Publishing details


gdm (3.5.5-0fta0.3) quantal; urgency=medium

  * New upstream snapshot
  * debian/*:
    - rename the package from gdm3 to gdm
  * debian/rules, debian/gdm.{postinst,postrm,init}:
    - change back user/group from Debian-gdm to gdm
    - update the lib name and gir path from libgdmgreeter to libgdm
    - update one pam profile name after the upstream rename of
      gdm-welcome to gdm-launch-environment
  * debian/rules:
    - drop --with-selinux (unrecognized options) and --with-pam-domain
      (unknown without 10_gdm_pam.patch - dropped below)
    - add --with-initial-vt=7 (see 06_first_vt.patch)
    - add --without-systemdsystemunitdir
  * debian/control*:
    - [hack] lower the metacity dep a bit so that ubuntu version is enough
    - update to Standards-Version 3.9.3, no additional changes needed.
  * debian/gdm.dirs:
    - add var/lib/gdm/dconf needed by 92_gsettings_path.patch
  * debian/patches/*:
    - 04_reload_config.patch: dropped
    - 05_debug_xserver_core.patch: dropped
    - 06_first_vt.patch: dropped, replaced with --with-initial-vt=7
    - 07_libexec-paths.patch: updated
    - 08_frequent-users_greeter.patch: updated
    - 09_default_session.patch: updated
    - 10_gdm_pam.patch: dropped
    - 16_xserver_path.patch: dropped
    - 17_switch_on_finish.patch: dropped
    - 18_parametrize_create_display.patch: dropped
    - 19_static_transient_display.patch: dropped
    - 20_switch_kill_greeter.patch: dropped
    - 21_static_display_purge.patch: dropped
    - 22_noconsole.patch: updated
    - 23_start_polkit.patch: dropped
    - 91_shell_version_control.patch: dropped
    - 92_gsettings_path.patch: updated
    - 93_private_lib.patch: updated
  * Merge changes from Ubuntu 3.0.4-0ubuntu16:
    - add debian/gdm.upstart (updated to run the main binary)
    - add debian/gdm.preinst
    - add debian/{xterm,xsession}.desktop
    - merge debian/{gdm,gdm-autologin}.pam
    - merge debian/gdm.config tweak for lightdm
    - merge debian/gdm.init changes
    - debian/patches:
      - add ubuntu_run_xsession.d.patch
      - add ubuntu_dont_catch_sigsegv.patch (updated)
      - add ubuntu_upstart_event.patch
      - add ubuntu_no_debug.patch
      - add ubuntu_xresources_is_a_dir.patch
      - add ubuntu_no_LANG_setting_in_Xsession.patch (updated)

    TODO: the following Ubuntu patches need to be ported:
    - 30_don_t_save_failsafe_session.patch
    - 33-multi-keyboard-layouts.patch
    - 42_no_ecryptfs_autologin.patch
    - ubuntu_guest_session.patch
 -- Fabien Tassin <email address hidden>   Tue, 07 Aug 2012 08:01:45 +0200

Available diffs


Package files

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