Publishing details


postfwd (1.35-4) unstable; urgency=medium

  * [e8799d3] travis-ci: don't install build-deps manual
  * [c86c540] travis-ci: build package with dpkg-buildpackage
  * [07e9eeb] travis-ci: Initial support for uploading releases to github
  * [231a90f] Merging upstream changes of
  * [b832cd0] Updating copyright and author of debian/bin/
  * [5e353b5] debian/control: reformating with warp-and-sort
  * [3862572] Reformating with warp-and-sort the rest of debian/
  * [d4687ee] travis-ci: grab actual used upstream version
  * [4d0d01d] travis-ci: Adding required arguments for trusty
  * [11da7ca] travis-ci: automatically install dependencies
  * [7ad8c99] d/control: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.8, no changes needed
  * [80b011c] d/control: Depend on lsb-base
  * [583a10d] travis-ci: Make use of travis.d.n

 -- Jan Wagner <email address hidden>  Mon, 05 Dec 2016 11:50:27 +0100

Available diffs


Built packages

Package files