# Copyright (C) 2008 Zed A. Shaw. You're free to reuse this file # in your build scripts in anyway and remove the copyright # notice. ### @export "main" python # This is a working build spec, but it is also an example # so it consists of a lot more stuff than you would normally # find in a real project. imports [ import(from 'scripts/testing' as 'testing') import(from 'scripts/dist' as 'dist') import(from 'scripts/sample' as 'sample') ] modules [ import(from 'vellum.commands') ] options( default 'tests' sudo 'sudo' version '0.13' website '../zedshaw.com/output/projects/vellum' bzr.revision '.bzr/branch/last-revision' version.file 'vellum/version.py' setup( name 'vellum' version '0.13' author 'Zed A. Shaw' description 'A flexible small make alternative for Python programmers.' author_email 'zedshaw@zedshaw.com' url 'http://www.zedshaw.com/projects/vellum' packages ['vellum'] scripts ['bin/vellum'] ) ) depends( build ['tests' 'version.gen' 'dist.install' 'dist.sdist'] commit ['dist.gen.setup' 'parser' 'dist.clean'] tests ['parser' 'testing.run'] dist ['build'] ) targets( commit [ $ bzr log --short > CHANGES $ bzr commit $ bzr push ] version.gen [ py [ |rev = open("%(bzr.revision)s").read().split() |ver = {"version": version, "rev": rev} |open("%(version.file)s", 'w').write( | "VERSION=" + repr(ver)) ] ] docs [ $ cd doc && webgen ] dist [ $ cp dist/vellum-%(version)s.tar.gz %(website)s ] parser "zapps vellum/parser.g" cloc [ $ cloc --report-file=doc/test_cloc.txt --no3 --by-file tests $ cloc --report-file=doc/source_cloc.txt --no3 --by-file --force-lang=python,g vellum bin $ cat doc/*_cloc.txt ] )