Change logs for sbcl source package in Wily

  • sbcl (2:1.2.14-1ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium
      * Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
        - debian/rules: Do not leave stage1 unreadable, fixing an FTBFS on the
          Launchpad buildds with pkgstriptranslations.
    sbcl (2:1.2.14-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * New upstream version
        changes in sbcl-1.2.14 relative to sbcl-1.2.13:
          * minor incompatible change: The name of a compiled anonymous lambda
            as returned by the third value of FUNCTION-LAMBDA-EXPRESSION can have
            a lambda-list-like list following the introductory LAMBDA that is not
            in general a syntactically valid lambda list. Specifically, it won't
            retain default values, supplied-p variables, or &KEY or &AUX bindings.
          * enhancement: DESTRUCTURING-BIND has been totally reimplemented from
            scratch to address a handful of performance and correctness issues.
            Some minor behavioral differences exist regarding order of evaluation
            of default forms for unsupplied &OPTIONAL and &KEY arguments
            when nested destructuring patterns are involved.
            (lp#707556, lp#707573, lp#707578, lp#708051)
          * enhancement: DEFCONSTANT and DEFSTRUCT respect package locks. (lp#1186238,
          * enhancement: sb-unicode:normalize-string has a new optional argument,
            FILTER, a callback which controls which decomposed characters are
            collected. Useful for stripping away diacritics more efficiently.
          * bug fix: (TYPE-OF ARRAY) for a non-simple array is subject to change
            after a call of ADJUST-ARRAY. (lp#1333731)
          * bug fix: Dynamic-extent allocation with a loop between allocating a value
            and the start of its environment no longer discards the allocated data
            when the loop is taken. (lp#1472785)
          * bug fix: Variable-reference elimination no longer generates incorrect code
            under certain circumstances. (lp#1446891)
          * bug fix: variables with EQL types are no longer treated as constants by
            VOPs, which caused problems with closures being allocated for such
            variables, but they remained unused. (lp#1390149)
          * bug fix: Windows installer generates registry key name
            correctly. (lp#1476447)
      * Use caninical Vcs URLs
     -- Logan Rosen <email address hidden>  Sat, 01 Aug 2015 22:12:48 +0000
  • sbcl (2:1.2.13-1ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium
      * Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
        - debian/rules: Do not leave stage1 unreadable, fixing an FTBFS on the
          Launchpad buildds with pkgstriptranslations.
    sbcl (2:1.2.13-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * New upstream Version
        changes in sbcl-1.2.13 relative to sbcl-1.2.12:
         * incompatible change: on success, TRY-SEMAPHORE and WAIT-ON-SEMAPHORE
           return the new count
         * enhancement: WAIT-ON-SEMAPHORE accepts a decrement parameter
         * enhancement: JOIN-THREAD allows distinguishing timeout vs. abort in all
         * enhancement: On Windows DBG_PRINTEXCEPTION_C is handled and its message
           is printed. (lp#1437947)
         * bug-fix: TRUENAME works properly on broken symlinks presented as
           directories. (lp#1458164)
         * bug fix: Inlined DPB and DEPOSIT-FIELD don't interfere with left-to-right
           order of argument evaluation. (lp#1458190)
         * bug fix: (SETF (LDB (BYTE 1 2 JUNK) X) 0) is rightly rejected.
         * bug fix: DEFSETF lambda lists should not permit argument destructuring.
         * bug fix: calls to (SETF SLOT-VALUE) on a missing slot would in certain
           situations incorrectly return the result of a SLOT-MISSING method
           instead of always returning the new value. (lp#1460381)
         * bug fix: a DEFMACRO occurring not at toplevel and capturing parts of
           its lexical environment (thus being a closure) caused expressions
           involving the macro name to cause corruption in the pretty-printer
           due to faulty introspection of the lambda list of a closure.
         * bug fix: out of line MAP/MAP-INTO check that the results produced by the
           function are of the matching sequence type. (lp#1459581)
         * bug fix: pretty-printing of '(LET `((,X ,Y)) :B) is handled correctly.
      * Breaks "old" cl-asdf (Closes: #787909)
      * Build-Conflicts on locales-all (Closes: #786601)
     -- Logan Rosen <email address hidden>  Tue, 30 Jun 2015 22:37:21 -0700
  • sbcl (2:1.2.12-1ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium
      * Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
        - debian/rules: Do not leave stage1 unreadable, fixing an FTBFS on the
          Launchpad buildds with pkgstriptranslations.
    sbcl (2:1.2.12-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * New upstream version
        changes in sbcl-1.2.12 relative to sbcl-1.2.11:
          * minor incompatible change: the SB-C::*POLICY* variable is no longer
            a list. Code which manipulated it as such (including but not limited
            to non-bundled releases of ASDF) will need to be revised.
          * enhancement: The input stream for COMPILE-FILE implements
          * enhancement: EVAL errors that occur by way of LOAD report the starting
            line and column number of the erring toplevel form. (lp#565247)
          * optimization: better MAP and MAP-INTO on known vector result types.
          * bug fix: Read/modify/write macros accessing a place which is a
            composition of CAR+CDR operations, such as (SHIFTF (CADR X) (ELT V 0)),
            do not access subforms more than once. (lp#1450968)
          * bug fix: short form of DEFSETF no longer allows trailing junk.
          * bug fix: DEFINE-MODIFY-MACRO respects the provisions of CLHS 5.1.3
            regarding argument evaluation order. (lp#1452539)
          * bug fix: POP works as specified in CLHS if the setter for its
            argument has a side-effect on the existing CAR value. (lp#1454021)
          * bug fix: Reading "#()" with a positive numeric argument signals a
            reader error. As specified, reading "#1()" has undefined consequences,
            so correct portable code should be indifferent to this. (lp#1252100)
          * bug fix: Malformed reader conditionals such as "(#-no-such-feature)"
            and "(#+sbcl)" no longer parse as NIL. (lp#1454400)
     -- Logan Rosen <email address hidden>  Sun, 21 Jun 2015 20:35:48 -0700
  • sbcl (2:1.2.11-2ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium
      * Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
        - debian/rules: Do not leave stage1 unreadable, fixing an FTBFS on the
          Launchpad buildds with pkgstriptranslations.
    sbcl (2:1.2.11-2) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Fix build on kfreebsd
    sbcl (2:1.2.11-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * New Upstream Version
        Remove Adding-curly-braces-around-subgraphs-to-make-things-.patch -- fixed upstream
        Cleanup fixed upstream (Closes: #734967)
        changes in sbcl-1.2.11 relative to sbcl-1.2.10:
          * enhancement: SET-PPRINT-DISPATCH will warn when given an expression in
            which any part is unrecognizable as a legal type-specifier.
            The dispatch table will be altered, but the new entry is disabled.
            Subsequent type-defining forms will cause pprint-dispatch tables to
            re-examine whether any disabled entries should be enabled. (lp#1429520)
          * enhancement: Loading code containing calls to a deprecated function will,
            under most circumstances, signal warnings similar to compiling such code.
            The usual caveat holds about not detecting calls through a computed name,
            as in (funcall (intern "DEPRECATED-FUN" "SB-EXT")).
          * enhancement: (SB-EXT:COMPILE-FILE-LINE) is a new macro that expands
            to a constant (VALUES integer integer) indicating the source line/column
            from which it was read, intended for logging Lisp runtime errors in
            a style similar to that afforded by the C preprocessor __LINE__ macro.
            Similarly (SB-EXT:COMPILE-FILE-POSITION) returns a position in characters.
          * enhancement: improved source locations for VOPs, alien types and
          * bug fix: functions in :FINAL deprecation have the correct docstring.
            No visible change, as no such functions presently exist. (lp#1439151)
          * bug fix: (SETF (FDEFINITION this) (FDEFINITION OTHER)) signals an error
            if OTHER names either a macro or special-operator. (lp#1439921)
        changes in sbcl-1.2.10 relative to sbcl-1.2.9:
          * minor incompatible change: all SOCKINT::WIN32-* functions have been
            deprecated with EARLY deprecation state
          * minor incompatible change: performing introspection via the system-internal
            SB-INT:INFO function could expose that :TYPE :TRANSLATOR is not necessarily
            a function, as it always was before. (Affects swank-fancy-inspector)
          * enhancement: The value of SXHASH on bit-vectors of length equal to the
            word size now depends on the vector's contents instead of being constant;
            its value on bit-vectors of length divisible by the word size now depends
            also on the contents of the vector's last word.
          * bug-fix: sb-bsd-sockets on win32 uses proper C function declarations.
          * bug fix: A new dead code elimination phase removes dead code loops
            that confuse stack analysis. (lp#1255782, lp#308914)
          * bug fix: A toplevel form which was simple enough to bypass the main
            compiler in COMPILE-FILE, and which contained an empty SETQ or PROGN
            would produce an invalid fasl file. (lp#1427050)
          * bug fix: The compiler no longer signals an internal error when
            encountering invalid FUNCTION forms like (function 1)
          * bug fix: express proper dependencies in the ASDF contrib, to support
            systems where make runs in parallel.  (lp#1434768; thanks to Nikhil
        changes in sbcl-1.2.9 relative to sbcl-1.2.8:
          * minor incompatible change and bug fix: unboxed numeric constants
            on x86oids are arranged in memory differently, and the disassembler
            does not show them separately in DISASSEMBLE, but does
            if DISASSEMBLE-CODE-COMPONENT is used. (lp#1421987)
          * optimization: The compiler's treatment of type specifiers makes
            it slightly faster and more memory-efficient. Portable code
            should be indifferent to this change, however, users of
            SB-INTROSPECT:FUNCTION-TYPE might notice that (MEMBER T NIL)
            and (MEMBER NIL T) are both internally collapsed to the former,
            so that the latter can never be obtained as part of an FTYPE.
          * optimization: a TYPEP call in which the second argument is not a
            QUOTE form but nevertheless recognized as a compile-time constant
            might open-code the test. One scenario for this involves backquote,
            such as (TYPEP x `(my-type ,some-arg)). Code which relied upon
            deferring until runtime should declare (NOTINLINE TYPEP).
            [Due to the sematic constraints of DEFTYPE etc in in CLHS,
            code requiring delayed evaluation could be unportable though.]
          * enhancement: unused variables at the top-level are now reported.
          * bug fix: DEFCLASS handles cyclic {super,meta}class relations better
          * bug fix: compiler no longer signals an error when compiling certain
            function calls. (lp#1416704, lp#404441, lp#1417822, lp#1234919)
          * bug fix: compiler doesn't stumble on a LOGIOR transform. (lp#1389433)
          * bug fix: more robust debugger and backtraces. (lp#1413850, lp#1099500,
            lp#1412881, lp#945261, lp#1419205, lp#1409402)
          * bug fix: files larger than 4GB can now be compiled.
          * bug fix: x86 truncated results from 64-bit foreign functions to 32 bits.
          * bug fix: file-position didn't work on large files on win32. (lp#1271545)
          * bug fix: callbacks from foreign threads can work without enabling
          * bug fix: sb-introspect:function-lambda-list works properly on interpeted
            macros. (lp#1387404)
          * bug fix: ADJUST-ARRAY properly handles non-adjustable arrays. (lp#886418)
          * bug fix: compiler no longer fails to dump a multidimensional array
            constant involving a circular reference to itself
          * bug fix: conditional and nested DX allocation no longer confuse the
            compiler in STACK analysis. (lp#1044465)
          * bug fix: sb-rotate-byte constant folding bug fixed. (lp#1423682)
    sbcl (2:1.2.8-1) experimental; urgency=medium
      * New upstream version
        changes in sbcl-1.2.8 relative to sbcl-1.2.7:
          * enhancement: better error and warning messages. (lp#1314767, lp#736383)
          * enhancement: backtrace for invalid argument count produces the exact
            supplied arguments including the extra ones, on x86, x86-64 and ARM.
          * enhancement: a STYLE-WARNING is signaled for DEFSTRUCT accessors which
            are used before the structure is defined; similarly for the predicate.
          * optimization: FORMAT NIL with only ~a and string arguments is transformed
            into CONCATENATE.
          * optimization: POSITION and FIND when inlined into code that is compiled
            with qualities of safety < 2 and speed > space will no longer signal
            an error on circular lists, but will potentially loop forever if given
            no :END constraint. As was always the case, calls that are not inlined
            are safe regardless of lexical policy.
          * bug fix: CLOS methods compiled with (OPTIMIZE (DEBUG 0))
            no longer cause debugger failure when printing a backtrace
          * bug fix: more resilience to deleted code. (lp#1308328, lp#1390544)
          * bug fix: the CLHS example of MAKE-LOAD-FORM involving TREE-WITH-PARENT
            did not work, and now it does.
        changes in sbcl-1.2.7 relative to sbcl-1.2.6:
          * optimization: returning constant values refers to preboxed constants
            more reliably. (lp#1398785)
          * enhancement: a STYLE-WARNING is produced if a compiler-macro is defined
            for a function after at least one ordinary (not inlined) call to that
            function was compiled, indicating a likely compilation order problem.
            Likewise a warning ensues if a call is compiled to a function
            that is subsequently proclaimed INLINE.
          * enhancement: always lose() when something goes wrong while saving a core
            (instead of just printing an error on stderr in some situations).
          * enhancement: frames in the debugger are now restartable by default.
          * bug fix: restore error handling on Windows x86.
          * bug fix: MAKE-SEQUENCE detects type errors in its :INITIAL-ELEMENT
            at compile-time when possible. (lp#330299)
          * bug fix: parsing of malformed type specifiers no longer results
            in a memory-fault-error.
          * bug fix: LOOP properly destructures nested lists in WITH.
          * bug fix: MACROEXPANDing the redefinition of an alien structure type no
            longer signals the wrong error.
          * bug fix: PROGV doesn't get confused by forced DEBUG 3 (lp#1405456).
        changes in sbcl-1.2.6 relative to sbcl-1.2.5:
          * enhancement: SERVE-EVENTS uses the poll() system call in lieu of
            select() if the OS has the former. Previously poll() was used
            only if waiting on exactly one file descriptor.
          * enhancement: efficiency of access to untagged structure slots is improved
            on x86-64, and the order of slots in memory is exactly as specified by
            defstruct, simplifying use of structures as arguments to foreign calls.
          * bug fix: SB-DEBUG:ARG now works in all TRACE options which evaluate forms.
          * bug fix: GC memory corruption during internal memory handling.
          * bug fix: duplicate effective-slot-definition objects as compared
            by EQ on name could be present in CLASS-SLOTS of a class whose
            metaclass was structure-class or condition-class. (lp#1049423)
          * bug fix: HANDLER-BIND with empty bindings works again; regression in
            1.2.5. (lp#1388707)
          * bug fix: ATOMIC-INCF works on structure slots in interpreted code.
          * bug fix: MAKE-ARRAY properly handles character types like (eql #\a) and
            (member #\a #\c). (lp#1392068)
          * bug fix: READ sometimes accidentally preserved a whitespace character
            after a token when it should not have. (lp#327790)
        changes in sbcl-1.2.5 relative to sbcl-1.2.4:
          * enhancement: sb-bsd-sockets now has basic support for IPv6
          * enhancement: An sb-unicode package has been added, containing
            many functions related to handling Unicode text
          * enhancement: The reader now normalizes symbols to Normalization
            Form KC (NFKC). This behavior can be disabled with
          * enhancement: a style-warning is signaled if OPTIMIZE declarations
            multiply specify a quality with differing values. (lp#310267)
          * bug fix: conservatively pointed to pages wipe out unused dwords so
            that they cannot act as false roots in turn.
          * bug fix: the walker's handling of lexical variable and symbol-macro
            bindings is improved (lp#375326, lp#1368305)
          * bug fix: HANDLER-{BIND,CASE} no longer drop into ldb when a clause
            contains an undefined condition type; regression in 1.1.19 (lp#1378939)
          * bug fix: in interpreted code, inequality predicates did not type-check
            arguments that weren't examined, and a 1-argument use of MIN or MAX
            accepted a complex number. (lp#1373702)
          * bug fix: APROPOS and APROPOS-LIST handle inherited symbols correctly.
            (lp#1364413, thanks to Zach Beane)
     -- Logan Rosen <email address hidden>  Mon, 25 May 2015 01:44:37 -0400
  • sbcl (2:1.2.4-2ubuntu1) vivid; urgency=medium
      * Reinstate Adam Conrad's patch to not leave stage1 unreadable, fixing an
        FTBFS on the Launchpad buildds with pkgstriptranslations.
     -- Logan Rosen <email address hidden>   Mon, 01 Dec 2014 00:05:04 -0500