Publishing details


gtk+3.0 (3.22.4-1ubuntu1) zesty; urgency=medium

  * Merge with Debian. Remaining changes:
    + Install the settings.ini file to set our themes
    + Install a gsettings override to start filechoosers in the cwd
    + Enable Mir backend
    + debian/
      - Build-depend on adwaita-icon-theme-full for icon name check test
    + debian/rules: Mark additional known test failures:
      - box-shadow-changes-modify-clip.ui
      - label-text-shadow-changes-modify-clip.ui
    + Ubuntu-specific patches:
      - 073_treeview_almost_fixed.patch
      - 074_eventbox_scroll_mask.patch
      - bzg_gtkcellrenderer_grabbing_modifier.patch
      - ubuntu_gtk_custom_menu_items.patch
      - print-dialog-show-options-of-remote-dnssd-printers.patch
      - uimanager-guard-against-nested-node-updates.patch
      - x-canonical-accel.patch
      - message-dialog-restore-traditional-look-on-unity.patch
      - 0001-gtk-reftest-Force-icon-theme-to-Adwaita.patch
      - restore_filechooser_typeaheadfind
      - 0001-calendar-always-emit-day-selected-once.patch
      - 0001-gtkwindow-set-transparent-background-color.patch
      - ubuntu_fileselector_behaviour.patch
      - unity-border-radius.patch
      - unity-headerbar-maximized-mode.patch
  * debian/rules: Use dh_strip --dbgsym-migration for proper upgrades

gtk+3.0 (3.22.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release.
  * Drop d/p/cssshadowvalue-scale-the-blur-surface-by-the-same-fa.patch
    - now included in upstream release.
  * Update debian/libgtk-3-0.symbols with one addition.

gtk+3.0 (3.22.3-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * d/p/cssshadowvalue-scale-the-blur-surface-by-the-same-fa.patch
    - Added. Improve the rendering of shadow around GTK windows, this turns out
      to be a big performance improvement for HiDPI on wayland (From upstream
      git, bgo#772075)

gtk+3.0 (3.22.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release.

 -- Jeremy Bicha <email address hidden>  Tue, 22 Nov 2016 16:18:55 -0500

Available diffs


Package files