Publishing details


a2mp3 (0.01-0ubuntu6) precise; urgency=low

  * Lintian cleanup:
    - control-file-is-empty conffiles
    - no-copyright-file
    - ancient-standards-version
    - binary-arch-rules-but-pkg-is-arch-indep
    - debhelper-but-no-misc-depends a2mp3
    - debian-rules-missing-recommended-target
    - missing-debian-source-format
    - native-package-with-dash-version
    - package-uses-deprecated-debhelper-compat-version
    - copyright-refers-to-symlink-license usr/share/common-licenses/GPL
    - old-fsf-address-in-copyright-file
  * debian/compat
    - Bump to 8
  * debian/rules
    - Replace with minimized dh rules
  * debian/conffiles
    - Remove (let debhelper generate it)
  * debian/control
    - Bump debhelper build-dep
    - Bump standards version
    - Add missing ${misc:Depends}
  * debian/copyright
    - Fix FSF address and common license reference
  * debian/source/format:
    - Create it
 -- Evan Broder <email address hidden>   Tue, 29 Nov 2011 23:04:04 -0800

Available diffs


Package files