Publishing details


oscam (1.20-9263~r9036-ppa1~precise) precise; urgency=medium

  * [r9036]

    - Cache answers where not taken into account -> moved nds cwswap to better point
    - Reverted cyclecheck (my changesets could only caused additional trouble!)

  * [r9035]

    - Fix for 09C7 broken cyclecheck (tnx Netview for reporting and testing!)

  * [r9034]

    CWC: if cas is videoguard and using only odd or even part of cw it has to follow the rules!

  * [r9033]

    - NDS Videoguard controlword check + auto swap odd / even cw parts (idea by Ragnarok666)

  * [r9032]

    cosmetic fix for Sky Austria/Germany

  * [r9031]

    - Tryfix for channel pmt updates send by provider (SKY / ORF Bundeslander)

  * [r9030]

    Fix compilation error.

    This fixes ticket #3519.

  * [r9029]

    smartreader triple card detect

    smartreader triple card detect ok on fast and mediam fast pc's. Also ok on dm8000.

  * [r9028]

    - Fixed a memleak
 -- Andrey Pavlenko <email address hidden>   Mon, 18 Nov 2013 16:17:50 +0400

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