xfonts-wqy binary package in Ubuntu Plucky riscv64

 The Wen Quan Yi bitmap font is a manually fine-tuned multi-strike
 bitmap font for on-screen display of Chinese (traditional and simplified).
 It has arguably the most complete coverage for Chinese characters among
 all known open-source bitmap fonts, including CJK Unified Ideograph
 (U4E00 - U9FA5) and CJK Unified Ideograph Extension A (U3400 - U4DB5)
 glyphs at four different sizes (9pt-12x12 pixel, 10pt-13x13 pixel,
 11pt-15x15 pixel, 12pt-16x16 pixel) and two weights (medium and bold).
 Use of this font in web pages and elsewhere eliminates the annoying
 "blurring" problems caused by the high stroke density of many Chinese
 characters and insufficient "hinting" of anti-aliased Chinese fonts.
 This font also provides bitmap glyphs for Basic Latin,
 Japanese Hiragana (U3040 - U309F) and Katakana (U30A0 - U30FF).

Publishing history

Date Status Target Pocket Component Section Priority Phased updates Version
  2024-10-17 09:30:28 UTC Published Ubuntu Plucky riscv64 release universe x11 Optional 1.0.0~rc1-8
  • Published
  • Copied from ubuntu noble-proposed amd64 in Primary Archive for Ubuntu