ocaml-luv 0.5.12-2 source package in Ubuntu


ocaml-luv (0.5.12-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Stéphane Glondu ]
  * Team upload
  * Use ocaml_dune DH buildsystem

  [ Debian Janitor ]
  * Set upstream metadata fields: Bug-Database, Bug-Submit, Repository-Browse.
  * Set upstream metadata fields: Repository.

 -- Stéphane Glondu <email address hidden>  Thu, 17 Aug 2023 07:12:51 +0200

Upload details

Uploaded by:
Debian OCaml Maintainers
Uploaded to:
Original maintainer:
Debian OCaml Maintainers
Medium Urgency

See full publishing history Publishing

Series Pocket Published Component Section
Mantic release universe misc


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
ocaml-luv_0.5.12-2.dsc 2.1 KiB f05a71f928dc546e1e16e265346cc74117758ec4f518074be6ac1a4face9758b
ocaml-luv_0.5.12.orig.tar.gz 407.6 KiB 510122c47b1005b8ffc1a19efa3d4236ae93471a7a2eda35eeba0c4b074be1f0
ocaml-luv_0.5.12-2.debian.tar.xz 9.4 KiB 56e35748f0431b82103a9f64320c1830b8c12cb80ce919237e3ba1c3706f8123

Available diffs

No changes file available.

Binary packages built by this source

libluv-ocaml: OCaml binding to libuv (Runtime library)

 Luv is a binding to libuv, the cross-platform C library that does
 asynchronous I/O in Node.js and runs its main loop.
 Besides asynchronous I/O, libuv also supports multiprocessing and
 multithreading. Multiple event loops can be run in different
 threads. libuv also exposes a lot of other functionality, amounting
 to a full OS API, and an alternative to the standard module Unix.
 This package contains the runtime library of Luv.

libluv-ocaml-dbgsym: debug symbols for libluv-ocaml
libluv-ocaml-dev: OCaml binding to libuv (Development package)

 Luv is a binding to libuv, the cross-platform C library that does
 asynchronous I/O in Node.js and runs its main loop.
 Besides asynchronous I/O, libuv also supports multiprocessing and
 multithreading. Multiple event loops can be run in different
 threads. libuv also exposes a lot of other functionality, amounting
 to a full OS API, and an alternative to the standard module Unix.
 This package contains the development library of Luv.

libluv-unix-ocaml: Helpers for interfacing OCaml Luv and Unix (Runtime library)

 Luv is a binding to libuv, the cross-platform C library that does
 asynchronous I/O in Node.js and runs its main loop.
 Besides asynchronous I/O, libuv also supports multiprocessing and
 multithreading. Multiple event loops can be run in different
 threads. libuv also exposes a lot of other functionality, amounting
 to a full OS API, and an alternative to the standard module Unix.
 This package contains the runtime library of luv_unix, helpers for
 interfacing Luv and Unix.

libluv-unix-ocaml-dbgsym: debug symbols for libluv-unix-ocaml
libluv-unix-ocaml-dev: Helpers for interfacing OCaml Luv and Unix (Development package)

 Luv is a binding to libuv, the cross-platform C library that does
 asynchronous I/O in Node.js and runs its main loop.
 Besides asynchronous I/O, libuv also supports multiprocessing and
 multithreading. Multiple event loops can be run in different
 threads. libuv also exposes a lot of other functionality, amounting
 to a full OS API, and an alternative to the standard module Unix.
 This package contains the development library of luv_unix, helpers for
 interfacing Luv and Unix.