Publishing details


objgraph (3.5.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Stefano Rivera ]
  * New upstream release.
  * Refresh patches.
  * Update upstream metadata.
  * Bump copyright years.
  * Bump Standards-Version to 4.5.0, no changes needed.
  * Drop Build-Depends and autopkgtest Depends on python3-mock, stdlib mock is
    now used.
  * Bump xdot to Recommends, objgraph tends to be used directly by developers,
    so the Recommends set doesn't need to be minimal.
  * Drop Suggests & Recommends on graphviz & xdot from python-objgraph-doc,
    there aren't dot files there.
  * Recommend python3-graphviz, it has been packaged for a while now, and is
    useful when using objgraph in Jupyter.
  * Depend on python3-setuptools in the autopkgtest: is tested.

  [ Ondřej Nový ]
  * d/control: Update Maintainer field with new Debian Python Team
    contact address.
  * d/control: Update Vcs-* fields with new Debian Python Team Salsa

  [ Debian Janitor ]
  * Apply multi-arch hints.
    + python-objgraph-doc: Add Multi-Arch: foreign.

 -- Stefano Rivera <email address hidden>  Wed, 14 Oct 2020 19:45:57 -0700

Available diffs


Package files