Publishing details


game-data-packager (29) unstable; urgency=low
  [ Simon McVittie ]  * Allow Quake mission packs to have any of several known md5sums    - add new function verify_md5sum_alternatives, and a regression test  * Allow Quake 1.01 CDs' LHA archives to contain upper-case filenames    (jlha seems to produce upper-case from my CD)  * Add a dummy shell script to each of quake-armagon and quake-dissolution,    which the corresponding .desktop files can use as their TryExec field    to hide uninstalled mission packs  [ Jon Dowland ]  * remove any ./*deb files in clean.  They might be left behind if one    was created in a branch, and someone switches branches before running    clean. -- Jon Dowland <email address hidden>  Thu, 14 Jul 2011 14:37:26 +0100


Built packages

Package files