Publishing details


ps3-utils (2.3-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
  * Previous make-clean-am-patch now obsoleted.
    -Patch: make-clean-am-fix.patch
  * Include /usr/sbin/ps3-rtc-init and /usr/sbin/ps3-dump-bootloader.
  * Clean up uneeded files and make dh_install stricter with --fail-missing.
  * Include (and document in package description) two more produced binaries
    - ps3-dump-bootloader
    - ps3-rtc-init
  * Lintian fixes:
    - Remove (s) for single author.
    - Properly indent list in package description

ps3-utils (2.2.0-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Initial (Debian) Version.  Based off of most recent ubuntu
    ps3pf-utils package (closes: #501733).
  * Rename source/binary package to reflect upstream naming.
  * Add Conflicts/Replaces/Provides on old package name to ensure
    smooth transition.
  * Disable internal building of shared version of libps3-utils library
    with slightly different approach to what was used in 2.0-2 that
    does not require patching.
  * Install manpages
  * Update Standards-Version to 3.8.0
  * Add support for quilt patch-system
  * Fix small typo in
    +Patch: make-clean-am-fix.patch
  * Add Vcs headers in debian/control pointing to initial debian git repo

ps3pf-utils (2.0-2) gutsy; urgency=low

  * Remove libps3-utils1 and libps3-utils-dev again, since the library
    contains nothing of interest at the moment. Stop linking against it.

ps3pf-utils (2.0-1) gutsy; urgency=low

  * Update to PS3 Linux Distributor's Starter Kit v1.4.1 (LP: #146229).
  * Update debian/copyright. Refer to /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2.
  * Drop our old patches, since none of them seem relevant any more.
  * Remove debian/postinst and debian/prerm; debhelper will generate what it
    needs itself.
  * Fix bashism in bootstrap script.
  * Run bootstrap so that we don't need to build-depend on the autotools.
  * Update debian/rules since there's a configure script now. Make sure
    executable autogenerated files stay executable despite dpkg-source.
  * Use $(CURDIR) rather than $(PWD) in debian/rules.
  * Add compatibility symlinks for boot-game-os and ps3videomode (of the
    other old program names, find-other-os-flash is gone, and
    other-os-flash-util's command-line handling changed as well as being
    renamed to ps3-flash-util).
  * Version debhelper build-dependency to match debian/compat.
  * Create libps3-utils1 and libps3-utils-dev packages for the new ps3-utils

ps3pf-utils (1.0.9-1) feisty; urgency=low

  * Initial packaging.
  * Include a stripped down ps3av.h for building ps3videomode.
  * find-other-os-flash:
    - Fix bashism's
    - Check return value of other-os-flash-util to show errors reading
      devices. This script needs to run as root.

 -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden>   Thu,  11 Dec 2008 17:57:28 +0000


Package files