what-is-python 1 source package in Ubuntu


what-is-python (1) focal; urgency=medium

  [ Dimitri John Ledkov ]
  * Initial Release.

  [ Matthias Klose ]
  * Add -dev packages providing symlinks for python-config and pydoc.
  * Use binary versions 2.7.17-N and 3.8.2-N.

 -- Dimitri John Ledkov <email address hidden>  Tue, 17 Mar 2020 14:49:55 +0000

Upload details

Uploaded by:
Dimitri John Ledkov
Sponsored by:
Matthias Klose
Uploaded to:
Original maintainer:
Dimitri John Ledkov
Medium Urgency

See full publishing history Publishing

Series Pocket Published Component Section


Focal: [FULLYBUILT] amd64


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
what-is-python_1.tar.xz 2.1 KiB 28d17be8640c7987c4dcd3c07decc41100c05d436c96e5fdbbcfe1724d58f2a2
what-is-python_1.dsc 1.7 KiB 6d0724cbafe879c73fb55c3c52d02ae25f8f3564c5ad6a3a67cd7f0357e66050

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Binary packages built by this source

python-dev-is-python2-but-deprecated: No summary available for python-dev-is-python2-but-deprecated in ubuntu focal.

No description available for python-dev-is-python2-but-deprecated in ubuntu focal.

python-dev-is-python3: symlinks /usr/bin/python-config to python3-config

 In Ubuntu, all python packages use explicit python3 or python2
 interpreter and do not use unversioned /usr/bin/python-config at all.
 Some third-party code is now predominantly python3 based, yet may use
 This is a convenience package which ships a symlink to point
 /usr/bin/python-config script at the current default python3. It may
 improve compatibility with other modern systems, whilst breaking some
 obsolete or 3rd-party software.
 No packages may declare dependencies on this package.

python-is-python2-but-deprecated: No summary available for python-is-python2-but-deprecated in ubuntu focal.

No description available for python-is-python2-but-deprecated in ubuntu focal.

python-is-python3: symlinks /usr/bin/python to python3

 In Ubuntu, all python packages use explicit python3 or python2
 interpreter and do not use unversioned /usr/bin/python at all. Some
 third-party code is now predominantly python3 based, yet may use
 This is a convenience package which ships a symlink to point
 the /usr/bin/python interpreter at the current default python3. It may
 improve compatibility with other modern systems, whilst breaking some
 obsolete or 3rd-party software.
 No packages may declare dependencies on this package.