This is the upstream project for the code behind Edubuntu Weblive and the Test drive feature from Software Center.
Production Drupal plugin can be found at: http://
Production API URL is: https:/
The main part of WebLive is the daemon. The daemon listens for both XML-RPC and JSON requests, managing a pool of server, creating and removing users.
We also have a Drupal plugin that's just a client for the JSON api of the backend and that lets you easily integrate WebLive in any Drupal based website, like Edubuntu's.
In the daemon branch (ltsp-cluster-
WebLive integration can be found in the Ubuntu Software Center starting with Ubuntu 11.04 for users who have "qtnx" installed. For other's, Edubuntu's website let you try Edubuntu directly from your web browser.
Packages exist for both appserv components and for the daemon at: https:/
View full history Series and milestones
trunk series is the current focus of development.