Publishing details


spass (3.7-4) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Set maintainer to debian-science with me as uploader (closes: #812755)
  * Add Vcs-{Git,Browser} fields.
  * Short description: do not start with an article.
  * Add Homepage field, and drop reference to upstream homepage from the
    long description.
  * d/copyright: convert to machine-readable format 1.0
  * rewrite debian/rules:
    - use dh.
    - add debian/spass.links
    - add debian/
    - add debian/spass.example
    - add debian/spass.manpages
  * DH compatibility level 10
  * Standards-version 3.9.8 (no change)
  * Add dep-8 style test, using the example provided by upstream
  * docs:
    - install pdf documents into /usr/share/doc/spass
    - drop the html docs which are incomplete, and superseded by the man pages
 -- Ralf Treinen <email address hidden>  Sun, 23 Oct 2016 20:22:48 +0200

Available diffs


Built packages

Package files