Wacs 0.7.1-series-0.7

WACS 0.7.1 - improved model bios, location flags, mark-viewed, keyword searches and new set rating app.

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last downloaded 41 weeks ago
Total downloads: 21

Release notes 

Wacs 0.7.1 has now been released. This is a big release from the user interface point of view - we've got much improved model bios, improved location flagging, keyword searching, mark-viewed features in the tagging system and many other little enhancements. We also continue along the 0.7 release series goal of providing a web interface to content management with a brand new application - wacssetmanager - which allows the rating, attribution and flagging of a set all within the web application. On top of all this, the wacsimport and wacsexport commands now support download records as well, so you can now exchange details of models and all the places and sets they feature in with other Wacs users.

As ever, please report any problems you find and submit your requests for new features as we'll be working on 0.7.2 pretty soon now.


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