Useful tools

PPA description

alac - Apple Lossless Audio Codec
animecheck - commandline CRC32, MD5 and eD2k-based hashing script
avxsynth - cross-platform frameserver and AviSynth clone
bin2froh - converts binary files to/from C header files
bspsrc - decompile .bsp map files
cmdpack - command tools collection, including ecm
daala - Daala video codec library
dualsub - merge two SRT subtitles into a single file
dzip - compression program for Quake demos
elfkickers - programs to deal with ELF files (most notably sstrip)
fdk-aac - Fraunhofer FDK AAC codec library + encoder
fdkaac-enc - command line frontend for libfdk-aac
fetch - FreeBSD's fetch command
flvextract(-gui) - extract streams from FLV files
gcab - Microsoft Cabinet file manipulation tool
grpar - tool to extract Build engine group (.grp) files
hllib/hlextract - Half-Life file access and extraction library
libbpg - a new very compact image format
lsmash - MP4 library and tools
m4acut - losslessly and gaplessly cut M4A files
mmcl - modify MPEG-4 ASP videos (CLI)
mojosetup - generate MojoSetup binaries
mp4fpsmod - mp4 time code editor
mpeg4modifier - modify MPEG-4 ASP videos (GUI)
msitools - Windows Installer file manipulation tool
openh264 - H.264 encoding library
patchelf - modify properties of ELF binaries
pyminifier - Python code minifier, obfuscator and compressor
phyxcalc - Physical Expression Calculator
shc - generic shell script compiler
steam-session - launch Steam Big Picture from your login screen

Adding this PPA to your system

You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA by adding ppa:djcj/tools to your system's Software Sources. (Read about installing)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:djcj/tools
sudo apt update
Technical details about this PPA

This PPA can be added to your system manually by copying the lines below and adding them to your system's software sources.

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4096R/B84AE40D04028F137758171FC2C2AC2FBADF4901 (What is this?)

For questions and bugs with software in this PPA please contact djcj.

PPA statistics

0 updates added during the past month.
View package details

Overview of published packages

169 of 69 results
Package Version Uploaded by
aegisub 3.2.2+master-8940-1~bionic djcj ()
alac 0.0r4+tg1+djcj1~xenial djcj ()
alac 0.0r4+tg1+djcj1~trusty djcj ()
animecheck 1.2-1~xenial djcj ()
animecheck 1.2-1~trusty djcj ()
avxsynth 4.0+git20140826-1xenial1 djcj ()
avxsynth 4.0+git20140826-1~trusty djcj ()
bin2froh 1.0.0-1~xenial djcj ()
bin2froh 1.0.0-1~trusty djcj ()
bspsrc 1.3.23-1~xenial djcj ()
bspsrc 1.3.23-1~trusty djcj ()
bzr-fastimport 0.13.0+bzr361-1ppa0~xenial djcj ()
chrpath 0.16-1ppa1~trusty djcj ()
cmdpack 1.03-4~xenial djcj ()
cmdpack 1.03-4~trusty djcj ()
daala 0.0-1686-gae21d4a-1~xenial djcj ()
daala 0.0-1686-gae21d4a-1~trusty djcj ()
dualsub 1.0.1~git20140914+repack1-1~xenial djcj ()
dualsub 1.0.1~git20140914+repack1-1~trusty djcj ()
dvdcopy 0.1~20130318-0ppa1~xenial djcj ()
dvdcopy 0.1~20130318-0ppa1~trusty djcj ()
dzip 2.9+ppa3~xenial djcj ()
dzip 2.9+ppa3~trusty djcj ()
elfkickers 3.1-0ppa1~xenial djcj ()
elfkickers 3.1-0ppa1~trusty djcj ()
fdk-aac 0.1.5-0ppa1~xenial djcj ()
fdk-aac 0.1.5-0ppa1~trusty djcj ()
fdkaac-enc 0.6.3-1~xenial djcj ()
fdkaac-enc 0.6.3-1~trusty djcj ()
fetch 1.8+git20150506-1~xenial djcj ()
fetch 1.8+git20150506-1~trusty djcj ()
flvextract 1.6.2-2~xenial djcj ()
flvextract 1.6.2-2~trusty djcj ()
flvextract-gui 1.6.5-1~xenial1 djcj ()
flvextract-gui 1.6.5-1~trusty djcj ()
gcab 0.6-1ppa1~trusty djcj ()
grpar 0.2-2~xenial djcj ()
grpar 0.2-2~trusty djcj ()
hllib 2.4.5-1~xenial djcj ()
hllib 2.4.5-1~trusty djcj ()
libbpg 0.9.7-1~xenial1 djcj ()
libbpg 0.9.7-1~trusty1 djcj ()
libpng16 1.6.29-0ppa1~xenial djcj ()
libpng16 1.6.29-0ppa1~trusty djcj ()
lsmash 2.9.1-1~xenial djcj ()
lsmash 2.9.1-1~trusty djcj ()
m4acut 0.1.2-1~xenial djcj ()
m4acut 0.1.2-1~trusty djcj ()
mmcl 1.4.4a-1~xenial1 djcj ()
mmcl 1.4.4a-1~trusty1 djcj ()
mojosetup 0.0.880+151006-1~xenial djcj ()
mojosetup 0.0.880+151006-1~trusty djcj ()
mp4fpsmod 0.25-0ppa1~xenial djcj ()
mp4fpsmod 0.25-0ppa1~trusty djcj ()
mpeg4modifier 1.4.6-1~xenial1 djcj ()
mpeg4modifier 1.4.6-1~trusty djcj ()
msitools 0.94-1ppa1~trusty1 djcj ()
openh264 1.6.0-0ppa1~xenial2 djcj ()
openh264 1.6.0-0ppa1~trusty2 djcj ()
patchelf 0.9-0ppa1~xenial (Newer version available) djcj ()
patchelf 0.9-0ppa1~trusty djcj ()
phyxcalc 3rev200-3~xenial2 djcj ()
phyxcalc 3rev200-3~trusty1 djcj ()
pyminifier 2.2-1~xenial djcj ()
pyminifier 2.2-1~trusty2 djcj ()
shc 3.8.9b-1ppa1~trusty djcj ()
steam-session-openbox 1.0-1~xenial djcj ()
steam-session-openbox 1.0-1~trusty djcj ()
yasm 1.3.0-2ppa1~trusty djcj ()
169 of 69 results

Latest updates

  • aegisub 345 weeks ago
    Successfully built
  • mp4fpsmod 404 weeks ago
    Successfully built
  • mp4fpsmod 404 weeks ago
    Successfully built
  • m4acut 404 weeks ago
    Successfully built
  • libpng16 404 weeks ago
    Successfully built