Publishing details


canna (3.7p3-15) unstable; urgency=medium

  * QA upload.
  * Using new DH level format. Consequently:
      - debian/compat: removed.
      - debian/control: changed from 'debhelper' to 'debhelper-compat' in
        Build-Depends field and bumped level to 12.
  * debian/control:
      - Added 'Rules-Requires-Root: binary-targets' to source stanza.
      - Bumped Standards-Version to 4.5.0.
      - Removed 'autotools-dev' from Build-Depends field.
      - Updated VCS fields to use Salsa.
      - wrap-and-sort.
  * debian/copyright:
      - Migrated to 1.0 format.
      - Updated packaging copyright.
  * debian/patches/
      - Added to fix FTBFS caused after the DH level has bumped.
  * debian/rules:
      - Added DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS to improve the GCC hardening.
  * debian/salsa-ci.yml:
      - Added to provide CI tests for Salsa.

 -- Francisco Vilmar Cardoso Ruviaro <email address hidden>  Tue, 30 Jun 2020 22:10:14 +0000

Available diffs


Package files