Publishing details


grub-imageboot (0.6) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Michael Prokop ]
  * [2061b1c] Probe device where image is being stored using ${grub_probe}
    instead of using ${GRUB_DEVICE_BOOT}.

  [ Alexander Wirt ]
  * [4bf7773] Wrap README.Debian (Closes: #629834, #631654)
  * [5a3291e] Improve description in control file.
    Thanks to Carsten Hey (Closes: #631486)
  * [946106e] Refactor grub-imageboot.
    Thanks to Carsten Hey for the great patch (Closes: #631487)
  * [4378100] Remove trailing whitespace in controlfile
  * [7ffc35e] Allow grub-efi bootloaders as alternative for grub-pc
  * [b85a107] wrap-and-sort controlfile
 -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden>   Tue,  03 Jan 2012 02:32:50 +0000

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