Registered by Thomas Karl Pietrowski

Wireless Display Software For Linux OS

WDS is a set of libraries for developers who want to build Wi-Fi Display applications on linux.

WDS consists of:
* libwds: Main library implements a Wi-Fi Display dialect of RTSP that includes the parser, actual negotiation logic for sink and source, and the related data structures. It is not tied to any specific connection manager, media framework or main loop
* network: Supports integration with GLib main loop and GStreamer
* p2p: Supports integration with Connman Wifi P2P features
The source code includes example implementations:
* sink: Wi-Fi Display sink that depends on Gstreamer, Connman and GLib mainloop
* desktop_source: Wi-Fi Display source that depends on Gstreamer, Connman and GLib mainloop

More information can be found on the mailing list and the wiki.

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