Publishing details


sugarplum (0.9.10-18) unstable; urgency=low

  * New maintainer (Closes: #773434).
  * Transition to dh_apache2 (Closes: #669789):
    + Removed debconf dialog and templates.
    + Removed Apache configuration handling from "postinst|postrm|prerm".
    + Use dh_apache2 to install Apache2 configuration.
    + Use .maintscript file to move old conffile to new location.
    + Recommends: replaced "apache2 | httpd" with "${misc:Recommends}".
    + Minor update to README.Debian instructions.
  * Italian translation of debconf messages (Closes: #766866).
    Thanks, Beatrice Torracca.
  * Converted to "3.0 (quilt)" format; dropped "quilt".
  * Modernised packaging: to DH-style rules + dh/compat v9.
  * "debian/copyright" to copyright-format-1.0.
  * sample-notes.patch: refreshed and added DEP-3 headers.
  * debian/control:
    + added VCS links.
    + added Homepage.
    + Depends: replaced obsolete package "wenglish" with "wbritish | wamerican".
    + Suggests: fcgiwrap.
    + "description-synopsis-starts-with-article": removed "an" from short
      package description.
  * Added nginx configuration example.
  * Added "debian/gbp.conf" file.
  * Added "debian/watch" file. Thanks, Bart Martens.

 -- Dmitry Smirnov <email address hidden>  Thu, 07 May 2015 01:40:32 +1000

Available diffs


Built packages

Package files