;;; xml-rpc.el --- An elisp implementation of clientside XML-RPC ;; Copyright (C) 2002-2010 Mark A. Hershberger ;; Copyright (C) 2001 CodeFactory AB. ;; Copyright (C) 2001 Daniel Lundin. ;; Copyright (C) 2006 Shun-ichi Goto ;; Modified for non-ASCII character handling. ;; Author: Mark A. Hershberger ;; Original Author: Daniel Lundin ;; Version: 1.6.8 ;; Created: May 13 2001 ;; Keywords: xml rpc network ;; URL: http://launchpad.net/xml-rpc-el ;; Last Modified: <2010-03-05 13:41:20 mah> (defconst xml-rpc-version "1.6.8" "Current version of xml-rpc.el") ;; This file is NOT (yet) part of GNU Emacs. ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; This is an XML-RPC client implementation in elisp, capable of both ;; synchronous and asynchronous method calls (using the url package's async ;; retrieval functionality). ;; XML-RPC is remote procedure calls over HTTP using XML to describe the ;; function call and return values. ;; xml-rpc.el represents XML-RPC datatypes as lisp values, automatically ;; converting to and from the XML datastructures as needed, both for method ;; parameters and return values, making using XML-RPC methods fairly ;; transparent to the lisp code. ;;; Installation: ;; If you use ELPA (http://tromey.com/elpa), you can install via the ;; M-x package-list-packages interface. This is preferrable as you ;; will have access to updates automatically. ;; Otherwise, just make sure this file in your load-path (usually ;; ~/.emacs.d is included) and put (require 'xml-rpc) in your ;; ~/.emacs or ~/.emacs.d/init.el file. ;;; Requirements ;; xml-rpc.el uses the url package for http handling and xml.el for ;; XML parsing. url is a part of the W3 browser package. The url ;; package that is part of Emacs 22+ works great. ;; ;; xml.el is a part of GNU Emacs 21, but can also be downloaded from ;; here: ;;; Bug reports ;; Please use M-x xml-rpc-submit-bug-report to report bugs. ;;; XML-RPC datatypes are represented as follows ;; int: 42 ;; float/double: 42.0 ;; string: "foo" ;; array: '(1 2 3 4) '(1 2 3 (4.1 4.2)) ;; struct: '(("name" . "daniel") ("height" . 6.1)) ;; dateTime: (:datetime (1234 124)) ;;; Examples ;; Here follows some examples demonstrating the use of xml-rpc.el ;; Normal synchronous operation ;; ---------------------------- ;; (xml-rpc-method-call "http://localhost:80/RPC" 'foo-method foo bar zoo) ;; Asynchronous example (cb-foo will be called when the methods returns) ;; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; (defun cb-foo (foo) ;; (print (format "%s" foo))) ;; (xml-rpc-method-call-async 'cb-foo "http://localhost:80/RPC" ;; 'foo-method foo bar zoo) ;; Some real world working examples for fun and play ;; ------------------------------------------------- ;; Check the temperature (celsius) outside jonas@codefactory.se's apartment ;; (xml-rpc-method-call ;; "http://flint.bengburken.net:80/xmlrpc/onewire_temp.php" ;; 'onewire.getTemp) ;; Fetch the latest NetBSD news the past 5 days from O'reillynet ;; (xml-rpc-method-call "http://www.oreillynet.com/meerkat/xml-rpc/server.php" ;; 'meerkat.getItems ;; '(("channel" . 1024) ;; ("search" . "/NetBSD/") ;; ("time_period" . "5DAY") ;; ("ids" . 0) ;; ("descriptions" . 200) ;; ("categories" . 0) ;; ("channels" . 0) ;; ("dates" . 0) ;; ("num_items" . 5))) ;;; History: ;; 1.6.8 - Add a report-xml-rpc-bug function ;; Eliminate unused xml-rpc-get-temp-buffer-name ;; Improve compatibility with Xemacs ;; 1.6.7 - Skipped version ;; 1.6.6 - Use the correct dateTime elements. Fix bug in parsing null int. ;; - Fix compile time warnings. ;; 1.6.5 - Made handling of dateTime elements more robust. ;; - Updated to work with both Emacs22 and Emacs23. ;; - Modified to allow non-ASCII string again. ;; It can handle non-ASCII page name and comment ;; on Emacs 21 also. ;; - Modified to allow non-ASCII string. ;; If xml-rpc-allow-unicode-string is non-nil, ;; make 'value' object instead of 'base64' object. ;; This is good for WikiRPC. ;; 1.6.2 - Fix whitespace issues to work better with new xml.el ;; Fix bug in string handling. ;; Add support for gzip-encoding when needed. ;; 1.6.1 - base64 support added. ;; url-insert-entities-in-string done on string types now. ;; 1.6 - Fixed dependencies (remove w3, add cl). ;; Move string-to-boolean and boolean-to-string into xml-rpc ;; namespace. ;; Fix bug in xml-rpc-xml-to-response where non-existent var was. ;; More tweaking of "Connection: close" header. ;; Fix bug in xml-rpc-request-process-buffer so that this works with ;; different mixes of the url.el code. ;; 1.5.1 - Added Andrew J Cosgriff's patch to make the ;; xml-rpc-clean-string function work in XEmacs. ;; 1.5 - Added headers to the outgoing url-retreive-synchronously ;; so that it would close connections immediately on completion. ;; 1.4 - Added conditional debugging code. Added version tag. ;; 1.2 - Better error handling. The documentation didn't match ;; the code. That was changed so that an error was ;; signaled. Also, better handling of various and ;; different combinations of xml.el and url.el. ;; 1.1 - Added support for boolean types. If the type of a ;; returned value is not specified, string is assumed ;; 1.0 - First version ;;; Code: (require 'xml) (require 'url-http) (require 'timezone) (eval-when-compile (require 'cl)) (defconst xml-rpc-maintainer-address "mah@everybody.org" "The address where bug reports should be sent.") (defcustom xml-rpc-load-hook nil "*Hook run after loading xml-rpc." :type 'hook :group 'xml-rpc) (defcustom xml-rpc-use-coding-system (if (coding-system-p 'utf-8) 'utf-8 'iso-8859-1) "The coding system to use." :type 'symbol :group 'xml-rpc) (defcustom xml-rpc-allow-unicode-string (coding-system-p 'utf-8) "If non-nil, non-ASCII data is composed as 'value' instead of 'base64'. And this option overrides `xml-rpc-base64-encode-unicode' and `xml-rpc-base64-decode-unicode' if set as non-nil." :type 'boolean :group 'xml-rpc) (defcustom xml-rpc-base64-encode-unicode (coding-system-p 'utf-8) "If non-nil, then strings with non-ascii characters will be turned into Base64." :type 'boolean :group 'xml-rpc) (defcustom xml-rpc-base64-decode-unicode (coding-system-p 'utf-8) "If non-nil, then base64 strings will be decoded using the utf-8 coding system." :type 'boolean :group 'xml-rpc) (defcustom xml-rpc-debug 0 "Set this to 1 or greater to avoid killing temporary buffers. Set it higher to get some info in the *Messages* buffer" :type 'integerp :group 'xml-rpc) (defvar xml-rpc-fault-string nil "Contains the fault string if a fault is returned") (defvar xml-rpc-fault-code nil "Contains the fault code if a fault is returned") ;; ;; Value type handling functions ;; (defsubst xml-rpc-value-intp (value) "Return t if VALUE is an integer." (integerp value)) (defsubst xml-rpc-value-doublep (value) "Return t if VALUE is a double precision number." (floatp value)) (defsubst xml-rpc-value-stringp (value) "Return t if VALUE is a string." (stringp value)) ;; An XML-RPC struct is a list where every car is cons or a list of ;; length 1 or 2 and has a string for car. (defsubst xml-rpc-value-structp (value) "Return t if VALUE is an XML-RPC struct." (and (listp value) (let ((vals value) (result t) curval) (while (and vals result) (setq result (and (setq curval (car-safe vals)) (consp curval) (stringp (car-safe curval)))) (setq vals (cdr-safe vals))) result))) ;; A somewhat lazy predicate for arrays (defsubst xml-rpc-value-arrayp (value) "Return t if VALUE is an XML-RPC struct." (and (listp value) (not (xml-rpc-value-datetimep value)) (not (xml-rpc-value-structp value)))) (defun xml-rpc-submit-bug-report () "Submit a bug report on xml-rpc." (interactive) (require 'reporter) (let ((xml-rpc-tz-pd-defined-in (if (fboundp 'find-lisp-object-file-name) (find-lisp-object-file-name 'timezone-parse-date (symbol-function 'timezone-parse-date)) (symbol-file 'timezone-parse-date))) (date-parses-as (timezone-parse-date "20091130T00:52:53"))) (reporter-submit-bug-report xml-rpc-maintainer-address (concat "xml-rpc.el " xml-rpc-version) (list 'xml-rpc-tz-pd-defined-in 'date-parses-as 'xml-rpc-load-hook 'xml-rpc-use-coding-system 'xml-rpc-allow-unicode-string 'xml-rpc-base64-encode-unicode 'xml-rpc-base64-decode-unicode)))) (defun xml-rpc-value-booleanp (value) "Return t if VALUE is a boolean." (or (eq value nil) (eq value t))) (defun xml-rpc-value-datetimep (value) "Return t if VALUE is a datetime. For Emacs XML-RPC implementation, you must put time keyword :datetime before the time, or it will be confused for a list." (and (listp value) (eq (car value) :datetime))) (defun xml-rpc-string-to-boolean (value) "Return t if VALUE is a boolean" (or (string-equal value "true") (string-equal value "1"))) (defun xml-rpc-caddar-safe (list) (car-safe (cdr-safe (cdr-safe (car-safe list))))) (defun xml-rpc-xml-list-to-value (xml-list) "Convert an XML-RPC structure in an xml.el style XML-LIST to an elisp list, \ interpreting and simplifying it while retaining its structure." (let (valtype valvalue) (cond ((and (xml-rpc-caddar-safe xml-list) (listp (car-safe (cdr-safe (cdr-safe (car-safe xml-list)))))) (setq valtype (car (caddar xml-list)) valvalue (caddr (caddar xml-list))) (cond ;; Base64 ((eq valtype 'base64) (if xml-rpc-base64-decode-unicode (decode-coding-string (base64-decode-string valvalue) 'utf-8) (base64-decode-string valvalue))) ;; Boolean ((eq valtype 'boolean) (xml-rpc-string-to-boolean valvalue)) ;; String ((eq valtype 'string) valvalue) ;; Integer ((or (eq valtype 'int) (eq valtype 'i4)) (string-to-number (or valvalue "0"))) ;; Double/float ((eq valtype 'double) (string-to-number valvalue)) ;; Struct ((eq valtype 'struct) (mapcar (lambda (member) (let ((membername (cadr (cdaddr member))) (membervalue (xml-rpc-xml-list-to-value (cdddr member)))) (cons membername membervalue))) (cddr (caddar xml-list)))) ;; Fault ((eq valtype 'fault) (let* ((struct (xml-rpc-xml-list-to-value (list valvalue))) (fault-string (cdr (assoc "faultString" struct))) (fault-code (cdr (assoc "faultCode" struct)))) (list 'fault fault-code fault-string))) ;; DateTime ((or (eq valtype 'dateTime.iso8601) (eq valtype 'dateTime)) (list :datetime (date-to-time valvalue))) ;; Array ((eq valtype 'array) (mapcar (lambda (arrval) (xml-rpc-xml-list-to-value (list arrval))) (cddr valvalue))))) ((xml-rpc-caddar-safe xml-list))))) (defun xml-rpc-boolean-to-string (value) "Convert a boolean value to a string" (if value "1" "0")) (defun xml-rpc-datetime-to-string (value) "Convert a date time to a valid XML-RPC date" (format-time-string "%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S" (cadr value))) (defun xml-rpc-value-to-xml-list (value) "Return XML representation of VALUE properly formatted for use with the \ functions in xml.el." (cond ;; ((not value) ;; nil) ((xml-rpc-value-booleanp value) `((value nil (boolean nil ,(xml-rpc-boolean-to-string value))))) ;; Date ((xml-rpc-value-datetimep value) `((value nil (dateTime.iso8601 nil ,(xml-rpc-datetime-to-string value))))) ;; list ((xml-rpc-value-arrayp value) (let ((result nil) (xmlval nil)) (while (setq xmlval (xml-rpc-value-to-xml-list (car value)) result (if result (append result xmlval) xmlval) value (cdr value))) `((value nil (array nil ,(append '(data nil) result)))))) ;; struct ((xml-rpc-value-structp value) (let ((result nil) (xmlval nil)) (while (setq xmlval `((member nil (name nil ,(caar value)) ,(car (xml-rpc-value-to-xml-list (cdar value))))) result (append result xmlval) value (cdr value))) `((value nil ,(append '(struct nil) result))))) ;; Value is a scalar ((xml-rpc-value-intp value) `((value nil (int nil ,(int-to-string value))))) ((xml-rpc-value-stringp value) (let ((charset-list (find-charset-string value))) (if (or xml-rpc-allow-unicode-string (and (eq 1 (length charset-list)) (eq 'ascii (car charset-list))) (not xml-rpc-base64-encode-unicode)) `((value nil (string nil ,value))) `((value nil (base64 nil ,(if xml-rpc-base64-encode-unicode (base64-encode-string (encode-coding-string value xml-rpc-use-coding-system)) (base64-encode-string value)))))))) ((xml-rpc-value-doublep value) `((value nil (double nil ,(number-to-string value))))) (t `((value nil (base64 nil ,(base64-encode-string value))))))) (defun xml-rpc-xml-to-string (xml) "Return a string representation of the XML tree as valid XML markup." (let ((tree (xml-node-children xml)) (result (concat "<" (symbol-name (xml-node-name xml)) ">"))) (while tree (cond ((listp (car tree)) (setq result (concat result (xml-rpc-xml-to-string (car tree))))) ((stringp (car tree)) (setq result (concat result (car tree)))) (t (error "Invalid XML tree"))) (setq tree (cdr tree))) (setq result (concat result "")) result)) ;; ;; Response handling ;; (defsubst xml-rpc-response-errorp (response) "An 'xml-rpc-method-call' result value is always a list, where the first \ element in RESPONSE is either nil or if an error occured, a cons pair \ according to (errnum . \"Error string\")," (eq 'fault (car-safe (caddar response)))) (defsubst xml-rpc-response-error-code (response) "Return the error code from RESPONSE." (and (xml-rpc-response-errorp response) (nth 1 (xml-rpc-xml-list-to-value response)))) (defsubst xml-rpc-response-error-string (response) "Return the error code from RESPONSE." (and (xml-rpc-response-errorp response) (nth 2 (xml-rpc-xml-list-to-value response)))) (defun xml-rpc-xml-to-response (xml) "Convert an XML list to a method response list. An error is signaled if there is a fault or if the response does not appear to be an XML-RPC response (i.e. no methodResponse). Otherwise, the parsed XML response is returned." ;; Check if we have a methodResponse (cond ((not (eq (car-safe (car-safe xml)) 'methodResponse)) (error "No methodResponse found")) ;; Did we get a fault response ((xml-rpc-response-errorp xml) (let ((resp (xml-rpc-xml-list-to-value xml))) (setq xml-rpc-fault-string (nth 2 resp)) (setq xml-rpc-fault-code (nth 1 resp)) (error "XML-RPC fault `%s'" xml-rpc-fault-string))) ;; Interpret the XML list and produce a more useful data structure (t (let ((valpart (cdr (cdaddr (caddar xml))))) (xml-rpc-xml-list-to-value valpart))))) ;; ;; Method handling ;; (defun xml-rpc-request (server-url xml &optional async-callback-function) "Perform http post request to SERVER-URL using XML. If ASYNC-CALLBACK-FUNCTION is non-nil, the request will be performed asynchronously and ASYNC-CALLBACK-FUNCTION should be a callback function to be called when the reuest is finished. ASYNC-CALLBACK-FUNCTION is called with a single argument being an xml.el style XML list. It returns an XML list containing the method response from the XML-RPC server, or nil if called with ASYNC-CALLBACK-FUNCTION." (declare (special url-current-callback-data url-current-callback-func url-http-response-status)) (unwind-protect (save-excursion (let ((url-request-method "POST") (url-package-name "xml-rpc.el") (url-package-version xml-rpc-version) (url-request-data (concat "\n" (with-temp-buffer (xml-print xml) (when xml-rpc-allow-unicode-string (encode-coding-region (point-min) (point-max) 'utf-8)) (buffer-string)) "\n")) (url-mime-charset-string "utf-8;q=1, iso-8859-1;q=0.5") (url-request-coding-system xml-rpc-use-coding-system) (url-http-attempt-keepalives nil) (url-request-extra-headers (list (cons "Connection" "close") (cons "Content-Type" "text/xml; charset=utf-8")))) (when (> xml-rpc-debug 1) (print url-request-data (create-file-buffer "request-data"))) (cond ((boundp 'url-be-asynchronous) ; Sniff for w3 lib capability (if async-callback-function (setq url-be-asynchronous t url-current-callback-data (list async-callback-function (current-buffer)) url-current-callback-func 'xml-rpc-request-callback-handler) (setq url-be-asynchronous nil)) (url-retrieve server-url t) (when (not url-be-asynchronous) (let ((result (xml-rpc-request-process-buffer (current-buffer)))) (when (> xml-rpc-debug 1) (print result (create-file-buffer "result-data"))) result))) (t ; Post emacs20 w3-el (if async-callback-function (url-retrieve server-url async-callback-function) (let ((buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously server-url))) (with-current-buffer buffer (when (not (numberp url-http-response-status)) ;; this error may occur when keep-alive bug ;; of url-http.el is not cleared. (error "Why? url-http-response-status is %s" url-http-response-status)) (when (> url-http-response-status 299) (error "Error during request: %s" url-http-response-status))) (xml-rpc-request-process-buffer buffer))))))))) (defun xml-rpc-clean-string (s) (if (string-match "\\`[ \t\n\r]*\\'" s) ;;"^[ \t\n]*$" s) nil s)) (defun xml-rpc-clean (l) (cond ((listp l) (let (elem (result nil)) (while l ;; iterate (setq elem (car l) l (cdr l)) ;; test the head (cond ;; a string, so clean it. ((stringp elem) (let ((tmp (xml-rpc-clean-string elem))) (when (and tmp xml-rpc-allow-unicode-string) (setq tmp (decode-coding-string tmp xml-rpc-use-coding-system))) (if tmp (setq result (append result (list tmp))) result))) ;; a list, so recurse. ((listp elem) (setq result (append result (list (xml-rpc-clean elem))))) ;; everthing else, as is. (t (setq result (append result (list elem)))))) result)) ((stringp l) ; will returning nil be acceptable ? nil) (t l))) (defun xml-rpc-request-process-buffer (xml-buffer) "Process buffer XML-BUFFER." (unwind-protect (with-current-buffer xml-buffer (when (fboundp 'url-uncompress) (let ((url-working-buffer xml-buffer)) (url-uncompress))) (goto-char (point-min)) (search-forward-regexp "<\\?xml" nil t) (move-to-column 0) ;; Gather the results (let* ((status (if (boundp 'url-http-response-status) ;; Old URL lib doesn't save the result. url-http-response-status 200)) (result (cond ;; A probable XML response ((looking-at "<\\?xml ") (xml-rpc-clean (xml-parse-region (point-min) (point-max)))) ;; No HTTP status returned ((not status) (let ((errstart (search-forward "\n---- Error was: ----\n"))) (and errstart (buffer-substring errstart (point-max))))) ;; Maybe they just gave us an the XML w/o PI? ((search-forward "" nil t) (xml-rpc-clean (xml-parse-region (match-beginning 0) (point-max)))) ;; Valid HTTP status (t (int-to-string status))))) (when (< xml-rpc-debug 3) (kill-buffer (current-buffer))) result)))) (defun xml-rpc-request-callback-handler (callback-fun xml-buffer) "Marshall a callback function request to CALLBACK-FUN with the results \ handled from XML-BUFFER." (let ((xml-response (xml-rpc-request-process-buffer xml-buffer))) (when (< xml-rpc-debug 1) (kill-buffer xml-buffer)) (funcall callback-fun (xml-rpc-xml-to-response xml-response)))) (defun xml-rpc-method-call-async (async-callback-func server-url method &rest params) "Call an XML-RPC method asynchronously at SERVER-URL named METHOD with \ PARAMS as parameters. When the method returns, ASYNC-CALLBACK-FUNC will be \ called with the result as parameter." (let* ((m-name (if (stringp method) method (symbol-name method))) (m-params (mapcar '(lambda (p) `(param nil ,(car (xml-rpc-value-to-xml-list p)))) (if async-callback-func params (car-safe params)))) (m-func-call `((methodCall nil (methodName nil ,m-name) ,(append '(params nil) m-params))))) (when (> xml-rpc-debug 1) (print m-func-call (create-file-buffer "func-call"))) (xml-rpc-request server-url m-func-call async-callback-func))) (defun xml-rpc-method-call (server-url method &rest params) "Call an XML-RPC method at SERVER-URL named METHOD with PARAMS as \ parameters." (let ((response (xml-rpc-method-call-async nil server-url method params))) (cond ((stringp response) (list (cons nil (concat "URL/HTTP Error: " response)))) (t (xml-rpc-xml-to-response response))))) (unless (fboundp 'xml-escape-string) (defun xml-debug-print (xml &optional indent-string) "Outputs the XML in the current buffer. XML can be a tree or a list of nodes. The first line is indented with the optional INDENT-STRING." (setq indent-string (or indent-string "")) (dolist (node xml) (xml-debug-print-internal node indent-string))) (defalias 'xml-print 'xml-debug-print) (when (not (boundp 'xml-entity-alist)) (defvar xml-entity-alist '(("lt" . "<") ("gt" . ">") ("apos" . "'") ("quot" . "\"") ("amp" . "&")))) (defun xml-escape-string (string) "Return the string with entity substitutions made from xml-entity-alist." (mapconcat (lambda (byte) (let ((char (char-to-string byte))) (if (rassoc char xml-entity-alist) (concat "&" (car (rassoc char xml-entity-alist)) ";") char))) ;; This differs from the non-unicode branch. Just ;; grabbing the string works here. string "")) (defun xml-debug-print-internal (xml indent-string) "Outputs the XML tree in the current buffer. The first line is indented with INDENT-STRING." (let ((tree xml) attlist) (insert indent-string ?< (symbol-name (xml-node-name tree))) ;; output the attribute list (setq attlist (xml-node-attributes tree)) (while attlist (insert ?\ (symbol-name (caar attlist)) "=\"" (xml-escape-string (cdar attlist)) ?\") (setq attlist (cdr attlist))) (setq tree (xml-node-children tree)) (if (null tree) (insert ?/ ?>) (insert ?>) ;; output the children (dolist (node tree) (cond ((listp node) (insert ?\n) (xml-debug-print-internal node (concat indent-string " "))) ((stringp node) (insert (xml-escape-string node))) (t (error "Invalid XML tree")))) (when (not (and (null (cdr tree)) (stringp (car tree)))) (insert ?\n indent-string)) (insert ?< ?/ (symbol-name (xml-node-name xml)) ?>))))) (let ((tdate (timezone-parse-date "20090101T010101Z"))) (when (not (string-equal (aref tdate 0) "2009")) (defun timezone-parse-date (date) "Parse DATE and return a vector [YEAR MONTH DAY TIME TIMEZONE]. Two-digit dates are `windowed'. Those <69 have 2000 added; otherwise 1900 is added. Three-digit dates have 1900 added. TIMEZONE is nil for DATEs without a zone field. Understands the following styles: (1) 14 Apr 89 03:20[:12] [GMT] (2) Fri, 17 Mar 89 4:01[:33] [GMT] (3) Mon Jan 16 16:12[:37] [GMT] 1989 (4) 6 May 1992 1641-JST (Wednesday) (5) 22-AUG-1993 10:59:12.82 (6) Thu, 11 Apr 16:17:12 91 [MET] (7) Mon, 6 Jul 16:47:20 T 1992 [MET] (8) 1996-06-24 21:13:12 [GMT] (9) 1996-06-24 21:13-ZONE (10) 19960624T211312" ;; Get rid of any text properties. (and (stringp date) (or (text-properties-at 0 date) (next-property-change 0 date)) (setq date (copy-sequence date)) (set-text-properties 0 (length date) nil date)) (let ((date (or date "")) (year nil) (month nil) (day nil) (time nil) (zone nil)) ;This may be nil. (cond ((string-match "\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]+\\([^ \t,]+\\)[ \t]+\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]+\\([0-9]+:[0-9:]+\\)[ \t]+\\([-+a-zA-Z0-9]+\\)" date) ;; Styles: (1) and (2) with timezone and buggy timezone ;; This is most common in mail and news, ;; so it is worth trying first. (setq year 3 month 2 day 1 time 4 zone 5)) ((string-match "\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]+\\([^ \t,]+\\)[ \t]+\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]+\\([0-9]+:[0-9:]+\\)[ \t]*\\'" date) ;; Styles: (1) and (2) without timezone (setq year 3 month 2 day 1 time 4 zone nil)) ((string-match "\\([^ \t,]+\\),[ \t]+\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]+\\([^ \t,]+\\)[ \t]+\\([0-9]+:[0-9:]+\\)[ \t]+\\(T[ \t]+\\|\\)\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]*\\'" date) ;; Styles: (6) and (7) without timezone (setq year 6 month 3 day 2 time 4 zone nil)) ((string-match "\\([^ \t,]+\\),[ \t]+\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]+\\([^ \t,]+\\)[ \t]+\\([0-9]+:[0-9:]+\\)[ \t]+\\(T[ \t]+\\|\\)\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]*\\([-+a-zA-Z0-9]+\\)" date) ;; Styles: (6) and (7) with timezone and buggy timezone (setq year 6 month 3 day 2 time 4 zone 7)) ((string-match "\\([^ \t,]+\\)[ \t]+\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]+\\([0-9]+:[0-9:]+\\)[ \t]+\\([0-9]+\\)" date) ;; Styles: (3) without timezone (setq year 4 month 1 day 2 time 3 zone nil)) ((string-match "\\([^ \t,]+\\)[ \t]+\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]+\\([0-9]+:[0-9:]+\\)[ \t]+\\([-+a-zA-Z0-9]+\\)[ \t]+\\([0-9]+\\)" date) ;; Styles: (3) with timezone (setq year 5 month 1 day 2 time 3 zone 4)) ((string-match "\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]+\\([^ \t,]+\\)[ \t]+\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]+\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]*\\([-+a-zA-Z0-9]+\\)" date) ;; Styles: (4) with timezone (setq year 3 month 2 day 1 time 4 zone 5)) ((string-match "\\([0-9]+\\)-\\([A-Za-z]+\\)-\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]+\\([0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+\\)\\(\\.[0-9]+\\)?[ \t]+\\([-+a-zA-Z0-9]+\\)" date) ;; Styles: (5) with timezone. (setq year 3 month 2 day 1 time 4 zone 6)) ((string-match "\\([0-9]+\\)-\\([A-Za-z]+\\)-\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]+\\([0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+\\)\\(\\.[0-9]+\\)?" date) ;; Styles: (5) without timezone. (setq year 3 month 2 day 1 time 4 zone nil)) ((string-match "\\([0-9]+\\)-\\([0-9]+\\)-\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]+\\([0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+\\)[ \t]+\\([-+a-zA-Z0-9]+\\)" date) ;; Styles: (8) with timezone. (setq year 1 month 2 day 3 time 4 zone 5)) ((string-match "\\([0-9]\\{4\\}\\)-?\\([0-9]\\{0,2\\}\\)-?\\([0-9]\\{0,2\\}\\)[T \t]+\\([0-9]\\{0,2\\}:?[0-9]\\{0,2\\}:?[0-9]\\{0,2\\}\\)[ \t]*\\([-+a-zA-Z]+[0-9:]*\\)" date) ;; Styles: (8) with timezone with a colon in it. (setq year 1 month 2 day 3 time 4 zone 5)) ((string-match "\\([0-9]\\{4\\}\\)-?\\([0-9]\\{0,2\\}\\)-?\\([0-9]\\{0,2\\}\\)[T \t]+\\([0-9]+:?[0-9]+:?[0-9]+\\)" date) ;; Styles: (8) without timezone. (setq year 1 month 2 day 3 time 4 zone nil))) (when year (setq year (match-string year date)) ;; Guess ambiguous years. Assume years < 69 don't predate the ;; Unix Epoch, so are 2000+. Three-digit years are assumed to ;; be relative to 1900. (when (< (length year) 4) (let ((y (string-to-number year))) (when (< y 69) (setq y (+ y 100))) (setq year (int-to-string (+ 1900 y))))) (setq month (if (or (= (aref date (+ (match-beginning month) 2)) ?-) (let ((n (string-to-number (char-to-string (aref date (+ (match-beginning month) 2)))))) (= (aref (number-to-string n) 0) (aref date (+ (match-beginning month) 2))))) ;; Handle numeric months, spanning exactly two digits. (substring date (match-beginning month) (+ (match-beginning month) 2)) (let* ((string (substring date (match-beginning month) (+ (match-beginning month) 3))) (monthnum (cdr (assoc (upcase string) timezone-months-assoc)))) (when monthnum (int-to-string monthnum))))) (setq day (match-string day date)) (setq time (match-string time date))) (when zone (setq zone (match-string zone date))) ;; Return a vector. (if (and year month) (vector year month day time zone) (vector "0" "0" "0" "0" nil)))))) (provide 'xml-rpc) ;; Local Variables: ;; time-stamp-pattern: "20/^;; Last Modified: <%%>$" ;; End: ;;; xml-rpc.el ends here