A current college student majoring in Computer Programming. I am also a ADP STEM Scholar for the 4th semester now. i have been programming since i was about 11, and i'm 21 as of writing this. Programming has been my favorite hobby and i have been wanting to get a degree in it for a while now. so my projects here are what i think are worthy of my current library of works. i will try to keep them updated and in development for at least up until the first major release.

i currently don't have a job, and i am still being supported by my family (not something i'm very fond if). So if you feel like buying me a cup of coffee or a gallon of gas to get back and forth to college, then it would be greatly appreciated. or if you want to support my development. then you can donate any amount you want via Paypal by clicking here: http://bit.ly/19K1i9V

I plan on being a indi game developer one day and working for myself.

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