Publishing details


aceproxy (0.9.1-531~da40d80-trusty) trusty; urgency=medium

  * [da40d80ba465951081f9f2098bf61327c334658c]
    Print traceback if plugin exception was caught

  * [ce22926a2c4b62f567382c83cced2e6671e79b65]
    Fix VLC spawn logic
    Spawn VLC if vlcspawn = True. If vlcspawn = False we will try to connect to VLC and only then find process.

  * [7845b893d97e0889189fbd9caad0741204ab7ab9]
    P2pProxy plugin rewrite and refactoring
    Moved all API communication stuff from plugin code to and covered it with proper documentation.
    Rewrote API logic. Now errors are handled by exceptions.
    Deleted session caching feature because it caused more problems than advantages. Now every request will open new session.
    Refactored code.

  * [ee250ca910c7c6804b325120e4fe10f8c7afaef2]
    Make torrent-telik mobile playlist accessible again
    Renamed command for getting mobile torrent-tv playlist because it was shadowed by another command after changing '==' to 'startswith'
 -- Andrey Pavlenko <email address hidden>   Sat, 11 Apr 2015 20:03:40 +0300

Available diffs


Package files

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