Publishing details


clamav (0.98.4+dfsg-2) unstable; urgency=high

  [ Scott Kitterman ]
  * Urgency high due to fix for undocumented API/ABI break
  * debian/patches/0002-Fix-STAT64-definition-and-add-missing-includes.patch:
    Removed, because the remaining changes are not needed to fix FTBFS and
    upstream recommends drop due to potential issues with scanning large

  [ Andreas Cadhalpun ]
  * Fix debian/watch to properly detect release candidates.
  * Add patches to fix building on Hurd:
     - 0008-Fix-compiling-on-Hurd.patch
     - 0009-Workaround-a-bug-in-libc-on-Hurd.patch
  * Fix 0004-Fix-FTBFS-with-LLVM-3.1-3.4.patch to correctly detect the
    new LLVM version scheme X.Y.Z (instead of X.Y).
  * Add versioned dependencies on procps (for 'pkill -F') and on dpkg
    (for 'start-stop-daemon --status').
  * Remove useless code from debian/
  * Avoid creation of an empty file.
  * Switch the watchfile to look at, because the
    website doesn't work correctly at the moment, see #752384.
  * Add DEP-5 header with Files-Excluded field to debian/copyright
    in order to let uscan remove unneeded files.

  [ Julien Patriarca ]
  * Updated French Debconf template translation (Closes: #752388)

  [ Sebastian Andrzej Siewior ]
  * Add 0010-Call-cl_initialize_crypto-in-cl_init.patch from upstream. The
    cl_initialize_crypto() will now be invoked within libclamav in cl_init()
    so there is now no need to force third party to invoke that function on
    their own.

 -- Scott Kitterman <email address hidden>  Fri, 04 Jul 2014 10:17:03 -0400

Available diffs


Package files