Publishing details


libkcddb (4:16.12.1-0ubuntu1) zesty; urgency=medium

  [ José Manuel Santamaría Lema ]
  * Update Vcs-Git fields to use https:// instead of git://
  * Update build depends for KDE Frameworks:
    - add extra-cmake-modules, qtbase5-dev, libkf5codecs-dev, libkf5config-dev,
      libkf5coreaddons-dev, libkf5i18n-dev, kdoctools-dev, kio-dev,
    - remove kde-sc-dev-latest, kdelibs5-dev
  * Replace libmusicbrainz5cc.patch with a modern version.
  * Rename libkcddb4 as libkf5cddb16 due to soname change.
  * Use .../3/ (meant to be used with Frameworks based
    packages) in debian/rules instead of the version 2 (meant to be used
    by kdelibs 4 based packages)
  * Rename libkcddb-dev as libkf5cddb-dev and update installed files.
  * Update kde-config-cddb installed files.
  * Drop obsolete kde-config-cddb Breaks/Replaces.
  * Add libkf5cddbwidgets16 package.

  [ Clive Johnston ]
  * Downgrade libs from 16 to 5

  [ Rik Mills ]
  * New upstream release (16.12.0)
  * Update build deps to use new KF5 style names
  * New upstream release (16.12.1)

 -- Rik Mills <email address hidden>  Thu, 19 Jan 2017 16:14:42 +0000

Available diffs


Package files