Publishing details


blogilo (4:17.08.3-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Team upload.
  * Backport upstream commit 0ad74f6ca737e547c2181be11e00d2703db63616 to fix
    build without KDELibs4Support; patch
  * Add build dependencies explicitly used, previously pulled by other
    packages: libkf5kio-dev, libkf5notifications-dev, and libkpimgapi-dev.
  * Switch Vcs-* fields to
  * Bump the debhelper compatibility to 11:
    - bump the debhelper build dependency to 11~
    - bump compat to 11
  * Bump Standards-Version to 4.1.3, no changes required.
  * Update lintian overrides.
  * Use https for Format in copyright.

 -- Pino Toscano <email address hidden>  Mon, 02 Apr 2018 13:17:25 +0200


Package files