node-carto (1.2.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Jérémy Lal ]
* debhelper 9
* Standards-Version 3.9.8
* Secure Vcs url
* Source is not missing really, override lintian error
[ Bas Couwenberg ]
* Restructure control file with cme.
* Update Vcs-* URLs for Salsa.
* Add node-{chroma-js,husl,lodash,semver} to dependencies.
* Drop node-{optimist,underscore,xml2js} from dependencies.
* Use mocha in dh_auto_test override.
* Add build dependencies for tests.
[ Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues ]
* New upstream version 1.2.0 (Closes: #998813)
* dh compat 13
* build docs with sphinx
* regenerate man page with help2man
* update Standards-Version
* add Rules-Requires-Root: no
* update package dependencies
* drop mml2json
* add patches to fix tests
-- Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues <email address hidden> Thu, 18 Nov 2021 00:01:55 +0100