Publishing details


libnids (1.24-5) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Raphaƫl Hertzog ]
  * Update team maintainer address to
    Debian Security Tools <email address hidden>
  * Update Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser for the move to

  [ Marcos Fouces ]
  * Remove trailing whitespaces.
  * Bump to dh 11.
  * Change section of libnids source package from libdevel to libs.
  * Add build-depends-package filed in symbols file.
  * Update copyright year.
  * Bump to Standards-Version 4.2.1 (no changes required).

 -- Marcos Fouces <email address hidden>  Sun, 04 Nov 2018 22:36:13 -0200

Available diffs


Built packages

Package files