Publishing details


jenkins-debian-glue (0.20.1) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Michael Prokop ]
  * [ebb7c31] remove-reprepro-codename: also get rid of package indices
  * [629746a] perlcritic_tap: properly fail if provided file can't be read
  * [aa23145] puppet: ensure puppet/facter from and on Debian works
  * [d6c58cf] puppet: fix broken user setup with recent Jenkins versions
  * [c79eb15] build-and-provide-package: set ADDITIONAL_BUILDRESULTS also
    in custom pbuilderrc
  * [75988c6] Bump Standards-Version to 4.4.0
  * [ee404c2] build-and-provide-package: ensure to set
    ADDITIONAL_BUILDRESULTS from within cowbuilder_run
  * [31b9054] pbuilder-hookdir/B90lintian: support execution on source
    files + improve error handling
  * [a32ac40] puppet: ensure gnupg is present
  * [cc328ce] puppet: depend on Trilead API plugin to get working git-
    client plugin

  [ Kienan Stewart ]
  * [b02b435] Remove usage of SUDO_CMD from generate-reprepro-codename

  [ Victor Seva ]
  * [ebdff00] piuparts_wrapper: enable --mirror parameter

  [ Guillem Jover ]
  * [18671c6] debian: Namespace debhelper fragment file
  * [8d9de8a] Bump Standards-Version to 4.3.0

  [ Cyril Brulebois ]
  * [3eee9ba] puppet: fix variables_not_enclosed puppet style warnings
  * [a7ca923] puppet: fix double_quoted_strings puppet style warnings
  * [06584f4] puppet: fix arrow_alignment puppet style warnings
  * [0203f6b] puppet: document wget dependency
  * [272709b] puppet: factorize all jenkins::plugin::install's require
  * [ff08c1f] puppet: force bouncycastle-api and junit plugins

 -- Michael Prokop <email address hidden>  Tue, 19 Nov 2019 15:29:47 +0100

Available diffs


Built packages

Package files