maildir-utils 1.12.3-3 source package in Ubuntu


maildir-utils (1.12.3-3) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Jeremy Sowden ]
  * d/rules
    - enable 64-bit time_t on i386
    - use upstream mu4e-pkg.el
  * d/patches
    - add patch to fix possible overflow on architectures which do
      not support 64-bit time_t
  * d/, d/p/adjust-mu-docdir
    - move doc's installed in /usr/share/doc/mu
  * d/TODO
    - the entries in it are obsolete, so remove it

  [ Xiyue Deng ]
  * Fix mu4e.elpa path to include all *.el files (Closes: #1068869)

 -- Jeremy Sowden <email address hidden>  Sat, 13 Apr 2024 18:57:16 +0100

Upload details

Uploaded by:
Debian Emacsen team
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Original maintainer:
Debian Emacsen team
any all
Medium Urgency

See full publishing history Publishing

Series Pocket Published Component Section


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
maildir-utils_1.12.3-3.dsc 2.1 KiB 00c95995a963f7dfd97db6d1f59b64391f286137776c4029db0f3331243b2b12
maildir-utils_1.12.3.orig.tar.gz 935.6 KiB 794da006ecb94063ee00ccea52fe945f0defdb22360686e728dbb4edb93cbb7c
maildir-utils_1.12.3-3.debian.tar.xz 13.3 KiB 91845c49e3de1b1b08162c2842f2e6cb45be4543055cd3662e6d45be69d184a1

No changes file available.

Binary packages built by this source

maildir-utils: Set of utilities to deal with Maildirs (upstream name mu)

 mu is a set of utilities to deal with Maildirs, specifically,
 indexing and searching.
  - mu index - recursively scans a collection of email messages, and
    stores information found in a database.
  - mu find - searches for messages based on some search criteria.
  - mu mkmdir - creates a new Maildir.
 mu uses libgmime to parse the message, and Xapian to store the message data.

maildir-utils-dbgsym: debug symbols for maildir-utils
mu4e: e-mail client for Emacs based on mu (maildir-utils)

 mu4e (mu-for-emacs) is an e-mail client for GNU-Emacs version 23 and
 later, built on top of the mu e-mail search engine. mu4e is optimized
 for fast handling of large amounts of e-mail.