      I have been into technology since I can recall. I always liked it and was even the best at it in Kindergarten with opening and finding things. I have really advanced since my last two years with technology. Either coding, diagnosing, fixing hardware, and more! I am just proud to say I am part of the Ubuntu-Arizona team and can't wait to contribute to the Ubuntu community and LoCo team!

      My name is Michael Mitchell and have lived in Arizona for my whole life. Though moving to Tennessee, I plan to make the most of this learning and social experience! I plan to major in something technologically related (Game Design, Software Design, etc.).

      My nick comes from the Juggernaut (Xmen). Juggernaut being defined as:
"The term juggernaut is used to describe any literal or metaphorical force regarded as unstoppable that will crush all in its path."

A Core 2 Duo - 2.2GHz, 2GB RAM, getting video card later for birthday.

      Video Games:
Mostly PC gaming, play a 360 only when required or with my friends.

Thanks for looking!

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