Publishing details


dolfin (1.2.0+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release (closes: #718636, #718153).
  * debian/control:
    - Replace libdolfin1.1 with libdolfin1.2 and libdolfin1.1-dev with
      libdolfin1.2-dev to follow library soname.
    - Bump required version for ufc, python-ufc, python-ffc, python-ufl,
      and python-instant.
    - Add libdolfin1.1-dev to Conflicts and Replaces for binary package
    - Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.4.
    - Remove DM-Upload-Allowed field.
    - Bump required debhelper version in Build-Depends.
    - Replace python-all-dev with python-dev in Build-Depends.
    - Remove cdbs from Build-Depends.
    - Use canonical URIs for Vcs-* fields.
    - Disable libcgal-dev on armel.
    - Enable libpetsc3.2-dev and libslepc3.2-dev on armhf and s390x.
    - Enable libptscotch-dev on all arches.
    - Add new debug package python-dolfin-dbg.
  * debian/compat: Bump to compatibility level 9.
  * debian/rules:
    - Rewrite for debhelper (drop cdbs).
    - Avoid hardcoding the swig2.0 version (closes: #692852).
    - Update get-orig-source target to remove non DFSG-free stuff,
      update watch file accordingly.
  * Update debian/copyright and debian/copyright_hints.
  * Move debian/libdolfin1.1.install to debian/libdolfin1.2.install and
    debian/libdolfin1.1-dev.install to debian/libdolfin1.2-dev.install
    to follow library soname.
  * Add dolfin-get-demos in dolfin-bin.install and add manual page for it.
  * Add all CMake files in libdolfin1.2-dev.install.

 -- Johannes Ring <email address hidden>  Tue, 06 Aug 2013 16:49:23 +0200

Available diffs


Package files