Publishing details


landslide (0.8.3-0ubuntu1~1.gbped1dbe) maverick; urgency=low

  ** SNAPSHOT build @ed1dbe1738879ea9e7969a00274659229a5fc59f **

  [ Nicolas Perriault ]
  * modified .gitignore

  [ Olivier Verdier ]
  * fixed bug with string comparison

  [ Nicolas Perriault ]
  * fixed a bug when first slide found contains no heading to generate
    the presentation title
  * added support for syntax highlighting in ReST code blocks
  * added a clean warning when landslide has problems to decode a given
    source file

  [ Olivier Verdier ]
  * source code highlighting with pygment using custom `sourcecode` rst
  * remove the closing div cleaning code (since the opening div cleaning
    code was removed)

  [ Nicolas Perriault ]
  * fixed a bug when first slide found contains no heading to generate
    the presentation title
  * added a clean warning when landslide has problems to decode a given
    source file

  [ Olivier Verdier ]
  * added alias `code-block` to `sourcecode`

  [ Nicolas Perriault ]
  * integrated standard ReST syntax highlighting support
  * reformatted some parts of code documentation
  * fixed js when no toc is available within the generated document
  * fixed lack of heading level support when using restructuredText
    format; so as a cool effect, TOC is now available in ReST based
    presentations =)
  * fixed code indentation in ReST example
  * added support for ReST 'sourcecode' and 'code-blocks' directives for
    code syntax highlighting (based on a patch by olivierverdier)
  * fixed #13 - Bug for heading level 3 for ReST

  [ Ilkka Laukkanen ]
 -- Ilkka Laukkanen <email address hidden>   Fri, 07 Jan 2011 12:31:27 +0200


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