Publishing details


dosbox-staging (0.79.0~alpha~140~ge4e3-1+u20.04) focal; urgency=medium

  [ Feignint ]
  ** SNAPSHOT build @2c4ea194b78126c895ce87e6fb6bc1c5c418fa77 **


  [ Wengier ]
  * [af2913ae] Add country support for different date, time, and decimal formats
  * [e9a98692] Adjust help messages for DATE and TIME accordingly
  * [647a1db5] Rewrite country data as arrays
  * [59093965] Try to map keyboard layout to country code
  * [22214b30] Remove unnecessary default date format
  * [7a1f8ce7] Fix warnings for string literals
  * [2d16d00e] Rewrite country codes as enum class and std::array
  * [8a41edc2] Rewrite magic numbers as chars
  * [177e54b0] Refactor the code to use is_date_valid and is_time_valid functions
  * [7ddb134f] Refactor time format code and rename formatting functions
  * [659a975c] Rewrite DOS country mappings
  * [669ed8f4] Addresses issues as suggested

  [ kcgen ]
  * [d57136a7] Revert "Use more direct test for VGA double-height" (#1526)

  [ Wengier ]
  * [d4db73ed] Support for window transparency

  [ kcgen ]
  * [388442b7] Sync loguru with upstream (snapshot 2022-01-15)
  * [50cb670e] Use the draw flags to determine axis-doubling
  * [5c037a69] Add a helper to determine if draw size is doubled
  * [c1f31532] Manage the pixel-perfect calls and results using a class
  * [12a093e8] Use the pp_scale_t class instead of the previous SDL point

  [ IPeluchito ]
  * [e2183150] Update spanish (es_ES) translation

  [ Wengier Wu ]
  * [8fab5bd0] Convert ANSI codes to markups in help messages

  [ kcgen ]
  * [1d8af4fb] Scale the desktop size fairly without extra aspect allowances
  * [1d2acd41] Deduct the border decorations from the desktop size
  * [e4e35149] Give the "medium" window present space for one PP step

 -- Feignint <email address hidden>  Fri, 21 Jan 2022 04:19:24 +0000

Available diffs


Package files

No files published for this package.