Publishing details


oscam (1.20-10232~r10004-trusty) trusty; urgency=medium

  * [r10004]

    - DVBAPI: Due to wrong parsing of PMT channels couldnt be decoded (Example: Eurosport SD on 23.5 using 0100:00006a)

  * [r10003]

    Added documentation for new parameter 'nds_swap_cw'.

  * [r10002]

    - CCcam: dont touch emmcounters since oscam-emm will do that! (tnx Gismo2004 for this find!)

  * [r10001]

    - Bufferoverflow protection

  * [r10000]

    Patch by Ultra47

    The patch includes following things:
    - better Graph.svg
    - New: Uptime in Footer
    - New: more Informationen in Sysinfo (cached Memory, processes, swap memory, free men inkl. buffered & cached)
    - failban Patch => thx to hook
    - pollindicatorfix => thx to hook
    - fix for ECM History if polling disabled

  * [r9999]

    - Move emmcache from client to reader
    - Dvbapi refreshes every 30 seconds emmfilters to catch rotating cardserials delivered by networkreaders like camd35
    - On FTA channels emmfilters are started for all caids specified for a networkreader
    - If networkreader asks for specific au caid only that one is used (instead of all known caids for that reader)

  * [r9998]

    smartreader protocol

    Changed OK ERROR define, to avoid conflict with the opposed defined OK ERROR in reader-common.h

  * [r9997]

    WebIf: Patch by Ultra47

    Solution for different colors of Oscamlogo

  * [r9996]

    Improvements in #9994.

  * [r9995]

    Use better parameter's name for #9994:
    nds_swapp_cw -> nds_swap_cw
 -- Andrey Pavlenko <email address hidden>   Tue, 18 Nov 2014 14:40:42 +0300

Available diffs


Package files

No files published for this package.