + end + + def test_locate_top + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + doc = Ox.parse(locate_xml) + nodes = doc.locate('Family') + assert_equal([doc.nodes[0]], nodes) + end + + def test_locate_top_wild + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + doc = Ox.parse(locate_xml) + nodes = doc.locate('?') + assert_equal(doc.nodes[0], nodes[0]) + end + + def test_locate_child + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + doc = Ox.parse(locate_xml) + + nodes = doc.locate('Family/?') + assert_equal(['Pete'], nodes.map { |n| n.value }) + + nodes = doc.locate('Family/?/^Element') + assert_equal(['Kid1', 'Kid2'], nodes.map { |n| n.value }) + + nodes = doc.locate('Family/Pete/^Element') + assert_equal(['Kid1', 'Kid2'], nodes.map { |n| n.value }) + + nodes = doc.locate('Family/Makie/?') + assert_equal([], nodes.map { |n| n.name }) + end + + def test_locate_comment + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + doc = Ox.parse(locate_xml) + + nodes = doc.locate('^Comment') + assert_equal(['One Only'], nodes.map { |n| n.value }) + end + + def test_locate_child_wild_wild + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + doc = Ox.parse(locate_xml) + nodes = doc.locate('Family/?/?') + assert_equal(['Kid1', 'Nicole', 'Kid2', 'Pamela'], nodes.map { |n| n.value }) + end + + def test_locate_child_wild + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + doc = Ox.parse(locate_xml) + nodes = doc.locate('Family/Pete/?') + assert_equal(['Kid1', 'Nicole', 'Kid2', 'Pamela'], nodes.map { |n| n.value }) + end + + def test_locate_child_wild_missing + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + doc = Ox.parse(locate_xml) + nodes = doc.locate('Family/Makie/?') + assert_equal([], nodes.map { |n| n.name }) + end + + def test_locate_child_comments + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + doc = Ox.parse(locate_xml) + nodes = doc.locate('Family/?/^Comment') + assert_equal(['Nicole', 'Pamela'], nodes.map { |n| n.value }) + end + + def test_locate_attribute + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + doc = Ox.parse(locate_xml) + + nodes = doc.locate('Family/@?') + assert_equal(['false'], nodes) + + nodes = doc.locate('Family/@real') + assert_equal(['false'], nodes) + + nodes = doc.locate('Family/Pete/@?') + assert_equal(['57', 'male'], nodes.sort) + + nodes = doc.locate('Family/Pete/@age') + assert_equal(['57'], nodes) + + nodes = doc.locate('Family/Makie/@?') + assert_equal([], nodes) + + nodes = doc.locate('Family/Pete/?/@age') + assert_equal(['31', '32'], nodes.sort) + + nodes = doc.locate('Family/*/@age') + assert_equal(['31', '32', '57'], nodes.sort) + + nodes = doc.locate('*/@?') + assert_equal(['31', '32', '57', 'false', 'male'], nodes.sort) + + pete = doc.locate('Family/Pete')[0] + nodes = pete.locate('*/@age') + assert_equal(['31', '32', '57'], nodes.sort) + + assert_raise(::Ox::InvalidPath) { + nodes = doc.locate('Family/@age/?') + } + + assert_raise(::Ox::InvalidPath) { + nodes = doc.locate('Family/?[/?') + } + end + + def test_locate_qual_index + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + doc = Ox.parse(locate_xml) + nodes = doc.locate('Family/Pete/?[0]') + assert_equal(['Kid1'], nodes.map { |e| e.value } ) + nodes = doc.locate('Family/Pete/?[1]') + assert_equal(['Nicole'], nodes.map { |e| e.value } ) + nodes = doc.locate('Family/Pete/?[2]') + assert_equal(['Kid2'], nodes.map { |e| e.value } ) + end + + def test_locate_qual_less + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + doc = Ox.parse(locate_xml) + nodes = doc.locate('Family/Pete/?[<1]') + assert_equal(['Kid1'], nodes.map { |e| e.value } ) + end + + def test_locate_qual_great + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + doc = Ox.parse(locate_xml) + nodes = doc.locate('Family/Pete/?[>1]') + assert_equal(['Kid2', 'Pamela'], nodes.map { |e| e.value } ) + end + + def test_locate_qual_last + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + doc = Ox.parse(locate_xml) + nodes = doc.locate('Family/Pete/?[-1]') + assert_equal(['Pamela'], nodes.map { |e| e.value } ) + end + + def test_locate_qual_last_attr + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + doc = Ox.parse(locate_xml) + nodes = doc.locate('Family/Pete/?[-2]/@age') + assert_equal(['31'], nodes ) + end + + def test_locate_attr_match + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + doc = Ox.parse(locate_xml) + nodes = doc.locate('Family/Pete/?[@age=32]') + assert_equal(['Kid1'], nodes.map { |e| e.value } ) + + nodes = doc.locate('Family/Pete/Kid1[@age=32]') + assert_equal(['Kid1'], nodes.map { |e| e.value } ) + + nodes = doc.locate('Family/Pete/Kid1[@age=31]') + assert_equal([], nodes.map { |e| e.value } ) + end + + def test_locate_attr_presence + parent = Ox::Element.new('Parent') + son_with_job = Ox::Element.new('Son').tap do |n| + n['job'] = 'a job' + parent << n + end + son_without_job = Ox::Element.new('Son').tap { |n| parent << n } + daughter_with_job = Ox::Element.new('Daughter').tap do |n| + n['job'] = 'another job' + parent << n + end + assert_equal([son_with_job, son_without_job, daughter_with_job], parent.nodes) + + assert_equal([son_with_job, daughter_with_job], parent.locate('?[@job]')) + assert_equal([son_with_job], parent.locate('Son[@job]')) + assert_equal([daughter_with_job], parent.locate('Daughter[@job]')) + end + + def easy_xml() + %{ + + + Nicole + Pamela + + +} + end + + def test_remove_children_empty + doc = Ox.parse(easy_xml) + doc.remove_children + assert_equal(doc, Ox.parse(easy_xml)) + end + + def test_remove_children_single_match + root = Ox.parse(easy_xml) + kid = root.locate('*/Kid[@age=31]').first + root.remove_children(kid) + + expected_doc = %{Nicole} + assert_equal(root, Ox.parse(expected_doc)) + end + + def test_remove_children_all + root = Ox.parse(easy_xml) + kids = root.locate("*/Kid") + root.remove_children(*kids) + + kids_doc = %{} + assert_equal(root, Ox.parse(kids_doc)) + end + + def test_remove_children_by_path_unmatching_path + doc = Ox.parse(easy_xml) + doc.remove_children_by_path("unmatching_path") + assert_equal(doc, Ox.parse(easy_xml)) + end + + def test_remove_children_by_path_single_match + doc = Ox.parse(easy_xml) + doc.remove_children_by_path('*/Kid[@age=31]') + + expected_doc = %{Nicole} + assert_equal(doc, Ox.parse(expected_doc)) + end + + def test_remove_children_by_path_all + doc = Ox.parse(easy_xml) + doc.remove_children_by_path("*/Kid") + + kid_doc = %{} + assert_equal(doc, Ox.parse(kid_doc)) + end + + def test_easy_attribute + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + doc = Ox.parse(easy_xml) + assert_equal('false', doc.Family.real) + assert_equal('58', doc.Family.Pete.age) + end + + def test_easy_namespace + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + doc = Ox.parse(%{ + + + Nicole + Pamela + + +}) + assert_equal('false', doc.Ox_Test_Family.real) + assert_equal('58', doc.Ox_Test_Family.Ox_Test_Pete.age) + end + + def test_easy_attribute_missing + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + doc = Ox.parse(easy_xml) + assert_raise(NoMethodError) { + doc.Family.fake + } + end + + def test_easy_element + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + doc = Ox.parse(easy_xml) + assert_equal(::Ox::Element, doc.Family.Pete.class) + assert_equal('Pete', doc.Family.Pete.name) + assert_equal('Nicole', doc.Family.Pete.Kid.text) + assert_nil(doc.Family.Pete.text) + end + + def test_easy_respond_to + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + doc = Ox.parse(easy_xml) + assert_equal(true, doc.respond_to?(:Family)) + assert_equal(true, doc.Family.respond_to?('Pete')) + assert_equal(false, doc.Family.respond_to?('Fred')) + assert_equal(true, doc.Family.Pete.respond_to?('age')) + assert_equal(false, doc.Family.Pete.respond_to?('email')) + end + + def test_easy_replace_text + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + doc = Ox.parse(easy_xml) + k1 = doc.Family.Pete.Kid(1) + k1.replace_text('Spam') + assert_equal('Spam', doc.Family.Pete.Kid(1).text) + end + + def test_easy_element_index + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + doc = Ox.parse(easy_xml) + assert_equal('Pamela', doc.Family.Pete.Kid(1).text) + end + + def test_easy_element_missing + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + doc = Ox.parse(easy_xml) + assert_raise(NoMethodError) { + doc.Family.Bob + } + end + + def test_arbitrary_raw_xml + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + root = Ox::Element.new('root') + root << Ox::Raw.new('bar') + assert_equal("\n\n bar\n\n", Ox.dump(root)) + end + + def test_block + Ox::default_options = $ox_generic_options + results = [] + Ox.load('firstsecond') do |x| + results << Ox.dump(x) + end + assert_equal("\nfirst\n\nsecond\n\n\n", results.join()) + end + + def test_namespace_no_strip + Ox::default_options = $ox_generic_options + results = [] + doc = Ox.load('inside') + assert_equal(%| + + inside + +|, Ox.dump(doc)) + end + + def test_namespace_strip_wild + Ox::default_options = $ox_generic_options + results = [] + doc = Ox.load('inside', :strip_namespace => true ) + assert_equal(%| + + inside + +|, Ox.dump(doc)) + end + + def test_namespace_strip + Ox::default_options = $ox_generic_options + Ox::default_options = { :strip_namespace => "spaced" } + results = [] + doc = Ox.load('inside') + assert_equal(%| + + inside + +|, Ox.dump(doc)) + end + + def test_prepend_child_invalid_node + parent = Ox::Element.new('Parent') + invalid_node = 12345 + assert_raise { parent.prepend_child(invalid_node) } + end + + def test_prepend_child_when_nodes_are_empty + parent = Ox::Element.new('Parent') + assert_equal(parent.nodes, []) + child = Ox::Element.new('Child') + parent.prepend_child(child) + assert_equal([child], parent.nodes) + end + + def test_prepend_child_when_nodes_not_empty + parent = Ox::Element.new('Parent') + child0 = Ox::Element.new('Child0').tap { |n| parent << n } + child1 = Ox::Element.new('Child1').tap { |n| parent << n } + assert_equal(parent.nodes, [child0, child1]) + + child2 = Ox::Element.new('Child2') + parent.prepend_child(child2) + assert_equal([child2, child0, child1], parent.nodes) + end + + def test_builder + b = Ox::Builder.new(:indent => 2) + assert_equal(1, b.line()) + assert_equal(1, b.column()) + assert_equal(0, b.pos()) + b.instruct(:xml, :version => '1.0', :encoding => 'UTF-8') + assert_equal(1, b.line()) + assert_equal(39, b.column()) + assert_equal(38, b.pos()) + b.element('one', :a => "ack", 'b' => "") + b.element('two') + assert_equal(3, b.line()) + assert_equal(6, b.column()) + assert_equal(88, b.pos()) + b.pop() + b.comment(' just a comment ') + b.element('three') + b.text(%|my name is Peter & <"ピーター">|) + b.pop() + b.cdata("multi\nline\ncdata") + b.raw("\n\n") + b.comment(" Multi\nline\ncomment ") + b.close() + xml = b.to_s + assert_equal(%| + + + + my name is Peter & <"ピーター"> + + + + + +|, xml) + end + + def test_builder_file + filename = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'create_file_test.xml') + b = Ox::Builder.file(filename, :indent => 2) + b.instruct(:xml, :version => '1.0', :encoding => 'UTF-8') + b.element('one', :a => "ack", 'b' => 'back') + b.element('two') + b.pop() + b.comment(' just a comment ') + b.element('three') + b.text("my name is \"ピーター\"") + b.pop() + b.pop() + b.close() + + xml = File.read(filename) + xml.force_encoding('UTF-8') + assert_equal(%| + + + + my name is "ピーター" + +|, xml) + end + + def test_builder_io + IO.pipe do |r,w| + if fork + w.close + xml = r.read(1000) + xml.force_encoding('UTF-8') + r.close + assert_equal(%| + + + + my name is "ピーター" + +|, xml) + else + r.close + b = Ox::Builder.io(w, :indent => 2) + b.instruct(:xml, :version => '1.0', :encoding => 'UTF-8') + b.element('one', :a => "ack", 'b' => 'back') + b.element('two') + b.pop() + b.comment(' just a comment ') + b.element('three') + b.text("my name is \"ピーター\"") + b.pop() + b.pop() + b.close() + w.close + Process.exit(0) + end + end + end + + def test_builder_block + xml = Ox::Builder.new(:indent => 2) { |b| + b.instruct(:xml, :version => '1.0', :encoding => 'UTF-8') + b.element('one', :a => "ack", 'b' => 'back') { + b.element('two') {} + b.comment(' just a comment ') + b.element('three') { + b.text("my name is \"ピーター\"") + } + } + } + assert_equal(%| + + + + my name is "ピーター" + +|, xml) + end + + def test_builder_block_file + filename = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'create_file_test.xml') + Ox::Builder.file(filename, :indent => 2) { |b| + b.instruct(:xml, :version => '1.0', :encoding => 'UTF-8') + b.element('one', :a => "ack", 'b' => 'back') { + b.element('two') {} + b.comment(' just a comment ') + b.element('three') { + b.text("my name is \"ピーター\"") + } + } + } + xml = File.read(filename) + xml.force_encoding('UTF-8') + assert_equal(%| + + + + my name is "ピーター" + +|, xml) + end + + def test_builder_block_io + IO.pipe do |r,w| + if fork + w.close + xml = r.read(1000) + xml.force_encoding('UTF-8') + r.close + assert_equal(%| + + + + my name is "ピーター" + +|, xml) + else + r.close + Ox::Builder.io(w, :indent => 2) { |b| + b.instruct(:xml, :version => '1.0', :encoding => 'UTF-8') + b.element('one', :a => "ack", 'b' => 'back') { + b.element('two') {} + b.comment(' just a comment ') + b.element('three') { + b.text("my name is \"ピーター\"") + } + } + } + w.close + Process.exit(0) + end + end + end + + def test_builder_no_newline + b = Ox::Builder.new(:indent => -1) + b.instruct(:xml, :version => '1.0', :encoding => 'UTF-8') + b.element('one', :a => "ack", 'b' => 'back') + b.text('hello') + b.close() + xml = b.to_s + assert_equal(%|hello|, xml) + end + + def test_builder_text_with_invalid_characters_stripping + b = Ox::Builder.new + b.element('one') + b.text("tab\tamp&backspace\b.", true) + b.close() + xml = b.to_s + assert_equal(%|tab\tamp&backspace. +|, xml) + end + + def test_builder_text_without_invalid_characters_stripping + begin + b = Ox::Builder.new + b.element('one') + b.text("tab\tamp&backspace\b.") + rescue Exception => e + assert_equal("'\\#x08' is not a valid XML character.", e.message) + return + end + assert(false) + end + + def test_builder_text_with_too_few_args + begin + b = Ox::Builder.new + b.text() + rescue ArgumentError => e + assert_equal("wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 1..2)", e.message) + return + end + assert(false) + end + + def test_builder_text_with_too_many_args + begin + b = Ox::Builder.new + b.text("Hello", false, "world") + rescue ArgumentError => e + assert_equal("wrong number of arguments (given 3, expected 1..2)", e.message) + return + end + assert(false) + end + + def test_hash_no_attrs_mode_simple + Ox::default_options = $ox_generic_options + xml = %{This is the top. +} + doc = Ox.load(xml, :mode => :hash) + assert_equal({top: 'This is the top.'}, doc) + end + + def test_hash_no_attrs_mode_simple_nested + Ox::default_options = $ox_generic_options + xml = %{ + + This is a one. + + alpha + bravo + + +} + doc = Ox.load(xml, :mode => :hash) + assert_equal({top: {one: 'This is a one.', mid: {a: 'alpha', b: 'bravo'}}}, doc) + end + + def test_hash_no_attrs_mode_multi_text + Ox::default_options = $ox_generic_options + xml = %{FirstSecondThird +} + doc = Ox.load(xml, :mode => :hash) + assert_equal({top: ['First', {empty: nil}, 'Second', {empty: nil}, 'Third']}, doc) + end + + def test_hash_mode_simple + Ox::default_options = $ox_generic_options + xml = %{This is the top. +} + doc = Ox.load(xml, :mode => :hash) + assert_equal({top: 'This is the top.'}, doc) + end + + def test_hash_mode_simple_nested + Ox::default_options = $ox_generic_options + xml = %{ + + This is a one. + + alpha + bravo + + +} + doc = Ox.load(xml, :mode => :hash) + assert_equal({top: {one: 'This is a one.', mid: {a: 'alpha', b: 'bravo'}}}, doc) + end + + def test_hash_mode_simple_cdata + Ox::default_options = $ox_generic_options + xml = %{ + + This is a one. + + + + + +} + doc = Ox.load(xml, mode: :hash, with_cdata: true) + assert_equal({top: {one: 'This is a one.', mid: {a: 'alpha', b: 'bravo'}}}, doc) + + doc = Ox.load(xml, mode: :hash, with_cdata: false) + assert_equal({top: {one: 'This is a one.', mid: {a: nil, b: nil}}}, doc) + end + + def test_hash_mode_multi_text + Ox::default_options = $ox_generic_options + xml = %{FirstSecondThird +} + doc = Ox.load(xml, :mode => :hash) + assert_equal({top: ['First', {empty: nil}, 'Second', {empty: nil}, 'Third']}, doc) + end + + def test_hash_mode_simple_attrs + Ox::default_options = $ox_generic_options + xml = %{This is the top. +} + doc = Ox.load(xml, :mode => :hash) + assert_equal({top: [{type: 'string'},'This is the top.']}, doc) + end + + def test_hash_mode_attrs + Ox::default_options = $ox_generic_options + xml = %{ + + + 14 + 14 + 12 + 14 + + +} + doc = Ox.load(xml, :mode => :hash) + assert_equal({result: { + variables: { + var: [ + [{name: 'Blue'}, '14'], + [{name: 'Jack'}, '14'], + [{name: 'Magenta'}, '12'], + [{name: 'Yellow'}, '14'] + ], + } + } + }, doc) + end + + def test_hash_mode_attrs2 + Ox::default_options = $ox_generic_options + xml = %{ + + + 14 + 14 + 12 + 14 + + +} + doc = Ox.load(xml, :mode => :hash) + assert_equal({result: { + variables: { + var: [ + '14', + [{name: 'Jack'}, '14'], + [{name: 'Magenta'}, '12'], + [{name: 'Yellow'}, '14'] + ], + } + } + }, doc) + end + + def test_hash_mode_attrs3 + Ox::default_options = $ox_generic_options + xml = %{ + + + 14 + 14 + 12 + 14 + + +} + doc = Ox.load(xml, :mode => :hash) + assert_equal({result: { + variables: { + var: [ + [{name: 'Blue'}, '14'], + '14', + [{name: 'Magenta'}, '12'], + [{name: 'Yellow'}, '14'] + ], + } + } + }, doc) + end + + def test_key_mod + Ox::default_options = $ox_object_options + xml = %{ + +} + ep = lambda { |k| k.downcase } + ap = lambda { |k| 'a' + k } + doc = Ox.load(xml, mode: :generic, attr_key_mod: ap, element_key_mod: ep ) + xml2 = Ox.dump(doc) + assert_equal(%{ + +}, xml2) + end + + def test_encoding_ascii + Ox::default_options = $ox_generic_options + xml = 'Héraïdios'.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) + text = Ox.load(xml).root.text + assert_equal('Héraïdios', text) + assert_equal(Encoding::UTF_8, text.encoding) + end + + def dump_and_load(obj, trace=false, circular=false) + xml = Ox.dump(obj, :indent => $indent, :circular => circular) + puts xml if trace + loaded = Ox.load(xml, :trace => (trace ? 2 : 0)) + if obj.nil? + assert_nil(loaded) + else + assert_equal(obj, loaded) + end + loaded + end + +end + +class Bag + + def initialize(args) + args.each do |k,v| + self.instance_variable_set(k, v) + end + end + + def eql?(other) + return false if (other.nil? or self.class != other.class) + ova = other.instance_variables + return false if ova.size != instance_variables.size + instance_variables.each do |vid| + return false if instance_variable_get(vid) != other.instance_variable_get(vid) + end + true + end + alias == eql? + +end diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/weather/HellsGate_2012_weather.xml ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/weather/HellsGate_2012_weather.xml --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/weather/HellsGate_2012_weather.xml 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/weather/HellsGate_2012_weather.xml 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,35281 @@ + + + + Ohler Peter + Ohler Peter + 2012-04-03T03:05:35Z + Home + 14.0 + + + + + + 17740 + 26080 + 0 + 0 + False + False + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + CODE + DATETIME + OBS TYPE + MAX TEMP + PRES TEMP + MIN TEMP + RH + DEW_POINT + HRLY_PRCP + NEW PRCP + PRCP GAUGE + NEW SNOW + SNOW PACK + PRECIP_DET_RATIO + WND SPD MEAS + MAX_GUST_1 + WND_DIR_1 + STD_DEV_1 + ATM PRESSURE + + + 15123 + 2012-01-01T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -5.1790000000000003 + -6.3319999999999999 + -6.4690000000000003 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 81.3 + 0.05 + 2.0779999999999998 + 2.5059999999999998 + 12.61 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-01T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -5.1790000000000003 + -6.4489999999999998 + -6.4790000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 81.099999999999994 + 8.9999999999999993E-3 + 1.071 + 8.68 + 7.13 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-01T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -5.1790000000000003 + -6.43 + -6.4790000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 81 + 1E-3 + 0.189 + 345.8 + 2.7530000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-01T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -5.1790000000000003 + -6.1959999999999997 + -6.4790000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 80.8 + 2E-3 + 0.315 + 348.1 + 4.6399999999999997 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-01T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -5.1790000000000003 + -6.1959999999999997 + -6.4790000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 80.599999999999994 + 1.0999999999999999E-2 + 1.1970000000000001 + 332.7 + 4.2770000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-01T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -5.1790000000000003 + -6.06 + -6.4790000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 80.400000000000006 + 0 + 6.3E-2 + 245.8 + 5.6120000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-01T06:00:00.000 + ST + -5.1790000000000003 + -6.1470000000000002 + -6.4790000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 80.5 + 1.2999999999999999E-2 + 1.008 + 9.27 + 7.01 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-01T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.0990000000000002 + -6.2539999999999996 + -6.2640000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 80.5 + 1E-3 + 0.252 + 359.9 + 2.89 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-01T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -5.9429999999999996 + -5.9909999999999997 + -6.2640000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 80.400000000000006 + 1E-3 + 0.126 + 34.54 + 4.194 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-01T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -5.4589999999999996 + -5.4589999999999996 + -6.2640000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 80.3 + 1E-3 + 0.189 + 336.8 + 1.9119999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-01T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.4000000000000004 + -4.4000000000000004 + -6.2640000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 80.2 + 2E-3 + 0.189 + 333.7 + 1.3620000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-01T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.0819999999999999 + -3.0819999999999999 + -6.2640000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 79.599999999999994 + 0 + 6.3E-2 + 341.8 + 0.68200000000000005 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-01T12:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.5209999999999999 + -3.0169999999999999 + -6.2640000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 79.7 + 1E-3 + 6.3E-2 + 340.5 + 1.2290000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-01T13:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.972 + -1.972 + -6.2640000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 79.5 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-01T14:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.887 + -2.4089999999999998 + -6.2640000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 79.599999999999994 + 1E-3 + 0.189 + 346.7 + 0.69299999999999995 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-01T15:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.887 + -2.3519999999999999 + -6.2640000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 79.5 + 1E-3 + 0.126 + 348.4 + 0.35099999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-01T16:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.887 + -2.7229999999999999 + -6.2640000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 79.8 + 0 + 6.3E-2 + 12.46 + 3.9969999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-01T17:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.887 + -2.7309999999999999 + -6.2640000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 79.5 + 4.0000000000000001E-3 + 0.56699999999999995 + 359.4 + 2.7629999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-01T18:00:00.000 + ST + -1.887 + -2.4359999999999999 + -6.2640000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 79.599999999999994 + 3.0000000000000001E-3 + 0.441 + 20.29 + 5.6609999999999996 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-01T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.2930000000000001 + -2.806 + -2.835 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 78.8 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-01T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.2930000000000001 + -2.7210000000000001 + -2.8540000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 78.7 + 1E-3 + 0.126 + 331.8 + 1.5229999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-01T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.2930000000000001 + -2.835 + -2.8919999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 79 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-01T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.2930000000000001 + -3.2250000000000001 + -3.2440000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 78.900000000000006 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-01T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.2930000000000001 + -3.101 + -3.2719999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 78.2 + 4.3999999999999997E-2 + 1.7 + 186.4 + 1.573 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-02T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.2930000000000001 + -2.7010000000000001 + -3.2719999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 78.400000000000006 + 0.33200000000000002 + 8.6300000000000008 + 172 + 3.6240000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-02T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.0840000000000001 + -2.0840000000000001 + -3.2719999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 78.3 + 0.01 + 0.81899999999999995 + 184.6 + 1.282 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-02T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.8280000000000001 + -1.9610000000000001 + -3.2719999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 78.2 + 8.0000000000000002E-3 + 0.755 + 182.9 + 0.90500000000000003 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-02T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.43 + -1.4870000000000001 + -3.2719999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 78.3 + 0.23499999999999999 + 8.3699999999999992 + 181.5 + 0.57199999999999995 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-02T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.383 + -1.601 + -3.2719999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 78.2 + 0.11799999999999999 + 5.7290000000000001 + 161.4 + 6.2050000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-02T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.3260000000000001 + -1.3360000000000001 + -3.2719999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 78.3 + 8.0000000000000002E-3 + 0.56699999999999995 + 171 + 1.9610000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-02T06:00:00.000 + ST + -0.53100000000000003 + -0.53100000000000003 + -3.2719999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 77.599999999999994 + 1.0999999999999999E-2 + 1.0069999999999999 + 173.3 + 1.6910000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-02T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.502 + -0.61599999999999999 + -0.71099999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 76.8 + 1.0549999999999999 + 8.25 + 162.9 + 4.4080000000000004 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-02T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.502 + -0.80600000000000005 + -0.92 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 76.8 + 0.54200000000000004 + 4.7220000000000004 + 173.8 + 4.3460000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-02T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.502 + -0.98599999999999999 + -1.0329999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 76.2 + 0.59299999999999997 + 9.6999999999999993 + 173.6 + 4.5949999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-02T10:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.26300000000000001 + 0.26300000000000001 + -1.0329999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 75.900000000000006 + 0.34300000000000003 + 7.37 + 190.3 + 3.0139999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-02T11:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.61299999999999999 + 0.61299999999999999 + -1.0329999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 75.8 + 0.81100000000000005 + 9.51 + 176.6 + 8.4 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-02T12:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.96199999999999997 + 0.95199999999999996 + -1.0329999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 74.900000000000006 + 1.774 + 10.57 + 182.5 + 14.27 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-02T13:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.8320000000000001 + 1.8129999999999999 + -1.0329999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 73.5 + 3.968 + 20.58 + 160.80000000000001 + 12.92 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-02T14:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.58 + 1.879 + -1.0329999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 73.3 + 1.9750000000000001 + 16.86 + 173.1 + 6.8109999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-02T15:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.6459999999999999 + 2.6269999999999998 + -1.0329999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 77.2 + 9.84 + 32.47 + 163.80000000000001 + 30.53 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-02T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.694 + 2.419 + -1.0329999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 76.3 + 8.5299999999999994 + 23.09 + 178.9 + 31.74 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-02T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.694 + 2.1160000000000001 + -1.0329999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 77.3 + 7.52 + 22.91 + 169.9 + 18.36 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-02T18:00:00.000 + ST + 2.694 + 2.1829999999999998 + -1.0329999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 77.400000000000006 + 2.5249999999999999 + 14.54 + 157.80000000000001 + 13.85 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-02T19:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.1829999999999998 + 1.6240000000000001 + 1.387 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 77 + 4.7720000000000002 + 16.11 + 158.6 + 19.09 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-02T20:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.1829999999999998 + 1.5289999999999999 + 1.387 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 77.2 + 2.0609999999999999 + 9.94 + 144.9 + 12.22 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-02T21:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.1829999999999998 + 1.056 + 1.056 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 76.7 + 4.6879999999999997 + 16.87 + 141.30000000000001 + 13.55 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-02T22:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.1829999999999998 + 0.65900000000000003 + 0.65900000000000003 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 76.5 + 9.66 + 19.07 + 139.80000000000001 + 16.03 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-02T23:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.1829999999999998 + 0.28000000000000003 + 0.28000000000000003 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 76.2 + 9.3000000000000007 + 27.5 + 140.1 + 24.42 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-03T00:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.1829999999999998 + 0.66900000000000004 + 0.24299999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 76 + 12.95 + 31.59 + 140.69999999999999 + 26.46 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-03T01:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.1829999999999998 + 1.113 + 0.24299999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 75.7 + 12.19 + 32.03 + 144 + 29.29 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-03T02:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.1829999999999998 + 1.331 + 0.24299999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 75.400000000000006 + 12.95 + 29.96 + 145.9 + 28.44 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-03T03:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.1829999999999998 + 0.93300000000000005 + 0.24299999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 74.8 + 12.45 + 30.96 + 146.80000000000001 + 26.86 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-03T04:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.1829999999999998 + 0.88600000000000001 + 0.24299999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 74.599999999999994 + 12.24 + 28.51 + 136.69999999999999 + 22.5 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-03T05:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.1829999999999998 + 0.78200000000000003 + 0.24299999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 74.5 + 10.51 + 24.1 + 137.19999999999999 + 23.31 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-03T06:00:00.000 + ST + 2.1829999999999998 + 0.64 + 0.24299999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 74.099999999999994 + 8.84 + 26.12 + 133.80000000000001 + 23.77 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-03T07:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.67800000000000005 + 0.64 + 0.57399999999999995 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 73.7 + 8.35 + 23.1 + 142.4 + 30.91 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-03T08:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.67800000000000005 + 0.50800000000000001 + 0.50800000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 73.400000000000006 + 8.7799999999999994 + 27.44 + 143.69999999999999 + 35.130000000000003 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-03T09:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.78200000000000003 + 0.78200000000000003 + 0.47 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 73.5 + 7.23 + 23.1 + 141.9 + 29.46 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-03T10:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.1220000000000001 + 1.113 + 0.47 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 73.5 + 8.34 + 19.7 + 141.80000000000001 + 23.51 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-03T11:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.5669999999999999 + 1.5389999999999999 + 0.47 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 73.7 + 7.24 + 18.5 + 149.1 + 22.25 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-03T12:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.5860000000000001 + 1.415 + 0.47 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 73.400000000000006 + 8.34 + 23.6 + 141.4 + 24.08 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-03T13:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.5860000000000001 + 1.0940000000000001 + 0.47 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 73.3 + 9.09 + 23.98 + 133.4 + 24.6 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-03T14:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.5860000000000001 + 0.91400000000000003 + 0.47 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 73.099999999999994 + 10.02 + 27.12 + 138.69999999999999 + 23.25 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-03T15:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.5860000000000001 + 0.79100000000000004 + 0.47 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 72.900000000000006 + 10.220000000000001 + 21.77 + 136.9 + 18.87 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-03T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.5860000000000001 + 0.40300000000000002 + 0.38500000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 72.8 + 9.92 + 22.15 + 136.9 + 17.13 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-03T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.5860000000000001 + 0.42299999999999999 + 0.375 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 72.8 + 10.36 + 19.45 + 136.19999999999999 + 14.48 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-03T18:00:00.000 + ST + 1.5860000000000001 + 0.47 + 0.28100000000000003 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 72.599999999999994 + 11.48 + 23.35 + 138.4 + 15.26 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-03T19:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.59299999999999997 + 0.56499999999999995 + 0.46100000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 72.3 + 11.4 + 28.38 + 135.1 + 22.9 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-03T20:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.91500000000000004 + 0.84899999999999998 + 0.46100000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 72.2 + 9.9600000000000009 + 19.89 + 134.5 + 27.38 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-03T21:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.302 + 1.302 + 0.46100000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 71.8 + 10.66 + 21.46 + 137.4 + 26.1 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-03T22:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.738 + 1.738 + 0.46100000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 71.3 + 10.01 + 22.59 + 140.5 + 25.99 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-03T23:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.766 + 1.738 + 0.46100000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 70.3 + 7.73 + 18 + 139.4 + 24.03 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-04T00:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.1160000000000001 + 2.097 + 0.46100000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.680000000000007 + 8.0399999999999991 + 19.260000000000002 + 137.4 + 18.29 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-04T01:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.6280000000000001 + 2.6179999999999999 + 0.46100000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 70.7 + 7.22 + 18.690000000000001 + 146.80000000000001 + 15.69 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-04T02:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.121 + 3.121 + 0.46100000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 70.3 + 5.0090000000000003 + 16.68 + 147.30000000000001 + 15.87 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-04T03:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.254 + 3.13 + 0.46100000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 69.36 + 5.2919999999999998 + 12.4 + 137.80000000000001 + 14.79 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-04T04:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.6709999999999998 + 3.6429999999999998 + 0.46100000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.83 + 6.7450000000000001 + 13.84 + 141.6 + 15.62 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-04T05:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.7090000000000001 + 3.69 + 0.46100000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 69.11 + 7.99 + 14.28 + 145.80000000000001 + 11.61 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-04T06:00:00.000 + ST + 3.88 + 3.2530000000000001 + 0.46100000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 69.58 + 4.2889999999999997 + 13.4 + 143 + 10.71 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-04T07:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.681 + 3.51 + 2.7589999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 69.5 + 2.387 + 14.28 + 176.8 + 27.07 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-04T08:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.681 + 2.4089999999999998 + 2.4089999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.19 + 5.4989999999999997 + 20.95 + 178.8 + 21.21 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-04T09:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.681 + 1.841 + 1.831 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 67.44 + 5.1349999999999998 + 17.809999999999999 + 166.5 + 29.64 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-04T10:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.681 + 1.3109999999999999 + 1.216 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.36 + 7.33 + 27.75 + 152.69999999999999 + 34.020000000000003 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-04T11:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.681 + 0.88600000000000001 + 0.88600000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.849999999999994 + 8.43 + 33.42 + 155.5 + 33.83 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-04T12:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.681 + 0.57399999999999995 + 0.56399999999999995 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.97 + 8.26 + 28.57 + 153.5 + 33.090000000000003 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-04T13:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.681 + 0.40400000000000003 + 0.28100000000000003 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.819999999999993 + 6.9329999999999998 + 24.17 + 151.30000000000001 + 32.9 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-04T14:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.681 + 0.252 + 0.252 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.36 + 7.9 + 23.29 + 153.69999999999999 + 32.159999999999997 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-04T15:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.681 + 0.48899999999999999 + 0.24299999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.09 + 7.19 + 23.48 + 148 + 30.65 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-04T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.681 + 1.028 + 0.24299999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.38 + 4.8719999999999999 + 18.82 + 154.5 + 25.97 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-04T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.681 + 1.264 + 0.24299999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.209999999999994 + 4.6559999999999997 + 16.05 + 163.69999999999999 + 27.33 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-04T18:00:00.000 + ST + 3.681 + 1.482 + 0.24299999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.09 + 8.01 + 18.82 + 166.5 + 29.03 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-04T19:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.1070000000000002 + 2.1070000000000002 + 1.444 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.03 + 6.2050000000000001 + 20.010000000000002 + 157 + 28.77 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-04T20:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.4670000000000001 + 2.4289999999999998 + 1.444 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 67.900000000000006 + 8.98 + 32.79 + 136.9 + 30.73 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-04T21:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.76 + 2.2389999999999999 + 1.444 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.2 + 14.87 + 52.17 + 159.69999999999999 + 35.700000000000003 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-04T22:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.903 + 2.3149999999999999 + 1.444 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.06 + 15.27 + 78.5 + 210.1 + 42.43 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-04T23:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.903 + 2.173 + 1.444 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.05 + 12.44 + 39.96 + 186.2 + 32.380000000000003 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-05T00:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.903 + 1.2170000000000001 + 1.2170000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 68.41 + 11.91 + 29.52 + 181.7 + 27.15 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-05T01:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.903 + 0.71499999999999997 + 0.71499999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 68.39 + 10.64 + 33.29 + 166.1 + 25.47 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-05T02:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.903 + 0.27100000000000002 + 0.27100000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 68.05 + 10.27 + 31.41 + 158.69999999999999 + 24.97 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-05T03:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.903 + 0.215 + 6.3E-2 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 68.39 + 13 + 38.450000000000003 + 174 + 31.18 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-05T04:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.903 + -0.04 + -9.7000000000000003E-2 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 67.8 + 11.58 + 31.53 + 166.9 + 27.29 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-05T05:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.903 + -0.21099999999999999 + -0.25800000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 68.06 + 12.42 + 30.08 + 159.1 + 24.04 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-05T06:00:00.000 + ST + 2.903 + -0.39 + -0.39 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 65.7 + 11.8 + 29.89 + 157.5 + 29.77 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-05T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.39 + -0.64600000000000002 + -0.64600000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 68.45 + 11.45 + 30.9 + 150 + 28.79 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-05T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.39 + -0.95799999999999996 + -0.95799999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 69.83 + 14.65 + 37.33 + 162.1 + 29.7 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-05T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.39 + -1.2609999999999999 + -1.2609999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 68.14 + 14.52 + 37.39 + 164.1 + 29.09 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-05T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.39 + -1.3939999999999999 + -1.4119999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 12.23 + 27.76 + 158.30000000000001 + 27.45 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-05T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.39 + -1.716 + -1.744 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 69.55 + 14.54 + 38.15 + 155.9 + 30.95 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-05T12:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.39 + -1.6020000000000001 + -1.7729999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 65.27 + 11.79 + 30.47 + 147.1 + 27.83 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-05T13:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.39 + -1.9810000000000001 + -2.0379999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 69.16 + 16.79 + 40.409999999999997 + 160.9 + 26.85 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-05T14:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.39 + -1.63 + -2.0379999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 69.849999999999994 + 13.99 + 35.82 + 178.2 + 23.18 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-05T15:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.39 + -1.887 + -2.0379999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 7 + 72.2 + 11.64 + 24.55 + 164.7 + 21.57 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-05T16:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.39 + -1.8109999999999999 + -2.0379999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 7 + 71.8 + 10.48 + 19.89 + 141.9 + 19.3 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-05T17:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.39 + -1.829 + -2.0379999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 7 + 70.599999999999994 + 12.15 + 26.25 + 152.19999999999999 + 25.05 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-05T18:00:00.000 + ST + -0.39 + -1.677 + -2.0379999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 9 + 73.099999999999994 + 12.27 + 26.88 + 153.6 + 28.11 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-05T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.583 + -1.5920000000000001 + -1.677 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 71.099999999999994 + 8.08 + 18.95 + 144.69999999999999 + 22.67 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-05T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.5349999999999999 + -1.583 + -1.677 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 73.2 + 3.9319999999999999 + 15.99 + 140.30000000000001 + 15.75 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-05T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.5349999999999999 + -1.5920000000000001 + -1.677 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 72.5 + 4.0670000000000002 + 14.67 + 143.5 + 23.29 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-05T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.5349999999999999 + -1.7629999999999999 + -1.7629999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 72.099999999999994 + 3.875 + 17.059999999999999 + 140.30000000000001 + 18.77 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-05T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.5349999999999999 + -1.839 + -1.839 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 74.5 + 3.0369999999999999 + 18.260000000000002 + 143.80000000000001 + 18.64 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-06T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.5349999999999999 + -2.4460000000000002 + -2.4929999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 74.5 + 6.2830000000000004 + 17.88 + 147.6 + 17.600000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-06T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.5349999999999999 + -1.962 + -2.5310000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 74.400000000000006 + 4.7809999999999997 + 17.88 + 145.6 + 24.7 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-06T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.5349999999999999 + -2.0089999999999999 + -2.5310000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 75.400000000000006 + 6.524 + 16.309999999999999 + 147.1 + 22.3 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-06T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.5349999999999999 + -2.1989999999999998 + -2.5310000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 73.8 + 10.210000000000001 + 25.81 + 154.80000000000001 + 24.4 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-06T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.5349999999999999 + -2.4460000000000002 + -2.5310000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 71.3 + 10 + 21.09 + 151 + 26.55 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-06T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.5349999999999999 + -2.7210000000000001 + -2.7210000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 74.2 + 9.9700000000000006 + 23.55 + 146.19999999999999 + 24.34 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-06T06:00:00.000 + ST + -1.5349999999999999 + -3.1120000000000001 + -3.1120000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 74.900000000000006 + 10.09 + 21.41 + 148.5 + 24.98 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-06T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.1019999999999999 + -3.5019999999999998 + -3.5019999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 74.8 + 9.35 + 19.2 + 146.4 + 22.7 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-06T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.1019999999999999 + -3.673 + -3.6930000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 74.8 + 10.81 + 24.55 + 159 + 22.73 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-06T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.1019999999999999 + -3.4830000000000001 + -3.7120000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 74.7 + 9.9600000000000009 + 18.13 + 152.80000000000001 + 16.82 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-06T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.1019999999999999 + -3.32 + -3.7120000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 74.5 + 7.66 + 18.260000000000002 + 143.80000000000001 + 16.91 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-06T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.0920000000000001 + -3.1589999999999998 + -3.7120000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 71.400000000000006 + 7.38 + 17.190000000000001 + 142 + 19.46 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-06T12:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.0350000000000001 + -3.0350000000000001 + -3.7120000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 7.27 + 17.88 + 141.4 + 20.52 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-06T13:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.8170000000000002 + -2.8260000000000001 + -3.7120000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 65.459999999999994 + 7.12 + 15.42 + 147.30000000000001 + 16.260000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-06T14:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.8069999999999999 + -2.8450000000000002 + -3.7120000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 65.489999999999995 + 7.63 + 15.87 + 146.69999999999999 + 16.28 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-06T15:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.8069999999999999 + -2.9119999999999999 + -3.7120000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 74.599999999999994 + 6.9889999999999999 + 16.43 + 145.9 + 20.18 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-06T16:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.8069999999999999 + -3.121 + -3.7120000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 74.8 + 4.4089999999999998 + 14.8 + 147.80000000000001 + 14.52 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-06T17:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.8069999999999999 + -3.2349999999999999 + -3.7120000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 74.8 + 6.4589999999999996 + 15.3 + 145.6 + 14.53 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-06T18:00:00.000 + ST + -2.8069999999999999 + -3.3879999999999999 + -3.7120000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 74.7 + 5.0309999999999997 + 13.72 + 141.30000000000001 + 15.13 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-06T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.3679999999999999 + -3.444 + -3.4540000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 74.5 + 9.32 + 18.010000000000002 + 149.69999999999999 + 18.3 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-06T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.3679999999999999 + -3.569 + -3.569 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 74.5 + 7.13 + 16.12 + 149.5 + 15.14 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-06T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.3679999999999999 + -3.6160000000000001 + -3.6349999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 74.400000000000006 + 5.758 + 13.35 + 142.1 + 14.58 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-06T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.3679999999999999 + -3.6349999999999998 + -3.7879999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 74.2 + 6.6689999999999996 + 15.99 + 144.1 + 16.920000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-06T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.3679999999999999 + -3.8929999999999998 + -3.8929999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 74.2 + 4.9560000000000004 + 19.52 + 143.69999999999999 + 16.010000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-07T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.3679999999999999 + -3.6829999999999998 + -4.0270000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 74 + 2.6859999999999999 + 14.04 + 149.80000000000001 + 22.16 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-07T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.3679999999999999 + -3.6539999999999999 + -4.0270000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 73.900000000000006 + 2.8119999999999998 + 15.11 + 149.1 + 17.12 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-07T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.3679999999999999 + -3.8359999999999999 + -4.0270000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 73.8 + 3.4159999999999999 + 12.02 + 143.30000000000001 + 18.510000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-07T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.3679999999999999 + -3.9119999999999999 + -4.056 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 73.599999999999994 + 4.9269999999999996 + 13.54 + 147.80000000000001 + 19.23 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-07T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.3679999999999999 + -3.673 + -4.056 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 73.5 + 5.5110000000000001 + 18.010000000000002 + 146.4 + 20 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-07T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.3679999999999999 + -3.6160000000000001 + -4.056 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 73.400000000000006 + 8.01 + 17.25 + 150.80000000000001 + 18.95 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-07T06:00:00.000 + ST + -3.3679999999999999 + -3.4540000000000002 + -4.056 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 73.400000000000006 + 7.19 + 17.38 + 146.80000000000001 + 16.75 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-07T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.4249999999999998 + -3.4729999999999999 + -3.4729999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 73.2 + 5.3739999999999997 + 15.74 + 151.30000000000001 + 17.100000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-07T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.4249999999999998 + -3.4729999999999999 + -3.492 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 73.2 + 4.726 + 13.03 + 155.19999999999999 + 17.48 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-07T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.2440000000000002 + -3.2440000000000002 + -3.492 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 73.099999999999994 + 5.056 + 17.88 + 150.19999999999999 + 17.72 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-07T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.9969999999999999 + -2.9969999999999999 + -3.492 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 73.5 + 6.569 + 15.61 + 143.19999999999999 + 19.309999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-07T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.883 + -2.8919999999999999 + -3.492 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 74.3 + 6.9829999999999997 + 19.71 + 145.9 + 23.13 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-07T12:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.7210000000000001 + -2.7879999999999998 + -3.492 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 75 + 7.27 + 22.16 + 146.5 + 23.98 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-07T13:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.569 + -2.6640000000000001 + -3.492 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 75 + 9.2899999999999991 + 20.079999999999998 + 143 + 20.85 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-07T14:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.569 + -2.617 + -3.492 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 74.900000000000006 + 8.92 + 22.79 + 142.80000000000001 + 15.49 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-07T15:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.4929999999999999 + -2.5409999999999999 + -3.492 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 75.099999999999994 + 8.11 + 16.37 + 141.69999999999999 + 14.15 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-07T16:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.3029999999999999 + -2.4929999999999999 + -3.492 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 75.3 + 9.34 + 17.5 + 144.80000000000001 + 16.07 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-07T17:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.2559999999999998 + -2.2559999999999998 + -3.492 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 75.2 + 9.3800000000000008 + 17.88 + 146 + 13.9 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-07T18:00:00.000 + ST + -2.0939999999999999 + -2.0939999999999999 + -3.492 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 74.7 + 9.6999999999999993 + 23.55 + 145.30000000000001 + 17.5 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-07T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.905 + -1.905 + -2.0939999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 74.3 + 8.81 + 22.54 + 148 + 23.57 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-07T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.4870000000000001 + -1.4870000000000001 + -2.0939999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 74.400000000000006 + 8.34 + 17.940000000000001 + 147.9 + 14.33 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-07T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.175 + -1.2130000000000001 + -2.0939999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 74.400000000000006 + 9.44 + 16.87 + 146.5 + 15.68 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-07T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.175 + -1.232 + -2.0939999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 74 + 9.41 + 17.63 + 145 + 14.42 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-07T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.60699999999999998 + -0.65500000000000003 + -2.0939999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 73.900000000000006 + 10.66 + 21.47 + 149.5 + 19.05 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-08T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.48499999999999999 + -0.56000000000000005 + -2.0939999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 73.400000000000006 + 9.35 + 19.010000000000002 + 144.30000000000001 + 21.36 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-08T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.48499999999999999 + -0.73099999999999998 + -2.0939999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 73.400000000000006 + 10.83 + 21.34 + 151.30000000000001 + 18.52 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-08T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.48499999999999999 + -0.56000000000000005 + -2.0939999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 73.3 + 10.75 + 22.09 + 146.30000000000001 + 18.07 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-08T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.41899999999999998 + -0.41899999999999998 + -2.0939999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 72.900000000000006 + 9.92 + 20.27 + 142.30000000000001 + 17.850000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-08T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.38100000000000001 + -0.46600000000000003 + -2.0939999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 73.099999999999994 + 10.61 + 22.35 + 140.1 + 21.3 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-08T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.38100000000000001 + -0.438 + -2.0939999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 73.099999999999994 + 11.32 + 25.12 + 144.1 + 24.39 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-08T06:00:00.000 + ST + -0.25800000000000001 + -0.29599999999999999 + -2.0939999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 72.5 + 12.42 + 22.03 + 143.4 + 15.94 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-08T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.17299999999999999 + -0.17299999999999999 + -0.30499999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 72.900000000000006 + 11.13 + 23.16 + 143 + 14.75 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-08T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.14399999999999999 + -0.17299999999999999 + -0.30499999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 73 + 13.05 + 26.44 + 141 + 15.08 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-08T09:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.158 + 0.158 + -0.30499999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 74.400000000000006 + 12.41 + 22.41 + 141.6 + 14.9 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-08T10:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.50800000000000001 + 0.48899999999999999 + -0.30499999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 74.2 + 10.01 + 19.829999999999998 + 144.30000000000001 + 14.19 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-08T11:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.94299999999999995 + 0.877 + -0.30499999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 73.099999999999994 + 12.64 + 23.73 + 148.19999999999999 + 15.21 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-08T12:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.454 + 1.454 + -0.30499999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 74.099999999999994 + 12.37 + 24.23 + 145.9 + 16.059999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-08T13:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.0779999999999998 + 1.974 + -0.30499999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 73.400000000000006 + 10 + 20.27 + 145.4 + 16.559999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-08T14:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.0779999999999998 + 1.5860000000000001 + -0.30499999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 73.3 + 11.71 + 23.79 + 142.69999999999999 + 17.59 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-08T15:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.0779999999999998 + 1.7649999999999999 + -0.30499999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 72.900000000000006 + 10.95 + 30.21 + 144.5 + 19.04 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-08T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.0779999999999998 + 1.746 + -0.30499999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 73.2 + 11.34 + 24.92 + 144.6 + 19.61 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-08T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.1349999999999998 + 2.1349999999999998 + -0.30499999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 73 + 9.8699999999999992 + 19.89 + 140.30000000000001 + 16.18 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-08T18:00:00.000 + ST + 2.4950000000000001 + 2.4380000000000002 + -0.30499999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 72.8 + 7.69 + 18.25 + 140.5 + 15.23 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-08T19:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.4380000000000002 + 2.145 + 2.097 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 72.3 + 9.23 + 19.260000000000002 + 148.69999999999999 + 17 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-08T20:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.4380000000000002 + 2.23 + 2.097 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 72.099999999999994 + 7.7 + 18.309999999999999 + 144.9 + 13.93 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-08T21:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.4380000000000002 + 2.1160000000000001 + 2.097 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 72 + 8.08 + 23.41 + 140.5 + 15.25 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-08T22:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.4380000000000002 + 2.23 + 2.097 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 71.599999999999994 + 8.56 + 17.62 + 138.1 + 16.760000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-08T23:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.6 + 2.6 + 2.097 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 71.599999999999994 + 7.99 + 15.67 + 140.69999999999999 + 15.51 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-09T00:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.637 + 2.419 + 2.097 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 71.099999999999994 + 8.75 + 18.559999999999999 + 150.9 + 19.309999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-09T01:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.637 + 2.0030000000000001 + 1.9550000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 71.099999999999994 + 10.51 + 25.3 + 150.5 + 24.83 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-09T02:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.637 + 2.258 + 1.917 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 71.099999999999994 + 10.77 + 22.59 + 143.1 + 19.600000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-09T03:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.637 + 2.125 + 1.917 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 69.86 + 9.2200000000000006 + 21.4 + 147.1 + 19.87 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-09T04:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.637 + 1.87 + 1.86 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 69.08 + 9.73 + 23.35 + 138 + 28.25 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-09T05:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.637 + 1.9830000000000001 + 1.8320000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.989999999999995 + 10.97 + 31.47 + 140.4 + 26.08 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-09T06:00:00.000 + ST + 2.637 + 1.9079999999999999 + 1.8320000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 69.52 + 11.15 + 28.32 + 141.80000000000001 + 23.94 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-09T07:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.974 + 1.946 + 1.9079999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.510000000000005 + 11.24 + 22.91 + 144.19999999999999 + 17.96 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-09T08:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.9930000000000001 + 1.879 + 1.879 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 69.489999999999995 + 10.61 + 21.46 + 144.19999999999999 + 21.24 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-09T09:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.9930000000000001 + 1.8979999999999999 + 1.8320000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 69.34 + 10.87 + 27 + 148.1 + 20.3 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-09T10:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.3439999999999999 + 2.3340000000000001 + 1.8320000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.78 + 7.29 + 17.5 + 142.69999999999999 + 16.16 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-09T11:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.7890000000000001 + 2.7890000000000001 + 1.8320000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 69.92 + 7.73 + 16.68 + 147.30000000000001 + 15.95 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-09T12:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.9969999999999999 + 2.6179999999999999 + 1.8320000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 69.400000000000006 + 6.6390000000000002 + 16.8 + 142.1 + 15.75 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-09T13:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.9969999999999999 + 2.665 + 1.8320000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 69.430000000000007 + 8.9499999999999993 + 24.1 + 142.30000000000001 + 21.74 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-09T14:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.9969999999999999 + 2.5219999999999998 + 1.8320000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 69.08 + 9.5 + 21.33 + 151.30000000000001 + 20.51 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-09T15:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.9969999999999999 + 2.1909999999999998 + 1.8320000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 68.97 + 10.75 + 27.56 + 154.19999999999999 + 22.86 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-09T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.9969999999999999 + 1.841 + 1.8320000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 68.95 + 9.14 + 19.07 + 160.19999999999999 + 21.34 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-09T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.9969999999999999 + 1.633 + 1.633 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 68.69 + 12.41 + 33.159999999999997 + 166.6 + 24.31 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-09T18:00:00.000 + ST + 2.9969999999999999 + 1.5389999999999999 + 1.5389999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 68.47 + 13.32 + 28.69 + 168.1 + 23.24 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-09T19:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.5580000000000001 + 1.34 + 1.3109999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.34 + 11.01 + 25.24 + 156 + 28.15 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-09T20:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.5580000000000001 + 1.0089999999999999 + 1.0089999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.069999999999993 + 12.63 + 29.52 + 154.5 + 31.27 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-09T21:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.5580000000000001 + 0.71599999999999997 + 0.70599999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 67.95 + 14.58 + 39.270000000000003 + 157.30000000000001 + 29.57 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-09T22:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.5580000000000001 + 0.47 + 0.46 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 67.97 + 12.36 + 33.229999999999997 + 166.9 + 24.35 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-09T23:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.5580000000000001 + -0.13500000000000001 + -0.13500000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 67.97 + 7.59 + 21.46 + 155.5 + 26.41 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-10T00:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.5580000000000001 + -0.39 + -0.4 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 67.790000000000006 + 10.35 + 29.39 + 155.80000000000001 + 26.44 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-10T01:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.5580000000000001 + -0.85399999999999998 + -0.88200000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 67.95 + 7.64 + 19.45 + 141.69999999999999 + 22.02 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-10T02:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.5580000000000001 + -1.46 + -1.498 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.040000000000006 + 10.38 + 25.18 + 147.5 + 25.26 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-10T03:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.5580000000000001 + -2.1419999999999999 + -2.1520000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 67.92 + 11.46 + 28.7 + 146.9 + 25.08 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-10T04:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.5580000000000001 + -2.6459999999999999 + -2.6739999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68 + 11.22 + 23.16 + 144.69999999999999 + 23.94 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-10T05:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.5580000000000001 + -2.6259999999999999 + -2.6930000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 67.97 + 2.5830000000000002 + 14.04 + 144.30000000000001 + 18.46 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-10T06:00:00.000 + ST + 1.5580000000000001 + -3.2730000000000001 + -3.2829999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 68.83 + 4.0540000000000003 + 24.43 + 22.99 + 37.85 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-10T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.2730000000000001 + -4.7089999999999996 + -4.7279999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 67.069999999999993 + 13.93 + 39.659999999999997 + 10.51 + 27.46 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-10T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.2730000000000001 + -5.5179999999999998 + -5.5179999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 67.400000000000006 + 15.02 + 31.92 + 8.81 + 27.59 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-10T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.2730000000000001 + -5.8179999999999996 + -5.8179999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 67.88 + 15.49 + 35.200000000000003 + 2.1379999999999999 + 28.7 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-10T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.2730000000000001 + -5.8849999999999998 + -6.0220000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.150000000000006 + 14.94 + 28.97 + 4.41 + 27.54 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-10T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.2730000000000001 + -6.3920000000000003 + -6.3920000000000003 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.459999999999994 + 12.4 + 29.98 + 6.51 + 29.92 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-10T12:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.2730000000000001 + -4.5730000000000004 + -6.577 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 67.91 + 7.6 + 18.77 + 11.49 + 23.99 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-10T13:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.2730000000000001 + -4.7110000000000003 + -6.577 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.33 + 5.2039999999999997 + 20.53 + 352.2 + 30.47 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-10T14:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.2730000000000001 + -4.1159999999999997 + -6.577 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.39 + 8.4700000000000006 + 22.15 + 332.8 + 28.24 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-10T15:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.2730000000000001 + -4.6520000000000001 + -6.577 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 68.760000000000005 + 2.2469999999999999 + 19.13 + 335.7 + 19.149999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-10T16:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.2730000000000001 + -5.8970000000000002 + -6.577 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 68.849999999999994 + 1.778 + 13.47 + 1.333 + 26.05 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-10T17:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.2730000000000001 + -7.11 + -7.11 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 68.88 + 2 + 10.7 + 29.74 + 12.48 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-10T18:00:00.000 + ST + -3.2730000000000001 + -7.48 + -7.59 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 69.12 + 0.84799999999999998 + 5.8579999999999997 + 38.44 + 15.18 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-10T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -7.19 + -7.3 + -7.51 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 69.2 + 1.2050000000000001 + 8.5 + 40.74 + 13.6 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-10T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -7.19 + -7.56 + -7.63 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 69.19 + 2.202 + 9.32 + 30.35 + 16.649999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-10T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -7.19 + -7.58 + -7.8 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.92 + 4.1020000000000003 + 14.49 + 74.099999999999994 + 21.56 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-10T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -7.19 + -7.81 + -7.81 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 69.06 + 3.2189999999999999 + 14.05 + 76.599999999999994 + 12.13 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-10T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -7.19 + -8.1300000000000008 + -8.2799999999999994 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 69.34 + 0.22800000000000001 + 6.4889999999999999 + 64.89 + 8.0399999999999991 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-11T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -7.19 + -7.99 + -8.2799999999999994 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 68.900000000000006 + 1.413 + 6.4260000000000002 + 23 + 10.49 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-11T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -7.19 + -8.31 + -8.5 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 68.959999999999994 + 3.3140000000000001 + 9.26 + 22.68 + 13.78 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-11T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -7.19 + -8.44 + -8.5 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 68.95 + 2.5819999999999999 + 8.3800000000000008 + 28.24 + 15.16 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-11T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -7.19 + -9.09 + -9.09 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 69.08 + 3.2130000000000001 + 11.15 + 20.77 + 18.96 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-11T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -7.19 + -9.41 + -9.42 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 69.02 + 2.8279999999999998 + 8.57 + 18.190000000000001 + 13.08 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-11T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -7.19 + -10.07 + -10.09 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 69.040000000000006 + 2.9430000000000001 + 8.1300000000000008 + 20.29 + 18.190000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-11T06:00:00.000 + ST + -7.19 + -10.18 + -10.18 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 68.72 + 3.9489999999999998 + 13.99 + 8.98 + 23.26 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-11T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -10.18 + -10.72 + -10.73 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 68.92 + 2.718 + 11.78 + 12.05 + 22.43 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-11T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -10.18 + -10.77 + -10.92 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.84 + 2.7730000000000001 + 8.51 + 14.07 + 24.09 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-11T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -10.18 + -10.48 + -10.92 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 68.87 + 3.1779999999999999 + 11.79 + 9.6199999999999992 + 28.48 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-11T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -9.89 + -9.89 + -10.92 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.58 + 4.97 + 11.53 + 6.7160000000000002 + 27.04 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-11T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -9.2899999999999991 + -9.2899999999999991 + -10.92 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 68.8 + 6.3 + 15.56 + 4.4050000000000002 + 24.23 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-11T12:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.6050000000000004 + -6.6050000000000004 + -10.92 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.31 + 5.1980000000000004 + 14.3 + 6.7439999999999998 + 28.12 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-11T13:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.6050000000000004 + -7.47 + -10.92 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 68.63 + 4.4029999999999996 + 13.35 + 4.3360000000000003 + 29.06 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-11T14:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.6050000000000004 + -7.29 + -10.92 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 68.67 + 4.2389999999999999 + 14.92 + 11.64 + 25.79 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-11T15:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.6050000000000004 + -7.29 + -10.92 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 68.709999999999994 + 5.22 + 19.010000000000002 + 0.22700000000000001 + 36.57 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-11T16:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.6050000000000004 + -7.89 + -10.92 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 68.67 + 4.7130000000000001 + 12.84 + 6.9950000000000001 + 28.8 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-11T17:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.6050000000000004 + -8.4600000000000009 + -10.92 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 68.94 + 4.63 + 15.56 + 16.59 + 31.71 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-11T18:00:00.000 + ST + -6.6050000000000004 + -9.35 + -10.92 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 68.52 + 6.1289999999999996 + 19.72 + 9.26 + 27.79 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-11T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -9.08 + -9.33 + -9.8699999999999992 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 68.819999999999993 + 9.44 + 24.63 + 13.82 + 25.8 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-11T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -8.8800000000000008 + -9.39 + -9.8699999999999992 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.510000000000005 + 14.85 + 33.71 + 17.920000000000002 + 24.9 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-11T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -8.8699999999999992 + -9.0299999999999994 + -9.8699999999999992 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.59 + 14.35 + 36.549999999999997 + 16.989999999999998 + 26.57 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-11T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -8.77 + -9.8699999999999992 + -9.8699999999999992 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 68.58 + 12.33 + 27.41 + 12.12 + 24.58 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-11T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -8.77 + -10.26 + -10.26 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.38 + 9.1199999999999992 + 20.420000000000002 + 10.35 + 27.64 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-12T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -8.77 + -10.48 + -10.67 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 68.459999999999994 + 8.4700000000000006 + 18.59 + 16.14 + 17.22 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-12T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -8.77 + -10.69 + -10.7 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 68.5 + 7.78 + 14.11 + 12.64 + 21.86 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-12T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -8.77 + -9.91 + -10.7 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.150000000000006 + 7.73 + 15.82 + 12.55 + 25.17 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-12T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -8.77 + -10.38 + -10.7 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 68.36 + 6.085 + 14.31 + 12.1 + 25.59 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-12T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -8.77 + -9.4499999999999993 + -10.7 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 68.27 + 8.1 + 15.31 + 20.48 + 14.57 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-12T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -8.77 + -9.09 + -10.7 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 68.290000000000006 + 6.4859999999999998 + 16.39 + 23.19 + 19.13 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-12T06:00:00.000 + ST + -8.58 + -8.58 + -10.7 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 68.400000000000006 + 2.9020000000000001 + 9.4499999999999993 + 23.08 + 20.43 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-12T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -7.6 + -8.07 + -8.81 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.13 + 4.133 + 15.44 + 18.149999999999999 + 29.52 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-12T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -7.45 + -7.45 + -8.81 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.38 + 1.1459999999999999 + 8.19 + 10.09 + 20.29 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-12T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.6929999999999996 + -6.6929999999999996 + -8.81 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 68.58 + 0.40699999999999997 + 8.25 + 323.39999999999998 + 5.492 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-12T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -5.4969999999999999 + -5.4969999999999999 + -8.81 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 68.66 + 0.54600000000000004 + 9.6999999999999993 + 8.09 + 25.03 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-12T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.63 + -4.6680000000000001 + -8.81 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 68.64 + 1E-3 + 6.3E-2 + 20.05 + 0.19900000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-12T12:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.2469999999999999 + -4.2469999999999999 + -8.81 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 68.75 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-12T13:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.387 + -3.387 + -8.81 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 68.849999999999994 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-12T14:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.7529999999999999 + -1.7529999999999999 + -8.81 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 68.47 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-12T15:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.08 + -2.0099999999999998 + -8.81 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 68.75 + 1E-3 + 0.252 + 175.2 + 0.61299999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-12T16:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.08 + -3.1309999999999998 + -8.81 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 68.989999999999995 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-12T17:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.08 + -3.35 + -8.81 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 69.400000000000006 + 5.8999999999999997E-2 + 2.6440000000000001 + 256.10000000000002 + 0.28000000000000003 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-12T18:00:00.000 + ST + -1.08 + -2.9780000000000002 + -8.81 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 69.72 + 0.39700000000000002 + 7.43 + 197.8 + 15.09 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-12T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.4870000000000001 + -1.4870000000000001 + -2.9780000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.55 + 6.4509999999999996 + 23.29 + 162 + 14.67 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-12T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.1459999999999999 + -1.383 + -2.9780000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.650000000000006 + 7.17 + 25.88 + 154.9 + 33.75 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-12T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.67200000000000004 + -2.113 + -2.9780000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.78 + 5.0339999999999998 + 19.010000000000002 + 150.80000000000001 + 19.690000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-12T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.67200000000000004 + -0.97499999999999998 + -2.9780000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 69.209999999999994 + 4.3639999999999999 + 18.07 + 154 + 12.49 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-12T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.67200000000000004 + -1.5249999999999999 + -2.9780000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.59 + 9.7100000000000009 + 23.04 + 148.6 + 18.73 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-13T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.67200000000000004 + -1.222 + -2.9780000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.569999999999993 + 12.45 + 25.12 + 135.30000000000001 + 20.350000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-13T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.67200000000000004 + -1.335 + -2.9780000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.72 + 10.63 + 24.81 + 133.1 + 19.559999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-13T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.67200000000000004 + -1.458 + -2.9780000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.62 + 9.07 + 21.59 + 133.1 + 20.66 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-13T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.67200000000000004 + -2.8820000000000001 + -3.149 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.900000000000006 + 5.1420000000000003 + 18.57 + 154.19999999999999 + 18.45 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-13T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.67200000000000004 + -4.0369999999999999 + -4.0369999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.87 + 7.95 + 16.309999999999999 + 167.9 + 16.73 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-13T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.67200000000000004 + -4.9290000000000003 + -4.9580000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 69.09 + 5.7480000000000002 + 17.63 + 177.3 + 19.190000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-13T06:00:00.000 + ST + -0.67200000000000004 + -5.6040000000000001 + -5.6040000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.819999999999993 + 5.4279999999999999 + 16.690000000000001 + 175.2 + 13.34 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-13T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -5.6040000000000001 + -6.3520000000000003 + -6.5670000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 69.38 + 1.8919999999999999 + 10.58 + 180.9 + 5.0759999999999996 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-13T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -5.6040000000000001 + -6.391 + -6.8010000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 69.489999999999995 + 2.4E-2 + 1.071 + 180.7 + 0.48199999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-13T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -5.6040000000000001 + -5.7389999999999999 + -6.8010000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 69.59 + 0 + 6.3E-2 + 181.2 + 1E-3 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-13T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.9590000000000001 + -3.9590000000000001 + -6.8010000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 68.61 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-13T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.6349999999999998 + -2.73 + -6.8010000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 68.44 + 0 + 0.189 + 244.4 + 5.0999999999999997E-2 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-13T12:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.8859999999999999 + -1.8859999999999999 + -6.8010000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 68.45 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-13T13:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.40899999999999997 + -0.85499999999999998 + -6.8010000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 68.489999999999995 + 0 + 6.3E-2 + 349.3 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-13T14:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.40899999999999997 + -0.81799999999999995 + -6.8010000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 69 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-13T15:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.33500000000000002 + -0.33500000000000002 + -6.8010000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 69.180000000000007 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-13T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.4000000000000002E-2 + -1.262 + -6.8010000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 68.91 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-13T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.4000000000000002E-2 + -2.0960000000000001 + -6.8010000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 69.27 + 8.0000000000000002E-3 + 0.755 + 182.6 + 1.4410000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-13T18:00:00.000 + ST + 3.4000000000000002E-2 + -1.8380000000000001 + -6.8010000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 69.05 + 3.0000000000000001E-3 + 0.441 + 229.6 + 1.9630000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-13T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.649 + -1.724 + -1.8859999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.66 + 1.7000000000000001E-2 + 1.385 + 111 + 1.59 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-13T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.649 + -1.9139999999999999 + -2.1320000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.39 + 0.16900000000000001 + 3.84 + 181.5 + 7.52 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-13T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.85299999999999998 + -1.0329999999999999 + -2.1320000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.56 + 4.82 + 16.68 + 161.1 + 18.989999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-13T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.85299999999999998 + -1.81 + -2.1320000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.459999999999994 + 11.01 + 23.8 + 153.19999999999999 + 20.239999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-13T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.85299999999999998 + -2.294 + -2.294 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 68.73 + 11.06 + 25.62 + 150.9 + 26.67 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-14T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.85299999999999998 + -2.5979999999999999 + -2.6259999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 67.36 + 9.7899999999999991 + 24.24 + 147.4 + 21.9 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-14T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.85299999999999998 + -2.6349999999999998 + -2.6360000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 69.540000000000006 + 10.56 + 26.88 + 147.5 + 23.73 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-14T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.85299999999999998 + -2.6360000000000001 + -2.6640000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 70.5 + 8.6300000000000008 + 22.92 + 148.30000000000001 + 26.67 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-14T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.85299999999999998 + -2.8159999999999998 + -2.8639999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 71.400000000000006 + 10.18 + 22.1 + 149.9 + 28.31 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-14T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.85299999999999998 + -2.8159999999999998 + -2.8639999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 69.349999999999994 + 10.44 + 24.87 + 145.5 + 28.1 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-14T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.85299999999999998 + -3.073 + -3.073 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 72.8 + 8.2200000000000006 + 18.510000000000002 + 151.30000000000001 + 24.39 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-14T06:00:00.000 + ST + -0.85299999999999998 + -3.1680000000000001 + -3.1680000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 7 + 74.400000000000006 + 9.39 + 20.59 + 152.1 + 20.95 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-14T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.14 + -3.4260000000000002 + -3.4260000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 74.3 + 9.09 + 20.9 + 152 + 20.010000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-14T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.14 + -3.6070000000000002 + -3.6829999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 10.84 + 23.11 + 143.69999999999999 + 21.77 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-14T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.14 + -3.4540000000000002 + -3.6829999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 75 + 7.15 + 19.27 + 138.5 + 20.94 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-14T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.14 + -3.3010000000000002 + -3.6829999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 77.5 + 6.8449999999999998 + 17.38 + 143.30000000000001 + 19.79 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-14T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.883 + -2.883 + -3.6829999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 78.8 + 7.54 + 18.57 + 150.30000000000001 + 22.29 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-14T12:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.835 + -3.2349999999999999 + -3.6829999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 7 + 80.7 + 9.31 + 22.92 + 151.4 + 26.37 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-14T13:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.835 + -3.6259999999999999 + -3.6829999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 10 + 83.2 + 12.54 + 34.380000000000003 + 157.30000000000001 + 28.27 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-14T14:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.835 + -4.3150000000000004 + -4.3150000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 10 + 82.9 + 13.75 + 35.130000000000003 + 159.9 + 27.78 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-14T15:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.835 + -5.1710000000000003 + -5.1710000000000003 + 0 + 0 + 10 + 82.5 + 13.74 + 36.26 + 168.4 + 25.97 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-14T16:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.835 + -5.8860000000000001 + -5.8860000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 11 + 83.2 + 10.95 + 27.51 + 155.5 + 23.34 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-14T17:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.835 + -6.47 + -6.4889999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 11 + 82.5 + 10.69 + 21.66 + 151.5 + 20.260000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-14T18:00:00.000 + ST + -2.835 + -6.782 + -7.12 + 0 + 0 + 11 + 79.900000000000006 + 7.42 + 23.68 + 165.1 + 27.12 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-14T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.508 + -6.5570000000000004 + -6.782 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 81.400000000000006 + 6.7990000000000004 + 19.71 + 161 + 16.829999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-14T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.4790000000000001 + -6.9089999999999998 + -6.9089999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 79.7 + 8.64 + 22.86 + 162.19999999999999 + 21.29 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-14T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.4790000000000001 + -7.47 + -7.48 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 79.599999999999994 + 5.6820000000000004 + 14.61 + 156.5 + 15.51 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-14T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.4790000000000001 + -7.64 + -7.79 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 78.8 + 4.165 + 10.65 + 158.80000000000001 + 11.56 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-14T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.4790000000000001 + -7.13 + -7.79 + 0 + 0 + 3.4820000000000002 + 10.9 + 148.9 + 9.83 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-15T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.4790000000000001 + -7.23 + -7.79 + 0 + 0 + 2.7149999999999999 + 11.4 + 145.1 + 14.87 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-15T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.4790000000000001 + -7.59 + -7.79 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 82.6 + 4.0090000000000003 + 16.13 + 155.4 + 13.52 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-15T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.4790000000000001 + -8.17 + -8.32 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 82.6 + 2.6019999999999999 + 10.33 + 154.5 + 9.0399999999999991 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-15T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.4790000000000001 + -7.66 + -8.32 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 82.5 + 0.43099999999999999 + 4.41 + 159.9 + 8.57 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-15T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.4790000000000001 + -7.67 + -8.32 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 81.900000000000006 + 0.36499999999999999 + 4.2210000000000001 + 161 + 7.77 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-15T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.4790000000000001 + -7.67 + -8.32 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 81.7 + 8.8999999999999996E-2 + 1.764 + 153.5 + 6.5670000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-15T06:00:00.000 + ST + -6.4790000000000001 + -7.6 + -8.32 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 82.4 + 0.93100000000000005 + 7.06 + 149.30000000000001 + 10.61 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-15T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -7.55 + -7.76 + -7.76 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 82.1 + 0.34200000000000003 + 8.06 + 158.1 + 7.2 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-15T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -7.55 + -8.16 + -8.16 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 82.6 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-15T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -7.55 + -7.67 + -8.23 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 81.2 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-15T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -7.22 + -7.41 + -8.23 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 77.5 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-15T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.7030000000000003 + -6.7030000000000003 + -8.23 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 79.400000000000006 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-15T12:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.6449999999999996 + -7.95 + -8.23 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 80.2 + 0.35199999999999998 + 6.6760000000000002 + 27.01 + 11.32 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-15T13:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.6449999999999996 + -8.08 + -8.4 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 80.599999999999994 + 3.8029999999999999 + 10.9 + 27.74 + 21.73 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-15T14:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.6449999999999996 + -8.7799999999999994 + -8.81 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 81.2 + 4.8849999999999998 + 13.98 + 24.38 + 27.35 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-15T15:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.6449999999999996 + -9.6 + -9.6 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 78 + 8.56 + 18.2 + 26.33 + 25.83 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-15T16:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.6449999999999996 + -11.16 + -11.16 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 80.7 + 10.45 + 18.96 + 25 + 25.1 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-15T17:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.6449999999999996 + -11.93 + -11.93 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 80.400000000000006 + 8.77 + 18.14 + 17.93 + 24.45 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-15T18:00:00.000 + ST + -6.6449999999999996 + -12.38 + -12.39 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 80.599999999999994 + 8.23 + 17.260000000000002 + 16.46 + 25.02 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-15T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -12.36 + -12.9 + -12.9 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 80.599999999999994 + 8.08 + 18.09 + 17.27 + 23.36 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-15T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -12.36 + -13.52 + -13.53 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 80 + 8.93 + 25.71 + 15.57 + 22.56 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-15T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -12.36 + -14.03 + -14.03 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 81.099999999999994 + 7.68 + 20.170000000000002 + 17.350000000000001 + 26.41 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-15T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -12.36 + -14.75 + -14.77 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 81.400000000000006 + 11.3 + 20.61 + 24.74 + 21.49 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-15T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -12.36 + -15.06 + -15.06 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 81.2 + 11.03 + 19.61 + 27.99 + 24.12 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-16T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -12.36 + -15.29 + -15.29 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 80.5 + 10.24 + 22.88 + 30.53 + 23.24 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-16T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -12.36 + -15.49 + -15.49 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 80.5 + 8.3699999999999992 + 16.96 + 30.04 + 23.65 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-16T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -12.36 + -15.61 + -15.63 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 80.3 + 6.8019999999999996 + 14.69 + 29.87 + 22.14 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-16T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -12.36 + -15.74 + -15.74 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 79.5 + 4.8239999999999998 + 12.92 + 32.81 + 19.68 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-16T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -12.36 + -15.93 + -16.02 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 78.8 + 2.5499999999999998 + 9.65 + 36.11 + 14.97 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-16T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -12.36 + -16.3 + -16.3 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 75.099999999999994 + 1.3759999999999999 + 7.06 + 20.56 + 9.14 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-16T06:00:00.000 + ST + -12.36 + -16.43 + -16.48 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 76 + 0.748 + 6.8719999999999999 + 27.79 + 7.01 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-16T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -16 + -16.2 + -16.46 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 77.599999999999994 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-16T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -16 + -17.21 + -17.239999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 79.7 + 1.359 + 12.11 + 27.69 + 14.48 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-16T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -16 + -17.2 + -17.47 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 78.099999999999994 + 6.79 + 18.47 + 30.12 + 24.7 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-16T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -16 + -17.45 + -17.5 + 0 + 0 + 7 + 83 + 10.199999999999999 + 24.02 + 21.12 + 26.53 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-16T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -16 + -17.29 + -17.5 + 0 + 0 + 7 + 80.5 + 7.78 + 21.12 + 17.07 + 29.66 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-16T12:00:00.000 + RAW + -16 + -16.850000000000001 + -17.5 + 0 + 0 + 8 + 83.5 + 7.53 + 25.22 + 12.17 + 29.76 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-16T13:00:00.000 + RAW + -16 + -16.3 + -17.5 + 0 + 0 + 8 + 80.5 + 7.42 + 25.16 + 16.04 + 25.08 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-16T14:00:00.000 + RAW + -16 + -16.05 + -17.5 + 0 + 0 + 9 + 83.8 + 5.64 + 17.02 + 9.85 + 27.83 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-16T15:00:00.000 + RAW + -15.57 + -15.83 + -17.5 + 0 + 0 + 9 + 83.7 + 2.8879999999999999 + 11.16 + 19.440000000000001 + 23.12 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-16T16:00:00.000 + RAW + -15.57 + -16.55 + -17.5 + 0 + 0 + 9 + 83.1 + 1.0840000000000001 + 11.6 + 23.45 + 23.87 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-16T17:00:00.000 + RAW + -15.57 + -16.77 + -17.5 + 0 + 0 + 9 + 83.7 + 6.1959999999999997 + 14.12 + 24.73 + 22.52 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-16T18:00:00.000 + ST + -15.57 + -16.760000000000002 + -17.5 + 0 + 0 + 9 + 83.8 + 7.28 + 17.53 + 15.72 + 21.99 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-16T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -16.75 + -17.02 + -17.02 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 82.4 + 6.3979999999999997 + 18.22 + 18.78 + 23.46 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-16T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -16.75 + -17.37 + -17.37 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 82.7 + 5.9139999999999997 + 14.12 + 19.46 + 23.33 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-16T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -16.75 + -17.899999999999999 + -17.899999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 82.6 + 9.02 + 19.55 + 19.309999999999999 + 26.79 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-16T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -16.75 + -18.43 + -18.43 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 83.7 + 8.17 + 22.26 + 15.23 + 26.14 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-16T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -16.75 + -19.059999999999999 + -19.059999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 83.1 + 10.039999999999999 + 23.84 + 17.420000000000002 + 26.61 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-17T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -16.75 + -19.84 + -19.850000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 85.4 + 11.03 + 23.46 + 13.88 + 28.11 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-17T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -16.75 + -20.54 + -20.56 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 86.2 + 11.11 + 28.89 + 13.39 + 26.37 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-17T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -16.75 + -21.19 + -21.19 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 85.9 + 11.31 + 25.67 + 7.86 + 25.54 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-17T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -16.75 + -21.77 + -21.77 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 87.2 + 10.15 + 21.89 + 9.5500000000000007 + 26.36 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-17T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -16.75 + -22.27 + -22.27 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 86.8 + 9.94 + 25.42 + 11.65 + 24.68 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-17T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -16.75 + -22.64 + -22.69 + 0 + 0 + 6 + 87.7 + 9.92 + 24.48 + 8.67 + 25 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-17T06:00:00.000 + ST + -16.75 + -23.14 + -23.14 + 0 + 0 + 6 + 86.9 + 9.7200000000000006 + 22.9 + 10.48 + 24.29 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-17T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -23.14 + -23.59 + -23.59 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 88.1 + 10.51 + 24.54 + 10.8 + 26.21 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-17T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -23.14 + -23.9 + -23.9 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 88.5 + 12.36 + 27.64 + 11.85 + 26.47 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-17T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -23.14 + -23.87 + -23.98 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 88.5 + 10.6 + 25.18 + 9.91 + 23.08 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-17T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -23.14 + -23.59 + -23.98 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 88.7 + 9.24 + 25.56 + 13.47 + 23.74 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-17T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -23.14 + -23.45 + -23.98 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 88.6 + 9.49 + 21.39 + 8.8699999999999992 + 24.01 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-17T12:00:00.000 + RAW + -22.6 + -22.63 + -23.98 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 88.5 + 9.68 + 21.77 + 9.8699999999999992 + 25.37 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-17T13:00:00.000 + RAW + -21.57 + -21.68 + -23.98 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 87.9 + 7.27 + 18.739999999999998 + 12.55 + 23.51 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-17T14:00:00.000 + RAW + -21.57 + -22.29 + -23.98 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 88.4 + 8.68 + 23.41 + 14.31 + 22.54 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-17T15:00:00.000 + RAW + -21.57 + -22.63 + -23.98 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 88.5 + 9.92 + 21.51 + 15.76 + 23.29 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-17T16:00:00.000 + RAW + -21.57 + -23.04 + -23.98 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 89.5 + 9.83 + 21.51 + 19.18 + 21.5 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-17T17:00:00.000 + RAW + -21.57 + -23.37 + -23.98 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 90.2 + 9.9700000000000006 + 24.42 + 20.71 + 21.79 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-17T18:00:00.000 + ST + -21.57 + -23.53 + -23.98 + 0 + 0 + 6 + 90.1 + 10.85 + 23.98 + 17.579999999999998 + 21.67 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-17T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -23.53 + -23.67 + -23.7 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 90.3 + 9.77 + 27.26 + 13.98 + 22.85 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-17T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -23.53 + -23.75 + -23.76 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 90.5 + 9.61 + 25.43 + 14.62 + 22.9 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-17T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -23.53 + -24.06 + -24.06 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 90.2 + 9.6999999999999993 + 22.09 + 15.04 + 21.12 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-17T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -23.53 + -24.56 + -24.56 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 90.2 + 8.7899999999999991 + 22.41 + 12.92 + 21.46 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-17T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -23.53 + -24.7 + -24.7 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 90.2 + 8.2799999999999994 + 18.3 + 10.039999999999999 + 23.38 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-18T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -23.53 + -25.11 + -25.11 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 89.9 + 9.67 + 23.8 + 9.24 + 23.23 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-18T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -23.53 + -25.59 + -25.59 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 89.9 + 10.34 + 24.05 + 10.42 + 23.23 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-18T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -23.53 + -26.26 + -26.28 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 89.7 + 11.84 + 21.53 + 12.06 + 23.95 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-18T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -23.53 + -26.45 + -26.5 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 89.6 + 10.92 + 22.22 + 13.07 + 22.72 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-18T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -23.53 + -26.66 + -26.66 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 89.1 + 11.4 + 23.17 + 13.37 + 20.85 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-18T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -23.53 + -26.76 + -26.8 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 89 + 9.73 + 19.57 + 11.96 + 20.23 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-18T06:00:00.000 + ST + -23.53 + -26.71 + -26.83 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 89.3 + 9.82 + 24.75 + 5.2619999999999996 + 22.52 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-18T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -26.64 + -26.69 + -26.76 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 89.1 + 8.59 + 22.98 + 5.4930000000000003 + 21.66 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-18T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -26.64 + -26.69 + -26.82 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 89 + 7.87 + 20.9 + 7.17 + 20.77 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-18T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -26.64 + -26.66 + -26.83 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 89.2 + 8.43 + 20.77 + 12.5 + 20.28 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-18T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -26.43 + -26.45 + -26.83 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 89.4 + 9.6 + 23.55 + 8.27 + 21.39 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-18T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -25.67 + -25.67 + -26.83 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 89.8 + 13.29 + 31.88 + 6.3040000000000003 + 21.75 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-18T12:00:00.000 + RAW + -25.11 + -25.29 + -26.83 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 90.2 + 11.1 + 32.450000000000003 + 4.492 + 23.36 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-18T13:00:00.000 + RAW + -24.96 + -25.01 + -26.83 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 90.1 + 11.85 + 24.3 + 1.103 + 23.4 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-18T14:00:00.000 + RAW + -24.19 + -24.27 + -26.83 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 93.3 + 12.31 + 35.79 + 358.5 + 23.3 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-18T15:00:00.000 + RAW + -24.17 + -24.3 + -26.83 + 0 + 0 + 6 + 94.3 + 11.59 + 33.07 + 15.65 + 20.62 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-18T16:00:00.000 + RAW + -24.17 + -24.69 + -26.83 + 0 + 0 + 7 + 95.1 + 11.95 + 30.48 + 11.37 + 24.46 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-18T17:00:00.000 + RAW + -24.17 + -24.7 + -26.83 + 0 + 0 + 7 + 94.9 + 11.6 + 33.380000000000003 + 12.56 + 22.31 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-18T18:00:00.000 + ST + -24.17 + -24.6 + -26.83 + 0 + 0 + 7 + 93.5 + 12.07 + 26.83 + 18.239999999999998 + 19.52 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-18T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -24.24 + -24.24 + -24.6 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 93.5 + 12.31 + 27.27 + 16.68 + 16.27 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-18T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -24.16 + -24.22 + -24.6 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 94.5 + 12.27 + 27.52 + 18.88 + 17.829999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-18T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -24.16 + -24.33 + -24.6 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 94.5 + 11.25 + 21.27 + 14.39 + 19.57 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-18T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -24.16 + -24.32 + -24.6 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 94.6 + 13.59 + 27.33 + 16.809999999999999 + 18.93 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-18T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -24.16 + -24.41 + -24.6 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 94.4 + 14.13 + 27.65 + 24.22 + 21.62 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-19T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -24.16 + -24.35 + -24.6 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 94.3 + 13.74 + 27.52 + 14.99 + 20.88 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-19T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -24.16 + -24.48 + -24.6 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 94.1 + 12.67 + 26.64 + 17.940000000000001 + 21.66 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-19T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -24.16 + -24.52 + -24.65 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 94.1 + 14.19 + 27.14 + 21.06 + 19.68 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-19T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -24.16 + -24.65 + -24.68 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 93.9 + 14.67 + 30.8 + 19.440000000000001 + 22.91 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-19T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -24.16 + -24.57 + -24.68 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 93.8 + 14.77 + 30.05 + 22.27 + 22.14 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-19T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -24.16 + -24.57 + -24.68 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 93.8 + 14.61 + 29.48 + 19.399999999999999 + 22.07 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-19T06:00:00.000 + ST + -24.16 + -24.68 + -24.68 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 93.7 + 13.57 + 31.18 + 13.87 + 23.36 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-19T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -24.6 + -24.62 + -24.77 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 93.6 + 13.63 + 32.76 + 15.3 + 21.99 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-19T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -24.43 + -24.47 + -24.77 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 93.5 + 13.63 + 29.29 + 17.3 + 23.41 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-19T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -24.36 + -24.44 + -24.77 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 93.3 + 15.46 + 31.94 + 17.54 + 22.04 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-19T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -23.97 + -23.97 + -24.77 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 93.2 + 14.67 + 34.840000000000003 + 14.78 + 25.17 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-19T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -22.94 + -22.97 + -24.77 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 92.9 + 14.65 + 30.74 + 16.75 + 22.82 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-19T12:00:00.000 + RAW + -22.27 + -22.27 + -24.77 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 92.6 + 14.82 + 33.76 + 15.58 + 24.76 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-19T13:00:00.000 + RAW + -21.05 + -21.05 + -24.77 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 92.3 + 13.07 + 25.87 + 15.37 + 25.14 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-19T14:00:00.000 + RAW + -20.53 + -21.02 + -24.77 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 92.2 + 13.3 + 25.42 + 10.01 + 25.59 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-19T15:00:00.000 + RAW + -20.53 + -21.19 + -24.77 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 92.3 + 12.32 + 27.37 + 12.02 + 26.31 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-19T16:00:00.000 + RAW + -20.53 + -21.54 + -24.77 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 92.5 + 14.54 + 30.72 + 13.48 + 24.84 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-19T17:00:00.000 + RAW + -20.53 + -21.74 + -24.77 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 92.5 + 15.86 + 36.78 + 16.57 + 24.45 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-19T18:00:00.000 + ST + -20.53 + -21.78 + -24.77 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 92.5 + 14.72 + 34.450000000000003 + 14.01 + 24.95 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-19T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -21.49 + -21.75 + -21.8 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 92.4 + 12.17 + 27.76 + 15.4 + 22.44 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-19T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -21.43 + -21.52 + -21.8 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 92.4 + 11.95 + 25.43 + 12.33 + 23.13 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-19T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -21.28 + -21.38 + -22.03 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 91.9 + 9.49 + 25.05 + 9.24 + 21.06 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-19T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -21.2 + -21.38 + -22.03 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 91.7 + 6.5259999999999998 + 17.350000000000001 + 2.798 + 24.43 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-19T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -21.09 + -21.09 + -22.03 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 91.7 + 4.7220000000000004 + 14.76 + 0.80600000000000005 + 20.5 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-20T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -20.170000000000002 + -20.239999999999998 + -22.03 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 91.5 + 3.5369999999999999 + 10.79 + 13.8 + 21.91 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-20T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -20.170000000000002 + -20.28 + -22.03 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 91.2 + 5.14 + 13.88 + 14.16 + 23.42 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-20T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -19.38 + -19.38 + -22.03 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 91.1 + 3.149 + 15.4 + 21.73 + 17.52 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-20T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -18.48 + -18.48 + -22.03 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 91 + 2.83 + 9.9700000000000006 + 19.399999999999999 + 18.37 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-20T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -18.2 + -18.3 + -22.03 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 90.7 + 6.1589999999999998 + 15.71 + 17.21 + 19.690000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-20T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -18.2 + -18.7 + -22.03 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 90.6 + 9.1 + 18.61 + 24.68 + 16.52 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-20T06:00:00.000 + ST + -17.8 + -17.8 + -22.03 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 91.3 + 6.0940000000000003 + 13.75 + 14.97 + 16.079999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-20T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -16.91 + -16.920000000000002 + -17.8 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 89.4 + 6.1479999999999997 + 16.399999999999999 + 19.78 + 16.309999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-20T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -16.37 + -16.37 + -17.8 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 93.5 + 6.3280000000000003 + 16.27 + 15.9 + 16.29 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-20T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -15.88 + -16.78 + -17.8 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 87.7 + 6.26 + 16.78 + 15.36 + 15.91 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-20T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -15.88 + -16.18 + -17.8 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 93.4 + 6.0830000000000002 + 14.13 + 12.72 + 18.72 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-20T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -15.55 + -15.64 + -17.8 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 94.1 + 7.43 + 17.22 + 14.49 + 18.47 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-20T12:00:00.000 + RAW + -14.71 + -14.76 + -17.8 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 94.2 + 4.1479999999999997 + 12.74 + 12.16 + 21.85 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-20T13:00:00.000 + RAW + -12.58 + -12.58 + -17.8 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 95.9 + 5.0609999999999999 + 15.32 + 21.65 + 21.02 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-20T14:00:00.000 + RAW + -11.31 + -11.89 + -17.8 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 93.8 + 0.63400000000000001 + 13.62 + 313.60000000000002 + 32.270000000000003 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-20T15:00:00.000 + RAW + -10.45 + -10.61 + -17.8 + 0 + 0 + 7 + 97.6 + 0.61199999999999999 + 6.6180000000000003 + 347.7 + 16.37 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-20T16:00:00.000 + RAW + -9.48 + -9.48 + -17.8 + 0 + 0 + 8 + 98.5 + 0 + 0.126 + 318.3 + 0.374 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-20T17:00:00.000 + RAW + -8.3699999999999992 + -10.69 + -17.8 + 0 + 0 + 8 + 98.2 + 0.109 + 2.8359999999999999 + 18.98 + 12.42 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-20T18:00:00.000 + ST + -8.3699999999999992 + -10.52 + -17.8 + 0 + 0 + 8 + 96.1 + 0.309 + 4.601 + 334.3 + 4.0229999999999997 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-20T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -7.63 + -7.69 + -10.52 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 98.6 + 2E-3 + 0.252 + 340.8 + 3.4319999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-20T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.9960000000000004 + -8.85 + -10.52 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 100.1 + 1.6E-2 + 1.1339999999999999 + 335 + 1.119 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-20T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.9960000000000004 + -8.7799999999999994 + -10.52 + 0 + 0 + 8 + 103.3 + 5.1999999999999998E-2 + 3.0880000000000001 + 352.8 + 5.8170000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-20T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.9960000000000004 + -7.52 + -10.52 + 0 + 0 + 14 + 109 + 3.0000000000000001E-3 + 0.252 + 345.4 + 6.3159999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-20T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.1849999999999996 + -6.3019999999999996 + -10.52 + 0 + 0 + 17 + 111.4 + 0 + 0.126 + 350 + 3.8220000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-21T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.6769999999999996 + -4.6769999999999996 + -10.52 + 0 + 0 + 20 + 114.4 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-21T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.48 + -3.48 + -10.52 + 0 + 0 + 20 + 114.1 + 0 + 6.3E-2 + 138.9 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-21T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.8620000000000001 + -2.89 + -10.52 + 0 + 0 + 20 + 111.9 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-21T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.3720000000000001 + -1.3720000000000001 + -10.52 + 0 + 0 + 21 + 114.5 + 5.2999999999999999E-2 + 1.764 + 182 + 0.64100000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-21T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.501 + -0.54 + -10.52 + 0 + 0 + 22 + 114.3 + 0.53400000000000003 + 5.8570000000000002 + 174.8 + 4.5179999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-21T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.30399999999999999 + -0.33200000000000002 + -10.52 + 0 + 0 + 22 + 113.3 + 3.1E-2 + 1.448 + 159.4 + 4.931 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-21T06:00:00.000 + ST + -0.219 + -0.219 + -10.52 + 0 + 0 + 22 + 113.5 + 0.26400000000000001 + 4.1550000000000002 + 157.19999999999999 + 8.5399999999999991 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-21T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -9.6000000000000002E-2 + -0.47399999999999998 + -0.49299999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 111.6 + 7.9 + 31.6 + 145.80000000000001 + 24.3 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-21T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -9.6000000000000002E-2 + -1.5920000000000001 + -1.611 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 111.9 + 15.27 + 42.37 + 149.80000000000001 + 26.62 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-21T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -9.6000000000000002E-2 + -1.4590000000000001 + -1.62 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 111.9 + 13.79 + 40.99 + 147.30000000000001 + 29.35 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-21T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -9.6000000000000002E-2 + -1.1839999999999999 + -1.62 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 111.5 + 14.88 + 35.700000000000003 + 154.30000000000001 + 20.75 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-21T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -9.6000000000000002E-2 + -1.0329999999999999 + -1.62 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 109.9 + 13.52 + 48.1 + 157.19999999999999 + 25.05 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-21T12:00:00.000 + RAW + -9.6000000000000002E-2 + -1.175 + -1.62 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 110.9 + 14.55 + 53.77 + 157.1 + 30.72 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-21T13:00:00.000 + RAW + -9.6000000000000002E-2 + -1.1759999999999999 + -1.62 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 111 + 13.82 + 38.97 + 158 + 25.02 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-21T14:00:00.000 + RAW + -9.6000000000000002E-2 + -1.2989999999999999 + -1.62 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 110.3 + 14.02 + 41.24 + 163.19999999999999 + 25.88 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-21T15:00:00.000 + RAW + -9.6000000000000002E-2 + -1.554 + -1.62 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 108 + 14.96 + 46.9 + 162.1 + 24.45 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-21T16:00:00.000 + RAW + -9.6000000000000002E-2 + -1.7909999999999999 + -1.8009999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 111.5 + 13.3 + 46.46 + 157.5 + 21.05 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-21T17:00:00.000 + RAW + -9.6000000000000002E-2 + -2.2269999999999999 + -2.2370000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 110.3 + 13.19 + 37.770000000000003 + 157.30000000000001 + 21.84 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-21T18:00:00.000 + ST + -9.6000000000000002E-2 + -2.331 + -2.3410000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 11.65 + 33.81 + 158.80000000000001 + 18.489999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-21T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.331 + -2.512 + -2.512 + 0 + 0 + 6 + 112.2 + 12.51 + 32.049999999999997 + 156.6 + 22.61 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-21T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.331 + -2.74 + -2.74 + 0 + 0 + 7 + 112.5 + 14.07 + 41.11 + 160.9 + 20.72 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-21T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.331 + -3.073 + -3.0819999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 9 + 114.1 + 15.76 + 40.729999999999997 + 164.4 + 22.27 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-21T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.331 + -3.2919999999999998 + -3.3109999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 9 + 114.1 + 15.01 + 40.36 + 161.4 + 20.18 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-21T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.331 + -3.3959999999999999 + -3.3959999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 9 + 111 + 11.66 + 31.55 + 160.80000000000001 + 21.39 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-22T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.331 + -3.5779999999999998 + -3.5779999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 10 + 114.3 + 9.31 + 29.97 + 152.6 + 21.07 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-22T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.331 + -3.7970000000000002 + -3.7970000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 10 + 114.6 + 7.71 + 21.66 + 144.1 + 22.26 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-22T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.331 + -3.8540000000000001 + -3.8540000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 11 + 114.9 + 7.76 + 19.899999999999999 + 148.4 + 19.48 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-22T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.331 + -3.96 + -3.96 + 0 + 0 + 8.1 + 22.54 + 149.4 + 17.420000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-22T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.331 + -4.2370000000000001 + -4.2370000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 11 + 114.3 + 6.4820000000000002 + 23.43 + 146.5 + 13.01 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-22T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.331 + -4.3520000000000003 + -4.3520000000000003 + 0 + 0 + 11 + 113.9 + 2.7570000000000001 + 12.28 + 144.80000000000001 + 11.45 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-22T06:00:00.000 + ST + -2.331 + -4.6399999999999997 + -4.6399999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 11 + 114 + 2.3380000000000001 + 9.57 + 141.69999999999999 + 9.61 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-22T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.63 + -4.63 + -4.88 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 113.8 + 7.6999999999999999E-2 + 2.3929999999999998 + 144.80000000000001 + 5.4880000000000004 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-22T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.601 + -4.7460000000000004 + -4.88 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 113.3 + 0.01 + 0.441 + 147 + 4.6769999999999996 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-22T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.2939999999999996 + -4.3419999999999996 + -4.88 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 113.1 + 5.0000000000000001E-3 + 0.63 + 147.9 + 2.6059999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-22T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.4529999999999998 + -3.4529999999999998 + -4.88 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 113.2 + 0.02 + 1.3859999999999999 + 146 + 1.3080000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-22T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.891 + -2.8919999999999999 + -4.88 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 112.9 + 5.0000000000000001E-3 + 0.504 + 171.6 + 2.4910000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-22T12:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.512 + -2.7210000000000001 + -4.88 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 112.6 + 0.73899999999999999 + 11.46 + 126.8 + 13.27 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-22T13:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.512 + -3.1120000000000001 + -4.88 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 112.6 + 1.1080000000000001 + 6.9880000000000004 + 165.7 + 13.99 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-22T14:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.512 + -3.2349999999999999 + -4.88 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 115.3 + 0 + 6.3E-2 + 212.2 + 2E-3 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-22T15:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.512 + -3.13 + -4.88 + 0 + 0 + 7 + 119.7 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-22T16:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.512 + -3.101 + -4.88 + 0 + 0 + 9 + 120.5 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-22T17:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.512 + -2.9580000000000002 + -4.88 + 0 + 0 + 15 + 126.7 + 9.8000000000000004E-2 + 2.0150000000000001 + 194 + 16.329999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-22T18:00:00.000 + ST + -2.512 + -2.7389999999999999 + -4.88 + 0 + 0 + 16 + 126.4 + 0.39900000000000002 + 4.8479999999999999 + 172.6 + 16.309999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-22T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.4830000000000001 + -2.4830000000000001 + -2.74 + 0 + 0 + 1.3939999999999999 + 12.15 + 178.3 + 22.95 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-22T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.008 + -2.2639999999999998 + -2.74 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 129.9 + 3.86 + 27.64 + 152.6 + 32.270000000000003 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-22T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.008 + -2.3210000000000002 + -2.74 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 130.30000000000001 + 8.65 + 31.16 + 151.1 + 35.369999999999997 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-22T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.008 + -2.5499999999999998 + -2.74 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 129.5 + 11.51 + 44.01 + 160.30000000000001 + 38.32 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-22T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.008 + -2.5110000000000001 + -2.74 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 130.19999999999999 + 12.82 + 44.58 + 167.7 + 38.659999999999997 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-23T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.008 + -2.72 + -2.74 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 129.6 + 14.39 + 42.88 + 166 + 35.409999999999997 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-23T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.008 + -2.863 + -2.8820000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 9.08 + 37.590000000000003 + 162.6 + 29.91 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-23T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.008 + -2.8540000000000001 + -2.8820000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 8 + 131.9 + 10.050000000000001 + 44.96 + 159.69999999999999 + 25.97 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-23T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.008 + -2.9580000000000002 + -2.9769999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 9 + 132.9 + 15.65 + 37.97 + 163 + 33.04 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-23T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.008 + -2.9769999999999999 + -3.044 + 0 + 0 + 9 + 131.6 + 10.77 + 33.880000000000003 + 168.4 + 24.82 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-23T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.008 + -3.0059999999999998 + -3.0529999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 9 + 129.6 + 5.7220000000000004 + 20.84 + 164.1 + 20.94 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-23T06:00:00.000 + ST + -2.008 + -3.0150000000000001 + -3.0630000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 9 + 128.4 + 6.8639999999999999 + 23.17 + 160.1 + 21.79 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-23T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.0150000000000001 + -3.101 + -3.149 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 131.1 + 7.44 + 19.14 + 158.6 + 19.36 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-23T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.0150000000000001 + -3.044 + -3.149 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 131.1 + 6.319 + 17.32 + 156.80000000000001 + 19.07 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-23T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.8149999999999999 + -2.8149999999999999 + -3.149 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 130.30000000000001 + 5.9930000000000003 + 18.2 + 155.19999999999999 + 21.28 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-23T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.4540000000000002 + -2.4729999999999999 + -3.149 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 129.80000000000001 + 6.7190000000000003 + 23.49 + 158.6 + 22.88 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-23T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.0939999999999999 + -2.1219999999999999 + -3.149 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 130.5 + 11.23 + 30.53 + 157.9 + 24.27 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-23T12:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.175 + -1.27 + -3.149 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 129.4 + 8.11 + 24.99 + 164.9 + 23.06 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-23T13:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.1000000000000001 + -1.2330000000000001 + -3.149 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 128.30000000000001 + 11 + 29.84 + 169.4 + 22.1 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-23T14:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.016 + -1.016 + -3.149 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 128.19999999999999 + 10.07 + 27.13 + 167 + 21.17 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-23T15:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.86499999999999999 + -1.925 + -3.149 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 123.9 + 7.33 + 18.88 + 159.5 + 23.65 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-23T16:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.86499999999999999 + -2.1619999999999999 + -3.149 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 125.1 + 9.8000000000000007 + 27.26 + 155.19999999999999 + 23.13 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-23T17:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.86499999999999999 + -2.5310000000000001 + -3.149 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 125.5 + 8.9 + 28.21 + 157.69999999999999 + 24.51 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-23T18:00:00.000 + ST + -0.86499999999999999 + -2.6160000000000001 + -3.149 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 126.6 + 7.75 + 20.02 + 159.9 + 21.15 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-23T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.5680000000000001 + -2.6440000000000001 + -2.6819999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 126.8 + 7.94 + 21.09 + 156.6 + 25.03 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-23T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.4540000000000002 + -2.464 + -2.7010000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 127.3 + 4.9820000000000002 + 21.41 + 150.4 + 22.64 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-23T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.3969999999999998 + -2.4449999999999998 + -2.7010000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 126.6 + 7.94 + 27.51 + 153.9 + 21.61 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-23T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.3879999999999999 + -2.4350000000000001 + -2.7010000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 125.6 + 8.44 + 23.67 + 150.80000000000001 + 21.98 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-23T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.3690000000000002 + -2.5489999999999999 + -2.7010000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 125.2 + 7.53 + 23.61 + 150 + 23.99 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-24T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.3690000000000002 + -2.73 + -2.7490000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 125.9 + 7.08 + 21.78 + 151.80000000000001 + 19.5 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-24T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.3690000000000002 + -3.0249999999999999 + -3.0249999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 125.7 + 7.41 + 21.28 + 165.6 + 16.53 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-24T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.3690000000000002 + -2.968 + -3.0819999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 124.6 + 7.14 + 18.260000000000002 + 162.30000000000001 + 17.78 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-24T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.3690000000000002 + -3.0819999999999999 + -3.12 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 125.3 + 7.62 + 19.84 + 176.6 + 18.350000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-24T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.3690000000000002 + -3.3109999999999999 + -3.33 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 123.9 + 6.5970000000000004 + 15.68 + 161.9 + 17.93 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-24T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.3690000000000002 + -3.0150000000000001 + -3.3490000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 124.5 + 8.8000000000000007 + 29.53 + 173.4 + 26.26 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-24T06:00:00.000 + ST + -2.3690000000000002 + -3.2719999999999998 + -3.3490000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 122.5 + 5.6920000000000002 + 21.6 + 171.5 + 20.329999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-24T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.1859999999999999 + -3.3290000000000002 + -3.33 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 125.1 + 2.41 + 11.65 + 147.30000000000001 + 21.19 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-24T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.1859999999999999 + -3.2909999999999999 + -3.339 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 125.8 + 3.4140000000000001 + 12.91 + 149.30000000000001 + 18.559999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-24T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.7679999999999998 + -2.7679999999999998 + -3.339 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 125.9 + 1.9159999999999999 + 13.35 + 152.80000000000001 + 16.690000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-24T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.923 + -1.923 + -3.339 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 125.5 + 1.4930000000000001 + 10.33 + 172 + 17.82 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-24T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.2410000000000001 + -1.2410000000000001 + -3.339 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 122.1 + 2.1520000000000001 + 9.76 + 168.5 + 16.21 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-24T12:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.437 + -0.437 + -3.339 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 124.9 + 1.319 + 8.6300000000000008 + 174 + 12.1 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-24T13:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.314 + -1.129 + -3.339 + 0 + 0 + 6 + 127.4 + 1.968 + 9.32 + 188.1 + 14.55 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-24T14:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.28599999999999998 + -0.504 + -3.339 + 0 + 0 + 7 + 128.1 + 2.1999999999999999E-2 + 1.0069999999999999 + 185 + 4.7629999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-24T15:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.28599999999999998 + -0.89100000000000001 + -3.339 + 0 + 0 + 11 + 132.80000000000001 + 0.11 + 2.6440000000000001 + 220.3 + 5.6580000000000004 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-24T16:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.28599999999999998 + -0.67400000000000004 + -3.339 + 0 + 0 + 17 + 137.30000000000001 + 8.6999999999999994E-2 + 2.4550000000000001 + 232.5 + 6.157 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-24T17:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.28599999999999998 + -0.95699999999999996 + -3.339 + 0 + 0 + 20 + 140.30000000000001 + 0.17399999999999999 + 3.84 + 205.4 + 27.15 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-24T18:00:00.000 + ST + -0.28599999999999998 + -0.437 + -3.339 + 0 + 0 + 23 + 142 + 0.61399999999999999 + 5.226 + 179.5 + 47.47 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-24T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.248 + -0.248 + -0.437 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 145.30000000000001 + 0.56599999999999995 + 7.81 + 172.8 + 47.21 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-24T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.04 + -0.182 + -0.437 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 144.9 + 2.3780000000000001 + 17.940000000000001 + 154.9 + 58.04 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-24T21:00:00.000 + RAW + 5.5E-2 + 8.0000000000000002E-3 + -0.437 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 144.1 + 4.7859999999999996 + 25.25 + 148.80000000000001 + 49.02 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-24T22:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.376 + 0.31 + -0.437 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 142.9 + 10.029999999999999 + 44.76 + 151 + 45.33 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-24T23:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.745 + 0.66 + -0.437 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 141.5 + 13.29 + 36.200000000000003 + 143.5 + 37.630000000000003 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-25T00:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.83 + 0.54700000000000004 + -0.437 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 140.69999999999999 + 17.34 + 65.599999999999994 + 168.9 + 35.630000000000003 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-25T01:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.84899999999999998 + 0.42399999999999999 + -0.437 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 140.1 + 18.36 + 61.76 + 202.1 + 42.22 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-25T02:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.84899999999999998 + 8.0000000000000002E-3 + -0.437 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 139 + 10.14 + 47.28 + 210.2 + 49.89 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-25T03:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.84899999999999998 + 0.159 + -0.437 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 138.5 + 14.35 + 51.25 + 209.9 + 42.78 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-25T04:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.84899999999999998 + -0.25700000000000001 + -0.437 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 137.5 + 9.17 + 45.96 + 208.2 + 49.57 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-25T05:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.84899999999999998 + -0.70199999999999996 + -0.72099999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 136.6 + 12.73 + 51.31 + 204.6 + 45.61 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-25T06:00:00.000 + ST + 0.84899999999999998 + -1.81 + -1.81 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 136.4 + 12.53 + 58.8 + 208.8 + 44.85 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-25T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.81 + -2.3130000000000002 + -2.3130000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 136.6 + 11.75 + 52.19 + 205.8 + 39.619999999999997 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-25T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.81 + -2.4449999999999998 + -2.74 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 136 + 15.7 + 31.35 + 182 + 24.63 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-25T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.81 + -2.331 + -2.74 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 135.4 + 12 + 33.68 + 171.6 + 23.52 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-25T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.81 + -2.056 + -2.74 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 134.9 + 13.12 + 30.22 + 170.7 + 19.940000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-25T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.81 + -1.895 + -2.74 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 135.80000000000001 + 11.49 + 31.92 + 157.19999999999999 + 25 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-25T12:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.7430000000000001 + -1.81 + -2.74 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 134.69999999999999 + 12.58 + 28.46 + 154.19999999999999 + 27.1 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-25T13:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.194 + -1.2130000000000001 + -2.74 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 136.1 + 12.28 + 29.21 + 165.6 + 22.15 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-25T14:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.1279999999999999 + -1.536 + -2.74 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 136.9 + 14.06 + 41.17 + 172 + 27.02 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-25T15:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.1279999999999999 + -1.7250000000000001 + -2.74 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 136.9 + 18.12 + 45.27 + 185 + 26.72 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-25T16:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.1279999999999999 + -2.2370000000000001 + -2.74 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 136.4 + 18.18 + 41.36 + 182.4 + 27.47 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-25T17:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.1279999999999999 + -2.4359999999999999 + -2.74 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 136.1 + 16.04 + 38.53 + 184.8 + 25.79 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-25T18:00:00.000 + ST + -1.1279999999999999 + -2.8159999999999998 + -2.8250000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 135.5 + 15.38 + 38.15 + 177 + 21.86 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-25T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.8159999999999998 + -3.1869999999999998 + -3.1970000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 136.30000000000001 + 15.52 + 30.47 + 166.4 + 21.84 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-25T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.8159999999999998 + -3.073 + -3.206 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 136.5 + 9.5399999999999991 + 20.52 + 152.6 + 22.99 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-25T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.8159999999999998 + -2.9489999999999998 + -3.206 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 137.6 + 5.7690000000000001 + 14.73 + 158.6 + 21.28 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-25T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.8159999999999998 + -3.0339999999999998 + -3.206 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 139.80000000000001 + 2.944 + 11.84 + 160.19999999999999 + 19.55 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-25T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.8159999999999998 + -3.0350000000000001 + -3.206 + 0 + 0 + 6 + 140.6 + 3.782 + 12.53 + 158.1 + 24.25 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-26T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.8159999999999998 + -2.9390000000000001 + -3.206 + 0 + 0 + 6 + 139.9 + 3.9860000000000002 + 15.43 + 162.4 + 21.07 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-26T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.8159999999999998 + -2.863 + -3.206 + 0 + 0 + 9 + 143.30000000000001 + 1.4670000000000001 + 10.64 + 174.4 + 14.92 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-26T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.5880000000000001 + -2.6059999999999999 + -3.206 + 0 + 0 + 9 + 140.1 + 0.38300000000000001 + 4.282 + 181.5 + 9.33 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-26T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.4449999999999998 + -2.4449999999999998 + -3.206 + 0 + 0 + 9 + 141.6 + 1.6870000000000001 + 10.77 + 162.19999999999999 + 16.7 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-26T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.0840000000000001 + -2.5019999999999998 + -3.206 + 0 + 0 + 13 + 146.69999999999999 + 9.67 + 23.17 + 165.5 + 16.89 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-26T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.8089999999999999 + -1.875 + -3.206 + 0 + 0 + 14 + 147.1 + 10.66 + 23.04 + 166.9 + 16.96 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-26T06:00:00.000 + ST + -1.8089999999999999 + -1.9610000000000001 + -3.206 + 0 + 0 + 14 + 147.19999999999999 + 13.6 + 32.11 + 169.2 + 18.489999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-26T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.9039999999999999 + -2.17 + -2.17 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 149.4 + 15.89 + 42.81 + 166.6 + 28.19 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-26T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.9039999999999999 + -2.7679999999999998 + -2.7679999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 150.69999999999999 + 15.36 + 39.35 + 169.2 + 29.14 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-26T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.9039999999999999 + -2.883 + -2.911 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 150.6 + 12.99 + 39.03 + 179.9 + 17.68 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-26T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.9039999999999999 + -2.5779999999999998 + -2.9590000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 6 + 152.4 + 9.36 + 23.67 + 165 + 17.18 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-26T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.9039999999999999 + -2.9020000000000001 + -3.0539999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 6 + 148.4 + 8.5399999999999991 + 23.17 + 169.2 + 21.89 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-26T12:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.9039999999999999 + -2.8730000000000002 + -3.0539999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 8 + 153.4 + 8.41 + 23.36 + 174.2 + 22.66 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-26T13:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.9039999999999999 + -2.3980000000000001 + -3.0539999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 8 + 151.19999999999999 + 5.2759999999999998 + 21.59 + 176.6 + 17.510000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-26T14:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.9039999999999999 + -2.3319999999999999 + -3.0539999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 5.391 + 33.75 + 194.2 + 36.590000000000003 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-26T15:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.9039999999999999 + -2.57 + -3.0539999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 8 + 151.6 + 6.2320000000000002 + 20.399999999999999 + 188.9 + 21.04 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-26T16:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.9039999999999999 + -3.4359999999999999 + -3.4359999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 8 + 150.1 + 6.55 + 24.11 + 189.1 + 20.3 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-26T17:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.9039999999999999 + -4.0469999999999997 + -4.0469999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 8 + 148.19999999999999 + 12.21 + 25.12 + 176.9 + 17.649999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-26T18:00:00.000 + ST + -1.9039999999999999 + -4.2370000000000001 + -4.2569999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 8 + 149.30000000000001 + 11.34 + 25.06 + 169 + 18.86 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-26T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.2370000000000001 + -4.41 + -4.41 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 151 + 12.77 + 34.01 + 167.9 + 22.38 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-26T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.2370000000000001 + -4.5919999999999996 + -4.6020000000000003 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 149.19999999999999 + 10.88 + 27.08 + 165.8 + 21.22 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-26T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.2370000000000001 + -4.9089999999999998 + -4.9279999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 147.5 + 11.92 + 30.92 + 169 + 18.04 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-26T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.2370000000000001 + -4.9950000000000001 + -5.2080000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 147.9 + 9.1300000000000008 + 22.8 + 153 + 21.34 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-26T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.2370000000000001 + -5.3040000000000003 + -5.3140000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 147.9 + 8.43 + 20.34 + 156.30000000000001 + 21.97 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-27T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.2370000000000001 + -5.7009999999999996 + -5.7009999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 148 + 7.86 + 23.05 + 164.8 + 20.46 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-27T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.2370000000000001 + -5.5069999999999997 + -5.8849999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 147.69999999999999 + 6.8869999999999996 + 14.68 + 166.3 + 14.28 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-27T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.2370000000000001 + -5.3719999999999999 + -5.8849999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 147.6 + 8.15 + 21.98 + 162.30000000000001 + 16.510000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-27T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.2370000000000001 + -5.43 + -5.8849999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 147.80000000000001 + 8.01 + 18.14 + 167.2 + 13.53 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-27T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.2370000000000001 + -4.9850000000000003 + -5.8849999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 147.19999999999999 + 8.7100000000000009 + 17.13 + 165.5 + 13.3 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-27T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.2370000000000001 + -4.8600000000000003 + -5.8849999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 146.80000000000001 + 8.58 + 25.45 + 167.7 + 18.09 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-27T06:00:00.000 + ST + -4.2370000000000001 + -4.8609999999999998 + -5.8849999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 146.30000000000001 + 8.9499999999999993 + 21.79 + 165 + 17.37 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-27T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.8609999999999998 + -4.9089999999999998 + -5.1980000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 146 + 8.9700000000000006 + 19.649999999999999 + 159.30000000000001 + 20.38 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-27T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.7930000000000001 + -4.87 + -5.1980000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 143.30000000000001 + 9.7799999999999994 + 21.73 + 153 + 24.35 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-27T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.63 + -4.6399999999999997 + -5.1980000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 12.35 + 31.74 + 151.69999999999999 + 25.08 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-27T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.4189999999999996 + -4.4859999999999998 + -5.1980000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 147.69999999999999 + 11.99 + 26.14 + 149 + 25.19 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-27T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.2850000000000001 + -4.2850000000000001 + -5.1980000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 147.30000000000001 + 12.88 + 26.07 + 148.30000000000001 + 24.97 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-27T12:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.0170000000000003 + -4.0170000000000003 + -5.1980000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 146.6 + 11.49 + 25.82 + 146.6 + 27.04 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-27T13:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.6640000000000001 + -3.75 + -5.1980000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 147.69999999999999 + 11.35 + 26.76 + 155.5 + 24.38 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-27T14:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.5110000000000001 + -3.5880000000000001 + -5.1980000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 146.9 + 10.96 + 23.24 + 150.80000000000001 + 25.94 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-27T15:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.5110000000000001 + -3.8460000000000001 + -5.1980000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 148.1 + 12.49 + 29.97 + 152.1 + 25.94 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-27T16:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.5110000000000001 + -4.1230000000000002 + -5.1980000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 148.69999999999999 + 12.22 + 26.95 + 156.1 + 30.06 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-27T17:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.5110000000000001 + -4.3529999999999998 + -5.1980000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 148.6 + 13.41 + 30.54 + 152.5 + 25.86 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-27T18:00:00.000 + ST + -3.5110000000000001 + -4.3239999999999998 + -5.1980000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 146.6 + 12.71 + 38.04 + 152.4 + 24.77 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-27T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.3239999999999998 + -4.4189999999999996 + -4.4189999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 147.69999999999999 + 10.74 + 24.5 + 148.80000000000001 + 25.59 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-27T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.3239999999999998 + -4.4000000000000004 + -4.4580000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 148.30000000000001 + 9.8000000000000007 + 21.92 + 149.19999999999999 + 23.33 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-27T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.3239999999999998 + -4.4000000000000004 + -4.4580000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 145.4 + 10.42 + 19.59 + 153.4 + 20.399999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-27T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.3239999999999998 + -4.3810000000000002 + -4.4580000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 148.1 + 12.53 + 28.4 + 160.6 + 19.13 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-27T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.3239999999999998 + -4.4189999999999996 + -4.4580000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 148.19999999999999 + 14.73 + 28.21 + 170.2 + 18.510000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-28T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.3230000000000004 + -4.3419999999999996 + -4.4580000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 148.6 + 10.199999999999999 + 22.17 + 157.69999999999999 + 17.39 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-28T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.3230000000000004 + -4.41 + -4.4580000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 148.30000000000001 + 10.84 + 19.329999999999998 + 157.4 + 15.32 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-28T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.3230000000000004 + -4.4480000000000004 + -4.4859999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 148.19999999999999 + 10.45 + 20.41 + 149.69999999999999 + 14.57 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-28T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.3230000000000004 + -4.5819999999999999 + -4.5919999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 147.19999999999999 + 11.58 + 20.34 + 152.4 + 19.309999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-28T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.3230000000000004 + -4.5730000000000004 + -4.6109999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 146.9 + 10.68 + 18.96 + 153.69999999999999 + 15.21 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-28T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.3230000000000004 + -4.5439999999999996 + -4.6109999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 146.69999999999999 + 9.09 + 20.53 + 150.9 + 14.16 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-28T06:00:00.000 + ST + -4.3230000000000004 + -4.4859999999999998 + -4.6109999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 146.6 + 8.16 + 17.510000000000002 + 157.5 + 16.420000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-28T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.4859999999999998 + -4.6109999999999998 + -4.6779999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 146.4 + 9.4 + 22.99 + 150.30000000000001 + 21.73 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-28T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.4859999999999998 + -4.7069999999999999 + -4.7069999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 146.19999999999999 + 11.47 + 27.9 + 145.19999999999999 + 25.05 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-28T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.4859999999999998 + -4.5730000000000004 + -4.7939999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 146.5 + 10.16 + 22.92 + 143.6 + 24.17 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-28T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.1130000000000004 + -4.1130000000000004 + -4.7939999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 146.6 + 7.28 + 17.89 + 136.4 + 20.27 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-28T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.5870000000000002 + -3.597 + -4.7939999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 146.5 + 7.59 + 17.63 + 134.1 + 18.28 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-28T12:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.4060000000000001 + -3.7690000000000001 + -4.7939999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 146.6 + 13.17 + 32.619999999999997 + 152.6 + 20.89 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-28T13:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.044 + -3.0830000000000002 + -4.7939999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 146.30000000000001 + 15.64 + 35.51 + 162.5 + 21.36 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-28T14:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.044 + -3.0920000000000001 + -4.7939999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 146.19999999999999 + 17.57 + 32.86 + 169.6 + 23.7 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-28T15:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.9209999999999998 + -3.016 + -4.7939999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 146.19999999999999 + 19.37 + 39.79 + 171.4 + 24.08 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-28T16:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.198 + -2.198 + -4.7939999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 146.19999999999999 + 17.559999999999999 + 33.049999999999997 + 179.7 + 22.74 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-28T17:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.345 + -1.4019999999999999 + -4.7939999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 145.5 + 13.77 + 46.4 + 200.4 + 26.58 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-28T18:00:00.000 + ST + -0.51200000000000001 + -0.64400000000000002 + -4.7939999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 145 + 13.91 + 36.83 + 202.5 + 29.76 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-28T19:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.33 + 0.33 + -0.64400000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 144.19999999999999 + 14.13 + 44.64 + 196.6 + 28.55 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-28T20:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.878 + 0.79300000000000004 + -0.64400000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 144.4 + 14.78 + 47.66 + 207 + 31.3 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-28T21:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.171 + 0.33900000000000002 + -0.64400000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 144.30000000000001 + 13.4 + 40.04 + 205.2 + 30.19 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-28T22:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.171 + -0.16300000000000001 + -0.64400000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 144.1 + 14.26 + 30.85 + 181.4 + 23.39 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-28T23:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.171 + 0.36699999999999999 + -0.64400000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 144.1 + 14.33 + 27.95 + 176 + 20.28 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-29T00:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.171 + 0.81100000000000005 + -0.64400000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 143.80000000000001 + 15.95 + 31.79 + 169.8 + 20.83 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-29T01:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.171 + 0.86799999999999999 + -0.64400000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 143.19999999999999 + 13.4 + 29.65 + 182.1 + 21.73 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-29T02:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.5109999999999999 + 1.2090000000000001 + -0.64400000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 142.9 + 9.42 + 25.94 + 194 + 23.97 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-29T03:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.5109999999999999 + 0.63100000000000001 + -0.64400000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 142.4 + 10.85 + 31.35 + 185.8 + 23.39 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-29T04:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.5109999999999999 + -0.16300000000000001 + -0.64400000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 141.69999999999999 + 14.23 + 37.840000000000003 + 161.30000000000001 + 23 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-29T05:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.5109999999999999 + 0.36699999999999999 + -0.64400000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 141.5 + 14.82 + 30.22 + 147.30000000000001 + 23.87 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-29T06:00:00.000 + ST + 1.5109999999999999 + 0.67900000000000005 + -0.64400000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 140.9 + 15.23 + 30.72 + 143.6 + 26.7 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-29T07:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.161 + 1.161 + 0.66900000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 140.6 + 13.91 + 36.96 + 144.6 + 29.18 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-29T08:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.4550000000000001 + 1.417 + 0.66900000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 140.1 + 16.23 + 35.82 + 169.5 + 19.14 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-29T09:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.1739999999999999 + 2.1739999999999999 + 0.66900000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 140 + 11.38 + 24.93 + 182.2 + 20.55 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-29T10:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.714 + 2.6949999999999998 + 0.66900000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 139.80000000000001 + 12.82 + 31.98 + 163.30000000000001 + 22.2 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-29T11:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.8940000000000001 + 2.694 + 0.66900000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 139 + 13.09 + 27.88 + 156.80000000000001 + 24.28 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-29T12:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.8940000000000001 + 2.5049999999999999 + 0.66900000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 138.1 + 11.73 + 28.7 + 157.1 + 22.94 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-29T13:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.8940000000000001 + 1.917 + 0.66900000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 136.9 + 9.84 + 24.36 + 154.6 + 23.75 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-29T14:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.8940000000000001 + 1.2549999999999999 + 0.66900000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 136.30000000000001 + 11.86 + 31.91 + 145.9 + 26.6 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-29T15:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.8940000000000001 + 1.208 + 0.66900000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 135.1 + 11.18 + 25.74 + 140.6 + 29.96 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-29T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.8940000000000001 + 0.84799999999999998 + 0.66900000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 135.9 + 9.6300000000000008 + 25.68 + 138.19999999999999 + 30.13 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-29T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.8940000000000001 + 0.58399999999999996 + 0.55500000000000005 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 135.4 + 11.68 + 25.55 + 139 + 24.32 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-29T18:00:00.000 + ST + 2.8940000000000001 + 0.53700000000000003 + 0.52700000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 134.80000000000001 + 12.15 + 28.01 + 132.69999999999999 + 21.89 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-29T19:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.67900000000000005 + 0.67900000000000005 + 0.51800000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 134.4 + 11.59 + 22.54 + 137.30000000000001 + 19.96 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-29T20:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.82 + 0.79200000000000004 + 0.51800000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 134.1 + 11.24 + 22.85 + 148.5 + 23.3 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-29T21:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.1419999999999999 + 1.0860000000000001 + 0.51800000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 133.5 + 11.88 + 33.36 + 144 + 21.31 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-29T22:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.5209999999999999 + 1.52 + 0.51800000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 132.6 + 10.7 + 23.73 + 137.5 + 16.399999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-29T23:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.587 + 1.492 + 0.51800000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 132.69999999999999 + 8.4499999999999993 + 20.71 + 140.9 + 17.77 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-30T00:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.587 + 1.359 + 0.51800000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 129.69999999999999 + 8.61 + 18 + 144.80000000000001 + 16.82 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-30T01:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.587 + 1.2649999999999999 + 0.51800000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 129.5 + 8.6 + 20.079999999999998 + 142.1 + 22.15 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-30T02:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.587 + 0.98099999999999998 + 0.51800000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 130.19999999999999 + 8.35 + 22.98 + 138.30000000000001 + 24.76 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-30T03:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.587 + 1.048 + 0.51800000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 130.5 + 11.28 + 30.09 + 140.6 + 24.42 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-30T04:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.587 + 1.218 + 0.51800000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 130.19999999999999 + 13.77 + 29.71 + 147.30000000000001 + 22.19 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-30T05:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.587 + 1.1040000000000001 + 0.51800000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 129.69999999999999 + 13.07 + 30.53 + 146.6 + 19.579999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-30T06:00:00.000 + ST + 1.587 + 0.99099999999999999 + 0.51800000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 129.1 + 12.67 + 26.56 + 155.9 + 24.78 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-30T07:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.0089999999999999 + 0.64100000000000001 + 0.63100000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 129.1 + 13.84 + 37.89 + 159.1 + 26.47 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-30T08:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.0089999999999999 + 0.111 + 0.111 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 128.69999999999999 + 12.09 + 29.52 + 152 + 27.66 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-30T09:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.0089999999999999 + -0.35199999999999998 + -0.36199999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 128.4 + 14.53 + 39.659999999999997 + 155.5 + 29.78 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-30T10:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.0089999999999999 + -0.48499999999999999 + -0.48499999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 127.9 + 15.01 + 42.74 + 153.80000000000001 + 31.34 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-30T11:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.0089999999999999 + -0.4 + -0.504 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 127.5 + 12.48 + 30.59 + 149.6 + 29.7 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-30T12:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.0089999999999999 + -0.21 + -0.504 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 126.8 + 13.79 + 38.4 + 152.1 + 27.22 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-30T13:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.0089999999999999 + -0.14499999999999999 + -0.504 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 127.3 + 11.98 + 26.31 + 146.30000000000001 + 24.69 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-30T14:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.0089999999999999 + 0.28999999999999998 + -0.504 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 127.1 + 10.11 + 23.79 + 148.6 + 27.92 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-30T15:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.0089999999999999 + -0.249 + -0.504 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 127.1 + 12.53 + 28.07 + 155.19999999999999 + 23.16 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-30T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.0089999999999999 + -0.40899999999999997 + -0.504 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 126.8 + 12.47 + 32.979999999999997 + 148.69999999999999 + 27.77 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-30T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.0089999999999999 + -0.61699999999999999 + -0.61699999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 126.5 + 10.8 + 29.71 + 145.80000000000001 + 26.94 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-30T18:00:00.000 + ST + 1.0089999999999999 + -0.64500000000000002 + -0.65500000000000003 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 126.3 + 12.39 + 27.07 + 145.6 + 24.54 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-30T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.626 + -0.65500000000000003 + -0.70199999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 125.2 + 10.45 + 24.55 + 142.19999999999999 + 26.01 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-30T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.626 + -0.66400000000000003 + -0.70199999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 125.7 + 12.73 + 31.41 + 145.5 + 27.52 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-30T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.626 + -0.72 + -0.73 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 125.4 + 11.51 + 25.81 + 148.6 + 25.65 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-30T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.626 + -0.66400000000000003 + -0.749 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 122.9 + 10.91 + 24.55 + 146.69999999999999 + 22.58 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-30T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.626 + -0.79600000000000004 + -0.80600000000000005 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 122.2 + 9.57 + 21.59 + 148.69999999999999 + 23.48 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-31T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.626 + -0.89100000000000001 + -0.91 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 125.6 + 9 + 20.65 + 147.5 + 23.59 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-31T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.626 + -0.84399999999999997 + -0.91 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 123.3 + 8.7100000000000009 + 23.29 + 148.9 + 25.03 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-31T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.626 + -0.92 + -0.93899999999999995 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.4 + 10.16 + 24.62 + 150.1 + 26.79 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-31T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.626 + -0.93799999999999994 + -0.96699999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.4 + 8.69 + 19.829999999999998 + 149.19999999999999 + 26.82 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-31T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.626 + -1.0329999999999999 + -1.0329999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.5 + 8.59 + 19.89 + 144 + 21.73 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-31T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.626 + -1.27 + -1.3169999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 123.6 + 7.52 + 16.12 + 144.19999999999999 + 19.97 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-31T06:00:00.000 + ST + -0.626 + -1.2509999999999999 + -1.3169999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 122.9 + 8.09 + 18.82 + 142.30000000000001 + 17.149999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-31T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.2509999999999999 + -1.506 + -1.506 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 123.8 + 10.14 + 18.89 + 143.4 + 20.059999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-31T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.2130000000000001 + -1.2509999999999999 + -1.506 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 123.3 + 10.18 + 21.34 + 137.9 + 17.739999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-31T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.92800000000000005 + -0.92800000000000005 + -1.506 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 124.5 + 9.61 + 22.22 + 141.69999999999999 + 19.78 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-31T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.65500000000000003 + -0.65500000000000003 + -1.506 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 126.1 + 8.33 + 18.260000000000002 + 147.5 + 18.79 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-31T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.248 + -0.29499999999999998 + -1.506 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 127.7 + 6.6 + 13.47 + 144.19999999999999 + 18.149999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-31T12:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.13500000000000001 + -0.22 + -1.506 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 127.6 + 7.93 + 16.87 + 143.5 + 16.52 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-31T13:00:00.000 + RAW + 8.3000000000000004E-2 + -1.2E-2 + -1.506 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 125.7 + 9.2200000000000006 + 18.190000000000001 + 140.80000000000001 + 18.88 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-31T14:00:00.000 + RAW + 8.3000000000000004E-2 + -1.2E-2 + -1.506 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 125.5 + 8.9700000000000006 + 22.66 + 144 + 24.62 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-31T15:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.16700000000000001 + 6.0000000000000001E-3 + -1.506 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 125.7 + 7.72 + 18.57 + 142.30000000000001 + 22.11 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-31T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.16700000000000001 + -0.249 + -1.506 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 126 + 9.5299999999999994 + 21.59 + 145.30000000000001 + 19.079999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-31T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.16700000000000001 + -0.33300000000000002 + -1.506 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 126.3 + 6.5919999999999996 + 21.4 + 145.1 + 16.43 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-31T18:00:00.000 + ST + 0.16700000000000001 + -0.40899999999999997 + -1.506 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 126.1 + 3.5139999999999998 + 11.96 + 158 + 13.24 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-31T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.40899999999999997 + -0.41799999999999998 + -0.58899999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 125.9 + 3.2530000000000001 + 9.3800000000000008 + 163.5 + 14.98 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-31T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.33300000000000002 + -0.371 + -0.58899999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 117.5 + 4.0940000000000003 + 14.8 + 151.6 + 16.329999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-31T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.33300000000000002 + -0.41799999999999998 + -0.58899999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 123.9 + 3.9790000000000001 + 15.17 + 148 + 22.3 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-31T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.33300000000000002 + -0.40799999999999997 + -0.58899999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 126.2 + 2.8050000000000002 + 9.82 + 148.5 + 22.57 + + + 15123 + 2012-01-31T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.33300000000000002 + -0.40899999999999997 + -0.58899999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 118.1 + 2.2269999999999999 + 7.93 + 155.6 + 21.67 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-01T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.33300000000000002 + -0.36099999999999999 + -0.58899999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 121.4 + 1.96 + 9.07 + 156.1 + 18.64 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-01T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.33300000000000002 + -0.371 + -0.58899999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 121.6 + 0.71599999999999997 + 7.49 + 155.9 + 20.28 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-01T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.29499999999999998 + -0.29499999999999998 + -0.58899999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 123.4 + 0.65900000000000003 + 5.351 + 160.80000000000001 + 8.81 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-01T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.28599999999999998 + -0.35199999999999998 + -0.58899999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 128.4 + 0.89500000000000002 + 6.0439999999999996 + 176.5 + 7.05 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-01T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.28599999999999998 + -0.34200000000000003 + -0.58899999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 130.19999999999999 + 0.11600000000000001 + 2.0150000000000001 + 168.7 + 6.3540000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-01T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.28599999999999998 + -0.34200000000000003 + -0.58899999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 6 + 130.9 + 0.22700000000000001 + 4.0919999999999996 + 166.7 + 6.2069999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-01T06:00:00.000 + ST + -0.28599999999999998 + -0.49399999999999999 + -0.58899999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 7 + 131.5 + 0.29599999999999999 + 4.9109999999999996 + 176.3 + 4.6059999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-01T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.48399999999999999 + -0.57899999999999996 + -0.61699999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 131.19999999999999 + 0.376 + 4.6589999999999998 + 166.7 + 5.9169999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-01T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.48399999999999999 + -0.94799999999999995 + -0.95699999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 131.4 + 2.1070000000000002 + 9.44 + 167.8 + 10.18 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-01T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.48399999999999999 + -1.014 + -1.081 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 131.30000000000001 + 2.5270000000000001 + 8.31 + 157.80000000000001 + 13.32 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-01T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.46600000000000003 + -0.59799999999999998 + -1.081 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 131 + 0.50900000000000001 + 8.44 + 163.69999999999999 + 9.57 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-01T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.46600000000000003 + -1.109 + -1.1279999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 130.4 + 1.339 + 13.47 + 160.5 + 13.12 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-01T12:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.121 + -0.17299999999999999 + -1.1850000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 129.1 + 0.111 + 6.9240000000000004 + 172 + 15.44 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-01T13:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.121 + -0.39100000000000001 + -1.1850000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 129.30000000000001 + 0.38400000000000001 + 4.7839999999999998 + 164 + 8.34 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-01T14:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.121 + -1.262 + -1.262 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 128.6 + 1.4219999999999999 + 9.1300000000000008 + 148.1 + 17.149999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-01T15:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.121 + -1.488 + -1.5740000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 131.4 + 5.0650000000000004 + 14.86 + 143.19999999999999 + 22.2 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-01T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.121 + -1.4690000000000001 + -1.5740000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 131.4 + 4.2489999999999997 + 11.9 + 138.1 + 18.579999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-01T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.121 + -1.7909999999999999 + -1.8009999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 131.4 + 4.2480000000000002 + 13.16 + 145.4 + 19.38 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-01T18:00:00.000 + ST + 0.121 + -1.923 + -1.9330000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 131.30000000000001 + 4.1529999999999996 + 16.62 + 146.6 + 21.05 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-01T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.9139999999999999 + -2.085 + -2.085 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 131.30000000000001 + 3.6720000000000002 + 15.8 + 145.80000000000001 + 17.32 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-01T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.9139999999999999 + -2.3690000000000002 + -2.379 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 131.30000000000001 + 3.2250000000000001 + 12.02 + 147.30000000000001 + 17.5 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-01T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.9139999999999999 + -2.4740000000000002 + -2.4830000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 131.1 + 2.6779999999999999 + 9.9499999999999993 + 152.4 + 16.07 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-01T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.9139999999999999 + -2.5489999999999999 + -2.6349999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 131 + 2.5539999999999998 + 9.51 + 149.4 + 14.37 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-01T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.9139999999999999 + -2.2450000000000001 + -2.6349999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 130.9 + 1.8819999999999999 + 10.01 + 151.19999999999999 + 13.1 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-02T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.9139999999999999 + -2.113 + -2.6349999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 130.69999999999999 + 0.29599999999999999 + 3.274 + 155.19999999999999 + 8.08 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-02T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.9139999999999999 + -2.093 + -2.6349999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 130.6 + 1.08 + 4.9740000000000002 + 154.1 + 9.75 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-02T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.9139999999999999 + -2.198 + -2.6349999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 130.4 + 1.2689999999999999 + 10.89 + 151.9 + 15.97 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-02T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.9139999999999999 + -2.331 + -2.6349999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 130.30000000000001 + 0.95799999999999996 + 5.7290000000000001 + 151.1 + 11.24 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-02T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.9139999999999999 + -2.331 + -2.6349999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 130.1 + 1.59 + 6.4219999999999997 + 151.4 + 14.4 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-02T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.9139999999999999 + -2.4540000000000002 + -2.6349999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 129.9 + 0.83899999999999997 + 5.8550000000000004 + 152 + 9.35 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-02T06:00:00.000 + ST + -1.9139999999999999 + -2.6349999999999998 + -2.645 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 129.69999999999999 + 0.97399999999999998 + 5.54 + 157.5 + 11.96 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-02T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.625 + -2.7589999999999999 + -2.7589999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 129.30000000000001 + 0.82 + 6.4850000000000003 + 152.9 + 13.67 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-02T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.492 + -2.5019999999999998 + -2.7869999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 129.1 + 0.57699999999999996 + 6.0439999999999996 + 171.2 + 8.89 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-02T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.97 + -1.97 + -2.7869999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 128.9 + 4.5999999999999999E-2 + 2.141 + 173.5 + 2.6520000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-02T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.85299999999999998 + -0.93799999999999994 + -2.7869999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 128.5 + 2E-3 + 0.126 + 184.7 + 0.33300000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-02T11:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.19700000000000001 + 9.2999999999999999E-2 + -2.7869999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 127.7 + 0 + 6.3E-2 + 187.2 + 1.9E-2 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-02T12:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.67800000000000005 + 0.67800000000000005 + -2.7869999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 127.5 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-02T13:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.3480000000000001 + 1.3480000000000001 + -2.7869999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 126.1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-02T14:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.0859999999999999 + 1.821 + -2.7869999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 126.6 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-02T15:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.0859999999999999 + 0.372 + -2.7869999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 126.1 + 1E-3 + 0.189 + 345 + 0.99299999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-02T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.0859999999999999 + -0.47799999999999998 + -2.7869999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 126.1 + 4.1000000000000002E-2 + 1.573 + 26.8 + 3.7589999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-02T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.0859999999999999 + -1.3859999999999999 + -2.7869999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 125 + 2.9580000000000002 + 7.68 + 23.83 + 11.48 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-02T18:00:00.000 + ST + 2.0859999999999999 + -1.7529999999999999 + -2.7869999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 123.1 + 3.3690000000000002 + 12.15 + 34.17 + 21.03 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-02T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.7529999999999999 + -1.8759999999999999 + -2.0179999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 123.2 + 8.99 + 16.940000000000001 + 24.63 + 18.8 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-02T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.7529999999999999 + -2.2549999999999999 + -2.331 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 122.8 + 8.1999999999999993 + 15.24 + 25.72 + 16.53 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-02T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.7529999999999999 + -2.5680000000000001 + -2.5680000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 122.8 + 4.077 + 11.33 + 12.8 + 24.95 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-02T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.7529999999999999 + -2.6160000000000001 + -2.7389999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 122.6 + 2.298 + 6.6740000000000004 + 14.45 + 20.71 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-02T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.7529999999999999 + -2.73 + -2.74 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 123 + 3.4990000000000001 + 10.7 + 11.48 + 28.58 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-03T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.7529999999999999 + -2.948 + -3.0720000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 122.9 + 4.2549999999999999 + 12.34 + 8.94 + 27.24 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-03T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.7529999999999999 + -3.4529999999999998 + -3.4540000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 123.2 + 2.855 + 9.6300000000000008 + 4.7990000000000004 + 25.28 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-03T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.7529999999999999 + -2.8340000000000001 + -3.492 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 122.2 + 5.35 + 13.92 + 16.29 + 21.29 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-03T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.7529999999999999 + -2.6920000000000002 + -3.492 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 123.5 + 7.12 + 18.829999999999998 + 17.23 + 24.63 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-03T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.7529999999999999 + -2.9860000000000002 + -3.492 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 123.3 + 7.55 + 16.309999999999999 + 14.66 + 19.89 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-03T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.7529999999999999 + -2.6629999999999998 + -3.492 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 124.5 + 9.89 + 22.54 + 16.32 + 20.309999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-03T06:00:00.000 + ST + -1.7529999999999999 + -2.7959999999999998 + -3.492 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 125.4 + 11.34 + 23.8 + 19.690000000000001 + 19.670000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-03T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.7959999999999998 + -2.9580000000000002 + -3.52 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 126.3 + 10.74 + 21.16 + 17.43 + 17.34 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-03T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.7959999999999998 + -3.2240000000000002 + -3.96 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 126 + 9.92 + 22.1 + 14.38 + 20.83 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-03T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.7959999999999998 + -3.0720000000000001 + -3.96 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 126.4 + 11.25 + 18.89 + 15.59 + 18.38 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-03T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.96 + -1.9890000000000001 + -3.96 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 126 + 9.77 + 21.28 + 18.45 + 29.15 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-03T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.2689999999999999 + -1.2969999999999999 + -3.96 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 125.2 + 11.6 + 19.77 + 25.55 + 22.86 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-03T12:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.55600000000000005 + 0.55600000000000005 + -3.96 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 124.8 + 10.08 + 24.18 + 19.7 + 22.7 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-03T13:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.1240000000000001 + 1.3460000000000001 + -3.96 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 125 + 9.17 + 20.71 + 19.489999999999998 + 25.26 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-03T14:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.9740000000000002 + 2.9740000000000002 + -3.96 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 124.6 + 4.0419999999999998 + 13.39 + 16.920000000000002 + 23.35 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-03T15:00:00.000 + RAW + 4.0960000000000001 + 2.8050000000000002 + -3.96 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 124.6 + 2.3170000000000002 + 9.8699999999999992 + 22.96 + 16.95 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-03T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 4.0960000000000001 + 2.6920000000000002 + -3.96 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 124.9 + 4.8310000000000004 + 15.1 + 28.37 + 18.43 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-03T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 4.0960000000000001 + 0.16600000000000001 + -3.96 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 124.9 + 9.27 + 15.41 + 24.73 + 14.98 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-03T18:00:00.000 + ST + 4.0960000000000001 + 0.67900000000000005 + -3.96 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 124.5 + 10.26 + 15.98 + 27.53 + 15.1 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-03T19:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.86899999999999999 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.5 + 10.039999999999999 + 17.37 + 23 + 14.23 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-03T20:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.86899999999999999 + -4.9000000000000002E-2 + -4.9000000000000002E-2 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 125.4 + 9.2100000000000009 + 14.48 + 29.53 + 12.96 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-03T21:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.86899999999999999 + -0.63500000000000001 + -0.63500000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 125.5 + 5.9059999999999997 + 10.199999999999999 + 24.36 + 9.64 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-03T22:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.86899999999999999 + -1.3260000000000001 + -1.3260000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 126.5 + 3.867 + 7.81 + 19.93 + 11.07 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-03T23:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.86899999999999999 + -1.629 + -1.6479999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 126.3 + 0.57299999999999995 + 4.7850000000000001 + 2.6 + 12.77 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-04T00:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.86899999999999999 + -2.2069999999999999 + -2.2160000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 126.4 + 1.8029999999999999 + 10.95 + 23.76 + 17.25 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-04T01:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.86899999999999999 + -2.0840000000000001 + -2.226 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 126.2 + 2.54 + 6.548 + 16.760000000000002 + 15.74 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-04T02:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.86899999999999999 + -2.169 + -2.274 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 126.5 + 3.7440000000000002 + 7.81 + 28.6 + 11.47 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-04T03:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.86899999999999999 + -2.673 + -2.7869999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 126.4 + 0.61699999999999999 + 5.9180000000000001 + 29.41 + 8.44 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-04T04:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.86899999999999999 + -2.653 + -2.7869999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 126.3 + 3.0880000000000001 + 8.5 + 28.78 + 9.8699999999999992 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-04T05:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.86899999999999999 + -3.0630000000000002 + -3.0720000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 126.2 + 3.33 + 7.81 + 31.26 + 12.56 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-04T06:00:00.000 + ST + 0.86899999999999999 + -2.996 + -3.3010000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 125.9 + 1.4550000000000001 + 6.8639999999999999 + 23.45 + 9.68 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-04T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.996 + -3.282 + -3.2909999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 125 + 0.53900000000000003 + 4.7229999999999999 + 16.77 + 4.0449999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-04T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.996 + -3.6539999999999999 + -3.7210000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124 + 4.7939999999999996 + 10.89 + 22.8 + 12.5 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-04T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.996 + -3.8159999999999998 + -3.94 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 122.8 + 1.425 + 6.9269999999999996 + 3.153 + 29.8 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-04T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.996 + -3.3490000000000002 + -3.94 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 123.4 + 3.294 + 13.54 + 15.5 + 23.64 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-04T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.3879999999999999 + -2.5590000000000002 + -3.94 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 126.1 + 9.06 + 19.21 + 21.86 + 21.38 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-04T12:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.5 + 0.5 + -3.94 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 125.6 + 8.36 + 19.010000000000002 + 23.22 + 23.35 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-04T13:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.1319999999999999 + 0.48499999999999999 + -3.94 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 125.8 + 11.35 + 23.16 + 28.24 + 19.87 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-04T14:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.9319999999999999 + 1.9319999999999999 + -3.94 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 125.1 + 11.9 + 21.69 + 23.4 + 23.3 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-04T15:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.2069999999999999 + 1.2709999999999999 + -3.94 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 125.9 + 11.01 + 22.64 + 13.82 + 26.44 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-04T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.6739999999999999 + 2.6739999999999999 + -3.94 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 125.1 + 11.4 + 23.97 + 21.51 + 24.79 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-04T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.8919999999999999 + 0.48799999999999999 + -3.94 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 125.9 + 10.83 + 22.77 + 19.670000000000002 + 20.99 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-04T18:00:00.000 + ST + 2.8919999999999999 + -0.30499999999999999 + -3.94 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 126.2 + 7.41 + 17.239999999999998 + 23.19 + 24.73 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-04T19:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.23499999999999999 + 0.122 + -0.48399999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 125.7 + 7.06 + 16.05 + 24.28 + 20.94 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-04T20:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.23499999999999999 + -0.60699999999999998 + -0.60699999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 125.7 + 6.8970000000000002 + 11.9 + 27.31 + 11.93 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-04T21:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.23499999999999999 + -1.591 + -1.591 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 125.7 + 2.004 + 7.24 + 16.940000000000001 + 15.8 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-04T22:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.23499999999999999 + -2.1219999999999999 + -2.226 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 126 + 1.966 + 7.18 + 16.149999999999999 + 26.9 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-04T23:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.23499999999999999 + -2.6539999999999999 + -2.6920000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 126 + 4.8220000000000001 + 9.07 + 25.19 + 11.87 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-05T00:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.23499999999999999 + -2.5590000000000002 + -2.6920000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 125.8 + 3.9969999999999999 + 8 + 26.18 + 15.47 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-05T01:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.23499999999999999 + -3.3490000000000002 + -3.3490000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 126.2 + 2.5819999999999999 + 8.44 + 28.63 + 10.98 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-05T02:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.23499999999999999 + -3.31 + -3.3959999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 125.7 + 0.35399999999999998 + 5.4779999999999998 + 23.47 + 7.94 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-05T03:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.23499999999999999 + -3.7869999999999999 + -3.8159999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 125.8 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-05T04:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.23499999999999999 + -3.9590000000000001 + -3.9590000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 126 + 0 + 6.3E-2 + 15.3 + 3.0000000000000001E-3 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-05T05:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.23499999999999999 + -3.9870000000000001 + -4.17 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 125.9 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-05T06:00:00.000 + ST + 0.23499999999999999 + -4.1689999999999996 + -4.2649999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 125.5 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-05T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.1689999999999996 + -4.3710000000000004 + -4.476 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 125.8 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-05T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.1020000000000003 + -4.4089999999999998 + -4.5720000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 125.5 + 1E-3 + 0.252 + 17.170000000000002 + 4.9969999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-05T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.9590000000000001 + -4.1500000000000004 + -4.5720000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 125.4 + 0.01 + 1.008 + 9.4700000000000006 + 1.516 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-05T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.681 + -2.7 + -4.5720000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 125.3 + 0.217 + 3.3380000000000001 + 13 + 16.41 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-05T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.61 + -1.61 + -4.5720000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 125.6 + 0.48799999999999999 + 6.8019999999999996 + 32.54 + 12.8 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-05T12:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.6160000000000001 + 1.6160000000000001 + -4.5720000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.1 + 4.9000000000000002E-2 + 3.1480000000000001 + 3.7309999999999999 + 13.56 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-05T13:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.0819999999999999 + 2.472 + -4.5720000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124 + 9.6000000000000002E-2 + 3.524 + 343.3 + 5.4420000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-05T14:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.0819999999999999 + 2.5369999999999999 + -4.5720000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.4 + 0.33300000000000002 + 7.17 + 333.5 + 11.73 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-05T15:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.0819999999999999 + 1.9039999999999999 + -4.5720000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.8 + 4.1000000000000002E-2 + 2.641 + 343.2 + 4.5279999999999996 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-05T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.0819999999999999 + 0.36299999999999999 + -4.5720000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 125.2 + 3.4319999999999999 + 10.5 + 28.98 + 11.43 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-05T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.0819999999999999 + -1.9450000000000001 + -4.5720000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.8 + 9.39 + 17.489999999999998 + 37.200000000000003 + 18.04 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-05T18:00:00.000 + ST + 3.0819999999999999 + -1.611 + -4.5720000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 125.4 + 7.83 + 17.239999999999998 + 28.48 + 21.19 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-05T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.4590000000000001 + -1.7909999999999999 + -1.81 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.9 + 6.4660000000000002 + 14.35 + 15.86 + 23.36 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-05T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.4590000000000001 + -1.734 + -2.198 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.7 + 8.17 + 14.35 + 12.19 + 25.11 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-05T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.345 + -1.639 + -2.198 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.6 + 10.220000000000001 + 18.95 + 25.88 + 23.14 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-05T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.345 + -2.4449999999999998 + -2.5209999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.5 + 12.62 + 22.66 + 24.99 + 19.850000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-05T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.345 + -3.359 + -3.569 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.7 + 9.43 + 16.43 + 13.28 + 23.71 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-06T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.345 + -3.8740000000000001 + -3.8740000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.7 + 10.24 + 17.63 + 14.23 + 22.96 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-06T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.345 + -3.548 + -4.1989999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.6 + 10.75 + 20.46 + 14.83 + 22.05 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-06T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.345 + -3.4529999999999998 + -4.1989999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.9 + 13.33 + 25 + 15.62 + 22.35 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-06T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.345 + -4.141 + -4.1989999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.7 + 12.47 + 29.79 + 16.899999999999999 + 25.44 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-06T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.345 + -4.3330000000000002 + -4.4669999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.6 + 12.19 + 26.95 + 15.15 + 24.41 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-06T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.345 + -3.6720000000000002 + -4.4669999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.5 + 14.02 + 27.46 + 17.27 + 22.47 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-06T06:00:00.000 + ST + -1.345 + -3.6150000000000002 + -4.4669999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.5 + 14.37 + 23.68 + 21.77 + 18.510000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-06T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.472 + -5.0730000000000004 + -5.0830000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.4 + 13.85 + 22.17 + 26.77 + 18.57 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-06T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.472 + -5.1790000000000003 + -5.3719999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.3 + 13.73 + 19.899999999999999 + 28.54 + 17.149999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-06T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.472 + -5.391 + -5.391 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.4 + 13.01 + 23.74 + 20.8 + 19.100000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-06T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.472 + -5.6239999999999997 + -5.6239999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.5 + 12.22 + 22.61 + 16.02 + 21.46 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-06T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.472 + -3.53 + -5.6239999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.4 + 10.51 + 19.329999999999998 + 15.04 + 25.1 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-06T12:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.55700000000000005 + 0.51 + -5.6239999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 123.7 + 12.29 + 24.49 + 17.850000000000001 + 22.05 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-06T13:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.8220000000000001 + 1.3839999999999999 + -5.6239999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 123.5 + 13.36 + 28.31 + 25.7 + 24.68 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-06T14:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.5190000000000001 + 2.5089999999999999 + -5.6239999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 123.3 + 10.16 + 25.46 + 15.01 + 26.95 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-06T15:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.8220000000000001 + 1.9330000000000001 + -5.6239999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124 + 6.867 + 17.48 + 9.5500000000000007 + 30.94 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-06T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.2709999999999999 + 3.2610000000000001 + -5.6239999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 123.7 + 8.83 + 21.13 + 358.2 + 29.3 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-06T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.2709999999999999 + 0.50600000000000001 + -5.6239999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 124.6 + 10.84 + 23.72 + 12.4 + 21.94 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-06T18:00:00.000 + ST + 3.2709999999999999 + 0.58399999999999996 + -5.6239999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 124.5 + 11.52 + 21.77 + 25.37 + 20.399999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-06T19:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.58399999999999996 + -1.0049999999999999 + -1.2130000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.5 + 9.5 + 17.25 + 14.62 + 24.61 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-06T20:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.58399999999999996 + 0.216 + -1.2130000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.5 + 12.3 + 23.04 + 20.059999999999999 + 19.940000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-06T21:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.58399999999999996 + -0.71099999999999997 + -1.2130000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.2 + 11.33 + 21.59 + 26.49 + 22.5 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-06T22:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.58399999999999996 + -1.004 + -1.5820000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 124.7 + 10.88 + 21.22 + 30.78 + 20.83 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-06T23:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.58399999999999996 + -0.114 + -1.5820000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.5 + 12.97 + 24.05 + 26.5 + 19.5 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-07T00:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.58399999999999996 + -1E-3 + -1.5820000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.5 + 11.7 + 20.079999999999998 + 23.07 + 23.32 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-07T01:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.58399999999999996 + -1.8 + -1.819 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124 + 10.119999999999999 + 18.95 + 25.68 + 20.73 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-07T02:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.58399999999999996 + -3.6160000000000001 + -4.9870000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 124.4 + 7.83 + 18.07 + 15.91 + 27.52 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-07T03:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.58399999999999996 + -2.5960000000000001 + -4.9870000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.2 + 7.82 + 20.28 + 15.92 + 26.69 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-07T04:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.58399999999999996 + -3.0910000000000002 + -4.9870000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124 + 9.44 + 19.96 + 12.7 + 24.13 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-07T05:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.58399999999999996 + -2.4630000000000001 + -4.9870000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 124.3 + 9.98 + 19.329999999999998 + 14.29 + 25.21 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-07T06:00:00.000 + ST + 0.58399999999999996 + -2.4630000000000001 + -4.9870000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 123.9 + 10.77 + 21.72 + 20.79 + 22.03 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-07T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.4630000000000001 + -4.9859999999999998 + -5.8179999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 123.9 + 9.83 + 22.98 + 15.05 + 24.83 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-07T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.4630000000000001 + -3.0049999999999999 + -5.9729999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 124.2 + 10.57 + 19.71 + 18.32 + 20.74 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-07T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.4630000000000001 + -3.7679999999999998 + -5.9729999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 123.9 + 11.3 + 19.84 + 18.54 + 19.79 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-07T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.2349999999999999 + -2.2349999999999999 + -5.9729999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 123.9 + 11.73 + 24.43 + 18.600000000000001 + 20.74 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-07T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.004 + -1.004 + -5.9729999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 124 + 12.08 + 23.74 + 27.57 + 19.78 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-07T12:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.2470000000000001 + 1.2370000000000001 + -5.9729999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 123.1 + 11.45 + 24.81 + 29.88 + 22.01 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-07T13:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.4249999999999998 + 1.714 + -5.9729999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 123 + 10.68 + 27.57 + 23.11 + 24.74 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-07T14:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.5139999999999998 + 3.5139999999999998 + -5.9729999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 123.7 + 8.56 + 17.98 + 20.81 + 20.75 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-07T15:00:00.000 + RAW + 4.1420000000000003 + 2.2730000000000001 + -5.9729999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 124.4 + 7.1 + 15.97 + 16.32 + 22.83 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-07T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 4.1420000000000003 + 3.45 + -5.9729999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 122.9 + 8.92 + 19.309999999999999 + 19.18 + 20.11 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-07T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 4.1420000000000003 + 0.86599999999999999 + -5.9729999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 124.4 + 9.92 + 18.68 + 24.7 + 20.2 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-07T18:00:00.000 + ST + 4.1420000000000003 + 0.55500000000000005 + -5.9729999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 124.7 + 8.81 + 15.79 + 29.5 + 17.09 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-07T19:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.55500000000000005 + 7.3999999999999996E-2 + -0.20100000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.1 + 8.61 + 17.43 + 30.52 + 18.329999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-07T20:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.55500000000000005 + -1.4119999999999999 + -1.5920000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.1 + 8.75 + 14.67 + 26.57 + 15.82 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-07T21:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.55500000000000005 + -2.2549999999999999 + -2.2839999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124 + 5.0789999999999997 + 12.72 + 15.86 + 21.95 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-07T22:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.55500000000000005 + -2.0270000000000001 + -2.2839999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124 + 3.6720000000000002 + 9.57 + 20.23 + 24.28 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-07T23:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.55500000000000005 + -2.1219999999999999 + -2.2839999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.1 + 4.7569999999999997 + 9.3800000000000008 + 31.13 + 10.23 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-08T00:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.55500000000000005 + -2.597 + -2.597 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.1 + 1.8919999999999999 + 5.7290000000000001 + 23.45 + 13.8 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-08T01:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.55500000000000005 + -2.92 + -2.9580000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.4 + 0.20100000000000001 + 2.4550000000000001 + 17.059999999999999 + 3.96 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-08T02:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.55500000000000005 + -2.9580000000000002 + -3.149 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.4 + 0 + 6.3E-2 + 9.5500000000000007 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-08T03:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.55500000000000005 + -2.8439999999999999 + -3.149 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.2 + 1E-3 + 0.378 + 18.89 + 1.2999999999999999E-2 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-08T04:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.55500000000000005 + -2.3109999999999999 + -3.149 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.1 + 0 + 0.126 + 15.65 + 3.7549999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-08T05:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.55500000000000005 + -1.9890000000000001 + -3.149 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-08T06:00:00.000 + ST + 0.55500000000000005 + -1.4770000000000001 + -3.149 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 123.9 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-08T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.4770000000000001 + -1.534 + -1.629 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 123.9 + 0 + 6.3E-2 + 10.130000000000001 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-08T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.212 + -1.212 + -1.629 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 123.7 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-08T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.96599999999999997 + -0.96599999999999997 + -1.629 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 123.8 + 0 + 6.3E-2 + 141.1 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-08T10:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.048 + 1.0289999999999999 + -1.629 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 123 + 3.0000000000000001E-3 + 0.252 + 166.4 + 5.5019999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-08T11:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.8180000000000001 + 2.8180000000000001 + -1.629 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 123.2 + 1E-3 + 0.252 + 180.1 + 5.5E-2 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-08T12:00:00.000 + RAW + 4.3550000000000004 + 3.8319999999999999 + -1.629 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 122.4 + 3.8370000000000002 + 14.1 + 173.6 + 15.14 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-08T13:00:00.000 + RAW + 4.8220000000000001 + 4.4489999999999998 + -1.629 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 122.5 + 0.16700000000000001 + 4.0270000000000001 + 181.4 + 31.44 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-08T14:00:00.000 + RAW + 5.3920000000000003 + 5.3630000000000004 + -1.629 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 121.4 + 1E-3 + 0.252 + 327.2 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-08T15:00:00.000 + RAW + 5.3920000000000003 + 4.3899999999999997 + -1.629 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 122.6 + 5.0000000000000001E-3 + 0.56599999999999995 + 196.2 + 1.6519999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-08T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 5.3920000000000003 + 2.8039999999999998 + -1.629 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 122.5 + 1.4E-2 + 1.5089999999999999 + 159.9 + 0.45300000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-08T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 5.3920000000000003 + 1.47 + -1.629 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 121.3 + 0.16 + 3.27 + 172.3 + 4.0419999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-08T18:00:00.000 + ST + 5.3920000000000003 + 0.60099999999999998 + -1.629 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 122.3 + 4.6349999999999998 + 13.78 + 130.5 + 14.12 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-08T19:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.64 + 0.63100000000000001 + 2.5000000000000001E-2 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 122.1 + 3.8050000000000002 + 13.28 + 147.30000000000001 + 18.07 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-08T20:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.0469999999999999 + 0.80100000000000005 + 2.5000000000000001E-2 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 122.2 + 3.7879999999999998 + 12.78 + 154.5 + 13.39 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-08T21:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.0469999999999999 + 0.65 + 2.5000000000000001E-2 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 122.3 + 0.20200000000000001 + 4.468 + 165.1 + 9.5500000000000007 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-08T22:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.0469999999999999 + 0.36599999999999999 + 2.5000000000000001E-2 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 122.3 + 3.4140000000000001 + 10.07 + 153.30000000000001 + 15.65 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-08T23:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.0469999999999999 + 0.83 + 2.5000000000000001E-2 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 122.2 + 0.92800000000000005 + 6.6710000000000003 + 169.9 + 11.15 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-09T00:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.0469999999999999 + 0.54600000000000004 + 2.5000000000000001E-2 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 122 + 0.52200000000000002 + 4.1539999999999999 + 169.2 + 10.06 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-09T01:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.0469999999999999 + -0.35199999999999998 + -0.36199999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 121.9 + 8.5000000000000006E-2 + 2.8319999999999999 + 168.7 + 9.23 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-09T02:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.0469999999999999 + -0.04 + -0.42799999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 121.6 + 1.4E-2 + 1.196 + 188.2 + 1.5589999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-09T03:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.0469999999999999 + 0.14899999999999999 + -0.42799999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 121.5 + 2E-3 + 0.378 + 30.18 + 0.66100000000000003 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-09T04:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.0469999999999999 + 0.121 + -0.42799999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 121.4 + 0 + 0.252 + 338.4 + 1.321 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-09T05:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.0469999999999999 + -0.34300000000000003 + -0.42799999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 121.5 + 1.2E-2 + 1.2589999999999999 + 333.4 + 0.23300000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-09T06:00:00.000 + ST + 1.0469999999999999 + -0.38 + -0.42799999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 121.4 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-09T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.219 + -0.219 + -0.42799999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 121.4 + 2E-3 + 0.189 + 15.78 + 3.5150000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-09T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -5.8999999999999997E-2 + -0.38 + -0.46600000000000003 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 121.4 + 0.35899999999999999 + 3.903 + 21.56 + 8.5500000000000007 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-09T09:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.13 + 0.13 + -0.46600000000000003 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 121.5 + 0.06 + 2.58 + 15.21 + 12.47 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-09T10:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.1319999999999999 + 1.1319999999999999 + -0.46600000000000003 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 121.4 + 0.26700000000000002 + 2.7690000000000001 + 19.670000000000002 + 10.97 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-09T11:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.5289999999999999 + 1.51 + -0.46600000000000003 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 121.3 + 0.01 + 1.448 + 41.76 + 7.97 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-09T12:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.74 + 2.702 + -0.46600000000000003 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 121 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-09T13:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.375 + 3.375 + -0.46600000000000003 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 120.9 + 0 + 6.3E-2 + 358.1 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-09T14:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.84 + 3.2410000000000001 + -0.46600000000000003 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 120.5 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-09T15:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.84 + 2.8239999999999998 + -0.46600000000000003 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 120.1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-09T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.84 + 2.3879999999999999 + -0.46600000000000003 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 120.6 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-09T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.84 + 1.7170000000000001 + -0.46600000000000003 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 120.7 + 8.0000000000000002E-3 + 0.81799999999999995 + 149.1 + 3.649 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-09T18:00:00.000 + ST + 3.84 + 1.585 + -0.46600000000000003 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 120.9 + 0.13600000000000001 + 3.5859999999999999 + 175.2 + 2.4119999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-09T19:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.3809999999999998 + 2.3340000000000001 + 1.5760000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 120.7 + 2.8000000000000001E-2 + 0.94399999999999995 + 110.3 + 1.601 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-09T20:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.3809999999999998 + 1.9079999999999999 + 1.5760000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 120.8 + 0 + 6.3E-2 + 311.3 + 3.254 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-09T21:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.3809999999999998 + 1.87 + 1.5760000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 120.7 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-09T22:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.3809999999999998 + 1.7190000000000001 + 1.5760000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 120.4 + 0 + 6.3E-2 + 62.07 + 3.9E-2 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-09T23:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.3809999999999998 + 1.851 + 1.5760000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 120.4 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-10T00:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.3809999999999998 + 1.738 + 1.5760000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 120.2 + 3.3000000000000002E-2 + 2.3279999999999998 + 24.35 + 0.98599999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-10T01:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.3809999999999998 + 1.681 + 1.5760000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 119.8 + 0.33800000000000002 + 8.5 + 347.8 + 12.93 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-10T02:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.3809999999999998 + 1.4350000000000001 + 1.2549999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 119.3 + 0.44900000000000001 + 5.726 + 352.2 + 13.69 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-10T03:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.3809999999999998 + 0.36599999999999999 + 0.32800000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 119.2 + 2.66 + 10.32 + 26.79 + 17.010000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-10T04:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.3809999999999998 + 0.67800000000000005 + 0.20499999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 119 + 2.1070000000000002 + 7.99 + 31.6 + 20.65 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-10T05:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.3809999999999998 + -7.8E-2 + -0.13500000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 118.9 + 3.6080000000000001 + 11.27 + 23.31 + 10.97 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-10T06:00:00.000 + ST + 2.3809999999999998 + 0.376 + -0.13500000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 118.9 + 2.7069999999999999 + 11.33 + 27.55 + 16.55 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-10T07:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.41399999999999998 + -3.0000000000000001E-3 + -1.2E-2 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 118.8 + 0.13700000000000001 + 3.5870000000000002 + 14.06 + 8.83 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-10T08:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.41399999999999998 + 0.32900000000000001 + -0.05 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 119 + 2.8000000000000001E-2 + 1.825 + 4.1360000000000001 + 9.2799999999999994 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-10T09:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.208 + 1.208 + -0.05 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 118.8 + 0 + 0.126 + 83.3 + 2.5999999999999999E-2 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-10T10:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.1259999999999999 + 2.1259999999999999 + -0.05 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 118.3 + 0 + 6.3E-2 + 358.3 + 1E-3 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-10T11:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.95 + 2.76 + -0.05 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 118.7 + 1E-3 + 0.126 + 356.9 + 2.86 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-10T12:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.95 + 2.379 + -0.05 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 118.5 + 6.0000000000000001E-3 + 0.56599999999999995 + 332.7 + 0.50600000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-10T13:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.347 + 3.29 + -0.05 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 118.5 + 1E-3 + 0.189 + 32.94 + 3.698 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-10T14:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.347 + 3.2519999999999998 + -0.05 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 118.2 + 1E-3 + 0.252 + 11.07 + 0.23200000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-10T15:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.4039999999999999 + 2.9769999999999999 + -0.05 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 118.5 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-10T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.5649999999999999 + 3.5369999999999999 + -0.05 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 118.7 + 4.5999999999999999E-2 + 1.8240000000000001 + 21.25 + 3.82 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-10T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.5649999999999999 + 2.8439999999999999 + -0.05 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 118.3 + 0.67100000000000004 + 5.7880000000000003 + 355.1 + 17.48 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-10T18:00:00.000 + ST + 3.5649999999999999 + 1.7270000000000001 + -0.05 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 118.4 + 1.6970000000000001 + 9.6300000000000008 + 18.989999999999998 + 14.42 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-10T19:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.04 + 1.6519999999999999 + 1.425 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 118.2 + 3.734 + 11.58 + 18.190000000000001 + 12.04 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-10T20:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.04 + 0.52600000000000002 + 0.52600000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 118 + 7.49 + 15.04 + 31.79 + 16.78 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-10T21:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.04 + 0.47 + 0.13900000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 118 + 5.6929999999999996 + 14.54 + 25.93 + 21.47 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-10T22:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.04 + 0.92500000000000004 + 3.5999999999999997E-2 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 118 + 6.4160000000000004 + 15.99 + 20.9 + 20.57 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-10T23:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.04 + 0.57499999999999996 + -0.21099999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 118.2 + 7.01 + 16.93 + 22.45 + 17.47 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-11T00:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.04 + 0.56499999999999995 + -0.21099999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 118 + 2.6949999999999998 + 12.21 + 11.3 + 24.17 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-11T01:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.04 + -0.219 + -0.58899999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 118.3 + 3.0619999999999998 + 12.52 + 13 + 32.65 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-11T02:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.04 + 2.7E-2 + -0.58899999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 118.2 + 3.1869999999999998 + 9.76 + 15.89 + 25.26 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-11T03:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.04 + 0.216 + -0.58899999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 118.1 + 0.121 + 5.476 + 15.51 + 5.4180000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-11T04:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.04 + 0.254 + -0.58899999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 118 + 0.76700000000000002 + 6.8609999999999998 + 15.6 + 14.65 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-11T05:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.04 + 2.5999999999999999E-2 + -0.58899999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 118.3 + 1E-3 + 0.126 + 21.34 + 0.65600000000000003 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-11T06:00:00.000 + ST + 2.04 + 0.48099999999999998 + -0.58899999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 118.2 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-11T07:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.65100000000000002 + 0.65100000000000002 + 0.48099999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 118.1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-11T08:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.66 + 0.57499999999999996 + 0.48099999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 118 + 0 + 6.3E-2 + 122.8 + 0.26400000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-11T09:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.2649999999999999 + 1.246 + 0.48099999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 118 + 2.4E-2 + 2.3919999999999999 + 154 + 0.97499999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-11T10:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.974 + 1.964 + 0.48099999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 117.5 + 0 + 0.126 + 175.6 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-11T11:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.7879999999999998 + 2.7879999999999998 + 0.48099999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 117.4 + 0.34599999999999997 + 10.38 + 166 + 8.35 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-11T12:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.1579999999999999 + 3.0529999999999999 + 0.48099999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 117.2 + 1.403 + 11.01 + 164.9 + 23.27 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-11T13:00:00.000 + RAW + 4.9080000000000004 + 3.7930000000000001 + 0.48099999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 116.6 + 2.9609999999999999 + 12.58 + 158.30000000000001 + 23.7 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-11T14:00:00.000 + RAW + 4.9080000000000004 + 3.944 + 0.48099999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 116.6 + 5.57 + 13.84 + 151.19999999999999 + 23.73 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-11T15:00:00.000 + RAW + 4.9080000000000004 + 3.7829999999999999 + 0.48099999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 116.6 + 7.52 + 14.84 + 151.5 + 18.190000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-11T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 4.9080000000000004 + 3.109 + 0.48099999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 116.1 + 7.55 + 15.22 + 150.4 + 15.25 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-11T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 4.9080000000000004 + 2.266 + 0.48099999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 116.3 + 7.72 + 14.66 + 149.1 + 15.73 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-11T18:00:00.000 + ST + 4.9080000000000004 + 1.3959999999999999 + 0.48099999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 116.5 + 8.41 + 16.61 + 157.6 + 16.66 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-11T19:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.3959999999999999 + 1.113 + 1.103 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 116.3 + 10.45 + 18.440000000000001 + 144.5 + 15.87 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-11T20:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.3959999999999999 + 0.79100000000000004 + 0.79100000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 116.2 + 9.9600000000000009 + 16.170000000000002 + 147.30000000000001 + 14.57 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-11T21:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.3959999999999999 + 0.89600000000000002 + 0.68700000000000006 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 116.1 + 10.98 + 18.690000000000001 + 146.19999999999999 + 15.22 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-11T22:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.3959999999999999 + 0.55600000000000005 + 0.499 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 116.2 + 9.8699999999999992 + 20.079999999999998 + 146.4 + 14.35 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-11T23:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.3959999999999999 + 0.79200000000000004 + 0.499 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 116.1 + 8.83 + 16.239999999999998 + 139.6 + 13.13 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-12T00:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.3959999999999999 + 0.754 + 0.499 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 116 + 8.0399999999999991 + 16.43 + 141.4 + 13.33 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-12T01:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.3959999999999999 + 0.69699999999999995 + 0.499 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 116 + 7.65 + 17.239999999999998 + 150.4 + 13.2 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-12T02:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.3959999999999999 + 0.622 + 0.499 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 115.9 + 7.4 + 14.03 + 144.1 + 12.06 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-12T03:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.3959999999999999 + 0.50800000000000001 + 0.48899999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 115.8 + 7.88 + 15.92 + 141.5 + 13.58 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-12T04:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.3959999999999999 + 0.35699999999999998 + 0.35699999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 115.8 + 8.25 + 15.36 + 144.19999999999999 + 14.7 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-12T05:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.3959999999999999 + 0.16800000000000001 + 0.16800000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 115.9 + 8.0500000000000007 + 17.690000000000001 + 139.9 + 15.47 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-12T06:00:00.000 + ST + 1.3959999999999999 + -0.23899999999999999 + -0.25800000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 115.8 + 9.83 + 23.1 + 144.69999999999999 + 16.96 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-12T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -8.7999999999999995E-2 + -0.16300000000000001 + -0.23899999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 115.3 + 9.27 + 18.13 + 145.1 + 19.13 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-12T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -8.7999999999999995E-2 + -0.14399999999999999 + -0.23899999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 113.7 + 8.33 + 16.62 + 143.9 + 17.66 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-12T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.1E-2 + -3.1E-2 + -0.23899999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 112.3 + 7.49 + 18 + 143.69999999999999 + 17.100000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-12T10:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.17699999999999999 + 0.14899999999999999 + -0.23899999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.1 + 7.48 + 14.35 + 140.80000000000001 + 17.670000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-12T11:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.42299999999999999 + 0.376 + -0.23899999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 115.4 + 8.5399999999999991 + 19.95 + 142.5 + 18.73 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-12T12:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.45100000000000001 + 0.41299999999999998 + -0.23899999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 115.8 + 9.3000000000000007 + 22.03 + 143.9 + 18.149999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-12T13:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.018 + 1.018 + -0.23899999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 115.7 + 9.16 + 22.03 + 144.19999999999999 + 18.03 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-12T14:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.056 + 0.63 + -0.23899999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 115.6 + 9.89 + 20.95 + 146 + 19.09 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-12T15:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.056 + 0.85699999999999998 + -0.23899999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 115 + 7.93 + 16.739999999999998 + 149.9 + 18.739999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-12T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.056 + 0.53500000000000003 + -0.23899999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.9 + 7.57 + 15.29 + 142.4 + 14.29 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-12T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.056 + 0.28000000000000003 + -0.23899999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.4 + 6.4470000000000001 + 16.61 + 136.6 + 15.1 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-12T18:00:00.000 + ST + 1.056 + 7.0000000000000001E-3 + -0.23899999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114 + 7.11 + 16.11 + 145.6 + 16.97 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-12T19:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.5000000000000003E-2 + -0.05 + -5.8999999999999997E-2 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 113.9 + 5.15 + 12.52 + 143.69999999999999 + 17.18 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-12T20:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.5000000000000003E-2 + -0.192 + -0.192 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 113.9 + 4.1390000000000002 + 13.09 + 142.69999999999999 + 19.39 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-12T21:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.5000000000000003E-2 + -0.29499999999999998 + -0.314 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 113.9 + 1.9950000000000001 + 9.19 + 138.19999999999999 + 15.99 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-12T22:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.5000000000000003E-2 + -0.4 + -0.41799999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 113.9 + 1.393 + 7.62 + 144.69999999999999 + 12.83 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-12T23:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.5000000000000003E-2 + -0.437 + -0.45600000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 113.2 + 0.71799999999999997 + 6.1050000000000004 + 154.6 + 9.98 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-13T00:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.5000000000000003E-2 + -0.44700000000000001 + -0.45600000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 113.3 + 3.9E-2 + 2.3919999999999999 + 159.19999999999999 + 6.6449999999999996 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-13T01:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.5000000000000003E-2 + -0.49399999999999999 + -0.53200000000000003 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 113.2 + 5.0000000000000001E-3 + 0.69199999999999995 + 177 + 0.93 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-13T02:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.5000000000000003E-2 + -0.54100000000000004 + -0.54100000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 113.9 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-13T03:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.5000000000000003E-2 + -0.79700000000000004 + -1.024 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 114.2 + 0.216 + 3.5249999999999999 + 38.049999999999997 + 17.72 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-13T04:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.5000000000000003E-2 + -0.873 + -1.024 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 113.7 + 4.3899999999999997 + 14.04 + 16.059999999999999 + 27.52 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-13T05:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.5000000000000003E-2 + -1.3839999999999999 + -1.3839999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 113 + 5.2839999999999998 + 12.97 + 29.66 + 21.8 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-13T06:00:00.000 + ST + 3.5000000000000003E-2 + -1.4970000000000001 + -1.4970000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 112.6 + 4.8760000000000003 + 13.47 + 28.53 + 22.72 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-13T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.4590000000000001 + -1.611 + -1.611 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 112.6 + 4.5259999999999998 + 13.72 + 22.97 + 21.57 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-13T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.4590000000000001 + -1.6479999999999999 + -1.696 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 113 + 3.9359999999999999 + 11.2 + 18.239999999999998 + 24.69 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-13T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.45 + -1.478 + -1.696 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 113.6 + 3.016 + 10.14 + 18.84 + 23.86 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-13T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.421 + -1.952 + -1.952 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 113.9 + 5.601 + 13.91 + 13.21 + 25.81 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-13T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.27 + -1.27 + -1.952 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 114.1 + 8.74 + 22.41 + 33.119999999999997 + 24.55 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-13T12:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.492 + 1.492 + -1.952 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 113.6 + 5.8470000000000004 + 21.15 + 37.619999999999997 + 25.8 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-13T13:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.1930000000000001 + 2.6890000000000001 + -1.952 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 113.6 + 2.4809999999999999 + 14.22 + 2.427 + 28.47 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-13T14:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.3140000000000001 + 3.3140000000000001 + -1.952 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 114.1 + 2.448 + 12.57 + 331.1 + 25.15 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-13T15:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.3610000000000002 + 1.95 + -1.952 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 114.7 + 1.0629999999999999 + 8.5500000000000007 + 291.3 + 16.72 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-13T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 4.5330000000000004 + 4.3140000000000001 + -1.952 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 113.7 + 0.38600000000000001 + 5.5960000000000001 + 263.89999999999998 + 7.84 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-13T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 4.5330000000000004 + 0.42899999999999999 + -1.952 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 115.1 + 1.9E-2 + 0.94299999999999995 + 280.89999999999998 + 1.506 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-13T18:00:00.000 + ST + 4.5330000000000004 + -1.2150000000000001 + -1.952 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 115.3 + 8.1000000000000003E-2 + 2.7679999999999998 + 18.93 + 2.9319999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-13T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.2150000000000001 + -2.133 + -2.133 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 115.8 + 5.2999999999999999E-2 + 1.9510000000000001 + 29.74 + 5.5780000000000003 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-13T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.2150000000000001 + -3.0449999999999999 + -3.0449999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 115.5 + 4.2000000000000003E-2 + 1.7629999999999999 + 170.1 + 2.4 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-13T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.2150000000000001 + -2.835 + -3.0539999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 114.8 + 9.1999999999999998E-2 + 1.952 + 154.5 + 4.32 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-13T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.2150000000000001 + -2.2450000000000001 + -3.177 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 114.7 + 0.23599999999999999 + 5.1630000000000003 + 159 + 10.06 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-13T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.2150000000000001 + -2.7109999999999999 + -3.177 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 114.9 + 2.5000000000000001E-2 + 1.448 + 158.19999999999999 + 4.7489999999999997 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-14T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.2150000000000001 + -2.4929999999999999 + -3.177 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 114.9 + 1.0999999999999999E-2 + 1.196 + 187.2 + 1.6659999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-14T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.2150000000000001 + -2.2930000000000001 + -3.177 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 114.7 + 0 + 6.3E-2 + 194.5 + 3.0000000000000001E-3 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-14T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.2150000000000001 + -2.6160000000000001 + -3.177 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 114.9 + 1.9E-2 + 2.0150000000000001 + 166 + 1.19 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-14T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.2150000000000001 + -2.3879999999999999 + -3.177 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 114.8 + 2.2890000000000001 + 11.14 + 149.4 + 15.7 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-14T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.2150000000000001 + -2.4929999999999999 + -3.177 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 114.7 + 4.2640000000000002 + 13.41 + 154.5 + 20.36 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-14T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.2150000000000001 + -2.36 + -3.177 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 114.6 + 3.1640000000000001 + 13.79 + 162.1 + 20.260000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-14T06:00:00.000 + ST + -1.2150000000000001 + -2.3130000000000002 + -3.177 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 114.9 + 2.2599999999999998 + 11.4 + 161.9 + 19.52 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-14T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.274 + -2.8260000000000001 + -2.835 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.6 + 0.153 + 2.5179999999999998 + 160.69999999999999 + 9.74 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-14T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.274 + -3.4350000000000001 + -3.4350000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.7 + 2E-3 + 0.315 + 79.5 + 3.839 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-14T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.274 + -4.2279999999999998 + -4.3630000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.6 + 1.5109999999999999 + 8.94 + 24.37 + 11.63 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-14T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.274 + -4.1429999999999998 + -4.3630000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.6 + 5.3479999999999999 + 15.49 + 29.73 + 23.22 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-14T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.274 + -2.484 + -4.3630000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.5 + 6.3010000000000002 + 16.309999999999999 + 21.5 + 25.62 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-14T12:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.849 + -2.048 + -4.3630000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.7 + 2.4380000000000002 + 9.57 + 22.9 + 23.88 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-14T13:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.17499999999999999 + 8.8999999999999996E-2 + -4.3630000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.4 + 4.4589999999999996 + 13.72 + 17.100000000000001 + 29.86 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-14T14:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.952 + 1.952 + -4.3630000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 114.7 + 5.4269999999999996 + 14.03 + 6.867 + 27.82 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-14T15:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.16 + 0.45700000000000002 + -4.3630000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 115 + 3.9630000000000001 + 13.77 + 343 + 29.78 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-14T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.0230000000000001 + 3.0230000000000001 + -4.3630000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 113.9 + 0.245 + 3.145 + 294.3 + 12.68 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-14T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.109 + -1.3109999999999999 + -4.3630000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 115.4 + 0.106 + 3.9630000000000001 + 264 + 2.887 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-14T18:00:00.000 + ST + 3.109 + -3.3220000000000001 + -4.3630000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 115.9 + 7.0000000000000001E-3 + 1.3839999999999999 + 16.5 + 4.8710000000000004 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-14T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.2069999999999999 + -3.9510000000000001 + -3.9510000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 116.1 + 1E-3 + 0.252 + 21.17 + 3.2450000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-14T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.2069999999999999 + -4.2569999999999997 + -4.2569999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 115.8 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-14T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.2069999999999999 + -3.9590000000000001 + -4.3520000000000003 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 115.7 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-14T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.2069999999999999 + -4.4089999999999998 + -4.5919999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 115.6 + 5.5E-2 + 2.5190000000000001 + 165.6 + 0.89200000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-14T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.2069999999999999 + -3.6440000000000001 + -4.5919999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 115.2 + 0.17100000000000001 + 2.96 + 170.9 + 4.3630000000000004 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-15T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.2069999999999999 + -3.31 + -4.5919999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 115.3 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-15T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.206 + -3.54 + -4.5919999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 115.3 + 1E-3 + 0.126 + 107.6 + 3.5999999999999997E-2 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-15T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.7970000000000002 + -2.806 + -4.5919999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 115.1 + 0 + 0.189 + 261.3 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-15T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.7970000000000002 + -3.1389999999999998 + -4.5919999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.8 + 1E-3 + 0.189 + 36.130000000000003 + 1.853 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-15T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.7970000000000002 + -3.1869999999999998 + -4.5919999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.9 + 0 + 6.3E-2 + 15.91 + 0.44800000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-15T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.7970000000000002 + -3.0819999999999999 + -4.5919999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 115.1 + 0.11 + 3.2109999999999999 + 341.3 + 1.0920000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-15T06:00:00.000 + ST + -2.7970000000000002 + -2.9489999999999998 + -4.5919999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.9 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-15T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.911 + -2.92 + -3.016 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.7 + 0 + 0.126 + 182.7 + 7.4999999999999997E-2 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-15T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.6829999999999998 + -2.6920000000000002 + -3.016 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.6 + 0.55400000000000005 + 6.7359999999999998 + 169.3 + 11.87 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-15T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.54 + -2.54 + -3.016 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.5 + 1.8360000000000001 + 8.25 + 153.6 + 15.49 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-15T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.08 + -1.08 + -3.016 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.4 + 0.52500000000000002 + 8.5 + 172.4 + 12.87 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-15T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.36199999999999999 + -0.36199999999999999 + -3.016 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.3 + 1.8879999999999999 + 10.14 + 170.8 + 19.559999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-15T12:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.6E-2 + -0.06 + -3.016 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.3 + 2.391 + 13.47 + 152.80000000000001 + 26.61 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-15T13:00:00.000 + RAW + 5.2999999999999999E-2 + -4.2000000000000003E-2 + -3.016 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.4 + 3.8210000000000002 + 13.59 + 150.9 + 20.09 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-15T14:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.29899999999999999 + 3.4000000000000002E-2 + -3.016 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.5 + 4.2910000000000004 + 12.96 + 147.6 + 18.91 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-15T15:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.29899999999999999 + 0.29899999999999999 + -3.016 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.2 + 2.91 + 9 + 153.4 + 16.32 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-15T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.43099999999999999 + 0.28899999999999998 + -3.016 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.1 + 2.8839999999999999 + 9.31 + 150.19999999999999 + 16.010000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-15T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.43099999999999999 + -1.395 + -3.016 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 114.7 + 2.1629999999999998 + 9.31 + 148 + 20.36 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-15T18:00:00.000 + ST + 0.43099999999999999 + -1.925 + -3.016 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 115 + 2.1160000000000001 + 9.19 + 151.80000000000001 + 16.489999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-15T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.8680000000000001 + -2.2749999999999999 + -2.56 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.9 + 2.484 + 12.72 + 194.9 + 17.14 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-15T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.724 + -1.7909999999999999 + -2.56 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.5 + 3.0859999999999999 + 12.47 + 156.19999999999999 + 18.14 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-15T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.724 + -1.923 + -2.56 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.5 + 4.2709999999999999 + 12.72 + 151.1 + 13.94 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-15T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.724 + -2.0939999999999999 + -2.56 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.4 + 4.8959999999999999 + 12.59 + 145.4 + 14.9 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-15T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.724 + -2.36 + -2.56 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.4 + 6.6790000000000003 + 16.309999999999999 + 146.5 + 17.39 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-16T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.724 + -2.5019999999999998 + -2.56 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.4 + 6.3310000000000004 + 15.55 + 151 + 18.23 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-16T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.724 + -2.6160000000000001 + -2.6539999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.3 + 7.84 + 18.38 + 148.69999999999999 + 17.61 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-16T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.724 + -2.4359999999999999 + -2.6539999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.2 + 6.9480000000000004 + 14.29 + 148.1 + 15.52 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-16T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.724 + -2.1789999999999998 + -2.6539999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.3 + 6.0679999999999996 + 16.62 + 138.1 + 17.07 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-16T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.724 + -2.246 + -2.6539999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.3 + 7.69 + 21.03 + 137.9 + 19.559999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-16T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.724 + -2.6829999999999998 + -2.6930000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 113.4 + 7.62 + 16.489999999999998 + 146.1 + 19.29 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-16T06:00:00.000 + ST + -1.724 + -2.5019999999999998 + -2.7120000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 114.7 + 6.34 + 15.55 + 132.80000000000001 + 16.579999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-16T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.492 + -2.5880000000000001 + -2.6640000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 113.3 + 4.1680000000000001 + 12.72 + 140.9 + 16.47 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-16T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.407 + -2.4169999999999998 + -2.6640000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.3 + 1.3680000000000001 + 5.0999999999999996 + 151.4 + 11.67 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-16T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.7430000000000001 + -1.7430000000000001 + -2.6640000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 113.1 + 2.0739999999999998 + 7.43 + 151 + 14.26 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-16T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.67300000000000004 + -0.70199999999999996 + -2.6640000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 113.9 + 1.6639999999999999 + 8.18 + 166.2 + 14.67 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-16T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.154 + -0.154 + -2.6640000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 112 + 0.58699999999999997 + 8.3699999999999992 + 152.4 + 11.14 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-16T12:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.84799999999999998 + 0.82 + -2.6640000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 111.2 + 2.1869999999999998 + 12.97 + 156.19999999999999 + 16.77 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-16T13:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.0369999999999999 + 0.28000000000000003 + -2.6640000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 107 + 3.4260000000000002 + 11.83 + 150.30000000000001 + 15.26 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-16T14:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.3480000000000001 + 1.31 + -2.6640000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.6 + 2.5150000000000001 + 11.26 + 151.5 + 13.41 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-16T15:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.4710000000000001 + 1.4419999999999999 + -2.6640000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 113.9 + 5.1859999999999999 + 14.28 + 165.8 + 17.79 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-16T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.7010000000000001 + 2.1040000000000001 + -2.6640000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 113.2 + 5.8410000000000002 + 16.989999999999998 + 159.9 + 17.3 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-16T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.7010000000000001 + -0.98 + -2.6640000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 114.8 + 6.6749999999999998 + 17.93 + 153.30000000000001 + 16.91 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-16T18:00:00.000 + ST + 2.7010000000000001 + -1.6120000000000001 + -2.6640000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 114.8 + 7.16 + 17.37 + 151 + 16.010000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-16T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.546 + -2.2650000000000001 + -2.2650000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.3 + 3.6970000000000001 + 14.48 + 153 + 14 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-16T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.546 + -1.857 + -2.294 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.2 + 1.0780000000000001 + 5.35 + 153.4 + 2.7890000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-16T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.4019999999999999 + -1.5349999999999999 + -2.294 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.1 + 0.22900000000000001 + 3.3370000000000002 + 148.80000000000001 + 2.5990000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-16T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.4019999999999999 + -1.5349999999999999 + -2.294 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 113.7 + 0 + 0.126 + 73.400000000000006 + 5.0000000000000001E-3 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-16T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.3640000000000001 + -1.421 + -2.294 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 113.4 + 2.7E-2 + 2.4550000000000001 + 32.18 + 2.44 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-17T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.355 + -1.667 + -2.294 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 113.6 + 0.82199999999999995 + 6.2960000000000003 + 21.77 + 14.23 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-17T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.355 + -1.7150000000000001 + -2.294 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 112.6 + 1.048 + 6.4850000000000003 + 22.46 + 9.67 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-17T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.355 + -1.857 + -2.294 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 111.9 + 2.0609999999999999 + 7.37 + 35.590000000000003 + 12.88 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-17T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.355 + -1.9139999999999999 + -2.294 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 111.1 + 0.55600000000000005 + 6.548 + 24.76 + 3.0739999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-17T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.355 + -2.0470000000000002 + -2.294 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 110.6 + 0.125 + 2.0779999999999998 + 19.170000000000002 + 5.9829999999999997 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-17T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.355 + -2.141 + -2.294 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 110.5 + 5.0000000000000001E-3 + 0.56699999999999995 + 26.53 + 6.7969999999999997 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-17T06:00:00.000 + ST + -1.355 + -2.2549999999999999 + -2.379 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 110.3 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-17T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.1789999999999998 + -2.407 + -2.407 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 109.9 + 0.03 + 1.889 + 24.79 + 2.093 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-17T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.1789999999999998 + -2.617 + -2.8260000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 109.9 + 1.399 + 6.2960000000000003 + 49.79 + 18.670000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-17T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.762 + -1.762 + -2.8260000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 109.9 + 0.55000000000000004 + 4.5960000000000001 + 16.09 + 25.38 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-17T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.626 + -0.69299999999999995 + -2.8260000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 110.1 + 3.7999999999999999E-2 + 1.448 + 15.92 + 2.3969999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-17T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.626 + -0.71299999999999997 + -2.8260000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 110.5 + 0.16800000000000001 + 2.077 + 12.39 + 11.23 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-17T12:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.1059999999999999 + 1.841 + -2.8260000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 113.9 + 0.01 + 0.94399999999999995 + 275.8 + 3.851 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-17T13:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.8780000000000001 + 2.9089999999999998 + -2.8260000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 114.2 + 2.3E-2 + 2.2650000000000001 + 278.7 + 2.61 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-17T14:00:00.000 + RAW + 4.1520000000000001 + 3.7229999999999999 + -2.8260000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 114.2 + 1E-3 + 0.126 + 289.5 + 0.63800000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-17T15:00:00.000 + RAW + 4.1520000000000001 + 4.1040000000000001 + -2.8260000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 114.5 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-17T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 4.2750000000000004 + 3.2589999999999999 + -2.8260000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 6 + 115 + 0 + 0.126 + 239.7 + 3.1819999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-17T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 4.2750000000000004 + 2.5390000000000001 + -2.8260000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 6 + 114.6 + 0.92100000000000004 + 15.66 + 99.3 + 15.33 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-17T18:00:00.000 + ST + 4.2750000000000004 + 5.1999999999999998E-2 + -2.8260000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 7 + 115.9 + 1.0049999999999999 + 8.99 + 141.1 + 23.87 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-17T19:00:00.000 + RAW + 5.1999999999999998E-2 + -0.24 + -0.24 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 111.7 + 1.0429999999999999 + 7.55 + 133 + 13.87 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-17T20:00:00.000 + RAW + 5.1999999999999998E-2 + -0.27700000000000002 + -0.29599999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 114.7 + 0.33200000000000002 + 5.2229999999999999 + 121.6 + 15.41 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-17T21:00:00.000 + RAW + 5.1999999999999998E-2 + -0.55100000000000005 + -0.57899999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 117.7 + 5.016 + 15.36 + 142.5 + 20.84 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-17T22:00:00.000 + RAW + 5.1999999999999998E-2 + -1.3080000000000001 + -1.3080000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 6.1559999999999997 + 21.59 + 139.80000000000001 + 23.08 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-17T23:00:00.000 + RAW + 5.1999999999999998E-2 + -1.44 + -1.45 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 113.8 + 5.5570000000000004 + 16.739999999999998 + 141 + 20.07 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-18T00:00:00.000 + RAW + 5.1999999999999998E-2 + -1.46 + -1.554 + 0 + 0 + 4.1399999999999997 + 15.11 + 144.9 + 16.62 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-18T01:00:00.000 + RAW + 5.1999999999999998E-2 + -1.4019999999999999 + -1.5920000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1.302 + 8.6199999999999992 + 148.6 + 19.23 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-18T02:00:00.000 + RAW + 5.1999999999999998E-2 + -1.5820000000000001 + -1.5920000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 116.9 + 1.6619999999999999 + 9.9499999999999993 + 157 + 16.95 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-18T03:00:00.000 + RAW + 5.1999999999999998E-2 + -1.5920000000000001 + -1.6579999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 116.1 + 2.3660000000000001 + 11.2 + 147.30000000000001 + 17.13 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-18T04:00:00.000 + RAW + 5.1999999999999998E-2 + -1.696 + -1.696 + 0 + 0 + 8 + 122.7 + 2.2069999999999999 + 11.71 + 144 + 18.78 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-18T05:00:00.000 + RAW + 5.1999999999999998E-2 + -1.696 + -1.706 + 0 + 0 + 8 + 118.2 + 1.75 + 8.5 + 146 + 20.14 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-18T06:00:00.000 + ST + 5.1999999999999998E-2 + -1.7909999999999999 + -1.8009999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 8 + 114.7 + 2.97 + 10.01 + 147.80000000000001 + 22.31 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-18T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.7150000000000001 + -1.744 + -1.8 + 0 + 0 + 8 + 122.2 + 2.25 + 9.19 + 146.69999999999999 + 16.29 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-18T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.7050000000000001 + -1.706 + -1.8 + 0 + 0 + 8 + 120.7 + 2.1179999999999999 + 9.32 + 150.69999999999999 + 19.22 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-18T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.3640000000000001 + -1.3640000000000001 + -1.8 + 0 + 0 + 10 + 123.8 + 2.2309999999999999 + 9.44 + 154.19999999999999 + 18.18 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-18T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.57899999999999996 + -0.58899999999999997 + -1.8 + 0 + 0 + 10 + 124 + 1.64 + 9.51 + 151.1 + 17.989999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-18T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.107 + -0.154 + -1.8 + 0 + 0 + 10 + 120.8 + 1.716 + 9.82 + 149.9 + 21.08 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-18T12:00:00.000 + RAW + 7.0000000000000001E-3 + -0.221 + -1.8 + 0 + 0 + 11 + 123.9 + 3.1120000000000001 + 10.199999999999999 + 150.4 + 17.34 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-18T13:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.252 + 8.1000000000000003E-2 + -1.8 + 0 + 0 + 11 + 123.2 + 2.016 + 11.14 + 149 + 9.6 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-18T14:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.77200000000000002 + 0.157 + -1.8 + 0 + 0 + 11 + 121.5 + 2E-3 + 0.252 + 170.6 + 0.66500000000000004 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-18T15:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.77200000000000002 + -4.0000000000000001E-3 + -1.8 + 0 + 0 + 11 + 123.6 + 1E-3 + 0.252 + 174.6 + 3.5259999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-18T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.77200000000000002 + 0.129 + -1.8 + 0 + 0 + 4.9000000000000002E-2 + 2.391 + 183.8 + 2.6179999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-18T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.77200000000000002 + -1.2150000000000001 + -1.8 + 0 + 0 + 11 + 122.2 + 0.57299999999999995 + 5.6630000000000003 + 164.9 + 9.4700000000000006 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-18T18:00:00.000 + ST + 0.77200000000000002 + -1.6020000000000001 + -1.8 + 0 + 0 + 11 + 122.3 + 1.663 + 11.01 + 148.9 + 6.9710000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-18T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.5449999999999999 + -1.6579999999999999 + -1.839 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 122.9 + 6.4189999999999996 + 12.78 + 144.69999999999999 + 12.04 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-18T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.4970000000000001 + -1.5920000000000001 + -1.839 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 122.8 + 4.4930000000000003 + 16.11 + 145.80000000000001 + 16.5 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-18T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.4970000000000001 + -1.706 + -1.839 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 122.8 + 5.4269999999999996 + 23.54 + 150.1 + 19.29 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-18T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.4970000000000001 + -1.724 + -1.867 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 122.9 + 7.4 + 17.25 + 140.5 + 17.440000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-18T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.4970000000000001 + -1.857 + -1.867 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 124.4 + 8.06 + 20.46 + 148.6 + 19.809999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-19T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.4970000000000001 + -2.056 + -2.0659999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 124.5 + 5.5449999999999999 + 15.8 + 133.5 + 18.8 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-19T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.4970000000000001 + -2.246 + -2.246 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 124.5 + 7.49 + 21.09 + 138.69999999999999 + 16.89 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-19T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.4970000000000001 + -2.1320000000000001 + -2.246 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 124.5 + 6.5389999999999997 + 20.399999999999999 + 148.1 + 20.010000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-19T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.4970000000000001 + -2.2269999999999999 + -2.246 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 124.4 + 7.3 + 18.89 + 146.4 + 18.32 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-19T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.4970000000000001 + -2.3319999999999999 + -2.36 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 124.3 + 7.42 + 19.079999999999998 + 141.80000000000001 + 20.74 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-19T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.4970000000000001 + -2.4929999999999999 + -2.5209999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 124.4 + 8.1999999999999993 + 19.829999999999998 + 147.9 + 22.11 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-19T06:00:00.000 + ST + -1.4970000000000001 + -2.6539999999999999 + -2.6930000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 124.4 + 9.41 + 31.04 + 149.80000000000001 + 23.03 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-19T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.6539999999999999 + -2.778 + -2.778 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 123.9 + 6.1890000000000001 + 18.7 + 144.69999999999999 + 22.73 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-19T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.6539999999999999 + -2.8540000000000001 + -3.0070000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 124.8 + 4.9820000000000002 + 22.92 + 150.30000000000001 + 20.260000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-19T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.4550000000000001 + -2.5019999999999998 + -3.0070000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 124.8 + 4.0380000000000003 + 14.67 + 137.9 + 19.18 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-19T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.2170000000000001 + -2.5310000000000001 + -3.0070000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 123.6 + 5.6890000000000001 + 20.96 + 146 + 19.739999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-19T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.2170000000000001 + -2.6070000000000002 + -3.0070000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 125.5 + 7.3 + 19.96 + 148.5 + 20.9 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-19T12:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.2170000000000001 + -2.266 + -3.0070000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 124.5 + 9.5 + 21.53 + 148.19999999999999 + 20.78 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-19T13:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.9350000000000001 + -2.0099999999999998 + -3.0070000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 125.3 + 9.4700000000000006 + 21.53 + 146.69999999999999 + 25.12 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-19T14:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.9350000000000001 + -2.3239999999999998 + -3.0070000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 127.2 + 8.06 + 26.75 + 145.30000000000001 + 26.76 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-19T15:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.9350000000000001 + -2.59 + -3.0070000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 126.7 + 7.29 + 20.77 + 142.5 + 26.15 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-19T16:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.9350000000000001 + -2.8650000000000002 + -3.0070000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 122.5 + 7.1 + 19.95 + 142.5 + 25.67 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-19T17:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.9350000000000001 + -3.3410000000000002 + -3.3410000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 123.8 + 5.0149999999999997 + 15.3 + 142.6 + 22.5 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-19T18:00:00.000 + ST + -1.9350000000000001 + -3.617 + -3.6269999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 6 + 128.4 + 7.13 + 19.71 + 143 + 21.26 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-19T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.6070000000000002 + -3.6829999999999998 + -3.702 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 127.9 + 6.3639999999999999 + 18.13 + 136.19999999999999 + 19.95 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-19T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.6070000000000002 + -4.0750000000000002 + -4.0750000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 127.9 + 7.6 + 16.43 + 150.19999999999999 + 18.91 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-19T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.6070000000000002 + -4.0270000000000001 + -4.1040000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 127.8 + 6.8630000000000004 + 18.38 + 153.1 + 15.92 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-19T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.6070000000000002 + -4.0940000000000003 + -4.1040000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 127.8 + 3.5979999999999999 + 13.79 + 146.9 + 16.170000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-19T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.6070000000000002 + -4.056 + -4.1040000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 127.6 + 6.3940000000000001 + 13.35 + 148.19999999999999 + 16.829999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-20T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.6070000000000002 + -4.41 + -4.41 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 127.7 + 4.9039999999999999 + 16.559999999999999 + 155.9 + 12.37 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-20T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.6070000000000002 + -4.3040000000000003 + -4.41 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 128 + 2.7719999999999998 + 12.78 + 157.9 + 12.69 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-20T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.6070000000000002 + -4.3049999999999997 + -4.42 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 127.8 + 3.2000000000000001E-2 + 1.385 + 162.4 + 2.9540000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-20T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.6070000000000002 + -4.1609999999999996 + -4.42 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 128.5 + 0.436 + 4.03 + 152.4 + 11.25 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-20T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.6070000000000002 + -4.1989999999999998 + -4.42 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 128.69999999999999 + 0.499 + 3.9039999999999999 + 164.3 + 13.6 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-20T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.6070000000000002 + -4.218 + -4.42 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 129.1 + 0.61899999999999999 + 5.9820000000000002 + 163.9 + 14.77 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-20T06:00:00.000 + ST + -3.6070000000000002 + -4.3049999999999997 + -4.42 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 129.30000000000001 + 0.30399999999999999 + 3.9039999999999999 + 161.9 + 11.56 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-20T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.2949999999999999 + -4.4489999999999998 + -4.4489999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 129.1 + 0.13100000000000001 + 2.8969999999999998 + 159.30000000000001 + 11.47 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-20T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.2949999999999999 + -4.7649999999999997 + -5.0060000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 128.9 + 5.5E-2 + 2.5819999999999999 + 161.80000000000001 + 5.3410000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-20T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.2190000000000003 + -4.2279999999999998 + -5.0439999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 128.69999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-20T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.7609999999999999 + -1.8660000000000001 + -5.0439999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 128.30000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-20T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.86399999999999999 + -0.86399999999999999 + -5.0439999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 128.19999999999999 + 0 + 0.126 + 256.60000000000002 + 2E-3 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-20T12:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.8 + 0.128 + -5.0439999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 128.4 + 1.266 + 10.01 + 167.9 + 16.53 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-20T13:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.8 + 0.504 + -5.0439999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 127.9 + 5.52 + 15.04 + 144.80000000000001 + 21.43 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-20T14:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.8 + -1.4259999999999999 + -5.0439999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 128.1 + 6.95 + 18.05 + 139 + 22.52 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-20T15:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.8 + -1.415 + -5.0439999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 125.2 + 5.5140000000000002 + 16.04 + 136.9 + 18.670000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-20T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.8 + -1.641 + -5.0439999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 126.8 + 8.23 + 17.62 + 136.9 + 18.73 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-20T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.8 + -1.8109999999999999 + -5.0439999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 127.4 + 9.23 + 18.760000000000002 + 137.69999999999999 + 17.22 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-20T18:00:00.000 + ST + 0.8 + -2.0569999999999999 + -5.0439999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 128.6 + 10.56 + 22.22 + 141.80000000000001 + 19.84 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-20T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.877 + -1.877 + -2.0859999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 128.69999999999999 + 9.8800000000000008 + 22.03 + 139.1 + 15.78 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-20T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.629 + -1.724 + -2.0859999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 128.69999999999999 + 7.15 + 17.059999999999999 + 136.9 + 14.02 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-20T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.629 + -1.677 + -2.0859999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 128.6 + 10.95 + 22.16 + 139.4 + 16.559999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-20T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.411 + -1.411 + -2.0859999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 128.4 + 11.02 + 23.23 + 136.6 + 16.07 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-20T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.3640000000000001 + -1.4019999999999999 + -2.0859999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 126.6 + 9.75 + 22.79 + 141.5 + 19.260000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-21T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.327 + -1.3360000000000001 + -2.0859999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 128.30000000000001 + 10.3 + 22.66 + 151 + 21.57 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-21T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.1180000000000001 + -1.1279999999999999 + -2.0859999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 121.2 + 11.68 + 25.94 + 147.1 + 21.36 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-21T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.042 + -1.042 + -2.0859999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 127.4 + 13.43 + 35.19 + 146.80000000000001 + 21.91 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-21T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.67300000000000004 + -0.67300000000000004 + -2.0859999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 127.3 + 11.26 + 24.99 + 140.30000000000001 + 20.059999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-21T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.38900000000000001 + -0.38900000000000001 + -2.0859999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 127.1 + 9.1199999999999992 + 20.84 + 138.1 + 18 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-21T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.35199999999999998 + -0.39900000000000002 + -2.0859999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 127.1 + 11.2 + 23.48 + 139.69999999999999 + 19.57 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-21T06:00:00.000 + ST + -0.27600000000000002 + -0.30399999999999999 + -2.0859999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 127.2 + 12.78 + 25.43 + 140 + 19.79 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-21T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.17199999999999999 + -0.23799999999999999 + -0.30399999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 126.9 + 11.98 + 25.18 + 139.4 + 17.34 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-21T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.17199999999999999 + -0.17199999999999999 + -0.30499999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 127.8 + 9.1 + 20.39 + 133.80000000000001 + 20.83 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-21T09:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.111 + 0.111 + -0.30499999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 127.9 + 10.43 + 24.68 + 137.19999999999999 + 19.350000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-21T10:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.38500000000000001 + 0.38500000000000001 + -0.30499999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 127.8 + 12.25 + 25.75 + 144.80000000000001 + 25.68 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-21T11:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.46 + 0.46 + -0.30499999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 128.1 + 13.86 + 31.47 + 148.9 + 22.73 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-21T12:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.51700000000000002 + 0.51700000000000002 + -0.30499999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 127.9 + 13.53 + 28.64 + 153 + 25.42 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-21T13:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.88500000000000001 + 0.88500000000000001 + -0.30499999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 128 + 14.62 + 30.08 + 161.19999999999999 + 20.79 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-21T14:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.5289999999999999 + 1.5289999999999999 + -0.30499999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 127.7 + 12.87 + 30.9 + 164.2 + 24.84 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-21T15:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.2570000000000001 + 2.2570000000000001 + -0.30499999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 127.3 + 8.64 + 31.09 + 188.6 + 31.73 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-21T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.3610000000000002 + 1.7070000000000001 + -0.30499999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 127 + 7.14 + 26.87 + 194 + 31.94 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-21T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.3610000000000002 + 1.5649999999999999 + -0.30499999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 126.7 + 7.88 + 29.13 + 204 + 35.22 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-21T18:00:00.000 + ST + 2.3610000000000002 + 1.018 + -0.30499999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 126.6 + 11.73 + 39.200000000000003 + 189.2 + 33.17 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-21T19:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.51 + 1.5009999999999999 + 1.0169999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 126.2 + 16.440000000000001 + 34.74 + 163.4 + 28.19 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-21T20:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.9179999999999999 + 1.9179999999999999 + 1.0169999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 125.8 + 16.62 + 47.96 + 156.1 + 29.46 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-21T21:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.1349999999999998 + 2.1160000000000001 + 1.0169999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 125.3 + 14.87 + 38.14 + 158.9 + 29.91 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-21T22:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.1920000000000002 + 2.1259999999999999 + 1.0169999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.5 + 14.66 + 37.450000000000003 + 161.9 + 25.82 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-21T23:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.1920000000000002 + 1.86 + 1.0169999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 123.9 + 11.41 + 30.4 + 181.7 + 27.24 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-22T00:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.1920000000000002 + 1.804 + 1.0169999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 123.3 + 15.34 + 46.7 + 181.7 + 27.51 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-22T01:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.1920000000000002 + 1.5289999999999999 + 1.0169999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 122.8 + 17.13 + 39.270000000000003 + 168.1 + 28.02 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-22T02:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.1920000000000002 + 1.0660000000000001 + 1.0169999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.1 + 16.190000000000001 + 36.880000000000003 + 165.3 + 28.73 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-22T03:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.1920000000000002 + 0.77300000000000002 + 0.77300000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.1 + 14.64 + 48.65 + 166.4 + 23.5 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-22T04:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.1920000000000002 + 0.40400000000000003 + 0.40400000000000003 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124 + 13.23 + 29.27 + 165.4 + 24.63 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-22T05:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.1920000000000002 + 0.14899999999999999 + 0.14899999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.2 + 13.24 + 33.67 + 171.6 + 26.54 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-22T06:00:00.000 + ST + 2.1920000000000002 + -0.192 + -0.192 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 124.2 + 13.5 + 32.659999999999997 + 173.6 + 21.86 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-22T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.192 + -0.48499999999999999 + -0.48499999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 123.8 + 7.25 + 29.96 + 210 + 28.19 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-22T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.192 + -0.65500000000000003 + -0.86299999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 123.7 + 8.2899999999999991 + 27.7 + 198.8 + 33.270000000000003 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-22T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.192 + -0.75900000000000001 + -0.96699999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 123.6 + 4.9009999999999998 + 37.200000000000003 + 205.3 + 49.4 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-22T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.106 + -0.22 + -0.96699999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 122.9 + 4.5259999999999998 + 20.14 + 203.5 + 32.81 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-22T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.106 + -0.25800000000000001 + -0.96699999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 122.2 + 9.06 + 22.09 + 183.5 + 25.24 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-22T12:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.86 + 1.86 + -0.96699999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 124.8 + 5.7930000000000001 + 30.15 + 202.1 + 40.56 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-22T13:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.0299999999999998 + 1.109 + -0.96699999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 122.3 + 1.8069999999999999 + 34.979999999999997 + 241.9 + 53.71 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-22T14:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.0299999999999998 + 1.4490000000000001 + -0.96699999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 122.9 + 5.9740000000000002 + 43.77 + 251.2 + 40.42 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-22T15:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.16 + 0.76900000000000002 + -0.96699999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 120.1 + 3.2679999999999998 + 21.64 + 233.1 + 42.07 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-22T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.7850000000000001 + 0.55100000000000005 + -0.96699999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 122.5 + 10.54 + 42.01 + 221.9 + 37.71 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-22T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.7850000000000001 + -0.17499999999999999 + -0.96699999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 123.3 + 9.9 + 34.659999999999997 + 218.1 + 33.81 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-22T18:00:00.000 + ST + 2.7850000000000001 + -1.3280000000000001 + -1.385 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 123.6 + 5.4870000000000001 + 27.05 + 198.3 + 34.54 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-22T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.3280000000000001 + -1.782 + -1.782 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 122.8 + 6.6449999999999996 + 18 + 164.9 + 19.96 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-22T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.3280000000000001 + -1.8759999999999999 + -1.99 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 124 + 9.09 + 20.27 + 161.4 + 17.23 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-22T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.3280000000000001 + -2.0750000000000002 + -2.16 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 124.1 + 10.66 + 24.11 + 161.69999999999999 + 17.760000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-22T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.3280000000000001 + -1.99 + -2.16 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 123.9 + 8.8699999999999992 + 20.079999999999998 + 146.9 + 19.07 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-22T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.3280000000000001 + -2.0089999999999999 + -2.2549999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 123.7 + 8.4600000000000009 + 21.28 + 152.19999999999999 + 22.26 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-23T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.3280000000000001 + -1.7050000000000001 + -2.2549999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 123.2 + 9.0399999999999991 + 24.81 + 157.9 + 22.46 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-23T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.3280000000000001 + -1.677 + -2.2549999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 120.9 + 6.6849999999999996 + 20.21 + 150.6 + 17.34 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-23T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.3280000000000001 + -1.696 + -2.2549999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 121.3 + 8.39 + 16.37 + 148.19999999999999 + 16.57 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-23T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.3280000000000001 + -2.161 + -2.2549999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 122.1 + 8.56 + 19.45 + 142.1 + 19.23 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-23T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.3280000000000001 + -2.028 + -2.2549999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 122.7 + 9.23 + 17.63 + 143.6 + 15.57 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-23T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.3280000000000001 + -2.1320000000000001 + -2.2549999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 122.5 + 7.91 + 20.02 + 144.19999999999999 + 15.64 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-23T06:00:00.000 + ST + -1.3280000000000001 + -2.331 + -2.35 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 123.4 + 8.39 + 16.18 + 148.69999999999999 + 14.61 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-23T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.3029999999999999 + -2.4359999999999999 + -2.4359999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 123.7 + 6.1840000000000002 + 16.05 + 138.9 + 14.85 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-23T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.3029999999999999 + -2.464 + -2.5310000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 122.7 + 8.92 + 17.82 + 143.4 + 21.95 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-23T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.3029999999999999 + -2.36 + -2.5310000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 121.6 + 8.64 + 23.48 + 149.6 + 23.77 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-23T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.1419999999999999 + -2.1509999999999998 + -2.5310000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 124.3 + 8.41 + 19.89 + 143 + 22.04 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-23T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.639 + -1.6679999999999999 + -2.5310000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 123.4 + 7.63 + 18.32 + 145.9 + 24.19 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-23T12:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.72199999999999998 + -0.78800000000000003 + -2.5310000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 123.8 + 7.23 + 19.39 + 144.1 + 28.11 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-23T13:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.6 + -0.67600000000000005 + -2.5310000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 123.3 + 7.78 + 19.64 + 151.9 + 28.21 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-23T14:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.6 + -1.3859999999999999 + -2.5310000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 123.8 + 10.11 + 26.06 + 160 + 24.66 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-23T15:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.6 + -1.5840000000000001 + -2.5310000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 123.5 + 9.5 + 23.97 + 158.69999999999999 + 24.35 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-23T16:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.6 + -1.6220000000000001 + -2.5310000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 122.8 + 7.91 + 19.32 + 158.9 + 23.28 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-23T17:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.6 + -1.887 + -2.5310000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 123 + 10.01 + 23.41 + 170.3 + 25.46 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-23T18:00:00.000 + ST + -0.6 + -2.5790000000000002 + -2.589 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 122.8 + 9.1999999999999993 + 23.23 + 174.6 + 22.57 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-23T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.5790000000000002 + -2.94 + -2.968 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 121.8 + 9.4499999999999993 + 24.3 + 180.2 + 22.9 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-23T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.5790000000000002 + -3.254 + -3.2639999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 121 + 9.02 + 22.29 + 171.5 + 19.11 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-23T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.5790000000000002 + -3.3780000000000001 + -3.3780000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 120.1 + 6.5069999999999997 + 24.36 + 158.5 + 19.14 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-23T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.5790000000000002 + -3.206 + -3.492 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 121.1 + 3.6240000000000001 + 13.22 + 152.80000000000001 + 14.46 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-23T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.5790000000000002 + -3.32 + -3.492 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 123.3 + 2.5099999999999998 + 10.45 + 145.19999999999999 + 14.63 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-24T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.5790000000000002 + -3.4159999999999999 + -3.492 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 122.5 + 3.8290000000000002 + 7.93 + 143 + 11.38 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-24T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.5790000000000002 + -3.6070000000000002 + -3.6259999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 120.3 + 1.2170000000000001 + 8.69 + 145.6 + 11.51 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-24T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.5790000000000002 + -3.359 + -3.6349999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 125.3 + 1.288 + 10.33 + 162.6 + 24.17 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-24T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.5790000000000002 + -3.3210000000000002 + -3.6349999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 125.8 + 4.4459999999999997 + 16.309999999999999 + 150 + 25.55 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-24T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.5790000000000002 + -3.4449999999999998 + -3.6349999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 126.7 + 5.6440000000000001 + 17 + 144.69999999999999 + 25.78 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-24T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.5790000000000002 + -3.6930000000000001 + -3.6930000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 127 + 7.22 + 23.23 + 137.5 + 29.2 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-24T06:00:00.000 + ST + -2.5790000000000002 + -3.6539999999999999 + -3.702 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 126.7 + 7.83 + 21.59 + 132.9 + 24.19 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-24T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.5110000000000001 + -3.5110000000000001 + -3.6640000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 126.9 + 8.1999999999999993 + 23.67 + 134.30000000000001 + 21.05 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-24T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.3109999999999999 + -3.3109999999999999 + -3.6640000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 127.1 + 5.7220000000000004 + 15.61 + 134.80000000000001 + 22.58 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-24T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.7330000000000001 + -1.8089999999999999 + -3.6640000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 126.8 + 5.8920000000000003 + 14.48 + 134.9 + 16.809999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-24T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.93799999999999994 + -1.0049999999999999 + -3.6640000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 126.5 + 3.1880000000000002 + 9.6999999999999993 + 154.4 + 19.149999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-24T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.93799999999999994 + -1.024 + -3.6640000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 124.1 + 5.0279999999999996 + 13.6 + 161.6 + 20.61 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-24T12:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.68400000000000005 + -1.5649999999999999 + -3.6640000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 129.19999999999999 + 5.4340000000000002 + 12.78 + 151.1 + 19.3 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-24T13:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.68400000000000005 + -1.081 + -3.6640000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 7 + 133.1 + 1.4790000000000001 + 9.44 + 151.80000000000001 + 15.71 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-24T14:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.36199999999999999 + -1.0149999999999999 + -3.6640000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 11 + 136.6 + 8.0000000000000002E-3 + 0.81799999999999995 + 144.5 + 4.8109999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-24T15:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.36199999999999999 + -0.72199999999999998 + -3.6640000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 17 + 141.4 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-24T16:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.36199999999999999 + -0.69299999999999995 + -3.6640000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 20 + 144.4 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-24T17:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.36199999999999999 + -0.64600000000000002 + -3.6640000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 23 + 146.1 + 2E-3 + 0.441 + 88 + 2.9180000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-24T18:00:00.000 + ST + -0.36199999999999999 + -1.2609999999999999 + -3.6640000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 27 + 149.5 + 1E-3 + 0.126 + 168.4 + 4.0490000000000004 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-24T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.0329999999999999 + -1.0329999999999999 + -1.3939999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 151.69999999999999 + 3.0000000000000001E-3 + 0.441 + 234.4 + 5.0910000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-24T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.96699999999999997 + -1.0620000000000001 + -1.3939999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 153.69999999999999 + 4.0000000000000001E-3 + 0.441 + 226.2 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-24T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.96699999999999997 + -1.232 + -1.3939999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 150.5 + 1E-3 + 0.189 + 236.4 + 0.432 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-24T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.96699999999999997 + -1.1559999999999999 + -1.3939999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 152.5 + 0 + 0.189 + 241.5 + 0.52400000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-24T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.96699999999999997 + -1.099 + -1.3939999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 153 + 0 + 6.3E-2 + 238 + 9.9000000000000005E-2 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-25T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.96699999999999997 + -1.327 + -1.3939999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 6 + 153 + 4.5999999999999999E-2 + 2.581 + 240.3 + 8.33 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-25T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.96699999999999997 + -1.27 + -1.431 + 0 + 0 + 6 + 150.1 + 1.6E-2 + 1.385 + 215.3 + 23.14 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-25T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.96699999999999997 + -1.1000000000000001 + -1.431 + 0 + 0 + 6 + 152.69999999999999 + 1.0999999999999999E-2 + 0.81799999999999995 + 209.5 + 16.68 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-25T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.96699999999999997 + -1.3740000000000001 + -1.431 + 0 + 0 + 7 + 152.80000000000001 + 3.0000000000000001E-3 + 0.252 + 211.2 + 7.09 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-25T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.96699999999999997 + -1.677 + -1.734 + 0 + 0 + 7 + 152.9 + 4.9000000000000002E-2 + 2.6440000000000001 + 195.2 + 29.09 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-25T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.96699999999999997 + -1.591 + -1.734 + 0 + 0 + 8 + 153.5 + 3.5999999999999997E-2 + 1.637 + 199.1 + 26.5 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-25T06:00:00.000 + ST + -0.96699999999999997 + -1.895 + -1.9039999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 10 + 154.5 + 7.0999999999999994E-2 + 3.085 + 176.4 + 29.2 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-25T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.857 + -1.9990000000000001 + -2.0089999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 153.5 + 0.16 + 5.7919999999999998 + 215.8 + 37.35 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-25T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.857 + -2.3029999999999999 + -2.3029999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 154 + 0.183 + 3.5259999999999998 + 188.3 + 43.5 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-25T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.857 + -2.617 + -2.617 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 153.9 + 0.25700000000000001 + 4.9740000000000002 + 194.3 + 48.03 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-25T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.857 + -2.95 + -2.95 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 155.5 + 0.27900000000000003 + 4.5960000000000001 + 191.3 + 42.76 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-25T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.857 + -2.95 + -3.016 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 151.80000000000001 + 0.14599999999999999 + 5.6029999999999998 + 183.9 + 35.11 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-25T12:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.857 + -2.6360000000000001 + -3.016 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 155.80000000000001 + 0.19700000000000001 + 4.9740000000000002 + 171.3 + 33.53 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-25T13:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.4970000000000001 + -1.554 + -3.016 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 155.5 + 0.28199999999999997 + 7.87 + 155.1 + 37.15 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-25T14:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.4970000000000001 + -2.3239999999999998 + -3.016 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 149.69999999999999 + 0.27100000000000002 + 5.6660000000000004 + 164.2 + 38 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-25T15:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.4970000000000001 + -2.181 + -3.016 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 153.9 + 0.23899999999999999 + 5.476 + 146.9 + 34.17 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-25T16:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.4970000000000001 + -2.9510000000000001 + -3.016 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 154.5 + 0.41399999999999998 + 9.6300000000000008 + 176.1 + 29.77 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-25T17:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.4970000000000001 + -3.742 + -3.742 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 154.5 + 0.90800000000000003 + 11.58 + 162 + 40.450000000000003 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-25T18:00:00.000 + ST + -1.4970000000000001 + -4.181 + -4.181 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 154.69999999999999 + 0.92400000000000004 + 9.25 + 156.30000000000001 + 44.13 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-25T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.1719999999999997 + -4.266 + -4.2859999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 155.1 + 0.79200000000000004 + 10.45 + 155.6 + 45.59 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-25T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.1719999999999997 + -4.4290000000000003 + -4.4390000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 154.80000000000001 + 0.71399999999999997 + 11.4 + 189.7 + 35.909999999999997 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-25T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.1719999999999997 + -4.5919999999999996 + -4.5919999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 153.69999999999999 + 0.34699999999999998 + 5.0369999999999999 + 152 + 39.369999999999997 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-25T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.1719999999999997 + -4.7560000000000002 + -4.7560000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 151.4 + 0.11899999999999999 + 5.4779999999999998 + 159.19999999999999 + 19.579999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-25T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.1719999999999997 + -4.9000000000000004 + -4.91 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 153.69999999999999 + 3.1E-2 + 2.2669999999999999 + 187.1 + 13.92 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-26T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.1719999999999997 + -5.0540000000000003 + -5.0540000000000003 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 154.30000000000001 + 0.03 + 2.8340000000000001 + 220.4 + 1.5609999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-26T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.1719999999999997 + -5.5369999999999999 + -5.5369999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 153.30000000000001 + 3.0000000000000001E-3 + 0.75600000000000001 + 318 + 9.5500000000000007 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-26T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.1719999999999997 + -5.8170000000000002 + -5.8559999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 156.6 + 6.0000000000000001E-3 + 0.56699999999999995 + 296.10000000000002 + 7.43 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-26T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.1719999999999997 + -6.157 + -6.1959999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 12 + 165.7 + 1E-3 + 0.189 + 295.89999999999998 + 6.3630000000000004 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-26T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.1719999999999997 + -6.8209999999999997 + -6.8209999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 17 + 169.5 + 1.0999999999999999E-2 + 1.1339999999999999 + 332.9 + 8.98 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-26T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.1719999999999997 + -7.22 + -7.22 + 0 + 0 + 17 + 164.6 + 1E-3 + 0.252 + 356.8 + 4.1980000000000004 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-26T06:00:00.000 + ST + -4.1719999999999997 + -7.68 + -7.69 + 0 + 0 + 17 + 163.6 + 3.0000000000000001E-3 + 0.378 + 11.83 + 6.7460000000000004 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-26T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -7.68 + -8.24 + -8.24 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 167.5 + 0.11700000000000001 + 4.22 + 322.2 + 13.8 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-26T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -7.68 + -8.36 + -8.4499999999999993 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 167.7 + 0.13200000000000001 + 2.2679999999999998 + 322.3 + 19.47 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-26T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -7.68 + -8.0500000000000007 + -8.4499999999999993 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 165.5 + 0.14299999999999999 + 3.78 + 321.10000000000002 + 12.01 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-26T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -7.68 + -7.73 + -8.4499999999999993 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 166.7 + 0.127 + 3.9049999999999998 + 327.5 + 21.11 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-26T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.94 + -6.94 + -8.4499999999999993 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 166.4 + 1.6E-2 + 1.1970000000000001 + 305.60000000000002 + 9.6 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-26T12:00:00.000 + RAW + -5.4409999999999998 + -6.032 + -8.4499999999999993 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 165.6 + 9.8000000000000004E-2 + 3.4009999999999998 + 273.89999999999998 + 6.93 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-26T13:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.218 + -3.7240000000000002 + -8.4499999999999993 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 164.4 + 0.01 + 0.755 + 278.5 + 4.7519999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-26T14:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.218 + -3.258 + -8.4499999999999993 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 164 + 1.0999999999999999E-2 + 1.3839999999999999 + 280.5 + 5.2770000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-26T15:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.6389999999999998 + -3.2109999999999999 + -8.4499999999999993 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 163.80000000000001 + 1.7999999999999999E-2 + 1.1950000000000001 + 288.60000000000002 + 4.6379999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-26T16:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.7569999999999999 + -4.319 + -8.4499999999999993 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 163.5 + 9.1999999999999998E-2 + 2.5169999999999999 + 304.7 + 7.87 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-26T17:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.7569999999999999 + -8.4700000000000006 + -8.4700000000000006 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 163.9 + 3.464 + 17.489999999999998 + 328.4 + 23.39 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-26T18:00:00.000 + ST + -1.7569999999999999 + -10.07 + -10.07 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 163.69999999999999 + 2.907 + 13.47 + 337.6 + 25.95 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-26T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -10.07 + -10.9 + -10.9 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 163.4 + 1.6659999999999999 + 12.4 + 328.4 + 22.83 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-26T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -10.07 + -11.83 + -11.83 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 163.19999999999999 + 0.112 + 3.6539999999999999 + 314.39999999999998 + 6.5620000000000003 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-26T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -10.07 + -12.17 + -12.24 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 163 + 0.125 + 2.899 + 321.60000000000002 + 6.5190000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-26T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -10.07 + -12.94 + -12.95 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 163 + 4.0000000000000001E-3 + 0.56699999999999995 + 330.5 + 3.8119999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-26T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -10.07 + -12.82 + -13.16 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 162.6 + 0.19 + 5.0430000000000001 + 3.4750000000000001 + 10.1 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-27T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -10.07 + -13.23 + -13.23 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 162.6 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-27T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -10.07 + -13.62 + -13.78 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 162.19999999999999 + 4.0000000000000001E-3 + 0.69299999999999995 + 307.60000000000002 + 1.911 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-27T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -10.07 + -13.68 + -13.78 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 161.69999999999999 + 8.9999999999999993E-3 + 1.45 + 320.5 + 3.1960000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-27T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -10.07 + -14.08 + -14.08 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 161.4 + 5.1999999999999998E-2 + 1.702 + 316.3 + 4.5449999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-27T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -10.07 + -14.79 + -14.89 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 161.19999999999999 + 1.0999999999999999E-2 + 0.63100000000000001 + 307.2 + 4.8380000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-27T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -10.07 + -14.86 + -15.1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 161 + 1.0999999999999999E-2 + 0.63100000000000001 + 300.5 + 4.2779999999999996 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-27T06:00:00.000 + ST + -10.07 + -15 + -15.1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 160.69999999999999 + 1E-3 + 0.189 + 312.39999999999998 + 1.81 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-27T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -14.86 + -14.86 + -15.04 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 160.30000000000001 + 1E-3 + 0.126 + 326.5 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-27T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -14.38 + -14.38 + -15.04 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 159.9 + 1E-3 + 0.126 + 321.5 + 1.32 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-27T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -13.49 + -13.49 + -15.04 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 159.6 + 6.0000000000000001E-3 + 0.75700000000000001 + 298.5 + 3.8239999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-27T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -11.25 + -11.32 + -15.04 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 159.30000000000001 + 0 + 6.3E-2 + 302.5 + 0.57399999999999995 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-27T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -10.1 + -10.1 + -15.04 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 159.4 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-27T12:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.6980000000000004 + -4.7069999999999999 + -15.04 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 157.6 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-27T13:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.419 + -3.2959999999999998 + -15.04 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 158.19999999999999 + 8.0000000000000002E-3 + 0.504 + 315.7 + 9.27 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-27T14:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.246 + -1.246 + -15.04 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 157.80000000000001 + 7.8E-2 + 5.3470000000000004 + 280.60000000000002 + 23.71 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-27T15:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.82899999999999996 + -0.82899999999999996 + -15.04 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 157.69999999999999 + 0.04 + 4.1520000000000001 + 279.2 + 22.71 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-27T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.006 + -0.40300000000000002 + -15.04 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 157.19999999999999 + 0 + 0.126 + 312.2 + 5.2080000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-27T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.006 + -5.28 + -15.04 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 158.6 + 0.183 + 4.2789999999999999 + 40.78 + 27.3 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-27T18:00:00.000 + ST + 1.006 + -6.4809999999999999 + -15.04 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 158.69999999999999 + 2.68 + 17.37 + 94.7 + 24.29 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-27T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.4809999999999999 + -6.6840000000000002 + -6.7140000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 157.5 + 1.3120000000000001 + 9.76 + 62.82 + 14.29 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-27T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.4809999999999999 + -7.08 + -7.08 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 156.9 + 0.01 + 1.1970000000000001 + 49.23 + 5.0019999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-27T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.4809999999999999 + -7.44 + -7.44 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 156.80000000000001 + 1.5880000000000001 + 8.8800000000000008 + 71.7 + 18.72 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-27T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.4809999999999999 + -7.59 + -7.67 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 156.6 + 2.21 + 8.32 + 70.900000000000006 + 40.590000000000003 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-27T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.4809999999999999 + -7.39 + -7.67 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 156.19999999999999 + 0.69199999999999995 + 8 + 314.8 + 36.909999999999997 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-28T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.4809999999999999 + -7.62 + -7.67 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 156.19999999999999 + 0.377 + 7.12 + 288.60000000000002 + 2.2050000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-28T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.4809999999999999 + -7.6 + -7.67 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 155.9 + 1E-3 + 0.189 + 283 + 0.88400000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-28T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.4809999999999999 + -7.42 + -7.67 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 155.69999999999999 + 1.145 + 8.6300000000000008 + 65.5 + 32.46 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-28T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.4809999999999999 + -7.82 + -7.82 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 155.5 + 0.219 + 5.1029999999999998 + 291 + 3.6589999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-28T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.4809999999999999 + -8.1300000000000008 + -8.16 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 155.30000000000001 + 2.5000000000000001E-2 + 2.0790000000000002 + 331.5 + 23.86 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-28T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.4809999999999999 + -7.99 + -8.16 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 155.30000000000001 + 8.9999999999999993E-3 + 0.88200000000000001 + 302.39999999999998 + 8.57 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-28T06:00:00.000 + ST + -6.4809999999999999 + -8.02 + -8.16 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 155 + 0 + 6.3E-2 + 293.3 + 0.47599999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-28T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -7.82 + -7.83 + -8.08 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 154.80000000000001 + 5.5E-2 + 3.024 + 299.8 + 0.77500000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-28T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.9080000000000004 + -6.9080000000000004 + -8.08 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 154.80000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-28T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -5.3810000000000002 + -5.3810000000000002 + -8.08 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 154.4 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-28T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.0150000000000001 + -3.0339999999999998 + -8.08 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 153.5 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-28T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.5549999999999999 + -1.64 + -8.08 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 153.5 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-28T12:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.40200000000000002 + 0.29799999999999999 + -8.08 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 152.1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-28T13:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.94899999999999995 + 0.94899999999999995 + -8.08 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 152.1 + 0 + 6.3E-2 + 271.39999999999998 + 1E-3 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-28T14:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.0720000000000001 + 0.39 + -8.08 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 152.1 + 0 + 6.3E-2 + 276.8 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-28T15:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.0720000000000001 + 0.26800000000000002 + -8.08 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 152.1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-28T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.0720000000000001 + -1.008 + -8.08 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 153.30000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-28T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.0720000000000001 + -1.784 + -8.08 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 153.4 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-28T18:00:00.000 + ST + 1.0720000000000001 + -3.0739999999999998 + -8.08 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 152.9 + 0.83899999999999997 + 9.6300000000000008 + 99 + 3.109 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-28T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.0270000000000001 + -3.5880000000000001 + -3.5880000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 151.80000000000001 + 0.90400000000000003 + 9.51 + 92.1 + 5.431 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-28T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.0270000000000001 + -4.2380000000000004 + -4.2480000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 153 + 1.0840000000000001 + 12.53 + 93.1 + 6.3090000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-28T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.0270000000000001 + -4.6790000000000003 + -4.718 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 153.1 + 0.10299999999999999 + 5.8550000000000004 + 87.7 + 4.6449999999999996 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-28T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.0270000000000001 + -4.7649999999999997 + -4.9390000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 152.69999999999999 + 0 + 6.3E-2 + 291 + 3.0000000000000001E-3 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-28T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.0270000000000001 + -4.7359999999999998 + -4.9390000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 152.30000000000001 + 2.1000000000000001E-2 + 1.133 + 339 + 2.42 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-29T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.0270000000000001 + -4.9089999999999998 + -4.9390000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 152.19999999999999 + 5.6000000000000001E-2 + 2.33 + 8.14 + 2.5979999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-29T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.0270000000000001 + -5.024 + -5.0629999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 152 + 7.2999999999999995E-2 + 2.5819999999999999 + 15.78 + 5.1379999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-29T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.0270000000000001 + -5.14 + -5.1980000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 151.9 + 6.0000000000000001E-3 + 0.94499999999999995 + 38.14 + 8.8699999999999992 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-29T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.0270000000000001 + -5.0529999999999999 + -5.1980000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 148.6 + 2.1000000000000001E-2 + 2.2040000000000002 + 354.6 + 8.7799999999999994 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-29T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.0270000000000001 + -5.0819999999999999 + -5.1980000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 152.19999999999999 + 6.0000000000000001E-3 + 0.75600000000000001 + 14.89 + 1.345 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-29T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.0270000000000001 + -5.2560000000000002 + -5.2560000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 151.30000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-29T06:00:00.000 + ST + -3.0270000000000001 + -5.3710000000000004 + -5.4489999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 151.19999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-29T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -5.2359999999999998 + -5.5359999999999996 + -5.5359999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 150.69999999999999 + 0 + 0.189 + 187.3 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-29T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -5.1210000000000004 + -5.1210000000000004 + -5.633 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 150.30000000000001 + 1E-3 + 0.252 + 173.2 + 0.94599999999999995 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-29T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.6629999999999998 + -3.71 + -5.633 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 150 + 0 + 6.3E-2 + 183 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-29T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.4490000000000001 + -1.4490000000000001 + -5.633 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 149.6 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-29T11:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.38600000000000001 + -0.107 + -5.633 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 147.19999999999999 + 0 + 6.3E-2 + 128.30000000000001 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-29T12:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.891 + 1.7909999999999999 + -5.633 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 147 + 1E-3 + 0.189 + 244.4 + 1.5029999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-29T13:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.891 + 0.44400000000000001 + -5.633 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 149.1 + 2.1999999999999999E-2 + 2.5779999999999998 + 168.4 + 1.2470000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-29T14:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.891 + 1.004 + -5.633 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 149 + 0.29399999999999998 + 5.7850000000000001 + 187.6 + 7.72 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-29T15:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.891 + -0.129 + -5.633 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 149.4 + 4.8000000000000001E-2 + 2.5779999999999998 + 187.8 + 1.8520000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-29T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.891 + -2.0790000000000002 + -5.633 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 151.1 + 1.119 + 9.69 + 169.4 + 13.68 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-29T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.891 + -3.0270000000000001 + -5.633 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 151.4 + 8.5000000000000006E-2 + 4.3410000000000002 + 161.5 + 5.4889999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-29T18:00:00.000 + ST + 2.891 + -3.875 + -5.633 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 151.80000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-29T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.8559999999999999 + -4.1230000000000002 + -4.1230000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 151.5 + 0 + 6.3E-2 + 142.6 + 0 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-29T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.8559999999999999 + -4.8620000000000001 + -4.8620000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 150.80000000000001 + 1E-3 + 0.252 + 169.5 + 0.59299999999999997 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-29T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.8559999999999999 + -4.8710000000000004 + -5.0449999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 150.80000000000001 + 0.34100000000000003 + 4.8490000000000002 + 149.5 + 7.15 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-29T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.8559999999999999 + -4.3520000000000003 + -5.0640000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 150.80000000000001 + 0.55300000000000005 + 5.9189999999999996 + 163.1 + 8.3000000000000007 + + + 15123 + 2012-02-29T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.8559999999999999 + -4.2370000000000001 + -5.0640000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 150.69999999999999 + 0.51200000000000001 + 6.9269999999999996 + 149.30000000000001 + 16.940000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-01T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.8559999999999999 + -4.3529999999999998 + -5.0640000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 150.5 + 0.83099999999999996 + 5.73 + 147 + 10.37 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-01T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.8559999999999999 + -4.2370000000000001 + -5.0640000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 150.5 + 1.7789999999999999 + 8.25 + 148.9 + 11.14 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-01T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.8559999999999999 + -4.3049999999999997 + -5.0640000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 150.30000000000001 + 1.694 + 8.5 + 150.9 + 11.69 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-01T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.8559999999999999 + -4.2859999999999996 + -5.0640000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 151 + 1.54 + 10.01 + 165.1 + 16.7 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-01T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.8559999999999999 + -4.6020000000000003 + -5.0640000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 151.1 + 0.56200000000000006 + 7.56 + 159.9 + 9.3699999999999992 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-01T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.8559999999999999 + -4.7069999999999999 + -5.0640000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 151 + 0.246 + 4.66 + 156.1 + 10.7 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-01T06:00:00.000 + ST + -3.8559999999999999 + -4.5250000000000004 + -5.0640000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 150.80000000000001 + 0.34300000000000003 + 5.92 + 153.69999999999999 + 12.81 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-01T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.41 + -4.41 + -4.5250000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 150.6 + 0.41499999999999998 + 5.8570000000000002 + 170.6 + 10.52 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-01T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -4.1130000000000004 + -4.1130000000000004 + -4.5250000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 150.5 + 2.7E-2 + 2.141 + 184.5 + 3.8620000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-01T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.5110000000000001 + -3.5209999999999999 + -4.5250000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 150.19999999999999 + 6.6000000000000003E-2 + 1.952 + 183.8 + 8.18 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-01T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.6349999999999998 + -2.6829999999999998 + -4.5250000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 150.1 + 0.41899999999999998 + 6.2969999999999997 + 165.8 + 19.399999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-01T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.734 + -1.839 + -4.5250000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 149.9 + 1.1419999999999999 + 6.359 + 164.1 + 14.79 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-01T12:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.52600000000000002 + 0.41299999999999998 + -4.5250000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 148.80000000000001 + 3.1680000000000001 + 13.66 + 152.69999999999999 + 19.27 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-01T13:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.6220000000000001 + 0.874 + -4.5250000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 148.4 + 5.14 + 14.72 + 150.9 + 21.42 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-01T14:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.657 + 0.85299999999999998 + -4.5250000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 148.19999999999999 + 8.64 + 18.55 + 156.19999999999999 + 23.7 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-01T15:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.657 + 7.6999999999999999E-2 + -4.5250000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 148.5 + 7.83 + 18.36 + 150.6 + 23.36 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-01T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.657 + 0.221 + -4.5250000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 147.80000000000001 + 6.3650000000000002 + 18.989999999999998 + 151.80000000000001 + 21.88 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-01T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.657 + -2.5739999999999998 + -4.5250000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 149.4 + 4.6470000000000002 + 14.47 + 145.69999999999999 + 22.71 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-01T18:00:00.000 + ST + 1.657 + -3.7240000000000002 + -4.5250000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 149.4 + 6.4210000000000003 + 16.170000000000002 + 139.69999999999999 + 17.850000000000001 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-01T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.7240000000000002 + -3.9129999999999998 + -3.9239999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 149.19999999999999 + 6.6920000000000002 + 17.809999999999999 + 132.6 + 17.03 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-01T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.7240000000000002 + -3.8929999999999998 + -3.99 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 149 + 9.8699999999999992 + 19.2 + 145.69999999999999 + 14.89 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-01T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.7240000000000002 + -3.96 + -3.99 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 148.9 + 10.23 + 19.64 + 149.80000000000001 + 17.02 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-01T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.7240000000000002 + -3.8740000000000001 + -3.99 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 148.69999999999999 + 9.39 + 19.14 + 150.19999999999999 + 20.45 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-01T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.7240000000000002 + -3.8929999999999998 + -3.99 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 148.69999999999999 + 8.0500000000000007 + 23.05 + 146.5 + 19.05 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-02T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.7240000000000002 + -3.8069999999999999 + -3.99 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 148.5 + 9.8800000000000008 + 20.78 + 146.4 + 19.170000000000002 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-02T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.7109999999999999 + -3.7210000000000001 + -3.99 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 148.1 + 10.02 + 25.38 + 150.19999999999999 + 21.78 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-02T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.625 + -3.673 + -3.99 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 148.69999999999999 + 9.36 + 23.05 + 159.6 + 18.32 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-02T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.5019999999999998 + -3.5209999999999999 + -3.99 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 148.30000000000001 + 9.9 + 22.86 + 157.9 + 19.63 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-02T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.4060000000000001 + -3.4159999999999999 + -3.99 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 148.30000000000001 + 10.29 + 24.3 + 156.19999999999999 + 21.21 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-02T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.3490000000000002 + -3.3580000000000001 + -3.99 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 147.80000000000001 + 9.01 + 19.2 + 145.69999999999999 + 21.63 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-02T06:00:00.000 + ST + -3.3109999999999999 + -3.33 + -3.99 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 148.19999999999999 + 9.86 + 28.4 + 149.30000000000001 + 24.81 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-02T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -3.2160000000000002 + -3.2160000000000002 + -3.339 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 148.6 + 10.31 + 22.29 + 152 + 26.04 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-02T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.9969999999999999 + -3.0059999999999998 + -3.339 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 146.5 + 11.42 + 30.6 + 158.69999999999999 + 28.78 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-02T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.6920000000000002 + -2.702 + -3.339 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 149.1 + 12.54 + 32.74 + 155.80000000000001 + 27.99 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-02T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.5209999999999999 + -2.54 + -3.339 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 149.19999999999999 + 11.07 + 26.13 + 148.1 + 27.95 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-02T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.6870000000000001 + -1.772 + -3.339 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 148.9 + 10.93 + 29.65 + 149.80000000000001 + 28.23 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-02T12:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.4890000000000001 + -1.4890000000000001 + -3.339 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 148.1 + 10.119999999999999 + 23.98 + 144.19999999999999 + 27.77 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-02T13:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.177 + -1.2430000000000001 + -3.339 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 149.19999999999999 + 10.9 + 23.16 + 142.6 + 26.61 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-02T14:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.167 + -1.423 + -3.339 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 149.5 + 9.67 + 25.62 + 143.4 + 28.73 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-02T15:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.167 + -1.754 + -3.339 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 149.6 + 9.23 + 25.68 + 147.30000000000001 + 26.07 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-02T16:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.167 + -1.7629999999999999 + -3.339 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 146.69999999999999 + 6.5250000000000004 + 17.440000000000001 + 145.4 + 24.32 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-02T17:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.167 + -1.867 + -3.339 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 149.69999999999999 + 7.82 + 17.940000000000001 + 143.19999999999999 + 19.91 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-02T18:00:00.000 + ST + -1.167 + -2.1419999999999999 + -3.339 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 149.9 + 8.8699999999999992 + 28.39 + 151.80000000000001 + 22.15 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-02T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -2.028 + -2.0379999999999998 + -2.161 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 150.1 + 8.2899999999999991 + 19.45 + 153.1 + 24.34 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-02T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.857 + -1.9039999999999999 + -2.161 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 150.19999999999999 + 9.61 + 26.06 + 160.80000000000001 + 23.12 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-02T21:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.857 + -1.895 + -2.161 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 150.1 + 10.91 + 28.46 + 152.1 + 23.78 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-02T22:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.724 + -1.724 + -2.161 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 150 + 11.33 + 37.9 + 152.9 + 25.98 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-02T23:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.3169999999999999 + -1.3360000000000001 + -2.161 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 149.4 + 10.29 + 27.32 + 146.80000000000001 + 26.54 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-03T00:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.0609999999999999 + -1.0609999999999999 + -2.161 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 148.6 + 8.8699999999999992 + 31.42 + 138.4 + 29.81 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-03T01:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.042 + -1.1180000000000001 + -2.161 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 149.30000000000001 + 10.08 + 30.85 + 149.1 + 29.93 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-03T02:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.91 + -0.93799999999999994 + -2.161 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 149.19999999999999 + 12.57 + 31.48 + 153 + 30.47 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-03T03:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.89100000000000001 + -1.042 + -2.161 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 149.5 + 12.01 + 41.99 + 149.69999999999999 + 33.96 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-03T04:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.74 + -0.74 + -2.161 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 149.5 + 11.95 + 35.26 + 156.5 + 31.54 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-03T05:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.56899999999999995 + -0.57899999999999996 + -2.161 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 148.80000000000001 + 13.64 + 28.71 + 157.30000000000001 + 25.6 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-03T06:00:00.000 + ST + -0.39900000000000002 + -0.39900000000000002 + -2.161 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 149.19999999999999 + 14.87 + 32.86 + 161.1 + 28.29 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-03T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -0.23799999999999999 + -0.26700000000000002 + -0.39900000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 149.6 + 17.75 + 36.07 + 164.5 + 25.35 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-03T08:00:00.000 + RAW + 4.5999999999999999E-2 + 4.5999999999999999E-2 + -0.39900000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 149.5 + 14.86 + 39.03 + 155.5 + 24.24 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-03T09:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.66900000000000004 + 0.66900000000000004 + -0.39900000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 149.5 + 16.13 + 37.520000000000003 + 165.4 + 23.34 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-03T10:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.4350000000000001 + 1.4350000000000001 + -0.39900000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 149 + 15.03 + 32.92 + 164.5 + 25.07 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-03T11:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.9930000000000001 + 1.9930000000000001 + -0.39900000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 148.19999999999999 + 15.41 + 36.380000000000003 + 164.9 + 27.18 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-03T12:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.6739999999999999 + 2.665 + -0.39900000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 147.19999999999999 + 14.69 + 39.4 + 168.6 + 29.82 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-03T13:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.8540000000000001 + 2.6829999999999998 + -0.39900000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 146.80000000000001 + 15.04 + 34.04 + 167.3 + 27.28 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-03T14:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.0619999999999998 + 2.91 + -0.39900000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 145 + 15.07 + 34.479999999999997 + 166.1 + 30.11 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-03T15:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.0619999999999998 + 2.7869999999999999 + -0.39900000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 144.9 + 14.87 + 40.14 + 164.8 + 28.08 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-03T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.0619999999999998 + 2.3039999999999998 + -0.39900000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 143.9 + 15.44 + 38.380000000000003 + 158.5 + 31.52 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-03T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.0619999999999998 + 2.0209999999999999 + -0.39900000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 144.1 + 16.239999999999998 + 41.66 + 162.4 + 30.86 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-03T18:00:00.000 + ST + 3.0619999999999998 + 1.8029999999999999 + -0.39900000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 143 + 14.83 + 42.73 + 153.19999999999999 + 31.75 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-03T19:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.87 + 1.87 + 1.746 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 143 + 15.25 + 39.33 + 153.30000000000001 + 31.53 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-03T20:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.88 + 1.861 + 1.746 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 142.5 + 16.059999999999999 + 33.61 + 159.69999999999999 + 29.68 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-03T21:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.889 + 1.87 + 1.746 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 141.5 + 13.54 + 34.36 + 159.69999999999999 + 30.42 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-03T22:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.8979999999999999 + 1.861 + 1.746 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 142.1 + 14.3 + 37.51 + 157.9 + 28.99 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-03T23:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.8979999999999999 + 1.766 + 1.746 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 141.69999999999999 + 12.69 + 33.92 + 157.19999999999999 + 30.56 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-04T00:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.8979999999999999 + 1.605 + 1.5860000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 141 + 13.23 + 29.01 + 153.5 + 29.13 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-04T01:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.8979999999999999 + 1.5109999999999999 + 1.492 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 141 + 14.56 + 34.43 + 157.6 + 29.09 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-04T02:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.8979999999999999 + 1.5009999999999999 + 1.444 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 140.5 + 17.850000000000001 + 40.47 + 165.8 + 27.02 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-04T03:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.8979999999999999 + 1.52 + 1.444 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 140.1 + 19 + 47.83 + 169.2 + 29.01 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-04T04:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.8979999999999999 + 1.359 + 1.34 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 139.9 + 18.36 + 40.409999999999997 + 166 + 26 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-04T05:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.8979999999999999 + 1.2649999999999999 + 1.2549999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 139.5 + 19.489999999999998 + 36.5 + 167.8 + 26.11 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-04T06:00:00.000 + ST + 1.8979999999999999 + 1.075 + 1.0660000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 138.69999999999999 + 13.47 + 32.159999999999997 + 159.19999999999999 + 27.51 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-04T07:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.085 + 0.85799999999999998 + 0.84899999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 138.9 + 12.65 + 33.549999999999997 + 161.4 + 25.71 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-04T08:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.085 + 0.89600000000000002 + 0.83899999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 139 + 14.83 + 35.06 + 166.8 + 24.52 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-04T09:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.161 + 1.161 + 0.83899999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 138.9 + 14.4 + 34.24 + 167.8 + 25.7 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-04T10:00:00.000 + RAW + 1.5389999999999999 + 1.5389999999999999 + 0.83899999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 139 + 14.4 + 37.89 + 170.5 + 26.87 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-04T11:00:00.000 + RAW + 2.0779999999999998 + 2.0779999999999998 + 0.83899999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0.1 + 138.9 + 13.21 + 34.93 + 174.4 + 29.69 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-04T12:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.6520000000000001 + 3.5950000000000002 + 0.83899999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 138.30000000000001 + 11.44 + 30.33 + 184 + 30 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-04T13:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.8220000000000001 + 3.2890000000000001 + 0.83899999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 137.9 + 13.88 + 34.29 + 176.4 + 28.92 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-04T14:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.8220000000000001 + 3.4319999999999999 + 0.83899999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 137.1 + 14.22 + 40.83 + 174.3 + 27.91 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-04T15:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.9350000000000001 + 3.052 + 0.83899999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 137 + 10.11 + 31.83 + 171.2 + 30.08 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-04T16:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.9350000000000001 + 2.0089999999999999 + 0.83899999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 136.80000000000001 + 8.93 + 23.59 + 182.1 + 27.89 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-04T17:00:00.000 + RAW + 3.9350000000000001 + 0.85599999999999998 + 0.83899999999999997 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 136.6 + 12.4 + 29.44 + 165.8 + 26.52 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-04T18:00:00.000 + ST + 3.9350000000000001 + 0.46 + 0.46 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 136.4 + 11.74 + 26.55 + 162.30000000000001 + 24.14 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-04T19:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.46899999999999997 + 0.224 + 0.215 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 136.30000000000001 + 12.19 + 26.24 + 158.9 + 21.31 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-04T20:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.46899999999999997 + -1.2E-2 + -3.1E-2 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 135.9 + 11.95 + 30.21 + 153.1 + 26.11 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-04T21:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.46899999999999997 + -0.192 + -0.20100000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 135.9 + 11.36 + 22.41 + 153 + 19.98 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-04T22:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.46899999999999997 + -0.35199999999999998 + -0.35199999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 135.1 + 10.64 + 22.6 + 151.19999999999999 + 19.239999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-04T23:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.46899999999999997 + -0.40899999999999997 + -0.41799999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 134 + 9.19 + 20.71 + 150.6 + 16.39 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-05T00:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.46899999999999997 + -0.56000000000000005 + -0.56000000000000005 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 134.19999999999999 + 6.5629999999999997 + 15.67 + 148.4 + 13.79 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-05T01:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.46899999999999997 + -0.74 + -0.82499999999999996 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 136.30000000000001 + 6.9829999999999997 + 17 + 145.19999999999999 + 17.079999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-05T02:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.46899999999999997 + -1.0049999999999999 + -1.0429999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 138.1 + 5.556 + 16.18 + 147.80000000000001 + 19.27 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-05T03:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.46899999999999997 + -1.081 + -1.2230000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 137.19999999999999 + 4.5309999999999997 + 13.72 + 146.9 + 20.14 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-05T04:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.46899999999999997 + -1.298 + -1.4119999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 138.80000000000001 + 5.1669999999999998 + 13.28 + 151.1 + 20.2 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-05T05:00:00.000 + RAW + 0.46899999999999997 + -1.3740000000000001 + -1.431 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 139.30000000000001 + 6.5339999999999998 + 12.34 + 149.80000000000001 + 20.399999999999999 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-05T06:00:00.000 + ST + 0.46899999999999997 + -1.298 + -1.431 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 138.80000000000001 + 6.8360000000000003 + 14.48 + 151.19999999999999 + 17.38 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-05T07:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.2410000000000001 + -1.706 + -1.706 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 138.5 + 5.532 + 14.67 + 153.5 + 16.239999999999998 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-05T08:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.2410000000000001 + -1.516 + -1.772 + 0 + 0 + 6 + 144.6 + 3.234 + 10.39 + 150.5 + 13.67 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-05T09:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.2410000000000001 + -3.3119999999999998 + -3.3119999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 8 + 146.6 + 0.24099999999999999 + 4.407 + 57.07 + 13.78 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-05T10:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.2410000000000001 + -3.76 + -3.76 + 0 + 0 + 10 + 148.30000000000001 + 2.4700000000000002 + 11.21 + 33.44 + 38.020000000000003 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-05T11:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.2410000000000001 + -4.0469999999999997 + -4.0949999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 17 + 154.5 + 5.875 + 15.93 + 22.83 + 32.75 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-05T12:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.2410000000000001 + -4.6029999999999998 + -4.6029999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 23 + 159.9 + 8.11 + 21.97 + 17.55 + 30.6 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-05T13:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.2410000000000001 + -4.3730000000000002 + -4.6509999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 27 + 164.1 + 7.19 + 15.55 + 24.83 + 26.96 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-05T14:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.2410000000000001 + -3.3969999999999998 + -4.6509999999999998 + 0 + 0 + 29 + 164.6 + 4.0830000000000002 + 18.64 + 35.9 + 26.7 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-05T15:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.2410000000000001 + -5.0369999999999999 + -5.0369999999999999 + 0 + 0 + 29 + 163.9 + 3.7 + 13.6 + 34.75 + 36.950000000000003 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-05T16:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.2410000000000001 + -5.6539999999999999 + -5.7220000000000004 + 0 + 0 + 29 + 163.69999999999999 + 7.95 + 17.63 + 26.52 + 31.15 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-05T17:00:00.000 + RAW + -1.2410000000000001 + -6.2750000000000004 + -6.2850000000000001 + 0 + 0 + 29 + 163.69999999999999 + 9.19 + 19.2 + 16.559999999999999 + 28.27 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-05T18:00:00.000 + ST + -1.2410000000000001 + -6.4210000000000003 + -6.48 + 0 + 0 + 35 + 169.1 + 7.22 + 18.260000000000002 + 13.49 + 27.26 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-05T19:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.3819999999999997 + -6.45 + -6.47 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 171.1 + 1.536 + 10.52 + 5.2910000000000004 + 24.43 + + + 15123 + 2012-03-05T20:00:00.000 + RAW + -6.3819999999999997 + -6.6150000000000002 + -6.6150000000000002 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 170.6 + 0.51700000000000002 + 5.101 + 358.4 + 18.670000000000002 + +
+ + 0 + + + + 3 + 26 + 14 + + + False + False + + + weatherdata + Simple + + + + Text + + + 1252 + . + , + + AutoFormat + AutoFormat + AutoFormat + AutoFormat + AutoFormat + AutoFormat + AutoFormat + AutoFormat + AutoFormat + AutoFormat + AutoFormat + AutoFormat + AutoFormat + AutoFormat + AutoFormat + AutoFormat + AutoFormat + AutoFormat + AutoFormat + + + + + + + + +
diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/weather/perf_weather.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/weather/perf_weather.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/weather/perf_weather.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/weather/perf_weather.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env ruby -wW1 + +# This example uses SAX and DOM approaches to parsing XML files. It is also +# used to compare the differences in performance and code structure for +# multiple XML parsers. +# +# Weather files taken from the British of Columbia are used as a source for +# capturing the high temperatures over some period of time. The files are +# loaded into a spreadsheet and then dumped as XML. The high temperatures for +# each time is stored in a Hash but no further action is taken on the data. + +$: << File.dirname(__FILE__) +$: << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..') +$: << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../lib') +$: << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../ext') + +require 'optparse' +require 'perf' + +$filename = 'weather/HellsGate_2012_weather.xml' +$as_time = false +$iter = 10 + +opts = OptionParser.new +opts.on("-f", "--file [String]", String, "filename") { |f| $filename = f } +opts.on("-i", "--iterations [Int]", Integer, "iterations") { |i| $iter = i } +opts.on("-t", "dates as time") { $as_time = true } +opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this display") { puts opts; Process.exit!(0) } +rest = opts.parse(ARGV) + +perf = Perf.new() + +$sax = nil + +begin + require 'weather/wsax' + perf.add('Ox::Sax', 'sax_parse') { Weather::WSax.parse($filename, $as_time) } +rescue Exception => e +end + +begin + require 'weather/wox' + perf.add('Ox', 'parse') { Weather::WOx.parse($filename, $as_time) } +rescue Exception => e +end + +begin + require 'weather/wnosax' + perf.add('Nokogiri::XML::Sax', 'parse') { Weather::WNoSax.parse($filename, $as_time) } +rescue Exception => e +end + +begin + require 'weather/wno' + perf.add('Nokogiri::XML::Document', 'parse') { Weather::WNo.parse($filename, $as_time) } +rescue Exception => e +end + +begin + require 'weather/wlxsax' + perf.add('LibXML::XML::SaxParser', 'parse') { Weather::WLxSax.parse($filename, $as_time) } +rescue Exception => e +end + +begin + require 'weather/wlx' + perf.add('LibXML::XML::Document', 'parse') { Weather::WLx.parse($filename, $as_time) } +rescue Exception => e +end + +perf.run($iter) diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/weather/README ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/weather/README --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/weather/README 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/weather/README 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ + +To run the example, cd to the ox/test directory and execute the command + +weather/perf_weather.rb + +Browse the sample parser files in the ox/test/weather directory to see how +each parser is used. diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/weather/wlx.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/weather/wlx.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/weather/wlx.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/weather/wlx.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ + +require 'time' +require 'libxml' + +module Weather + class WLx + + def self.parse(filename, as_time) + highs = {} + doc = LibXML::XML::Document.file(filename) + ws = nil + table = nil + doc.root.each_element do |e| + if 'Worksheet' == e.name + ws = e + break + end + end + ws.each_element do |e| + if 'Table' == e.name + table = e + break + end + end + first = true + table.each_element do |row| + next unless 'Row' == row.name + if first + first = false + next + end + cnt = 0 + t = nil + row.each_element do |cell| + cnt += 1 + case cnt + when 2 + t = cell.first.first.to_s + when 4 + high = cell.first.first.to_s.to_f + if as_time + highs[Time.parse(t)] = high + else + highs[t] = high + end + break + end + end + end + #puts highs + highs + end + + end # Wlx +end # Weather diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/weather/wlxsax.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/weather/wlxsax.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/weather/wlxsax.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/weather/wlxsax.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ + +require 'time' +require 'libxml' + +module Weather + class WLxSax + include LibXML::XML::SaxParser::Callbacks + + attr_accessor :highs + + def self.parse(filename, as_time) + handler = self.new(as_time) + input = IO.open(IO.sysopen(filename)) + parser = LibXML::XML::SaxParser.io(input) + parser.callbacks = handler + parser.parse + input.close + #puts handler.highs + handler.highs + end + + def initialize(as_time) + @as_time = as_time + @highs = {} + @time = nil + @row = 0 + @cell = 0 + end + + def on_start_element(name, attributes) + case name + when 'Cell' + @cell += 1 + when 'Row' + @row += 1 + @cell = 0 + end + end + + def on_characters(chars) + chars.strip! + return if chars.empty? + if 1 < @row + case @cell + when 2 + if @as_time + @time = Time.parse(chars) + else + @time = chars + end + when 4 + @highs[@time] = chars.to_f + end + end + end + + def on_error(msg) + puts msg + end + + end # WLxSax +end # Weather diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/weather/wno.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/weather/wno.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/weather/wno.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/weather/wno.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ + +require 'time' +require 'nokogiri' + +module Weather + class WNo + + def self.parse(filename, as_time) + highs = {} + doc = Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse(File.open(filename)) + #table = doc.xpath('/Workbook/Worksheet/Table') # fails to return any nodes + ws = nil + table = nil + doc.root.elements.each do |e| + if 'Worksheet' == e.name + ws = e + break + end + end + ws.elements.each do |e| + if 'Table' == e.name + table = e + break + end + end + first = true + table.elements.each do |row| + next unless 'Row' == row.name + if first + first = false + next + end + t = row.elements[1].child().child().to_s + high = row.elements[3].child().child().to_s.to_f + if as_time + highs[Time.parse(t)] = high + else + highs[t] = high + end + end + #puts highs + highs + end + + end # WNo +end # Weather diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/weather/wnosax.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/weather/wnosax.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/weather/wnosax.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/weather/wnosax.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ + +require 'time' +require 'nokogiri' + +module Weather + class WNoSax < ::Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document + + attr_accessor :highs + + def self.parse(filename, as_time) + handler = self.new(as_time) + nohand = Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Parser.new(handler) + input = IO.open(IO.sysopen(filename)) + nohand.parse(input) + input.close + #puts handler.highs + handler.highs + end + + def initialize(as_time) + @as_time = as_time + @highs = {} + @time = nil + @row = 0 + @cell = 0 + end + + def start_element(name, attrs = []) + case name + when 'Cell' + @cell += 1 + when 'Row' + @row += 1 + @cell = 0 + end + end + + def characters(text) + text.strip! + return if text.empty? + if 1 < @row + case @cell + when 2 + if @as_time + #@time = Time.parse(text) + @time = Time.at(text.to_f) + else + @time = text + end + when 4 + @highs[@time] = text.to_f + end + end + end + + def error(message) + puts message + end + + def warning(message) + puts message + end + + end # WNoSax +end # Weather diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/weather/wox.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/weather/wox.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/weather/wox.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/weather/wox.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ + +require 'time' +require 'ox' + +module Weather + class WOx + + def self.parse(filename, as_time) + highs = {} + doc = Ox.load_file(filename) + table = doc.locate('Workbook/Worksheet/Table')[0] + table.nodes[19..-1].each do |row| # skips Column elements and first Row + t = row.nodes[1].nodes[0].nodes[0] + high = row.nodes[3].nodes[0].nodes[0].to_f + if as_time + highs[Time.parse(t)] = high + else + highs[t] = high + end + end + highs + end + + end # WOx +end # Weather diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/weather/wsax.rb ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/weather/wsax.rb --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/test/weather/wsax.rb 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/test/weather/wsax.rb 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ + +require 'ox' + +module Weather + class WSax < ::Ox::Sax + + attr_accessor :highs + + def self.parse(filename, as_time) + handler = self.new(as_time) + input = IO.open(IO.sysopen(filename)) + Ox.sax_parse(handler, input) + input.close + #puts handler.highs + handler.highs + end + + def initialize(as_time) + @as_time = as_time + @highs = {} + @time = nil + @row = 0 + @cell = 0 + end + + def start_element(name) + case name + when :Cell + @cell += 1 + when :Row + @row += 1 + @cell = 0 + end + end + + def value(v) + if 1 < @row + case @cell + when 2 + if @as_time + @time = v.as_time + else + @time = v.as_s + end + when 4 + @highs[@time] = v.as_f + end + end + end + + def error(message, line, column) + puts message + end + + end # WSax +end # Weather diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/xml/attr.xml ruby-ox-2.14.9/xml/attr.xml --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/xml/attr.xml 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/xml/attr.xml 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + + + diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/xml/comment.xml ruby-ox-2.14.9/xml/comment.xml --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/xml/comment.xml 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/xml/comment.xml 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/xml/empty.xml ruby-ox-2.14.9/xml/empty.xml --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/xml/empty.xml 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/xml/empty.xml 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ + + diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/xml/env.xml ruby-ox-2.14.9/xml/env.xml --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/xml/env.xml 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/xml/env.xml 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ + + + eJPT0203AF5 + Gavin/virtualbox + 2010-07-30T14:54:52.233108006+09:00 + 2010-08-03T14:05:39.865942000+09:00 + ohler + + ilo + + ilo + d8:d3:85:c0:8e:dc + ilo + + + 20 + + eth0 + + eth0 + d8:d3:85:b9:26:54 + 1 + v120 + + 29 + + + mJPT0203AF5 + tCentOS_5.5_x64_en + virtualbox + gavin100 + + + + -9 + + diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/xml/loner.xml ruby-ox-2.14.9/xml/loner.xml --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/xml/loner.xml 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/xml/loner.xml 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + + + diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/xml/mixed.xml ruby-ox-2.14.9/xml/mixed.xml --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/xml/mixed.xml 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/xml/mixed.xml 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ + + + + + Second + diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/xml/nest.xml ruby-ox-2.14.9/xml/nest.xml --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/xml/nest.xml 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/xml/nest.xml 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ + + + mutant + + 5 + + dog + + + diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/xml/sample.xml ruby-ox-2.14.9/xml/sample.xml --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/xml/sample.xml 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/xml/sample.xml 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ + + + a string + + diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/xml/wFractal_report.xml ruby-ox-2.14.9/xml/wFractal_report.xml --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/xml/wFractal_report.xml 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/xml/wFractal_report.xml 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,1239 @@ + + + wFractal + Fractal + 2010-10-08T12:22:12.985217558+09:00 + 2010-10-08T12:22:12.985217558+09:00 + kvh + New + iFractal_Systems + + + + + + Isolated + 10 + + + sJPTMCV107A1-2 + + sJPTMCV105B1 + + sJPTMCV106B1 + + sJPTMCV108A1-2 + + + APSEG + v4076 + 4076 + New + + + + + Isolated + 10 + + + sJPTMCV107A1-2 + + sJPTMCV105B1 + + sJPTMCV106B1 + + sJPTMCV108A1-2 + + + Ext + v4060 + 4060 + New + + + + 29 + Public + 100 + + + sJPTMCV107A1-2 + + sJPTMCV105B1 + + sJPTMCV106B1 + + sJPTMCV108A1-2 + + + + + Fractal-public + v125 + 125 + New + + + + 25 + Shared + 10 + + + sJPTMCV107A1-2 + + sJPTMCV105B1 + + sJPTMCV106B1 + + sJPTMCV108A1-2 + + + FW + v4059 + 4059 + New + + + + 25 + Shared + 10 + + + sJPTMCV107A1-2 + + sJPTMCV105B1 + + sJPTMCV106B1 + + sJPTMCV108A1-2 + + + LB + v4058 + 4058 + New + + + + + FJT-IASDB01 + + Windows_2008_Standard_x32_jp + fatuzi69 + + + -9 + + APSEG + + storage + + + + 4076 + 5 + + mCN701504TM + + FJTDBNSF01 + + + + S01 + eCN701504TM + New + + + FJT-OASDB01 + + Windows_2008_Standard_x32_jp + fatuzi69 + + + -9 + + APSEG + + storage + + + + 4076 + 5 + + mCN701504TN + + FJTDBNSF01 + + + + S01 + eCN701504TN + New + + + FJT-CASCR01 + + Windows_2008_Standard_x32_jp + fatuzi69 + + + -9 + + APSEG + + Ext + + + + 4076 + 4060 + + mCN700908C2 + + + + S01 + eCN700908C2 + New + + + ACE-IASDB01 + + Windows_2008_Standard_x32_jp + fatuzi69 + + + -9 + + APSEG + + storage + + + + 4076 + 5 + + mCN701802BK + + ACEDBNSF01 + + + + E01 + eCN701802BK + New + + + ACE-OASDB01 + + Windows_2008_Standard_x32_jp + fatuzi69 + + + -9 + + APSEG + + storage + + + + 4076 + 5 + + mCN701802BM + + ACEDBNSF01 + + + + E01 + eCN701802BM + New + + + ACE-CASCR01 + + Windows_2008_Standard_x32_jp + fatuzi69 + + + -9 + + APSEG + + Ext + + + + 4076 + 4060 + + mCN701802BN + + + + E01 + eCN701802BN + New + + + FJT-IASRM01 + + Windows_2008_Standard_x32_jp + defota29 + + + -9 + + v4058 + + v4076 + + LB + + + + 4058 + 4076 + 4058 + + mCN70090BPP + + + + S01 + eCN70090BPP + New + + + FJT-IASRM02 + + Windows_2008_Standard_x32_jp + defota29 + + + -9 + + v4058 + + v4076 + + LB + + + + 4058 + 4076 + 4058 + + mCN701102PM + + + + S01 + eCN701102PM + New + + + FJT-OASRM01 + + Windows_2008_Standard_x32_jp + ratoka99 + + + -9 + + v4058 + + v4076 + + LB + + + + 4058 + 4076 + 4058 + + mCN701500E9 + + + + S01 + eCN701500E9 + New + + + FJT-OASRM02 + + Windows_2008_Standard_x32_jp + ratoka99 + + + -9 + + v4058 + + v4076 + + LB + + + + 4058 + 4076 + 4058 + + mCN701500EB + + + + S01 + eCN701500EB + New + + + FJT-CASVP01 + + Windows_2008_Standard_x32_jp + ratoka99 + + + -9 + + v4059 + + v4076 + + + + 4059 + 4076 + + mCN701500EC + + + + S01 + eCN701500EC + New + + + ACE-IASRM01 + + Windows_2008_Standard_x32_jp + zoteru30 + + + -9 + + v4058 + + v4076 + + LB + + + + 4058 + 4076 + 4058 + + mCN701902B8 + + + + E01 + eCN701902B8 + New + + + ACE-IASRM02 + + Windows_2008_Standard_x32_jp + zoteru30 + + + -9 + + v4058 + + v4076 + + LB + + + + 4058 + 4076 + 4058 + + mCN701802BX + + + + E01 + eCN701802BX + New + + + ACE-OASRM01 + + Windows_2008_Standard_x32_jp + zoteru30 + + + -9 + + v4058 + + v4076 + + LB + + + + 4058 + 4076 + 4058 + + mCN701802C9 + + + + E01 + eCN701802C9 + New + + + ACE-OASRM02 + + Windows_2008_Standard_x32_jp + zoteru30 + + + -9 + + v4058 + + v4076 + + LB + + + + 4058 + 4076 + 4058 + + mCN701802CC + + + + E01 + eCN701802CC + New + + + ACE-CASVP01 + + Windows_2008_Standard_x32_jp + zoteru30 + + + -9 + + v4059 + + v4076 + + + + 4059 + 4076 + + mCN701902BC + + + + E01 + eCN701902BC + New + + + + + + FJTDBNSF01 + 100 + + + + + + + + d800000020694.cvol28 + + + + + + + ACEDBNSF01 + 100 + + + + + + + + d800000020694.cvol29 + + + + + + + + + + Fractal_FW + v4059 + v125 + 27 + 4059 + 125 + + addr + + netbits + 25 + + + addr + + netbits + 29 + + + pod_web + factal_custom + + + addr + + netbits + 27 + + + Fractal_VIP1_LB + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + addr + + netbits + 25 + + h4059 + New + + + + + + Fractal_VIP1_LB + + + 7100 + + + 7100 + + 7100 + + 7101 + + + 7101 + + 7101 + + + + 7100 + + FJT-IASRM01 + 7100 + FJT-IASRM02 + 7100 + + 7101 + + FJT-IASRM01 + 7101 + FJT-IASRM02 + 7101 + + + 4058 + 4059 + v4058 + v4059 + + + + + + RESOURCE_TYPE_FAST_L4 + fastL4 + LB_METHOD_ROUND_ROBIN + source_addr + b10.128.0.132 + New + + + Fractal_VIP2_LB + + + 7100 + + + 7100 + + 7100 + + 7101 + + + 7101 + + 7101 + + + + 7100 + + FJT-OASRM01 + 7100 + FJT-OASRM02 + 7100 + + 7101 + + FJT-OASRM01 + 7101 + FJT-OASRM02 + 7101 + + + 4058 + 4059 + v4058 + v4059 + + + + + + RESOURCE_TYPE_FAST_L4 + fastL4 + LB_METHOD_ROUND_ROBIN + source_addr + b10.128.0.134 + New + + + Fractal_VIP3_LB + + + 443 + + + 443 + + 443 + + + + 443 + + FJT-OASRM01 + 443 + FJT-OASRM02 + 443 + + + 4058 + 4059 + v4058 + v4059 + + + + + + RESOURCE_TYPE_FAST_L4 + fastL4 + LB_METHOD_ROUND_ROBIN + source_addr + b10.128.0.138 + New + + + Fractal_VIP4_LB + + + 7100 + + + 7100 + + 7100 + + 7101 + + + 7101 + + 7101 + + + + 7100 + + ACE-IASRM01 + 7100 + ACE-IASRM02 + 7100 + + 7101 + + ACE-IASRM01 + 7101 + ACE-IASRM02 + 7101 + + + 4058 + 4059 + v4058 + v4059 + + + + + + RESOURCE_TYPE_FAST_L4 + fastL4 + LB_METHOD_ROUND_ROBIN + source_addr + b10.128.0.136 + New + + + Fractal_VIP5_LB + + + 7100 + + + 7100 + + 7100 + + 7101 + + + 7101 + + 7101 + + + + 7100 + + ACE-OASRM01 + 7100 + ACE-OASRM02 + 7100 + + 7101 + + ACE-OASRM01 + 7101 + ACE-OASRM02 + 7101 + + + 4058 + 4059 + v4058 + v4059 + + + + + + RESOURCE_TYPE_FAST_L4 + fastL4 + LB_METHOD_ROUND_ROBIN + source_addr + b10.128.0.142 + New + + + Fractal_VIP6_LB + + + 80 + + + 80 + + 80 + + + + 80 + + ACE-OASRM01 + 80 + ACE-OASRM02 + 80 + + + 4058 + 4059 + v4058 + v4059 + + + + + + RESOURCE_TYPE_FAST_L4 + fastL4 + LB_METHOD_ROUND_ROBIN + source_addr + b10.128.0.146 + New + + + + + admin + fatuzi69 + New + aadmin.Fractal_Systems + + + + + + w27757 + Modify + 2010-10-07T10:46:24.204777000+09:00 + New + + + w27757 + Modify + 2010-10-07T11:24:06.277349000+09:00 + Completed + + + w27779 + Modify + 2010-10-07T13:50:55.031271000+09:00 + New + + + w27779 + Modify + 2010-10-07T14:12:36.521032000+09:00 + Completed + + + w27805 + Modify + 2010-10-07T17:07:00.591538000+09:00 + New + + + w27805 + Modify + 2010-10-07T17:28:55.812314000+09:00 + Completed + + + w27831 + Modify + 2010-10-08T09:53:38.694846000+09:00 + New + + + w27831 + Modify + 2010-10-08T10:21:36.246424000+09:00 + Completed + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/xml/wFractal.xml ruby-ox-2.14.9/xml/wFractal.xml --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/xml/wFractal.xml 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/xml/wFractal.xml 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,1012 @@ + + + wFractal + Fractal + 2010-10-08T12:22:12.985217558+09:00 + 2010-10-08T12:22:12.985217558+09:00 + kvh + New + iFractal_Systems + + + + + + Isolated + 10 + + + sJPTMCV107A1-2 + + sJPTMCV105B1 + + sJPTMCV106B1 + + sJPTMCV108A1-2 + + + APSEG + v4076 + 4076 + New + + + + + Isolated + 10 + + + sJPTMCV107A1-2 + + sJPTMCV105B1 + + sJPTMCV106B1 + + sJPTMCV108A1-2 + + + Ext + v4060 + 4060 + New + + + + 29 + Public + 100 + + + sJPTMCV107A1-2 + + sJPTMCV105B1 + + sJPTMCV106B1 + + sJPTMCV108A1-2 + + + + + Fractal-public + v125 + 125 + New + + + + 25 + Shared + 10 + + + sJPTMCV107A1-2 + + sJPTMCV105B1 + + sJPTMCV106B1 + + sJPTMCV108A1-2 + + + FW + v4059 + 4059 + New + + + + 25 + Shared + 10 + + + sJPTMCV107A1-2 + + sJPTMCV105B1 + + sJPTMCV106B1 + + sJPTMCV108A1-2 + + + LB + v4058 + 4058 + New + + + + + FJT-IASDB01 + + Windows_2008_Standard_x32_jp + fatuzi69 + + + -9 + + APSEG + + storage + + + + 4076 + 5 + + mCN701504TM + + FJTDBNSF01 + + + + S01 + eCN701504TM + New + + + FJT-OASDB01 + + Windows_2008_Standard_x32_jp + fatuzi69 + + + -9 + + APSEG + + storage + + + + 4076 + 5 + + mCN701504TN + + FJTDBNSF01 + + + + S01 + eCN701504TN + New + + + FJT-CASCR01 + + Windows_2008_Standard_x32_jp + fatuzi69 + + + -9 + + APSEG + + Ext + + + + 4076 + 4060 + + mCN700908C2 + + + + S01 + eCN700908C2 + New + + + ACE-IASDB01 + + Windows_2008_Standard_x32_jp + fatuzi69 + + + -9 + + APSEG + + storage + + + + 4076 + 5 + + mCN701802BK + + ACEDBNSF01 + + + + E01 + eCN701802BK + New + + + ACE-OASDB01 + + Windows_2008_Standard_x32_jp + fatuzi69 + + + -9 + + APSEG + + storage + + + + 4076 + 5 + + mCN701802BM + + ACEDBNSF01 + + + + E01 + eCN701802BM + New + + + ACE-CASCR01 + + Windows_2008_Standard_x32_jp + fatuzi69 + + + -9 + + APSEG + + Ext + + + + 4076 + 4060 + + mCN701802BN + + + + E01 + eCN701802BN + New + + + FJT-IASRM01 + + Windows_2008_Standard_x32_jp + defota29 + + + -9 + + v4058 + + v4076 + + LB + + + + 4058 + 4076 + 4058 + + mCN70090BPP + + + + S01 + eCN70090BPP + New + + + FJT-IASRM02 + + Windows_2008_Standard_x32_jp + defota29 + + + -9 + + v4058 + + v4076 + + LB + + + + 4058 + 4076 + 4058 + + mCN701102PM + + + + S01 + eCN701102PM + New + + + FJT-OASRM01 + + Windows_2008_Standard_x32_jp + ratoka99 + + + -9 + + v4058 + + v4076 + + LB + + + + 4058 + 4076 + 4058 + + mCN701500E9 + + + + S01 + eCN701500E9 + New + + + FJT-OASRM02 + + Windows_2008_Standard_x32_jp + ratoka99 + + + -9 + + v4058 + + v4076 + + LB + + + + 4058 + 4076 + 4058 + + mCN701500EB + + + + S01 + eCN701500EB + New + + + FJT-CASVP01 + + Windows_2008_Standard_x32_jp + ratoka99 + + + -9 + + v4059 + + v4076 + + + + 4059 + 4076 + + mCN701500EC + + + + S01 + eCN701500EC + New + + + ACE-IASRM01 + + Windows_2008_Standard_x32_jp + zoteru30 + + + -9 + + v4058 + + v4076 + + LB + + + + 4058 + 4076 + 4058 + + mCN701902B8 + + + + E01 + eCN701902B8 + New + + + ACE-IASRM02 + + Windows_2008_Standard_x32_jp + zoteru30 + + + -9 + + v4058 + + v4076 + + LB + + + + 4058 + 4076 + 4058 + + mCN701802BX + + + + E01 + eCN701802BX + New + + + ACE-OASRM01 + + Windows_2008_Standard_x32_jp + zoteru30 + + + -9 + + v4058 + + v4076 + + LB + + + + 4058 + 4076 + 4058 + + mCN701802C9 + + + + E01 + eCN701802C9 + New + + + ACE-OASRM02 + + Windows_2008_Standard_x32_jp + zoteru30 + + + -9 + + v4058 + + v4076 + + LB + + + + 4058 + 4076 + 4058 + + mCN701802CC + + + + E01 + eCN701802CC + New + + + ACE-CASVP01 + + Windows_2008_Standard_x32_jp + zoteru30 + + + -9 + + v4059 + + v4076 + + + + 4059 + 4076 + + mCN701902BC + + + + E01 + eCN701902BC + New + + + + + + FJTDBNSF01 + 100 + + + + + + + + d800000020694.cvol28 + + + + + + + ACEDBNSF01 + 100 + + + + + + + + d800000020694.cvol29 + + + + + + + + + + Fractal_FW + v4059 + v125 + 27 + 4059 + 125 + + addr + + netbits + 25 + + + addr + + netbits + 29 + + + pod_web + factal_custom + + + addr + + netbits + 27 + + + Fractal_VIP1_LB + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + addr + + netbits + 25 + + h4059 + New + + + + + + Fractal_VIP1_LB + + + 7100 + + + 7100 + + 7100 + + 7101 + + + 7101 + + 7101 + + + + 7100 + + FJT-IASRM01 + 7100 + FJT-IASRM02 + 7100 + + 7101 + + FJT-IASRM01 + 7101 + FJT-IASRM02 + 7101 + + + 4058 + 4059 + v4058 + v4059 + + + + + + RESOURCE_TYPE_FAST_L4 + fastL4 + LB_METHOD_ROUND_ROBIN + source_addr + b10.128.0.132 + New + + + Fractal_VIP2_LB + + + 7100 + + + 7100 + + 7100 + + 7101 + + + 7101 + + 7101 + + + + 7100 + + FJT-OASRM01 + 7100 + FJT-OASRM02 + 7100 + + 7101 + + FJT-OASRM01 + 7101 + FJT-OASRM02 + 7101 + + + 4058 + 4059 + v4058 + v4059 + + + + + + RESOURCE_TYPE_FAST_L4 + fastL4 + LB_METHOD_ROUND_ROBIN + source_addr + b10.128.0.134 + New + + + Fractal_VIP3_LB + + + 443 + + + 443 + + 443 + + + + 443 + + FJT-OASRM01 + 443 + FJT-OASRM02 + 443 + + + 4058 + 4059 + v4058 + v4059 + + + + + + RESOURCE_TYPE_FAST_L4 + fastL4 + LB_METHOD_ROUND_ROBIN + source_addr + b10.128.0.138 + New + + + Fractal_VIP4_LB + + + 7100 + + + 7100 + + 7100 + + 7101 + + + 7101 + + 7101 + + + + 7100 + + ACE-IASRM01 + 7100 + ACE-IASRM02 + 7100 + + 7101 + + ACE-IASRM01 + 7101 + ACE-IASRM02 + 7101 + + + 4058 + 4059 + v4058 + v4059 + + + + + + RESOURCE_TYPE_FAST_L4 + fastL4 + LB_METHOD_ROUND_ROBIN + source_addr + b10.128.0.136 + New + + + Fractal_VIP5_LB + + + 7100 + + + 7100 + + 7100 + + 7101 + + + 7101 + + 7101 + + + + 7100 + + ACE-OASRM01 + 7100 + ACE-OASRM02 + 7100 + + 7101 + + ACE-OASRM01 + 7101 + ACE-OASRM02 + 7101 + + + 4058 + 4059 + v4058 + v4059 + + + + + + RESOURCE_TYPE_FAST_L4 + fastL4 + LB_METHOD_ROUND_ROBIN + source_addr + b10.128.0.142 + New + + + Fractal_VIP6_LB + + + 80 + + + 80 + + 80 + + + + 80 + + ACE-OASRM01 + 80 + ACE-OASRM02 + 80 + + + 4058 + 4059 + v4058 + v4059 + + + + + + RESOURCE_TYPE_FAST_L4 + fastL4 + LB_METHOD_ROUND_ROBIN + source_addr + b10.128.0.146 + New + + + + + admin + fatuzi69 + New + aadmin.Fractal_Systems + + + + + + w27757 + Modify + 2010-10-07T10:46:24.204777000+09:00 + New + + + w27757 + Modify + 2010-10-07T11:24:06.277349000+09:00 + Completed + + + w27779 + Modify + 2010-10-07T13:50:55.031271000+09:00 + New + + + w27779 + Modify + 2010-10-07T14:12:36.521032000+09:00 + Completed + + + w27805 + Modify + 2010-10-07T17:07:00.591538000+09:00 + New + + + w27805 + Modify + 2010-10-07T17:28:55.812314000+09:00 + Completed + + + w27831 + Modify + 2010-10-08T09:53:38.694846000+09:00 + New + + + w27831 + Modify + 2010-10-08T10:21:36.246424000+09:00 + Completed + + + + + + + diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/xml/wr.xml ruby-ox-2.14.9/xml/wr.xml --- ruby-ox-2.11.0/xml/wr.xml 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ ruby-ox-2.14.9/xml/wr.xml 2022-02-10 23:24:14.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,453 @@ + + + w23461 + 23461 + 2010-08-09T18:25:11.389608495+09:00 + 2010-08-10T15:52:54.806533000+09:00 + ohler + Completed + iTDC_SOFTWARE + + + + + 29 + Public + 10 + + + sJPTMCV107A1-2 + + sJPTMCV105B1 + + sJPTMCV106B1 + + sJPTMCV108A1-2 + + + + + TDC_Public + v121 + 121 + New + + + + 29 + Shared + 0 + + + sJPTMCV107A1-2 + + sJPTMCV105B1 + + sJPTMCV106B1 + + sJPTMCV108A1-2 + + + mira + v4070 + 4070 + New + + + + 29 + Shared + 0 + + + sJPTMCV107A1-2 + + sJPTMCV105B1 + + sJPTMCV106B1 + + sJPTMCV108A1-2 + + + kaname + v4069 + 4069 + New + + + + 29 + Shared + 0 + + + sJPTMCV107A1-2 + + sJPTMCV105B1 + + sJPTMCV106B1 + + sJPTMCV108A1-2 + + + teresa + v4066 + 4066 + New + + + + + yoshika + + CentOS_5.5_x64_jp + zigeyi22 + + + -9 + + teresa + + kaname + + + + 4066 + 4069 + + mCN701802GY + + + E01 + eCN701802GY + New + + + mio + + CentOS_5.5_x64_jp + zigeyi22 + + + -9 + + teresa + + kaname + + + + 4066 + 4069 + + mCN701802H9 + + + E01 + eCN701802H9 + New + + + charlotte + + CentOS_5.5_x64_jp + zigeyi22 + + + -9 + + teresa + + + + 4066 + + mCN701802FJ + + + S01 + eCN701802FJ + New + + + erica + + CentOS_5.5_x64_jp + zigeyi22 + + + -9 + + teresa + + + + 4066 + + mCN701802FK + + + S01 + eCN701802FK + New + + + lucchini + + CentOS_5.5_x64_jp + zigeyi22 + + + -9 + + teresa + + + + 4066 + + mJPT0203AF6 + + + P01 + eJPT0203AF6 + New + + + sanya + + CentOS_5.5_x64_jp + zigeyi22 + + + -9 + + teresa + + + + 4066 + + mJPT0203AF7 + + + P01 + eJPT0203AF7 + New + + + + + + TDC_Sftw_Eng_FW + mira + TDC_Public + 29 + 4070 + 121 + + addr + + netbits + 29 + + + addr + + netbits + 29 + + + pod_web + pod_mail_client + pod_mail_server + pod_dns_ntp + pod_ssh + pod_management + pod_rdp + pod_ftp + + + addr + + netbits + 29 + + + TDC_Sftw_Eng_LB + + + + + + + + addr + + netbits + 29 + + h4070 + New + + + + + + TDC_Sftw_Eng_LB + + 80 + 4069 + 4070 + kaname + mira + + + + + + RESOURCE_TYPE_FAST_L4 + + + + 80 + + + + 80 + + + + mio + 80 + yoshika + 80 + + fastL4 + LB_METHOD_ROUND_ROBIN + + b10. + New + + + + + admin + zigeyi22 + New + aadmin.TDC_SOFTWARE + + + + + + w23461 + Modify + 2010-08-09T17:50:26.648823000+09:00 + New + + + w23461 + Modify + 2010-08-09T17:50:28.649910000+09:00 + Partial + + + w23461 + Modify + 2010-08-09T18:22:04.092542000+09:00 + Completed + + + + 1500 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff -Nru ruby-ox-2.11.0/xml/zoo2.xml 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