Publishing details


kodi-pvr-vuplus (2.4.12-1~trusty) trusty; urgency=low

  [ kodi ]
  * autogenerated dummy changelog

  [ wsnipex ]
  * v2.4.12 - backport: Fixed timer recording margins to Krypton v2.4.9 -
    updated language files from Transifex v2.4.8 - updated language
    files from Transifex v2.4.7 - streaming always use anonymous http
    connection, regardless of the "Use https" setting v2.4.6 - updated
    language files from Transifex v2.4.5 - Updated to PVR addon API
    v5.2.1 v2.4.4 - updated language files from Transifex v2.4.3 -
    updated language files from Transifex v2.4.2 - updated language
    files from Transifex v2.4.1 - updated language files from Transifex
    v2.4.0 - Cmake: rename find_package kodi to Kodi v2.3.1 - Fix
    includes v2.3.0 - Updated to PVR addon API v5.2.0 v2.2.0 - Updated
    to PVR addon API v5.1.0 v2.1.0 - Updated to PVR addon API v5.0.0
    v2.0.1 - updated language files from Transifex v2.0.0 - Initial Kodi
    Krypton version. v1.11.9 - updated language files from Transifex
    v1.11.8 - updated language files from Transifex v1.11.7 - updated
    language files from Transifex 1.11.6 - Updated to PVR API v4.1.0
    1.11.5 - Updated to PVR API v4.0.0 1.11.4 - Updated to PVR API
    v3.0.0 (API 1.9.7 compatibility mode) 1.11.3 - Updated to PVR API
    v2.1.0 - Automatically fill in platform and library name 1.11.2 -
    Debian packaging: fix library install path - Miscellaneous backend
    fixes 1.11.1 - Updated to API v2.0.0 1.11.0 - Updated to API v1.9.7
    v1.10.5 - updated language files from Transifex 1.10.4 - Updated to
    use new libplatform-dev 1.10.3 - Updated to API v1.9.6 1.10.2 -
    Updated to API v1.9.5 1.10.1 - Updated to API v1.9.4 1.9.23 -
    updated language files from Transifex 1.9.22 - updated language
    files from Transifex - minor changes to conform with C++11 1.9.21 -
    added getBackendHostname function 1.9.20 - updated language files
    from Transifex 1.9.19 - change library name to Kodi 1.9.18 - fixed
    deadlock when activating the addon on some darwin (osx, ios)
    runtimes 1.9.17 - updated language files from Transifex 1.9.16 -
    updated language files from Transifex 1.9.15 - updated to API v1.9.2
    1.9.14 - remove: implementation for lastplayedposition (XBMC handles
    this now) - remove: loading of channel data from HDD - change:
    handling of EPG - add: error message if username or password contain
    the @-sign 1.9.13 - sync with PVR API v1.9.1 1.9.12 - updated
    language files from Transifex 1.9.11 - updated language files from
    Transifex 1.9.10 - updated language files from Transifex 1.9.9 - add
    timeshift buffer functions 1.8.8 - sync with PVR API v1.8.0 1.7.8 -
    fix: typo in settings.xml 1.7.7 - Bump after PVR API version bump
    1.6.7 - add: support for /virtual) recording folders - add: support
    for fetching picons from the webinterface - add: support for
    recording icons 1.6.6 - updated language files from Transifex 1.6.5 -
    updated language files from Transifex 1.6.4 - New version number by
    Team XBMC 0.3.5: - fix: URL encoding in timer-add operations 0.3.4: -
    fix: several crashes on win32 due to missing locks / invalid memory
    access - fix: do not report connection problems when there is an
    empty TV-channel bouquet 0.3.3: - add: support for storing the last
    played positions for recordings. These will be stored in the file
    recordings.xml - fix: if the webinterface cannot be loaded,
    deactivate the addon 0.3.2: - fix: continue to load channels even if
    we do not have any radio channels 0.3.1: - change: remove XMLParser -
    change: add enigma2 to the displayname 0.3.0: - change: remove curl
    dependancy - change: adjust to new PVR API 0.2.8: - add: option to
    only fetch one TV bouquet which can be specified via the addon
    settings 0.2.7: - fix: fix incorrect escape character for & (use
    '&' instead of '"'). Thx to 'hani' for pointing this out.
    0.2.6: - cosmetic: remove unnecessary '/' in recording-stream url -
    cosmetic: inprove log output - change: get the proper device info
    from the reveiver box instead of just setting dummy values - change:
    change the buildzip.bat to include version string in the name of the
    zip-file - change: introduce a version string for the channeldata
    xml file so that we can invalidate old channeldata files if
    necessary 0.2.5: - fix: cleanup the service reference in the
    streaming url 0.2.4 - fix: put username & password into the
    streaming url 0.2.3 - fix: put username & password into recording-
    url 0.2.2: - fix: escape xml entities in the stream-url before
    saving to channeldata.xml - fix: fetch the version string from not the ChangeLog (thanks to 'trans') - fix: rename
    changelog in addon-directory to changelog.txt 0.2.1: - fix: encode
    the stream-url properly. Please remove your channeldata.xml file
    after updating - change: add proper version string to the addon.xml
    generated by buildzip.bat (thanks to 'trans') 0.2.0: - change:
    Complete rework of timer handling. Now it will only show
    notifications for changed items - fix: Update / Add / Delete Timers.
    Note that the timer names in the XBMC are sometimes not updated
    properly (in the dialog it is OK) - fix: Instant Recordings do now
    work again - fix: timer status is now shown correctly (completed,
    recording, disabled) - fix: enabling / disabling timers do now work -
    change: removed "show completed timers" option (they are now always
    be shown) - add: added buildzip.bat & xbmc-addon-vuplus.sln (thanks
    to 'trans') - fix: Channel numbering / incorrect picons due to the
    change introduced in 0.1.15 0.1.15 - fix: when using the channeldata-
    store option not all channel groups (bouquets) were loaded due to a
    nulled counter variable 0.1.14 - change: change .gitignores and copy
    current changelog into the addon folder. This will enable the user
    to view the changelog in the addon settings window 0.1.13 - add:
    option to set deepstandby powerstate on the DVB box on PVR-addon
    shutdown - fix: error in settings.xml, causing crashes on linux
    0.1.12 - add: support to specify the folder for storing recordings
    0.1.11 - fix: some unicode string errors in german language file -
    change: add categories to addon settings 0.1.10 - add: support for
    using only the recording path currently active on the DVB box 0.1.9 -
    change: add addon icon (copyied from the openelec guys, thanks!) -
    fix: win32 release target (thanks to 'trans' for patch) 0.1.8 -
    change: fetch the recording locations and use these locations when
    querying the recordings - fix: Stop update thread when destroying
    the PVR addon - fixes shutdown issues 0.1.7 - fix: Copy & Paste
    error 0.1.6 - fix: Change the logic to determine the picon file name
    from the service reference. 0.1.5 - fix: Fix access violation errors
    on windows (thanks to 'trans' for finding the correct compiler /
    linker settings) - fix: do not return out of scope local variable
    for the streaming URL - fix: remove the last '_' character from the
    filename (if applicable). Should finally fix the picon path errors.
    0.1.4 - fix: limit length of the service reference part of the Icon-
    Path to 30 characters. - fix: Escape "&", "<" and ">" characters in
    XML channeldata file. - add: support to disable all bouquet or
    channel updates 0.1.3 - fix: order of timerlist cleanup and
    timerlist updates 0.1.2 - add: support for storing channel data into
    a file 0.1.1 - fix: URLEncode the service reference when fetching
    EPG 0.1.0 - Iniital Version

 -- wsnipex <email address hidden>  Thu, 26 Oct 2017 21:51:15 +0200

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