Publishing details


ttysnoop (0.12d-5) unstable; urgency=low

  * Standards 3.9.2, compatibility 8.
    + debian/control: Build depends on "debhelper" (>= 8).
    + debian/compat: Updated.
  * debian/rules: Use "dpkg-buildflags" for CFLAGS and LDFLAGS.
  * Simplify time computation in compatibility mode:
    + debian/patches/10_compiler_warnings.diff: Simplified.
  * Adaption to GNU/kFreeBSD (Closes: #648549):
    + debian/patches/02_unix98_pty.diff: Updated file.
    + Refresh the patches 03_*, 10_*, and 14_*.
    + debian/NEWS: Mention this step.
  * Pedantic check of UNIX socket name lengths.
    + debian/patches/15_socket_name_length.diff: New file.
  * Incorrect registration of UTMP items (Closes: #648548)
    + debian/patches/16_corrupt_utmp_for_pts.diff: New file.
  * Code review for portability:
    + debian/patches/17_portability_and_qa.diff: New file.
  * [lintian] Overriding with explicit reasons:
    + Mis-spelled license name.
    + No home page exists.
    + debian/ttysnoop.lintian-overrides: New file.
 -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden>   Mon,  12 Dec 2011 12:02:14 +0000

Available diffs


Built packages

Package files