Publishing details


pbuilder (0.228.4) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ James Clarke ]
  * modules: Fix bind-mounts on kFreeBSD.

  [ Mattia Rizzolo ]
  * buildpackage:
    + rename internal variable SUBDIR_NAME to BUILDSUBDIR (the subdirectory of
      BUILDDIR where the source will be unpacked).
    + make it possible to specify BUILDSUBDIR externally, i.e. through
      pbuilderrc.  Closes: #854255
  * pbuilderrc.5:
    + remove stale information: BUILDDIR is not (by default) the HOME of the
      build user anymore.
    + document what will happen inside BUILDDIR, and where the unpacked source
      will be.

 -- Mattia Rizzolo <email address hidden>  Mon, 06 Feb 2017 20:16:31 +0100

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Package files