Publishing details


damask (3.0.0-alpha6-1~impish) impish; urgency=medium

  * fixed dislotwin (TWIP/TRIP)
  * new license: AGPLv3 instead of GPLv3
  * new and improved material.yaml examples
  * support for MSC.Marc 2021.3.1
  * MSC.Marc integration works again
  * typehints for most Python functions
  * support for PETSc with 64bit indices
  * MPI parallelization of Mesh solver works again
  * new functionality: Define initial eigenstrain
  * using physics-based interaction matrix for hP
  * homogenization honors given fraction v
  * corrected calculation of thermal expansion

 -- Martin Diehl <email address hidden>  Fri, 18 Feb 2022 23:46:43 +0100

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