
Zim 0.49

Milestone information

Jaap Karssenberg
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download icon zim-0.49.tar.gz (md5) python source 138
last downloaded 44 weeks ago
Total downloads: 138

Release notes 

This release adds two new plugins: an Attachment Browser and an Inline Calculator. File writing on windows has been improved to avoid conflicts. Custom applications can now be set in the preferences and behavior of 'Edit Source' has been improved. Most important bugs that have been fixed are handling of unicode file paths and removing the need for empty lines around indented sections. Many more bugs have been fixed. Translations for Hungarian, Italian and Slovak were added.


View the full changelog

* Added experimental Attachment Browser plugin - by Thorsten Hackbarth
* Added Inline Calculator plugin
* Made file writing logic on windows more robust to avoid conflicts
* Fixed bug with unicode characters in notebook path
* Fixed 'shared' property for notebooks
* Patch to update history when pages are deleted or moved - by Yelve Yakut
* Patch backporting per-user site-packages dir for python 2.5 - by Jiří Janoušek
* Fix for bug with spaces in links in exported HTML - by Jiří Janoušek
* Fixed bug forcing empty lines after an indented section
* Patch for indenting in verbatim paragraphs - by Fabian Moser
* Fixed bug with unicode handling for file paths
* Added names for pageindex and pageview widgets for use in gtkrc
* Patch to jump to task within page - by Thomas Liebertraut
* Added option for setting custom applications in the preferences
* Fixed printtobrowser plugin to use proper preference for web browser
* Added default application /usr/bin/open for Mac
* Imporved behavior of 'Edit Source'
* Added checkbox to quicknote dialog to open the new page or not
* Added support for outlook:// urls and special cased mid: and cid: uris
* Added translations for Hungarian, Italian and Slovak

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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