Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

112 of 12 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
FFmpeg 4 - media tool (Xenial & newer) FFmpeg 4.4.4 builds (& associated multimedia packages) for Xen... 155 2346
Multimedia - various (Xenial & newer) Multimedia PPA (many audio & video related packages) for Xenia... 482 5639
Giroll's cool stuff This PPA contains some games and good stuff useful for Giroll 259 1506
Media-Sav 95 606
No systemd Xenial Some additional package without systemd will be built here due... 43 156
Testing PPA Use gnome-mplayer from ppa:brandonsnider/gnome-mplayer-dev Use... 41 304
VLC 5 31
Video This PPA contains: - Latest VLC - Latest Gnome-Mplayer For In... 39 371
Vulkan SDK Backports 77 210
ffmpeg4 15 133
redcircle_backports 96 463
vlc3 xenial no systemd 16 98
112 of 12 results