Publishing details


proftpd-dfsg (1.3.6-3) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Hilmar Preuße ]
  * Pick github_pr_710 from upstream:
    [PATCH] Issue #674: Update mod_sftp to handle changed APIs in OpenSSL
    (Closes: #911875).
  * [PATCH] Bug#4356: Fix infinite loop by actually iterating properly
            for the next configuration record.
  * Pick github_pr_594 from upstream:
    [PATCH] Issue #593: If the IgnoreExtendedAttributes FSOption is used,
    then do not include the EXTENDED attribute flag in the SFTP ATTRS
    responses (Closes: #913824).

  * Run configure w/ --disable-xattr only on kfreebsd to fix FTBFS.
    (Closes: #897168)
  * Do create /run/proftpd also in postinst, if not exists yet.
    (Closes: #608881)
  * New Proftp module package: proftpd-mod-snmp.
  * Add "Enhances: proftpd-basic" to all modules built by this package.
  * d/rules: remove clean code, which is covered by upstreams Makefile.
  * Lintian:
    W: maintainer-script-should-not-parse-etc-passwd-or-group
    E: wrong-path-for-interpreter

  [ Francesco Paolo Lovergine ]
  * Policy bumped to 4.2.1. No changes required.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <email address hidden>  Wed, 21 Nov 2018 14:30:08 +0100

Available diffs


Package files