--- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/pymol.menu +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/pymol.menu @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +?package(pymol):\ + needs="x11" \ + section="Applications/Science/Chemistry" \ + command="/usr/bin/pymol" \ + icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/pymol.xpm" \ + title="PyMOL" \ + longtitle="PyMOL Molecular Graphics System" --- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/dirs +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/dirs @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +/usr/share/pymol --- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/pymol.install +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/pymol.install @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +data/chempy usr/share/ +data/pymol usr/share/ +data/demo/* usr/share/pymol/demo/ +data/tut/* usr/share/pymol/demo/ +data/pmg_tk/bitmaps/builder/* usr/share/pymol/pmg_tk/bitmaps/builder/ + +debian/pymol.xpm usr/share/pixmaps/ +debian/pymol.desktop usr/share/applications/ + +debian/pymol-ref-card.pdf usr/share/doc/pymol/ --- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/pymol.launch.in +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/pymol.launch.in @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#!/bin/sh +# debian wrapper script for pymol + +export PYMOL_PATH=`python@PYTHON_VERSION@ -c "from imp import find_module; print find_module('pymol')[1]"` +export PYMOL_DATA=/usr/share/pymol +export CHEMPY_DATA=/usr/share/chempy + +python@PYTHON_VERSION@ -m pymol.__init__ ${1+"$@"} --- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/watch +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/watch @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# See uscan(1) for format +# TODO: http://pymol.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/pymol/tags.tar.gz?view=tar +# opts=uversionmangle=s/^/0~svn\./,downloadurlmangle=s/xmds\?view.*$/xmds\/trunk\/xmds-doc.tar.gz\?view=tar/,filenamemangle=s/^.*revision=(\d+)$/xmds-doc-0~svn.$1.tar.gz/ \ +# +# http://xmds.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/xmds/trunk/xmds-doc/ .*revision=(\d+)$ +# +#version=3 +#opts=uversionmangle=s/^(?!1)0?([\d]+)/0\.$1/;s/(.*)rc(.*)/$1~$2/, \ +# http://pymol.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/pymol/tags/ /viewvc/pymol/tags/(?:[rv])?([\d\.]+(?:r\d+)?)(?:rc\d+)?/ + +version=3 +opts=uversionmangle=s/b(\d+)/~beta$1/g, \ + http://sf.net/pymol/pymol-v?([^-]+)(?:-src)?\.tar\.bz2 --- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/control +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/control @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +Source: pymol +Section: science +Priority: optional +Maintainer: Debichem Team +Uploaders: Michael Banck , + Daniel Leidert (dale) +Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), dpatch, python, python-dev, + python-numpy, freeglut3-dev, libglew1.5-dev, libpng12-0-dev, tk8.4-dev, + libfreetype6-dev, python-support (>= 0.4), texlive-latex-base +Standards-Version: 3.9.1 +Homepage: http://www.pymol.org +Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debichem/ +Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/debichem/unstable/pymol/ +DM-Upload-Allowed: yes + +Package: pymol +Architecture: any +Depends: ${python:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, python-tk, python-pmw +Recommends: apbs +Description: Molecular Graphics System + PyMOL is a molecular graphics system targetted at medium to large + biomolecules like proteins. It can generate high-quality publication-ready + molecular graphics images and animations. + . + Features include: + * Visualization of molecules, molecular trajectories and surfaces + of crystallography data or orbitals + * Molecular builder and sculptor + * Internal raytracer and movie generator + * Fully extensible and scriptable via a Python interface + . + File formats PyMOL can read include PDB, XYZ, CIF, MDL Molfile, ChemDraw, + CCP4 maps, XPLOR maps and Gaussian cube maps. --- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/pymolRef.tex +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/pymolRef.tex @@ -0,0 +1,307 @@ +\documentclass[landscape]{article} +% $Id: vi-ref.tex,v 1.9 2004/09/28 18:19:11 dbindner Exp $ +% Copyright 2002-2005 Donald Bindner +% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License +% as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 +% of the License, or (at your option) any later version. +% +% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +% GNU General Public License for more details. +% +% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. + +\usepackage{multicol} + +\setlength{\textheight}{7.5 in} +\setlength{\textwidth}{10 in} +\setlength{\hoffset}{-2 in} +\setlength{\voffset}{-1 in} +\setlength{\footskip}{12 pt} +\setlength{\oddsidemargin}{1.5 in} +\setlength{\evensidemargin}{1.5 in} +\setlength{\topmargin}{.5 in} +\setlength{\headheight}{12 pt} +\setlength{\headsep}{0 in} + +\setlength{\parindent}{0 in} + +\ifx \pdfpagewidth \undefined +\else + \pdfpagewidth=11in % page width of PDF output + \pdfpageheight=8.5in % page height of PDF output +\fi + +\begin{document} +\thispagestyle{empty} +\fontsize{9}{10}\selectfont + +\newcommand{\key}[2]{#1 \hfill \texttt{#2}\par} +\newcommand{\head}[1]{{\large\textbf{#1}}\\} + +\begin{multicols}{3} +{\Large Pymol Reference Card} + +\vskip 10pt + +\vbox{\head{Modes} +Pymol supports two modes of input: point and click mode, and command line mode. The point and click allows you to quickly rotate the molecule(s) zoom in and out and change the clipping planes. The command line mode where commands are entered into the external GUI window supports all of the commands in the point and click mode, but is more flexible and possibly useful for complex selection and command issuing. Commands entered on the command line are executed when you press the return key.\par +\key{command help}{help \textit{keyword}} +} + +\vskip 5pt +\vbox{\head{Loading Files} +\key{file loading}{load data/test/pept.pdb} +\key{loading from terminal}{pymol data/test/pept.pdb} +\key{toggle between text and graphics}{\textit{Esc}} +\key{toggle Y axis rocking}{rock} +\key{stereo view}{stereo on/off} +\key{stereo type}{stereo crosseye / walleye / quadbuffer} +\key{undo action}{undo} +\key{reset view}{reset} +\key{reinitialize Pymol}{reinitialize} +\key{quit (force, even if unsaved)}{quit} +} + +\vskip 5pt + +\vbox{\head{Mouse Control} +\vskip 5pt +\begin{tabular}{l|cccc} + & L & M & R & Wheel\\ + & Rota & Move & MovZ & Slab \\ +\hline +Shift & +Box & -Box & Clip & MovS \\ +Ctrl & +/- & PkAt & Pk1 & --- \\ +CtSh & Sele & Cent & Menu & --- \\ +DblClk & Menu & Cent & PkAt & --- \\ +\end{tabular}\par +\key{set the center of rotation}{origin \textit{selection}} +} + +\vskip 5pt + +\vbox{\head{Atom Selection} +\textit{object-name/segi-id/chain-id/resi-id/name-id} +\vskip 5pt +\key{molecular system selection}{/pept} +\key{molecule selection}{/pept/lig} +\key{chain selection}{/pept/lig/a} +\key{residue selection}{/pept/lig/a/10} +\key{atom}{/pept/lig/a/10/ca} +\key{ranges}{lig/a/10-12/ca} +\key{ranges}{a/6+8/c+o} +\key{missing selections}{/pept//a} +\key{naming a selection}{select bb, name c+o+n+ca} +\key{count atoms in a selection}{count\_atoms bb} +\key{remove atoms from a selection}{remove resi 5} +\key{general}{all, none, hydro, hetatm, visible, present} +\key{atoms not in a selection}{select sidechains, ! bb} +\key{atoms with a vdW gap $<$ 3~\r{A}}{resi 6 around 3} +\key{atom centers with a gap $<$ 1.0~\r{A}}{resi 6 near 1} +\key{atoms centers within $<$ 1.0~\r{A}}{within 4 resi 6} +} + +\vskip 5pt + +\vbox{\head{Basic Commands} +Some commands used with atoms selections. If you are unsure about the selection, click on the molecule part that you want in the viewing window and then look at the output line to see the selection.\par +\vskip 5pt +\key{fill viewer with selection}{zoom, /pept//a} +\key{center a selection}{center /pept//a} +\key{colour a selection}{colour pink, /pept//a} +\key{force Pymol to reapply colours}{recolor} +\key{set background colour}{bg\_color, white} +\key{vdW representation of selection}{show spheres, 156/ca} +\key{stick representation of selection}{show sticks, a//} +\key{line representation of selection}{show lines, /pept} +\key{ribbon representation of selection}{show ribbon, /pept} +\key{dot representation of selection}{show dots, /pept} +\key{mesh representation of selection}{show mesh, /pept} +\key{surface representation of selection}{show surface, /pept} +\key{nonbonded representation of selection}{show nonbonded, /pept} +\key{nonbonded sphere representation of selection}{show nb\_spheres, /pept} +\key{cartoon representation of selection}{show cartoon automatic, a//} +\key{clear all}{hide all} +\key{rotate a selection}{rotate \textit{axis}, \textit{angle}, \textit{selection}} +\key{translate a selection}{translate [x,y,z], \textit{selection}} +} + +\vskip 5pt + +\vbox{\head{Cartoon Settings} +Setting the value at the end to 0 forces the secondary structure to go though the CA position.\par +\key{cylindrical helices}{set cartoon\_cylindrical\_helices,1} +\key{fancy helices [tubular edge]}{set cartoon\_fancy\_helices,1} +\key{flat sheets}{set cartoon\_flat\_sheets,1} +\key{smooth loops}{set cartoon\_smooth\_loops,1} +\key{find rings for cartoon}{set cartoon\_ring\_finder,[1,2,3,4]} +\key{ring mode}{set cartoon\_ring\_mode,[1,2,3]} +\key{nucleic acid mode}{set nucleic\_acid\_mode,[0,1,2,3,4]} +\key{cartoon sidechains}{set cartoon\_side\_chain\_helper; rebuild} +\key{primary colour}{set cartoon\_color,blue} +\key{secondary colour}{set cartoon\_highlight\_color,grey} +\key{limit colour to ss}{set cartoon\_discrete\_colors,on} +\key{cartoon transparency}{set cartoon\_transparency,0.5} +\key{cartoon loop}{show cartoon loop, a//} +\key{cartoon rectangular}{show cartoon rect, a//} +\key{cartoon oval}{show cartoon oval, a//} +\key{cartoon tubular}{show cartoon tube, a//} +\key{cartoon arrow}{show cartoon arrow, a//} +\key{cartoon dumbell}{show cartoon dumbell, a//} +} + +\vskip 5pt + +\vbox{\head{Image Output} +\key{low resolution}{ray} +\key{high resolution}{ray 2000,2000} +\key{ultra-high resolution}{ray 5000,5000} +\key{change the default size [pts]}{viewport 640,480} +\key{image shadow control}{set ray\_shadow,0} +\key{image fog control}{set ray\_trace\_fog,0} +\key{image depth cue control}{set depth\_cue,0} +\key{image antialiasing control}{set antialias,1} +\key{export image as .png}{png \textit{image}.png} +} + +\vskip 5pt + +\vbox{\head{Hydrogen Bonding} +Draw bonds between atoms and label the residues that are involved.\par +\vskip 5pt +\key{draw a line between atoms}{distance 542/oe1,538/ne} +\key{set the line dash gap}{set dash\_gap,0.09} +\key{set the line dash width}{set dash\_width,3.0} +\key{set the line dash radius}{set dash\_radius,0.0} +\key{set the line dash length}{set dash\_length,0.15} +\key{set round dash ends}{set dash\_round\_ends,on} +\key{hide a label}{hide labels, dist01} +\key{label a reside}{label (542/oe1), "\%s" \%("E542")} +\key{set label font}{set label\_font\_id,4} +\key{set label colour}{set label\_color,white} +} + +\vskip 5pt + +\vbox{\head{Electrostatics} +There are a number of ways to apply electrostatics in Pymol. The user can use GRASP to generate a map and then import it. Alternatively the user can use the APBS Pymol plugin. Pymol also has a built in function that is quick and dirty.\par +\key{generate electrostatic surface}{action > generate>vacuum electrostatics > protein contact potential} +} + +\vskip 5pt + +\vbox{\head{Pymol Movies (mac)} +\key{move the camera}{move x,10} +\key{turn the camera}{turn x,90} +\key{play the movie}{mplay} +\key{stop the movie}{mstop} +\key{writeout png files}{mpng \textit{prefix} [, first [, last]]} +\key{show a particular frame}{frame \textit{number}} +\key{move forward on frame}{forward} +\key{move back one frame}{backwards} +\key{go to the start of the movie}{rewind} +\key{go to the middle of the movie}{middle} +\key{go to the movie end}{ending} +\key{determine the current frame}{get\_frame} +\key{clear the movie cache}{mclear} +\key{execute a command in a frame}{mdo 1, turn x,5; turn y,5;} +\key{dump current movie commands}{mdump} +\key{reset the number of frames per second}{meter\_reset} +} + +\vskip 10pt +\vbox{\head{Miscellaneous} +\key{add hydrogens in to a molecule selection}{h\_add} +alias a set of commands separated by ";" +\key{}{alias go,load 1hpv.pdb; zoom 200/; show sticks, 200/ around 8} +\key{structurally align}{align prot1////CA, prot2, object=alignment} +\key{fit one molelcule to another}{fit \textit{selection}, \textit{target}} +\key{copy at selection}{copy \textit{target}, \textit{source}} +\key{create a new selection}{create \textit{target}, \textit{selection}} +\key{delete a selection}{delete \textit{selection}} +\key{save file}{save \textit{filename}, \textit{selection}} +\key{protect or deprotect a selection}{[de]protect \textit{selection}} +\key{mask or demask to allow/stop selection}{[un]mask \textit{selection}} +\key{align coordinates with axis}{orient \textit{selection}} +\key{get the current rotation matrix}{get\_view} +\key{input a rotation matrix}{set\_view} +\key{safely refresh the scene}{refresh} +\key{store a scene}{view \textit{name}, store, \textit{description}} +\key{restore a view}{view \textit{name}, [recall]} +\key{set a new colour}{set\_color \textit{name}, \textit{rgb}} +} + +\vskip 10pt + +\vbox{\head{Secondary Structures} +Pymol has a secondary structure determination algorithm called dss, however it is better to use the DSSP algorithm and then define the limits manually.\par +\vskip 5pt +\key{to run dss}{dss \textit{selection}} +\key{to define helical structure}{alter 11-40/, ss='H'} +\key{to define loop regions}{alter 40-50/, ss='L'} +\key{to define strand structure}{alter 50-60/, ss='S'} +\key{rebuild the cartoon after alteration}{rebuild} +\key{get dihedral angle}{get\_dihedral 4/n,4/c,4/ca,4/cb} +} + +\vskip 10pt + +\vbox{\head{Files} +\key{change the working directory}{cd $<$path$>$} +\key{list contents of current directory}{ls} +\key{print current working directory}{pwd} +} + +\vskip 10pt + +\vbox{\head{Crystal Structures} +To recreate crystal packing of molelcules within 5~\r{A} of pept in the pept.pdb (which must contain CRYST date), use the symexp command. +\key{}{symexp sym,pept,(pept),5.0} +} + +\vskip 10pt + +\vbox{\head{NMR Structures} +NMR models should be loaded into the same object, but should have different states. +\key{load a model into an object}{load \textit{file.pdb}, \textit{object}} +\key{show all models in an object}{set all\_states,1} +\key{show only one object model}{set all\_states,0} +\key{show a particular model}{frame \textit{model\_number}} +\key{determine which model}{get\_model} +\key{fit two structures to one another}{fit \textit{selection}} +\key{fit and calculate the rms}{rms \textit{selection}} +\key{rms without fitting}{rms\_cur \textit{selection}} +\key{fit ensemble structures}{intra\_fit \textit{selection},1} +\key{calculate rms}{intra\_rms \textit{selection},\textit{state}} +\key{ensemble rms without fitting}{intra\_rms\_cur \textit{selection},\textit{state}} +} + +\vskip 10pt + +\vbox{\head{Changing Structures} +\key{add a bond}{bond atom1, atom2} +\key{remove bonds}{unbond atom1,atom2} +\key{join to molecules together}{fuse [atom1, atom2]} +} + +\vskip 10pt + +\vbox{\head{Old School Images} +Load a .pdb and make a cartoon view. Then change the background colour to white and change the ray mode to 2.\par +\key{}{set ray\_trace\_mode,2} +\key{make the lines thinner}{set antialias,2} +\key{raytrace the image}{ray} +} + + +\end{multicols} + +\vspace{\fill} +\copyright 2007-2009 R. Bryn\ Fenwick -- licensed under the terms of the GNU +General Public License 2.0 or later. +\end{document} --- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/changelog +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/changelog @@ -0,0 +1,568 @@ +pymol (1.4.1-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream release. + + [ Daniel Leidert ] + * debian/watch: Adjusted to catch the re-introduced tarball download. + + -- Michael Banck Sat, 27 Aug 2011 19:17:05 +0200 + +pymol (1.4~beta1-1) experimental; urgency=low + + [ Michael Banck ] + * New upstream beta release. + * debian/patches/13_activate_vmd_plugin: Refreshed. + * debian/patches/18_enable_gl_shaders.dpatch: Removed, no longer needed. + * debian/control (Build-Depends): Added libglew1.5-dev. + + -- Michael Banck Sun, 17 Apr 2011 00:26:31 +0200 + +pymol (1.3r2-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream release. + * debian/patches/13_activate_vmd_plugin: Removed, no longer needed. + * debian/patches/19_blosum_matrix_path.dpatch: Refreshed. + * debian/patches/24_autodock_plugin.dpatch: New patch, includes the + autodock plugin from Daniel Seeliger. + * debian/patches/00list: Adjusted. + * debian/control (Standards-Version): Bumped to 3.9.1. + * debian/control (Depends): Added ${misc:Depends}. + + -- Michael Banck Sat, 16 Apr 2011 23:12:01 +0200 + +pymol (1.2r2-1.1) unstable; urgency=low + + * Non-maintainer upload. + * debian/patches/23_bts576210_FTBFS_ia64.dpatch + - fix a FTBFS on ia64, working aroung a bug in GCC; thanks to Jakub Wilk for + the report and patch; Closes: #576210 + + -- Sandro Tosi Mon, 10 May 2010 09:34:51 +0200 + +pymol (1.2r2-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream release. This upload is dedicated to the pymol founder and + lead developer Warren DeLano, who passed away on November 3rd, 2009. + + [ Daniel Leidert (dale) ] + * debian/patches/18_enable_gl_shaders.dpatch: Refreshed. + + [ Michael Banck ] + * debian/patches/21_fix_png_batch_mode.dpatch: New patch, fixes PNG + generation in batch mode, by Vincent Fourmond (closes: #560412). + * debian/patches/22_fix_pymol_import.dpatch: New patch, fixes importing of + pymol module from python (closes: #556878). + + -- Michael Banck Sun, 27 Dec 2009 18:55:26 +0100 + +pymol (1.2r1-3) unstable; urgency=low + + * debian/pymol.launch.in: Don't execute the package (closes: #550721). + Otherwise package execution fails with python 2.6 and 3. + + -- Daniel Leidert (dale) Wed, 04 Nov 2009 00:17:15 +0100 + +pymol (1.2r1-2) unstable; urgency=low + + * debian/control (Build-Depends): Added python for python.mk. + * debian/pymol.launch.in: Replace $* with $@ and add a construct to replace + the test (closes: #549268). + * debian/rules: Include python.mk. + (install): Use --install-layout=deb via py_setup_install_args (closes: + #547871). + * debian/patches/02_test-suite.dpatch: Adjusted. + - test/pymol-test: Include /usr/lib/pythonX.Y/dist-packages too. + * debian/patches/20_output_license_terms.dpatch: Added. + - Show the Debian package copyright file when using 'Output License + Terms', which fully reproduces the LICENSE file. + * debian/patches/00list: Adjusted. + + -- Daniel Leidert (dale) Sat, 03 Oct 2009 01:04:21 +0200 + +pymol (1.2r1-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream release. + + [ Michael Banck ] + * debian/patches/06_remove_shebang.dpatch: Removed, applied upstream. + * debian/patches/13_activate_vmd_plugin.dpatch: Updated. + * debian/patches/14_script_not_executable.dpatch: Removed, applied upstream. + * debian/patches/16_pymem_del.dpatch: Likewise. + * debian/patches/17_cmyk_png_data_path.dpatch: Updated. + * debian/pymol.launch.in: Add quotes around $* to not fail on filenames with + whitespace in them (closes: #506967). + * debian/rules (clean): Removed bashism (closes: #535410). + * debian/control (Homepage): Updated. + * debian/control (Uploaders): Removed Li Daobing. + * debian/patches/18_enable_gl_shaders.dpatch: New patch, enable OpenGL + shaders, taken from upstream. + * debian/pymol.launch.in: Do not add $* to command line if empty, avoiding a + traceback on startup. + * debian/rules (GCC43_ICES_HERE): Removed. + * debian/control (Build-Depends): Removed g++-4.2 on arm and armel + (closes: #533794). + * debian/control (Build-Depends): Replaced glutg3-dev with freeglut3-dev + (closes: #543702). + + [ Daniel Leidert ] + * debian/control: Added DM-Upload-Allowed field. + (Standards-Version): Bumped to 3.8.3. + (Vcs-Svn): Fixed vcs-field-uses-not-recommended-uri-format. + (Description): Fixed typo (thanks to lintian). + * debian/pymol-32.xpm: Renamed to debian/pymol.xpm. + * debian/pymol.applications, + debian/gnome-pymol.keys, + debian/gnome-pymol.mime: Dropped. This is for GNOME<=2.4. + * debian/pymol.dirs, + debian/pymol.install: Added for debhelper-based build system. + * debian/pymol.doc-base: Added to register reference card. + * debian/pymol.menu (icon): Fixed after rename. + * debian/pymol.launch.in: Fixed PYMOL_PATH (closes: #529417). Make this + self-detecting (closes: #516040). + * debian/rules: Reworked to be more debhelper-like and clean. Permission + fixes have been dropped (fixed upstream). + * debian/README.source: Added to comply to policy. + * debian/patches/04_Rules.make.dpatch: Dropped. + * debian/patches/05_examples_data_path.dpatch: Adjusted to use PYMOL_DATA. + * debian/patches/19_blosum_matrix_path.dpatch: Added. + - modules/pymol/fitting.py: Search for the matrices in the correct path + (closes: #511810). + + -- Michael Banck Sat, 19 Sep 2009 13:43:04 +0200 + +pymol (1.1-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream release. + + [ Daniel Leidert (dale) ] + * debian/control (Uploaders): Added myself. + * debian/pymol.1: Added basic man-page for pymol (closes: #148399). + * debian/rules (binary-arch): Install man-page for pymol. + * debian/patches/11_fix__cmd_import.dpatch: Added a short description based + on the changelog entry to satisfy lintian. + + [ Michael Banck ] + * debian/patches/17_cmyk_png_data_path.dpatch: Fix the location lookup for + cmyk.png; closes: #490067. + * debian/pymolRef.tex: New file, taken from pymol community wiki + http://www.pymolwiki.org. + * debian/copyright: Add GPLv2 notice for debian/pymolRef.tex. + * debian/control (Build-Depends): Added texlive-latex-base. Replaced + python-numeric with python-numpy. + * debian/rules (build): Run pdflatex to create reference card from + debian/pymolRef.tex. + * (install): Copy it to $(BUILD_DIR)/usr/share/doc/pymol/pymol-ref-card.pdf. + * (clean): Remove pdflatex created files. + * debian/patches/12_align_matrix.dpatch: Removed, applied upstream. + * debian/patches/15_fix_scripting_mode.dpatch: Likewise. + * debian/patches/13_activate_vmd_plugin.dpatch: Refreshed. + * debian/rules (install): Create $(BUILD_DIR)/usr/share/doc/pymol. + * debian/control (Description): Updated. + * debian/README.Debian: Removed entry from 19 May 2002. + + -- Michael Banck Wed, 23 Jul 2008 03:42:15 +0200 + +pymol (1.1~beta3-3) unstable; urgency=low + + [ LI Daobing ] + * debian/pymol.desktop: fix lintian info + desktop-entry-contains-encoding-key. + + [ Michael Banck ] + * debian/control (Build-Depends): Added g++-4.2 on arm, armel. + * debian/rules: Use g++-4.2 on arm, armel; by Adeodato Simo; + closes: #478034. + + -- Michael Banck Sat, 26 Apr 2008 16:07:33 +0200 + +pymol (1.1~beta3-2) unstable; urgency=low + + * debian/patches/16_pymem_del.dpatch: Fix usage of different memory + APIs; by Barry deFreese; closes: #468989. + + -- Michael Banck Sun, 16 Mar 2008 14:26:06 +0100 + +pymol (1.1~beta3-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream prerelease. + + [ Michael Banck ] + * debian/patches/15_fix_scripting_mode.dpatch: Fix the scripting + (command-line) mode; by Anders Norgaard; closes: #459644. + + [ LI Daobing ] + * debian/control: + - add me to uploaders. + - bump standards version to 3.7.3, nothing need change. + * debian/rules: remove build directory and other two files in clean. + (Closes: #442706) + * add a new 32x32 xpm icon: + - debian/pymol-32.xpm: added. (resize from debian/pymol.xpm) + - debian/rules: install pymol-32.xpm. + - debian/pymol.menu: use 32x32 xpm icon. + * debian/rules: don't install empty directory. + * fix lintian warning: script-not-executable + - debian/patches/14_script_not_executable.dpatch: added. + - debian/patches/00list: updated. + + -- Michael Banck Fri, 15 Feb 2008 20:38:42 +0100 + +pymol (1.0r2-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream release. + + [ Daniel Leidert ] + * debian/control: Added Homepage and XS-Vcs-* fields. Added get-orig-source + target to retrieve source from SVN. + (Build-Depends): Raised debhelper compat level. + * debian/pymol.menu (section): Menu section transition. + * debian/rules: DH_COMPAT is obsolete. Better use debian/compat. Raised + level to debhelper 5. + * debian/watch: Fixed. Upstream doesn't provide tarballs anymore, so we + check their SVN. + + [ Michael Banck ] + * debian/patches/13_activate_vmd_plugin.dpatch: Build the VMD plugin, + by Martin Hoefling. + * debian/control (Maintainer): Change to Debichem Team. + + -- Michael Banck Fri, 12 Oct 2007 15:47:49 +0200 + +pymol (1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream release. + + [ Daniel Leidert ] + * debian/watch: Added. + + [ LI Daobing ] + * debian/rules: lintian doesn't like "-$(MAKE) clean", see bug#325372 + + [ Michael Banck ] + * debian/README.Debian: Remove link to obsolete manual and mention + http://www.pymolwiki.org/ as documenation source. + * debian/rules (dh_installchangelogs): CHANGES got renamed to ChangeLog. + * debian/rules (dh_installdocs): Include AUTHORS. + * debian/patches/05_examples_data_path.dpatch: Updated. + * debian/pymol.launch.in: Remove quotes around $*; closes: #409188. + * debian/rules (clean): Don't fail if Makefile is not present. + * debian/patches/12_align_matrix.dpatch: New patch to fix patch for + align command. Based on a patch by Charles Plessy and further input + by Thomas Gaillard; closes: #385550. + + -- Michael Banck Thu, 5 Jul 2007 13:13:00 +0200 + +pymol (0.98+0.99rc8-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream release candidate. + + [ Michael Banck ] + * debian/rules (install): Install builder ring bitmaps into + /usr/share/pymol/pmg_tk/bitmaps/builder; closes: #422229. + * debian/patches/09_chempy_data_path.dpatch: Updated. + * debian/patches/05_examples_data_path.dpatch: Likewise. + * debian/patches/09_chempy_data_path.dpatch: Updated to fix the + pathname for the mutagenesis wizard; closes: #410108. + + [ LI Daobing ] + * debian/pymol.desktop: fix warning for desktop-file-validate. + + -- Michael Banck Tue, 8 May 2007 18:02:59 +0200 + +pymol (0.98+0.99rc6-2) unstable; urgency=low + + * debian/control (Recommends): Added apbs. + * Sync with Ubuntu; closes: #379508, #378825. + * Acknowledge NMU; closes: #380910. + + -- Michael Banck Tue, 26 Sep 2006 00:08:41 +0200 + +pymol (0.98+0.99rc6-1.1) unstable; urgency=low + + * Non-maintainer upload. + * Update packate to the last python policy (Closes: 380910): + + use dh_pysupport. + + add 11_fix__cmd_import.dpatch to fix an import that does not behaves + well. + + adapt the wrapper to the new path's. + * Bump Standards-Version to 3.7.2. + * Bump DH_COMPAT to 4. + * Fix more files that have wrong executable bits set. + + -- Pierre Habouzit Wed, 30 Aug 2006 11:09:00 +0200 + +pymol (0.98+0.99rc6-1ubuntu1) edgy; urgency=low + + * Re-merge with Debian + + -- Barry deFreese Sun, 23 Jul 2006 17:39:15 -0400 + +pymol (0.98+0.99rc6-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream release candidate. + * debian/patches/02_test-suite.dpatch: Resync. + * debian/patches/03_povray.dpatch: Likewise. + * debian/patches/05_examples_data_path.dpatch: Likewise. + * debian/patches/09_chempy_data_path.dpatch: Likewise. + * debian/control (Build-Depends): Added libfreetype6-dev. + + -- Michael Banck Fri, 30 Jun 2006 02:05:00 +0200 + +pymol (0.98-1ubuntu2) dapper; urgency=low + + * Merged existing desktop files and updated to current freedestkop + standards. Closes Ubuntu #36435 + + -- Zygmunt Krynicki Sat, 25 Mar 2006 01:22:38 +0100 + +pymol (0.98-1ubuntu1) breezy; urgency=low + + * Resynchronise with Debian. + * Sponsored for Barry DeFreese (Closes: Ubuntu #12487) + + -- Stephan Hermann Sun, 24 Jul 2005 11:43:59 +0200 + +pymol (0.98-1ubuntu2) dapper; urgency=low + + * Merged existing desktop files and updated to current freedestkop + standards. Closes Ubuntu #36435 + + -- Zygmunt Krynicki Sat, 25 Mar 2006 01:22:38 +0100 + +pymol (0.98-1ubuntu1) breezy; urgency=low + + * Resynchronise with Debian. + * Sponsored for Barry DeFreese (Closes: Ubuntu #12487) + + -- Stephan Hermann Sun, 24 Jul 2005 11:43:59 +0200 + +pymol (0.98-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * The 'Fixing Ubunt^W^WPreparing for Python Transition' Release. + * New upstream release. + * debian/patches/03_povray.dpatch: Updated. + * debian/rules (install): Create application-registry directory. + * debian/patches/02_test-suite.dpatch (pymol-test): Do not + hardcode python version. + * debian/pymol.launch: Renamed to ... + * debian/pymol.launch.in: ... this, and generalize occurances of + python versions to @PYTHON_VERSION@. + * debian/rules (debian/pymol.launch): New rule, processing + debian/pymol.launch.in. + * debian/rules (build-stamp): Depend on debian/pymol.launch. + + -- Michael Banck Sun, 3 Jul 2005 12:56:15 +0200 + +pymol (0.97-3) unstable; urgency=low + + * debian/control (Depends): Use ${python:Depends} instead of + exlicitely specifying the current default python version. + * (Build-Depends): Use python-dev and python-numeric rather than + specific versions. + * debian/pymol.dirs: Removed. + * debian/rules (install): Grouped creation of directories together + and create missing directories under $(BUILD_DIR)/usr/share as + well as $(BUILD_DIR)/usr/bin. + + -- Michael Banck Tue, 5 Apr 2005 13:14:24 +0200 + +pymol (0.97-2) unstable; urgency=low + + * debian/patches/09_chempy_data_path.dpatch: Include relevant chempy + changes from the old 01_data_path.dpatch and adopt it slightly to + use CHEMPY_PATH. Reported by Christoph Scheurer. + * debian/pymol.launch: Use $CHEMPY_PATH instead of $CHEMPY_DATA_PATH. + + -- Michael Banck Sat, 8 Jan 2005 15:50:45 +0100 + +pymol (0.97-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream release. + * debian/patches/10_png_includes: Dropped, included upstream. + * debian/patches/00list (10_png_includes.dpatch): Removed. + * debian/control (Build-Depends): Added python; closes: #261040. + * debian/pymol.launch (PYMOL_PATH): New environment variable to work + around upstream breakage for the time being. + + -- Michael Banck Fri, 6 Aug 2004 03:02:32 +0200 + +pymol (0.95-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream release. + * (layer0/MyPNG.c): Reorder #includes in MyPNG.c. + (10_png_includes.dpatch) + * debian/patches/00list (10_png_includes.dpatch): Added. + * debian/control (Build-Depends): Drop gcc-2.95 again, #229080 does + not show up anymore with th current gcc. + * debian/rules (CC): Removed. + + -- Michael Banck Wed, 7 Apr 2004 21:34:02 +0200 + +pymol (0.93-5) unstable; urgency=low + + * debian/control (Build-Depends): Really only depend on gcc-2.95 on + ia64 and hppa; closes: #235709. + * debian/rules (PYMOL_PATH): New variable, to make sure the test- + suite is able to find its data files. + + -- Michael Banck Tue, 2 Mar 2004 15:20:32 +0100 + +pymol (0.93-4) unstable; urgency=low + + * debian/rules: Only set CC=2.95 if not building for ia64 or hppa. + * debian/control: Do not Build-Depend on gcc-2.95 on ia64 and hppa; + closes: #235658. + + -- Michael Banck Mon, 1 Mar 2004 23:04:21 +0100 + +pymol (0.93-3) unstable; urgency=low + + * debian/control (Build-Depends): Revert to gcc-2.95 to evade segmen- + tation faults when rendering lines with binaries built with gcc-3.x. + * debian/rules: Export CC=gcc-2.95; closes: #229080. + + -- Michael Banck Sun, 22 Feb 2004 11:12:13 +0100 + +pymol (0.93-2) unstable; urgency=low + + * Fix environment-variable handling in modules/pymol/wizards/ + mutagenesis.py; closes: #225590. + (09_chempy_data_path.dpatch) + * 05_examples_data_path.dpatch: Updated to find 1hpv.pdb for the + 'Scripted Animation' demo. + + -- Michael Banck Sat, 3 Jan 2004 23:08:13 +0100 + +pymol (0.93-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream release. + * debian/patches/00list (01_data_path.dpatch): Dropped, fixed + upstream. + (07_setup.py._opengl-libs.dpatch): Likewise. + (08_setup.py_missing_file.dpatch): Likewise. + * debian/pymol.launch: Changed $PYMOL_DATA_PATH to $PYMOL_DATA, in + order to follow upstream. + + -- Michael Banck Sun, 2 Nov 2003 12:06:10 +0100 + +pymol (0.90-2) unstable; urgency=low + + * 01_data_path.dpatch: + - Factor out examples/-directory into 05_examples_data_path.dpatch. + - Factor out patch for modules/chempy/cex.py into + 06_remove_shebang.dpatch. + * debian/pymol.launch: Pass command-line arguments to pymol through + the wrapper script, thanks to Gabor Tusnady for reporting this. + * setup.py (pyogl_libs): Added "GL","GLU","glut" and "png"; + closes: #214026. (07_setup.py._opengl-libs.dpatch) + * (setup Extension): Added layer0/MemoryCache.c. + (08_setup.py_missing_file.dpatch) + + -- Michael Banck Sat, 4 Oct 2003 21:54:58 +0200 + +pymol (0.90-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * 02_test-suite.dpatch: Updated for python2.3, thanks to Matt Kraai; + closes: #207706, #207711 + * 04_Rules.make.dpatch: Activated + * debian/rules: Remove Rules.make linking/removing, handled by + dpatch now + + -- Michael Banck Mon, 1 Sep 2003 19:16:02 +0200 + +pymol (0.90-0.1) unstable; urgency=low + + * NMU + * New upstream release. + * Update for python2.3 (closes: #206302). + + -- Matthias Klose Thu, 28 Aug 2003 21:04:16 +0200 + +pymol (0.88-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream release; closes: #196159 + * debian/pymol.menu: Moved menu entry from Math to Science section + * modules/pymol/povray.py: Fixed command-line again + * debian/control, debian/rules: Switch to dpatch + + -- Michael Banck Mon, 16 Jun 2003 18:16:41 +0200 + +pymol (0.86-3) unstable; urgency=low + + * renamed said hacked pymol script to test/pymol-test + * debian/rules: make test/pymol-test executable + * modules/chempy/cex.py: Removed !# from top, this is no script + as far as pymol is concerned + + -- Michael Banck Mon, 13 Jan 2003 17:36:24 +0100 + +pymol (0.86-2) unstable; urgency=low + + * test/run: Fixed test-suite to import the pymol modules under + debian/pymol by providing a hacked pymol script in test/ + + -- Michael Banck Mon, 13 Jan 2003 14:36:48 +0100 + +pymol (0.86-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream release; closes: #175881 + - Patch for pmw got applied upstream; closes: #160584 + - Hacked around $PYMOL_PATH once more in various places + - Followed Upstream's layout of the data a bit by using + /usr/share/pymol and /usr/share/chempy along with their + subdirectories respectively + * test/run: display the diff in case the test failed + * debian/rules: Use setup.py in build: and clean: target now + * debian/control: Build with libpng12-0-dev now + + -- Michael Banck Mon, 13 Jan 2003 01:16:35 +0100 + +pymol (0.82-2) unstable; urgency=low + + * Switched to python-2.2; closes: #158931 + * modules/pymol/povray.py: Changed PovRay-command + from x-povray to povray; closes: #151190 + * debian/control: Bumped Standards-Version to + + -- Michael Banck Mon, 16 Sep 2002 01:11:57 +0200 + +pymol (0.82-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream release + * Included pymol.xpm icon for menu-system, + fixing the menu entry; closes: #148400 + * debian/control: Removed the Suggestion of pymol-doc for now as + the manual is out of date, documented its website in README.Debian + instead. Still no manpage, sorry + * Included splash.png in /usr/share/pymol and changed + modules/pymol/invocation.py accordingly + * debian/rules: Triggered the test-run + * modules/pmg_tk/Demo.py: Changed all cmd.load to look for the + .pdb-files in /usr/share/pymol/demo and installed those files + there; closes: #148153, #150070 + * debian/control: Trimmed Build-Depends: + + -- Michael Banck Fri, 21 Jun 2002 00:45:18 +0200 + +pymol (0.80-3) unstable; urgency=low + + * Actually compile shared libraries with -fPIC this time + + -- Michael Banck Sat, 25 May 2002 13:08:19 +0200 + +pymol (0.80-2) unstable; urgency=low + + * Suggests: pymol-doc now + * Build shared libraries with -fPIC; closes: #148118 + + -- Michael Banck Sat, 25 May 2002 09:35:51 +0200 + +pymol (0.80-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * Initial Release; closes: #146024 + * Moved data files to /usr/share/pymol + * Removed need for environment variables during execution, hardcoding + the paths for the moment + * Added a link to undocumented.1 for pymol.1 for the moment + + -- Michael Banck Sun, 19 May 2002 15:56:00 +0200 --- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/TODO +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/TODO @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +TODO for pymol +-------------- + + + change to use tilde in version for RC candidates + + + what are the kde-pymol.desktop and gnome-pymol.desktop files used for? + + + replace the install and cp calls if possible by debhelper script calls + + + include scripts/ --- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/copyright +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/copyright @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +This package was debianized by Michael Banck on +Tue, 7 May 2002 23:17:42 +0200. + +It was downloaded from http://pymol.sourceforge.net + +Upstream Author: Warren L. DeLano + +Copyright: + +The PyMOL source code is copyrighted, but you can freely use and copy +it as long as you don't change or remove any of the copyright notices. + +---------------------------------------------------------------------- +PyMOL is Copyright 1998-2002 by Warren L. DeLano of +DeLano Scientific, San Carlos, CA, USA (www.delanoscientific.com). + + All Rights Reserved + +Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and distribute modified +versions of this software and its documentation for any purpose and +without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright +notice appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and +this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that +the names of Warren L. DeLano or DeLano Scientific not be used in +advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software +without specific, written prior permission. + +WARREN LYFORD DELANO AND DELANO SCIENTIFIC DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES +WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL WARREN LYFORD DELANO +OR DELANO SCIENTIFIC BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR +CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS +OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE +OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE +USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. +---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Where indicated, portions of the PyMOL system are instead protected +under the copyrights of the respective authors. However, all code in +the PyMOL system is released as non-restrictive open-source software +under the above license or an equivalent license. + +PyMOL Trademark Notice +====================== + +PyMOL(TM) is a trademark of DeLano Scientific. Derivate software +which contains PyMOL source code must be plainly distinguished from +the PyMOL package distributed by DeLano Scientific in all publicity, +advertising, and documentation. + +The slogans, "Includes PyMOL(TM).", "Based on PyMOL(TM) technology.", +"Contains PyMOL(TM) source code.", and "Built using PyMOL(TM).", may +be used in advertising, publicity, and documentation of derivate +software provided that the notice, "PyMOL is a trademark of DeLano +Scientific.", is included in a footnote or at the end of the document. + +All other endorsements employing the PyMOL trademark require specific, +written prior permission. + +--Warren L. DeLano (warren@delanoscientific.com) + +The file debian/pymolRef.tex is copyright 2007-2009 by R. Bryn Fenwick under +the following license: + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this package; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + +On Debian systems, the GNU General Public license version 2 can be found in +the file `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2'. --- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/compat +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/compat @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +5 --- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/README.source +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/README.source @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +pymol source for Debian +----------------------- + +This package uses the `dpatch' patch management solution. See +/usr/share/doc/dpatch/README.source.gz. + + -- Daniel Leidert (dale) , 2009 --- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/examples +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/examples @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +test/dat/*.pdb +examples/chempy/generate_amber.py +examples/chempy/generate_mmff.py +examples/devel/povray01.py --- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/pymol.doc-base +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/pymol.doc-base @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +Document: pymol-ref-card +Title: RyMOL reference card +Author: Robert Bryn Fenwick +Abstract: The PyMOL reference card (cheat sheet) contains an overview + for PyMOL modes, commands and usage. +Section: Science/Chemistry + +Format: PDF +Files: /usr/share/doc/pymol/pymol-ref-card.pdf.gz --- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/pymol.mime +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/pymol.mime @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +chemical/x-pdb; viewer=/usr/bin/pymol; test=test "$DISPLAY" != ""; description=Protein DataBank Format; nametemplate=%s.pdb; priority=6 --- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/pymol.dirs +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/pymol.dirs @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +usr/bin +usr/share/applications +usr/share/chempy +usr/share/doc/pymol +usr/share/pixmaps +usr/share/pymol/demo +usr/share/pymol/pmg_tk/bitmaps/builder --- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/README.Debian +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/README.Debian @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +pymol for Debian +---------------- + +Community-maintained documentation for pymol is available at +http://www.pymolwiki.org/. + + -- Michael Banck , Thu, 05 Jul 2007 11:43:55 +0200 --- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/pymol.desktop +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/pymol.desktop @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +[Desktop Entry] +Version=1.0 +Name=PyMOL Molecular Graphics System +Name[pl]=PyMOL, graficzny modeler cząsteczek +GenericName=Molecular Modeller +GenericName[pl]=Modeler cząsteczek +Comment=Model molecular structures and produce high-quality images of them +Comment[pl]=Program do tworzenia i wizualizowania modeli cząsteczek +Type=Application +Exec=pymol +Icon=pymol +MimeType=chemical/x-pdb +Categories=Education;Science;Chemistry; --- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/rules +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/rules @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +#!/usr/bin/make -f +# -*- Makefile -*- + +DEB_BUILD_ARCH=$(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_ARCH) +DEB_HOST_ARCH=$(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH) + +PACKAGE = pymol + +export PYMOL_PATH=$(CURDIR) +PYTHON_VERSION := $(shell pyversions -dv) + +include /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch.make +-include /usr/share/python/python.mk + +BUILD_DIR = $(CURDIR)/debian/$(PACKAGE) + +build: build-stamp debian/pymol-ref-card.pdf debian/pymol.launch +build-stamp: patch-stamp + dh_testdir + python setup.py build + touch $@ + +clean: unpatch + dh_testdir + dh_testroot + [ ! -f Makefile ] || $(MAKE) distclean + python setup.py clean + rm -rf build test/tmp test/cmp + dh_clean build-stamp install-stamp debian/pymol.launch \ + debian/pymol-ref-card.* Rules.make test/pymol-test + +install: build + dh_testdir + dh_testroot + dh_clean -k + dh_installdirs + python setup.py install --prefix $(BUILD_DIR)/usr --no-compile $(py_setup_install_args) + install -m 755 debian/pymol.launch $(BUILD_DIR)/usr/bin/pymol + #install -m 644 examples/devel/cgo03.py $(BUILD_DIR)/usr/share/pymol/demo + +test-run: + chmod +x test/pymol-test + (cd test && ./run) + +debian/pymol-ref-card.pdf: debian/pymolRef.tex + pdflatex -output-directory $(@D) -jobname pymol-ref-card $< + +debian/pymol.launch: debian/pymol.launch.in + sed -e s/@PYTHON_VERSION@/$(PYTHON_VERSION)/g < $< > $@ + +binary-indep: build install +binary-arch: build install test-run + dh_testdir + dh_testroot + dh_installchangelogs ChangeLog + dh_installdocs -A AUTHORS DEVELOPERS README + dh_install + dh_installexamples + dh_installman debian/pymol.1 + dh_installmenu + dh_installmime + dh_link + dh_pysupport + dh_strip + dh_compress -Xpdb + dh_fixperms + dh_installdeb + dh_shlibdeps + dh_gencontrol + dh_md5sums + dh_builddeb + +binary: binary-indep binary-arch +.PHONY: binary clean + +# This following code is used to create the .orig.tar.gz tarball. +# Use it to prepare it for a new release. +# +version=$(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | sed -n -e 's/^Version: \(.*\)-[^-]*$$/\1/p' ) + +.PHONY: get-orig-source +get-orig-source: + set -ex ; \ + TMPDIR="pymol-$(version).orig" ; \ + svn export https://pymol.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/pymol/tags/$(version)/pymol/ "$$TMPDIR" ; \ + GZIP=-9 tar --directory=$(CURDIR) -czf \ + $(CURDIR)/pymol_$(version).orig.tar.gz \ + pymol-$(version).orig ; \ + rm -rf "$$TMPDIR" --- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/pymol.1 +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/pymol.1 @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +.TH "PYMOL" "1" "2008-05-06" "" "User commands" + +.SH NAME +pymol \- free and flexible molecular graphics and modelling package + +.SH SYNOPSIS +.B pymol +.RB [ options ] +.RI [ files ] + +.SH DESCRIPTION +Over the years, PyMOL has become a capable molecular viewer with support for +animations, high-quality rendering, crystallography, and other common molecular +graphics activities. It has been adopted by many hundreds (perhaps even +thousands) of scientists spread over thirty countries. However, PyMOL is still +very much a work in progress, with development expected to continue for years +to come. + +.SH OPTIONS +These options are currently supported: + +.TP +.B \-2 +Start in two-button mouse mode. +.TP +.B \-c +Command line mode, no GUI. For batch opeations. +.TP +.BI \-d " string" +Run pymol command string upon startup. +.TP +.B \-e +Start in full-screen mode. +.TP +.BI \-f " #line" +Controls display of commands and feedback in OpenGL (\fB0\fR=\fIoff\fR). +.TP +.BI \-g " file.png" +Write a PNG file (after evaluating previous arguments) +.TP +.B \-i +Disable the internal OpenGL GUI (object list, menus, etc.) +.TP +.BI \-l " file.py" +Spawn a python program in new thread. +.TP +.B \-o +Disable security protections for session files. +.TP +.B \-p +Listen for commands on standard input. +.TP +.B \-q +Quiet launch. Suppress splash screen & other chatter. +.TP +.BI \-r " file.py" +Run a Python program (in \fI__main__\fR) on startup. +.TP +.BI \-s " script" +Save commands to this PyMOL script or program file. +.TP +.B \-t +Use Tcl/Tk based external GUI module (\fIpmg_tk\fR). +.TP +.BI \-u " script" +Load and append to this PyMOL script or program file. +.TP +.B \-x +Disable the external GUI module. +.TP +.B \-B +Enable blue-line stereo signal (for Mac stereo) +.TP +.B \-G +Start in Game mode. +.TP +.B \-M +Force mono even when hardware stereo is present. +.TP +.B \-R +Launch Greg Landrum's XMLRPC listener. +.TP +.B \-S +Force and launch in stereo, if possible. +.TP +.BI \-X " int " \-Y " int " \-W " int " \-H " int " \-V " int " +Adjust window geometry. + +.PP +All \fIfiles\fR provided will be loaded or run after PyMOL starts. +They can have one of the following extensions: +.sp +.nf +\&\.pml PyMOL command script to be run on startup +\&\.py[cm] Python program to be run on startup +\&\.pdb Protein Data Bank format file to be loaded on startup +\&\.mmod Macromodel format to be loaded on startup +\&\.mol MDL MOL file to be loaded on startup +\&\.sdf MDL SD file to be parsed and loaded on startup +\&\.xplor X-PLOR Map file (ASCII) to be loaded on startup +\&\.ccp4 CCP4 map file (BINARY) to be loaded on startup +\&\.cc[12] ChemDraw 3D cartesian coordinate file +\&\.pkl Pickled ChemPy Model (class "\fIchempy.model.Indexed\fR") +\&\.r3d Raster3D file +\&\.cex CEX file (Metaphorics) +\&\.top AMBER topology file +\&\.crd AMBER coordinate file +\&\.rst AMBER restart file +\&\.trj AMBER trajectory +\&\.pse PyMOL session file +\&\.phi Delphi/Grasp Electrostatic Potential Map +.fi + +.PP +For a list of options, you can also enter the following in the command line +of \fBpymol\fR: +.IP +.B help launching + +.SH COMMANDS +Please refer to PyMols online documentation +at \fI\%http://www.pymolwiki.org/index.php/Category:Commands\%\fR or its internal +help for a command reference. + +.SH AUTHOR +This manpage was written by \fBDaniel Leidert\fR <\&daniel.leidert@wgdd.de\&> +for the Debian distribution (but may be used by others). + --- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/pymol.xpm +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/pymol.xpm @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +/* XPM */ +static char *pymol-32[] = { +/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */ +"32 32 95 2", +" c #003700370037", +". c #081B07E9081C", +"X c #0A540A370A51", +"o c #143414261422", +"O c #184B17F3184C", +"+ c #1BF11BC81BD3", +"@ c #241423DC23C9", +"# c #284228692808", +"$ c #2C422C062BE9", +"% c #30CE3054302B", +"& c #355B352134CF", +"* c #383D3824381A", +"= c #38C0387337F1", +"- c #3CB03C623C87", +"; c #444C440B4469", +": c #496447E047E8", +"> c #48D1483A48FE", +", c #48E6492D47DA", +"< c #4B5F4B0D4B1A", +"1 c #4CBE52894D17", +"2 c #50FE4FC95007", +"3 c #510E4FD45277", +"4 c #54AB5496549B", +"5 c #578C57C85895", +"6 c #55695C3F555A", +"7 c #5D8154E25546", +"8 c #5BAC5C3B5BD6", +"9 c #5C5B5D5169FB", +"0 c #5CA860527367", +"q c #5F3163BA5F68", +"w c #5F2E697F5FA2", +"e c #56F3739C56C6", +"r c #5CFB71755D42", +"t c #5F447BF65F64", +"y c #65DA5EB35D23", +"u c #643C6514644E", +"i c #659E693965D7", +"p c #697967376758", +"a c #6D696B4D628D", +"s c #6C316C376BDD", +"d c #66A5678C75D0", +"f c #6E906EC87140", +"g c #62B07546626B", +"h c #6DB0732B6D97", +"j c #6BF27BF56B07", +"k c #7E726B636B52", +"l c #792474B5705E", +"z c #73AC744B73DE", +"x c #728074CD7D3E", +"c c #757E7C4D756B", +"v c #77DE78A27995", +"b c #7913777771CB", +"n c #79817B257834", +"m c #7B6D7ED67B5F", +"M c #7FBB801F80FA", +"N c #5BAE826F5B80", +"B c #64FF814B684F", +"V c #684783BE687C", +"C c #69D287AC69CC", +"Z c #6D8688C36DE0", +"A c #749582407463", +"S c #780C884978A0", +"D c #754C8BC174EA", +"F c #7CD183A07CFA", +"G c #7D598C757BED", +"H c #778C939C77CE", +"J c #768F9B2C7725", +"K c #7D8595CA7D73", +"L c #7A1CA39A7A2F", +"P c #7EEE81418629", +"I c #7FC689BD81DA", +"U c #82777FC17CF8", +"Y c #847382987906", +"T c #8DE587A77A14", +"R c #97D68D477B59", +"E c #9ACD894776D4", +"W c #856D85E48545", +"Q c #85A28D6785F1", +"! c #8B258DC38B79", +"~ c #844693F38485", +"^ c #86FC9A2E87AE", +"/ c #8CF894938CA8", +"( c #89449E06880D", +") c #8CE19C4C8D55", +"_ c #90409141909E", +"` c #91AD98318CD2", +"' c #9422966F93FD", +"] c #94AE9CAA9518", +"[ c #9D659E3E9CC8", +"{ c #9413A6A494B8", +"} c #9711ADA396F8", +"| c #9D2EA5F79CDD", +" . c #98BCAB5C9889", +".. c #9BD4ACC89B79", +"X. c #A5B3AB5AA5D9", +/* pixels */ +" ", +" ", +" ", +" ", +" o X . ", +" + ; : $ . ", +" X 4 z m p > # . ", +" O 8 m ' m z 4 @ ", +" . $ u P { ) _ h - o ", +" . < W ] . .^ f > O ", +" O + o + s [ X...| ) s 2 # ", +" O : 4 - # o @ s ' | { _ ~ w 8 - . ", +" # 8 z i z u * . O < z S L F A w 4 - . ", +" . % y F ! _ W u @ . $ 4 u J D A 4 : # . ", +" . - s Q ) ] / s & . # 8 n ( H V 4 > # ", +" . - s Q ) ^ G u < + O q W [ S B < 3 - . ", +" . $ 8 F / Q K m p - . . > z W z 0 9 5 : o ", +" O > y c Q ^ / U 5 o . $ < 5 8 d x q ; o ", +" $ > i G ~ ' / i @ # - - - u W ~ z 8 + ", +" O * 6 z Q ' W 8 - > 8 > < z Q / W f # ", +" . + ; u n Y 8 4 8 8 r 1 , h Q ` W s # ", +" @ 4 s k y q h V N e 1 w G ( Y 5 O ", +" . % 3 5 a Z K j 6 g C g g D z 9 O ", +" O - > u A ~ z p j H s 5 c Q p # ", +" o - p c K G U T Y f 8 u i 4 O ", +" . - u I Z G R E b u ; % & @ . ", +" . ; z b 8 h b a 8 5 % . ", +" $ 5 4 < 8 y 5 4 : + ", +" . O O O @ - ; - # . ", +" . o X ", +" ", +" " +}; --- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/patches/11_fix__cmd_import.dpatch +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/patches/11_fix__cmd_import.dpatch @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run +## 11_fix__cmd_import.dpatch by Pierre Habouzit +## +## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch. +## DP: Fixes an import that does not behave well. + +@DPATCH@ +diff -urNad pymol-0.98+0.99rc6~/modules/pymol/__init__.py pymol-0.98+0.99rc6/modules/pymol/__init__.py +--- pymol-0.98+0.99rc6~/modules/pymol/__init__.py 2006-08-30 11:44:52.000000000 +0200 ++++ pymol-0.98+0.99rc6/modules/pymol/__init__.py 2006-08-30 11:48:51.000000000 +0200 +@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ + _cmd.runpymol(block_input_hook) # only returns if we are running pretend GLUT + # from pymol.embed import wxpymol # never returns + +- import _cmd ++ from pymol import _cmd + import cmd + + def thread_launch(pa): --- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/patches/20_output_license_terms.dpatch +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/patches/20_output_license_terms.dpatch @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run +## 20_output_license_terms.dpatch by Daniel Leidert (dale) +## +## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch. +## DP: We don't install LICENSE to PYMOL_PATH atm, so the 'Output License Terms' +## DP: results in a 'Error: no license terms found.'. So simply output the +## DP: Debian copyright file, which fully reproduces LICENSE too. + +@DPATCH@ +diff -urNad pymol~/modules/pmg_tk/skins/normal/__init__.py pymol/modules/pmg_tk/skins/normal/__init__.py +--- pymol~/modules/pmg_tk/skins/normal/__init__.py 2009-07-09 09:15:27.000000000 +0200 ++++ pymol/modules/pmg_tk/skins/normal/__init__.py 2009-09-20 02:31:35.000000000 +0200 +@@ -790,7 +790,7 @@ + command = lambda v=val,s=self,sn=setting_name: s.cmd.set(sn, v)) + + def cat_terms(self): +- for path in [ "$PYMOL_PATH/LICENSE.txt", "$PYMOL_PATH/LICENSE.TXT", "$PYMOL_PATH/LICENSE" ]: ++ for path in [ "$PYMOL_PATH/LICENSE.txt", "$PYMOL_PATH/LICENSE.TXT", "$PYMOL_PATH/LICENSE", "/usr/share/doc/pymol/copyright" ]: + path = self.pymol.cmd.exp_path(path) + if os.path.exists(path): + print string.strip(open(path).read()) --- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/patches/09_chempy_data_path.dpatch +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/patches/09_chempy_data_path.dpatch @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +#! /bin/sh -e +## 09_chempy_data_path.dpatch by Michael Banck +## +## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch. +## DP: Patch replacing CHEMPY_DATA_PATH by PYMOL_PATH + +[ -f debian/patches/00patch-opts ] && . debian/patches/00patch-opts +patch_opts="${patch_opts:--f --no-backup-if-mismatch}" + +if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then + echo >&2 "`basename $0`: script expects -patch|-unpatch as argument" + exit 1 +fi +case "$1" in + -patch) patch $patch_opts -p1 < $0;; + -unpatch) patch $patch_opts -p1 -R < $0;; + *) + echo >&2 "`basename $0`: script expects -patch|-unpatch as argument" + exit 1;; +esac + +exit 0 +@DPATCH@ +--- pymol-0.88.orig/modules/chempy/tinker/__init__.py ++++ pymol-0.88/modules/chempy/tinker/__init__.py +@@ -151,3 +151,4 @@ + if os.path.exists(test_path): + params_path = test_path + ++params_path = os.environ['CHEMPY_DATA'] + '/tinker' +--- pymol/modules/pymol/wizard/mutagenesis.py.orig 2007-05-08 17:35:07.000000000 +0200 ++++ pymol/modules/pymol/wizard/mutagenesis.py 2007-05-08 17:35:36.000000000 +0200 +@@ -35,8 +35,7 @@ + + self.dep = default_dep + +- self.ind_library = io.pkl.fromFile(os.environ['PYMOL_PATH']+ +- "/data/chempy/sidechains/sc_bb_ind.pkl") ++ self.ind_library = io.pkl.fromFile("/usr/share/chempy/sidechains/sc_bb_ind.pkl") + self.load_library() + self.status = 0 # 0 no selection, 1 mutagenizing + self.bump_check = 1 +--- pymol/modules/pymol/wizard/mutagenesis.py.orig 2007-05-08 17:49:55.000000000 +0200 ++++ pymol/modules/pymol/wizard/mutagenesis.py 2007-05-08 17:50:14.000000000 +0200 +@@ -108,8 +108,7 @@ + def load_library(self): + if self.dep == 'dep': + if not hasattr(self,'dep_library'): +- self.dep_library = io.pkl.fromFile(os.environ['PYMOL_PATH']+ +- "/data/chempy/sidechains/sc_bb_dep.pkl") ++ self.dep_library = io.pkl.fromFile("/usr/share/chempy/sidechains/sc_bb_dep.pkl") + + def set_mode(self,mode): + if mode in self.modes: --- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/patches/02_test-suite.dpatch +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/patches/02_test-suite.dpatch @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +#! /bin/sh -e +## 02_test-suite.dpatch by Michael Banck +## +## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch. +## DP: Patch to make the test-suite work during debian build-time. + +[ -f debian/patches/00patch-opts ] && . debian/patches/00patch-opts +patch_opts="${patch_opts:--f --no-backup-if-mismatch}" + +if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then + echo >&2 "`basename $0`: script expects -patch|-unpatch as argument" + exit 1 +fi +case "$1" in + -patch) patch $patch_opts -p1 < $0;; + -unpatch) patch $patch_opts -p1 -R < $0;; + *) + echo >&2 "`basename $0`: script expects -patch|-unpatch as argument" + exit 1;; +esac + +exit 0 +@DPATCH@ +diff -urNad pymol~/test/pymol-test pymol/test/pymol-test +--- pymol~/test/pymol-test 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100 ++++ pymol/test/pymol-test 2009-10-01 00:03:11.000000000 +0200 +@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ ++#!/usr/bin/env python ++# NOTE: This file is now obsolete. However it has been left functional ++# and intact in order to promote backwards compatibility with existing ++# PyMOL installs. ++# ++# Future installations should launch pymol by running: ++# "python $PYMOL_PATH/modules/pymol/__init__.py" instead. ++# or ++# by importing "pymol" from within a standalone Python script ++# followed immediately by a call to pymol.finish_launching() ++ ++import thread ++import threading ++import os ++import sys ++import time ++import __main__ ++ ++# let pymol/__init__.py known that we're launching using the old way ++ ++__main__.pymol_launch = 0 ++ ++if hasattr(__main__,"pymol_argv"): ++ pymol_argv = __main__.pymol_argv ++else: ++ pymol_argv = sys.argv ++ ++modules_path = '../debian/pymol/usr/lib/python' + sys.version[0:3] + '/site-packages' ++ ++if modules_path not in sys.path: ++ sys.path.append(modules_path ++ ++modules_path = '../debian/pymol/usr/lib/python' + sys.version[0:3] + '/dist-packages' ++ ++if modules_path not in sys.path: ++ sys.path.append(modules_path) ++ ++import pymol ++ ++pymol.invocation.parse_args(pymol_argv) ++ ++pymol.start_pymol() ++ +diff -urNad pymol~/test/run pymol/test/run +--- pymol~/test/run 2007-05-06 22:14:12.000000000 +0200 ++++ pymol/test/run 2009-10-01 00:00:57.000000000 +0200 +@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ + # --- + + pymol = "pymol" +-cmd = "../pymol" ++cmd = "./pymol-test" + if not os.path.exists(cmd): + cmd = "../../build/Deployment/MacPyMOL.app/Contents/MacOS/MacPyMOL" + cmp = "cmp" +@@ -94,7 +94,8 @@ + diffs = df.readlines() + df.close() + print " run_tests: "+ \ +- postfx+" DIFFERS over about %d lines." % int(len(diffs)/2) ++ postfx+" DIFFERS over about %d lines:" % int(len(diffs)/2) ++ print diffs + else: + print " run_tests: "+postfx+" is missing." + --- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/patches/24_autodock_plugin.dpatch +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/patches/24_autodock_plugin.dpatch @@ -0,0 +1,3868 @@ +#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run +## 23_autodock_plugin.dpatch by Michael Banck +## +## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch. +## DP: Complete source code of version 2.1.1 of the autodock plugin, downloaded +## DP: from http://wwwuser.gwdg.de/~dseelig/autodock.py + +@DPATCH@ +--- /dev/null 2010-04-28 19:42:07.515865926 +0200 ++++ pymol-1.2r2/modules/pmg_tk/startup/autodock.py 2010-05-07 17:04:22.601466737 +0200 +@@ -0,0 +1,3857 @@ ++# Autodock/Vina plugin Copyright Notice ++# ============================ ++# ++# The Autodock/Vina plugin source code is copyrighted, but you can freely use and ++# copy it as long as you don't change or remove any of the copyright ++# notices. ++# ++# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ++# Autodock/Vina plugin is Copyright (C) 2009 by Daniel Seeliger ++# ++# All Rights Reserved ++# ++# Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and distribute modified ++# versions of this software and its documentation for any purpose and ++# without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright ++# notice appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and ++# this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that ++# the name of Daniel Seeliger not be used in advertising or publicity ++# pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written ++# prior permission. ++# ++# DANIEL SEELIGER DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS ++# SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND ++# FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL DANIEL SEELIGER BE LIABLE FOR ANY ++# SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER ++# RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF ++# CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN ++# CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ++# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ ++#================================================================ ++import sys,os,math,re, fnmatch, shutil ++from os import stat ++from os.path import abspath ++from stat import ST_SIZE ++from time import sleep, time ++import Tkinter ++import Tkinter,Pmw ++from Tkinter import * ++import tkMessageBox, tkFileDialog ++import Pmw ++from threading import Thread ++from commands import getstatusoutput ++from pymol import cmd,selector ++from pymol.cmd import _feedback,fb_module,fb_mask,is_list,_cmd ++from pymol.cgo import * ++from pymol import stored ++from numpy import * ++import tkColorChooser ++from pymol.vfont import plain ++from glob import glob ++ ++__version__ = "2.1.1" ++#============================================================================= ++# ++# INITIALISE PLUGIN ++# ++ ++ ++def __init__(self): ++ self.menuBar.addmenuitem('Plugin', 'command', ++ 'Launch Autodock', ++ label='Autodock/Vina', ++ command = lambda s=self: Autodock(s)) ++ ++ cmd.set("retain_order") # keep atom ordering ++ ++ ++#============================================================================= ++# ++# SOME BASIC THINGIES ++# ++ ++intro_text = """ ++Welcome to the updated version of the PyMOL Autodock Plugin.The current version has been ++entirely rewritten and extended. Now you can set up a complete docking run from the very ++beginning, perform the docking runs from within PyMOL and directly load the results into ++the viewer. The plugin now supports the novel Autodock spawn \"VINA\" which is orders of ++magnitudes faster than Autodock4. To get this plugin to work properly you should have the ++mgltools (http://mgltools.scripps.edu/) installed and tell the plugin on this page where ++to find the scripts (usually somewhere in /python/site-packages/AutoDockTools/Utilities24/ ) ++and make sure that they work. Additionally you should tell the plugin where to find the autogrid4, ++autodock4, and vina executables. If you do this once and press the \"Save Configuration File\" ++button this information is present the next time you use the plugin. ++ ++A complete setup and execution of a docking run or a virtual screening is basically a walk ++from the left to the right along the notebook structure if this plugin. Each page is more ++or less intuitive or contains a description of what to do. The basic workflow is: ++Load Structure -> Define binding site -> Receptor preparation -> Ligand preparation -> ++Docking -> Analysis. ++ ++Have fun and contact me (dseelig@gwdg.de) if you find bugs or have any suggestions for future ++versions. ++Daniel ++""" ++ ++receptor_prep_text = """ ++Here you can define receptors from PyMOL selections and setup ++docking runs with flexible sidechains. Pick a selection from the ++selection list and press the Generate Receptor ->" button to prepare ++the protein for a docking run. If you want to use flexible sidechains ++within the binding site just create a PyMOL selection containing the ++residues you want to be flexible. Then use the "Import Selections" ++button and andselect the group in the left list. Then press the ++Select as Flexible->" button. The receptor definition has now changed. ++You can see which residues are flexible in the right list. (Proline, ++Glycine and Alanine residues are never defined as flexible)\n""" ++ ++ligand_prep_text = """ ++On this page you can prepare ligands for docking.The first way ++to do so is to load the ligand into PyMOL and select it in the left ++list (use the "Import Selection" button to synchronize the list with ++PyMOL). The plugin saves your ligand in as .pdb file and puts it ++into the ligand list in the middle of the page. If you press the ++"Generate Ligand" button your ligand will be prepared for docking ++and appears in the right list. Alternatively to loading a ligand via ++PyMOL you can choose an entire directory containing compounds ++in .pdb or .mol2 format. Use the "Import" button to read all ++compounds in the directory and use the "Generate All" button to ++prepare each compound for the docking run.\n""" ++ ++docking_text = """ ++This is the docking page. You have to select a recetor and ++whether you want to use flexible sidechains. You may either ++dock a single ligand from the list above or all ligands you ++have prepared. If you use Autodock4 you have to calculate ++a grid before you can start the actual docking run. Just ++press "Run AutoGrid" and wait until its finished and then ++press the "Run AutoDock" button. The genrated grid maps ++can be loaded into PyMOL on the "Grid Maps" page. If you ++use vina you don't have to calculate a grid. Just press ++"Run VINA" and wait until it is finished.You can load the ++generated docking poses into PyMOL on the "View Poses" page\n""" ++ ++ ++pdb_format="%6s%5d %-4s%1s%3s%2s%4d %11.3f %7.3f %7.3f %5.2f %5.2f" ++ ++# get a temporary file directory ++if not sys.platform.startswith('win'): ++ home = os.environ.get('HOME') ++else: ++ home = os.environ.get('PYMOL_PATH') ++ ++tmp_dir = os.path.join(home,'.ADplugin') ++if not os.path.isdir(tmp_dir): ++ os.mkdir(tmp_dir) ++ print "Created temporary files directory: %s" % tmp_dir ++ ++default_settings = { ++ "grid_spacing" : '0.375', ++ "n_points_X":'60', ++ "n_points_Y":'60', ++ "n_points_Z":'60', ++ "grid_center_selection":'(all)', ++ "grid_center_X":'0', ++ "grid_center_Y":'0', ++ "grid_center_Z":'0', ++ "dx":'1.0', ++ "dy":'1.0', ++ "dz":'1.0', ++ "box_cylinder_size":'0.2', ++ "box_mesh_line_width":'1', ++ "box_mesh_grid_size":'1', ++ "box_file_name":'box.dat', ++ "gpf_file_name":'grid.gpf', ++ "config_file_name":'config.txt', ++ "rank_dat_file_name":'scores.dat', ++ "rank_csv_file_name":'scores.csv', ++ "rank_pose_file_name":'poses.pdb', ++ "dlg_input_file":'docked.pdbqt', ++ "map_input_file":'receptor.C.map', ++ "map_threshold":5. ++ } ++ ++BOX_AS_BOX = 0 ++BOX_AS_WIREBOX = 1 ++GRID_CENTER_FROM_SELECTION = 0 ++GRID_CENTER_FROM_COORDINATES = 1 ++ ++ ++ ++#========================================================================== ++# ++# THREAD CLASSES FOR SPAWNING DOCKING JOBS ++ ++ ++class Thread_run(Thread): ++ def __init__ (self,command, previous = None, status_line = None, log_text = None): ++ Thread.__init__(self) ++ self.command = command ++ self.status = -1 ++ self.previous = previous ++ self.status_line = status_line ++ self.log_text = log_text ++ def run(self): ++ if self.previous: ++ self.previous.join() ++ if self.status_line: ++ self.status_line.configure(text = self.log_text) ++ self.status = os.system(self.command) ++ ++class Thread_log(Thread): ++ def __init__(self, logfile, page): ++ Thread.__init__(self) ++ self.page = page ++ self.logfile = logfile ++ def run(self): ++ if not os.environ.has_key('ADPLUGIN_NO_OUTPUT_REDIRECT'): ++ t = Tail(self.logfile) ++ line = t.nextline() ++ self.page.insert('end',"%s" % line) ++ while line: ++ line = t.nextline() ++ self.page.insert('end',"%s" % line) ++ self.page.yview('moveto', 1.0)#, 'page') ++ else: ++ line = 'LOG FILE OUTPUT NOT REDIRECTED' ++ self.page.insert('end',"%s" % line) ++ self.page.yview('moveto', 1.0)#, 'page') ++ ++#========================================================================== ++# ++# CLASSES FOR HANDLING AUTODOCK FILES ++ ++ ++class ADModel: ++ """ STORAGE CLASS FOR DOCKED LIGANDS """ ++ ++ def __init__(self, lst = None): ++ self.atomlines = [] ++ self.energy = 0. ++ self.name = '' ++ self.poseN = 0 ++ self.info = '' ++ self.lst = [] ++ self.num = 0 ++ self.as_string = '' ++ if lst is not None: ++ self.from_list(lst) ++ ++ def from_list(self, lst): ++ self.lst = lst ++ for line in lst: ++ self.info+=line ++ if line.startswith('ATOM') or \ ++ line.startswith('HETATM'): ++ self.atomlines.append(line) ++ self.as_string+='ATOM '+line[6:67]+'\n' ++ elif line.startswith('USER'): ++ if 'Free Energy of Binding' in line: ++ entr = line.split('=')[1] ++ self.energy = float(entr.split()[0]) ++ elif line.startswith('REMARK'): ++ if 'VINA RESULT' in line: ++ entr = line.split(':')[1] ++ self.energy = float(entr.split()[0]) ++ ++ def as_pdb_string(self): ++ return self.as_string ++ def info_string(self): ++ return self.info ++ ++ ++#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ ++class ADGridMap: ++ """ CLASS FOR HANDLING AUTODOCK GRID MAP FILES""" ++ ++ def __init__(self, fp = None, name = 'map'): ++ ++ self.name = '' ++ self.npts = [0,0,0] ++ self.n = [0,0,0] ++ self.center = [0,0,0] ++ self.origin = [0,0,0] ++ self.nelem = 0 ++ self.spacing = 0. ++ self.values = [] ++ self.datafile = '' ++ self.molecule = '' ++ self.paramfile = '' ++ self.precision = 0.0001 ++ if fp is not None: ++ self.read(fp,name) ++ ++ def read(self,fp,name='map'): ++ self.name = name ++ for i in range(6): ++ line = fp.readline() ++ if i == 0: ++ self.paramfile = line.split()[1] ++ elif i == 1: ++ self.datafile = line.split()[1] ++ elif i == 2: ++ self.molecule = line.split()[1] ++ elif i == 3: ++ self.spacing = float(line.split()[1]) ++ elif i == 4: ++ self.npts = [int(x) for x in line.split()[1:]] ++ elif i == 5: ++ self.center = [float(x) for x in line.split()[1:]] ++ for i in range(3): ++ self.n[i] = self.npts[i]+1 ++ self.nelem=self.n[0]*self.n[1]*self.n[2] ++ i = 0 ++ while i < self.nelem: ++ val = float(fp.readline()) ++ self.values.append(val) ++ i+=1 ++ for i in range(3): ++ self.origin[i] = self.center[i]-self.npts[i]/2*self.spacing ++ ++ def meta(self): ++ s= 'GRID_PARAMETER_FILE %s\n' % self.paramfile + \ ++ 'GRID_DATA_FILE %s\n' % self.datafile +\ ++ 'MACROMOLECULE %s\n' % self.molecule +\ ++ 'SPACING %4.3f\n' % self.spacing +\ ++ 'NELEMENTS %d %d %d\n' % (self.npts[0],self.npts[1],self.npts[2]) +\ ++ 'CENTER %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f\n' % (self.center[0],self.center[1],self.center[2]) ++ return s ++ ++ def write(self,fp): ++ print >>fp, 'GRID_PARAMETER_FILE %s' % self.paramfile ++ print >>fp, 'GRID_DATA_FILE %s' % self.datafile ++ print >>fp, 'MACROMOLECULE %s' % self.molecule ++ print >>fp, 'SPACING %4.3f' % self.spacing ++ print >>fp, 'NELEMENTS %d %d %d' % (self.npts[0],self.npts[1],self.npts[2]) ++ print >>fp, 'CENTER %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f' % (self.center[0],self.center[1],self.center[2]) ++ for x in self.values: ++ if abs(x) < self.precision: ++ print >>fp, '0.' ++ else: ++ print >>fp, '%.3f' % x ++ ++ def writeDX(self,fname): ++ fp = open(fname,'w') ++ nx = self.n[0] ++ ny = self.n[1] ++ nz = self.n[2] ++ ori = self.origin ++ spacing = self.spacing ++ vals = self.values ++ ++ print >>fp,'#==================================' ++ print >>fp,'# AutoGrid Map File: %s' % self.name ++ print >>fp,'# Receptor File Name: %s' % self.molecule ++ print >>fp,'#==================================' ++ print >>fp,'object 1 class gridpositions counts %d %d %d' % (nx,ny,nz) ++ print >>fp,'origin %12.5E %12.5E %12.5E' % (ori[0],ori[1],ori[2]) ++ print >>fp,'delta %12.5E %12.5E %12.5E' % (spacing,0,0) ++ print >>fp,'delta %12.5E %12.5E %12.5E' % (0,spacing,0) ++ print >>fp,'delta %12.5E %12.5E %12.5E' % (0,0,spacing) ++ print >>fp,'object 2 class gridconnections counts %d %d %d' % (nx,ny,nz) ++ print >>fp,'object 3 class array type double rank 0 items %d data follows' % len(vals) ++ for k in range(nz): ++ col=0; ++ for j in range(ny): ++ for i in range(nx): ++ fp.write(" %12.5E" % vals[i*ny*nz + j*nz + k]) ++ col+=1; ++ if col==3: ++ print >>fp ++ col=0 ++ print >>fp,'attribute \"dep\" string \"positions\"' ++ print >>fp,'object \"regular positions regular connections\" class field' ++ print >>fp,'component \"positions\" value 1' ++ print >>fp,'component \"connections\" value 2' ++ print >>fp,'component \"data\" value 3' ++ fp.close() ++ ++#========================================================================== ++# ++# CLASSES FOR INTERNAL HANDLING OF RECEPTORS AND LIGANDS ++ ++class Receptor: ++ """CONTAINS ALL INFORMATION ABOUT A DEFINED RECEPTOR""" ++ def __init__(self): ++ self.selection = '' ++ self.pdb_file = '' ++ self.receptor_pdbqt = '' ++ self.receptor_rigid = '' ++ self.receptor_flexible = '' ++ self.flexible_residues = {} ++ self.resi_dic = {} ++ ++ def flex_res_string(self): ++ flex_res_str = '' ++ for key, val in self.flexible_residues.items(): ++ s = os.path.basename(self.receptor_pdbqt)[:-6] ++ lst = [] ++ for idx, resname in val: ++ lst.append( resname + str(idx) ) ++ s+=':'+key+':'+'_'.join(lst) ++ flex_res_str+=s ++ return flex_res_str ++## lst = [] ++## for idx, resname in self.flexible_residues: ++## lst.append( resname+str(idx) ) ++## return '_'.join(lst) ++ ++ def info(self): ++ s= '#===============================================\n' ++ s+=' > Receptor : "%s"\n' % self.selection ++ s+=' > Generated from pdb file : "%s"\n' % self.pdb_file ++ s+=' > Receptor file : "%s"\n' % self.receptor_pdbqt ++ s+=' > Receptor rigid : "%s"\n' % self.receptor_rigid ++ s+=' > Receptor flexible : "%s"\n' % self.receptor_flexible ++# s+=' > Number of flex. residues : %d\n' % len(self.flexible_residues) ++ s+='#===============================================\n' ++ return s ++ ++class Ligand: ++ """CONTAINS ALL INFORMATION ABOUT A LIGAND""" ++ def __init__(self): ++ self.name = '' ++ self.selection = '' ++ self.input_file = '' ++ self.ligand_pdbqt = '' ++ self.outfile_poses = '' ++ ++ def info(self): ++ s= '#=============================================\n' ++ s+=' > Ligand : %s\n' % self.name ++ s+=' > Generated from file : %s\n' % self.input_file ++ s+=' > Ligand pdbqt file : %s\n' % self.ligand_pdbqt ++ s+=' > Poses output file : %s\n' % self.outfile_poses ++ s+='#=============================================\n' ++ return s ++ ++#========================================================================== ++# ++# THE MAJOR, PRETTY BIG PLUGIN CLASS ++ ++class Autodock: ++ """ THE MAJOR PLUGIN CLASS """ ++ ++ def __init__(self,app): ++ parent = app.root ++ self.parent = parent ++ # receptors and ligands ++ self.receptor_dic = {} ++ self.ligand_dic = {} ++ # directory with ligands ++ self.ligand_dir = StringVar() ++ ++ # box display settings ++ self.box_display_mode = IntVar() ++ self.box_display_mode.set(BOX_AS_BOX) ++ self.box_color = [1.,1.,1.] ++ self.box_is_on_display = False ++ self.box_display_cylinder_size = DoubleVar() ++ self.box_display_cylinder_size.set(default_settings['box_cylinder_size']) ++ self.box_display_line_width = DoubleVar() ++ self.box_display_line_width.set(default_settings['box_mesh_line_width']) ++ self.box_display_mesh_grid = DoubleVar() ++ self.box_display_mesh_grid.set(default_settings['box_mesh_grid_size']) ++ self.box_size = [] ++ ++ # grid definition ++ ++ self.grid_spacing = DoubleVar() ++ self.grid_spacing.set(default_settings['grid_spacing']) ++ ++ self.n_points_X = DoubleVar() ++ self.n_points_X.set(default_settings['n_points_X']) ++ self.n_points_Y = DoubleVar() ++ self.n_points_Y.set(default_settings['n_points_Y']) ++ self.n_points_Z = DoubleVar() ++ self.n_points_Z.set(default_settings['n_points_Z']) ++ ++ self.grid_center = [DoubleVar(), DoubleVar(), DoubleVar()] ++ self.grid_center[0].set(default_settings['grid_center_X']) ++ self.grid_center[1].set(default_settings['grid_center_Y']) ++ self.grid_center[2].set(default_settings['grid_center_Z']) ++ ++ # paths to executables ++ self.config_settings = {} ++ self.autodock_tools_path = StringVar() ++ self.autogrid_exe = StringVar() ++ self.autodock_exe = StringVar() ++ self.vina_exe = StringVar() ++ ++ # ligand display settings ++ ++ self.ligand_display_mode = { ++ 'lines':True, ++ 'sticks':False, ++ 'spheres':False, ++ 'surface':False, ++ 'mesh':False ++ } ++ # keep in mind what threads are running ++ self.current_thread = None ++ ++ # build main window ++ ++ self.dialog = Pmw.Dialog(parent, ++ buttons = ('Exit',), ++ title = 'PyMOL Autodock/Vina Plugin', ++ command = self.button_pressed) ++ self.dialog.withdraw() ++ Pmw.setbusycursorattributes(self.dialog.component('hull')) ++ self.status_line = Label(self.dialog.interior(), ++ relief='sunken', ++ font='helvetica 12', anchor='w',fg='yellow',bg='black') ++ self.status_line.pack(side=BOTTOM,fill='x', expand=1, padx=0, pady=0) ++ ++ ++ self.dialog.geometry('650x780') ++ self.dialog.bind('',self.button_pressed) ++ ++ # the title ++ ++ self.title_label = Tkinter.Label(self.dialog.interior(), ++ text = 'PyMOL Autodock/Vina Plugin\nDaniel Seeliger\n', ++ background = 'navy', ++ foreground = 'white', ++ ) ++ self.title_label.pack(expand = 0, fill = 'both', padx = 4, pady = 4) ++ ++ ++ ++ # the basic notebook ++ ++ self.notebook = Pmw.NoteBook(self.dialog.interior()) ++ self.notebook.pack(fill='both',expand=1,padx=3,pady=3) ++ ++ ++ ++ # build pages ++ self.configuration_page = self.notebook.add('Configuration') ++ ++ self.grid_definition_page = self.notebook.add('Grid Settings') ++ self.receptor_preparation_page = self.notebook.add('Receptor') ++ self.ligand_preparation_page = self.notebook.add('Ligands') ++ self.docking_page = self.notebook.add('Docking') ++ self.pose_viewer_page = self.notebook.add('View Poses') ++ self.rank_page = self.notebook.add('Score/Rank') ++ self.map_viewer_page = self.notebook.add('Grid Maps') ++ ++ #--------------------------------------------------------------- ++ # GRID DEFINITION PAGE ++ self.grid_page_main_group = Pmw.Group(self.grid_definition_page, tag_text='Grid Definition') ++ self.grid_page_main_group.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 0, padx=10, pady=5) ++ ++ # grid parameters on the left ++ self.grid_page_left_side = Pmw.Group(self.grid_page_main_group.interior(),tag_text = 'Parameters') ++ self.grid_page_left_side.pack(side = LEFT, fill = 'both',expand = 0, padx = 10, pady = 3) ++ ++ # grid spacing entry ++ self.grid_spacing_frame = Tkinter.Frame(self.grid_page_left_side.interior()) ++ self.grid_spacing_label = Label(self.grid_spacing_frame, text='Spacing:', width = 10) ++ self.grid_spacing_location = Entry(self.grid_spacing_frame, textvariable= self.grid_spacing, bg='black',fg='green', width = 10) ++ self.grid_spacing_scrollbar = Scrollbar(self.grid_spacing_frame, orient = 'horizontal', command = self.grid_spacing_changed) ++ self.grid_spacing_label.pack(side = LEFT, anchor='w') ++ self.grid_spacing_location.pack(side = LEFT, anchor='w') ++ self.grid_spacing_scrollbar.pack(side = LEFT, anchor='w') ++ self.grid_spacing_frame.pack(fill = 'x', padx = 4, pady=1) ++ ++ # n grid points entries ++ self.n_points_X_frame = Tkinter.Frame(self.grid_page_left_side.interior()) ++ self.n_points_X_label = Label(self.n_points_X_frame, text='X-points:', width = 10) ++ self.n_points_X_location = Entry(self.n_points_X_frame, textvariable= self.n_points_X, bg='black',fg='green', width = 10) ++ self.n_points_X_scrollbar = Scrollbar(self.n_points_X_frame, orient = 'horizontal', command = self.n_points_X_changed) ++ self.n_points_X_label.pack(side = LEFT, anchor='w') ++ self.n_points_X_location.pack(side = LEFT, anchor='w') ++ self.n_points_X_scrollbar.pack(side = LEFT, anchor='w') ++ self.n_points_X_frame.pack(fill = 'x', padx = 4, pady=1) ++ ++ self.n_points_Y_frame = Tkinter.Frame(self.grid_page_left_side.interior()) ++ self.n_points_Y_label = Label(self.n_points_Y_frame, text='Y-points:', width = 10) ++ self.n_points_Y_location = Entry(self.n_points_Y_frame, textvariable= self.n_points_Y, bg='black',fg='green', width = 10) ++ self.n_points_Y_scrollbar = Scrollbar(self.n_points_Y_frame, orient = 'horizontal', command = self.n_points_Y_changed) ++ self.n_points_Y_label.pack(side = LEFT, anchor='w') ++ self.n_points_Y_location.pack(side = LEFT, anchor='w') ++ self.n_points_Y_scrollbar.pack(side = LEFT, anchor='w') ++ self.n_points_Y_frame.pack(fill = 'x', padx = 4, pady=1) ++ ++ self.n_points_Z_frame = Tkinter.Frame(self.grid_page_left_side.interior()) ++ self.n_points_Z_label = Label(self.n_points_Z_frame, text='Z-points:', width = 10) ++ self.n_points_Z_location = Entry(self.n_points_Z_frame, textvariable= self.n_points_Z, bg='black',fg='green', width = 10) ++ self.n_points_Z_scrollbar = Scrollbar(self.n_points_Z_frame, orient = 'horizontal', command = self.n_points_Z_changed) ++ self.n_points_Z_label.pack(side = LEFT, anchor='w') ++ self.n_points_Z_location.pack(side = LEFT, anchor='w') ++ self.n_points_Z_scrollbar.pack(side = LEFT, anchor='w') ++ self.n_points_Z_frame.pack(fill = 'x', padx = 4, pady=1) ++ ++ Pmw.alignlabels( [self.grid_spacing_label, ++ self.n_points_X_label, ++ self.n_points_Y_label, ++ self.n_points_Z_label ++ ]) ++ ++ Pmw.alignlabels( [self.grid_spacing_location, ++ self.n_points_X_location, ++ self.n_points_Y_location, ++ self.n_points_Z_location ++ ]) ++ ++ # display option buttons ++ self.display_button_box = Pmw.ButtonBox(self.grid_page_main_group.interior(), padx=0, pady=1,orient='vertical') ++ self.display_button_box.pack(side=LEFT) ++ self.display_button_box.add('Show Box',command = self.show_box) ++ self.display_button_box.add('Hide Box',command = self.hide_box) ++ self.display_button_box.add('Change Box Color',command = self.change_box_color) ++ ++ ++ # display options on the right ++ self.grid_page_right_side = Pmw.Group(self.grid_page_main_group.interior(), tag_text = 'Display Options') ++ self.grid_page_right_side.pack(side = LEFT, fill = 'both', expand = 0, padx = 10, pady = 3) ++ ++ self.box_display_radiogroups = [] ++ self.box_display_radioframe = Tkinter.Frame(self.grid_page_right_side.interior()) ++ ++ self.box_display_cylinder_frame = Pmw.Group(self.box_display_radioframe, ++ tag_pyclass = Tkinter.Radiobutton, ++ tag_text = 'Cylindric Box', ++ tag_value = 0, ++ tag_variable = self.box_display_mode ++ ) ++ self.box_display_cylinder_frame.pack(fill='x',expand = 1,side=TOP) ++ self.box_display_radiogroups.append(self.box_display_cylinder_frame) ++ ++ self.box_display_cylinder_size_frame = Tkinter.Frame(self.box_display_cylinder_frame.interior()) ++ self.box_display_cylinder_size_label = Label(self.box_display_cylinder_size_frame, text = 'Size:', width=10) ++ self.box_display_cylinder_size_location = Entry(self.box_display_cylinder_size_frame, ++ textvariable = self.box_display_cylinder_size, ++ bg = 'black',fg = 'green', width = 10) ++ self.box_display_cylinder_size_scrollbar = Scrollbar(self.box_display_cylinder_size_frame, ++ orient = 'horizontal',command = self.box_display_cylinder_size_changed) ++ ++ ++ self.box_display_cylinder_size_label.pack(side = LEFT) ++ self.box_display_cylinder_size_location.pack(side = LEFT) ++ self.box_display_cylinder_size_scrollbar.pack(side = LEFT) ++ self.box_display_cylinder_size_frame.pack(fill='x',padx = 4, pady=1) ++ ++ ++ self.box_display_wire_frame = Pmw.Group(self.box_display_radioframe, ++ tag_pyclass = Tkinter.Radiobutton, ++ tag_text = 'Wired Box', ++ tag_value = 1, ++ tag_variable = self.box_display_mode ++ ) ++ self.box_display_wire_frame.pack(fill='x',expand = 1) ++ self.box_display_radiogroups.append(self.box_display_wire_frame) ++ ++ self.box_display_mesh_line_width_frame = Tkinter.Frame(self.box_display_wire_frame.interior()) ++ self.box_display_mesh_line_width_label = Label(self.box_display_mesh_line_width_frame, text = 'Line Width:', width=10) ++ self.box_display_mesh_line_width_location = Entry(self.box_display_mesh_line_width_frame, ++ textvariable = self.box_display_line_width, ++ bg='black', fg='green',width = 10) ++ self.box_display_mesh_line_width_scrollbar = Scrollbar(self.box_display_mesh_line_width_frame, ++ orient = 'horizontal',command = self.box_display_line_width_changed) ++ self.box_display_mesh_line_width_label.pack(side = LEFT) ++ self.box_display_mesh_line_width_location.pack(side = LEFT) ++ self.box_display_mesh_line_width_scrollbar.pack(side = LEFT) ++ self.box_display_mesh_line_width_frame.pack(fill='x',padx=4,pady=1) ++ ++ ++ self.box_display_mesh_grid_frame = Tkinter.Frame(self.box_display_wire_frame.interior()) ++ self.box_display_mesh_grid_label = Label(self.box_display_mesh_grid_frame, text = 'Grid Size:', width=10) ++ self.box_display_mesh_grid_location = Entry(self.box_display_mesh_grid_frame, ++ textvariable = self.box_display_mesh_grid, ++ bg='black', fg='green',width = 10) ++ self.box_display_mesh_grid_scrollbar = Scrollbar(self.box_display_mesh_grid_frame, ++ orient = 'horizontal',command = self.box_display_mesh_grid_changed) ++ self.box_display_mesh_grid_label.pack(side = LEFT) ++ self.box_display_mesh_grid_location.pack(side = LEFT) ++ self.box_display_mesh_grid_scrollbar.pack(side = LEFT) ++ self.box_display_mesh_grid_frame.pack(fill='x',padx=4,pady=1) ++ ++ self.box_display_radioframe.pack(padx = 6, pady = 6, expand='yes', fill='both') ++ Pmw.aligngrouptags( self.box_display_radiogroups ) ++ ++ # grid center definition ++ ++ self.grid_center_radiogroups = [] ++ self.grid_center_selection_mode = IntVar() ++ self.grid_center_selection_mode.set(GRID_CENTER_FROM_SELECTION) ++ self.grid_center_radioframe = Tkinter.Frame(self.grid_definition_page) ++ ++ self.grid_center_radio_button_pymol_selection = Pmw.Group(self.grid_center_radioframe, ++ tag_pyclass = Tkinter.Radiobutton, ++ tag_text = 'Calculate Grid Center by Selection', ++ tag_value = GRID_CENTER_FROM_SELECTION, ++ tag_variable = self.grid_center_selection_mode ++ ) ++ self.grid_center_radio_button_pymol_selection.pack(fill = 'x', expand = 1, side = TOP) ++ ++ self.grid_center_radiogroups.append(self.grid_center_radio_button_pymol_selection) ++ ++ self.grid_center_selection_entry = Pmw.EntryField(self.grid_center_radio_button_pymol_selection.interior(), ++ labelpos = 'w', ++ label_text = 'Selection', ++ value = default_settings['grid_center_selection'], ++ command = self.grid_center_from_selection_changed ++ ) ++ self.grid_center_selection_entry.pack(fill='x',padx=4,pady=1,expand=0) ++ ++ ++ self.grid_center_radio_button_coordinates = Pmw.Group(self.grid_center_radioframe, ++ tag_pyclass = Tkinter.Radiobutton, ++ tag_text = 'Grid Center Coordinates', ++ tag_value = GRID_CENTER_FROM_COORDINATES, ++ tag_variable = self.grid_center_selection_mode ++ ) ++ self.grid_center_radio_button_coordinates.pack(fill = 'x', expand = 1, side = TOP) ++ ++ self.grid_center_radiogroups.append(self.grid_center_radio_button_coordinates) ++ ++ self.grid_center_radioframe.pack(padx = 6, pady = 6, expand='yes', fill='both') ++ Pmw.aligngrouptags(self.grid_center_radiogroups) ++ ++ ++ self.grid_center_X_frame = Tkinter.Frame(self.grid_center_radio_button_coordinates.interior()) ++ self.grid_center_X_label = Label(self.grid_center_X_frame, text = 'X:') ++ self.grid_center_X_location = Entry(self.grid_center_X_frame, textvariable = self.grid_center[0], bg='black', fg='green', width=10) ++ self.grid_center_X_scrollbar = Scrollbar(self.grid_center_X_frame,orient='horizontal',command = self.grid_center_X_changed) ++ ++ self.grid_center_Y_frame = Tkinter.Frame(self.grid_center_radio_button_coordinates.interior()) ++ self.grid_center_Y_label = Label(self.grid_center_Y_frame, text = 'Y:') ++ self.grid_center_Y_location = Entry(self.grid_center_Y_frame, textvariable = self.grid_center[1], bg='black', fg='green', width=10) ++ self.grid_center_Y_scrollbar = Scrollbar(self.grid_center_Y_frame,orient='horizontal',command = self.grid_center_Y_changed) ++ ++ self.grid_center_Z_frame = Tkinter.Frame(self.grid_center_radio_button_coordinates.interior()) ++ self.grid_center_Z_label = Label(self.grid_center_Z_frame, text = 'Z:') ++ self.grid_center_Z_location = Entry(self.grid_center_Z_frame, textvariable = self.grid_center[2], bg='black', fg='green', width=10) ++ self.grid_center_Z_scrollbar = Scrollbar(self.grid_center_Z_frame,orient='horizontal',command = self.grid_center_Z_changed) ++ ++ self.grid_center_X_label.pack(side = LEFT) ++ self.grid_center_X_location.pack(side=LEFT) ++ self.grid_center_X_scrollbar.pack(side=LEFT) ++ self.grid_center_X_frame.pack(side=LEFT,padx=4,pady=1) ++ ++ self.grid_center_Y_label.pack(side = LEFT) ++ self.grid_center_Y_location.pack(side=LEFT) ++ self.grid_center_Y_scrollbar.pack(side=LEFT) ++ self.grid_center_Y_frame.pack(side=LEFT,padx=4,pady=1) ++ ++ self.grid_center_Z_label.pack(side = LEFT) ++ self.grid_center_Z_location.pack(side=LEFT) ++ self.grid_center_Z_scrollbar.pack(side=LEFT) ++ self.grid_center_Z_frame.pack(side=LEFT,padx=4,pady=1) ++ ++ self.select_binding_site_button_box = Pmw.ButtonBox(self.grid_center_radio_button_coordinates.interior(),orient='horizontal', padx=0,pady=0) ++ self.select_binding_site_button_box.add('Select binding site',command = self.select_atoms_within_binding_site) ++ self.select_binding_site_button_box.pack(side=TOP,expand = 1, padx = 3, pady = 3) ++ ++ # load/write gpf ++ ++ self.gpf_file_io = Pmw.Group(self.grid_definition_page, tag_text='GPF File') ++ self.gpf_file_io.pack(side = TOP,expand=1, fill='x') ++ ++ self.gpf_file_location = Pmw.EntryField(self.gpf_file_io.interior(), ++ labelpos = 'w', ++ label_pyclass = FileDialogButtonClassFactory.get(self.set_gpf_filename,mode='w',filter=[("Grid Parameter File","*.gpf")]), ++ validate = {'validator':quickFileValidation,}, ++ value = default_settings['gpf_file_name'], ++ label_text = 'Autodock GPF File:') ++ self.gpf_file_location.pack(side=LEFT,fill = 'x', expand = 1, padx = 1, pady = 5) ++ ++ self.gpf_button_box = Pmw.ButtonBox(self.gpf_file_io.interior(),orient='horizontal', padx=0,pady=0) ++ self.gpf_button_box.add('Load',command = self.load_gpf_file) ++ self.gpf_button_box.add('Save',command = self.save_gpf_file) ++ self.gpf_button_box.pack(side=BOTTOM,expand = 1, padx = 10, pady = 5) ++ ++ # load/write vina config file ++ self.config_file_io = Pmw.Group(self.grid_definition_page, tag_text='Config File') ++ self.config_file_io.pack(side = TOP,expand=1, fill='x') ++ ++ self.config_file_location = Pmw.EntryField(self.config_file_io.interior(), ++ labelpos = 'w', ++ label_pyclass = FileDialogButtonClassFactory.get(self.set_config_filename,mode='w',filter=[("Vina Config File","*.txt")]), ++ validate = {'validator':quickFileValidation,}, ++ value = default_settings['config_file_name'], ++ label_text = 'VINA config File:') ++ self.config_file_location.pack(side=LEFT,fill = 'x', expand = 1, padx = 1, pady = 5) ++ ++ self.config_button_box = Pmw.ButtonBox(self.config_file_io.interior(), padx=0, pady=0,orient='horizontal') ++ self.config_button_box.pack(side=BOTTOM,expand = 1, padx = 10, pady = 5) ++ self.config_button_box.add('Load',command = self.load_config_file) ++ self.config_button_box.add('Save',command = self.save_config_file) ++ ++ ++ #------------------------------------------------------------------ ++ # ++ # PLUGIN CONFIGURATION PAGE ++ ++ self.configuration_top_group = Pmw.Group(self.configuration_page,tag_text='General Notes') ++ self.configuration_top_group.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 0, padx = 10, pady = 5) ++ ++ self.text_field = Tkinter.Label(self.configuration_top_group.interior(), ++ text = intro_text, ++ background = 'black', ++ foreground = 'yellow', ++ justify = LEFT, ++ ) ++ self.text_field.pack(expand = 0, fill = 'both', padx = 4, pady = 4) ++ ++ ++ self.configuration_group = Pmw.Group(self.configuration_page,tag_text='Scripts and Program Paths') ++ self.configuration_group.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 0, padx = 10, pady = 5) ++ ++ self.config_settings = self.read_plugin_config_file() ++ ++ self.autodock_tools_location = Pmw.EntryField(self.configuration_group.interior(), ++ labelpos='w', ++ label_pyclass = DirDialogButtonClassFactory.get(self.set_autodock_tools_path), ++ value = self.config_settings['autodock_tools_path'], ++ label_text = 'AutoDockTools:') ++ ++ ++ self.autogrid_location = Pmw.EntryField(self.configuration_group.interior(), ++ labelpos='w', ++ label_pyclass = FileDialogButtonClassFactory.get(self.set_autogrid_location), ++ value = self.config_settings['autogrid_exe'], ++ label_text = 'autogrid4 executable:') ++ ++ self.autodock_location = Pmw.EntryField(self.configuration_group.interior(), ++ labelpos='w', ++ label_pyclass = FileDialogButtonClassFactory.get(self.set_autodock_location), ++ value = self.config_settings['autodock_exe'], ++ label_text = 'autodock4 executable:') ++ ++ self.vina_location = Pmw.EntryField(self.configuration_group.interior(), ++ labelpos='w', ++ label_pyclass = FileDialogButtonClassFactory.get(self.set_vina_location), ++ value = self.config_settings['vina_exe'], ++ label_text = 'vina executable:') ++ ++ self.work_path_location = Pmw.EntryField(self.configuration_group.interior(), ++ labelpos='w', ++ label_pyclass = DirDialogButtonClassFactory.get(self.set_work_path_location), ++ value = os.path.abspath(os.curdir), ++ label_text = 'Working Directory:') ++ ++ for x in [self.autodock_tools_location, ++ self.autogrid_location, ++ self.autodock_location, ++ self.vina_location, ++ self.work_path_location ++ ]: ++ x.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 1, padx = 10, pady = 5) ++ ++ Pmw.alignlabels( [self.autodock_tools_location, ++ self.autogrid_location, ++ self.autodock_location, ++ self.vina_location, ++ self.work_path_location ++ ] ) ++ ++ ++ self.config_button_box = Pmw.ButtonBox(self.configuration_page, padx=0, pady=0,orient='horizontal') ++ self.config_button_box.pack(side=BOTTOM,expand = 1, padx = 10, pady = 0) ++ self.config_button_box.add('Save Plugin Configuration File',command = self.save_plugin_config_file) ++ ++ ++ ++ #------------------------------------------------------------------ ++ # ++ # RECEPTOR PREPARATION PAGE ++ ++ self.receptor_preparation_top_group = Pmw.Group(self.receptor_preparation_page, tag_text='Selections') ++ self.receptor_preparation_top_group.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 0, padx=10, pady=5) ++ ++ self.receptor_import_selection_button_box = Pmw.ButtonBox(self.receptor_preparation_top_group.interior(),orient='vertical', padx=0,pady=0) ++ self.receptor_import_selection_button_box.add('Import Selections',command = self.import_selections) ++ self.receptor_import_selection_button_box.pack(side=LEFT, fill='x', padx = 0, pady = 3) ++ ++ ++ self.receptor_pdbqt_location = Pmw.EntryField(self.receptor_preparation_top_group.interior(), ++ labelpos = 'w', ++ label_pyclass = FileDialogButtonClassFactory.get(self.set_receptor_pdbqt_location,filter=[("PDBQT File","*.pdbqt")]), ++ ++ validate = {'validator':quickFileValidation,}, ++ value = '', ++ label_text = 'Receptor:') ++ self.receptor_pdbqt_location.pack(side=LEFT,fill = 'x', expand = 1, padx = 1, pady = 5) ++ ++ self.receptor_button_box = Pmw.ButtonBox(self.receptor_preparation_top_group.interior(), padx=0, pady=0,orient='horizontal') ++ self.receptor_button_box.pack(side=BOTTOM,expand = 1, padx = 10, pady = 5) ++ self.receptor_button_box.add('Load',command = self.load_receptor_pdbqt) ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ self.receptor_preparation_center_group = Pmw.Group(self.receptor_preparation_page, tag_text='Receptor Preparation') ++ self.receptor_preparation_center_group.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 0, padx=10, pady=5) ++ ++ ++ self.selection_list = Pmw.ComboBox(self.receptor_preparation_center_group.interior(), ++ scrolledlist_items=cmd.get_names("selections")+cmd.get_names(), ++ labelpos='nw', ++ label_text='PyMOL Selections', ++ listbox_height = 10, ++ selectioncommand=self.selectionCommand, ++ dropdown=False ++ ) ++ ++ self.receptor_list = Pmw.ComboBox(self.receptor_preparation_center_group.interior(), ++ scrolledlist_items=[], ++ labelpos='nw', ++ label_text='Receptors', ++ listbox_height = 10, ++ selectioncommand=self.selected_receptor, ++ dropdown=False ++ ) ++ ++ self.flexible_residues_list = Pmw.ScrolledListBox(self.receptor_preparation_center_group.interior(), ++ items=[], ++ labelpos='nw', ++ label_text='Flexible Residues', ++ listbox_height = 11, ++ selectioncommand=self.delete_residue, ++ ) ++ ++ self.selection_list.pack(side=LEFT, padx=0, anchor='n') ++ self.receptor_conversion_button_box = Pmw.ButtonBox(self.receptor_preparation_center_group.interior(),orient='vertical', padx=0,pady=0) ++ self.receptor_conversion_button_box.add('Generate Receptor ->',command = self.generate_receptor) ++ self.receptor_conversion_button_box.add('Select as Flexible ->',command = self.select_flexible_residues) ++ self.receptor_conversion_button_box.add('Remove Receptor',command = self.remove_receptor) ++ self.receptor_conversion_button_box.add('Remove Flexible',command = self.remove_flexible_residues) ++ self.receptor_conversion_button_box.add('Remove All',command = self.remove_all_receptors) ++ self.receptor_conversion_button_box.pack(side = LEFT, expand = 0, padx = 0, pady = 12, anchor='n') ++ self.receptor_list.pack(side=LEFT, padx=3, anchor='n') ++ self.flexible_residues_list.pack(side=LEFT, padx=3, anchor='n') ++ ++ ++ self.receptor_preparation_bottom_group = Pmw.Group(self.receptor_preparation_page, tag_text='Log') ++ self.receptor_preparation_bottom_group.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 0, padx=10, pady=5) ++ ++ self.receptor_page_log_text = Pmw.ScrolledText(self.receptor_preparation_bottom_group.interior(), ++ borderframe=5, ++ vscrollmode='dynamic', ++ hscrollmode='dynamic', ++ labelpos='n', ++ text_width=150, text_height=15, ++ text_wrap='none', ++ text_background='#000000', ++ text_foreground='green' ++ ) ++ self.receptor_page_log_text.pack(side=LEFT, anchor='n',pady=0) ++ ++ self.receptor_page_log_text.insert('end',receptor_prep_text) ++ ++ ++ #=============================================== ++ # ++ # LIGAND PREPARATION PAGE ++ ++ ++ ++ self.ligand_preparation_top_group = Pmw.Group(self.ligand_preparation_page, tag_text='Selections') ++ self.ligand_preparation_top_group.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 0, padx=10, pady=5) ++ ++ self.ligand_import_selection_button_box = Pmw.ButtonBox(self.ligand_preparation_top_group.interior(),orient='vertical', padx=0,pady=0) ++ self.ligand_import_selection_button_box.add('Import Selections',command = self.import_selections) ++ self.ligand_import_selection_button_box.pack(side=LEFT, fill='x', padx = 0, pady = 3) ++ ++ self.ligand_dir_location = Pmw.EntryField(self.ligand_preparation_top_group.interior(), ++ labelpos = 'w', ++ label_pyclass = DirDialogButtonClassFactory.get(self.set_ligand_dir_location), ++ validate = {'validator':quickFileValidation,}, ++ value = '', ++ label_text = 'Ligands:') ++ self.ligand_dir_location.pack(side=LEFT,fill = 'x', expand = 1, padx = 1, pady = 5) ++ ++ self.ligand_button_box = Pmw.ButtonBox(self.ligand_preparation_top_group.interior(), padx=0, pady=0,orient='horizontal') ++ self.ligand_button_box.pack(side=BOTTOM,expand = 1, padx = 10, pady = 5) ++ self.ligand_button_box.add('Import',command = self.import_ligands) ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ self.ligand_preparation_center_group = Pmw.Group(self.ligand_preparation_page, tag_text='Ligand Preparation') ++ self.ligand_preparation_center_group.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 0, padx=10, pady=5) ++ ++ ++ self.ligand_selection_list = Pmw.ComboBox(self.ligand_preparation_center_group.interior(), ++ scrolledlist_items=cmd.get_names("selections")+cmd.get_names(), ++ labelpos='nw', ++ label_text='PyMOL Selections', ++ listbox_height = 10, ++ selectioncommand=self.save_as_ligand_pdb, ++ dropdown=False ++# vscrollmode='dynamic', ++# hscrollmode='dynamic', ++ ++ ) ++ ++ self.ligand_list = Pmw.ComboBox(self.ligand_preparation_center_group.interior(), ++ scrolledlist_items=[], ++ labelpos='nw', ++ label_text='Ligand List', ++ listbox_height = 10, ++ selectioncommand=self.ligand_info, ++ dropdown=False ++# vscrollmode='dynamic', ++# hscrollmode='dynamic', ++ ) ++ ++ self.ligand_pdbqt_list = Pmw.ComboBox(self.ligand_preparation_center_group.interior(), ++ scrolledlist_items=[], ++ labelpos='nw', ++ label_text='Prepared Ligands', ++ listbox_height = 10, ++ selectioncommand=self.ligand_info, ++ dropdown=False, ++ # dropdown=False ++# vscrollmode='dynamic', ++# hscrollmode='dynamic', ++ ) ++ self.ligand_selection_list.pack(side=LEFT, padx=0, anchor='n') ++ self.ligand_list.pack(side=LEFT, padx=3, anchor='n') ++ self.ligand_conversion_button_box = Pmw.ButtonBox(self.ligand_preparation_center_group.interior(),orient='vertical', padx=0,pady=0) ++ self.ligand_conversion_button_box.add('Generate Ligand ->',command = self.generate_ligand) ++ self.ligand_conversion_button_box.add('Remove Ligand',command = self.remove_ligand) ++ self.ligand_conversion_button_box.add('Display Ligand',command = self.display_ligand) ++ self.ligand_conversion_button_box.add('Generate All',command = self.generate_all_ligands) ++ self.ligand_conversion_button_box.add('Remove All',command = self.remove_all_ligands) ++ self.ligand_conversion_button_box.pack(side = LEFT, expand = 0, padx = 0, pady = 12, anchor='n') ++ self.ligand_pdbqt_list.pack(side=LEFT, padx=3, anchor='n') ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ self.ligand_preparation_bottom_group = Pmw.Group(self.ligand_preparation_page, tag_text='Log') ++ self.ligand_preparation_bottom_group.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 0, padx=10, pady=5) ++ ++ self.ligand_page_log_text = Pmw.ScrolledText(self.ligand_preparation_bottom_group.interior(), ++ borderframe=5, ++ vscrollmode='dynamic', ++ hscrollmode='dynamic', ++ labelpos='n', ++# label_text='Log', ++ text_width=150, text_height=15, ++ text_wrap='none', ++ text_background='#000000', ++ text_foreground='green' ++ ) ++ self.ligand_page_log_text.pack(side=LEFT, anchor='n',pady=0) ++ self.ligand_page_log_text.insert('end',ligand_prep_text) ++ ++ ++ ++ #------------------------------------------------------------------ ++ # ++ # DOCKING PAGE ++ ++ ++ ++ self.docking_top_group = Pmw.Group(self.docking_page, tag_text='Docking') ++ self.docking_top_group.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 0, padx=10, pady=5) ++ ++ ++ self.docking_receptor_rigid_list = Pmw.ComboBox(self.docking_top_group.interior(), ++ scrolledlist_items=[], ++ labelpos='nw', ++ label_text='Receptor', ++ listbox_height = 10, ++ selectioncommand=self.selectionCommand, ++ dropdown=True ++ ++ ) ++ self.docking_receptor_flexible_list = Pmw.ComboBox(self.docking_top_group.interior(), ++ scrolledlist_items=['No','Yes'], ++ labelpos='nw', ++ label_text='Use flexible sidechains', ++ listbox_height = 2, ++ selectioncommand=self.selectionCommand, ++ dropdown=True ++ ++ ) ++ ++ self.docking_ligand_list = Pmw.ComboBox(self.docking_top_group.interior(), ++ scrolledlist_items=['All'], ++ labelpos='nw', ++ label_text='Ligands', ++ listbox_height = 10, ++ selectioncommand=self.selectionCommand, ++ dropdown=True ++ ) ++ ++ self.docking_nposes_list = Pmw.ComboBox(self.docking_top_group.interior(), ++ scrolledlist_items=range(1,101), ++ labelpos='nw', ++ label_text='# Poses', ++ listbox_height = 10, ++ selectioncommand=self.selectionCommand, ++ dropdown=True ++ ) ++ self.docking_nposes_list.selectitem(9) ++ self.docking_receptor_flexible_list.selectitem('No') ++ self.docking_ligand_list.selectitem('All') ++ self.docking_receptor_rigid_list.pack(side=LEFT, padx=0, anchor='n') ++ self.docking_receptor_flexible_list.pack(side=LEFT, padx=0, anchor='n') ++ self.docking_ligand_list.pack(side=LEFT, padx=0, anchor='n') ++ self.docking_nposes_list.pack(side=LEFT, padx=0, anchor='n') ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ self.docking_center_group = Pmw.Group(self.docking_page, tag_text='AutoDock') ++ self.docking_center_group.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 0, padx=10, pady=5) ++ self.docking_center_group2 = Pmw.Group(self.docking_page, tag_text='VINA') ++ self.docking_center_group2.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 0, padx=10, pady=5) ++ ++ self.docking_button_box = Pmw.ButtonBox(self.docking_center_group.interior(),orient='horizontal', padx=0,pady=0) ++ self.docking_button_box.add('Run AutoGrid',command = self.run_autogrid) ++ self.docking_button_box.add('Run AutoDock',command = self.run_autodock) ++ self.docking_button_box.add('Write AutoDock Input File(s)',command = self.write_autodock_input_files) ++ ++ self.docking_button_box2 = Pmw.ButtonBox(self.docking_center_group2.interior(),orient='horizontal', padx=0,pady=0) ++ self.docking_button_box2.add('Run Vina',command = self.run_vina) ++ self.docking_button_box2.add('Write Vina Input File(s)',command = self.write_vina_input_files) ++ self.docking_button_box.pack(side=LEFT, fill='x', padx = 0, pady = 3) ++ self.docking_button_box2.pack(side=LEFT, fill='x', padx = 0, pady = 3) ++ self.docking_button_box.alignbuttons() ++ self.docking_button_box2.alignbuttons() ++ ++ self.docking_bottom_group = Pmw.Group(self.docking_page, tag_text='Log') ++ self.docking_bottom_group.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 0, padx=10, pady=5) ++ ++ self.docking_page_log_text = Pmw.ScrolledText(self.docking_bottom_group.interior(), ++ borderframe=5, ++ vscrollmode='dynamic', ++ hscrollmode='dynamic', ++ labelpos='n', ++ text_width=150, text_height=25, ++ text_wrap='none', ++ text_background='#000000', ++ text_foreground='green' ++ ) ++ self.docking_page_log_text.pack(side=LEFT, anchor='n',pady=0) ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end',docking_text) ++ ++ ++ #------------------------------------------------------------------ ++ # ++ # POSE VIEWER PAGE ++ ++ ++ ++ self.pose_viewer_page_top_group = Pmw.Group(self.pose_viewer_page,tag_text='File') ++ self.pose_viewer_page_top_group.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 0, padx = 10, pady = 5) ++ ++ ++ ++ self.pose_viewer_page_stucts = Pmw.Group(self.pose_viewer_page,tag_text='Poses') ++ self.pose_viewer_page_stucts.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 1, padx = 10, pady = 0) ++ ++ self.pose_viewer_page_display = Pmw.Group(self.pose_viewer_page,tag_text='Display Options') ++ self.pose_viewer_page_display.pack(fill = 'x', expand = 1, padx = 10, pady = 0) ++ ++ self.pose_viewer_notebook = Pmw.NoteBook(self.pose_viewer_page_stucts.interior()) ++ self.pose_viewer_notebook.pack(fill='both',expand=1,padx=3,pady=3) ++ self.pose_viewer_pages = {} ++ self.pose_viewer_ligand_dic = {} ++ self.pose_file = StringVar() ++ self.pose_file.set(default_settings['dlg_input_file']) ++ self.pose_file_location = Pmw.EntryField(self.pose_viewer_page_top_group.interior(), ++ labelpos='w', ++ label_pyclass = FileDialogButtonClassFactory.get(self.set_pose_filename,filter=[("PDBQT File","*.pdbqt"),("DLG File","*.dlg")]), ++ validate = {'validator':quickFileValidation,}, ++ value = default_settings['dlg_input_file'], ++ label_text = 'Browse:') ++ ++# self.pose_file_location.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 1, padx = 10, pady = 5) ++ self.pose_file_location.pack(side=LEFT,fill = 'x', expand = 1, padx = 1, pady = 5) ++ ++ self.load_pose_file_buttonbox = Pmw.ButtonBox(self.pose_viewer_page_top_group.interior(), padx=0) ++ self.load_pose_file_buttonbox.pack(side=BOTTOM,expand = 1, padx = 10, pady = 5) ++ self.load_pose_file_buttonbox.add('Load',command=self.load_ligand_file) ++ self.load_pose_file_buttonbox.add('Load All',command=self.load_all_ligand_files) ++ ++ ++ self.pose_viewer_ligand_display_radio = Pmw.RadioSelect(self.pose_viewer_page_display.interior(), ++ selectmode='multiple', ++ buttontype='checkbutton', ++ labelpos='w', ++ label_text='Display mode', ++ orient='horizontal', ++ frame_relief='ridge', ++ command=self.ligand_display_mode_changed) ++ self.pose_viewer_ligand_display_radio.pack(side=TOP, padx=10, anchor='w') ++ for entry in ('lines', 'sticks','spheres','surface','mesh'): ++ self.pose_viewer_ligand_display_radio.add(entry) ++ for entry in ('lines', 'sticks','spheres','surface','mesh'): ++ if self.ligand_display_mode[entry]: ++ self.pose_viewer_ligand_display_radio.invoke(entry) ++ ++ ++ ++ self.pose_viewer_radiobuttons = Pmw.RadioSelect(self.pose_viewer_page_display.interior(), ++ buttontype = 'radiobutton', ++ orient = 'horizontal', ++ labelpos = 'w', ++ ) ++ for text in ('Show Selected', ++ 'Hide Selected'): ++ self.pose_viewer_radiobuttons.add(text) ++ self.pose_viewer_radiobuttons.setvalue('Show Selected') ++ self.pose_viewer_radiobuttons.pack(padx=4,pady=1,side=TOP) ++ ++ self.pose_viewer_ligand_pages = {} ++ ++ #--------------------------------------------------------------- ++ # SCORE/RANK PAGE ++ ++ self.score_table = ScoreTable(self.rank_page) ++ self.score_table.pack(pady=20) ++ ++ self.score_table_radiobuttons = Pmw.RadioSelect(self.rank_page, ++ buttontype = 'radiobutton', ++ orient = 'horizontal', ++ labelpos = 'w', ++ command = self.update_score_table ++ ) ++ for text in ('Show All Poses', ++ 'Show Only Best Pose'): ++ self.score_table_radiobuttons.add(text) ++ self.score_table_radiobuttons.setvalue('Show All Poses') ++ self.score_table_radiobuttons.pack(padx=4,pady=1,side=TOP) ++ ++ self.rank_dat_file_io = Pmw.Group(self.rank_page, tag_text='Export scores as data file') ++ self.rank_dat_file_io.pack(side = TOP,expand=1, fill='x') ++ ++ self.rank_dat_file_location = Pmw.EntryField(self.rank_dat_file_io.interior(), ++ labelpos = 'w', ++ label_pyclass = FileDialogButtonClassFactory.get(self.set_rank_dat_filename,mode='w',filter=[("Data File","*.dat")]), ++ validate = {'validator':quickFileValidation,}, ++ value = default_settings['rank_dat_file_name'], ++ label_text = 'Filename:') ++ self.rank_dat_file_location.pack(side=LEFT,fill = 'x', expand = 1, padx = 1, pady = 0) ++ ++ self.rank_dat_button_box = Pmw.ButtonBox(self.rank_dat_file_io.interior(), padx=0, pady=0,orient='horizontal') ++ self.rank_dat_button_box.pack(side=BOTTOM,expand = 1, padx = 10, pady = 0) ++ self.rank_dat_button_box.add('Export',command = self.export_score_dat_file) ++ ++ self.rank_csv_file_io = Pmw.Group(self.rank_page, tag_text='Export scores as CSV file') ++ self.rank_csv_file_io.pack(side = TOP,expand=1, fill='x') ++ ++ self.rank_pose_file_io = Pmw.Group(self.rank_page, tag_text='Export poses as PDB file') ++ self.rank_pose_file_io.pack(side = TOP,expand=1, fill='x') ++ ++ ++ self.rank_csv_file_location = Pmw.EntryField(self.rank_csv_file_io.interior(), ++ labelpos = 'w', ++ label_pyclass = FileDialogButtonClassFactory.get(self.set_rank_csv_filename,mode='w',filter=[("CSV File","*.csv")]), ++ validate = {'validator':quickFileValidation,}, ++ value = default_settings['rank_csv_file_name'], ++ label_text = 'Filename:') ++ self.rank_csv_file_location.pack(side=LEFT,fill = 'x', expand = 1, padx = 1, pady = 0) ++ ++ self.rank_csv_button_box = Pmw.ButtonBox(self.rank_csv_file_io.interior(), padx=0, pady=0,orient='horizontal') ++ self.rank_csv_button_box.pack(side=BOTTOM,expand = 1, padx = 10, pady = 0) ++ self.rank_csv_button_box.add('Export',command = self.export_score_csv_file) ++ ++ ++ self.rank_pose_file_location = Pmw.EntryField(self.rank_pose_file_io.interior(), ++ labelpos = 'w', ++ label_pyclass = FileDialogButtonClassFactory.get(self.set_rank_pose_filename,mode='w',filter=[("PDB File","*.pdb")]), ++ validate = {'validator':quickFileValidation,}, ++ value = default_settings['rank_pose_file_name'], ++ label_text = 'Filename:') ++ self.rank_pose_file_location.pack(side=LEFT,fill = 'x', expand = 1, padx = 1, pady = 0) ++ ++ self.rank_pose_button_box = Pmw.ButtonBox(self.rank_pose_file_io.interior(), padx=0, pady=0,orient='horizontal') ++ self.rank_pose_button_box.pack(side=BOTTOM,expand = 1, padx = 10, pady = 0) ++ self.rank_pose_button_box.add('Export',command = self.export_score_pose_file) ++ ++ #------------------------------------------------------------------ ++ # ++ # MAP VIEWER PAGE ++ ++ ++ self.map_threshold = {} ++ self.map_meta = {} ++ ++ ++ self.map_viewer_page_top_group = Pmw.Group(self.map_viewer_page,tag_text='Grid Map') ++ self.map_viewer_page_top_group.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 0, padx = 10, pady = 5) ++ ++ # the maps card ++ ++ self.map_viewer_page_center_group = Pmw.Group(self.map_viewer_page,tag_text='Maps') ++ self.map_viewer_page_center_group.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 1, padx = 10, pady = 5) ++ self.map_viewer_notebook = Pmw.NoteBook(self.map_viewer_page_center_group.interior()) ++ self.map_viewer_notebook.pack(fill='both',expand=1,padx=3,pady=3) ++ self.map_pages = {} ++ self.map_dic = {} ++ self.mapfile = StringVar() ++ self.mapfile.set(default_settings['map_input_file']) ++ self.map_file_location = Pmw.EntryField(self.map_viewer_page_top_group.interior(), ++ labelpos='w', ++ label_pyclass = FileDialogButtonClassFactory.get(self.set_mapfilename,filter=[("Autodock Map File","*.map")]), ++ validate = {'validator':quickFileValidation,}, ++ value = default_settings['map_input_file'], ++ label_text = 'Browse:') ++ ++ self.map_file_location.pack(side = LEFT,fill = 'x', expand = 1, padx = 10, pady = 5) ++ ++ self.load_map_buttonbox = Pmw.ButtonBox(self.map_viewer_page_top_group.interior(), padx=0) ++ self.load_map_buttonbox.pack(side=BOTTOM,expand = 1, padx = 10, pady = 5) ++ self.load_map_buttonbox.add('Load',command=self.load_grid_map) ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ #------------------------------------------------------------------ ++ ################################################################## ++ # DONE PAGES ++ self.notebook.setnaturalsize() ++ self.dialog.show() ++ self.status_line.configure(text ="Ready..... (version: %s)" % __version__) ++ #------------------------------------------------------------------ ++ ################################################################## ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ def button_pressed(self, result): ++ if hasattr(result,'keycode'): ++ if result.keycode == 36: ++ if self.notebook.getcurselection()=='Grid Settings': ++ self.show_box() ++ elif self.notebook.getcurselection()=='View Poses': ++ self.load_ligand_file() ++ elif result == 'Exit' or result == None: ++ self.dialog.withdraw() ++ ++ #------------------------------------------------------------------ ++ # grid settings functions ++ ++ def grid_spacing_changed(self, x): ++ val = float(self.grid_spacing.get())+float(x)*0.005 ++ self.grid_spacing.set(val) ++ if self.box_is_on_display: ++ self.grid_center_selection_mode.set(GRID_CENTER_FROM_COORDINATES) ++ ++ def calculate_grid_center(self): ++ if self.grid_center_selection_mode.get() == GRID_CENTER_FROM_SELECTION: ++ sel = self.grid_center_selection_entry.get() ++ if sel: ++ stored.xyz = [] ++ cmd.iterate_state(1,sel,"stored.xyz.append([x,y,z])") ++ xx = average(map(lambda a: a[0], stored.xyz)) ++ yy = average(map(lambda a: a[1], stored.xyz)) ++ zz = average(map(lambda a: a[2], stored.xyz)) ++ self.grid_center[0].set(round(xx,2)) ++ self.grid_center[1].set(round(yy,2)) ++ self.grid_center[2].set(round(zz,2)) ++ else: ++ self.grid_center_selection_mode.set(GRID_CENTER_FROM_COORDINATES) ++ ++ ++ def n_points_X_changed(self, x): ++ val = int(self.n_points_X.get())+int(x) ++ self.n_points_X.set(val) ++ self.grid_center_selection_mode.set(GRID_CENTER_FROM_COORDINATES) ++ self.show_box() ++ ++ ++ def n_points_Y_changed(self, x): ++ val = int(self.n_points_Y.get())+int(x) ++ self.n_points_Y.set(val) ++ self.grid_center_selection_mode.set(GRID_CENTER_FROM_COORDINATES) ++ self.show_box() ++ ++ def n_points_Z_changed(self, x): ++ val = int(self.n_points_Z.get())+int(x) ++ self.n_points_Z.set(val) ++ self.grid_center_selection_mode.set(GRID_CENTER_FROM_COORDINATES) ++ self.show_box() ++ ++ def grid_center_from_selection_changed(self): ++ self.grid_center_selection_mode.set(GRID_CENTER_FROM_SELECTION) ++ self.show_box() ++ self.grid_center_selection_entry.clear() ++ ++ def grid_center_X_changed(self, x): ++ self.grid_center_selection_mode.set(GRID_CENTER_FROM_COORDINATES) ++ val=float(self.grid_center[0].get())+float(x)*1.0 ++ self.grid_center[0].set(val) ++ self.show_box() ++ ++ ++ def grid_center_Y_changed(self, x): ++ self.grid_center_selection_mode.set(GRID_CENTER_FROM_COORDINATES) ++ val=float(self.grid_center[1].get())+float(x)*1.0 ++ self.grid_center[1].set(val) ++ self.show_box() ++ ++ def grid_center_Z_changed(self, x): ++ self.grid_center_selection_mode.set(GRID_CENTER_FROM_COORDINATES) ++ val=float(self.grid_center[2].get())+float(x)*1.0 ++ self.grid_center[2].set(val) ++ self.show_box() ++ ++ ++ def select_atoms_within_binding_site(self): ++ m = cmd.get_model("polymer") ++ xmin, xmax = self.box_coords[0] ++ ymin, ymax = self.box_coords[1] ++ zmin, zmax = self.box_coords[2] ++ lst = filter(lambda a: a.coord[0] >= xmin and \ ++ a.coord[0] <= xmax and \ ++ a.coord[1] >= ymin and \ ++ a.coord[1] <= ymax and \ ++ a.coord[2] >= zmin and \ ++ a.coord[2] <= zmax, m.atom) ++ by_id = map(lambda a: a.id, lst) ++ if len(by_id) > 1: ++ cmd.select("binding_site", "ID %d" % by_id[0]) ++ for idx in by_id[1:]: ++ cmd.select("binding_site", "binding_site or ID %d" % idx) ++ self.status_line.configure(text = "Selector 'binding_site' created with %d atoms" % len(by_id)) ++ self.import_selections() ++ ++ def box_display_cylinder_size_changed(self, x): ++ val=float(self.box_display_cylinder_size.get())+float(x)*0.1 ++ self.box_display_cylinder_size.set(val) ++ self.grid_center_selection_mode.set(GRID_CENTER_FROM_COORDINATES) ++ self.show_box() ++ ++ def box_display_line_width_changed(self, x): ++ val=float(self.box_display_line_width.get())+float(x)*0.1 ++ self.box_display_line_width.set(val) ++ self.grid_center_selection_mode.set(GRID_CENTER_FROM_COORDINATES) ++ self.show_box() ++ ++ ++ def box_display_mesh_grid_changed(self, x): ++ val=float(self.box_display_mesh_grid.get())+float(x)*0.1 ++ self.box_display_mesh_grid.set(val) ++ self.grid_center_selection_mode.set(GRID_CENTER_FROM_COORDINATES) ++ self.show_box() ++ ++ ++ def show_box(self): ++ self.calculate_grid_center() ++ self.show_crisscross() ++ self.calculate_box() ++ ++ def hide_box(self): ++ cmd.delete("box") ++ cmd.delete("wirebox") ++ cmd.delete("grid_center") ++ self.box_is_on_display = False ++ ++ def change_box_color(self): ++ color = tkColorChooser.Chooser( ++ initialcolor='white',title='Choose box color').show() ++ if color[0] is not None: ++ self.box_color = [color[0][0]/100., ++ color[0][1]/100., ++ color[0][2]/100.] ++ self.show_box() ++ ++ def set_box_filename(self, filename): ++ self.box_file_location.setvalue(filename) ++ ++ def set_gpf_filename(self, filename): ++ self.gpf_file_location.setvalue(filename) ++ ++ def set_config_filename(self, filename): ++ self.config_file_location.setvalue(filename) ++ ++ def set_rank_dat_filename(self, filename): ++ self.rank_dat_file_location.setvalue(filename) ++ ++ def set_rank_csv_filename(self, filename): ++ self.rank_csv_file_location.setvalue(filename) ++ ++ def set_rank_pose_filename(self, filename): ++ self.rank_pose_file_location.setvalue(filename) ++ ++ def load_gpf_file(self): ++ filename = self.gpf_file_location.get() ++ fp = self.fileopen(filename,'r') ++ if not fp: ++ return ++ lst = fp.readlines() ++ new = [] ++ for line in lst: ++ if line.strip(): ++ new.append(line.strip()) ++ lst = new ++ for line in lst: ++ entr = line.split() ++ if entr[0] == 'npts': ++ n_points_X = int(entr[1]) ++ n_points_Y = int(entr[2]) ++ n_points_Z = int(entr[3]) ++ self.n_points_X.set(n_points_X) ++ self.n_points_Y.set(n_points_Y) ++ self.n_points_Z.set(n_points_Z) ++ elif entr[0] == 'spacing': ++ spacing = float(entr[1]) ++ self.grid_spacing.set(spacing) ++ elif entr[0] == 'gridcenter': ++ if entr[1]!='auto': ++ grid_X = float(entr[1]) ++ grid_Y = float(entr[2]) ++ grid_Z = float(entr[3]) ++ self.grid_center[0].set(grid_X) ++ self.grid_center[1].set(grid_Y) ++ self.grid_center[2].set(grid_Z) ++ self.status_line.configure(text= 'Reading box info from %s' % filename) ++ self.grid_center_selection_mode.set(GRID_CENTER_FROM_COORDINATES) ++ self.calculate_box() ++ ++ def save_gpf_file(self): ++ filename = self.gpf_file_location.get() ++ fp = self.fileopen(filename,'w') ++ if not fp: ++ return ++ n_points_X = self.n_points_X.get() ++ n_points_Y = self.n_points_Y.get() ++ n_points_Z = self.n_points_Z.get() ++ spacing = self.grid_spacing.get() ++ center_X = self.grid_center[0].get() ++ center_Y = self.grid_center[1].get() ++ center_Z = self.grid_center[2].get() ++ print >>fp, 'npts %d %d %d' % (n_points_X, n_points_Y, n_points_Z) ++ print >>fp, 'spacing %5.3f' % spacing ++ print >>fp, 'gridcenter %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f' % (center_X, center_Y, center_Z) ++ fp.close() ++ self.status_line.configure(text= 'Wrote box info to %s' % filename) ++ ++ ++ ++ def load_config_file(self): ++ filename = self.config_file_location.get() ++ fp = self.fileopen(filename,'r') ++ spacing = self.grid_spacing.get() ++ if not fp: ++ return ++ lst = fp.readlines() ++ new = [] ++ for line in lst: ++ if line.strip(): ++ new.append(line.strip()) ++ lst = new ++ for line in lst: ++ entr = line.split() ++ if entr[0] == 'center_x': ++ center_x = float(entr[2]) ++ self.grid_center[0].set(center_x) ++ elif entr[0] == 'center_y': ++ center_y = float(entr[2]) ++ self.grid_center[1].set(center_y) ++ elif entr[0] == 'center_z': ++ center_z = float(entr[2]) ++ self.grid_center[2].set(center_z) ++ elif entr[0] == 'size_x': ++ size_x = float(entr[2]) ++ n_points_X = size_x/spacing ++ self.n_points_X.set(n_points_X) ++ elif entr[0] == 'size_y': ++ size_y = float(entr[2]) ++ n_points_Y = size_y/spacing ++ self.n_points_Y.set(n_points_Y) ++ elif entr[0] == 'size_z': ++ size_z = float(entr[2]) ++ n_points_Z = size_z/spacing ++ self.n_points_Z.set(n_points_Z) ++ self.status_line.configure(text= 'Reading box info from %s' % filename) ++ self.grid_center_selection_mode.set(GRID_CENTER_FROM_COORDINATES) ++ self.calculate_box() ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ def save_config_file(self): ++ filename = self.config_file_location.get() ++ fp = self.fileopen(filename,'w') ++ if not fp: ++ return ++ n_points_X = self.n_points_X.get() ++ n_points_Y = self.n_points_Y.get() ++ n_points_Z = self.n_points_Z.get() ++ spacing = self.grid_spacing.get() ++ size_x = n_points_X*spacing ++ size_y = n_points_Y*spacing ++ size_z = n_points_Z*spacing ++ center_x = self.grid_center[0].get() ++ center_y = self.grid_center[1].get() ++ center_z = self.grid_center[2].get() ++ print >>fp, "size_x = %6.2f" % size_x ++ print >>fp, "size_y = %6.2f" % size_y ++ print >>fp, "size_z = %6.2f" % size_z ++ print >>fp, "center_x = %6.2f" % center_x ++ print >>fp, "center_y = %6.2f" % center_y ++ print >>fp, "center_z = %6.2f" % center_z ++ fp.close() ++ self.status_line.configure(text= 'Wrote box info to %s' % filename) ++ ++ def show_crisscross(self): ++ center = [float(self.grid_center[0].get()), ++ float(self.grid_center[1].get()), ++ float(self.grid_center[2].get()) ++ ] ++ cmd.delete("grid_center") ++ self.crisscross(center[0], center[1], center[2], 0.5, "grid_center") ++ ++ def crisscross(self,x,y,z,d,name="crisscross"): ++ ++ obj = [ ++ LINEWIDTH, 3, ++ ++ BEGIN, LINE_STRIP, ++ VERTEX, float(x-d), float(y), float(z), ++ VERTEX, float(x+d), float(y), float(z), ++ END, ++ ++ BEGIN, LINE_STRIP, ++ VERTEX, float(x), float(y-d), float(z), ++ VERTEX, float(x), float(y+d), float(z), ++ END, ++ ++ BEGIN, LINE_STRIP, ++ VERTEX, float(x), float(y), float(z-d), ++ VERTEX, float(x), float(y), float(z+d), ++ END ++ ++ ] ++ view = cmd.get_view() ++ cmd.load_cgo(obj,name) ++ cmd.set_view(view) ++ ++ def calculate_box(self): ++ x = float(self.grid_center[0].get()) ++ y = float(self.grid_center[1].get()) ++ z = float(self.grid_center[2].get()) ++ xpts = int(self.n_points_X.get()) ++ ypts = int(self.n_points_Y.get()) ++ zpts = int(self.n_points_Z.get()) ++ spacing = float(self.grid_spacing.get()) ++ cylinder_size = float(self.box_display_cylinder_size.get()) ++ ++ size = [xpts*spacing, ypts*spacing, zpts*spacing] ++ xmax = x + size[0]/2. ++ xmin = x - size[0]/2. ++ ymax = y + size[1]/2. ++ ymin = y - size[1]/2. ++ zmax = z + size[2]/2. ++ zmin = z - size[2]/2. ++ box_edge_x = [xmin,xmax] ++ box_edge_y = [ymin,ymax] ++ box_edge_z = [zmin,zmax] ++ self.box_coords = [box_edge_x,box_edge_y,box_edge_z] ++ cmd.delete('box') ++ if self.box_display_mode.get()==BOX_AS_BOX: ++ self.display_box(self.box_coords,cylinder_size) ++ elif self.box_display_mode.get()==BOX_AS_WIREBOX: ++ self.display_wire_box(self.box_coords) ++ self.box_is_on_display = True ++ ++ def display_box(self, box, cylinder_size): ++ view = cmd.get_view() ++ name = "box" ++ obj = [] ++ # build cgo object ++ color = self.box_color ++ for i in range(2): ++ for k in range (2): ++ for j in range(2): ++ if i != 1: ++ obj.append(CYLINDER) ++ obj.extend([box[0][i],box[1][j],box[2][k]]) ++ obj.extend([box[0][i+1],box[1][j],box[2][k]]) ++ obj.append(cylinder_size) ++ obj.extend(color) ++ obj.extend(color) ++ obj.append(COLOR) ++ obj.extend(color) ++ obj.append(SPHERE) ++ obj.extend([box[0][i],box[1][j],box[2][k],cylinder_size]) ++ ++ if j != 1: ++ obj.append(CYLINDER) ++ obj.extend([box[0][i],box[1][j],box[2][k]]) ++ obj.extend([box[0][i],box[1][j+1],box[2][k]]) ++ obj.append(cylinder_size) ++ obj.extend(color) ++ obj.extend(color) ++ obj.append(COLOR) ++ obj.extend(color) ++ obj.append(SPHERE) ++ obj.extend([box[0][i],box[1][j+1],box[2][k],cylinder_size]) ++ if k != 1: ++ obj.append(CYLINDER) ++ obj.extend([box[0][i],box[1][j],box[2][k]]) ++ obj.extend([box[0][i],box[1][j],box[2][k+1]]) ++ obj.append(cylinder_size) ++ obj.extend(color) ++ obj.extend(color) ++ obj.append(COLOR) ++ obj.extend(color) ++ obj.append(SPHERE) ++ obj.extend([box[0][i],box[1][j],box[2][k+1],cylinder_size]) ++ axes = [[2.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,2.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,2.0]] ++ xpos = [box[0][1]+(box[0][1]-box[0][0])/5.,box[1][0],box[2][0]] ++ cyl_text(obj,plain,xpos,'X',0.10,axes=axes) ++ ypos = [box[0][0],box[1][1]+(box[1][1]-box[1][0])/5,box[2][0]] ++ cyl_text(obj,plain,ypos,'Y',0.10,axes=axes) ++ zpos = [box[0][0],box[1][0],box[2][1]+(box[2][1]-box[2][0])/5] ++ cyl_text(obj,plain,zpos,'Z',0.10,axes=axes) ++ cmd.load_cgo(obj,name) ++ cmd.set_view(view) ++ ++ ++ def display_wire_box(self, box): ++ ++ cmd.delete("wirebox") ++ color = self.box_color ++ view = cmd.get_view() ++ spacing = float(self.box_display_mesh_grid.get()) ++ lwidth = float(self.box_display_line_width.get()) ++ xpts = int(round((box[0][1]-box[0][0])/spacing))+1 ++ ypts = int(round((box[1][1]-box[1][0])/spacing))+1 ++ zpts = int(round((box[2][1]-box[2][0])/spacing))+1 ++ obj = [] ++ for i in range(xpts): ++ for k in range (ypts): ++ obj.append(BEGIN) ++ obj.append(LINE_STRIP) ++ obj.append(COLOR) ++ obj.extend(color) ++ ++ for j in range(zpts): ++ ++ obj.append(VERTEX) ++ obj.extend([box[0][0]+spacing*i,box[1][0]+spacing*k,\ ++ box[2][0]+spacing*j]) ++ ++ obj.append(END) ++ for i in range(xpts): ++ for j in range (zpts): ++ obj.append(BEGIN) ++ obj.append(LINE_STRIP) ++ obj.append(COLOR) ++ obj.extend(color) ++ for k in range(ypts): ++ obj.append(VERTEX) ++ obj.extend([box[0][0]+spacing*i,box[1][0]+spacing*k,\ ++ box[2][0]+spacing*j]) ++ obj.append(END) ++ for j in range(zpts): ++ for i in range (xpts): ++ obj.append(BEGIN) ++ obj.append(LINE_STRIP) ++ obj.append(COLOR) ++ obj.extend(color) ++ for k in range(ypts): ++ obj.append(VERTEX) ++ obj.extend([box[0][0]+spacing*i,box[1][0]+spacing*k,\ ++ box[2][0]+spacing*j]) ++ obj.append(END) ++ for j in range(zpts): ++ for k in range (ypts): ++ obj.append(BEGIN) ++ obj.append(LINE_STRIP) ++ obj.append(COLOR) ++ obj.extend(color) ++ for i in range(xpts): ++ obj.append(VERTEX) ++ obj.extend([box[0][0]+spacing*i,box[1][0]+spacing*k,\ ++ box[2][0]+spacing*j]) ++ obj.append(END) ++ cmd.load_cgo(obj,"wirebox") ++ cmd.set("cgo_line_width",lwidth) ++ cmd.set_view(view) ++ ++ #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ # config functions ++ def set_autodock_tools_path(self, dirname): ++ self.autodock_tools_location.setvalue(dirname) ++ self.autodock_tools_path.set(dirname) ++ self.config_settings['autodock_tools_path'] = dirname ++ ++ def set_autogrid_location(self, filename): ++ self.autogrid_location.setvalue(filename) ++ self.autogrid_exe.set(filename) ++ self.config_settings['autogrid_exe'] = filename ++ ++ def set_autodock_location(self, filename): ++ self.autodock_location.setvalue(filename) ++ self.autodock_exe.set(filename) ++ self.config_settings['autodock_exe'] = filename ++ ++ def set_vina_location(self, filename): ++ self.vina_location.setvalue(filename) ++ self.vina_exe.set(filename) ++ self.config_settings['vina_exe'] = filename ++ ++ def set_work_path_location(self, dirname): ++ self.work_path_location.setvalue(dirname) ++ ++ def work_dir(self): ++ return self.work_path_location.getvalue() ++ ++ def read_plugin_config_file(self): ++ config_file_name = os.path.join(tmp_dir,"pymol_autodock_plugin.conf") ++ self.config_settings = {} ++ self.config_settings['autodock_tools_path'] = '' ++ self.config_settings['autogrid_exe'] = '' ++ self.config_settings['autodock_exe'] = '' ++ self.config_settings['vina_exe'] = '' ++ if os.path.isfile(config_file_name): ++ self.status_line.configure(text = 'Reading configuration file: %s' % config_file_name) ++ lst = self.fileopen(config_file_name,'r').readlines() ++ for line in lst: ++ if line[0]!='#': ++ entr = line.split('=') ++ self.config_settings[entr[0].strip()] = entr[1].strip() ++ self.autogrid_exe.set(self.config_settings['autogrid_exe']) ++ self.autodock_exe.set(self.config_settings['autodock_exe']) ++ self.vina_exe.set(self.config_settings['vina_exe']) ++ self.autodock_tools_path.set(self.config_settings['autodock_tools_path']) ++ else: ++ self.status_line.configure(text = 'Configuration file not found') ++ return self.config_settings ++ ++ def save_plugin_config_file(self): ++ config_file_name = os.path.join(tmp_dir,"pymol_autodock_plugin.conf") ++ fp = self.fileopen(config_file_name,'w') ++ print >>fp, '#========================================' ++ print >>fp, '# Autodock/Vina Plugin configuration file' ++ self.config_settings['autogrid_exe'] = self.autogrid_location.getvalue() ++ self.config_settings['autodock_exe'] = self.autodock_location.getvalue() ++ self.config_settings['vina_exe'] = self.vina_location.getvalue() ++ self.config_settings['autodock_tools_path'] = self.autodock_tools_location.getvalue() ++ print 'ADDD', self.autodock_location.getvalue() ++ for key, val in self.config_settings.items(): ++ print >>fp, key, '=', val ++ fp.close() ++ self.status_line.configure(text = 'Wrote configuration file %s' % config_file_name) ++ ++ def ligand_display_mode_changed(self, button_name, pressed): ++ if pressed: ++ self.ligand_display_mode[button_name] = True ++ action = 'Enabled' ++ else: ++ self.ligand_display_mode[button_name] = False ++ action = 'Disabled' ++ txt = action+' ligand display mode <'+button_name+'>' ++ self.status_line.configure(text=txt) ++ ++ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ # receptors ++ ++ def delete_residue(self): ++ sel = self.flexible_residues_list.getcurselection() ++ ++ ++ def selectionCommand(self, value): ++ sels = self.selection_list.getcurselection() ++ ## if len(sels) == 0: ++## print 'No selection' ++## else: ++## print 'Selection:', sels[0] ++ ++ def selected_receptor(self, value): ++ sel = self.receptor_list.get() ++ receptor_object = self.receptor_dic[sel] ++ lst = [] ++ for key, val in receptor_object.flexible_residues.items(): ++ for resn, resi in val: ++ lst.append("%s:%4d %s" % (key, resn, resi)) ++ self.flexible_residues_list.setlist(lst) ++ self.receptor_page_log_text.insert('end',receptor_object.info()) ++ self.receptor_page_log_text.yview('moveto',1.0) ++ self.docking_receptor_rigid_list.selectitem(value) ++ ++ ++ ++ def import_selections(self): ++ lst = cmd.get_names("selections")+cmd.get_names() ++ if 'grid_center' in lst: ++ lst.remove('grid_center') ++ if 'box' in lst: ++ lst.remove('box') ++ self.selection_list.setlist(lst) ++ self.ligand_selection_list.setlist(lst) ++ ++ ++ def generate_receptor(self): ++ print self.work_dir() ++ sel = self.selection_list.getcurselection() ++ tmp_rec_pdb = os.path.join(self.work_dir(),"receptor.%s.pdb" % sel[0]) ++ print tmp_rec_pdb ++ cmd.save(tmp_rec_pdb,sel[0]) ++ util_program = os.path.join(self.autodock_tools_path.get(),"prepare_receptor4.py") ++ outfilename = os.path.join(self.work_dir(), "receptor.%s.pdbqt" % sel[0]) ++ command = "%s -r %s -o %s -A checkhydrogens" % (util_program,tmp_rec_pdb,outfilename) ++ self.receptor_page_log_text.insert('end',"Batch: %s\n" % command) ++ self.receptor_page_log_text.yview('moveto',1.0) ++ ++ result, output = getstatusoutput(command) ++ if result == 0: ++ self.receptor_list.insert('end',sel[0]) ++ self.status_line.configure(text="Successfully generated receptor file receptor.%s.pdbqt" % sel[0]) ++ #self.receptor_page_log_text.insert('end',"Successfully generated receptor file receptor.%s.pdbqt\n" % sel[0]) ++ self.receptor_page_log_text.insert('end',output) ++ self.receptor_page_log_text.yview('moveto',1.0) ++ r = Receptor() ++ r.selection = sel[0] ++ r.pdb_file = tmp_rec_pdb ++ r.receptor_pdbqt = outfilename ++ stored.list = [] ++ cmd.iterate(sel[0]+' and name ca',"stored.list.append([resi,resn])") ++ for resi, resn in stored.list: ++ r.resi_dic[int(resi)] = resn ++ self.receptor_dic[sel[0]] = r ++ self.receptor_list.selectitem(-1) ++ self.docking_receptor_rigid_list.insert('end',sel[0]) ++ self.docking_receptor_rigid_list.selectitem(-1) ++ ++ else: ++ self.status_line.configure(text="An error occured while preparing receptor from selection %s" % sel[0]) ++ self.receptor_page_log_text.insert('end',output) ++ ++ def select_flexible_residues(self): ++ sel = self.selection_list.get() ++ rec = self.receptor_list.get() ++ stored.list = [] ++ cmd.iterate(sel+' and name ca',"stored.list.append([chain, resn,resi])") ++ receptor_object = self.receptor_dic[rec] ++ receptor_object.flexible_residues = [] ++ chains = {} ++ for chain, resn, resi in stored.list: ++ if resn not in ['ALA','GLY','PRO']: ++ if chains.has_key(chain): ++ chains[chain].append([int(resi), resn]) ++ else: ++ chains[chain] = [ [int(resi), resn] ] ++ receptor_object.flexible_residues = chains ++ ++ # receptor_object.flexible_residues.append( [int(resi), resn] ) ++# self.status_line.configure(text = "Selected %d flexible residues for receptor %s" \ ++# % (len(receptor_object.flexible_residues), rec)) ++ util_program = os.path.join(self.autodock_tools_path.get(),"prepare_flexreceptor4.py") ++ flex_res_string = receptor_object.flex_res_string() ++ receptor_filename = receptor_object.receptor_pdbqt ++ rec_rigid = receptor_filename[:-6]+'.rigid.pdbqt' ++ rec_flexible = receptor_filename[:-6]+'.flexible.pdbqt' ++ command = "%s -r %s -s %s -g %s -x %s" % \ ++ (util_program, receptor_filename, flex_res_string, rec_rigid, rec_flexible) ++ self.receptor_page_log_text.insert('end',"Batch: %s\n" % command) ++ self.receptor_page_log_text.yview('moveto',1.0) ++# result = os.system(command) ++ result, output = getstatusoutput(command) ++ if result == 0: ++ receptor_object.receptor_rigid = rec_rigid ++ receptor_object.receptor_flexible = rec_flexible ++ self.status_line.configure(text="Successfully generated flexible receptor files for %s(%s)" % (rec,sel)) ++# self.receptor_page_log_text.insert('end',"Successfully generated flexible receptor files for %s(%s)\n" % (rec,sel)) ++ self.receptor_page_log_text.insert('end',output) ++ self.selected_receptor(rec) ++ self.docking_receptor_flexible_list.selectitem('Yes') ++ else: ++ self.status_line.configure(text="An error occured while preparing a flexible receptor from selection %s" % sel) ++ self.receptor_page_log_text.insert('end',output) ++ self.receptor_page_log_text.yview('moveto',1.0) ++ ++ ++ def set_receptor_pdbqt_location(self, filename): ++ self.receptor_pdbqt_location.setvalue(filename) ++ ++ def load_receptor_pdbqt(self): ++ fn = self.receptor_pdbqt_location.getvalue() ++ outfile = os.path.join(self.work_dir(), os.path.basename(fn).split('.')[0]+'_pdb.pdb') ++ util_program = os.path.join(self.autodock_tools_path.get(),"pdbqt_to_pdb.py") ++ command = "%s -f %s -o %s " % (util_program, fn, outfile) ++ self.receptor_page_log_text.insert('end',"Batch: %s\n" % command) ++ self.receptor_page_log_text.yview('moveto',1.0) ++ result, output = getstatusoutput(command) ++ if result == 0: ++ self.status_line.configure(text = "Loading receptor %s" % fn) ++ self.receptor_page_log_text.insert('end',output) ++ self.receptor_page_log_text.yview('moveto',1.0) ++ ++ name = os.path.basename(fn).split('.')[0] ++ cmd.load(outfile,name) ++ r = Receptor() ++ r.selection = name ++ r.pdb_file = outfile ++ r.receptor_pdbqt = os.path.abspath(fn) ++ stored.list = [] ++ cmd.iterate(name+' and name ca',"stored.list.append([resi,resn])") ++ for resi, resn in stored.list: ++ r.resi_dic[int(resi)] = resn ++ self.receptor_dic[name] = r ++ self.receptor_list.insert('end',name) ++ self.receptor_list.selectitem(-1) ++ self.docking_receptor_rigid_list.insert('end',name) ++ self.docking_receptor_rigid_list.selectitem(-1) ++ ++ else: ++ self.status_line.configure(text="An error occured while loading receptor %s" % fn) ++ self.receptor_page_log_text.insert('end',output) ++ ++ ++ ++ def remove_receptor(self): ++ rec = self.receptor_list.get() ++ del self.receptor_dic[rec] ++ self.status_line.configure(text="Removed receptor %s" % rec) ++ index = list(self.receptor_list.get(0, 'end')).index(rec) ++ self.receptor_list.delete(index) ++ self.docking_receptor_list.delete(index) ++ try: ++ self.receptor_list.selectitem(0) ++ self.docking_receptor_list.selectitem(0) ++ except: ++ self.receptor_list.clear() ++ self.docking_receptor_list.clear() ++ ++ def remove_flexible_residues(self): ++ rec = self.receptor_list.get() ++ rec_object = self.receptor_dic[rec] ++ rec_object.flexible_residues = [] ++ rec_object.receptor_rigid = "" ++ rec_object.receptor_flexible = "" ++ self.status_line.configure(text="Removed flexible residues from receptor %s" % rec) ++ self.selected_receptor(rec) ++ ++ def remove_all_receptors(self): ++ self.receptor_dic = {} ++ self.status_line.configure(text="Deleted all receptor objects") ++ self.receptor_list.clear() ++ self.flexible_residues_list.clear() ++ ++ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ++ # ligands ++ ++ def save_as_ligand_pdb(self, name): ++ pdb_name = os.path.join(self.work_dir(), name+'.ligand.pdb') ++ cmd.save(pdb_name, name) ++ self.status_line.configure(text="Saving ligand pdb file %s from selection %s" % (pdb_name, name)) ++ self.ligand_list.insert('end',name) ++ l = Ligand() ++ l.input_file = pdb_name ++ l.selection = name ++ l.name = name ++ self.ligand_dic[name] = l ++ self.ligand_list.selectitem(-1) ++ ++ def generate_ligand(self): ++ sel = self.ligand_list.get() ++ filename = self.ligand_dic[sel].input_file ++ outfile = os.path.join(self.work_dir(), os.path.basename(filename).split('.')[0]+'.pdbqt') ++ util_program = os.path.join(self.autodock_tools_path.get(),"prepare_ligand4.py") ++ command = "%s -l %s -o %s -A checkhydrogens" % (util_program,filename,outfile) ++ self.ligand_page_log_text.insert('end',"Batch: %s\n" % command) ++# result = os.system(command) ++ result, output = getstatusoutput(command) ++ if result == 0: ++ self.ligand_pdbqt_list.insert('end',sel) ++ self.docking_ligand_list.insert('end',sel) ++ self.docking_ligand_list.selectitem(-1) ++ self.status_line.configure(text="Successfully generated ligand file %s" % outfile) ++ #self.ligand_page_log_text.insert('end',"Successfully generated ligand file %s\n" % outfile) ++ self.ligand_page_log_text.insert('end',output) ++ self.ligand_pdbqt_list.selectitem(-1) ++ self.ligand_dic[sel].ligand_pdbqt = outfile ++ else: ++ self.status_line.configure(text="An error occured while preparing ligand file from %s" % sel) ++ self.ligand_page_log_text.insert('end',output) ++ self.ligand_page_log_text.yview('moveto',1.0) ++ ++ ++ def ligand_info(self, sel): ++ try: ++ sel = self.ligand_pdbqt_list.getcurselection()[0] ++ except: ++ sel = self.ligand_list.getcurselection()[0] ++ self.ligand_page_log_text.insert('end',self.ligand_dic[sel].info()) ++ self.ligand_page_log_text.yview('moveto',1.0) ++ ++ ++ def remove_ligand(self): ++ lig = self.ligand_pdbqt_list.get() ++ try: ++ del self.ligand_dic[lig] ++ except: ++ lig = self.ligand_list.get() ++ del self.ligand_dic[lig] ++ try: ++ index = list(self.ligand_pdbqt_list.get(0, 'end')).index(lig) ++ self.ligand_pdbqt_list.delete(index) ++ self.docking_ligand_list.delete(index+1) ++ except: ++ pass ++ index = list(self.ligand_list.get(0, 'end')).index(lig) ++ self.ligand_list.delete(index) ++ self.status_line.configure(text="Removed ligand %s" % lig) ++ try: ++ self.ligand_list.selectitem(0) ++ except: ++ self.ligand_list.clear() ++ try: ++ self.ligand_pdbqt_list.selectitem(0) ++ except: ++ self.ligand_pdbqt_list.clear() ++ try: ++ self.docking_ligand_list.selectitem(0) ++ except: ++ self.docking_ligand_list.clear() ++ ++ def display_ligand(self): ++ lig = self.ligand_list.get() ++ ligand_input = self.ligand_dic[lig].input_file ++ string = open(ligand_input).read() ++ cmd.load(ligand_input) ++ self.ligand_page_log_text.insert('end',string) ++ self.ligand_page_log_text.yview('moveto',1.0) ++ ++ ++ def remove_all_ligands(self): ++ self.ligand_dic = {} ++ self.status_line.configure(text="Deleted all ligand objects") ++ self.ligand_list.clear() ++ self.ligand_pdbqt_list.clear() ++ ++ ++ def set_ligand_dir_location(self, dirname): ++ pth = self.ligand_dir_location.setvalue(dirname) ++ self.ligand_dir.set(dirname) ++ ++ def import_ligands(self): ++ pth = self.ligand_dir.get() ++ lst = glob(os.path.join(pth,"*.pdb"))\ ++ +glob(os.path.join(pth,"*.mol2"))\ ++ +glob(os.path.join(pth,"*.pdbqt")) ++ self.ligand_dic['VS_DIR'] = pth ++ self.multiple_ligands = True ++ ++ for f in lst: ++ l = Ligand() ++ l.input_file = f ++ name = os.path.basename(f).split('.')[0] ++ filetype = os.path.basename(f).split('.')[1] ++ if filetype == 'pdbqt': ++ if os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(f)) != os.path.dirname('.'): ++ os.symlink(f,os.path.basename(f)) ++ l.ligand_pdbqt = os.path.basename(f) ++ else: ++ l.ligand_pdbqt = f ++ self.ligand_pdbqt_list.insert('end',name) ++ self.docking_ligand_list.insert('end',name) ++ self.docking_ligand_list.selectitem(-1) ++ self.ligand_pdbqt_list.selectitem(-1) ++ ++ self.ligand_dic[name] = l ++ self.ligand_dic[name].name = name ++ self.ligand_page_log_text.insert('end',"Importing ligand %s\n" % f) ++ self.ligand_page_log_text.yview('moveto',1.0) ++ self.ligand_list.insert('end',name) ++ self.status_line.configure(text="Loaded %d ligands" % len(lst)) ++ ++ def generate_all_ligands(self): ++ self.multiple_ligands = True ++ for key, ligand in self.ligand_dic.items(): ++ if key !='VS_DIR': ++ self.ligand_list.selectitem(key) ++ self.generate_ligand() ++ self.docking_ligand_list.selectitem(0) ++ ++ #------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ # docking ++ ++ def run_autogrid(self): ++ rec = self.docking_receptor_rigid_list.get() ++ use_flex = self.docking_receptor_flexible_list.get() ++ receptor_object = self.receptor_dic[rec] ++ if use_flex == 'No': ++ rigid_receptor_file = receptor_object.receptor_pdbqt ++ flex_receptor_file = None ++ elif use_flex == 'Yes': ++ if receptor_object.receptor_flexible: ++ rigid_receptor_file = receptor_object.receptor_rigid ++ flex_receptor_file = receptor_object.receptor_flexible ++ else: ++ self.status_line.configure(text="No flexible receptor defined! Cannot do flexible docking!") ++ return ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end','#---------------------------------------\n') ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end','# SETTING UP GRID CALCULATION\n') ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end',' > RECEPTOR RIGID : %s\n' % rigid_receptor_file) ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end',' > RECEPTOR FLEXIBLE : %s\n' % flex_receptor_file) ++ ++ ligands = self.docking_ligand_list.get() ++ if ligands == 'All': ++ pth = self.ligand_dic['VS_DIR'] ++ else: ++ lig_pdbqt = self.ligand_dic[ligands].ligand_pdbqt ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end',' > LIGAND(s) : %s\n' % ligands) ++ if ligands == 'All': ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end',' > LIGAND VS-DIR : %s\n' % pth) ++ ++ n_points_X = self.n_points_X.get() ++ n_points_Y = self.n_points_Y.get() ++ n_points_Z = self.n_points_Z.get() ++ spacing = self.grid_spacing.get() ++ center_X = self.grid_center[0].get() ++ center_Y = self.grid_center[1].get() ++ center_Z = self.grid_center[2].get() ++ ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end',' > GRID POINTS : %d %d %d\n' % (n_points_X, n_points_Y, n_points_Z)) ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end',' > GRID CENTER : %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n' % (center_X, center_Y, center_Z)) ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end',' > GRID SPACING : %8.3f \n' % spacing) ++ ++ ++ template_gpf = os.path.join(self.work_dir(),'template.gpf') ++ outfile_gpf = rec+'.gpf' ++ fp = self.fileopen(template_gpf,'w') ++ print >>fp, 'npts %d %d %d' % (n_points_X, n_points_Y, n_points_Z) ++ print >>fp, 'spacing %5.3f' % spacing ++ print >>fp, 'gridcenter %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f' % (center_X, center_Y, center_Z) ++ fp.close() ++ util_program = os.path.join(self.autodock_tools_path.get(),"prepare_gpf4.py") ++ command = "%s -r %s -i %s -o %s" % (util_program, rigid_receptor_file, template_gpf, outfile_gpf) ++ if flex_receptor_file is not None: ++ command+=' -x %s' % flex_receptor_file ++ if hasattr(self, "multiple_ligands"): ++ command+=' -d %s' % self.ligand_dic['VS_DIR'] ++ else: ++ command+=' -l %s' % lig_pdbqt ++ ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end',"Batch: %s\n" % command) ++ self.docking_page_log_text.yview('moveto',1.0) ++ result, output = getstatusoutput(command) ++ if result == 0: ++ self.status_line.configure(text="Successfully generated AutoGrid input file") ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end',output) ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end',"Running AutoGrid.....\n") ++ autogrid = self.autogrid_exe.get() ++ outfile_log = outfile_gpf.split('.')[0]+'.glg' ++ receptor_object.autogrid_gpf = outfile_gpf ++ receptor_object.autogrid_log = outfile_log ++ command = '%s -p %s -l %s' % (autogrid, outfile_gpf, outfile_log) ++ self.status_line.configure(text="Running AutoGrid....") ++ # dirty ++ if os.path.isfile(outfile_log): ++ shutil.move(outfile_log,outfile_log+'~') ++ os.system('touch %s' % outfile_log) ++ r = Thread_run(command) ++ r.start() ++ sleep(1) ++ ll = Thread_log(outfile_log, self.docking_page_log_text) ++ ll.start() ++ else: ++ self.status_line.configure(text="An error occured while trying to run Autogrid....") ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end',output) ++ self.docking_page_log_text.yview('moveto',1.0) ++ ++ ++ ++ def run_autodock(self, write_only = False): ++ rec = self.docking_receptor_rigid_list.get() ++ use_flex = self.docking_receptor_flexible_list.get() ++ receptor_object = self.receptor_dic[rec] ++ if use_flex == 'No': ++ rigid_receptor_file = receptor_object.receptor_pdbqt ++ flex_receptor_file = None ++ elif use_flex == 'Yes': ++ if receptor_object.receptor_flexible: ++ rigid_receptor_file = receptor_object.receptor_rigid ++ flex_receptor_file = receptor_object.receptor_flexible ++ else: ++ self.status_line.configure(text="No flexible receptor defined! Cannot do flexible docking!") ++ return ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end','#---------------------------------------\n') ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end','# SETTING UP DOCKING RUN\n') ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end',' > RECEPTOR RIGID : %s\n' % rigid_receptor_file) ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end',' > RECEPTOR FLEXIBLE : %s\n' % flex_receptor_file) ++ ++ ligands = self.docking_ligand_list.get() ++ if ligands == 'All': ++ pth = self.ligand_dic['VS_DIR'] ++ else: ++ lig_pdbqt = self.ligand_dic[ligands].ligand_pdbqt ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end',' > LIGAND(s) : %s\n' % ligands) ++ if ligands == 'All': ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end',' > LIGAND VS-DIR : %s\n' % pth) ++ ++ nposes = int(self.docking_nposes_list.get()) ++ ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end',' > # POSES : %d \n' % nposes) ++ ++ template_dpf = os.path.join(self.work_dir(),'template.dpf') ++ ++ fp = self.fileopen(template_dpf,'w') ++ print >>fp, 'ga_run %d ' % (nposes) ++ fp.close() ++ ++ util_program = os.path.join(self.autodock_tools_path.get(),"prepare_dpf4.py") ++ if ligands!='All': ++ outfile_dpf = ligands+'.dpf' ++ command = "%s -r %s -i %s -o %s " % (util_program, rigid_receptor_file, template_dpf, outfile_dpf) ++ if flex_receptor_file is not None: ++ command+=' -x %s' % flex_receptor_file ++ else: ++ command+=' -l %s' % lig_pdbqt ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end',"Batch: %s\n" % command) ++ self.docking_page_log_text.yview('moveto', 1.0) ++ result, output = getstatusoutput(command) ++ if result == 0: ++ self.status_line.configure(text="Wrote AutoDock input file for ligand: %s" % ligands) ++# self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end',"Running AutoDock.....\n") ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end',output) ++ self.docking_page_log_text.yview('moveto', 1.0) ++ if write_only: ++ return ++ autodock = self.autodock_exe.get() ++ outfile_poses = outfile_dpf.split('.')[0]+'.dlg' ++ self.ligand_dic[ligands].outfile_poses = outfile_poses ++ command = '%s -p %s -l %s' % (autodock, outfile_dpf, outfile_poses) ++# self.status_line.configure(text="Now docking ligand: %s...." % ligands) ++ if os.path.isfile(outfile_poses): ++ shutil.move(outfile_poses,outfile_poses+'~') ++ os.system('touch %s' % outfile_poses) ++ r = Thread_run(command, self.current_thread, self.status_line, "Now docking ligand: %s...." % ligands) ++ r.start() ++ self.current_thread = r ++ ll = Thread_log(outfile_poses, self.docking_page_log_text) ++ ll.start() ++ else: ++ self.status_line.configure(text="Error while generating run input file for ligand: %s" % ligands) ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end',output) ++ self.docking_page_log_text.yview('moveto', 1.0) ++ ++ else: ++ ligand_list = [] ++ for lig in self.ligand_dic.values(): ++ if hasattr(lig,"ligand_pdbqt") and lig.ligand_pdbqt!='': ++ ligand_list.append(lig) ++ for idx in range(len(ligand_list)): ++ self.docking_ligand_list.selectitem(idx+1) ++ self.run_autodock(write_only = write_only) ++ ++ ++ def run_vina(self, write_only = False): ++ ++ rec = self.docking_receptor_rigid_list.get() ++ use_flex = self.docking_receptor_flexible_list.get() ++ receptor_object = self.receptor_dic[rec] ++ if use_flex == 'No': ++ rigid_receptor_file = receptor_object.receptor_pdbqt ++ flex_receptor_file = None ++ elif use_flex == 'Yes': ++ if receptor_object.receptor_flexible: ++ rigid_receptor_file = receptor_object.receptor_rigid ++ flex_receptor_file = receptor_object.receptor_flexible ++ else: ++ self.status_line.configure(text="No flexible receptor defined! Cannot do flexible docking!") ++ return ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end','#---------------------------------------\n') ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end','# SETTING UP VINA RUN\n') ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end',' > RECEPTOR RIGID : %s\n' % rigid_receptor_file) ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end',' > RECEPTOR FLEXIBLE : %s\n' % flex_receptor_file) ++ ++ ++ n_points_X = self.n_points_X.get() ++ n_points_Y = self.n_points_Y.get() ++ n_points_Z = self.n_points_Z.get() ++ spacing = self.grid_spacing.get() ++ center_X = self.grid_center[0].get() ++ center_Y = self.grid_center[1].get() ++ center_Z = self.grid_center[2].get() ++ ++ size_X = n_points_X*spacing ++ size_Y = n_points_Y*spacing ++ size_Z = n_points_Z*spacing ++ ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end',' > CENTER X : %s\n' % center_X) ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end',' > CENTER Y : %s\n' % center_Y) ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end',' > CENTER Z : %s\n' % center_Z) ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end',' > SIZE X : %s\n' % str(size_X)) ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end',' > SIZE Y : %s\n' % str(size_Y)) ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end',' > SIZE Z : %s\n' % str(size_Z)) ++ ++ ++ ligands = self.docking_ligand_list.get() ++ if ligands == 'All': ++ pth = self.ligand_dic['VS_DIR'] ++ else: ++ lig_pdbqt = self.ligand_dic[ligands].ligand_pdbqt ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end',' > LIGAND(s) : %s\n' % ligands) ++ if ligands == 'All': ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end',' > LIGAND VS-DIR : %s\n' % pth) ++ ++ nposes = int(self.docking_nposes_list.get()) ++ ++ self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end',' > # POSES : %d \n' % nposes) ++ self.docking_page_log_text.yview('moveto', 1.0) ++ ++ ++ ++ if ligands!='All': ++ outfile_conf = os.path.join(self.work_dir(), ligands+'.vina_config.txt') ++ outfile_log = os.path.join(self.work_dir(),ligands+'.vina.log') ++ outfile_poses = os.path.join(self.work_dir(),ligands+'.docked.pdbqt') ++ self.ligand_dic[ligands].outfile_poses = outfile_poses ++ self.ligand_dic[ligands].outfile_log = outfile_log ++ self.ligand_dic[ligands].vina_conf = outfile_conf ++ fp = self.fileopen(outfile_conf,'w') ++ print >>fp, "receptor = %s" % rigid_receptor_file ++ if flex_receptor_file is not None: ++ print >>fp, "flex = %s" % flex_receptor_file ++ print >>fp, "ligand = %s" % lig_pdbqt ++ print >>fp, "center_x = %s" % center_X ++ print >>fp, "center_y = %s" % center_Y ++ print >>fp, "center_z = %s" % center_Z ++ print >>fp, "size_x = %6.2f" % size_X ++ print >>fp, "size_y = %6.2f" % size_Y ++ print >>fp, "size_z = %6.2f" % size_Z ++ print >>fp, "out = %s" % outfile_poses ++ print >>fp, "log = %s" % outfile_log ++ print >>fp, "num_modes = %d" % nposes ++ fp.close() ++ self.status_line.configure(text="Wrote VINA input file for ligand: %s" % ligands) ++# self.docking_page_log_text.insert('end',"Running VINA.....\n") ++ self.docking_page_log_text.yview('moveto', 1.0) ++ if write_only: ++ return ++ vina = self.vina_exe.get() ++ command = '%s --config %s' % (vina, outfile_conf) ++# self.status_line.configure(text="Now docking ligand: %s...." % ligands) ++ if os.path.isfile(outfile_log): ++ shutil.move(outfile_log,outfile_log+'~') ++ os.system('touch %s' % outfile_log) ++ r = Thread_run(command, self.current_thread, self.status_line, "Now docking ligand: %s...." % ligands) ++ r.start() ++ self.current_thread = r ++ ll = Thread_log(outfile_log, self.docking_page_log_text) ++ ll.start() ++ ++ else: ++ ligand_list = [] ++ for lig in self.ligand_dic.values(): ++ if hasattr(lig,"ligand_pdbqt") and lig.ligand_pdbqt!='': ++ ligand_list.append(lig) ++ for idx in range(len(ligand_list)): ++ self.docking_ligand_list.selectitem(idx+1) ++ self.run_vina(write_only = write_only) ++ ++ ++ def write_autodock_input_files(self): ++ self.run_autodock(write_only = True) ++ def write_vina_input_files(self): ++ self.run_vina(write_only = True) ++ ++ ++ ++ #------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ # view poses ++ ++ ++ def set_pose_filename(self, filename): ++ self.pose_file_location.setvalue(filename) ++ ++ def load_ligand_file(self, update = True): ++ filename = self.pose_file_location.get() ++ ext = os.path.basename(filename).split('.')[-1] ++ if ext == 'pdbqt': ++ #print 'loading pdbqt' ++ self.load_pdbqt(filename) ++ elif ext == 'dlg': ++ self.load_dlg(filename) ++ if update: ++ self.make_complete_ligand_list() ++ self.score_table.clearTable() ++ self.score_table.updateView(self.all_ligands) ++ ++ def load_all_ligand_files(self): ++ lst = [] ++ for name, ligand in self.ligand_dic.items(): ++ if name != 'VS_DIR' and ligand.outfile_poses!='': ++ lst.append(ligand.outfile_poses) ++ for f in lst: ++ self.pose_file_location.setvalue(f) ++ self.load_ligand_file(update=False) ++ self.make_complete_ligand_list() ++ self.score_table.clearTable() ++ self.score_table.updateView(self.all_ligands) ++ ++ def load_dlg(self, filename): ++# print 'loading dlg file' ++ name = '.'.join(os.path.basename(filename).split('.')[:-1]) ++ lst = self.fileopen(filename,'r').readlines() ++ filt = [] ++ for line in lst: ++ if line.startswith('DOCKED:'): ++ filt.append(line[8:]) ++ modlist = [] ++ for i, line in enumerate(filt): ++ if line.startswith('MODEL'): ++ newmod = [] ++ for k, line2 in enumerate(filt[i:]): ++ if not line2.startswith('ENDMDL'): ++ newmod.append(line2) ++ else: ++ modlist.append(newmod) ++ break ++ pose_list = [] ++ ++ for m in modlist: ++ model = ADModel(lst = m) ++ model.name = name ++ pose_list.append(model) ++ ++ pose_list.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a.energy, b.energy)) ++ self.pose_viewer_ligand_dic[name] = {} ++ for i in range(len(pose_list)): ++ pose_list[i].poseN = i+1 ++ self.pose_viewer_ligand_dic[name].update({name+'::%d'%(i+1):pose_list[i]}) ++ self.update_combo(name) ++ ++ def load_pdbqt(self, filename): ++ ++ lst = self.fileopen(filename,'r').readlines() ++ name = '.'.join(os.path.basename(filename).split('.')[:-1]) ++ modlist = [] ++ for i, line in enumerate(lst): ++ if line.startswith('MODEL'): ++ newmod = [] ++ for k, line2 in enumerate(lst[i:]): ++ if not line2.startswith('ENDMDL'): ++ newmod.append(line2) ++ else: ++ modlist.append(newmod) ++ break ++ pose_list = [] ++ ++ for m in modlist: ++ model = ADModel(lst = m) ++ model.name = name ++# print model.energy ++ pose_list.append(model) ++ # print 'done pose list' ++ pose_list.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a.energy, b.energy)) ++ ++ self.pose_viewer_ligand_dic[name] = {} ++ for i in range(len(pose_list)): ++ pose_list[i].poseN = i+1 ++ self.pose_viewer_ligand_dic[name].update({name+'::%d'%(i+1):pose_list[i]}) ++ ++ self.update_combo(name) ++ ++ ++ def update_combo(self,name): ++ try: ++ self.pose_viewer_notebook.delete(name) ++ except: ++ pass ++ self.pose_viewer_ligand_pages[name] = {'name':self.pose_viewer_notebook.add(name)} ++ pose_list = self.pose_viewer_ligand_dic[name].keys() ++ ++ pose_list.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(int(a.split('::')[1]), int(b.split('::')[1]))) ++ self.pose_viewer_ligand_pages[name].update( {'poses':pose_list} ) ++ ++ self.pose_viewer_buttonbox = Pmw.ButtonBox(self.pose_viewer_ligand_pages[name]['name'], padx=3) ++ self.pose_viewer_buttonbox.add('Show best 10' ,command=self.show_best_poses) ++ self.pose_viewer_buttonbox.add('Show all' ,command=self.show_all_poses) ++ self.pose_viewer_buttonbox.add('Hide all' ,command=self.hide_all_poses) ++ self.pose_viewer_buttonbox.add('Delete',command=self.delete_ligand) ++ self.pose_viewer_buttonbox.pack(fill='x',side=TOP) ++ self.pose_viewer_buttonbox.alignbuttons() ++ self.pose_viewer_ligand_pages[name]['combo'] = Pmw.ComboBox(self.pose_viewer_ligand_pages[name]['name'], ++ label_text='Docked', ++ labelpos='nw', ++ scrolledlist_items= pose_list, ++ selectioncommand=self.ligand_combo_box_selected, ++ listbox_height=10, ++ listbox_width=1, ++ dropdown=False) ++ self.pose_viewer_ligand_pages[name]['combo'].pack(side='left', padx=3, anchor='n') ++ ++ self.pose_viewer_ligand_pages[name]['text'] = Pmw.ScrolledText(self.pose_viewer_ligand_pages[name]['name'], ++ borderframe=5, ++ vscrollmode='dynamic', ++ hscrollmode='dynamic', ++ labelpos='n', ++ label_text=name, ++ text_width=150, text_height=15, ++ text_wrap='none', ++ text_background='#000000', ++ text_foreground='green' ++ ) ++ self.pose_viewer_ligand_pages[name]['text'].pack() ++ self.pose_viewer_notebook.selectpage(name) ++ self.status_line.configure(text ='Loading %s' % name) ++ ++ ++ def ligand_combo_box_selected(self, value): ++ name = value.split('::')[0] ++ if self.pose_viewer_radiobuttons.getvalue()=='Show Selected': ++ view = cmd.get_view() ++ ligand = self.pose_viewer_ligand_dic[name][str(value)] ++ cmd.read_pdbstr(ligand.as_pdb_string(),str(value)) ++ pmlname = value.replace(' ','_').replace('::','_') ++ for key, val in self.ligand_display_mode.items(): ++ # print key, val ++ if val == True: ++ cmd.show(key,pmlname) ++ else: ++ cmd.hide(key,pmlname) ++ cmd.set_view(view) ++ # cmd.zoom(str(value)) ++ text = 'Docked Energy: %8.2f kcal/mol' % ligand.energy ++ self.status_line.configure(text=text) ++ ++ self.pose_viewer_ligand_pages[name]['text'].clear() ++ self.pose_viewer_ligand_pages[name]['text'].insert('end',ligand.info_string()) ++ else: ++ pmlname = value.replace(' ','_').replace('::','_') ++ cmd.delete(pmlname) ++ self.pose_viewer_ligand_pages[name]['text'].clear() ++ self.status_line.configure(text='') ++ ++ def show_all_poses(self): ++ name = self.pose_viewer_notebook.getcurselection() ++ for pose in self.pose_viewer_ligand_pages[name]['poses']: ++ self.ligand_combo_box_selected(pose) ++ self.status_line.configure(text = 'Showing all poses %s' % name) ++ ++ def show_best_poses(self): ++ name = self.pose_viewer_notebook.getcurselection() ++ for pose in self.pose_viewer_ligand_pages[name]['poses'][:10]: ++ self.ligand_combo_box_selected(pose) ++ self.status_line.configure(text = 'Showing best 10 poses %s' % name) ++ ++ def hide_all_poses(self): ++ name = self.pose_viewer_notebook.getcurselection() ++# pmlname = name.replace(' ','_') ++# cmd.delete(pmlname+'.*') ++ cmd.delete(name+'_*') ++ self.status_line.configure(text = 'Deleted all poses %s' % name) ++ ++ def delete_ligand(self): ++ name = self.pose_viewer_notebook.getcurselection() ++ cmd.delete(name+'_*') ++ self.pose_viewer_notebook.delete(name) ++ del self.pose_viewer_ligand_pages[name] ++ del self.pose_viewer_ligand_dic[name] ++ self.status_line.configure(text = 'Deleted %s' % name) ++ how = self.score_table_radiobuttons.getvalue() ++ self.update_score_table(how) ++ ++ def make_complete_ligand_list(self): ++ self.all_ligands = [] ++ for key, val in self.pose_viewer_ligand_dic.items(): ++ self.all_ligands.extend(val.values()) ++ self.sort_complete_ligand_list() ++ ++ def sort_complete_ligand_list(self): ++ self.all_ligands.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a.energy, b.energy)) ++ ++ def select_best_poses(self): ++ self.sort_complete_ligand_list() ++ self.best_ligand_list = [] ++ done = [] ++ for ligand in self.all_ligands: ++ if ligand.name not in done: ++ self.best_ligand_list.append(ligand) ++ done.append(ligand.name) ++ ++ def update_score_table(self, value): ++ if value=='Show All Poses': ++ self.make_complete_ligand_list() ++ self.score_table.resetTable() ++ self.score_table.updateView(self.all_ligands) ++ elif value=='Show Only Best Pose': ++ self.select_best_poses() ++ self.score_table.resetTable() ++ self.score_table.updateView(self.best_ligand_list) ++ ++ def export_score_dat_file(self): ++ what = self.score_table_radiobuttons.getvalue() ++ filename = self.rank_dat_file_location.getvalue() ++ fp = self.fileopen(filename,'w') ++ if what == 'Show All Poses': ++ ligand_list = self.all_ligands ++ elif what == 'Show Only Best Pose': ++ ligand_list = self.best_ligand_list ++ print >>fp,"# RANK NAME POSE # SCORE" ++ for i, ligand in enumerate(ligand_list): ++ print >>fp, "%8d %20s %5d %8.3f" % \ ++ (i+1, ligand.name, ligand.poseN, ligand.energy) ++ self.status_line.configure(text="Exported docking results to %s" % filename) ++ ++ ++ def export_score_csv_file(self): ++ what = self.score_table_radiobuttons.getvalue() ++ filename = self.rank_csv_file_location.getvalue() ++ fp = self.fileopen(filename,'w') ++ if what == 'Show All Poses': ++ ligand_list = self.all_ligands ++ elif what == 'Show Only Best Pose': ++ ligand_list = self.best_ligand_list ++ print >>fp, "RANK, NAME, POSE, SCORE" ++ for i, ligand in enumerate(ligand_list): ++ print >>fp, "%8d, %20s, %5d, %8.3f" % \ ++ (i+1, ligand.name, ligand.poseN, ligand.energy) ++ self.status_line.configure(text="Exported docking results to %s" % filename) ++ ++ def export_score_pose_file(self): ++ what = self.score_table_radiobuttons.getvalue() ++ filename = self.rank_pose_file_location.getvalue() ++ fp = self.fileopen(filename,'w') ++ if what == 'Show All Poses': ++ ligand_list = self.all_ligands ++ elif what == 'Show Only Best Pose': ++ ligand_list = self.best_ligand_list ++ print >>fp, "TITLE DOCKING POSES " ++ for i, ligand in enumerate(ligand_list): ++ print >>fp, "MODEL%5d" % (i+1) ++ print >>fp, "REMARK ligand: %s" % ligand.name ++ print >>fp, "REMARK pose #: %d" % ligand.poseN ++ print >>fp, "REMARK energy: %8.3f" % ligand.energy ++ print >>fp, ligand.as_string.rstrip() ++ print >>fp, "ENDMDL" ++ self.status_line.configure(text="Exported docking poses to %s" % filename) ++ ++ ++ #------------------------------------------- ++ # maps ++ ++ def set_mapfilename(self,filename): ++ self.map_file_location.setvalue(filename) ++ ++ ++ ++ def load_grid_map(self): ++ view = cmd.get_view() ++ fn = self.map_file_location.get() ++ fp = self.fileopen(fn,'r') ++ if not fp: ++ return None ++ try: ++ name = fn#.split('.')[-2] ++ except: ++ name = fn ++ mp = ADGridMap(fp,name) ++ fname = os.path.basename(name) ++ ++ self.status_line.configure(text = 'Loading map %s' % fn) ++ tmpn = os.path.join(self.work_dir(),fname+'.dx') ++ mp.writeDX(tmpn) ++ cmd.load(tmpn, fname) ++ self.status_line.configure(text = 'Loading map %s' % tmpn) ++ map_key = fname+'.5.0' ++ self.map_color = [1,0,0] ++ self.map_meta[fname] = mp.meta() ++ self.map_dic[fname] = {map_key:{'color':self.map_color, ++ 'displ':'isosurface', ++ 'thresh':5, ++ 'meta':mp.meta() ++ } ++ } ++ info = '#====================================\n' ++ info+= '# DISPLAY SETTINGS\n' ++ info+= 'THRESHOLD: 5\n' ++ info+= 'COLOR : %4.3f %4.3f %4.3f\n' % (self.map_color[0], self.map_color[1], self.map_color[2]) ++ info+= 'MODE : isosurface\n' ++ info+= '#====================================\n' ++ info+= '# GRID MAP INFO\n' ++ info+= self.map_meta[fname] ++ self.map_meta[map_key] = info ++ self.map_threshold[fname] = DoubleVar() ++ self.map_threshold[fname].set(float(default_settings["map_threshold"])) ++ self.display_map(fname, self.map_dic[fname][map_key]) ++ self.update_mapcombo(fname, self.map_dic[fname]) ++ self.map_pages[fname]['combo'].selectitem(-1) ++ self.status_line.configure(text ='Loading Map %s' % fn) ++ cmd.set_view(view) ++ self.status_mapbox(map_key) ++ ++ def display_map(self,mapname,map_dic): ++ view = cmd.get_view() ++ surfname = mapname+'.'+"%2.1f" % map_dic['thresh'] ++ cmd.delete(surfname) ++ if map_dic['displ'] == 'isosurface': ++ cmd.isosurface(surfname,mapname,map_dic['thresh']) ++ cmd.set_color("mycol_"+surfname,map_dic['color']) ++ cmd.color('mycol_'+surfname,surfname) ++ elif map_dic['displ'] == 'isomesh': ++ cmd.isomesh(surfname,mapname,map_dic['thresh']) ++ cmd.set_color("mycol_"+surfname,map_dic['color']) ++ cmd.color('mycol_'+surfname,surfname) ++ ++ info = '#====================================\n' ++ info+= '# DISPLAY SETTINGS\n' ++ info+= 'THRESHOLD: %4.2f\n' % map_dic['thresh'] ++ info+= 'COLOR : %4.3f %4.3f %4.3f\n' % (map_dic['color'][0], map_dic['color'][1], map_dic['color'][2]) ++ info+= 'MODE : %s\n' % map_dic['displ'] ++ info+= '#====================================\n' ++ info+= '# GRID MAP INFO\n' ++ info+= self.map_meta[mapname] ++ self.map_meta[surfname] = info ++ cmd.set_view(view) ++ ++ ++ def create_surface(self): ++ name = self.map_viewer_notebook.getcurselection() ++ thresh = float(self.map_threshold[name].get()) ++ surfname = name+'.'+str(thresh) ++ cmd.delete(surfname) ++ if self.map_radiobuttons.getvalue()=='isosurface': ++ mode = 'isosurface' ++ elif self.map_radiobuttons.getvalue()=='isomesh': ++ mode = 'isomesh' ++ if self.map_dic[name].has_key(surfname): ++ mmp = self.map_dic[name][surfname] ++ else: ++ self.map_dic[name].update({surfname:{ ++ 'color':self.map_color, ++ 'displ':mode, ++ 'thresh':thresh ++ }}) ++ mmp = self.map_dic[name][surfname] ++ mmp['thresh'] = float(self.map_threshold[name].get()) ++ mmp['color'] = self.map_color ++ self.display_map(name, mmp) ++ self.update_mapcombo(name,self.map_dic[name]) ++ self.map_radiobuttons.setvalue(mode) ++ self.map_pages[name]['combo'].selectitem(-1) ++ self.status_mapbox(surfname) ++ ++ def delete_surface(self): ++ name = self.map_viewer_notebook.getcurselection() ++ s = self.map_pages[name]['combo'].getcurselection() ++ for mp in s: ++ self.status_line.configure(text = "Deleting map %s" % mp) ++ cmd.delete(mp) ++ del self.map_dic[name][mp] ++ self.update_mapcombo(name,self.map_dic[name]) ++ try: ++ self.map_pages[name]['combo'].selectitem(0) ++ except: ++ pass ++ ++ def select_map_color(self): ++ color = tkColorChooser.Chooser( ++ initialcolor='red',title='Choose map color').show() ++ if color[0] is not None: ++ self.map_color = [color[0][0]/255., ++ color[0][1]/255., ++ color[0][2]/255.] ++ ++ ++ def delete_map(self): ++ name = self.map_viewer_notebook.getcurselection() ++ #print name ++ for mp in self.map_dic[name].keys(): ++ cmd.delete(mp) ++ cmd.delete(name+'*') ++ del self.map_pages[name] ++ del self.map_meta[name] ++ del self.map_dic[name] ++ self.map_viewer_notebook.delete(name) ++ ++ def status_mapbox(self,key): ++ name = self.map_viewer_notebook.getcurselection() ++ self.map_pages[name]['text'].clear() ++ self.map_pages[name]['text'].insert('end',self.map_meta[key]) ++ ++ ++ def update_mapcombo(self,name, map_dic): ++ try: ++ self.map_viewer_notebook.delete(name) ++ except: ++ pass ++ self.map_pages[name] = {'name':self.map_viewer_notebook.add(name)} ++# self.map_pages[name].update({'maps':self.map_dic.keys()}) ++ ++ self.upper_part = Tkinter.Frame(self.map_pages[name]['name']) ++ self.lower_part = Tkinter.Frame(self.map_pages[name]['name']) ++ self.upper_part.pack(side=TOP) ++ self.lower_part.pack(side=BOTTOM) ++ ++ self.upper_part1 = Tkinter.Frame(self.upper_part) ++ self.upper_part2 = Tkinter.Frame(self.upper_part) ++ self.upper_part1.pack(side=TOP, fill='x') ++ self.upper_part2.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill='x') ++ ++ self.map_thresholdfr = Tkinter.Frame(self.upper_part1) ++ labmap_threshold = Label(self.map_thresholdfr,text="Threshold:"); ++ self.map_thresholdloc = Entry(self.map_thresholdfr,textvariable=self.map_threshold[name],bg='black',fg='green',width=15); ++ self.scrmap_threshold=Scrollbar(self.map_thresholdfr,orient="horizontal",command=self.change_map_threshold) ++ ++ labmap_threshold.pack(side=LEFT) ++ self.map_thresholdloc.pack(side=LEFT) ++ self.scrmap_threshold.pack(side=LEFT) ++ self.map_thresholdfr.pack(fill='x',padx=4,pady=3, side=LEFT) # vertical ++ ++ ++ self.map_buttonbox = Pmw.ButtonBox(self.upper_part2, padx=3) ++ ++ self.map_buttonbox.add('Create Surface',command=self.create_surface) ++ self.map_buttonbox.add('Delete Surface',command=self.delete_surface) ++ self.map_buttonbox.add('Color',command=self.select_map_color) ++ self.map_buttonbox.add('Delete Map',command=self.delete_map) ++ self.map_buttonbox.pack(fill='x',side=LEFT,pady=3) ++ self.map_buttonbox.alignbuttons() ++ self.map_pages[name]['combo'] = Pmw.ComboBox(self.lower_part, ++ label_text='Representations', ++ labelpos='nw', ++ scrolledlist_items= self.map_dic[name].keys(), ++ selectioncommand=self.status_mapbox, ++ listbox_height=15, ++ listbox_width=1, ++ dropdown=False) ++ self.map_pages[name]['combo'].pack(side=LEFT, padx=3, anchor='n', fill='y') ++ ++ ++ self.map_pages[name]['text'] = Pmw.ScrolledText(self.lower_part, ++ borderframe=5, ++ vscrollmode='dynamic', ++ hscrollmode='dynamic', ++ labelpos='n', ++ label_text=name, ++ text_width=60, text_height=15, ++ text_wrap='none', ++ text_background='#000000', ++ text_foreground='green' ++ ) ++ self.map_pages[name]['text'].pack(fill='y') ++ ++ self.map_viewer_notebook.selectpage(name) ++ ++ self.map_radiobuttons = Pmw.RadioSelect(self.lower_part, ++ buttontype = 'radiobutton', ++ orient = 'horizontal', ++ labelpos = 'w', ++ ) ++ for text in ('isosurface', ++ 'isomesh'): ++ self.map_radiobuttons.add(text) ++ self.map_radiobuttons.setvalue('isosurface') ++ self.map_radiobuttons.pack(padx=4,pady=1,side='top') ++ ++ ++ def change_map_threshold(self,a): ++ current = self.map_viewer_notebook.getcurselection() ++ val=float(self.map_threshold[current].get())+float(a)*0.2 ++ self.map_threshold[current].set(val) ++ ++ ++ ++ def fileopen(self, filename, mode): ++ if mode=='w' and os.path.isfile(filename): ++ p = os.path.abspath(filename) ++ b = os.path.basename(p) ++ pa,n= p.split(b) ++ tmp = '#'+b+'#' ++ fn = os.path.join(pa,tmp) ++ os.rename(filename,fn) ++ self.status_line.configure(text='Backing up %s to %s' % (filename,fn)) ++ try: ++ fp = open(filename,mode) ++ return fp ++ except: ++ tkMessageBox.showerror('Error','Could not open file %s' % filename) ++ return None ++ ++ ++#========================================================== ++# ++# FOREIGN DIALOG CLASSES ++ ++# The classes PmwFileDialog and PmwExistingFileDialog and the _errorpop function ++# are taken from the Pmw contrib directory. The attribution given in that file ++# is: ++################################################################################ ++# Filename dialogs using Pmw ++# ++# (C) Rob W.W. Hooft, Nonius BV, 1998 ++# ++# Modifications: ++# ++# J. Willem M. Nissink, Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, 8/2002 ++# Added optional information pane at top of dialog; if option ++# 'info' is specified, the text given will be shown (in blue). ++# Modified example to show both file and directory-type dialog ++# ++# No Guarantees. Distribute Freely. ++# Please send bug-fixes/patches/features to ++# ++################################################################################ ++ ++def quickFileValidation(s): ++ if s == '': return Pmw.PARTIAL ++ elif os.path.isfile(s): return Pmw.OK ++ elif os.path.exists(s): return Pmw.PARTIAL ++ else: return Pmw.PARTIAL ++ ++ ++class FileDialogButtonClassFactory: ++ def get(fn,mode = 'r',filter=[("Executable",'*')]): ++ """This returns a FileDialogButton class that will ++ call the specified function with the resulting file. ++ """ ++ class FileDialogButton(Tkinter.Button): ++ # This is just an ordinary button with special colors. ++ ++ def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw): ++ '''when we get a file, we call fn(filename)''' ++ self.fn = fn ++ self.__toggle = 0 ++ apply(Tkinter.Button.__init__, (self, master, cnf), kw) ++ self.configure(command=self.set) ++ def set(self): ++ if mode == 'r': ++ n = MyFileDialog(types = filter).getopenfile() ++ elif mode == 'w': ++ n = MyFileDialog(types = filter).getsavefile() ++ ++# n = MyFileDialog().get() ++# fd = PmwFileDialog(self.master,filter=filter) ++# fd.title('Please choose a file') ++# n=fd.askfilename() ++ if n is not None: ++ self.fn(n) ++ return FileDialogButton ++ get = staticmethod(get) ++ ++class DirDialogButtonClassFactory: ++ def get(fn): ++ """This returns a FileDialogButton class that will ++ call the specified function with the resulting file. ++ """ ++ class DirDialogButton(Tkinter.Button): ++ # This is just an ordinary button with special colors. ++ ++ def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw): ++ '''when we get a file, we call fn(filename)''' ++ self.fn = fn ++ self.__toggle = 0 ++ apply(Tkinter.Button.__init__, (self, master, cnf), kw) ++ self.configure(command=self.set) ++ def set(self): ++ fd = PmwDirDialog(self.master) ++ fd.title('Please choose a directory') ++ n=fd.askfilename() ++ if n is not None: ++ self.fn(n) ++ return DirDialogButton ++ get = staticmethod(get) ++ ++class MyFileDialog: ++ ++ def __init__(self,types = [("Executable","*")]): ++ self.types = types ++ ++ def getopenfile(self): ++ result = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=self.types) ++ if result == "": ++ return None ++ else: ++ return result ++ def getsavefile(self): ++ result = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(filetypes=self.types) ++ if result == "": ++ return None ++ else: ++ return result ++ ++def _errorpop(master,text): ++ d=Pmw.MessageDialog(master, ++ title="Error", ++ message_text=text, ++ buttons=("OK",)) ++ d.component('message').pack(ipadx=15,ipady=15) ++ d.activate() ++ d.destroy() ++ ++class PmwFileDialog(Pmw.Dialog): ++ """File Dialog using Pmw""" ++ def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw): ++ # Define the megawidget options. ++ optiondefs = ( ++ ('filter', '*', self.newfilter), ++ ('directory', os.getcwd(), self.newdir), ++ ('filename', '', self.newfilename), ++ ('historylen',10, None), ++ ('command', None, None), ++ ('info', None, None), ++ ) ++ self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs) ++ # Initialise base class (after defining options). ++ Pmw.Dialog.__init__(self, parent) ++ ++ self.withdraw() ++ ++ # Create the components. ++ interior = self.interior() ++ ++ if self['info'] is not None: ++ rowoffset=1 ++ dn = self.infotxt() ++ dn.grid(row=0,column=0,columnspan=2,padx=3,pady=3) ++ else: ++ rowoffset=0 ++ ++ dn = self.mkdn() ++ dn.grid(row=0+rowoffset,column=0,columnspan=2,padx=3,pady=3) ++ del dn ++ ++ # Create the directory list component. ++ dnb = self.mkdnb() ++ dnb.grid(row=1+rowoffset,column=0,sticky='news',padx=3,pady=3) ++ del dnb ++ ++ # Create the filename list component. ++ fnb = self.mkfnb() ++ fnb.grid(row=1+rowoffset,column=1,sticky='news',padx=3,pady=3) ++ del fnb ++ ++ # Create the filter entry ++ ft = self.mkft() ++ ft.grid(row=2+rowoffset,column=0,columnspan=2,padx=3,pady=3) ++ del ft ++ ++ # Create the filename entry ++ fn = self.mkfn() ++ fn.grid(row=3+rowoffset,column=0,columnspan=2,padx=3,pady=3) ++ fn.bind('',self.okbutton) ++ del fn ++ ++ # Buttonbox already exists ++ bb=self.component('buttonbox') ++ bb.add('OK',command=self.okbutton) ++ bb.add('Cancel',command=self.cancelbutton) ++ del bb ++ ++ Pmw.alignlabels([self.component('filename'), ++ self.component('filter'), ++ self.component('dirname')]) ++ ++ def infotxt(self): ++ """ Make information block component at the top """ ++ return self.createcomponent( ++ 'infobox', ++ (), None, ++ Tkinter.Label, (self.interior(),), ++ width=51, ++ relief='groove', ++ foreground='darkblue', ++ justify='left', ++ text=self['info'] ++ ) ++ ++ def mkdn(self): ++ """Make directory name component""" ++ return self.createcomponent( ++ 'dirname', ++ (), None, ++ Pmw.ComboBox, (self.interior(),), ++ entryfield_value=self['directory'], ++ entryfield_entry_width=40, ++ entryfield_validate=self.dirvalidate, ++ selectioncommand=self.setdir, ++ labelpos='w', ++ label_text='Directory:') ++ ++ def mkdnb(self): ++ """Make directory name box""" ++ return self.createcomponent( ++ 'dirnamebox', ++ (), None, ++ Pmw.ScrolledListBox, (self.interior(),), ++ label_text='directories', ++ labelpos='n', ++ hscrollmode='none', ++ dblclickcommand=self.selectdir) ++ ++ def mkft(self): ++ """Make filter""" ++ return self.createcomponent( ++ 'filter', ++ (), None, ++ Pmw.ComboBox, (self.interior(),), ++ entryfield_value=self['filter'], ++ entryfield_entry_width=40, ++ selectioncommand=self.setfilter, ++ labelpos='w', ++ label_text='Filter:') ++ ++ def mkfnb(self): ++ """Make filename list box""" ++ return self.createcomponent( ++ 'filenamebox', ++ (), None, ++ Pmw.ScrolledListBox, (self.interior(),), ++ label_text='files', ++ labelpos='n', ++ hscrollmode='none', ++ selectioncommand=self.singleselectfile, ++ dblclickcommand=self.selectfile) ++ ++ def mkfn(self): ++ """Make file name entry""" ++ return self.createcomponent( ++ 'filename', ++ (), None, ++ Pmw.ComboBox, (self.interior(),), ++ entryfield_value=self['filename'], ++ entryfield_entry_width=40, ++ entryfield_validate=self.filevalidate, ++ selectioncommand=self.setfilename, ++ labelpos='w', ++ label_text='Filename:') ++ ++ def dirvalidate(self,string): ++ if os.path.isdir(string): ++ return Pmw.OK ++ else: ++ return Pmw.PARTIAL ++ ++ def filevalidate(self,string): ++ if string=='': ++ return Pmw.PARTIAL ++ elif os.path.isfile(string): ++ return Pmw.OK ++ elif os.path.exists(string): ++ return Pmw.PARTIAL ++ else: ++ return Pmw.OK ++ ++ def okbutton(self): ++ """OK action: user thinks he has input valid data and wants to ++ proceed. This is also called by in the filename entry""" ++ fn=self.component('filename').get() ++ self.setfilename(fn) ++ if self.validate(fn): ++ self.canceled=0 ++ self.deactivate() ++ ++ def cancelbutton(self): ++ """Cancel the operation""" ++ self.canceled=1 ++ self.deactivate() ++ ++ def tidy(self,w,v): ++ """Insert text v into the entry and at the top of the list of ++ the combobox w, remove duplicates""" ++ if not v: ++ return ++ entry=w.component('entry') ++ entry.delete(0,'end') ++ entry.insert(0,v) ++ list=w.component('scrolledlist') ++ list.insert(0,v) ++ index=1 ++ while indexself['historylen']: ++ list.delete(index) ++ else: ++ index=index+1 ++ w.checkentry() ++ ++ def setfilename(self,value): ++ if not value: ++ return ++ value=os.path.join(self['directory'],value) ++ dir,fil=os.path.split(value) ++ self.configure(directory=dir,filename=value) ++ ++ c=self['command'] ++ if callable(c): ++ c() ++ ++ def newfilename(self): ++ """Make sure a newly set filename makes it into the combobox list""" ++ self.tidy(self.component('filename'),self['filename']) ++ ++ def setfilter(self,value): ++ self.configure(filter=value) ++ ++ def newfilter(self): ++ """Make sure a newly set filter makes it into the combobox list""" ++ self.tidy(self.component('filter'),self['filter']) ++ self.fillit() ++ ++ def setdir(self,value): ++ self.configure(directory=value) ++ ++ def newdir(self): ++ """Make sure a newly set dirname makes it into the combobox list""" ++ self.tidy(self.component('dirname'),self['directory']) ++ self.fillit() ++ ++ def singleselectfile(self): ++ """Single click in file listbox. Move file to "filename" combobox""" ++ cs=self.component('filenamebox').curselection() ++ if cs!=(): ++ value=self.component('filenamebox').get(cs) ++ self.setfilename(value) ++ ++ def selectfile(self): ++ """Take the selected file from the filename, normalize it, and OK""" ++ self.singleselectfile() ++ value=self.component('filename').get() ++ self.setfilename(value) ++ if value: ++ self.okbutton() ++ ++ def selectdir(self): ++ """Take selected directory from the dirnamebox into the dirname""" ++ cs=self.component('dirnamebox').curselection() ++ if cs!=(): ++ value=self.component('dirnamebox').get(cs) ++ dir=self['directory'] ++ if not dir: ++ dir=os.getcwd() ++ if value: ++ if value=='..': ++ dir=os.path.split(dir)[0] ++ else: ++ dir=os.path.join(dir,value) ++ self.configure(directory=dir) ++ self.fillit() ++ ++ def askfilename(self,directory=None,filter=None): ++ """The actual client function. Activates the dialog, and ++ returns only after a valid filename has been entered ++ (return value is that filename) or when canceled (return ++ value is None)""" ++ if directory!=None: ++ self.configure(directory=directory) ++ if filter!=None: ++ self.configure(filter=filter) ++ self.fillit() ++ self.canceled=1 # Needed for when user kills dialog window ++ self.activate() ++ if self.canceled: ++ return None ++ else: ++ return self.component('filename').get() ++ ++ lastdir="" ++ lastfilter=None ++ lasttime=0 ++ def fillit(self): ++ """Get the directory list and show it in the two listboxes""" ++ # Do not run unnecesarily ++ if self.lastdir==self['directory'] and self.lastfilter==self['filter'] and self.lasttime>os.stat(self.lastdir)[8]: ++ return ++ self.lastdir=self['directory'] ++ self.lastfilter=self['filter'] ++ self.lasttime=time() ++ dir=self['directory'] ++ if not dir: ++ dir=os.getcwd() ++ dirs=['..'] ++ files=[] ++ try: ++ fl=os.listdir(dir) ++ fl.sort() ++ except os.error,arg: ++ if arg[0] in (2,20): ++ return ++ raise ++ for f in fl: ++ if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dir,f)): ++ dirs.append(f) ++ else: ++ filter=self['filter'] ++ if not filter: ++ filter='*' ++ if fnmatch.fnmatch(f,filter): ++ files.append(f) ++ self.component('filenamebox').setlist(files) ++ self.component('dirnamebox').setlist(dirs) ++ ++ def validate(self,filename): ++ """Validation function. Should return 1 if the filename is valid, ++ 0 if invalid. May pop up dialogs to tell user why. Especially ++ suited to subclasses: i.e. only return 1 if the file does/doesn't ++ exist""" ++ return 1 ++ ++class PmwExistingFileDialog(PmwFileDialog): ++ def filevalidate(self,string): ++ if os.path.isfile(string): ++ return Pmw.OK ++ else: ++ return Pmw.PARTIAL ++ ++ def validate(self,filename): ++ if os.path.isfile(filename): ++ return 1 ++ elif os.path.exists(filename): ++ _errorpop(self.interior(),"This is not a plain file") ++ return 0 ++ else: ++ _errorpop(self.interior(),"Please select an existing file") ++ return 0 ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++class PmwDirDialog(PmwFileDialog): ++ """Directory Dialog using Pmw""" ++ def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw): ++ # Define the megawidget options. ++ optiondefs = ( ++ ('directory', os.getcwd(), self.newdir), ++ ('historylen',10, None), ++ ('command', None, None), ++ ('info', None, None), ++ ) ++ self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs) ++ # Initialise base class (after defining options). ++ Pmw.Dialog.__init__(self, parent) ++ ++ self.withdraw() ++ ++ # Create the components. ++ interior = self.interior() ++ ++ if self['info'] is not None: ++ rowoffset=1 ++ dn = self.infotxt() ++ dn.grid(row=0,column=0,columnspan=2,padx=3,pady=3) ++ else: ++ rowoffset=0 ++ ++ dn = self.mkdn() ++ dn.grid(row=1+rowoffset,column=0,columnspan=2,padx=3,pady=3) ++ dn.bind('',self.okbutton) ++ del dn ++ ++ # Create the directory list component. ++ dnb = self.mkdnb() ++ dnb.grid(row=0+rowoffset,column=0,columnspan=2,sticky='news',padx=3,pady=3) ++ del dnb ++ ++ # Buttonbox already exists ++ bb=self.component('buttonbox') ++ bb.add('OK',command=self.okbutton) ++ bb.add('Cancel',command=self.cancelbutton) ++ del bb ++ ++ ++ ++ lastdir="" ++ def fillit(self): ++ """Get the directory list and show it in the two listboxes""" ++ # Do not run unnecesarily ++ if self.lastdir==self['directory']: ++ return ++ self.lastdir=self['directory'] ++ dir=self['directory'] ++ if not dir: ++ dir=os.getcwd() ++ dirs=['..'] ++ try: ++ fl=os.listdir(dir) ++ fl.sort() ++ except os.error,arg: ++ if arg[0] in (2,20): ++ return ++ raise ++ for f in fl: ++ if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dir,f)): ++ dirs.append(f) ++ self.component('dirnamebox').setlist(dirs) ++ ++ def okbutton(self): ++ """OK action: user thinks he has input valid data and wants to ++ proceed. This is also called by in the dirname entry""" ++ fn=self.component('dirname').get() ++ self.configure(directory=fn) ++ if self.validate(fn): ++ self.canceled=0 ++ self.deactivate() ++ ++ def askfilename(self,directory=None): ++ """The actual client function. Activates the dialog, and ++ returns only after a valid filename has been entered ++ (return value is that filename) or when canceled (return ++ value is None)""" ++ if directory!=None: ++ self.configure(directory=directory) ++ self.fillit() ++ self.activate() ++ if self.canceled: ++ return None ++ else: ++ return self.component('dirname').get() ++ ++ def dirvalidate(self,string): ++ if os.path.isdir(string): ++ return Pmw.OK ++ elif os.path.exists(string): ++ return Pmw.PARTIAL ++ else: ++ return Pmw.OK ++ ++ def validate(self,filename): ++ """Validation function. Should return 1 if the filename is valid, ++ 0 if invalid. May pop up dialogs to tell user why. Especially ++ suited to subclasses: i.e. only return 1 if the file does/doesn't ++ exist""" ++ if filename=='': ++ _errorpop(self.interior(),"Empty filename") ++ return 0 ++ if os.path.isdir(filename) or not os.path.exists(filename): ++ return 1 ++ else: ++ _errorpop(self.interior(),"This is not a directory") ++ return 0 ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++class Tail(object): ++ """The Tail monitor object.""" ++ ++ def __init__(self, path, only_new = False, ++ min_sleep = 1, ++ sleep_interval = 1, ++ max_sleep = 60): ++ """Initialize a tail monitor. ++ path: filename to open ++ only_new: By default, the tail monitor will start reading from ++ the beginning of the file when first opened. Set only_new to ++ True to have it skip to the end when it first opens, so that ++ you only get the new additions that arrive after you start ++ monitoring. ++ min_sleep: Shortest interval in seconds to sleep when waiting ++ for more input to arrive. Defaults to 1.0 second. ++ sleep_interval: The tail monitor will dynamically recompute an ++ appropriate sleep interval based on a sliding window of data ++ arrival rate. You can set sleep_interval here to seed it ++ initially if the default of 1.0 second doesn't work for you ++ and you don't want to wait for it to converge. ++ max_sleep: Maximum interval in seconds to sleep when waiting ++ for more input to arrive. Also, if this many seconds have ++ elapsed without getting any new data, the tail monitor will ++ check to see if the log got truncated (rotated) and will ++ quietly reopen itself if this was the case. Defaults to 60.0 ++ seconds. ++ """ ++ ++ # remember path to file in case I need to reopen ++ self.path = abspath(path) ++ self.f = open(self.path,"r") ++ self.min_sleep = min_sleep * 1.0 ++ self.sleep_interval = sleep_interval * 1.0 ++ self.max_sleep = max_sleep * 1.0 ++ if only_new: ++ # seek to current end of file ++ file_len = stat(path)[ST_SIZE] ++ self.f.seek(file_len) ++ self.pos = self.f.tell() # where am I in the file? ++ self.last_read = time() # when did I last get some data? ++ self.queue = [] # queue of lines that are ready ++ self.window = [] # sliding window for dynamically ++ # adjusting the sleep_interval ++ ++ def _recompute_rate(self, n, start, stop): ++ """Internal function for recomputing the sleep interval. I get ++ called with a number of lines that appeared between the start and ++ stop times; this will get added to a sliding window, and I will ++ recompute the average interarrival rate over the last window. ++ """ ++ self.window.append((n, start, stop)) ++ purge_idx = -1 # index of the highest old record ++ tot_n = 0 # total arrivals in the window ++ tot_start = stop # earliest time in the window ++ tot_stop = start # latest time in the window ++ for i, record in enumerate(self.window): ++ (i_n, i_start, i_stop) = record ++ if i_stop < start - self.max_sleep: ++ # window size is based on self.max_sleep; this record has ++ # fallen out of the window ++ purge_idx = i ++ else: ++ tot_n += i_n ++ if i_start < tot_start: tot_start = i_start ++ if i_stop > tot_stop: tot_stop = i_stop ++ if purge_idx >= 0: ++ # clean the old records out of the window (slide the window) ++ self.window = self.window[purge_idx+1:] ++ if tot_n > 0: ++ # recompute; stay within bounds ++ self.sleep_interval = (tot_stop - tot_start) / tot_n ++ if self.sleep_interval > self.max_sleep: ++ self.sleep_interval = self.max_sleep ++ if self.sleep_interval < self.min_sleep: ++ self.sleep_interval = self.min_sleep ++ ++ def _fill_cache(self): ++ """Internal method for grabbing as much data out of the file as is ++ available and caching it for future calls to nextline(). Returns ++ the number of lines just read. ++ """ ++ old_len = len(self.queue) ++ line = self.f.readline() ++ while line != "": ++ self.queue.append(line) ++ line = self.f.readline() ++ # how many did we just get? ++ num_read = len(self.queue) - old_len ++ if num_read > 0: ++ self.pos = self.f.tell() ++ now = time() ++ self._recompute_rate(num_read, self.last_read, now) ++ self.last_read = now ++ return num_read ++ ++ def _dequeue(self): ++ """Internal method; returns the first available line out of the ++ cache, if any.""" ++ if len(self.queue) > 0: ++ line = self.queue[0] ++ self.queue = self.queue[1:] ++ return line ++ else: ++ return None ++ ++ def _reset(self): ++ """Internal method; reopen the internal file handle (probably ++ because the log file got rotated/truncated).""" ++ self.f.close() ++ self.f = open(self.path, "r") ++ self.pos = self.f.tell() ++ self.last_read = time() ++ ++ def nextline(self): ++ """Return the next line from the file. Blocks if there are no lines ++ immediately available.""" ++ ++ # see if we have any lines cached from the last file read ++ line = self._dequeue() ++ if line: ++ return line ++ ++ # ok, we are out of cache; let's get some lines from the file ++ if self._fill_cache() > 0: ++ # got some ++ return self._dequeue() ++ ++ # hmm, still no input available ++ while True: ++ sleep(self.sleep_interval) ++ if self._fill_cache() > 0: ++ return self._dequeue() ++ now = time() ++ if (now - self.last_read > self.max_sleep): ++ # maybe the log got rotated out from under us? ++ if stat(self.path)[ST_SIZE] < self.pos: ++ # file got truncated and/or re-created ++ self._reset() ++ if self._fill_cache() > 0: ++ return self._dequeue() ++ ++ def close(self): ++ """Close the tail monitor, discarding any remaining input.""" ++ self.f.close() ++ self.f = None ++ self.queue = [] ++ self.window = [] ++ ++ def __iter__(self): ++ """Iterator interface, so you can do: ++ ++ for line in filetail.Tail('log.txt'): ++ # do stuff ++ pass ++ """ ++ return self ++ ++ def next(self): ++ """Kick the iterator interface. Used under the covers to support: ++ ++ for line in filetail.Tail('log.txt'): ++ # do stuff ++ pass ++ """ ++ return self.nextline() ++ ++ ++ ++class TableCell( Label ): ++ ++ ++ params = {"relief":RIDGE, "bd":2, "bg":"#ffffff", ++ "anchor":W,"font":("Helvetica",12), ++ "width":1} ++ ++ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ++ ++ apply(Label.__init__,((self,)+args), self.params) ++ self.bind("", self.on_enter) ++ self.bind("", self.on_leave) ++ self.bind("", self.on_clicked) ++ self.table = kwargs["command"] ++ self.entry = kwargs["entry"] ++ self.row = kwargs["row"] ++ self.col = kwargs["col"] ++ ++ self.HIGHLIGHT = "#ccccff" ++ self.SELECTED = "#bbccdd" ++ self.UNSELECTED = "#ffffff" ++ ++ def on_enter(self, event): ++ ++ event.widget["bg"] = self.HIGHLIGHT ++ ++ def on_leave(self, event): ++ ++ if self.table.selected != self.row: ++ event.widget["bg"] = self.UNSELECTED ++ else: ++ event.widget["bg"] = self.SELECTED ++ ++ ++ def on_clicked(self, event): ++ ++ for col in xrange(0,len(ScoreTable.fields)): ++ self.entry[self.row][col]["bg"] = self.SELECTED ++ if self.table.selected != -1: ++ self.entry[self.table.selected][col]["bg"] = self.UNSELECTED ++ ++ self.table.on_select(self.row) ++ ++ ++ ++class ScoreTable(Frame): ++ ++ fields = {0:"Rank",1:"Ligand",2:"Pose #",3:"Score"} ++ ++ width = [10,30,10,20] ++ ++ def __init__(self, parent, rows=16, cols = len(fields), command = None): ++ ++ Frame.__init__(self, parent, relief=SUNKEN, bd=2) ++ self.windowSize = rows ++ self.cols = cols ++ self.rows = rows ++ self.command = command ++ self.table = Frame(self, relief=FLAT, bd=0) ++ self.table.pack(side=LEFT, expand = YES, fill=BOTH) ++ self.yscrollbar = Scrollbar(self, jump=0, command = self.on_scroll) ++ self.yscrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) ++ self.clearTable() ++ self.entry={} ++ self.createTable(rows, cols) ++ ++ def clearTable(self): ++ ++ self.data = {} ++ self.selected = -1 ++ self.rows = 0 ++ self.firstVisible = 0 ++ self.lastVisible = self.windowSize - 1 ++ self.yscrollbar.set(0.0,1.0) ++# self.createTable(self.rows, self.cols) ++ ++ def updateScrollbar(self): ++ ++ top = float(self.firstVisible)/float(self.rows) ++ bottom = float(self.lastVisible+1)/float(self.rows) ++ self.yscrollbar.set(top, bottom) ++ ++ def createTable(self, rows, cols): ++ ++ for col in xrange(0, len(self.fields)): ++ Label(self.table, relief=SUNKEN, bd=2, ++ width=self.width[col], ++ font=("Helvetica",12), text=self.fields[col]).grid(row=0, column=col, sticky=W+E) ++ ++ for row in xrange(0, rows): ++ self.entry[row] = {} ++ for colx in xrange(0, cols): ++ self.entry[row][colx] = TableCell(self.table, row=row, ++ col=colx, entry=self.entry, ++ command=self) ++ self.entry[row][colx].grid(row=row+1,column=colx,sticky=N+W+S+E) ++ ++ def updateScreen(self, firstVisible): ++ if firstVisible < 0: ++ firstVisible = 0 ++ self.firstVisible = firstVisible ++ self.lastVisible = firstVisible+self.windowSize-1 ++ if self.lastVisible < len(self.data.values()): ++ for row in xrange(0, self.windowSize): ++ for col in xrange(0, self.cols): ++ try: ++ self.entry[row][col]["text"] = self.data[row+firstVisible][col] ++ except: ++ pass ++ ++ ++ self.updateScrollbar() ++ ++ def on_scroll(self, *args): ++ if args[0] == "moveto": ++ self.updateScreen(int(float(args[1])*self.rows)) ++ elif args[0] == "scroll": ++ offset = int(args[1]) ++ if args[2] == "pages": ++ offset*=self.windowSize ++ newFirstVisible = self.firstVisible + offset ++ if newFirstVisible < 0: newFirstVisible = 0 ++ if newFirstVisible > self.rows - self.windowSize: ++ newFirstVisible = self.rows - self.windowSize ++ self.updateScreen(newFirstVisible) ++ ++ def on_select(self, row): ++ ++ self.selected = row ++ ++ def append_row(self, header = None): ++ ++ self.data[self.rows] = {} ++ self.rows+=1 ++ self.updateScrollbar() ++ ++ def set_cell_value(self, row, col, text): ++ self.data[row][col] = str(text) ++ if row<=self.lastVisible: ++ self.entry[row-self.firstVisible][col]["text"] = text ++ ++ def add_ligand(self, ligand, rank): ++ self.append_row() ++ self.set_cell_value(self.rows-1, 0, rank) ++ self.set_cell_value(self.rows-1, 1, ligand.name) ++ self.set_cell_value(self.rows-1, 2, ligand.poseN) ++ self.set_cell_value(self.rows-1, 3, ligand.energy) ++ ++ ++ def updateView(self, ligand_list): ++ for i, ligand in enumerate(ligand_list): ++ self.add_ligand(ligand, i+1) ++ ++ ++ def resetTable(self): ++ for i in range(self.rows): ++ for k in range(4): ++ self.set_cell_value(i,k,"") ++ self.clearTable() --- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/patches/00list +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/patches/00list @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +02_test-suite +03_povray +05_examples_data_path +09_chempy_data_path +11_fix__cmd_import +13_activate_vmd_plugin +17_cmyk_png_data_path +19_blosum_matrix_path +20_output_license_terms +21_fix_png_batch_mode +22_fix_pymol_import +23_bts576210_FTBFS_ia64 +24_autodock_plugin --- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/patches/05_examples_data_path.dpatch +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/patches/05_examples_data_path.dpatch @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run +## 05_examples_data_path.dpatch by Michael Banck +## +## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch. +## DP: Patch to put let the examples find their data. + +@DPATCH@ +diff -urNad /home/mbanck/debian/mine/pymol-0.93/examples/chempy/generate_amber.py pymol-0.93/examples/chempy/generate_amber.py +--- /home/mbanck/debian/mine/pymol-0.93/examples/chempy/generate_amber.py 2004-01-03 23:06:05.000000000 +0100 ++++ pymol-0.93/examples/chempy/generate_amber.py 2004-01-03 23:07:06.000000000 +0100 +@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@ + from chempy import io + from chempy import protein + from chempy import protein_amber99 ++import os + +-model= io.pdb.fromFile("../../test/dat/pept.pdb") ++model= io.pdb.fromFile("/usr/share/pymol/demo/pept.pdb") + + model= protein.generate(model,forcefield=protein_amber99) + +diff -urNad /home/mbanck/debian/mine/pymol-0.93/examples/chempy/generate_mmff.py pymol-0.93/examples/chempy/generate_mmff.py +--- /home/mbanck/debian/mine/pymol-0.93/examples/chempy/generate_mmff.py 2004-01-03 23:06:05.000000000 +0100 ++++ pymol-0.93/examples/chempy/generate_mmff.py 2004-01-03 23:07:06.000000000 +0100 +@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ + from chempy import protein + from chempy import protein_mmff + from chempy import bond_mmff ++import os + + # + #print 'normal' +@@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ + #print 'c_terminal' + #protein_mmff.check_sum(protein_mmff.c_terminal) + +-model= io.pdb.fromFile("../../test/dat/pept.pdb") ++model= io.pdb.fromFile("$PYMOL_DATA/demo/pept.pdb") + + model= protein.generate(model,forcefield=protein_mmff,bondfield=bond_mmff) + +diff -urNad /home/mbanck/debian/mine/pymol-0.93/examples/devel/povray01.py pymol-0.93/examples/devel/povray01.py +--- /home/mbanck/debian/mine/pymol-0.93/examples/devel/povray01.py 2004-01-03 23:06:05.000000000 +0100 ++++ pymol-0.93/examples/devel/povray01.py 2004-01-03 23:07:06.000000000 +0100 +@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ + if not ('pept' in cmd.get_names()): + cmd.delete('all') + util.ray_shadows('heavy') +- cmd.do('load $PYMOL_PATH/test/dat/pept.pdb') ++ cmd.do('load $PYMOL_DATA/demo/pept.pdb') + cmd.do('set surface_quality=1') + cmd.do('show surface;hide lines;') + cmd.zoom('all',10) +--- pymol-1.0/modules/pymol/wizard/demo.py.orig 2007-07-05 11:53:39.000000000 +0200 ++++ pymol-1.0/modules/pymol/wizard/demo.py 2007-07-05 12:19:42.000000000 +0200 +@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ + try: + self.cmd.set("suspend_updates",1,quiet=1) + self.cmd.disable() +- self.cmd.load("$TUT/1hpv.pdb") ++ self.cmd.load("$PYMOL_DATA/demo/1hpv.pdb") + util.chainbow("1hpv",_self=self.cmd) + self.cmd.hide("everything","1hpv") + self.cmd.show("cartoon","1hpv") --- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/patches/03_povray.dpatch +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/patches/03_povray.dpatch @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +#! /bin/sh -e +## 03_povray.dpatch by Michael Banck +## +## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch. +## DP: Adjust povray options + +[ -f debian/patches/00patch-opts ] && . debian/patches/00patch-opts +patch_opts="${patch_opts:--f --no-backup-if-mismatch}" + +if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then + echo >&2 "`basename $0`: script expects -patch|-unpatch as argument" + exit 1 +fi +case "$1" in + -patch) patch $patch_opts -p1 < $0;; + -unpatch) patch $patch_opts -p1 -R < $0;; + *) + echo >&2 "`basename $0`: script expects -patch|-unpatch as argument" + exit 1;; +esac + +exit 0 +@DPATCH@ +--- pymol-0.98+0.99rc6/modules/pymol/povray.py.orig 2006-06-30 01:02:06.000000000 +0200 ++++ pymol-0.98+0.99rc6/modules/pymol/povray.py 2006-06-30 01:03:42.000000000 +0200 +@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ + import os + import traceback + +- povray_exe = "povray" ++ povray_exe = "povray +FN" + + def render_from_string(header,pov_inp,prefix,width,height,antialias): + r = None --- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/patches/21_fix_png_batch_mode.dpatch +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/patches/21_fix_png_batch_mode.dpatch @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run +## 21_fix_png_batch_mode.dpatch by Vincent Fourmond +## +## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch. +## DP: Fix PNG generation in batch mode (#560412) + +@DPATCH@ +diff -Naur pymol-1.2r1/modules/pymol/exporting.py pymol-1.2r1-fixed/modules/pymol/exporting.py +--- pymol-1.2r1/modules/pymol/exporting.py 2009-07-12 14:00:40.000000000 +0200 ++++ pymol-1.2r1-fixed/modules/pymol/exporting.py 2009-12-14 11:59:20.016059145 +0100 +@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ + + + def png(filename, width=0, height=0, dpi=-1.0, ray=0, +- quiet=1, prior=0, format=0, _self=cmd): ++ quiet=1, prior=1, format=0, _self=cmd): + ''' + DESCRIPTION + --- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/patches/19_blosum_matrix_path.dpatch +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/patches/19_blosum_matrix_path.dpatch @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run +## 19_blosum_matrix_path.dpatch by Daniel Leidert (dale) +## +## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch. +## DP: Another path fix (#511810). + +@DPATCH@ +diff -urNad pymol~/modules/pymol/fitting.py pymol/modules/pymol/fitting.py +--- pymol~/modules/pymol/fitting.py 2008-12-03 03:27:00.000000000 +0100 ++++ pymol/modules/pymol/fitting.py 2009-07-13 14:12:14.000000000 +0200 +@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ + if string.lower(matrix)=='none': + matrix='' + if len(matrix): +- mfile = cmd.exp_path("$PYMOL_DATA/pymol/matrices/"+matrix) ++ mfile = cmd.exp_path("$PYMOL_DATA/matrices/"+matrix) + else: + mfile = '' + # delete existing alignment object (if asked to reset it) +@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ + if string.lower(matrix)=='none': + matrix='' + if len(matrix): +- mfile = cmd.exp_path("$PYMOL_DATA/pymol/matrices/"+matrix) ++ mfile = cmd.exp_path("$PYMOL_DATA/matrices/"+matrix) + else: + mfile = '' + if object==None: object='' --- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/patches/13_activate_vmd_plugin.dpatch +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/patches/13_activate_vmd_plugin.dpatch @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run +## 13_activate_vmd_plugin.dpatch by Martin Höfling +## +## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch. +## DP: Build the VMD plugin + +@DPATCH@ +diff -urNad '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.svn' '--exclude=.git' '--exclude=.arch' '--exclude=.hg' '--exclude=_darcs' '--exclude=.bzr' pymol-1.3~/setup.py pymol-1.3/setup.py +--- pymol-1.4~beta1.orig/setup.py ++++ pymol-1.4~beta1/setup.py +@@ -132,8 +132,8 @@ + "/usr/include/freetype2", + # "/users/warren/ext/include", + # VMD plugin support +-# "contrib/uiuc/plugins/include", +-# "contrib/uiuc/plugins/molfile_plugin/src", ++ "contrib/uiuc/plugins/include", ++ "contrib/uiuc/plugins/molfile_plugin/src", + "modules/cealign/src", + "modules/cealign/src/tnt", ] + libs=["GL","GLU","glut","png","z","freetype", "GLEW", +@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ + # Numeric Python support + # ("_PYMOL_NUMPY",None), + # VMD plugin support +-# ("_PYMOL_VMD_PLUGINS",None) ++ ("_PYMOL_VMD_PLUGINS",None), + ("NO_MMLIBS",None), + ] + ext_comp_args=["-ffast-math","-funroll-loops","-O3"] +@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ + "layer5/main.c" + # VMD plugin support + # switch the 0 to 1 to activate the additional source code +- ] + 0 * [ ++ ] + 1 * [ + # (incomplete support -- only TRJ, TRR, XTC, DCD so far...) + 'contrib/uiuc/plugins/molfile_plugin/src/PlugIOManagerInit.c', + 'contrib/uiuc/plugins/molfile_plugin/src/avsplugin.cpp', --- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/patches/23_bts576210_FTBFS_ia64.dpatch +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/patches/23_bts576210_FTBFS_ia64.dpatch @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run +## 23_bts576210_FTBFS_ia64.dpatch by Jakub Wilk +## +## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch. +## DP: Fix a FTBFS on ia64 (GCC problem workaround) + +@DPATCH@ +diff -urNad '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.svn' '--exclude=.git' '--exclude=.arch' '--exclude=.hg' '--exclude=_darcs' '--exclude=.bzr' pymol-1.2r2~/setup.py pymol-1.2r2/setup.py +--- pymol-1.2r2~/setup.py 2010-05-10 09:12:01.000000000 +0200 ++++ pymol-1.2r2/setup.py 2010-05-10 09:12:04.000000000 +0200 +@@ -146,6 +146,9 @@ + ("_PYMOL_VMD_PLUGINS",None) + ] + ext_comp_args=["-ffast-math","-funroll-loops","-O3"] ++ if os.uname()[-1] == 'ia64': ++ # Mitigate bug #576198: ++ del ext_comp_args[-1] + ext_link_args=[] + + setup ( # Distribution meta-data --- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/patches/22_fix_pymol_import.dpatch +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/patches/22_fix_pymol_import.dpatch @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run +## 22_fix_pymol_import.dpatch by Michael Banck +## +## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch. +## DP: Fix importing of pymol by setting PYMOL_PATH explicitely + +@DPATCH@ +--- pymol-1.2r2/modules/pymol/__init__.py 2009-12-14 12:54:12.569147303 +0100 ++++ pymol-1.2r2/modules/pymol/__init__.py 2009-12-27 17:58:53.116268059 +0100 +@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ + # message. This is not a bug in PyMOL, as it can be produced with a + # trivial tcl/tk program. (Tentatively WORKED AROUND in 0.99beta18!) + ++from imp import find_module + import copy + import __main__ + if __name__!='__main__': +@@ -152,6 +153,11 @@ + pymol_path = re.sub(r"[\/\\]modules[\/\\]pymol[\/\\]__init__\.py[c]*$","",pymol_file) + if os.path.isdir(pymol_path): + os.environ['PYMOL_PATH'] = pymol_path ++ if not os.environ.has_key("PYMOL_PATH"): ++ pymol_path = find_module('pymol')[1] ++ if os.path.isdir(pymol_path): ++ os.environ['PYMOL_PATH'] = "/usr/share/pymol" ++ + except NameError: + pass + --- pymol-1.4.1.orig/debian/patches/17_cmyk_png_data_path.dpatch +++ pymol-1.4.1/debian/patches/17_cmyk_png_data_path.dpatch @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run +## 17_cmyk_png_data_path.dpatch by Michael Banck +## +## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch. +## DP: Fix location lookup for cymk.png (#490067) + +@DPATCH@ +--- pymol-1.2/modules/pymol/importing.py.orig 2009-07-12 15:09:03.000000000 +0200 ++++ pymol-1.2/modules/pymol/importing.py 2009-07-12 15:10:29.000000000 +0200 +@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ + ''' + r = DEFAULT_ERROR + +- tables = { 'cmyk' : "$PYMOL_PATH/data/pymol/cmyk.png", ++ tables = { 'cmyk' : "$PYMOL_DATA/cmyk.png", + 'pymol' : 'pymol', + 'rgb' : 'rgb' } +