Publishing details


gtk+3.0 (3.24.7-1ubuntu1) disco; urgency=medium

  * Merge with Debian. Remaining changes:
    + Install a settings.ini file to set our themes
    + Update debian/libgtk-3-0.symbols
    + debian/ and debian/tests/control (installed-tests):
      - Build-depend on adwaita-icon-theme-full for icon name check test
    + debian/ Build-Depend on dh-sequence-translations
    + Ubuntu-specific patches:
      - 073_treeview_almost_fixed.patch
      - bzg_gtkcellrenderer_grabbing_modifier.patch
      - ubuntu_gtk_custom_menu_items.patch
      - print-dialog-show-options-of-remote-dnssd-printers.patch
      - uimanager-guard-against-nested-node-updates.patch
      - x-canonical-accel.patch
      - message-dialog-restore-traditional-look-on-unity.patch
      - 0001-gtk-reftest-Force-icon-theme-to-Adwaita.patch
      - restore_filechooser_typeaheadfind.patch
      - 0001-calendar-always-emit-day-selected-once.patch
      - 0001-gtkwindow-set-transparent-background-color.patch
      - unity-border-radius.patch
      - unity-headerbar-maximized-mode.patch
  * Run patches through `gbp pq export`

gtk+3.0 (3.24.7-1) experimental; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release
    + Broadway: Ensure focus on click
    + Fix some compiler warnings
    + Improve activation of the onscreen keyboard
    + Improve menu positioning with move-to-rect
    + Link against fribidi
    + Treeview: Make sure separator nodes have height > 0
    + Use C locale when generating code
    + theme
      - Fix some inconsistences for radii
  * control: BD and D (from libgtk-3-dev) on fribidi as required now
  * Refresh patches & drop upstream ones.
     debian/patches/Update-css-node-tests.patch: Dropped, now upstream.
  * control: BD on fonts-cantarell and fonts-dejavu. These are required for
    the reftests. Liberation doesn't work (label-shadows fails).
  * debian/libgtk-3-0.symbols: Update

 -- Iain Lane <email address hidden>  Wed, 13 Mar 2019 17:16:41 +0000

Available diffs


Package files