Registered by Yafeat Alemayhu

Windows Aid Linux is a bootable ubuntu based distro for windows partition that have viruses
this will not erase your your whole windows pc
so dont worry.

Project Windows Aid Linux

The beginning of Windows Aid Linux.

This OS is based on Linus's operating system, Linux. Windows aid Linux is suppose to remove viruses like malware, Trojan horses and ransomware etc. This project started Monday, Febuary 17, 2014 2:02 PM ET. What is Windows Aid Linux? It is a first aid kit for Windows. Sometimes people aren’t IT-ish. And people don’t know what an anti-virus is. An anti-virus is software that removes bad software (Such as Malware, Trojan horse, Ransomware, Adware, Spyware, and other viruses). So after you’ve been on the World Wide Web without an anti-virus. This is what has happened with my friend. One day, my friend got a pop up saying you are the hundredth visitor click here to claim your prize, actually his prize was a visit from a virus. So you should not go on the web without an anti virus. Now people who believe scams like this get a virus right? So after you get that virus your computer might be out of warranty and you don't want to waste your money? Well will you think you will have to pay money for Windows aid. Well no. Windows aid is free. And it is specially built for people who don't have experience for PC.

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Yafeat Alemayhu
Yafeat Alemayhu

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