cpl-plugin-fors 5.5.7+dfsg-1 source package in Ubuntu


cpl-plugin-fors (5.5.7+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New upstream version 5.5.7+dfsg. Closes: #997214
  * Rediff patches
  * Push Standards-Version to 4.6.0. No changes required

 -- Ole Streicher <email address hidden>  Mon, 01 Nov 2021 11:35:51 +0100

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Debian Astronomy Maintainers
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Original maintainer:
Debian Astronomy Maintainers
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Medium Urgency

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File Size SHA-256 Checksum
cpl-plugin-fors_5.5.7+dfsg-1.dsc 2.4 KiB 52c318a643e4f683806c17b019abce31304b52b933b081ddb63e55fe470f6337
cpl-plugin-fors_5.5.7+dfsg.orig.tar.xz 1.2 MiB 74572d7ca63d5f5568a4c155df2cc75fb7e854cc7c6573a7e2dc17c32151a13e
cpl-plugin-fors_5.5.7+dfsg-1.debian.tar.xz 12.7 KiB 7598bc70b8aea971691338037253134cf1ea6cfecd767d6ee8728a6648dff8b8

No changes file available.

Binary packages built by this source

cpl-plugin-fors: ESO data reduction pipeline for the FORS1/2 instruments

 FORS pipeline recipes for the reduction of data obtained with the FORS1 and
 FORS2 instruments in the LSS, MOS, MXU, PMOS, and direct imaging instrument
 FORS is the visual and near UV FOcal Reducer and low dispersion Spectrograph
 for the Very Large Telescope (VLT) of the European Southern Observatory
 (ESO). Two versions of FORS have been built, upgraded and moved to the
 Cassegrain foci of different telescopes in the past years. In April 2009,
 FORS1 was dismounted to make room for X-shooter, so only FORS2 is in
 operation. FORS is designed as an all-dioptric instrument for the wavelength
 range from 330 nm to 1100 nm and provides an image scale of 0".25/pixel (or
 0".125/pixel with the high resolution collimator) in the standard readout
 mode (2x2 binning). FORS2 is installed on UT1 (Antu) and is by default
 equipped with a detector system that is optimised for the red with a very low
 level of fringes thanks to a mosaic of two 2k x 4k MIT CCDs (with 15 μm
 pixels). However, the blue-optimised detector system that was previously
 available on FORS1 has been commissioned on FORS2 and can be requested for
 Visitor Mode observation. The geometries of both detector systems are
 similar, with the optical axis falling ~30" above the gap and offsets of a
 few arc-seconds between the two chips. FORS2 has many modes, including
 multi-object spectroscopy with exchangeable masks, long-slit spectroscopy,
 imaging and spectro-polarimetry and high-time resolution imaging and

cpl-plugin-fors-calib: ESO data reduction pipeline calibration data downloader for FORS2

 This package downloads calibration and other static data of the
 data reduction pipeline for the FORS2 instrument of the
 Very Large Telescope (VLT) from the European Southern Observatory (ESO).

cpl-plugin-fors-dbgsym: debug symbols for cpl-plugin-fors
cpl-plugin-fors-doc: ESO data reduction pipeline documentation for FORS

 This package contains the HTML documentation and manpages for the data
 reduction pipeline for the FORS instrument of the Very Large Telescope
 (VLT) from the European Southern Observatory (ESO).