Zeitgeist Framework 0.3.0 "Voodoo Resonance"

First release in the 0.3 series. Core engine should be ready, but not necessarily all extension API and all dataproviders

Milestone information

Zeitgeist Framework
Code name:
Voodoo Resonance
Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
3 Markus Korn, 1 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen, 3 Seif Lotfy, 3 Siegfried Gevatter, 1 Zeitgeist Framework Team
4 Implemented, 1 Informational
1 Invalid, 11 Fix Released

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download icon zeitgeist-0.3.0.tar.gz (md5, sig) Source tarball for 0.3.0 470
last downloaded 19 weeks ago
Total downloads: 470

Release notes 

On behalf of the Zeitgeist team I am proud to announce our first development release, Zeitgeist 0.3.0, leading up to what will be our stable series which will be 0.4. It is our intent to aim for a 1.0 release as soon as we feel good about the stable series, but that is still a bit in the future. Now that we've crossed the initial hurdle in the rewrite we expect the release cycle to be much shorter than this one, although we have not settled on something strict yet.

As many of you know the bulk work on this release was done in the Zeitgeist hackfest in Bolzano. Since we came back we been busy little bees polishing it up and fixing bugs - trying not to flame eachothers too much when discussing the designs :-) Working face to face in Bolzano gave us a unique chance to really discuss things through and get to the bottom of the details. This will also affect other develops a bit since...

We were bad boys and decided to change both our internal database structures as well as our public DBus API. Sorry - but after long discussions we all agreed that this was for the best. The new design is leaps and bounds better than the old one. This means that you both have to give up on your old log database, and accept that there are no GUI written for the new API just yet. This is being worked on as you read this though!

Something that might come as a shock to some other developers is that we decided not to store annotations and bookmarks within Zeitgeist. This should be done in Tracker or some other semantic metadata storage[1]. Zeitgeist answers only when and how data was accessed, but stores no information about the current state of the metadata. We will be working very closely with Tracker from now on since 0.7 is a blessed dependency for GNOME 2.30. Congrats to the Tracker Devs.

You can download the release from: https://launchpad.net/zeitgeist/+download

The NEWS entry reads: [see below]



[1]: There have been talk about defining (and implementing) a very simple DBus API for storing semantic annotations (bookmarks, tags, comments, ratings, etc). In our internal speak such a service is called a Repository. Tracker or Soprano would expose this API in most cases, but on platforms where they are not available the simple Repository implementation would be most handy. This being said, it is currently not a high priority to implement a Repository, there are alternatives ready in Tracker and Soprano.


View the full changelog

First development release leading up to the stable 0.4 series. This release features:

 - Complete rework of engine and DBus API. Read: apps written against 0.2.*
   will most certainly need an update (see fx.
 - Public Python client API defined in zeitgeist.datamodel and
   zeitgeist.client modules
 - Documented public API with Sphinx (we'll have an URL for you shortly)
 - Changed Ontology from XESAM to Nepomuk.
 - Removed the Storm backend (obsoleted in 0.2.1).
 - Removed the Querymancer backend.
 - Support for event payloads (binary attachments to events)
 - An extension API for the core engine, allowing extensions direct access to the DB
   There are already a handful extensions things in the works here, you will hear
   more about this later

There are a few DISCLAIMERS that needs to be attached to this:

 - The event notification/signals are not yet ready in the new DBus API.
   We expect to have that ready for 0.3.1.
 - We plan to support querying only for available items (eg. filtering out
   deleted files, not listing files on detached USB storage, etc.). However this
   feature is not fully supported yet, even though it is exposed in the API.
 - While we are pretty satisfied with the database layout, there may still be
   changes in the ontologies or concrete data extraction methods. This might
   require that users delete their log databases in order to rebuild them
   with the new definitions. Of course this will no longer happen when we
   go stable
 - Much related to the point above our event ontologies are not yet set in stone,
   and minor changes are expected
 - We have only one logger enabled for now. Namely the one monitoring your
   recent files. In coming releases this logger may well be deprecated in favour
   of application specific plugins.
 - And finally. Please note that this is a *development release*. We can not
   guarantee stability of services nor APIs, although we strive hard to keep
   things stable.

5 blueprints and 12 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Revamped DBus API for the Zeitgesit Engine Revamped DBus API for the Zeitgesit Engine 5 Essential   11 Implemented
Changes in the Log Database Schema Changes in the Log Database Schema 5 Essential Zeitgeist Framework Team  11 Implemented
How we describe events/items/annotations How we describe events/items/annotations 5 Essential Siegfried Gevatter  11 Implemented
Rethink Event URIs Rethink Event URIs Informational 5 Essential Seif Lotfy  12 Informational
Symbollic Access of the Datamodel Symbollic Access of the Datamodel 5 Essential   11 Implemented
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
416724 #416724 Insertion of same event more than once 4 Medium Seif Lotfy  3 Invalid
483603 #483603 Use timestamps with milliseconds granularity (was: use REAL) 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
488327 #488327 Problems with unicode 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
489127 #489127 OverflowError in GetHighestTimestampForActor() 3 High Markus Korn  10 Fix Released
416727 #416727 Export Data Providers with every release 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
483585 #483585 Update to use new logo everywhere 4 Medium Seif Lotfy  10 Fix Released
489186 #489186 GetHighestTimestampForActor is superfluous 4 Medium Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen  10 Fix Released
401199 #401199 zeitgeist-0.2.0: using "env python" instead of python executable name 5 Low Siegfried Gevatter  10 Fix Released
404914 #404914 Inconsistency in FindEvents/CountEvents filter 5 Low Siegfried Gevatter  10 Fix Released
483550 #483550 [lp:~zeitgeist/zeitgeist/zeitgeist-resonance] make test/remote-test.py proper unittests 5 Low Markus Korn  10 Fix Released
462890 #462890 Add engine version identifier and expose this ID over the DBus API 1 Undecided Markus Korn  10 Fix Released
486996 #486996 testInsertGetWithoutTimestamp testcase fails 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
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